Handle code_cache dir creation in libnativebridge


- add kPreInitiliazed state to native bridge with check transition:
- made sure we free the memory for the code_cache_path
- tidy up some error messages
- tidy up tests
- add a dummy native bridge to test with

Bug: 18027433
Bug: 18097480

Change-Id: I39f74c93580f2e224080dd3df2ffaa9cf9f8cd9c
diff --git a/include/nativebridge/native_bridge.h b/include/nativebridge/native_bridge.h
index ac254e9..523dc49 100644
--- a/include/nativebridge/native_bridge.h
+++ b/include/nativebridge/native_bridge.h
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 // Do the early initialization part of the native bridge, if necessary. This should be done under
 // high privileges.
-void PreInitializeNativeBridge(const char* app_data_dir, const char* instruction_set);
+bool PreInitializeNativeBridge(const char* app_data_dir, const char* instruction_set);
 // Initialize the native bridge, if any. Should be called by Runtime::DidForkFromZygote. The JNIEnv*
 // will be used to modify the app environment for the bridge.