Enabling accessible drag and drop

-> Using the context menu, and a new two stage system, this allows
   users to curate icons and widgets on the workspace
-> Move icons / widgets to any empty cell on any existing screen, or
   create a new screen (appended to the right, as with regular drag
   and drop)
-> Move icons into existing folders
-> Create folders by moving an icon onto another icon
-> Also added confirmations for these and some existing accessibility actions

-> Currently, no support for drag and drop in folders
-> Considering moving the drag view so it doesn't occlude any
   content (in particular, when user changes pages)
-> In this mode, accessibility framework seems to have
   problems with the next / prev operations

Bug: 18482913

Change-Id: I19b0be9dc8bfa766d430408c8ad9303c716b89b2
diff --git a/Android.mk b/Android.mk
index 632dd09..5267469 100644
--- a/Android.mk
+++ b/Android.mk
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
 LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS := optional
+LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES := android-support-v4
 LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src) \
     $(call all-java-files-under, WallpaperPicker/src) \
     $(call all-renderscript-files-under, src) \