New capture indicator design for Haleakala.

  * Introduce RoundedThumbnailView and retire PeekView.
  * Rename BottomBarModeOptionsWrapper to StickyBottomCaptureLayout.
  * Verified on K and L devices.

Thumbnail cropping:
  * 100% width and vertically centered for portrait.
  * 100% height and horizontally centered for landscape.

General behavior spec:
* Hide the capture indicatorby fading out using fast_out_linear_in (150ms):
  1) User open filmstrip.
  2) User switch module.
  3) User switch front/back camera.
  4) User close app.

Behavior spec for non-photo modules:
* Photosphere is stripped of UI so there is no need to show capture
  indicator. When a photo sphere is taken (and user is in another mode),
  the preview frame used in filmstrip is used in the capture indicator.
* Video: show in viewfinder prior or after capture. Hide during capture.
  When a video is taken, the preview frame used in filmstrip is used in
  the capture indicator.
* Panorama: Show in viewfinder prior or after capture. Hide during
  capture. When a panorama is taken, the preview frame used in filmstrip
  is used in the capture indicator.
* Lens blue: Show in viewfinder prior or after capture. Hide during
  capture. When a lens blur is taken, the preview frame used in filmstrip
  is used in the capture indicator.

Visual spec:
A 12dp spacing between mode option overlay and thumbnail.
1. A circular mask that excludes the corners of the preview image.
2. A solid white layer that sits on top of the preview and is also masked
   by (1).
3. The preview image.
4. A 'ripple' which is just a white circular stroke.

Animation spec:
(1) only the scale animates, from 50%(24dp) to 114%(54dp) in 200ms then
    falls back to 100%(48dp) in 200ms. Both steps use the same easing:
(2) opacity, from 50% to 0% over 150ms, easing is exponential.
(3) doesn't animate.
(4) starts animating after 100ms, when (1) is at its peak radius and all
    animations take 200ms, using linear_out_slow in. Opacity goes from 40%
    to 0%, radius goes from 40dp to 70dp, stroke width goes from 5dp to 1dp.

Bug: 18317565
Change-Id: Ib8d4f065b98fc3b9b0b627633232ce8cee96eb61
15 files changed