am 34418a3f: Merge \'goog/ics-ub-calendar-fuchsia\' into klp-dev

* commit '34418a3f2c915bd83c3976198c1d51fac98a6d62':
  Allow app to upgrade database on install.
  Force a manual, incremental sync one time, as early as possible.
  Adding requiredAccountType attribute into fuchsia (DO NOT MERGE)
  Use the correct version code check for K.
  Use the holodark assets/ colors instead of hololight
  More calendar de-blueing
  Calendar deblueing
  Adding additional assets.
  Fix AOSP Calendar build
  New xxhdpi assets
  Abort onClick if no Window Focus
  Support PreferenceActivity.isValidFragment
  Use setExact on K and up only.
  Remove negative margin fron all day label
  Call build() on the Builder, not the Style.
  Process RSVP Intent Without Event Editor