
The calibration algorithm is documented in the CalibrationActivity file.


The app version (a.k.a Version Code) is based on the following scheme:

  • Major version number
  • Minor version number
  • Release status number (snapshot/release candidate/public release)

The rules are as follow:

  • The major version uses two digits
  • The minor version uses two digits
  • The release status uses two digits
  • The major version should be bumped when introducing new features
  • The minor version should be bumped whenever there is a (simple/hot) fix
  • The release status must be 0 while developing (snapshot)
  • The release status must be in [1;98] while testing releases (release candidate)
  • The release status must be 99 for a public release

The readable app version (a.k.a Version Name) is based on the app version with the following schemes:

  • Snapshots are named after <major version>.<minor version>-SNAPSHOT
  • Release candidates are named after <major version>.<minor version>-RC<release status>
  • Public releases are named after <major version>.<minor version>

TODO: implement an automatic translation from app version to readable app version

TODO: implement an automatic version bumping task when pushing/merging/integrating features/fixes