Use AndroidBuilder to build basic APK.

Notable changes:
- AndroidBuilder now receives ProjectFlavorHolder and
  BuildTypeHolder. This both contains the flavor/type
  themselves but also implements PathProvider to
  provide the needed path.
- The [ProductFlavor/BuildType]Dimension implements
  the Holder classes to provide those paths
- Moved to using the AndroidBuilder. It is created
  by the ConfigureVariant task and set in the plugin
  through the AndroidBasePlugin (will be used by
  both plugins) and queried by the tasks with a simple
- Updated the mergeManifest, crunchRes, processRes,
  dex and packageApp tasks to use the AndroidBuilder.

The tasks to create test apps haven't been touched yet.

Known issues:
- AndroidBuilderProvider will not work for builds that
  create more than one APK.
- Because some inputs are not explicit in some tasks
  (they are figured out automatically on the
  AndroidBuilder side, touching some files will not
  trigger new builds. The task's TaskInputs object
  needs to be manipulated to help with this. This
  will be needed for the inputs coming from library
  dependencies as well anyway.

Change-Id: I7f9ca428ce2048ce92ed780367db0aaf01f6350b
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 6e31dc8..2c9c85e 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@