Wlan: Fix the Probe req aging time and Flush BD's if WDA TX timeout.

In case MC Thread is stalled on transmission of Probe response if
firmware resources (BD/PDU) are stuck in BTQM, too many probe reqs
may get accumulated in PE message queue.

Now when MC thread is scheduled after WDA_TL_TX_FRAME_TIMEOUT,
probe req are processed and eWNI_SME_MGMT_FRM_IND msg is
posted in SME message queue. But unless PE queue is fully processed
SME queue wont be processed.

This will gradually use all vos message wrapper.

To avoid this below changes are done:
1) Change the Probe request aging to 500 msec
   (current value is 50000 msec).
2) Flush the BD's if WDA TX timeout happens.

Change-Id: I43be64c096bf4837bcb04c50998c274b1d74b73b
CRs-Fixed: 942678
2 files changed
tree: 64adce54965d5f95016c04d4b64c170e2e5117e1
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile