FPII-2563: Sync Hiccup with upstream version

HIC-27: Fix wizard behaviour

Wizard was showing twice because activity did not get dissabled properly.

Change-Id: I72dab8320361c561830b4c70b38f1a335e334cc3

HIC-28: Fix Settings last sync behaviour

Because of timezones etc. the uninitialized last sync date is not necessarily
1970-01-01. Use a more general check.

Change-Id: Ia2c4604f37d0026eed468f72af077af7dbb7e638

HIC-26: Import translations from weblate

Also change formatting for the different lagnuages.

Change-Id: Id5e48693e03bc237592b6b8b0af61e03c18894ad
14 files changed