Unify orientation calculation logic.

Camera API takes clockwise degrees for JPEG rotation and
OrientationEventListener reports clockwise device orientation.
The easiest formula of calculating output image rotation degree is:
    "camera sensor orientation" + "device orientation"

Since front cameras face in opposite direction. The result needs to be mirrored
for front camera.

Detailed changes:
* Refactor OrientationManager to remove unnecessary complexity.
  * Add OrientationManager.DeviceOrientation enum and
  * Remove CameraUtil.roundOrientation.
  * Fix the weird calculation which is hard to understand in
    CameraUtil.getJpegRotation and add CameraUtil.getImageRotation
* Clean up image rotation logic in all modules:
  * Always look up the current device orientation via OrientationManager.getDeviceOrientation
  * Fix the doc for copyImagePlaneToBitmap() which actually rotates image
* Clean up CameraActivity:
  * Remove CameraActivity.onOrientationChanged and
    ModuleController.onOrientationChanged. Any individual module which
    wants to listen orientation change should register itself to
    OrientationManager. Now only VideoModule needs to do that.

Bug: 17443789
Change-Id: I6d54cac5bde950acae0c3226448c27a816266df0
12 files changed