Remove onPreDrawListener logic

A bug in the PreDrawListener code was causing it to not be removed
from the ViewTreeObserver. This means that everytime a view was
rebound, another onPreDraw listener callback would be added but
never removed.

Compounding the problem is that in each callback, a costly
permission check via IPC is done, causing each frame to slow down
increasingly as more views are bound.

In practice, these PreDrawListeners are no longer needed as they were
only used to prime the Contact info query thread, which happens via
other code paths anyway.

Bug: 22759147
Change-Id: Ica2a31c0849c2eb34ac6f77d49cf23cbe32c6941
1 file changed
tree: 39a59107b2d33feb1b99c444f36ea19ac150987d
  1. res/
  2. src/
  3. tests/
  5. AndroidManifest.xml
  6. proguard.flags