wlan: Update countryCode11d with countryCodeDefault at boot up time.

During driver initialization coutryCode11d is initialized as NULL.
When driver is being loaded again; in sme_HandleChangeCountryCodeByUser
API pMsg->countryCode will be having old country code and
pMac->scan.countryCode11d will be having NULL.
At the time of load time; driver is trying to set the country
code in sme_HandleChangeCountryCodeByUser, driver will call
regulatory hint with NULL country code.
As there is no NULL country code in db.txt; due to mismatch
it will take 3 sec to call world reg domain.
Fixing this issue by initializing countryCode11d with
countryCodeDefault in csrInitChannels.

CRs-Fixed: 697290
Change-Id: I184da8449157af4dcfa266301d5003bce9ee6687
2 files changed
tree: 333b2b71c0ddd373e7f22998c080688e02d82971
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile