Changes the picture size settings to L,M,S from concrete resolutions.

  Bug: 12575084
  Bug: 12717251

The strategy in detail:
- Sort all available sizes
- For 'large', select the resolution with the most pixels.
- Use the 'large' resolution aspect ratio as the target AR.
- Create a list of resolutions with AR close to 'large'.
- If only two more are available, use them for medium and small.
- If less are available, boarden the search in complete list.
- Again, if only two more are available, use them for medium and small.
- Otherwise find medium resolution with total pixels closest to  50% of 'large' and ...
  small as 25% of 'large' pixels.
- If they both come out the same, select either one small for 'small' or one larger
  for 'medium'.

Change-Id: Ib94fdf0ce987968bccd85abbf5be7bdaa914325f
8 files changed