wlan: If parsing fails for the beacon after connect, parse TIM IE.

In case AP is sending malformed beacons, the currunt firmware drops
it and thus Host does not receive any beacon after the connection.
Due to this Host could not enter the BMPS and battery is drained.

To avoid this, now the firmware will send the first beacon to host
even if it is marformed but have the TIM IE.
To handle these marformed beacons in the host, even if parsing
fails, try to extract the TIM params and timestamp from the beacon,
required to enter BMPS.

CRs-Fixed: 782493
Change-Id: Iab8717657127314f141ee8f5e77b7a5a71c919a4
4 files changed
tree: d0a8d0dfd6b884dffba4979397924be7a5d33468
  1. CORE/
  2. firmware_bin/
  3. riva/
  4. Android.mk
  5. Kbuild
  6. Kconfig
  7. Makefile