Contributing to Fairphone Checkup

Make sure to have a look at the file, it explains the development workflow for this project.

All contributions and bugs can be submitted in our bug tracker. Even small issues such as spelling mistakes can be made into a bug.

Note: Testing the app on a Fairphone 2 running a public release requires 1) signing the app with the Fairphone key, or 2) changing the package name to install it as a separate app.


Note: We assume that the remote repository of Fairphone is called origin.

Make sure that you have the latest changes available: git fetch origin --tags

List the official release: git tag

Check out the version you want to build, e.g. release-1.2.3: git checkout release-1.2.3

Build: ./gradlew clean build

The unsigned app packages (release and debug) are located in app/build/outputs/apk. Test and lint reports are generated and located in app/build/reports/.


Note: We assume that the remote repository of Fairphone is called origin.

Make sure that you have the latest changes available: git fetch origin --tags

Branch off of origin/master (replace master by a release branch to work on a hotfix): git checkout -b <branch name> --track origin/master

Develop and play around. Commit.

Build: ./gradlew clean build

Push your changes for review (again, replace master by the branch you were working on): git push HEAD:refs/for/master

Or, if you have git-review installed: git review --remote origin --track <branch name>