Offer to delete broken promise icons.

Track state of promise in the info, not the view.
Fix bugs around moving promises to folders.
Fix bugs around filterign and removing promises.

Bug: 12764789
Change-Id: If5e8b6d315e463154b5bafe8aef7ef4f9889bb95
diff --git a/res/values/strings.xml b/res/values/strings.xml
index ad3a1c4..b7f4505 100644
--- a/res/values/strings.xml
+++ b/res/values/strings.xml
@@ -277,4 +277,21 @@
     <string name="package_state_unknown">Unknown</string>
     <!-- Label on an icon that references an uninstalled package, for which restore from market has failed. [CHAR_LIMIT=15] -->
     <string name="package_state_error">Not restored</string>
+    <!-- Button for abandoned promises dialog, that removes all abandoned promise icons. -->
+    <string name="abandoned_clean_all">Remove All</string>
+    <!-- Button for abandoned promises dialog, to removes this abandoned promise icon. -->
+    <string name="abandoned_clean_this">Remove</string>
+    <!-- Button for abandoned promise dialog, to search in the market for the missing package. -->
+    <string name="abandoned_search">Search</string>
+    <!-- Title for abandoned promise dialog. -->
+    <string name="abandoned_promises_title">This Package is not Installed</string>
+    <!-- Explanation for abandoned promise dialog. -->
+    <plurals name="abandoned_promises_explanation">
+        <item quantity="one">The package for this icon is not installed.  You many remove it, or
+            attempt to search for the package and install it manually.</item>
+        <item quantity="other">The package for this icon is not installed.  You many remove all
+            similarly broken icons, remove only this icon, or attempt to search for the package and
+            install it manually.</item>
+    </plurals>