hardware: exynos5: add initial libcamera directory

Change-Id: I29abd427ac0554019ce9f66a272ec214779cf87b
Signed-off-by: Jiyoung Shin <idon.shin@samsung.com>
diff --git a/libcamera/ExynosCamera.cpp b/libcamera/ExynosCamera.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..383c902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcamera/ExynosCamera.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,4743 @@
+ * Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
+ * Copyright 2010, Samsung Electronics Co. LTD
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed toggle an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+ * \file      ExynosCamera.cpp
+ * \brief     source file for CAMERA HAL MODULE
+ * \author    thun.hwang(thun.hwang@samsung.com)
+ * \date      2010/06/03
+ *
+ * <b>Revision History: </b>
+ * - 2011/12/31 : thun.hwang(thun.hwang@samsung.com) \n
+ *   Initial version
+ *
+ * - 2012/01/18 : Sangwoo, Park(sw5771.park@samsung.com) \n
+ *   Adjust Doxygen Document
+ *
+ * - 2012/02/01 : Sangwoo, Park(sw5771.park@samsung.com) \n
+ *   Adjust libv4l2
+ *   Adjust struct ExynosCameraInfo
+ *   External ISP feature
+ *
+ * - 2012/03/14 : sangwoo.park(sw5771.park@samsung.com) \n
+ *   Change file, class name to ExynosXXX.
+ */
+ * @page ExynosCamera
+ *
+ * @section Introduction
+ * ExynosCamera is for camera preview,takePicture and recording.
+ * (Currently libseccamera is included in Android Camera HAL(libcamera.so).
+ *
+ * @section Copyright
+ *  Copyright (c) 2008-2011 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.All rights reserved. \n
+ *  Proprietary and Confidential
+ *
+ * @image html samsung.png
+ */
+//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
+#define LOG_TAG "ExynosCamera"
+/* FIXME: This define will be removed when functions are stable */
+//#define USE_DIS
+//#define USE_3DNR
+//#define USE_ODC
+#include <utils/Log.h>
+#include "ExynosCamera.h"
+#include "exynos_format.h"
+using namespace android;
+namespace android {
+    previewW = 2560;
+    previewH = 1920;
+    previewColorFormat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21;
+    videoW = 1920;
+    videoH = 1080;
+    prefVideoPreviewW = 640;
+    prefVideoPreviewH = 360;
+    videoColorFormat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12M;
+    pictureW = 2560;
+    pictureH = 1920;
+    pictureColorFormat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV;
+    thumbnailW = 320;
+    thumbnailH = 240;
+    antiBandingList =
+          ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_OFF
+        | ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_50HZ
+        | ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_60HZ
+        | ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_OFF;
+    antiBanding = ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_OFF;
+    effectList =
+          ExynosCamera::EFFECT_NONE
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_MONO
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_NEGATIVE
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_SOLARIZE
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_SEPIA
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_POSTERIZE
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_WHITEBOARD
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_BLACKBOARD
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_AQUA;
+    effect = ExynosCamera::EFFECT_NONE;
+    flashModeList =
+          ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_OFF
+        | ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_AUTO
+        | ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_ON
+        | ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_RED_EYE
+        | ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_TORCH;
+    flashMode = ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_OFF;
+    focusModeList =
+          ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_AUTO
+        | ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY
+        | ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_MACRO
+        | ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_FIXED
+        | ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_EDOF
+        | ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO
+        | ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_TOUCH;
+    focusMode = ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_AUTO;
+    sceneModeList =
+          ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_AUTO
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_ACTION
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_PORTRAIT
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_LANDSCAPE
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_NIGHT
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_NIGHT_PORTRAIT
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_THEATRE
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_BEACH
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_SNOW
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_SUNSET
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_STEADYPHOTO
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_FIREWORKS
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_SPORTS
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_PARTY
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_CANDLELIGHT;
+    sceneMode = ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_AUTO;
+    whiteBalanceList =
+          ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO
+        | ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_FLUORESCENT
+        | ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_DAYLIGHT
+        | ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_TWILIGHT
+        | ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_SHADE;
+    whiteBalance = ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO;
+    autoWhiteBalanceLockSupported = false;
+    autoWhiteBalanceLock = false;
+    rotation = 0;
+    minExposure = -2;
+    maxExposure = 2;
+    exposure = 0;
+    autoExposureLockSupported = false;
+    autoExposureLock = false;
+    fps = 30;
+    focalLengthNum = 9;
+    focalLengthDen = 10;
+    supportVideoStabilization = false;
+    applyVideoStabilization = false;
+    videoStabilization = false;
+    maxNumMeteringAreas = 0;
+    maxNumDetectedFaces = 0;
+    maxNumFocusAreas = 0;
+    maxZoom = ZOOM_LEVEL_MAX;
+    hwZoomSupported = false;
+    zoom = 0;
+    gpsAltitude = 0;
+    gpsLatitude = 0;
+    gpsLongitude = 0;
+    gpsTimestamp = 0;
+    // Additional API default Value.
+    angle = 0;
+    antiShake = false;
+    beautyShot = false;
+    brightness = 0;
+    contrast = ExynosCamera::CONTRAST_DEFAULT;
+    gamma = false;
+    hue = 2; // 2 is default;
+    iso = 0;
+    metering = ExynosCamera::METERING_MODE_CENTER;
+    objectTracking = false;
+    objectTrackingStart = false;
+    saturation = 0;
+    sharpness = 0;
+    shotMode = ExynosCamera::SHOT_MODE_SINGLE;
+    slowAE = false;
+    smartAuto = false;
+    touchAfStart = false;
+    wdr = false;
+    tdnr = false;
+    odc = false;
+    previewW = 1280;
+    previewH = 720;
+    previewColorFormat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420M;
+    videoW = 1280;
+    videoH = 720;
+    prefVideoPreviewW = 640;
+    prefVideoPreviewH = 360;
+    videoColorFormat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12M;
+    pictureW = 1280;
+    pictureH = 720;
+    pictureColorFormat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV;
+    thumbnailW = 320;
+    thumbnailH = 240;
+    antiBandingList = ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_OFF;
+    antiBanding = ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_OFF;
+    effectList =
+          ExynosCamera::EFFECT_NONE
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_MONO
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_NEGATIVE
+        //| ExynosCamera::EFFECT_SOLARIZE
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_SEPIA
+        //| ExynosCamera::EFFECT_POSTERIZE
+        //| ExynosCamera::EFFECT_WHITEBOARD
+        //| ExynosCamera::EFFECT_BLACKBOARD
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_AQUA;
+    effect = ExynosCamera::EFFECT_NONE;
+    flashModeList =
+          ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_OFF
+        | ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_AUTO
+        | ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_ON
+        | ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_RED_EYE
+        | ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_TORCH;
+    flashMode = ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_OFF;
+    focusModeList =
+          ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_AUTO
+        | ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY
+        | ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_MACRO
+        //| ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_FIXED
+        //| ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_EDOF
+        //| ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO
+        //| ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE
+        //| ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_TOUCH
+        ;
+    focusMode = ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_AUTO;
+    sceneModeList =
+          ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_AUTO
+        //| ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_ACTION
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_PORTRAIT
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_LANDSCAPE
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_NIGHT
+        //| ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_NIGHT_PORTRAIT
+        //| ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_THEATRE
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_BEACH
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_SNOW
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_SUNSET
+        //| ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_STEADYPHOTO
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_FIREWORKS
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_SPORTS
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_PARTY
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_CANDLELIGHT;
+    sceneMode = ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_AUTO;
+    whiteBalanceList =
+          ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO
+        | ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_FLUORESCENT
+        | ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_DAYLIGHT
+        //| ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_TWILIGHT
+        //| ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_SHADE
+        ;
+    whiteBalance = ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO;
+    autoWhiteBalanceLockSupported = false;
+    autoWhiteBalanceLock = false;
+    rotation = 0;
+    minExposure = -2;
+    maxExposure = 2;
+    exposure = 0;
+    autoExposureLockSupported = false;
+    autoExposureLock = false;
+    fps = 30;
+    focalLengthNum = 343;
+    focalLengthDen = 100;
+    supportVideoStabilization = false;
+    applyVideoStabilization = false;
+    videoStabilization = false;
+    maxNumMeteringAreas = 64;
+    maxNumDetectedFaces = 16;
+    maxNumFocusAreas = 2;
+    maxZoom = ZOOM_LEVEL_MAX;
+    hwZoomSupported = false;
+    zoom = 0;
+    gpsAltitude = 0;
+    gpsLatitude = 0;
+    gpsLongitude = 0;
+    gpsTimestamp = 0;
+    previewW = 1280;
+    previewH =  720;
+    previewColorFormat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420M;
+    videoW = 1280;
+    videoH =  720;
+    prefVideoPreviewW = 640;
+    prefVideoPreviewH = 360;
+    videoColorFormat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12M;
+    pictureW = 1280;
+    pictureH =  720;
+    pictureColorFormat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV;
+    thumbnailW = 320;
+    thumbnailH = 240;
+    antiBandingList =
+          ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_OFF
+        | ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_50HZ
+        | ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_60HZ
+        | ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_OFF;
+    antiBanding = ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_OFF;
+    effectList =
+          ExynosCamera::EFFECT_NONE
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_MONO
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_NEGATIVE
+        //| ExynosCamera::EFFECT_SOLARIZE
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_SEPIA
+        //| ExynosCamera::EFFECT_POSTERIZE
+        //| ExynosCamera::EFFECT_WHITEBOARD
+        //| ExynosCamera::EFFECT_BLACKBOARD
+        //| ExynosCamera::EFFECT_AQUA
+        ;
+    effect = ExynosCamera::EFFECT_NONE;
+    flashModeList =
+          ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_OFF
+        //| ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_AUTO
+        //| ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_ON
+        //| ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_RED_EYE
+        //| ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_TORCH
+        ;
+    flashMode = ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_OFF;
+    focusModeList =
+        //  ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_AUTO
+        //| ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY
+        //| ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_MACRO
+        //|
+        ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_FIXED
+        //| ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_EDOF
+        //| ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO
+        //| ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE
+        //| ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_TOUCH
+        ;
+    focusMode = ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_FIXED;
+    sceneModeList =
+          ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_AUTO
+        //| ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_ACTION
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_PORTRAIT
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_LANDSCAPE
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_NIGHT
+        //| ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_NIGHT_PORTRAIT
+        //| ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_THEATRE
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_BEACH
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_SNOW
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_SUNSET
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_STEADYPHOTO
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_FIREWORKS
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_SPORTS
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_PARTY
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_CANDLELIGHT;
+    sceneMode = ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_AUTO;
+    whiteBalanceList =
+          ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO
+        | ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_FLUORESCENT
+        | ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_DAYLIGHT
+        //| ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_TWILIGHT
+        //| ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_SHADE
+        ;
+    whiteBalance = ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO;
+    autoWhiteBalanceLockSupported = true;
+    autoWhiteBalanceLock = false;
+    rotation = 0;
+    minExposure = -2;
+    maxExposure = 2;
+    exposure = 0;
+    autoExposureLockSupported = true;
+    autoExposureLock = false;
+    fps = 30;
+    focalLengthNum = 9;
+    focalLengthDen = 10;
+    supportVideoStabilization = false;
+    applyVideoStabilization = false;
+    videoStabilization = false;
+    maxNumMeteringAreas = 64;
+    maxNumDetectedFaces = 16;
+    maxNumFocusAreas = 0;
+    maxZoom = ZOOM_LEVEL_MAX;
+    hwZoomSupported = false;
+    zoom = 0;
+    gpsAltitude = 0;
+    gpsLatitude = 0;
+    gpsLongitude = 0;
+    gpsTimestamp = 0;
+    previewW = 1920;
+    previewH = 1080;
+    previewColorFormat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420M;
+    videoW = 1920;
+    videoH = 1080;
+    prefVideoPreviewW = 640;
+    prefVideoPreviewH = 360;
+    videoColorFormat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12M;
+    pictureW = 2560;
+    pictureH = 1920;
+    pictureColorFormat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV;
+    thumbnailW = 320;
+    thumbnailH = 240;
+    antiBandingList =
+          ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_OFF
+        | ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_50HZ
+        | ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_60HZ
+        | ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_OFF;
+    antiBanding = ExynosCamera::ANTIBANDING_OFF;
+    effectList =
+          ExynosCamera::EFFECT_NONE
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_MONO
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_NEGATIVE
+        //| ExynosCamera::EFFECT_SOLARIZE
+        | ExynosCamera::EFFECT_SEPIA
+        //| ExynosCamera::EFFECT_POSTERIZE
+        //| ExynosCamera::EFFECT_WHITEBOARD
+        //| ExynosCamera::EFFECT_BLACKBOARD
+        //| ExynosCamera::EFFECT_AQUA
+        ;
+    effect = ExynosCamera::EFFECT_NONE;
+    flashModeList =
+          ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_OFF
+        | ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_AUTO
+        | ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_ON
+        //| ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_RED_EYE
+        | ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_TORCH;
+    flashMode = ExynosCamera::FLASH_MODE_OFF;
+    focusModeList =
+          ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_AUTO
+        | ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY
+        | ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_MACRO
+        //| ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_FIXED
+        //| ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_EDOF
+        | ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO
+        | ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_TOUCH
+        ;
+    focusMode = ExynosCamera::FOCUS_MODE_AUTO;
+    sceneModeList =
+          ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_AUTO
+        //| ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_ACTION
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_PORTRAIT
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_LANDSCAPE
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_NIGHT
+        //| ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_NIGHT_PORTRAIT
+        //| ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_THEATRE
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_BEACH
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_SNOW
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_SUNSET
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_STEADYPHOTO
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_FIREWORKS
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_SPORTS
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_PARTY
+        | ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_CANDLELIGHT;
+    sceneMode = ExynosCamera::SCENE_MODE_AUTO;
+    whiteBalanceList =
+          ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO
+        | ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_FLUORESCENT
+        | ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_DAYLIGHT
+        //| ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_TWILIGHT
+        //| ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_SHADE
+        ;
+    whiteBalance = ExynosCamera::WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO;
+    autoWhiteBalanceLockSupported = true;
+    autoWhiteBalanceLock = false;
+    rotation = 0;
+    minExposure = -2;
+    maxExposure = 2;
+    exposure = 0;
+    autoExposureLockSupported = true;
+    autoExposureLock = false;
+    fps = 30;
+    focalLengthNum = 9;
+    focalLengthDen = 10;
+    supportVideoStabilization = true;
+    applyVideoStabilization = false;
+    videoStabilization = false;
+    maxNumMeteringAreas = 64;
+    maxNumDetectedFaces = 16;
+    maxNumFocusAreas = 2;
+    maxZoom = ZOOM_LEVEL_MAX;
+    hwZoomSupported = false;
+    zoom = 0;
+    gpsAltitude = 0;
+    gpsLatitude = 0;
+    gpsLongitude = 0;
+    gpsTimestamp = 0;
+#define PFX_NODE                            "/dev/video"
+#define M5MOLS_ENTITY_NAME                  "M5MOLS 5-001f"
+#define PFX_SUBDEV_ENTITY_MIPI_CSIS         "s5p-mipi-csis"
+#define PFX_SUBDEV_ENTITY_FLITE             "flite-subdev"
+#define PFX_SUBDEV_ENTITY_GSC_CAP           "gsc-cap-subdev"
+#define PFX_VIDEODEV_ENTITY_FLITE           "exynos-fimc-lite"
+#define PFX_VIDEODEV_ENTITY_GSC_CAP         "exynos-gsc"
+#define MEDIA_DEV_INTERNAL_ISP              "/dev/media2"
+#define MEDIA_DEV_EXTERNAL_ISP              "/dev/media1"
+#define ISP_VD_NODE_OFFSET                  (40)              //INTERNAL_ISP
+#define FLITE_VD_NODE_OFFSET                (36)              //External ISP
+#define VIDEO_NODE_PREVIEW_ID               (3)
+#define VIDEO_NODE_RECODING_ID              (2)
+#define VIDEO_NODE_SNAPSHOT_ID              (1)
+#define ISP_SENSOR_MAX_ENTITIES             1
+#define ISP_SENSOR_PAD_SOURCE_FRONT         0
+#define ISP_SENSOR_PADS_NUM                 1
+#define ISP_FRONT_MAX_ENTITIES              1
+#define ISP_FRONT_PAD_SINK                  0
+#define ISP_FRONT_PAD_SOURCE_BACK           1
+#define ISP_FRONT_PAD_SOURCE_BAYER          2
+#define ISP_FRONT_PADS_NUM                  4
+#define ISP_BACK_MAX_ENTITIES               1
+#define ISP_BACK_PAD_SINK                   0
+#define ISP_BACK_PAD_SOURCE_3DNR            1
+#define ISP_BACK_PAD_SOURCE_SCALERP         2
+#define ISP_BACK_PADS_NUM                   3
+#define ISP_MODULE_NAME                     "exynos5-fimc-is"
+#define ISP_SENSOR_ENTITY_NAME              "exynos5-fimc-is-sensor"
+#define ISP_FRONT_ENTITY_NAME               "exynos5-fimc-is-front"
+#define ISP_BACK_ENTITY_NAME                "exynos5-fimc-is-back"
+#define ISP_VIDEO_BAYER_NAME                "exynos5-fimc-is-bayer"
+#define ISP_VIDEO_SCALERC_NAME              "exynos5-fimc-is-scalerc"
+#define ISP_VIDEO_3DNR_NAME                 "exynos5-fimc-is-3dnr"
+#define ISP_VIDEO_SCALERP_NAME              "exynos5-fimc-is-scalerp"
+#define MIPI_NUM                            1
+#define FLITE_NUM                           1
+#define GSC_NUM                             0
+#define PFX_SUBDEV_NODE                     "/dev/v4l-subdev"
+ * V 4 L 2   F I M C   E X T E N S I O N S
+ *
+ */
+#define V4L2_CID_ROTATION                   (V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_BASE + 0)
+#define V4L2_CID_PADDR_Y                    (V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_BASE + 1)
+#define V4L2_CID_PADDR_CB                   (V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_BASE + 2)
+#define V4L2_CID_PADDR_CR                   (V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_BASE + 3)
+#define V4L2_CID_PADDR_CBCR                 (V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_BASE + 4)
+#define V4L2_CID_STREAM_PAUSE               (V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_BASE + 53)
+#define V4L2_CID_CAM_JPEG_MAIN_SIZE         (V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_BASE + 32)
+#define V4L2_CID_CAM_JPEG_QUALITY           (V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_BASE + 37)
+#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVYU           v4l2_fourcc('Y', 'V', 'Y', 'U')
+/* FOURCC for FIMC specific */
+#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_VYUY           v4l2_fourcc('V', 'Y', 'U', 'Y')
+#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV16           v4l2_fourcc('N', 'V', '1', '6')
+#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV61           v4l2_fourcc('N', 'V', '6', '1')
+#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12T          v4l2_fourcc('T', 'V', '1', '2')
+// Google Official API : Camera.Parameters
+// http://developer.android.com/reference/android/hardware/Camera.Parameters.html
+ExynosCamera::ExynosCamera() :
+        m_flagCreate(false),
+        m_cameraId(CAMERA_ID_BACK),
+        m_defaultCameraInfo(NULL),
+        m_curCameraInfo(NULL),
+        m_jpegQuality(100),
+        m_jpegThumbnailQuality(100),
+        m_currentZoom(-1)
+    memset(&m_sensorDev, 0, sizeof(struct devInfo));
+    memset(&m_mipiDev, 0, sizeof(struct devInfo));
+    memset(&m_fliteDev, 0, sizeof(struct devInfo));
+    memset(&m_gscPreviewDev, 0, sizeof(struct devInfo));
+    memset(&m_gscVideoDev, 0, sizeof(struct devInfo));
+    memset(&m_gscPictureDev, 0, sizeof(struct devInfo));
+    m_previewDev = NULL;
+    m_videoDev   = NULL;
+    m_pictureDev = NULL;
+    m_tryPreviewStop = true;
+    m_tryVideoStop   = true;
+    m_tryPictureStop = true;
+    m_flagStartFaceDetection = false;
+    m_flagAutoFocusRunning = false;
+    m_sensorEntity = NULL;
+    m_mipiEntity = NULL;
+    m_fliteSdEntity = NULL;
+    m_fliteVdEntity = NULL;
+    m_gscSdEntity = NULL;
+    m_gscVdEntity = NULL;
+    m_ispSensorEntity = NULL;
+    m_ispFrontEntity = NULL;
+    m_ispBackEntity = NULL;
+    m_ispScalercEntity = NULL;
+    m_ispScalerpEntity = NULL;
+    m_isp3dnrEntity = NULL;
+    for (int i = 0; i < VIDEO_MAX_FRAME; i++) {
+        m_validPreviewBuf[i] = false;
+        m_validVideoBuf  [i] = false;
+        m_validPictureBuf[i] = false;
+    }
+    memset((void *)m_cameraName, 0, 32);
+    m_internalISP = true;
+    m_media = NULL;
+    memset(&mExifInfo, 0, sizeof(mExifInfo));
+    if (m_flagCreate == true)
+        destroy();
+bool ExynosCamera::create(int cameraId)
+    int ret = 0;
+    unsigned int i;
+    int devNum;
+    char node[30];
+    struct media_link   *links = NULL;
+    if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Already created", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    m_cameraId = cameraId;
+    ExynosBuffer nullBuf;
+    for (int i = 0; i < VIDEO_MAX_FRAME; i++) {
+        m_validPreviewBuf[i] = false;
+        m_validVideoBuf  [i] = false;
+        m_validPictureBuf[i] = false;
+        m_previewBuf[i] = nullBuf;
+        m_videoBuf[i]   = nullBuf;
+        m_pictureBuf[i] = nullBuf;
+    }
+    if (m_cameraId == CAMERA_ID_BACK)
+        m_internalISP = true;
+        // m_internalISP = false; // external ISP.
+    else
+        m_internalISP = true;
+    if (m_internalISP == true) {
+        //////////////////////////////
+        //  internal ISP
+        //////////////////////////////
+        // media device open
+        m_media = exynos_media_open(MEDIA_DEV_INTERNAL_ISP);
+        if (m_media == NULL) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Cannot open media device (error : %s)", __func__, strerror(errno));
+            goto err;
+        }
+        //////////////////
+        // GET ENTITIES
+        //////////////////
+        // ISP sensor subdev
+        memset(&node, 0x00, sizeof(node));
+        strcpy(node, ISP_SENSOR_ENTITY_NAME);
+        m_ispSensorEntity = exynos_media_get_entity_by_name(m_media, node, strlen(node));
+        // ISP front subdev
+        memset(&node, 0x00, sizeof(node));
+        strcpy(node, ISP_FRONT_ENTITY_NAME);
+        m_ispFrontEntity = exynos_media_get_entity_by_name(m_media, node, strlen(node));
+        // ISP back subdev
+        memset(&node, 0x00, sizeof(node));
+        strcpy(node, ISP_BACK_ENTITY_NAME);
+        m_ispBackEntity = exynos_media_get_entity_by_name(m_media, node, strlen(node));
+        // ISP ScalerC video node
+        memset(&node, 0x00, sizeof(node));
+        strcpy(node, ISP_VIDEO_SCALERC_NAME);
+        m_ispScalercEntity = exynos_media_get_entity_by_name(m_media, node, strlen(node));
+        // ISP ScalerP video node
+        memset(&node, 0x00, sizeof(node));
+        strcpy(node, ISP_VIDEO_SCALERP_NAME);
+        m_ispScalerpEntity = exynos_media_get_entity_by_name(m_media, node, strlen(node));
+        // ISP 3DNR video node
+        memset(&node, 0x00, sizeof(node));
+        strcpy(node, ISP_VIDEO_3DNR_NAME);
+        m_isp3dnrEntity = exynos_media_get_entity_by_name(m_media, node, strlen(node));
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):m_ispSensorEntity  : numlink : %d", __func__, m_ispSensorEntity->num_links);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):m_ispFrontEntity   : numlink : %d", __func__, m_ispFrontEntity->num_links);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):m_ispBackEntity    : numlink : %d", __func__, m_ispBackEntity->num_links);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):m_ispScalercEntity : numlink : %d", __func__, m_ispScalercEntity->num_links);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):m_ispScalerpEntity : numlink : %d", __func__, m_ispScalerpEntity->num_links);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):m_isp3dnrEntity    : numlink : %d", __func__, m_isp3dnrEntity->num_links);
+        //////////////////
+        // SETUP LINKS
+        //////////////////
+        // SENSOR TO FRONT
+        links = m_ispSensorEntity->links;
+        if (links == NULL ||
+            links->source->entity != m_ispSensorEntity ||
+            links->sink->entity != m_ispFrontEntity) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Can not make link isp_sensor to isp_front", __func__);
+            goto err;
+        } else if (exynos_media_setup_link(m_media, links->source, links->sink, MEDIA_LNK_FL_ENABLED) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Can not make setup isp_sensor to isp_front", __func__);
+            goto err;
+        }
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):[LINK SUCCESS] Sensor to front", __func__);
+        // FRONT TO BACK
+        for (i = 0; i < m_ispFrontEntity->num_links; i++) {
+            links = &m_ispFrontEntity->links[i];
+            if (links == NULL ||
+                links->source->entity != m_ispFrontEntity ||
+                links->sink->entity != m_ispBackEntity) {
+                LOGV("DEBUG(%s):i=%d: links->source->entity : %p, m_ispFrontEntity : %p", __func__, i,
+                    links->source->entity, m_ispFrontEntity);
+                LOGV("DEBUG(%s):i=%d: links->sink->entity : %p, m_ispBackEntity : %p", __func__, i,
+                    links->sink->entity, m_ispBackEntity);
+                continue;
+            } else if (exynos_media_setup_link(m_media, links->source, links->sink, MEDIA_LNK_FL_ENABLED) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):Can not make setup isp_front to isp_back", __func__);
+                goto err;
+            }
+        }
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):[LINK SUCCESS] front to back", __func__);
+        // BACK TO ScalerP Video
+        for (i = 0; i < m_ispBackEntity->num_links; i++) {
+            links = &m_ispBackEntity->links[i];
+            if (links == NULL ||
+                links->source->entity != m_ispBackEntity ||
+                links->sink->entity != m_ispScalerpEntity) {
+                LOGV("DEBUG(%s):i=%d: links->source->entity : %p, m_ispBackEntity : %p", __func__, i,
+                    links->source->entity, m_ispBackEntity);
+                LOGV("DEBUG(%s):i=%d: links->sink->entity : %p, m_ispScalerpEntity : %p", __func__, i,
+                    links->sink->entity, m_ispScalerpEntity);
+                continue;
+            } else if (exynos_media_setup_link(m_media, links->source, links->sink, MEDIA_LNK_FL_ENABLED) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):Can not make setup isp_back to scalerP", __func__);
+                goto err;
+            }
+        }
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):[LINK SUCCESS] back to scalerP", __func__);
+        sprintf(node, "%s%d", PFX_NODE, (ISP_VD_NODE_OFFSET + VIDEO_NODE_PREVIEW_ID));
+        m_gscPreviewDev.fd = exynos_v4l2_open(node, O_RDWR, 0);
+        if (m_gscPreviewDev.fd <= 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_open(%s) fail (error : %s)", __func__, node, strerror(errno));
+            goto err;
+        }
+        m_previewDev = &m_gscPreviewDev;
+        sprintf(node, "%s%d", PFX_NODE, (ISP_VD_NODE_OFFSET + VIDEO_NODE_RECODING_ID));
+        m_gscVideoDev.fd = exynos_v4l2_open(node, O_RDWR, 0);
+        if (m_gscVideoDev.fd <= 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_open(%s) fail (error : %s)", __func__, node, strerror(errno));
+            goto err;
+        }
+        m_videoDev = &m_gscVideoDev;
+        sprintf(node, "%s%d", PFX_NODE, (ISP_VD_NODE_OFFSET + VIDEO_NODE_SNAPSHOT_ID));
+        m_gscPictureDev.fd = exynos_v4l2_open(node, O_RDWR, 0);
+        if (m_gscPictureDev.fd <= 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_open(%s) fail (error : %s)", __func__, node, strerror(errno));
+            goto err;
+        }
+        m_pictureDev = &m_gscPictureDev;
+    } else {
+        //////////////////////////////
+        //  external ISP
+        //////////////////////////////
+        // media device open
+        m_media = exynos_media_open(MEDIA_DEV_EXTERNAL_ISP);
+        if (m_media == NULL) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Cannot open media device (error : %s)", __func__, strerror(errno));
+            goto err;
+        }
+        //////////////////
+        // GET ENTITIES
+        //////////////////
+        // camera subdev
+        strcpy(node, M5MOLS_ENTITY_NAME);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):node : %s", __func__, node);
+        m_sensorEntity = exynos_media_get_entity_by_name(m_media, node, strlen(node));
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):m_sensorEntity : 0x%p", __func__, m_sensorEntity);
+        // mipi subdev
+        sprintf(node, "%s.%d", PFX_SUBDEV_ENTITY_MIPI_CSIS, MIPI_NUM);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):node : %s", __func__, node);
+        m_mipiEntity = exynos_media_get_entity_by_name(m_media, node, strlen(node));
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):m_mipiEntity : 0x%p", __func__, m_mipiEntity);
+        // fimc-lite subdev
+        sprintf(node, "%s.%d", PFX_SUBDEV_ENTITY_FLITE, FLITE_NUM);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):node : %s", __func__, node);
+        m_fliteSdEntity = exynos_media_get_entity_by_name(m_media, node, strlen(node));
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):m_fliteSdEntity : 0x%p", __func__, m_fliteSdEntity);
+        // fimc-lite videodev
+        sprintf(node, "%s.%d", PFX_VIDEODEV_ENTITY_FLITE, FLITE_NUM);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):node : %s", __func__, node);
+        m_fliteVdEntity = exynos_media_get_entity_by_name(m_media, node, strlen(node));
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):m_fliteVdEntity : 0x%p", __func__, m_fliteVdEntity);
+        // gscaler subdev
+        sprintf(node, "%s.%d", PFX_SUBDEV_ENTITY_GSC_CAP, GSC_NUM);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):node : %s", __func__, node);
+        m_gscSdEntity = exynos_media_get_entity_by_name(m_media, node, strlen(node));
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):m_gscSdEntity : 0x%p", __func__, m_gscSdEntity);
+        // gscaler videodev
+        sprintf(node, "%s.%d", PFX_VIDEODEV_ENTITY_GSC_CAP, GSC_NUM);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):node : %s", __func__, node);
+        m_gscVdEntity = exynos_media_get_entity_by_name(m_media, node, strlen(node));
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):m_gscVdEntity : 0x%p", __func__, m_gscVdEntity);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):sensor_sd : numlink : %d", __func__, m_sensorEntity->num_links);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):mipi_sd   : numlink : %d", __func__, m_mipiEntity->num_links);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):flite_sd  : numlink : %d", __func__, m_fliteSdEntity->num_links);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):flite_vd  : numlink : %d", __func__, m_fliteVdEntity->num_links);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):gsc_sd    : numlink : %d", __func__, m_gscSdEntity->num_links);
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):gsc_vd    : numlink : %d", __func__, m_gscVdEntity->num_links);
+        //////////////////
+        // SETUP LINKS
+        //////////////////
+        // sensor subdev to mipi subdev
+        links = m_sensorEntity->links;
+        if (links == NULL ||
+            links->source->entity != m_sensorEntity ||
+            links->sink->entity != m_mipiEntity) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Cannot make link camera sensor to mipi", __func__);
+            goto err;
+        }
+        if (exynos_media_setup_link(m_media,  links->source,  links->sink, MEDIA_LNK_FL_ENABLED) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Cannot make setup camera sensor to mipi", __func__);
+            goto err;
+        }
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):[LINK SUCCESS] sensor subdev to mipi subdev", __func__);
+        // mipi subdev to fimc-lite subdev
+        for (i = 0; i < m_mipiEntity->num_links; i++) {
+            links = &m_mipiEntity->links[i];
+            LOGV("DEBUG(%s):i=%d: links->source->entity : %p, m_mipiEntity : %p", __func__, i,
+                    links->source->entity, m_mipiEntity);
+            LOGV("DEBUG(%s):i=%d: links->sink->entity : %p, m_fliteSdEntity : %p", __func__, i,
+                    links->sink->entity, m_fliteSdEntity);
+            if (links == NULL ||
+                links->source->entity != m_mipiEntity ||
+                links->sink->entity != m_fliteSdEntity) {
+                continue;
+            } else if (exynos_media_setup_link(m_media,  links->source,  links->sink, MEDIA_LNK_FL_ENABLED) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):Cannot make setup mipi subdev to fimc-lite subdev", __func__);
+                goto err;
+            }
+        }
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):[LINK SUCCESS] mipi subdev to fimc-lite subdev", __func__);
+        // fimc-lite subdev TO fimc-lite video dev
+        for (i = 0; i < m_fliteSdEntity->num_links; i++) {
+            links = &m_fliteSdEntity->links[i];
+            LOGV("DEBUG(%s):i=%d: links->source->entity : %p, m_fliteSdEntity : %p", __func__, i,
+                links->source->entity, m_fliteSdEntity);
+            LOGV("DEBUG(%s):i=%d: links->sink->entity : %p, m_fliteVdEntity : %p", __func__, i,
+                links->sink->entity, m_fliteVdEntity);
+            if (links == NULL ||
+                links->source->entity != m_fliteSdEntity ||
+                links->sink->entity != m_fliteVdEntity) {
+                continue;
+            } else if (exynos_media_setup_link(m_media,  links->source,  links->sink, MEDIA_LNK_FL_ENABLED) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):Cannot make setup fimc-lite subdev to fimc-lite video dev", __func__);
+                goto err;
+            }
+        }
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):[LINK SUCCESS] fimc-lite subdev to fimc-lite video dev", __func__);
+        // fimc-lite subdev to gscaler subdev
+        for (i = 0; i < m_gscSdEntity->num_links; i++) {
+            links = &m_gscSdEntity->links[i];
+            LOGV("DEBUG(%s):i=%d: links->source->entity : %p, m_fliteSdEntity : %p", __func__, i,
+                    links->source->entity, m_fliteSdEntity);
+            LOGV("DEBUG(%s):i=%d: links->sink->entity : %p, m_gscSdEntity : %p", __func__, i,
+                    links->sink->entity, m_gscSdEntity);
+            if (links == NULL ||
+                links->source->entity != m_fliteSdEntity ||
+                links->sink->entity != m_gscSdEntity) {
+                continue;
+            } else if (exynos_media_setup_link(m_media, links->source, links->sink, MEDIA_LNK_FL_ENABLED) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):Cannot make setup fimc-lite subdev to gscaler subdev", __func__);
+                goto err;
+            }
+        }
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):[LINK SUCCESS] fimc-lite subdev to gscaler subdev", __func__);
+        // gscaler subdev to gscaler video dev
+        for (i = 0; i < m_gscVdEntity->num_links; i++) {
+            links = &m_gscVdEntity->links[i];
+            LOGV("DEBUG(%s):i=%d: links->source->entity : %p, m_gscSdEntity : %p", __func__, i,
+                    links->source->entity, m_gscSdEntity);
+            LOGV("DEBUG(%s):i=%d: links->sink->entity : %p, m_gscVdEntity : %p", __func__, i,
+                    links->sink->entity, m_gscVdEntity);
+            if (links == NULL ||
+                links->source->entity != m_gscSdEntity ||
+                links->sink->entity != m_gscVdEntity) {
+                continue;
+            } else if (exynos_media_setup_link(m_media, links->source, links->sink, MEDIA_LNK_FL_ENABLED) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):Cannot make setup gscaler subdev to gscaler video dev", __func__);
+                goto err;
+            }
+        }
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):[LINK SUCCESS] gscaler subdev to gscaler video dev", __func__);
+        sprintf(node, "%s%d", PFX_NODE, (FLITE_VD_NODE_OFFSET + VIDEO_NODE_PREVIEW_ID));
+        m_fliteDev.fd = exynos_v4l2_open(node, O_RDWR, 0);
+        if (m_fliteDev.fd <= 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_open(%s) fail (error : %s)", __func__, node, strerror(errno));
+            goto err;
+        }
+        m_previewDev = &m_fliteDev;
+        m_videoDev   = &m_fliteDev;
+        m_pictureDev = &m_fliteDev;
+    }
+    m_previewDev->flagStart = false;
+    m_videoDev->flagStart   = false;
+    m_pictureDev->flagStart = false;
+    m_tryPreviewStop = true;
+    m_tryVideoStop   = true;
+    m_tryPictureStop = true;
+    m_flagStartFaceDetection = false;
+    m_flagAutoFocusRunning = false;
+    if (exynos_v4l2_enuminput(m_previewDev->fd, m_cameraId, m_cameraName) == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_enuminput(%d, %s) fail", __func__, m_cameraId, m_cameraName);
+        goto err;
+    }
+    // HACK
+    if (m_cameraId == CAMERA_ID_BACK)
+        strcpy(m_cameraName, "S5K4E5");
+    else
+        strcpy(m_cameraName, "S5K6A3");
+    if (exynos_v4l2_s_input(m_previewDev->fd, m_cameraId) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_input() fail", __func__);
+        goto err;
+    }
+    if (strcmp((const char*)m_cameraName, "S5K4E5") == 0) {
+        m_defaultCameraInfo  = new ExynosCameraInfoS5K4E5;
+        m_curCameraInfo      = new ExynosCameraInfoS5K4E5;
+    } else if (strcmp((const char*)m_cameraName, "S5K6A3") == 0) {
+        m_defaultCameraInfo  = new ExynosCameraInfoS5K6A3;
+        m_curCameraInfo      = new ExynosCameraInfoS5K6A3;
+    } else if (strcmp((const char*)m_cameraName, "M5M0") == 0) {
+        m_defaultCameraInfo  = new ExynosCameraInfoM5M0;
+        m_curCameraInfo      = new ExynosCameraInfoM5M0;
+    } else {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):invalid camera Name (%s) fail", __func__, m_cameraName);
+        goto err;
+    }
+    m_setExifFixedAttribute();
+    m_flagCreate = true;
+    return true;
+    if (m_defaultCameraInfo)
+        delete m_defaultCameraInfo;
+    m_defaultCameraInfo = NULL;
+    if (m_curCameraInfo)
+        delete m_curCameraInfo;
+    m_curCameraInfo = NULL;
+    if (0 < m_videoDev->fd)
+        exynos_v4l2_close(m_videoDev->fd);
+    m_videoDev->fd = 0;
+    if (0 < m_pictureDev->fd)
+        exynos_v4l2_close(m_pictureDev->fd);
+    m_pictureDev->fd = 0;
+    if (0 < m_previewDev->fd)
+        exynos_v4l2_close(m_previewDev->fd);
+    m_previewDev->fd = 0;
+    if (m_media)
+        exynos_media_close(m_media);
+    m_media = NULL;
+    return false;
+bool ExynosCamera::destroy(void)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet created", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_pictureDev->flagStart == true)
+        stopPicture();
+    if (m_videoDev->flagStart == true)
+        stopVideo();
+    if (m_previewDev->flagStart == true)
+        stopPreview();
+    if (m_defaultCameraInfo)
+        delete m_defaultCameraInfo;
+    m_defaultCameraInfo = NULL;
+    if (m_curCameraInfo)
+        delete m_curCameraInfo;
+    m_curCameraInfo = NULL;
+    // close m_previewDev->fd after stopVideo() because stopVideo()
+    // uses m_previewDev->fd to change frame rate
+    if (0 < m_videoDev->fd)
+        exynos_v4l2_close(m_videoDev->fd);
+    m_videoDev->fd = 0;
+    if (0 < m_pictureDev->fd)
+        exynos_v4l2_close(m_pictureDev->fd);
+    m_pictureDev->fd = 0;
+    if (0 < m_previewDev->fd)
+        exynos_v4l2_close(m_previewDev->fd);
+    m_previewDev->fd = 0;
+    if (m_media)
+        exynos_media_close(m_media);
+    m_media = NULL;
+    m_flagCreate = false;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::flagCreate(void)
+    return m_flagCreate;
+int ExynosCamera::getCameraId(void)
+    return m_cameraId;
+char *ExynosCamera::getCameraName(void)
+    return m_cameraName;
+int ExynosCamera::getPreviewFd(void)
+    return m_previewDev->fd;
+int ExynosCamera::getPictureFd(void)
+    return m_pictureDev->fd;
+int ExynosCamera::getVideoFd(void)
+    return m_videoDev->fd;
+bool ExynosCamera::startPreview(void)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet Created", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_previewDev->flagStart == false) {
+        if (m_setWidthHeight(PREVIEW_MODE,
+                             m_previewDev->fd,
+                             &m_previewDev->events,
+                             m_curCameraInfo->previewW,
+                             m_curCameraInfo->previewH,
+                             m_curCameraInfo->previewColorFormat,
+                             m_previewBuf,
+                             m_validPreviewBuf) == false) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):m_setWidthHeight() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (setPreviewFrameRate(m_curCameraInfo->fps) == false)
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Fail toggle setPreviewFrameRate(%d)",
+                __func__, m_curCameraInfo->fps);
+        if (exynos_v4l2_streamon(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_streamon() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (m_curCameraInfo->focusMode == FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_VIDEO
+            || m_curCameraInfo->focusMode == FOCUS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_PICTURE) {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_CAF_START_STOP, CAF_START) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+		m_tryPreviewStop = false;
+        m_previewDev->flagStart = true;
+/* TODO */
+/* DIS is only supported BACK camera(4E5) currently. */
+#ifdef USE_DIS
+        bool toggle = getVideoStabilization();
+        if (setVideoStabilization(toggle) == false)
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):setVideoStabilization() fail", __func__);
+#ifdef USE_3DNR
+        if (m_recordingHint == true && getCameraId() == CAMERA_ID_BACK) {
+            if (set3DNR(true) == false)
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):set3DNR() fail", __func__);
+        }
+#ifdef USE_ODC
+        if (setODC(true) == false)
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):setODC() fail", __func__);
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::stopPreview(void)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet Created", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_previewDev->flagStart == true) {
+        if (m_curCameraInfo->flashMode == FLASH_MODE_TORCH)
+            setFlashMode(FLASH_MODE_OFF);
+        m_tryPreviewStop = true;
+        // skip stopPreview
+        if (   (m_previewDev == m_videoDev   && m_tryVideoStop == false)
+            || (m_previewDev == m_pictureDev && m_tryPictureStop == false))
+            return true;
+/* TODO */
+/* Can not use 3DNR, ODC and DIS function because HW problem at exynos5250 EVT0 */
+#ifdef USE_3DNR
+        if (set3DNR(false) == false)
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):set3DNR() fail", __func__);
+#ifdef USE_ODC
+        if (setODC(false) == false)
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):setODC() fail", __func__);
+        if (exynos_v4l2_streamoff(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_streamoff() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        struct v4l2_requestbuffers req;
+        req.count  = 0;
+        req.type   = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+        req.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+        if (exynos_v4l2_reqbufs(m_previewDev->fd, &req) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_reqbufs() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        m_previewDev->flagStart = false;
+        m_flagStartFaceDetection = false;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::flagStartPreview(void)
+    return m_previewDev->flagStart;
+int ExynosCamera::getPreviewMaxBuf(void)
+    return VIDEO_MAX_FRAME;
+bool ExynosCamera::setPreviewBuf(ExynosBuffer *buf)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet created fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (VIDEO_MAX_FRAME <= buf->reserved.p) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):index(%d) must smaller than %d", __func__, buf->reserved.p, VIDEO_MAX_FRAME);
+        return false;
+    }
+    m_previewBuf[buf->reserved.p] = *buf;
+    // HACK : Driver not yet support cb,cr of YV12
+    m_previewBuf[buf->reserved.p].virt.extP[1] = buf->virt.extP[2];
+    m_previewBuf[buf->reserved.p].virt.extP[2] = buf->virt.extP[1];
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::getPreviewBuf(ExynosBuffer *buf)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet created fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_previewDev->flagStart == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet preview started fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf;
+    struct v4l2_plane  planes[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+    v4l2_buf.m.planes = planes;
+    v4l2_buf.type     = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+    v4l2_buf.memory   = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+    v4l2_buf.length   = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        if (m_previewBuf[0].size.extS[i] != 0)
+            v4l2_buf.length++;
+    }
+    if (exynos_v4l2_dqbuf(m_previewDev->fd, &v4l2_buf) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_dqbuf() fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (VIDEO_MAX_FRAME <= v4l2_buf.index) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):wrong index = %d", __func__, v4l2_buf.index);
+        return false;
+    }
+    *buf = m_previewBuf[v4l2_buf.index];
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::putPreviewBuf(ExynosBuffer *buf)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet created fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_validPreviewBuf[buf->reserved.p] == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid index(%d)", __func__, buf->reserved.p);
+        return false;
+    }
+    struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf;
+    struct v4l2_plane  planes[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+    v4l2_buf.m.planes = planes;
+    v4l2_buf.type     = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+    v4l2_buf.memory   = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+    v4l2_buf.index    = buf->reserved.p;
+    v4l2_buf.length   = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        v4l2_buf.m.planes[i].m.userptr = (unsigned long)m_previewBuf[buf->reserved.p].virt.extP[i];
+        v4l2_buf.m.planes[i].length   = m_previewBuf[buf->reserved.p].size.extS[i];
+        if (m_previewBuf[buf->reserved.p].size.extS[i] != 0)
+            v4l2_buf.length++;
+    }
+    if (exynos_v4l2_qbuf(m_previewDev->fd, &v4l2_buf) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_qbuf() fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setVideoSize(int w, int h)
+    m_curCameraInfo->videoW = w;
+    m_curCameraInfo->videoH = h;
+    // HACK : Video 3dnr port support resize. So, we must make max size video w, h
+    m_curCameraInfo->videoW = m_defaultCameraInfo->videoW;
+    m_curCameraInfo->videoH = m_defaultCameraInfo->videoH;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::getVideoSize(int *w, int *h)
+    *w = m_curCameraInfo->videoW;
+    *h = m_curCameraInfo->videoH;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setVideoFormat(int colorFormat)
+    m_curCameraInfo->videoColorFormat = colorFormat;
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getVideoFormat(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->videoColorFormat;
+bool ExynosCamera::startVideo(void)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet Created", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_videoDev->flagStart == false) {
+        if (m_setWidthHeight(VIDEO_MODE,
+                             m_videoDev->fd,
+                             &m_videoDev->events,
+                             m_curCameraInfo->videoW,
+                             m_curCameraInfo->videoH,
+                             m_curCameraInfo->videoColorFormat,
+                             m_videoBuf,
+                             m_validVideoBuf) == false) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):m_setWidthHeight() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (exynos_v4l2_streamon(m_videoDev->fd, V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_streamon() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        m_tryVideoStop = false;
+        m_videoDev->flagStart = true;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::stopVideo(void)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet Created", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_videoDev->flagStart == true) {
+        m_tryVideoStop = true;
+        // skip stopVideo
+        if (   (m_videoDev == m_previewDev && m_tryPreviewStop == false)
+            || (m_videoDev == m_pictureDev && m_tryPictureStop == false))
+            return true;
+        if (exynos_v4l2_streamoff(m_videoDev->fd, V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_streamoff() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        struct v4l2_requestbuffers req;
+        req.count  = 0;
+        req.type   = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+        req.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+        if (exynos_v4l2_reqbufs(m_videoDev->fd, &req) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_reqbufs() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        m_videoDev->flagStart = false;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::flagStartVideo(void)
+    return m_videoDev->flagStart;
+int ExynosCamera::getVideoMaxBuf(void)
+    return VIDEO_MAX_FRAME;
+bool ExynosCamera::setVideoBuf(ExynosBuffer *buf)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet created fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (VIDEO_MAX_FRAME <= buf->reserved.p) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):index(%d) must smaller than %d", __func__, buf->reserved.p, VIDEO_MAX_FRAME);
+        return false;
+    }
+    m_videoBuf[buf->reserved.p] = *buf;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::getVideoBuf(ExynosBuffer *buf)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet created fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_videoDev->flagStart == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet video started fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf;
+    struct v4l2_plane  planes[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+    v4l2_buf.m.planes = planes;
+    v4l2_buf.type     = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+    v4l2_buf.memory   = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+    v4l2_buf.length   = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        if (m_videoBuf[0].size.extS[i] != 0)
+            v4l2_buf.length++;
+    }
+    if (exynos_v4l2_dqbuf(m_videoDev->fd, &v4l2_buf) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_dqbuf() fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (VIDEO_MAX_FRAME <= v4l2_buf.index) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):wrong index = %d", __func__, v4l2_buf.index);
+        return false;
+    }
+    *buf = m_videoBuf[v4l2_buf.index];
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::putVideoBuf(ExynosBuffer *buf)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet created fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_videoDev->flagStart == false) {
+        /* this can happen when recording frames are returned after
+         * the recording is stopped at the driver level.  we don't
+         * need to return the buffers in this case and we've seen
+         * cases where fimc could crash if we called qbuf and it
+         * wasn't expecting it.
+         */
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):recording not in progress, ignoring", __func__);
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (m_validVideoBuf[buf->reserved.p] == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid index(%d)", __func__, buf->reserved.p);
+        return false;
+    }
+    struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf;
+    struct v4l2_plane  planes[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+    v4l2_buf.m.planes = planes;
+    v4l2_buf.type     = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+    v4l2_buf.memory   = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+    v4l2_buf.index    = buf->reserved.p;
+    v4l2_buf.length   = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        v4l2_buf.m.planes[i].m.userptr = (unsigned long)m_videoBuf[buf->reserved.p].virt.extP[i];
+        v4l2_buf.m.planes[i].length   = m_videoBuf[buf->reserved.p].size.extS[i];
+        if (m_videoBuf[buf->reserved.p].size.extS[i] != 0)
+            v4l2_buf.length++;
+    }
+    if (exynos_v4l2_qbuf(m_videoDev->fd, &v4l2_buf) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_qbuf() fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::startPicture(void)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet Created", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_pictureDev->flagStart == false) {
+        if (m_setWidthHeight(PICTURE_MODE,
+                             m_pictureDev->fd,
+                             &m_pictureDev->events,
+                             m_curCameraInfo->pictureW,
+                             m_curCameraInfo->pictureH,
+                             m_curCameraInfo->pictureColorFormat,
+                             m_pictureBuf,
+                             m_validPictureBuf) == false) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):m_setWidthHeight() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (exynos_v4l2_streamon(m_pictureDev->fd, V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_streamon() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        m_tryPictureStop = false;
+        m_pictureDev->flagStart = true;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::stopPicture(void)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet Created", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_pictureDev->flagStart == true) {
+        m_tryPictureStop = true;
+        // skip stopPicture
+        if (   (m_pictureDev == m_previewDev && m_tryPreviewStop == false)
+            || (m_pictureDev == m_videoDev   && m_tryVideoStop == false))
+            return true;
+        if (exynos_v4l2_streamoff(m_pictureDev->fd, V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_streamoff() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        struct v4l2_requestbuffers req;
+        req.count  = 0;
+        req.type   = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+        req.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+        if (exynos_v4l2_reqbufs(m_pictureDev->fd, &req) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_reqbufs() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        m_pictureDev->flagStart = false;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::flagStartPicture(void)
+    return m_pictureDev->flagStart;
+int ExynosCamera::getPictureMaxBuf(void)
+    return VIDEO_MAX_FRAME;
+bool ExynosCamera::setPictureBuf(ExynosBuffer *buf)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet created fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (VIDEO_MAX_FRAME <= buf->reserved.p) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):index(%d) must smaller than %d", __func__, buf->reserved.p, VIDEO_MAX_FRAME);
+        return false;
+    }
+    m_pictureBuf[buf->reserved.p] = *buf;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::getPictureBuf(ExynosBuffer *buf)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet created fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_pictureDev->flagStart == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet picture started fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf;
+    struct v4l2_plane  planes[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+    v4l2_buf.m.planes = planes;
+    v4l2_buf.type     = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+    v4l2_buf.memory   = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+    v4l2_buf.length   = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        if (m_pictureBuf[0].size.extS[i] != 0)
+            v4l2_buf.length++;
+    }
+    if (exynos_v4l2_dqbuf(m_pictureDev->fd, &v4l2_buf) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_dqbuf() fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (VIDEO_MAX_FRAME <= v4l2_buf.index) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):wrong index = %d", __func__, v4l2_buf.index);
+        return false;
+    }
+    *buf = m_pictureBuf[v4l2_buf.index];
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::putPictureBuf(ExynosBuffer *buf)
+    if (m_flagCreate == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet created fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_pictureDev->flagStart == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Not yet picture started fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_validPictureBuf[buf->reserved.p] == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid index(%d)", __func__, buf->reserved.p);
+        return false;
+    }
+    struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf;
+    struct v4l2_plane  planes[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+    v4l2_buf.m.planes = planes;
+    v4l2_buf.type     = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+    v4l2_buf.memory   = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+    v4l2_buf.index    = buf->reserved.p;
+    v4l2_buf.length   = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+        v4l2_buf.m.planes[i].m.userptr = (unsigned long)m_pictureBuf[buf->reserved.p].virt.extP[i];
+        v4l2_buf.m.planes[i].length   = m_pictureBuf[buf->reserved.p].size.extS[i];
+        if (m_pictureBuf[buf->reserved.p].size.extS[i] != 0)
+            v4l2_buf.length++;
+    }
+    if (exynos_v4l2_qbuf(m_pictureDev->fd, &v4l2_buf) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_qbuf() fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::yuv2Jpeg(ExynosBuffer *yuvBuf,
+                            ExynosBuffer *jpegBuf,
+                            ExynosRect *rect)
+    unsigned char *addr;
+    ExynosJpegEncoderForCamera jpegEnc;
+    bool ret = false;
+    unsigned int *yuvSize = yuvBuf->size.extS;
+    if (jpegEnc.create()) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):jpegEnc.create() fail", __func__);
+        goto jpeg_encode_done;
+    }
+    if (jpegEnc.setQuality(m_jpegQuality)) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):jpegEnc.setQuality() fail", __func__);
+        goto jpeg_encode_done;
+    }
+    if (jpegEnc.setSize(rect->w, rect->h)) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):jpegEnc.setSize() fail", __func__);
+        goto jpeg_encode_done;
+    }
+    if (jpegEnc.setColorFormat(rect->colorFormat)) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):jpegEnc.setColorFormat() fail", __func__);
+        goto jpeg_encode_done;
+    }
+    if (jpegEnc.setJpegFormat(V4L2_PIX_FMT_JPEG_422)) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):jpegEnc.setJpegFormat() fail", __func__);
+        goto jpeg_encode_done;
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->thumbnailW != 0 && m_curCameraInfo->thumbnailH != 0) {
+        mExifInfo.enableThumb = true;
+        if (jpegEnc.setThumbnailSize(m_curCameraInfo->thumbnailW, m_curCameraInfo->thumbnailH)) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):jpegEnc.setThumbnailSize(%d, %d) fail", __func__, m_curCameraInfo->thumbnailW, m_curCameraInfo->thumbnailH);
+            goto jpeg_encode_done;
+        }
+        if (0 < m_jpegThumbnailQuality && m_jpegThumbnailQuality <= 100) {
+            if (jpegEnc.setThumbnailQuality(m_jpegThumbnailQuality)) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):jpegEnc.setThumbnailSize(%d, %d) fail", __func__, m_curCameraInfo->thumbnailW, m_curCameraInfo->thumbnailH);
+                goto jpeg_encode_done;
+            }
+        }
+        m_setExifChangedAttribute(&mExifInfo, rect);
+    } else {
+        mExifInfo.enableThumb = false;
+    }
+    if (jpegEnc.setInBuf((char **)&(yuvBuf->virt.p), (int *)yuvSize)) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):jpegEnc.setInBuf() fail", __func__);
+        goto jpeg_encode_done;
+    }
+    if (jpegEnc.setOutBuf(jpegBuf->virt.p, jpegBuf->size.extS[0] + jpegBuf->size.extS[1] + jpegBuf->size.extS[2])) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):jpegEnc.setOutBuf() fail", __func__);
+        goto jpeg_encode_done;
+    }
+    if (jpegEnc.updateConfig()) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):jpegEnc.updateConfig() fail", __func__);
+        goto jpeg_encode_done;
+    }
+    if (jpegEnc.encode((int *)&jpegBuf->size.s, &mExifInfo)) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):jpegEnc.encode() fail", __func__);
+        goto jpeg_encode_done;
+    }
+    ret = true;
+    if (jpegEnc.flagCreate() == true)
+        jpegEnc.destroy();
+    return ret;
+bool ExynosCamera::autoFocus(void)
+    if (m_previewDev->fd <= 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Camera was closed", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_flagAutoFocusRunning == true) {
+        LOGD("DEBUG(%s):m_flagAutoFocusRunning == true", __func__);
+        return true;
+    }
+    switch (m_curCameraInfo->focusMode) {
+    case FOCUS_MODE_AUTO:
+        if (m_touchAFMode == true) {
+            if (setFocusMode(FOCUS_MODE_TOUCH) == false) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s): %d: setFocusMode(FOCUS_MODE_TOUCH) fail", __func__, __LINE__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_SET_AUTO_FOCUS, AUTO_FOCUS_ON) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+        /* Doing nothing. Because we assume that continuous focus mode is
+           always focused on. */
+        break;
+        if (setFocusMode(FOCUS_MODE_TOUCH) == false) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s): %d: setFocusMode(FOCUS_MODE_TOUCH) fail", __func__, __LINE__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        break;
+        break;
+    case FOCUS_MODE_EDOF:
+    default:
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Unsupported value(%d)", __func__, m_curCameraInfo->focusMode);
+        return false;
+        break;
+    }
+    m_flagAutoFocusRunning = true;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::cancelAutoFocus(void)
+    if (m_previewDev->fd <= 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Camera was closed", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_flagAutoFocusRunning == false) {
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):m_flagAutoFocusRunning == false", __func__);
+        return true;
+    }
+    switch (m_curCameraInfo->focusMode) {
+    case FOCUS_MODE_AUTO:
+        if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_SET_AUTO_FOCUS, AUTO_FOCUS_OFF) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        break;
+        /* Doing nothing. Because we assume that continuous focus mode is
+           always focused on. */
+        break;
+        if (setFocusMode(FOCUS_MODE_TOUCH) == false) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s): %d: setFocusMode(FOCUS_MODE_TOUCH) fail", __func__, __LINE__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        m_touchAFMode = false;
+        break;
+        break;
+    case FOCUS_MODE_EDOF:
+    default:
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Unsupported value(%d)", __func__, m_curCameraInfo->focusMode);
+        return false;
+        break;
+    }
+    m_flagAutoFocusRunning = false;
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getFucusModeResult(void)
+    int ret = 0;
+#define AF_WATING_TIME       (100000)  //  100msec
+#define TOTAL_AF_WATING_TIME (2000000) // 2000msec
+    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < TOTAL_AF_WATING_TIME; i += AF_WATING_TIME) {
+        if (m_flagAutoFocusRunning == false)
+            return -1;
+        if (exynos_v4l2_g_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_AUTO_FOCUS_RESULT, &ret) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_g_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+            return -1;
+        }
+        if (strcmp((const char*)m_cameraName, "S5K4E5") == 0) {
+            switch(ret) {
+            case 0x00: // AF Running
+                ret = 0;
+                break;
+            case 0x02: // AF succeed
+                ret = 1;
+                break;
+            case 0x01:
+            default :  // AF fail
+                ret = -1;
+                break;
+            }
+            if (ret != 0)
+                break;
+        } else if (strcmp((const char*)m_cameraName, "M5M0") == 0) {
+            switch(ret) {
+            case 0x00: // AF Running
+                ret = 0;
+                break;
+            case 0x01: // AF succeed
+                ret = 1;
+                break;
+            case 0x02: // AF cancel
+                ret = 0;
+                break;
+            default:  // AF fail
+                ret = -1;
+                break;
+            }
+            if (ret != 0)
+                break;
+        } else {
+            ret = -1;
+            break;
+        }
+        usleep(AF_WATING_TIME);
+    }
+    return ret;
+bool ExynosCamera::startFaceDetection(void)
+    if (m_flagStartFaceDetection == true) {
+        LOGD("DEBUG(%s):Face detection already started..", __func__);
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (m_previewDev->flagStart == true) {
+        //if (this->setFocusMode(FOCUS_MODE_AUTO) == false)
+        //    LOGE("ERR(%s):Fail setFocusMode", __func__);
+        if (m_internalISP == true) {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_FD_SET_MAX_FACE_NUMBER, m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumDetectedFaces) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CMD_FD, IS_FD_COMMAND_START) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_FACE_DETECTION, FACE_DETECTION_ON) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        m_flagStartFaceDetection = true;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::stopFaceDetection(void)
+    if (m_flagStartFaceDetection == false) {
+        LOGD("DEBUG(%s):Face detection already stopped..", __func__);
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (m_previewDev->flagStart == true) {
+        if (m_internalISP == true) {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CMD_FD, IS_FD_COMMAND_STOP) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_FACE_DETECTION, FACE_DETECTION_OFF) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        m_flagStartFaceDetection = false;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::flagStartFaceDetection(void)
+    return m_flagStartFaceDetection;
+bool ExynosCamera::setFaceDetectLock(bool toggle)
+    int lock = (toggle == true) ? 1 : 0;
+    if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_FACEDETECT_LOCKUNLOCK, lock) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::startSmoothZoom(int value)
+    if (m_defaultCameraInfo->hwZoomSupported == false) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):m_defaultCameraInfo->hwZoomSupported == false", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return this->setZoom(value);
+bool ExynosCamera::stopSmoothZoom(void)
+    // TODO
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getAntibanding(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->antiBanding;
+bool ExynosCamera::getAutoExposureLock(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->autoExposureLock;
+bool ExynosCamera::getAutoWhiteBalanceLock(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->autoWhiteBalanceLock;
+int ExynosCamera::getColorEffect(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->effect;
+int ExynosCamera::getDetectedFacesAreas(int num,
+                                        int *id,
+                                        int *score,
+                                        ExynosRect *face,
+                                        ExynosRect *leftEye,
+                                        ExynosRect *rightEye,
+                                        ExynosRect *mouth)
+    if (m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumDetectedFaces == 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):maxNumDetectedFaces == 0 fail", __func__);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (m_flagStartFaceDetection == false) {
+        LOGD("DEBUG(%s):m_flagStartFaceDetection == false", __func__);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    if (m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumDetectedFaces < num)
+        num = m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumDetectedFaces;
+    // width   : 0 ~ previewW
+    // height  : 0 ~ previewH
+    // if eye, mouth is not detectable : -1, -1
+    ExynosRect2 *face2     = new ExynosRect2[num];
+    ExynosRect2 *leftEye2  = new ExynosRect2[num];
+    ExynosRect2 *rightEye2 = new ExynosRect2[num];
+    ExynosRect2 *mouth2    = new ExynosRect2[num];
+    num = getDetectedFacesAreas(num, id, score, face2, leftEye2, rightEye2, mouth2);
+    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        m_secRect22SecRect(&face2[i], &face[i]);
+        face[i].fullW = m_curCameraInfo->previewW;
+        face[i].fullH = m_curCameraInfo->previewH;
+        m_secRect22SecRect(&leftEye2[i], &leftEye[i]);
+        leftEye[i].fullW = m_curCameraInfo->previewW;
+        leftEye[i].fullH = m_curCameraInfo->previewH;
+        m_secRect22SecRect(&rightEye2[i], &rightEye[i]);
+        rightEye[i].fullW = m_curCameraInfo->previewW;
+        rightEye[i].fullH = m_curCameraInfo->previewH;
+        m_secRect22SecRect(&mouth2[i], &mouth[i]);
+        mouth[i].fullW = m_curCameraInfo->previewW;
+        mouth[i].fullH = m_curCameraInfo->previewH;
+    }
+    delete [] face2;
+    delete [] leftEye2;
+    delete [] rightEye2;
+    delete [] mouth2;
+    return num;
+int ExynosCamera::getDetectedFacesAreas(int num,
+                                     int *id,
+                                     int *score,
+                                     ExynosRect2 *face,
+                                     ExynosRect2 *leftEye,
+                                     ExynosRect2 *rightEye,
+                                     ExynosRect2 *mouth)
+    if (m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumDetectedFaces == 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):maxNumDetectedFaces == 0 fail", __func__);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    if (m_flagStartFaceDetection == false) {
+        LOGD("DEBUG(%s):m_flagStartFaceDetection == false", __func__);
+        return 0;
+    }
+    int i = 0;
+    if (m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumDetectedFaces < num)
+        num = m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumDetectedFaces;
+    const unsigned int numOfFDEntity = 1 + ((V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_NEXT - V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_FACE_FRAME_NUMBER) * num);
+    // width   : 0 ~ previewW
+    // height  : 0 ~ previewH
+    // if eye, mouth is not detectable : -1, -1
+    struct v4l2_ext_controls fd_ctrls;
+    struct v4l2_ext_control *fd_ctrl = new struct v4l2_ext_control[numOfFDEntity];
+    struct v4l2_ext_control *cur_ctrl;
+    cur_ctrl = &fd_ctrl[0];
+    cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_FACE_COUNT;
+    cur_ctrl++;
+    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_FACE_FRAME_NUMBER;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_FACE_CONFIDENCE;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_FACE_TOPLEFT_X;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_FACE_TOPLEFT_Y;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_FACE_BOTTOMRIGHT_X;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_FACE_BOTTOMRIGHT_Y;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_LEFT_EYE_TOPLEFT_X;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_LEFT_EYE_TOPLEFT_Y;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_LEFT_EYE_BOTTOMRIGHT_X;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_LEFT_EYE_BOTTOMRIGHT_Y;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_RIGHT_EYE_TOPLEFT_X;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_RIGHT_EYE_TOPLEFT_Y;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_RIGHT_EYE_BOTTOMRIGHT_X;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_RIGHT_EYE_BOTTOMRIGHT_Y;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_MOUTH_TOPLEFT_X;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_MOUTH_TOPLEFT_Y;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_MOUTH_BOTTOMRIGHT_X;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_MOUTH_BOTTOMRIGHT_Y;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        cur_ctrl->id = V4L2_CID_IS_FD_GET_NEXT;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+    }
+    fd_ctrls.ctrl_class = V4L2_CTRL_CLASS_CAMERA;
+    fd_ctrls.count = i + 1;
+    fd_ctrls.controls = fd_ctrl;
+    if (exynos_v4l2_g_ext_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, &fd_ctrls) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_g_ext_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+        num = -1;
+        goto done;
+    }
+    cur_ctrl = &fd_ctrl[0];
+    num = cur_ctrl->value;
+    cur_ctrl++;
+    for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+        id[i] = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        score[i] = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        face[i].x1 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        face[i].y1 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        face[i].x2 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        face[i].y2 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        leftEye[i].x1 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        leftEye[i].y1 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        leftEye[i].x2 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        leftEye[i].y2 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        rightEye[i].x1 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        rightEye[i].y1 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        rightEye[i].x2 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        rightEye[i].y2 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        mouth[i].x1 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        mouth[i].y1 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        mouth[i].x2 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+        mouth[i].y2 = cur_ctrl->value;
+        cur_ctrl++;
+    }
+    delete [] fd_ctrl;
+    return num;
+int ExynosCamera::getExposureCompensation(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->exposure;
+float ExynosCamera::getExposureCompensationStep(void)
+    // CameraParameters.h
+    // The exposure compensation step. Exposure compensation index multiply by
+    // step eqals to EV. Ex: if exposure compensation index is 6 and step is
+    // 0.3333, EV is -2.
+    // Example value: "0.333333333" or "0.5". Read only.
+    // -> But, this formula doesn't works in apps.
+    return 1.0f;
+int ExynosCamera::getFlashMode(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->flashMode;
+bool ExynosCamera::getFocalLength(int *num, int *den)
+    *num = m_defaultCameraInfo->focalLengthNum;
+    *num = m_defaultCameraInfo->focalLengthDen;
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getFocusAreas(ExynosRect *rects)
+    // TODO
+    return 0;
+int ExynosCamera::getFocusDistances(float *output)
+    // TODO
+    return 0;
+int ExynosCamera::getFocusMode(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->focusMode;
+float ExynosCamera::getHorizontalViewAngle(void)
+    //TODO
+    return 51.2f;
+int ExynosCamera::getJpegQuality(void)
+    return m_jpegQuality;
+int ExynosCamera::getJpegThumbnailQuality(void)
+    return m_jpegThumbnailQuality;
+bool ExynosCamera::getJpegThumbnailSize(int *w, int  *h)
+    *w  = m_curCameraInfo->thumbnailW;
+    *h  = m_curCameraInfo->thumbnailH;
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getMaxExposureCompensation(void)
+    return m_defaultCameraInfo->maxExposure;
+int ExynosCamera::getMaxNumDetectedFaces(void)
+    return m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumDetectedFaces;
+int ExynosCamera::getMaxNumFocusAreas(void)
+    return m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumFocusAreas;
+int ExynosCamera::getMaxNumMeteringAreas(void)
+    return m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumMeteringAreas;
+int ExynosCamera::getMaxZoom(void)
+    return m_defaultCameraInfo->maxZoom;
+int ExynosCamera::getMeteringAreas(ExynosRect *rects)
+    // TODO
+    return 0;
+int ExynosCamera::getMinExposureCompensation(void)
+    return m_defaultCameraInfo->minExposure;
+int ExynosCamera::getPictureFormat(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->pictureColorFormat;
+bool ExynosCamera::getPictureSize(int *w, int *h)
+    *w = m_curCameraInfo->pictureW;
+    *h = m_curCameraInfo->pictureH;
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getPreviewFormat(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->previewColorFormat;
+bool ExynosCamera::getPreviewFpsRange(int *min, int *max)
+    *min = 1;
+    *max = m_defaultCameraInfo->fps;
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getPreviewFrameRate(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->fps;
+bool ExynosCamera::getPreviewSize(int *w, int *h)
+    *w = m_curCameraInfo->previewW;
+    *h = m_curCameraInfo->previewH;
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getSceneMode(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->sceneMode;
+int ExynosCamera::getSupportedAntibanding(void)
+    return m_defaultCameraInfo->antiBandingList;
+int ExynosCamera::getSupportedColorEffects(void)
+    return m_defaultCameraInfo->effectList;
+int ExynosCamera::getSupportedFlashModes(void)
+    return m_defaultCameraInfo->flashModeList;
+int ExynosCamera::getSupportedFocusModes(void)
+    return m_defaultCameraInfo->focusModeList;
+bool ExynosCamera::getSupportedJpegThumbnailSizes(int *w, int *h)
+    *w  = m_defaultCameraInfo->thumbnailW;
+    *h  = m_defaultCameraInfo->thumbnailH;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::getSupportedPictureSizes(int *w, int *h)
+    *w = m_defaultCameraInfo->pictureW;
+    *h = m_defaultCameraInfo->pictureH;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::getSupportedPreviewSizes(int *w, int *h)
+    *w = m_defaultCameraInfo->previewW;
+    *h = m_defaultCameraInfo->previewH;
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getSupportedSceneModes(void)
+    return m_defaultCameraInfo->sceneModeList;
+bool ExynosCamera::getSupportedVideoSizes(int *w, int *h)
+    *w = m_defaultCameraInfo->videoW;
+    *h = m_defaultCameraInfo->videoH;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::getPreferredPreivewSizeForVideo(int *w, int *h)
+    *w = m_defaultCameraInfo->prefVideoPreviewW;
+    *h = m_defaultCameraInfo->prefVideoPreviewH;
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getSupportedWhiteBalance(void)
+    return m_defaultCameraInfo->whiteBalanceList;
+float ExynosCamera::getVerticalViewAngle(void)
+    // TODO
+    return 39.4f;
+bool ExynosCamera::getVideoStabilization(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->videoStabilization;
+int ExynosCamera::getWhiteBalance(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->whiteBalance;
+int ExynosCamera::getZoom(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->zoom;
+int ExynosCamera::getMaxZoomRatio(void)
+    return 400;
+bool ExynosCamera::isAutoExposureLockSupported(void)
+    return m_defaultCameraInfo->autoExposureLockSupported;
+bool ExynosCamera::isAutoWhiteBalanceLockSupported(void)
+    return m_defaultCameraInfo->autoWhiteBalanceLockSupported;
+bool ExynosCamera::isSmoothZoomSupported(void)
+    if (m_defaultCameraInfo->hwZoomSupported == true)
+        return true;
+    else
+        return false;
+bool ExynosCamera::isVideoSnapshotSupported(void)
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::isVideoStabilizationSupported(void)
+    return m_defaultCameraInfo->supportVideoStabilization;
+bool ExynosCamera::isZoomSupported(void)
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setAntibanding(int value)
+    int internalValue = -1;
+    switch (value) {
+        internalValue = ::ANTI_BANDING_AUTO;
+        break;
+    case ANTIBANDING_50HZ:
+        internalValue = ::ANTI_BANDING_50HZ;
+        break;
+    case ANTIBANDING_60HZ:
+        internalValue = ::ANTI_BANDING_60HZ;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::ANTI_BANDING_OFF;
+        break;
+    default:
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Unsupported value(%d)", __func__, value);
+        return false;
+        break;
+    }
+    if (m_internalISP == true) {
+        if (internalValue < ::IS_AFC_DISABLE || ::IS_AFC_MAX <= internalValue) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid value (%d)", __func__, value);
+            return false;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (internalValue < ::ANTI_BANDING_AUTO || ::ANTI_BANDING_OFF < internalValue) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue (%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->antiBanding != value) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->antiBanding = value;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_AFC_MODE, internalValue) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setAutoExposureLock(bool toggle)
+    int internalValue = -1;
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->autoExposureLock == toggle)
+        return true;
+    m_curCameraInfo->autoExposureLock = toggle;
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->autoExposureLock == true && m_curCameraInfo->autoWhiteBalanceLock == true)
+        internalValue = AE_LOCK_AWB_LOCK;
+    else if (m_curCameraInfo->autoExposureLock == true && m_curCameraInfo->autoWhiteBalanceLock == false)
+        internalValue = AE_LOCK_AWB_UNLOCK;
+    else if (m_curCameraInfo->autoExposureLock == false && m_curCameraInfo->autoWhiteBalanceLock == true)
+        internalValue = AE_UNLOCK_AWB_LOCK;
+    else // if (m_curCameraInfo->autoExposureLock == false && m_curCameraInfo->autoWhiteBalanceLock == false)
+        internalValue = AE_UNLOCK_AWB_UNLOCK;
+    if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+        if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_AEAWB_LOCK_UNLOCK, internalValue) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setAutoWhiteBalanceLock(bool toggle)
+    int internalValue = -1;
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->autoWhiteBalanceLock == toggle)
+        return true;
+    m_curCameraInfo->autoWhiteBalanceLock = toggle;
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->autoExposureLock == true && m_curCameraInfo->autoWhiteBalanceLock == true)
+        internalValue = AE_LOCK_AWB_LOCK;
+    else if (m_curCameraInfo->autoExposureLock == true && m_curCameraInfo->autoWhiteBalanceLock == false)
+        internalValue = AE_LOCK_AWB_UNLOCK;
+    else if (m_curCameraInfo->autoExposureLock == false && m_curCameraInfo->autoWhiteBalanceLock == true)
+        internalValue = AE_UNLOCK_AWB_LOCK;
+    else // if (m_curCameraInfo->autoExposureLock == false && m_curCameraInfo->autoWhiteBalanceLock == false)
+        internalValue = AE_UNLOCK_AWB_UNLOCK;
+    if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+        if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_AEAWB_LOCK_UNLOCK, internalValue) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setColorEffect(int value)
+    int internalValue = -1;
+    switch (value) {
+    case EFFECT_NONE:
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = ::IS_IMAGE_EFFECT_DISABLE;
+        else
+            internalValue = ::IMAGE_EFFECT_NONE;
+        break;
+    case EFFECT_MONO:
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = ::IS_IMAGE_EFFECT_MONOCHROME;
+        else
+            internalValue = ::IMAGE_EFFECT_BNW;
+        break;
+        internalValue = IS_IMAGE_EFFECT_NEGATIVE_MONO;
+        break;
+    case EFFECT_SEPIA:
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = ::IS_IMAGE_EFFECT_SEPIA;
+        else
+            internalValue = ::IMAGE_EFFECT_SEPIA;
+        break;
+    case EFFECT_AQUA:
+    default:
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Unsupported value(%d)", __func__, value);
+        return false;
+        break;
+    }
+    if (m_internalISP == true) {
+        if (internalValue < ::IS_IMAGE_EFFECT_DISABLE || ::IS_IMAGE_EFFECT_MAX <= internalValue) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue(%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+            return false;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (internalValue <= ::IMAGE_EFFECT_BASE || ::IMAGE_EFFECT_MAX <= internalValue) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue(%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->effect != value) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->effect = value;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (m_internalISP == true) {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_IMAGE_EFFECT, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_EFFECT, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setExposureCompensation(int value)
+    int internalValue = value;
+    if (m_internalISP == true) {
+        internalValue += IS_EXPOSURE_DEFAULT;
+        if (internalValue < IS_EXPOSURE_MINUS_2 || IS_EXPOSURE_PLUS_2 < internalValue) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue(%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+            return false;
+        }
+    } else {
+        internalValue += EV_DEFAULT;
+        if (internalValue < EV_MINUS_4 || EV_PLUS_4 < internalValue) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue(%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->exposure != value) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->exposure = value;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (m_internalISP == true) {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_EXPOSURE, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (this->setBrightness(value) == false) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):setBrightness() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setFlashMode(int value)
+    int internalValue = -1;
+    switch (value) {
+    case FLASH_MODE_OFF:
+        internalValue = ::FLASH_MODE_OFF;
+        break;
+    case FLASH_MODE_AUTO:
+        internalValue = ::FLASH_MODE_AUTO;
+        break;
+    case FLASH_MODE_ON:
+        internalValue = ::FLASH_MODE_ON;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::FLASH_MODE_TORCH;
+        break;
+    default:
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Unsupported value(%d)", __func__, value);
+        return false;
+        break;
+    }
+    if (internalValue <= ::FLASH_MODE_BASE || ::FLASH_MODE_MAX <= internalValue) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid value (%d)", __func__, value);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->flashMode != value) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->flashMode = value;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_FLASH_MODE, internalValue) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setFocusAreas(int num, ExynosRect* rects, int *weights)
+    if (m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumFocusAreas == 0) {
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):maxNumFocusAreas is 0. so, ignored", __func__);
+        return true;
+    }
+    bool ret = true;
+    ExynosRect2 *rect2s = new ExynosRect2[num];
+    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
+        m_secRect2SecRect2(&rects[i], &rect2s[i]);
+    ret = setFocusAreas(num, rect2s, weights);
+    delete [] rect2s;
+    return ret;
+bool ExynosCamera::setFocusAreas(int num, ExynosRect2* rect2s, int *weights)
+    if (m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumFocusAreas == 0) {
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):maxNumFocusAreas is 0. so, ignored", __func__);
+        return true;
+    }
+    int new_x = 0;
+    int new_y = 0;
+    if (m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumFocusAreas < num)
+        num = m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumFocusAreas;
+    if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+            if (   num == 1
+                && rect2s[0].x1 == 0
+                && rect2s[0].y1 == 0
+                && rect2s[0].x2 == m_curCameraInfo->previewW
+                && rect2s[0].y2 == m_curCameraInfo->previewH)  {
+                // TODO : driver decide focus areas -> focus center.
+                new_x = (m_curCameraInfo->previewW) / 2;
+                new_y = (m_curCameraInfo->previewH) / 2;
+            } else {
+                new_x = (rect2s[i].x1 + rect2s[i].x2) / 2;
+                new_y = (rect2s[i].y1 + rect2s[i].y2) / 2;
+            }
+            m_touchAFMode = true;
+            if (   exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_OBJECT_POSITION_X, new_x) < 0
+                && exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_OBJECT_POSITION_Y, new_y) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setFocusMode(int value)
+    int internalValue = -1;
+    switch (value) {
+    case FOCUS_MODE_AUTO:
+        internalValue = ::FOCUS_MODE_AUTO;
+        m_touchAFMode = false;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::FOCUS_MODE_INFINITY;
+        m_touchAFMode = false;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::FOCUS_MODE_MACRO;
+        m_touchAFMode = false;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::FOCUS_MODE_CONTINOUS;
+        m_touchAFMode = false;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::FOCUS_MODE_TOUCH;
+        m_touchAFMode = true;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::FOCUS_MODE_FIXED;
+        m_touchAFMode = false;
+        break;
+    case FOCUS_MODE_EDOF:
+    default:
+        m_touchAFMode = false;
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Unsupported value(%d)", __func__, value);
+        return false;
+        break;
+    }
+    if (::FOCUS_MODE_MAX <= internalValue) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue (%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->focusMode != value) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->focusMode = value;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_FOCUS_MODE, internalValue) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setGpsAltitude(const char *gpsAltitude)
+    double conveted_altitude = 0;
+    if (gpsAltitude == NULL)
+        m_curCameraInfo->gpsAltitude = 0;
+    else {
+        conveted_altitude = atof(gpsAltitude);
+        m_curCameraInfo->gpsAltitude = (long)(conveted_altitude * 100 / 1);
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setGpsLatitude(const char *gpsLatitude)
+    double conveted_latitude = 0;
+    if (gpsLatitude == NULL)
+        m_curCameraInfo->gpsLatitude = 0;
+    else {
+        conveted_latitude = atof(gpsLatitude);
+        m_curCameraInfo->gpsLatitude = (long)(conveted_latitude * 10000 / 1);
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setGpsLongitude(const char *gpsLongitude)
+    double conveted_longitude = 0;
+    if (gpsLongitude == NULL)
+        m_curCameraInfo->gpsLongitude = 0;
+    else {
+        conveted_longitude = atof(gpsLongitude);
+        m_curCameraInfo->gpsLongitude = (long)(conveted_longitude * 10000 / 1);
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setGpsProcessingMethod(const char *gpsProcessingMethod)
+    memset(mExifInfo.gps_processing_method, 0, sizeof(mExifInfo.gps_processing_method));
+    if (gpsProcessingMethod != NULL) {
+        size_t len = strlen(gpsProcessingMethod);
+        if (len > sizeof(mExifInfo.gps_processing_method)) {
+            len = sizeof(mExifInfo.gps_processing_method);
+        }
+        memcpy(mExifInfo.gps_processing_method, gpsProcessingMethod, len);
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setGpsTimeStamp(const char *gpsTimestamp)
+    if (gpsTimestamp == NULL)
+        m_curCameraInfo->gpsTimestamp = 0;
+    else
+        m_curCameraInfo->gpsTimestamp = atol(gpsTimestamp);
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setJpegQuality(int quality)
+    if (quality < JPEG_QUALITY_MIN || JPEG_QUALITY_MAX < quality) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid quality (%d)", __func__, quality);
+        return false;
+    }
+    m_jpegQuality = quality;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setJpegThumbnailQuality(int quality)
+    if (quality < JPEG_QUALITY_MIN || JPEG_QUALITY_MAX < quality) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid quality (%d)", __func__, quality);
+        return false;
+    }
+    m_jpegThumbnailQuality = quality;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setJpegThumbnailSize(int w, int h)
+    m_curCameraInfo->thumbnailW = w;
+    m_curCameraInfo->thumbnailH = h;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setMeteringAreas(int num, ExynosRect *rects, int *weights)
+    if (m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumMeteringAreas == 0) {
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):maxNumMeteringAreas is 0. so, ignored", __func__);
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumMeteringAreas < num)
+        num = m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumMeteringAreas;
+    if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
+            if (   exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_METERING_POSITION_X, rects[i].x) < 0
+                && exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_METERING_POSITION_Y, rects[i].y) < 0
+                && exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_METERING_WINDOW_X,   rects[i].w) < 0
+                && exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_METERING_WINDOW_Y,   rects[i].h) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setMeteringAreas(int num, ExynosRect2 *rect2s, int *weights)
+    if (m_defaultCameraInfo->maxNumMeteringAreas == 0) {
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):maxNumMeteringAreas is 0. so, ignored", __func__);
+        return true;
+    }
+    bool ret = true;
+    ExynosRect *rects = new ExynosRect[num];
+    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
+        m_secRect22SecRect(&rect2s[i], &rects[i]);
+    /* FIXME: Currnetly HW dose not support metering area */
+    //ret = setMeteringAreas(num, rects, weights);
+    delete [] rects;
+    return ret;
+bool ExynosCamera::setPictureFormat(int colorFormat)
+    m_curCameraInfo->pictureColorFormat = colorFormat;
+#if defined(LOG_NDEBUG) && LOG_NDEBUG == 0
+    m_printFormat(m_curCameraInfo->pictureColorFormat, "PictureFormat");
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setPictureSize(int w, int h)
+    m_curCameraInfo->pictureW = w;
+    m_curCameraInfo->pictureH = h;
+    // HACK : Camera cannot support zoom. So, we must make max size picture w, h
+    m_curCameraInfo->pictureW = m_defaultCameraInfo->pictureW;
+    m_curCameraInfo->pictureH = m_defaultCameraInfo->pictureH;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setPreviewFormat(int colorFormat)
+    m_curCameraInfo->previewColorFormat = colorFormat;
+#if defined(LOG_NDEBUG) && LOG_NDEBUG == 0
+    m_printFormat(m_curCameraInfo->previewColorFormat, "PreviewtFormat");
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setPreviewFrameRate(int fps)
+    if (fps < FRAME_RATE_AUTO || FRAME_RATE_MAX < fps)
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid fps(%d)", __func__, fps);
+    if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->fps = fps;
+        if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_FRAME_RATE, fps) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setPreviewSize(int w, int h)
+    m_curCameraInfo->previewW = w;
+    m_curCameraInfo->previewH = h;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setRecordingHint(bool hint)
+    // TODO : fixed fps?
+    /* DIS is only possible recording hint is true. */
+    m_recordingHint = hint;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setRotation(int rotation)
+     if (rotation < 0) {
+         LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid rotation (%d)", __func__, rotation);
+         return false;
+     }
+     m_curCameraInfo->rotation = rotation;
+     return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getRotation(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->rotation;
+bool ExynosCamera::setSceneMode(int value)
+    int internalValue = -1;
+    switch (value) {
+    case SCENE_MODE_AUTO:
+        internalValue = ::SCENE_MODE_NONE;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::SCENE_MODE_PORTRAIT;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::SCENE_MODE_LANDSCAPE;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::SCENE_MODE_NIGHTSHOT;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::SCENE_MODE_BEACH_SNOW;
+        break;
+    case SCENE_MODE_SNOW:
+        internalValue = ::SCENE_MODE_BEACH_SNOW;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::SCENE_MODE_SUNSET;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::SCENE_MODE_FIREWORKS;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::SCENE_MODE_SPORTS;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::SCENE_MODE_PARTY_INDOOR;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::SCENE_MODE_CANDLE_LIGHT;
+        break;
+        internalValue = ::SCENE_MODE_TEXT;
+        break;
+    default:
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Unsupported value(%d)", __func__, value);
+        return false;
+        break;
+    }
+    if (internalValue <= ::SCENE_MODE_BASE || ::SCENE_MODE_MAX <= internalValue) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid value (%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->sceneMode != value) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->sceneMode = value;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_SCENE_MODE, internalValue) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setVideoStabilization(bool toggle)
+    m_curCameraInfo->videoStabilization = toggle;
+    if (m_previewDev->flagStart == true) {
+        if (m_curCameraInfo->applyVideoStabilization != toggle) {
+            int dis = (toggle == true) ? CAMERA_DIS_ON : CAMERA_DIS_OFF;
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_SET_DIS, dis) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            } else {
+                m_curCameraInfo->applyVideoStabilization = toggle;
+	    }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setWhiteBalance(int value)
+    int internalValue = -1;
+    switch (value) {
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = ::IS_AWB_AUTO;
+        else
+            internalValue = ::WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO;
+        break;
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = ::IS_AWB_TUNGSTEN;
+        else
+            internalValue = ::WHITE_BALANCE_TUNGSTEN;
+        break;
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = ::IS_AWB_FLUORESCENT;
+        else
+            internalValue = ::WHITE_BALANCE_FLUORESCENT;
+        break;
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = ::IS_AWB_DAYLIGHT;
+        else
+            internalValue = ::WHITE_BALANCE_SUNNY;
+        break;
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = ::IS_AWB_CLOUDY;
+        else
+            internalValue = ::WHITE_BALANCE_CLOUDY;
+        break;
+    default:
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Unsupported value(%d)", __func__, value);
+        return false;
+        break;
+    }
+    if (m_internalISP == true) {
+        if (internalValue < ::IS_AWB_AUTO || ::IS_AWB_MAX <= internalValue) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue(%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+            return false;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (internalValue <= ::WHITE_BALANCE_BASE || ::WHITE_BALANCE_MAX <= internalValue) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue(%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->whiteBalance != value) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->whiteBalance = value;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (m_internalISP == true) {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_AWB_MODE, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_WHITE_BALANCE, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setZoom(int value)
+    if (value < ZOOM_LEVEL_0 || ZOOM_LEVEL_MAX <= value) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid value (%d)", __func__, value);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->zoom != value) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->zoom = value;
+        if (m_defaultCameraInfo->hwZoomSupported == true) {
+            if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_ZOOM, value) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (m_setZoom(m_previewDev->fd, m_curCameraInfo->zoom, m_curCameraInfo->previewW, m_curCameraInfo->previewH) == false) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):m_setZoom(%d) fail", __func__, m_curCameraInfo->zoom);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::m_setWidthHeight(int mode,
+                                 int fd,
+                                 struct pollfd *event,
+                                 int w,
+                                 int h,
+                                 int colorFormat,
+                                 struct ExynosBuffer *buf,
+                                 bool *validBuf)
+    // Get and throw away the first frame since it is often garbled.
+    memset(event, 0, sizeof(struct pollfd));
+    event->fd = fd;
+    event->events = POLLIN | POLLERR;
+    int numOfBuf = 0;
+    for (int i = 0; i < VIDEO_MAX_FRAME; i++) {
+        if (buf[i].virt.p != NULL || buf[i].phys.p != 0) {
+            validBuf[i] = true;
+            numOfBuf++;
+        } else {
+            validBuf[i] = false;
+        }
+    }
+    struct v4l2_format v4l2_fmt;
+    struct v4l2_pix_format pixfmt;
+    unsigned int bpp;
+    unsigned int planes;
+    memset(&v4l2_fmt, 0, sizeof(struct v4l2_format));
+    memset(&pixfmt, 0, sizeof(pixfmt));
+    switch(mode) {
+    case PREVIEW_MODE:
+    case VIDEO_MODE:
+        v4l2_fmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+        V4L2_PIX_2_YUV_INFO(colorFormat, &bpp, &planes);
+        v4l2_fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width = w;
+        v4l2_fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height = h;
+        v4l2_fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = colorFormat;
+        v4l2_fmt.fmt.pix_mp.num_planes = planes;
+        if (exynos_v4l2_s_fmt(fd, &v4l2_fmt) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_fmt() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        break;
+    case PICTURE_MODE:
+        v4l2_fmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+        pixfmt.width = w;
+        pixfmt.height = h;
+        pixfmt.pixelformat = colorFormat;
+        if (pixfmt.pixelformat == V4L2_PIX_FMT_JPEG)
+            pixfmt.colorspace = V4L2_COLORSPACE_JPEG;
+        v4l2_fmt.fmt.pix = pixfmt;
+        if (exynos_v4l2_s_fmt(fd, &v4l2_fmt) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_fmt() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+        break;
+    default:
+        break;
+    }
+    struct v4l2_requestbuffers req;
+    req.count  = numOfBuf;
+    req.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+    if (exynos_v4l2_reqbufs(fd, &req) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_reqbufs(%d) fail", __func__, numOfBuf);
+        return false;
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i < VIDEO_MAX_FRAME; i++) {
+        if (validBuf[i] == true) {
+            struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf;
+            struct v4l2_plane planes[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+            v4l2_buf.m.planes = planes;
+            v4l2_buf.type     = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+            v4l2_buf.memory   = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+            v4l2_buf.index    = buf[i].reserved.p;
+            v4l2_buf.length   = 0;
+            for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+                v4l2_buf.m.planes[j].m.userptr = (unsigned long)buf[i].virt.extP[j];
+                v4l2_buf.m.planes[j].length   = buf[i].size.extS[j];
+                if (buf[i].size.extS[j] != 0)
+                    v4l2_buf.length++;
+            }
+            if (exynos_v4l2_qbuf(fd, &v4l2_buf) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_qbuf(%d) fail", __func__, i);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /*
+    m_currentZoom = -1;
+    if (m_setZoom(fd, m_curCameraInfo->zoom, w, h) == false)
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):m_setZoom(%d, %d) fail", __func__, mode, m_curCameraInfo->zoom);
+    */
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::m_setZoom(int fd, int zoom, int w, int h)
+    int ret = true;
+    if (m_currentZoom != zoom) {
+        m_currentZoom = zoom;
+        int real_zoom = 0;
+        if (m_defaultCameraInfo->hwZoomSupported == true)
+            real_zoom = 0; // just adjust ratio, not digital zoom.
+        else
+            real_zoom = zoom; // adjust ratio, digital zoom
+        ret = m_setCrop(fd, w, h, real_zoom);
+        if (ret == false)
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):m_setCrop(%d, %d) fail", __func__, w, h);
+    }
+    return ret;
+bool ExynosCamera::m_setCrop(int fd, int w, int h, int zoom)
+    v4l2_cropcap cropcap;
+    v4l2_crop crop;
+    unsigned int crop_x = 0;
+    unsigned int crop_y = 0;
+    unsigned int crop_w = 0;
+    unsigned int crop_h = 0;
+    cropcap.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
+    if (exynos_v4l2_cropcap(fd, &cropcap) < 0)  {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_cropcap() fail)", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    m_getCropRect(cropcap.bounds.width, cropcap.bounds.height,
+                  w,                    h,
+                  &crop_x,              &crop_y,
+                  &crop_w,              &crop_h,
+                  zoom);
+    cropcap.defrect.left   = crop_x;
+    cropcap.defrect.top    = crop_y;
+    cropcap.defrect.width  = crop_w;
+    cropcap.defrect.height = crop_h;
+    crop.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
+    crop.c    = cropcap.defrect;
+    if (exynos_v4l2_s_crop(fd, &crop) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_crop() fail(%d))", __func__, zoom);
+        return false;
+    }
+    /*
+    LOGD("## 1 w                     : %d", w);
+    LOGD("## 1 h                     : %d", h);
+    LOGD("## 1 zoom                  : %d", zoom);
+    LOGD("## 1 cropcap.bounds.w      : %d", cropcap.bounds.width);
+    LOGD("## 1 cropcap.bounds.h      : %d", cropcap.bounds.height);
+    LOGD("## 2 crop_x                : %d", crop_x);
+    LOGD("## 2 crop_y                : %d", crop_y);
+    LOGD("## 2 crop_w                : %d", crop_w);
+    LOGD("## 2 crop_h                : %d", crop_h);
+    LOGD("## 2 cropcap.defrect.left  : %d", cropcap.defrect.left);
+    LOGD("## 2 cropcap.defrect.top   : %d", cropcap.defrect.top);
+    LOGD("## 2 cropcap.defrect.width : %d", cropcap.defrect.width);
+    LOGD("## 2 cropcap.defrect.height: %d", cropcap.defrect.height);
+    */
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::m_getCropRect(unsigned int  src_w,  unsigned int   src_h,
+                              unsigned int  dst_w,  unsigned int   dst_h,
+                              unsigned int *crop_x, unsigned int *crop_y,
+                              unsigned int *crop_w, unsigned int *crop_h,
+                              int           zoom)
+    #define DEFAULT_ZOOM_RATIO        (4) // 4x zoom
+    #define DEFAULT_ZOOM_RATIO_SHIFT  (2)
+    int max_zoom = m_defaultCameraInfo->maxZoom;
+    *crop_w = src_w;
+    *crop_h = src_h;
+    if (   src_w != dst_w
+        || src_h != dst_h) {
+        float src_ratio = 1.0f;
+        float dst_ratio = 1.0f;
+        // ex : 1024 / 768
+        src_ratio = (float)src_w / (float)src_h;
+        // ex : 352  / 288
+        dst_ratio = (float)dst_w / (float)dst_h;
+        if (src_ratio != dst_ratio) {
+            if (src_ratio <= dst_ratio) {
+                // shrink h
+                *crop_w = src_w;
+                *crop_h = src_w / dst_ratio;
+            } else  { //(src_ratio > dst_ratio)
+                // shrink w
+                *crop_w = src_h * dst_ratio;
+                *crop_h = src_h;
+            }
+        }
+        if (zoom != 0) {
+            unsigned int zoom_w_step =
+                        (*crop_w - (*crop_w  >> DEFAULT_ZOOM_RATIO_SHIFT)) / max_zoom;
+            *crop_w  = *crop_w - (zoom_w_step * zoom);
+            unsigned int zoom_h_step =
+                        (*crop_h - (*crop_h >> DEFAULT_ZOOM_RATIO_SHIFT)) / max_zoom;
+            *crop_h = *crop_h - (zoom_h_step * zoom);
+        }
+    }
+    #define CAMERA_CROP_WIDTH_RESTRAIN_NUM  (0x10) // 16
+    unsigned int w_align = (*crop_w & (CAMERA_CROP_WIDTH_RESTRAIN_NUM - 1));
+    if (w_align != 0) {
+        if (  (CAMERA_CROP_WIDTH_RESTRAIN_NUM >> 1) <= w_align
+            && *crop_w + (CAMERA_CROP_WIDTH_RESTRAIN_NUM - w_align) <= dst_w) {
+            *crop_w += (CAMERA_CROP_WIDTH_RESTRAIN_NUM - w_align);
+        }
+        else
+            *crop_w -= w_align;
+    }
+    #define CAMERA_CROP_HEIGHT_RESTRAIN_NUM  (0x2) // 2
+    unsigned int h_align = (*crop_h & (CAMERA_CROP_HEIGHT_RESTRAIN_NUM - 1));
+    if (h_align != 0) {
+        if (  (CAMERA_CROP_HEIGHT_RESTRAIN_NUM >> 1) <= h_align
+            && *crop_h + (CAMERA_CROP_HEIGHT_RESTRAIN_NUM - h_align) <= dst_h) {
+            *crop_h += (CAMERA_CROP_HEIGHT_RESTRAIN_NUM - h_align);
+        }
+        else
+            *crop_h -= h_align;
+    }
+    *crop_x = (src_w - *crop_w) >> 1;
+    *crop_y = (src_h - *crop_h) >> 1;
+    return true;
+void ExynosCamera::m_setExifFixedAttribute(void)
+    char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX];
+    //2 0th IFD TIFF Tags
+    //3 Maker
+    property_get("ro.product.brand", property, EXIF_DEF_MAKER);
+    strncpy((char *)mExifInfo.maker, property,
+                sizeof(mExifInfo.maker) - 1);
+    mExifInfo.maker[sizeof(mExifInfo.maker) - 1] = '\0';
+    //3 Model
+    property_get("ro.product.model", property, EXIF_DEF_MODEL);
+    strncpy((char *)mExifInfo.model, property,
+                sizeof(mExifInfo.model) - 1);
+    mExifInfo.model[sizeof(mExifInfo.model) - 1] = '\0';
+    //3 Software
+    property_get("ro.build.id", property, EXIF_DEF_SOFTWARE);
+    strncpy((char *)mExifInfo.software, property,
+                sizeof(mExifInfo.software) - 1);
+    mExifInfo.software[sizeof(mExifInfo.software) - 1] = '\0';
+    //3 YCbCr Positioning
+    mExifInfo.ycbcr_positioning = EXIF_DEF_YCBCR_POSITIONING;
+    //2 0th IFD Exif Private Tags
+    //3 F Number
+    mExifInfo.fnumber.num = EXIF_DEF_FNUMBER_NUM;
+    mExifInfo.fnumber.den = EXIF_DEF_FNUMBER_DEN;
+    //3 Exposure Program
+    mExifInfo.exposure_program = EXIF_DEF_EXPOSURE_PROGRAM;
+    //3 Exif Version
+    memcpy(mExifInfo.exif_version, EXIF_DEF_EXIF_VERSION, sizeof(mExifInfo.exif_version));
+    //3 Aperture
+    uint32_t av = APEX_FNUM_TO_APERTURE((double)mExifInfo.fnumber.num/mExifInfo.fnumber.den);
+    mExifInfo.aperture.num = av*EXIF_DEF_APEX_DEN;
+    mExifInfo.aperture.den = EXIF_DEF_APEX_DEN;
+    //3 Maximum lens aperture
+    mExifInfo.max_aperture.num = mExifInfo.aperture.num;
+    mExifInfo.max_aperture.den = mExifInfo.aperture.den;
+    //3 Lens Focal Length
+    mExifInfo.focal_length.num = m_defaultCameraInfo->focalLengthNum;
+    mExifInfo.focal_length.den = m_defaultCameraInfo->focalLengthDen;
+    //3 User Comments
+    strcpy((char *)mExifInfo.user_comment, EXIF_DEF_USERCOMMENTS);
+    //3 Color Space information
+    mExifInfo.color_space = EXIF_DEF_COLOR_SPACE;
+    //3 Exposure Mode
+    mExifInfo.exposure_mode = EXIF_DEF_EXPOSURE_MODE;
+    //2 0th IFD GPS Info Tags
+    unsigned char gps_version[4] = { 0x02, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00 };
+    memcpy(mExifInfo.gps_version_id, gps_version, sizeof(gps_version));
+    //2 1th IFD TIFF Tags
+    mExifInfo.compression_scheme = EXIF_DEF_COMPRESSION;
+    mExifInfo.x_resolution.num = EXIF_DEF_RESOLUTION_NUM;
+    mExifInfo.x_resolution.den = EXIF_DEF_RESOLUTION_DEN;
+    mExifInfo.y_resolution.num = EXIF_DEF_RESOLUTION_NUM;
+    mExifInfo.y_resolution.den = EXIF_DEF_RESOLUTION_DEN;
+    mExifInfo.resolution_unit = EXIF_DEF_RESOLUTION_UNIT;
+void ExynosCamera::m_setExifChangedAttribute(exif_attribute_t *exifInfo, ExynosRect *rect)
+    //2 0th IFD TIFF Tags
+    //3 Width
+    exifInfo->width = rect->w;
+    //3 Height
+    exifInfo->height = rect->h;
+    //3 Orientation
+    switch (m_curCameraInfo->rotation) {
+    case 90:
+        exifInfo->orientation = EXIF_ORIENTATION_90;
+        break;
+    case 180:
+        exifInfo->orientation = EXIF_ORIENTATION_180;
+        break;
+    case 270:
+        exifInfo->orientation = EXIF_ORIENTATION_270;
+        break;
+    case 0:
+    default:
+        exifInfo->orientation = EXIF_ORIENTATION_UP;
+        break;
+    }
+    //3 Date time
+    time_t rawtime;
+    struct tm *timeinfo;
+    time(&rawtime);
+    timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);
+    strftime((char *)exifInfo->date_time, 20, "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S", timeinfo);
+    //2 0th IFD Exif Private Tags
+    //3 Exposure Time
+    int shutterSpeed = 100;
+    /* TBD - front camera needs to be fixed to support this g_ctrl,
+       it current returns a negative err value, so avoid putting
+       odd value into exif for now */
+    if (   exynos_v4l2_g_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_EXIF_SHUTTERSPEED, &shutterSpeed) < 0
+        || shutterSpeed < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_g_ctrl() fail, using 100", __func__);
+        shutterSpeed = 100;
+    }
+    exifInfo->exposure_time.num = 1;
+    // x us -> 1/x s */
+    exifInfo->exposure_time.den = (uint32_t)(1000000 / shutterSpeed);
+    //3 ISO Speed Rating
+    int iso = m_curCameraInfo->iso;
+    /* TBD - front camera needs to be fixed to support this g_ctrl,
+       it current returns a negative err value, so avoid putting
+       odd value into exif for now */
+    if (   exynos_v4l2_g_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_EXIF_ISO, &iso) < 0
+        || iso < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_g_ctrl() fail, using ISO_100", __func__);
+        iso = ISO_100;
+    }
+    switch (iso) {
+    case ISO_50:
+        exifInfo->iso_speed_rating = 50;
+        break;
+    case ISO_100:
+        exifInfo->iso_speed_rating = 100;
+        break;
+    case ISO_200:
+        exifInfo->iso_speed_rating = 200;
+        break;
+    case ISO_400:
+        exifInfo->iso_speed_rating = 400;
+        break;
+    case ISO_800:
+        exifInfo->iso_speed_rating = 800;
+        break;
+    case ISO_1600:
+        exifInfo->iso_speed_rating = 1600;
+        break;
+    default:
+        exifInfo->iso_speed_rating = 100;
+        break;
+    }
+    uint32_t av, tv, bv, sv, ev;
+    av = APEX_FNUM_TO_APERTURE((double)exifInfo->fnumber.num / exifInfo->fnumber.den);
+    tv = APEX_EXPOSURE_TO_SHUTTER((double)exifInfo->exposure_time.num / exifInfo->exposure_time.den);
+    sv = APEX_ISO_TO_FILMSENSITIVITY(exifInfo->iso_speed_rating);
+    bv = av + tv - sv;
+    ev = av + tv;
+    LOGD("Shutter speed=%d us, iso=%d", shutterSpeed, exifInfo->iso_speed_rating);
+    LOGD("AV=%d, TV=%d, SV=%d", av, tv, sv);
+    //3 Shutter Speed
+    exifInfo->shutter_speed.num = tv * EXIF_DEF_APEX_DEN;
+    exifInfo->shutter_speed.den = EXIF_DEF_APEX_DEN;
+    //3 Brightness
+    exifInfo->brightness.num = bv*EXIF_DEF_APEX_DEN;
+    exifInfo->brightness.den = EXIF_DEF_APEX_DEN;
+    //3 Exposure Bias
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->sceneMode == SCENE_MODE_BEACH ||
+        m_curCameraInfo->sceneMode == SCENE_MODE_SNOW) {
+        exifInfo->exposure_bias.num = EXIF_DEF_APEX_DEN;
+        exifInfo->exposure_bias.den = EXIF_DEF_APEX_DEN;
+    } else {
+        exifInfo->exposure_bias.num = 0;
+        exifInfo->exposure_bias.den = 0;
+    }
+    //3 Metering Mode
+    switch (m_curCameraInfo->metering) {
+        exifInfo->metering_mode = EXIF_METERING_CENTER;
+        break;
+        exifInfo->metering_mode = EXIF_METERING_MULTISPOT;
+        break;
+        exifInfo->metering_mode = EXIF_METERING_SPOT;
+        break;
+    default:
+        exifInfo->metering_mode = EXIF_METERING_AVERAGE;
+        break;
+    }
+    //3 Flash
+    int flash = EXIF_DEF_FLASH;
+    if (   m_curCameraInfo->flashMode == FLASH_MODE_OFF
+        || exynos_v4l2_g_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_EXIF_FLASH, &flash) < 0
+        || flash < 0)
+        exifInfo->flash = EXIF_DEF_FLASH;
+    else
+        exifInfo->flash = flash;
+    //3 White Balance
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->whiteBalance == WHITE_BALANCE_AUTO)
+        exifInfo->white_balance = EXIF_WB_AUTO;
+    else
+        exifInfo->white_balance = EXIF_WB_MANUAL;
+    //3 Scene Capture Type
+    switch (m_curCameraInfo->sceneMode) {
+        exifInfo->scene_capture_type = EXIF_SCENE_PORTRAIT;
+        break;
+        exifInfo->scene_capture_type = EXIF_SCENE_LANDSCAPE;
+        break;
+        exifInfo->scene_capture_type = EXIF_SCENE_NIGHT;
+        break;
+    default:
+        exifInfo->scene_capture_type = EXIF_SCENE_STANDARD;
+        break;
+    }
+    //2 0th IFD GPS Info Tags
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->gpsLatitude != 0 && m_curCameraInfo->gpsLongitude != 0) {
+        if (m_curCameraInfo->gpsLatitude > 0)
+            strcpy((char *)exifInfo->gps_latitude_ref, "N");
+        else
+            strcpy((char *)exifInfo->gps_latitude_ref, "S");
+        if (m_curCameraInfo->gpsLongitude > 0)
+            strcpy((char *)exifInfo->gps_longitude_ref, "E");
+        else
+            strcpy((char *)exifInfo->gps_longitude_ref, "W");
+        if (m_curCameraInfo->gpsAltitude > 0)
+            exifInfo->gps_altitude_ref = 0;
+        else
+            exifInfo->gps_altitude_ref = 1;
+        double latitude = fabs(m_curCameraInfo->gpsLatitude / 10000.0);
+        double longitude = fabs(m_curCameraInfo->gpsLongitude / 10000.0);
+        double altitude = fabs(m_curCameraInfo->gpsAltitude / 100.0);
+        exifInfo->gps_latitude[0].num = (uint32_t)latitude;
+        exifInfo->gps_latitude[0].den = 1;
+        exifInfo->gps_latitude[1].num = (uint32_t)((latitude - exifInfo->gps_latitude[0].num) * 60);
+        exifInfo->gps_latitude[1].den = 1;
+        exifInfo->gps_latitude[2].num = (uint32_t)((((latitude - exifInfo->gps_latitude[0].num) * 60)
+                                        - exifInfo->gps_latitude[1].num) * 60);
+        exifInfo->gps_latitude[2].den = 1;
+        exifInfo->gps_longitude[0].num = (uint32_t)longitude;
+        exifInfo->gps_longitude[0].den = 1;
+        exifInfo->gps_longitude[1].num = (uint32_t)((longitude - exifInfo->gps_longitude[0].num) * 60);
+        exifInfo->gps_longitude[1].den = 1;
+        exifInfo->gps_longitude[2].num = (uint32_t)((((longitude - exifInfo->gps_longitude[0].num) * 60)
+                                        - exifInfo->gps_longitude[1].num) * 60);
+        exifInfo->gps_longitude[2].den = 1;
+        exifInfo->gps_altitude.num = (uint32_t)altitude;
+        exifInfo->gps_altitude.den = 1;
+        struct tm tm_data;
+        gmtime_r(&m_curCameraInfo->gpsTimestamp, &tm_data);
+        exifInfo->gps_timestamp[0].num = tm_data.tm_hour;
+        exifInfo->gps_timestamp[0].den = 1;
+        exifInfo->gps_timestamp[1].num = tm_data.tm_min;
+        exifInfo->gps_timestamp[1].den = 1;
+        exifInfo->gps_timestamp[2].num = tm_data.tm_sec;
+        exifInfo->gps_timestamp[2].den = 1;
+        snprintf((char*)exifInfo->gps_datestamp, sizeof(exifInfo->gps_datestamp),
+                "%04d:%02d:%02d", tm_data.tm_year + 1900, tm_data.tm_mon + 1, tm_data.tm_mday);
+        exifInfo->enableGps = true;
+    } else {
+        exifInfo->enableGps = false;
+    }
+    //2 1th IFD TIFF Tags
+    exifInfo->widthThumb = m_curCameraInfo->thumbnailW;
+    exifInfo->heightThumb = m_curCameraInfo->thumbnailH;
+void ExynosCamera::m_secRect2SecRect2(ExynosRect *rect, ExynosRect2 *rect2)
+    rect2->x1 = rect->x;
+    rect2->y1 = rect->y;
+    rect2->x2 = rect->x + rect->w;
+    rect2->y2 = rect->y + rect->h;
+void ExynosCamera::m_secRect22SecRect(ExynosRect2 *rect2, ExynosRect *rect)
+    rect->x = rect2->x1;
+    rect->y = rect2->y1;
+    rect->w = rect2->x2 - rect2->x1;
+    rect->h = rect2->y2 - rect2->y1;
+void ExynosCamera::m_printFormat(int colorFormat, const char *arg)
+    switch (colorFormat) {
+    case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420:
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV420", arg);
+        break;
+    case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420:
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420", arg);
+        break;
+    case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420M:
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420M", arg);
+        break;
+    case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12M:
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12M", arg);
+        break;
+    case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12:
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12", arg);
+        break;
+    case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12T:
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12T", arg);
+        break;
+    case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21:
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV21", arg);
+        break;
+    case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV422P:
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV422PP", arg);
+        break;
+    case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV:
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV", arg);
+        break;
+    case V4L2_PIX_FMT_UYVY:
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):V4L2_PIX_FMT_UYVYI", arg);
+        break;
+    case V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB565:
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB565", arg);
+        break;
+    default:
+        LOGV("DEBUG(%s):Unknown Format", arg);
+        break;
+    }
+// Additional API.
+bool ExynosCamera::setAngle(int angle)
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->angle != angle) {
+        switch (angle) {
+        case -360:
+        case    0:
+        case  360:
+            m_curCameraInfo->angle = 0;
+            break;
+        case -270:
+        case   90:
+            m_curCameraInfo->angle = 90;
+            break;
+        case -180:
+        case  180:
+            m_curCameraInfo->angle = 180;
+            break;
+        case  -90:
+        case  270:
+            m_curCameraInfo->angle = 270;
+            break;
+        default:
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid angle(%d)", __func__, angle);
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_ROTATION, angle) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getAngle(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->angle;
+bool ExynosCamera::setISO(int iso)
+    int internalValue = -1;
+    switch (iso) {
+    case 50:
+        internalValue = ISO_50;
+        break;
+    case 100:
+        internalValue = ISO_100;
+        break;
+    case 200:
+        internalValue = ISO_200;
+        break;
+    case 400:
+        internalValue = ISO_400;
+        break;
+    case 800:
+        internalValue = ISO_800;
+        break;
+    case 1600:
+        internalValue = ISO_1600;
+        break;
+    case 0:
+    default:
+        internalValue = ISO_AUTO;
+        break;
+    }
+    if (internalValue < ISO_AUTO || ISO_MAX <= internalValue) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue (%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->iso != iso) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->iso = iso;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (m_internalISP == true) {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_ISO, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_ISO, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getISO(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->iso;
+bool ExynosCamera::setContrast(int value)
+    int internalValue = -1;
+    switch (value) {
+    case CONTRAST_AUTO:
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = ::IS_CONTRAST_AUTO;
+        else
+            LOGW("WARN(%s):Invalid contrast value (%d)", __func__, value);
+            return true;
+        break;
+    case CONTRAST_MINUS_2:
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = ::IS_CONTRAST_MINUS_2;
+        else
+            internalValue = ::CONTRAST_MINUS_2;
+        break;
+    case CONTRAST_MINUS_1:
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = ::IS_CONTRAST_MINUS_1;
+        else
+            internalValue = ::CONTRAST_MINUS_1;
+        break;
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = ::IS_CONTRAST_DEFAULT;
+        else
+            internalValue = ::CONTRAST_DEFAULT;
+        break;
+    case CONTRAST_PLUS_1:
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = ::IS_CONTRAST_PLUS_1;
+        else
+            internalValue = ::CONTRAST_PLUS_1;
+        break;
+    case CONTRAST_PLUS_2:
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = ::IS_CONTRAST_PLUS_2;
+        else
+            internalValue = ::CONTRAST_PLUS_2;
+        break;
+    default:
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Unsupported value(%d)", __func__, value);
+        return false;
+        break;
+    }
+    if (m_internalISP == true) {
+        if (internalValue < ::IS_CONTRAST_AUTO || ::IS_CONTRAST_MAX <= internalValue) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue (%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+            return false;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (internalValue < ::CONTRAST_MINUS_2 || ::CONTRAST_MAX <= internalValue) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue (%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->contrast != value) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->contrast = value;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (m_internalISP == true) {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_CONTRAST, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_CONTRAST, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getContrast(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->contrast;
+bool ExynosCamera::setSaturation(int saturation)
+    int internalValue = saturation + SATURATION_DEFAULT;
+    if (internalValue < SATURATION_MINUS_2 || SATURATION_MAX <= internalValue) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue (%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->saturation != saturation) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->saturation = saturation;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (m_internalISP == true) {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_SATURATION, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_SATURATION, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getSaturation(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->saturation;
+bool ExynosCamera::setSharpness(int sharpness)
+    int internalValue = sharpness + SHARPNESS_DEFAULT;
+    if (internalValue < SHARPNESS_MINUS_2 || SHARPNESS_MAX <= internalValue) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue (%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->sharpness != sharpness) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->sharpness = sharpness;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (m_internalISP == true) {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_SHARPNESS, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_SHARPNESS, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getSharpness(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->sharpness;
+bool ExynosCamera::setHue(int hue)
+    int internalValue = hue;
+    if (m_internalISP == true) {
+        internalValue += IS_HUE_DEFAULT;
+        if (internalValue < IS_HUE_MINUS_2 || IS_HUE_MAX <= internalValue) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid hue (%d)", __func__, hue);
+            return false;
+        }
+    } else {
+            LOGV("WARN(%s):Not supported hue setting", __func__);
+            return true;
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->hue != hue) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->hue = hue;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_HUE, internalValue) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getHue(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->hue;
+bool ExynosCamera::setWDR(bool toggle)
+    int internalWdr;
+    if (toggle == true) {
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalWdr = IS_DRC_BYPASS_ENABLE;
+        else
+            internalWdr = IS_DRC_BYPASS_DISABLE;
+    } else {
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalWdr = WDR_ON;
+        else
+            internalWdr = WDR_OFF;
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->wdr != toggle) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->wdr = toggle;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (m_internalISP == true) {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_SET_DRC, internalWdr) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_WDR, internalWdr) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::getWDR(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->wdr;
+bool ExynosCamera::setAntiShake(bool toggle)
+    int internalValue = ANTI_SHAKE_OFF;
+    if (toggle == true)
+        internalValue = ANTI_SHAKE_STILL_ON;
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->antiShake != toggle) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->antiShake = toggle;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_ANTI_SHAKE, internalValue) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::getAntiShake(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->antiShake;
+bool ExynosCamera::setMeteringMode(int value)
+    int internalValue = -1;
+    switch (value) {
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = IS_METERING_AVERAGE;
+        else
+            internalValue = METERING_MATRIX;
+        break;
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = IS_METERING_MATRIX;
+        else
+            internalValue = METERING_MATRIX;
+        break;
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = IS_METERING_CENTER;
+        else
+            internalValue = METERING_CENTER;
+        break;
+        if (m_internalISP == true)
+            internalValue = IS_METERING_SPOT;
+        else
+            internalValue = METERING_SPOT;
+        break;
+    default:
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Unsupported value(%d)", __func__, value);
+        return false;
+        break;
+    }
+    if (m_internalISP == true) {
+        if (internalValue < IS_METERING_AVERAGE || IS_METERING_MAX <= internalValue) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue (%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+            return false;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (internalValue <= METERING_BASE || METERING_MAX <= internalValue) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue (%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->metering != value) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->metering = value;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (m_internalISP == true) {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_METERING, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_METERING, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getMeteringMode(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->metering;
+bool ExynosCamera::setObjectTracking(bool toggle)
+    m_curCameraInfo->objectTracking = toggle;
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::getObjectTracking(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->objectTracking;
+bool ExynosCamera::setObjectTrackingStart(bool toggle)
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->objectTrackingStart != toggle) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->objectTrackingStart = toggle;
+        int startStop = (toggle == true) ? 1 : 0;
+        if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_OBJ_TRACKING_START_STOP, startStop) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getObjectTrackingStatus(void)
+    int ret = 0;
+    if (exynos_v4l2_g_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_OBJ_TRACKING_STATUS, &ret) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_g_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return ret;
+bool ExynosCamera::setObjectPosition(int x, int y)
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->previewW == 640)
+        x = x - 80;
+    if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_OBJECT_POSITION_X, x) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_OBJECT_POSITION_Y, y) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setTouchAFStart(bool toggle)
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->touchAfStart != toggle) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->touchAfStart = toggle;
+        int startStop = (toggle == true) ? 1 : 0;
+        if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_TOUCH_AF_START_STOP, startStop) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setSmartAuto(bool toggle)
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->smartAuto != toggle) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->smartAuto = toggle;
+        int smartAuto = (toggle == true) ? SMART_AUTO_ON : SMART_AUTO_OFF;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_SMART_AUTO, smartAuto) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::getSmartAuto(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->smartAuto;
+int ExynosCamera::getSmartAutoStatus(void)
+    int autoscene_status = -1;
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->smartAuto == true) {
+        if (exynos_v4l2_g_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_SMART_AUTO_STATUS, &autoscene_status) < 0) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_g_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+            return -1;
+        }
+        if ((autoscene_status < SMART_AUTO_STATUS_AUTO) || (autoscene_status > SMART_AUTO_STATUS_MAX)) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid getSmartAutoStatus (%d)", __func__, autoscene_status);
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
+    return autoscene_status;
+bool ExynosCamera::setBeautyShot(bool toggle)
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->beautyShot != toggle) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->beautyShot = toggle;
+        int beautyShot = (toggle == true) ? BEAUTY_SHOT_ON : BEAUTY_SHOT_OFF;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_BEAUTY_SHOT, beautyShot) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::getBeautyShot(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->beautyShot;
+bool ExynosCamera::setTopDownMirror(void)
+    if (m_previewDev->fd <= 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Camera was closed", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_VFLIP, 1) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setLRMirror(void)
+    if (m_previewDev->fd <= 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Camera was closed", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_HFLIP, 1) < 0) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::setBrightness(int brightness)
+    int internalValue = brightness;
+    if (m_internalISP == true) {
+        internalValue += IS_BRIGHTNESS_DEFAULT;
+        if (internalValue < IS_BRIGHTNESS_MINUS_2 || IS_BRIGHTNESS_PLUS_2 < internalValue) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue(%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+            return false;
+        }
+    } else {
+        internalValue += EV_DEFAULT;
+        if (internalValue < EV_MINUS_4 || EV_PLUS_4 < internalValue) {
+            LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid internalValue(%d)", __func__, internalValue);
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->brightness != brightness) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->brightness = brightness;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (m_internalISP == true) {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_BRIGHTNESS, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_BRIGHTNESS, internalValue) < 0) {
+                    LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                    return false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getBrightness(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->brightness;
+bool ExynosCamera::setGamma(bool toggle)
+     if (m_curCameraInfo->gamma != toggle) {
+         m_curCameraInfo->gamma = toggle;
+         int gamma = (toggle == true) ? GAMMA_ON : GAMMA_OFF;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+             if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_SET_GAMMA, gamma) < 0) {
+                 LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                 return false;
+             }
+         }
+     }
+     return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::getGamma(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->gamma;
+bool ExynosCamera::setODC(bool toggle)
+    if (m_previewDev->flagStart == true) {
+        if (m_curCameraInfo->odc != toggle) {
+            m_curCameraInfo->odc = toggle;
+            int odc = (toggle == true) ? CAMERA_ODC_ON : CAMERA_ODC_OFF;
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_SET_ODC, odc) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+     return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::getODC(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->odc;
+bool ExynosCamera::setSlowAE(bool toggle)
+     if (m_curCameraInfo->slowAE != toggle) {
+         m_curCameraInfo->slowAE = toggle;
+         int slow_ae = (toggle == true) ? SLOW_AE_ON : SLOW_AE_OFF;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_SET_SLOW_AE, slow_ae) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+         }
+     }
+     return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::getSlowAE(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->slowAE;
+bool ExynosCamera::setShotMode(int shotMode)
+    if (shotMode < SHOT_MODE_SINGLE || SHOT_MODE_SELF < shotMode) {
+        LOGE("ERR(%s):Invalid shotMode (%d)", __func__, shotMode);
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (m_curCameraInfo->shotMode != shotMode) {
+        m_curCameraInfo->shotMode = shotMode;
+        if (m_flagCreate == true) {
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_IS_CAMERA_SHOT_MODE_NORMAL, shotMode) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return true;
+int ExynosCamera::getShotMode(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->shotMode;
+bool ExynosCamera::set3DNR(bool toggle)
+    if (m_previewDev->flagStart == true) {
+        if (m_curCameraInfo->tdnr != toggle) {
+            m_curCameraInfo->tdnr = toggle;
+            int tdnr = (toggle == true) ? CAMERA_3DNR_ON : CAMERA_3DNR_OFF;
+            if (exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl(m_previewDev->fd, V4L2_CID_CAMERA_SET_3DNR, tdnr) < 0) {
+                LOGE("ERR(%s):exynos_v4l2_s_ctrl() fail", __func__);
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+     return true;
+bool ExynosCamera::get3DNR(void)
+    return m_curCameraInfo->tdnr;
+}; // namespace android