Implemented mono->stereo, stereo->mono channel conversion in submix HAL.

The AudioFlinger service currently will only open stereo streams from
mono AudioTracks since all mixing is performed in stereo and then sent
to the HAL stream.  In order to allow a process to record a mono stream
from the submix HAL, this change implements channel conversion in
the submix HAL so that it's possible to open the output stream in stereo
and the input stream in mono.

Bug: 11273000
Change-Id: I840ce0be3cf7e5bc8a4c6de63a70d5408d60b716
diff --git a/modules/audio_remote_submix/audio_hw.cpp b/modules/audio_remote_submix/audio_hw.cpp
index 7c16ad1..03f079f 100644
--- a/modules/audio_remote_submix/audio_hw.cpp
+++ b/modules/audio_remote_submix/audio_hw.cpp
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/limits.h>
 #include <cutils/log.h>
 #include <cutils/properties.h>
@@ -74,11 +75,16 @@
 // multiple input streams from this device.  If this option is enabled, each input stream returned
 // is *the same stream* which means that readers will race to read data from these streams.
+// Whether channel conversion (16-bit signed PCM mono->stereo, stereo->mono) is enabled.
 // Common limits macros.
 #ifndef min
 #define min(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
 #endif // min
+#ifndef max
+#define max(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
+#endif // max
 // Set *result_variable_ptr to true if value_to_find is present in the array array_to_search,
 // otherwise set *result_variable_ptr to false.
@@ -103,6 +109,7 @@
     // channel bitfields are not equivalent.
     audio_channel_mask_t input_channel_mask;
     audio_channel_mask_t output_channel_mask;
+    size_t pipe_frame_size;  // Number of bytes in each audio frame in the pipe.
     size_t buffer_size_frames; // Size of the audio pipe in frames.
     // Maximum number of frames buffered by the input and output streams.
     size_t buffer_period_size_frames;
@@ -283,6 +290,7 @@
 static bool audio_config_compare(const audio_config * const input_config,
         const audio_config * const output_config)
     const uint32_t input_channels = get_channel_count_from_mask(input_config->channel_mask);
     const uint32_t output_channels = get_channel_count_from_mask(output_config->channel_mask);
     if (input_channels != output_channels) {
@@ -290,6 +298,7 @@
               input_channels, output_channels);
         return false;
     if (input_config->sample_rate != output_config->sample_rate) {
         ALOGE("audio_config_compare() sample rate mismatch %ul vs. %ul",
               input_config->sample_rate, output_config->sample_rate);
@@ -356,6 +365,11 @@
         device_config->buffer_size_frames = sink->maxFrames();
         device_config->buffer_period_size_frames = device_config->buffer_size_frames /
+        if (in) device_config->pipe_frame_size = audio_stream_frame_size(&in->stream.common);
+        if (out) device_config->pipe_frame_size = audio_stream_frame_size(&out->stream.common);
+        SUBMIX_ALOGV("submix_audio_device_create_pipe(): pipe frame size %zd, pipe size %zd, "
+                     "period size %zd", device_config->pipe_frame_size,
+                     device_config->buffer_size_frames, device_config->buffer_period_size_frames);
@@ -454,6 +468,17 @@
     return true;
+// Calculate the maximum size of the pipe buffer in frames for the specified stream.
+static size_t calculate_stream_pipe_size_in_frames(const struct audio_stream *stream,
+                                                   const struct submix_config *config,
+                                                   const size_t pipe_frames)
+    const size_t stream_frame_size = audio_stream_frame_size(stream);
+    const size_t pipe_frame_size = config->pipe_frame_size;
+    const size_t max_frame_size = max(stream_frame_size, pipe_frame_size);
+    return (pipe_frames * config->pipe_frame_size) / max_frame_size;
 /* audio HAL functions */
 static uint32_t out_get_sample_rate(const struct audio_stream *stream)
@@ -482,10 +507,12 @@
     const struct submix_stream_out * const out = audio_stream_get_submix_stream_out(
             const_cast<struct audio_stream *>(stream));
     const struct submix_config * const config = &out->dev->config;
-    const size_t buffer_size = config->buffer_period_size_frames * audio_stream_frame_size(stream);
+    const size_t buffer_size_frames = calculate_stream_pipe_size_in_frames(
+        stream, config, config->buffer_period_size_frames);
+    const size_t buffer_size_bytes = buffer_size_frames * audio_stream_frame_size(stream);
     SUBMIX_ALOGV("out_get_buffer_size() returns %zu bytes, %zu frames",
-                 buffer_size, config->buffer_period_size_frames);
-    return buffer_size;
+                 buffer_size_bytes, buffer_size_frames);
+    return buffer_size_bytes;
 static audio_channel_mask_t out_get_channels(const struct audio_stream *stream)
@@ -577,9 +604,11 @@
     const struct submix_stream_out * const out = audio_stream_out_get_submix_stream_out(
             const_cast<struct audio_stream_out *>(stream));
     const struct submix_config * const config = &out->dev->config;
-    const uint32_t latency_ms = (config->buffer_size_frames * 1000) / config->common.sample_rate;
-    SUBMIX_ALOGV("out_get_latency() returns %u ms, size in frames %zu, sample rate %u", latency_ms,
-          config->buffer_size_frames, config->common.sample_rate);
+    const size_t buffer_size_frames = calculate_stream_pipe_size_in_frames(
+            &stream->common, config, config->buffer_size_frames);
+    const uint32_t latency_ms = (buffer_size_frames * 1000) / config->common.sample_rate;
+    SUBMIX_ALOGV("out_get_latency() returns %u ms, size in frames %zu, sample rate %u",
+                 latency_ms, buffer_size_frames, config->common.sample_rate);
     return latency_ms;
@@ -732,10 +761,13 @@
     const struct submix_stream_in * const in = audio_stream_get_submix_stream_in(
             const_cast<struct audio_stream*>(stream));
-    const size_t buffer_size = in->dev->config.buffer_period_size_frames *
-            audio_stream_frame_size(stream);
-    SUBMIX_ALOGV("in_get_buffer_size() returns %zu", buffer_size);
-    return buffer_size;
+    const struct submix_config * const config = &in->dev->config;
+    const size_t buffer_size_frames = calculate_stream_pipe_size_in_frames(
+        stream, config, config->buffer_period_size_frames);
+    const size_t buffer_size_bytes = buffer_size_frames * audio_stream_frame_size(stream);
+    SUBMIX_ALOGV("in_get_buffer_size() returns %zu bytes, %zu frames", buffer_size_bytes,
+                 buffer_size_frames);
+    return buffer_size_bytes;
 static audio_channel_mask_t in_get_channels(const struct audio_stream *stream)
@@ -816,6 +848,7 @@
     ssize_t frames_read = -1977;
     struct submix_stream_in * const in = audio_stream_in_get_submix_stream_in(stream);
     struct submix_audio_device * const rsxadev = in->dev;
+    struct audio_config *format;
     const size_t frame_size = audio_stream_frame_size(&stream->common);
     const size_t frames_to_read = bytes / frame_size;
@@ -854,8 +887,65 @@
         // read the data from the pipe (it's non blocking)
         int attempts = 0;
         char* buff = (char*)buffer;
+        // Determine whether channel conversion is required.
+        const uint32_t input_channels = get_channel_count_from_mask(
+            rsxadev->config.input_channel_mask);
+        const uint32_t output_channels = get_channel_count_from_mask(
+            rsxadev->config.output_channel_mask);
+        if (input_channels != output_channels) {
+            SUBMIX_ALOGV("in_read(): %d output channels will be converted to %d "
+                         "input channels", output_channels, input_channels);
+            // Only support 16-bit PCM channel conversion from mono to stereo or stereo to mono.
+            ALOG_ASSERT(rsxadev->config.common.format == AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT);
+            ALOG_ASSERT((input_channels == 1 && output_channels == 2) ||
+                        (input_channels == 2 && output_channels == 1));
+        }
         while ((remaining_frames > 0) && (attempts < MAX_READ_ATTEMPTS)) {
-            frames_read = source->read(buff, remaining_frames, AudioBufferProvider::kInvalidPTS);
+            size_t read_frames = remaining_frames;
+            if (output_channels == 1 && input_channels == 2) {
+                // Need to read half the requested frames since the converted output
+                // data will take twice the space (mono->stereo).
+                read_frames /= 2;
+            }
+            SUBMIX_ALOGV("in_read(): frames available to read %zd", source->availableToRead());
+            frames_read = source->read(buff, read_frames, AudioBufferProvider::kInvalidPTS);
+            SUBMIX_ALOGV("in_read(): frames read %zd", frames_read);
+            // Perform in-place channel conversion.
+            // NOTE: In the following "input stream" refers to the data returned by this function
+            // and "output stream" refers to the data read from the pipe.
+            if (input_channels != output_channels && frames_read > 0) {
+                int16_t *data = (int16_t*)buff;
+                if (output_channels == 2 && input_channels == 1) {
+                    // Offset into the output stream data in samples.
+                    ssize_t output_stream_offset = 0;
+                    for (ssize_t input_stream_frame = 0; input_stream_frame < frames_read;
+                         input_stream_frame++, output_stream_offset += 2) {
+                        // Average the content from both channels.
+                        data[input_stream_frame] = ((int32_t)data[output_stream_offset] +
+                                                    (int32_t)data[output_stream_offset + 1]) / 2;
+                    }
+                } else if (output_channels == 1 && input_channels == 2) {
+                    // Offset into the input stream data in samples.
+                    ssize_t input_stream_offset = (frames_read - 1) * 2;
+                    for (ssize_t output_stream_frame = frames_read - 1; output_stream_frame >= 0;
+                         output_stream_frame--, input_stream_offset -= 2) {
+                        const short sample = data[output_stream_frame];
+                        data[input_stream_offset] = sample;
+                        data[input_stream_offset + 1] = sample;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
             if (frames_read > 0) {
                 remaining_frames -= frames_read;