IMS-VT: Multiple video call fixes/optimizations.

-Current implementation clears primary call cache upon exiting
 video mode. This will remove video call provider interface as
 well, which will prevent further communication with the backend.

 Don't clear primary call cache upon exiting video mode.

-Unregister call details listener when UI transitions into
 unready state

-Send surface of incoming video to video call provider before
 opening camera.

Change-Id: Ic2943b0415c027e4c643b0bda87ecc3b1f1582b5
CRs-Fixed: 781096
1 file changed
tree: d3c4d9613a2153c6957600fe5e7eb74ecf22f7a1
  1. res/
  2. src/
  3. proguard.flags