wlan: Start WCNSS service daemon

The primary job of this daemon is to collect the calibrated data
recieved from WCNSS FW thru platform driver; and save it to a
file. And pass this stored calibrated data to firmware, when the
device boots next time.

Change-Id: I1e7e66e7b68c225aa7212282a3177bcc77dce163
diff --git a/init.target.rc b/init.target.rc
index 8cc5e3c..195f6a5 100644
--- a/init.target.rc
+++ b/init.target.rc
@@ -143,3 +143,13 @@
 on property:sys.ims.DATA_DAEMON_STATUS=1
     start ims_rtp_daemon
+service wcnss-service /system/bin/wcnss_service
+   class late_start
+   user system
+   group system wifi
+   disabled
+   oneshot
+on property:wlan.driver.ath=0
+    start wcnss-service