Major bug fixing in EventInfo and EditEvent

In EventInfo/Popup:
Fixed reminders and response
Set a fixed height
Renamed Edit event button to Open event in the Event popup
Enabled Open event button unless it's a free/busy calendar
Removed action bar buttons in Event popup
Disallow reminders for busy/free calendars
TODO: Update UI only if everything is loaded

In Edit Event:
Switch to side-by-side label format
Have everything ready before removing "Loading" msg
Added organizer
Restrict adding of attendees:
  For non-organizers, write permission to the calendar is sufficient.
  For organizers, the user needs a) write permission to the calendar
    AND b) ownerCanRespond == true AND c) attendee data exist
    (this means num of attendees > 1, the calendar owner's and others).
TODO: Attendees do not always show up. Need to switch from listview to linear layout
TODO: Move to one column format for portrait in EditEvent

Turned on Holo.light theme but the light version isn't ready in the framework yet.
Removed dependency to android.test.runner


Change-Id: I4a25fecf3ade6a7924ba7b55801daced3dca6fa7
11 files changed