Update binaries for MIPS support + GPU fixes

This patch updates the emulator prebuilt binaries to include
various useful fixes, plus other refactoring changes. For full
details, see the content of README. Short summary:

  - Misc GPU emulation library fixes.

  - MIPS support fixes for Android 5.0 (Lollipop) emulation.
    (note that several ART patches are also needed).

  - Add *experimental* -code-profile option.

  - Prevent random EXT4 corruption when the emulator exits.
    Note that this unfortunately affects write performance
    in HAXM/KVM mode significantly.

  - Fixed minor typo in OS X binary search path.

Change-Id: I3f5325ac8d761de7cb78b8bef7e1622f95e3f5eb
27 files changed
tree: 35e01c20ed20b98b5b08cce9960128519c9004f4
  1. darwin-x86_64/
  2. linux-x86_64/
  3. windows/
  4. .gitignore