libqdutils: delay the close of fd handle

During surfaceflinger initialization, the first fb open
call comes from the MDP version check.   The MDPVersion
class implements a singleton object, which open and close
the fb device.  This initial fb open and close will trigger
the kernel driver to turn on and off the display, which
results two side effects: 1) extra delay in the display on,
2) one flicker when the display is turned on and off.
The change is to close the fd handle in the destructor.

Change-Id: I2ee5cfc78cbb613ed1326d9f7c26cbca97406163
diff --git a/libqdutils/mdp_version.h b/libqdutils/mdp_version.h
index e26f4d3..316899f 100644
--- a/libqdutils/mdp_version.h
+++ b/libqdutils/mdp_version.h
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
-    ~MDPVersion() { }
+    ~MDPVersion();
     int getMDPVersion() {return mMDPVersion;}
     char getPanelType() {return mPanelType;}
     bool hasOverlay() {return mHasOverlay;}
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
     int getLeftSplit() { return mSplit.left(); }
     int getRightSplit() { return mSplit.right(); }
+    int mFd;
     int mMDPVersion;
     char mPanelType;
     bool mHasOverlay;