Changing the point where the call state is set.

The reason speakerphone was not working while the call was dialing was
because the call went from state DIALING -> DIALING, which was not seen
as a state change, which meant that the call was not updated in the audio
manager, resulting there being no audio focus.

Note this is related to changes made in CL/518284. 

Bug: 16978516
Change-Id: I7b2be0ec21c484f6fbd767055e5e9afefbb526e2
2 files changed
tree: ee33df2c5e11ac7f0c0a9a1d05d554987b6e3b88
  1. libs/
  2. res/
  3. src/
  4. tests/
  5. .classpath
  6. .project
  8. AndroidManifest.xml