mm-video-v4l2: format and indent mm-video-v4l2 code

This change will uniformly indent all of
mm-video-v4l2 code.

Change-Id: If3c0c4e61cac688d7d7b3a3d3de28b67cd5abf31
diff --git a/mm-video-v4l2/vidc/vdec/src/omx_vdec_msm8974.cpp b/mm-video-v4l2/vidc/vdec/src/omx_vdec_msm8974.cpp
index e04cb0c..1cc9e01 100644
--- a/mm-video-v4l2/vidc/vdec/src/omx_vdec_msm8974.cpp
+++ b/mm-video-v4l2/vidc/vdec/src/omx_vdec_msm8974.cpp
@@ -121,9 +121,9 @@
 #ifdef _ANDROID_
-    extern "C"{
-        #include<utils/Log.h>
-    }
+extern "C" {
 #define SZ_4K 0x1000
@@ -136,163 +136,158 @@
 void* async_message_thread (void *input)
-  struct v4l2_plane plane[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
-  struct pollfd pfd;
-  struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf;
-  memset((void *)&v4l2_buf,0,sizeof(v4l2_buf));
-  struct v4l2_event dqevent;
-  omx_vdec *omx = reinterpret_cast<omx_vdec*>(input);
-  pfd.fd = omx->drv_ctx.video_driver_fd;
-  int error_code = 0,rc=0,bytes_read = 0,bytes_written = 0;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("omx_vdec: Async thread start\n");
-  prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"VideoDecCallBackThread", 0, 0, 0);
-  while (1)
-  {
-    rc = poll(&pfd, 1, POLL_TIMEOUT);
-    if (!rc) {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Poll timedout\n");
-      break;
-    } else if (rc < 0) {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Error while polling: %d\n", rc);
-      break;
+    struct v4l2_plane plane[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+    struct pollfd pfd;
+    struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf;
+    memset((void *)&v4l2_buf,0,sizeof(v4l2_buf));
+    struct v4l2_event dqevent;
+    omx_vdec *omx = reinterpret_cast<omx_vdec*>(input);
+    pfd.fd = omx->drv_ctx.video_driver_fd;
+    int error_code = 0,rc=0,bytes_read = 0,bytes_written = 0;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("omx_vdec: Async thread start\n");
+    prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"VideoDecCallBackThread", 0, 0, 0);
+    while (1) {
+        rc = poll(&pfd, 1, POLL_TIMEOUT);
+        if (!rc) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Poll timedout\n");
+            break;
+        } else if (rc < 0) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Error while polling: %d\n", rc);
+            break;
+        }
+        if ((pfd.revents & POLLIN) || (pfd.revents & POLLRDNORM)) {
+            struct vdec_msginfo vdec_msg;
+            v4l2_buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+            v4l2_buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+            v4l2_buf.length = omx->drv_ctx.num_planes;
+            v4l2_buf.m.planes = plane;
+            while (!ioctl(pfd.fd, VIDIOC_DQBUF, &v4l2_buf)) {
+                vdec_msg.msgcode=VDEC_MSG_RESP_OUTPUT_BUFFER_DONE;
+                vdec_msg.status_code=VDEC_S_SUCCESS;
+                vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.client_data=(void*)&v4l2_buf;
+                vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.len=plane[0].bytesused;
+                vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.bufferaddr=(void*)plane[0].m.userptr;
+                vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.time_stamp= ((uint64_t)v4l2_buf.timestamp.tv_sec * (uint64_t)1000000) +
+                    (uint64_t)v4l2_buf.timestamp.tv_usec;
+                if (vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.len) {
+                    vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.framesize.left = plane[0].reserved[2];
+           = plane[0].reserved[3];
+                    vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right = plane[0].reserved[4];
+                    vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom = plane[0].reserved[5];
+                }
+                if (omx->async_message_process(input,&vdec_msg) < 0) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n async_message_thread Exited  \n");
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if ((pfd.revents & POLLOUT) || (pfd.revents & POLLWRNORM)) {
+            struct vdec_msginfo vdec_msg;
+            v4l2_buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
+            v4l2_buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+            v4l2_buf.length = 1;
+            v4l2_buf.m.planes = plane;
+            while (!ioctl(pfd.fd, VIDIOC_DQBUF, &v4l2_buf)) {
+                vdec_msg.msgcode=VDEC_MSG_RESP_INPUT_BUFFER_DONE;
+                vdec_msg.status_code=VDEC_S_SUCCESS;
+                vdec_msg.msgdata.input_frame_clientdata=(void*)&v4l2_buf;
+                if (omx->async_message_process(input,&vdec_msg) < 0) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n async_message_thread Exited  \n");
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if (pfd.revents & POLLPRI) {
+            rc = ioctl(pfd.fd, VIDIOC_DQEVENT, &dqevent);
+            if (dqevent.type == V4L2_EVENT_MSM_VIDC_PORT_SETTINGS_CHANGED_INSUFFICIENT ) {
+                struct vdec_msginfo vdec_msg;
+                vdec_msg.msgcode=VDEC_MSG_EVT_CONFIG_CHANGED;
+                vdec_msg.status_code=VDEC_S_SUCCESS;
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n VIDC Port Reconfig recieved insufficient\n");
+                if (omx->async_message_process(input,&vdec_msg) < 0) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n async_message_thread Exited  \n");
+                    break;
+                }
+            } else if (dqevent.type == V4L2_EVENT_MSM_VIDC_FLUSH_DONE) {
+                struct vdec_msginfo vdec_msg;
+                vdec_msg.msgcode=VDEC_MSG_RESP_FLUSH_INPUT_DONE;
+                vdec_msg.status_code=VDEC_S_SUCCESS;
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("VIDC Input Flush Done Recieved \n");
+                if (omx->async_message_process(input,&vdec_msg) < 0) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n async_message_thread Exited  \n");
+                    break;
+                }
+                vdec_msg.msgcode=VDEC_MSG_RESP_FLUSH_OUTPUT_DONE;
+                vdec_msg.status_code=VDEC_S_SUCCESS;
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("VIDC Output Flush Done Recieved \n");
+                if (omx->async_message_process(input,&vdec_msg) < 0) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n async_message_thread Exited  \n");
+                    break;
+                }
+            } else if (dqevent.type == V4L2_EVENT_MSM_VIDC_CLOSE_DONE) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n VIDC Close Done Recieved and async_message_thread Exited \n");
+                break;
+            } else if (dqevent.type == V4L2_EVENT_MSM_VIDC_SYS_ERROR) {
+                struct vdec_msginfo vdec_msg;
+                vdec_msg.msgcode=VDEC_MSG_EVT_HW_ERROR;
+                vdec_msg.status_code=VDEC_S_SUCCESS;
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n SYS Error Recieved \n");
+                if (omx->async_message_process(input,&vdec_msg) < 0) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n async_message_thread Exited  \n");
+                    break;
+                }
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n VIDC Some Event recieved \n");
+                continue;
+            }
+        }
-    if ((pfd.revents & POLLIN) || (pfd.revents & POLLRDNORM)) {
-      struct vdec_msginfo vdec_msg;
-      v4l2_buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
-      v4l2_buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
-      v4l2_buf.length = omx->drv_ctx.num_planes;
-      v4l2_buf.m.planes = plane;
-      while(!ioctl(pfd.fd, VIDIOC_DQBUF, &v4l2_buf)) {
-        vdec_msg.msgcode=VDEC_MSG_RESP_OUTPUT_BUFFER_DONE;
-        vdec_msg.status_code=VDEC_S_SUCCESS;
-        vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.client_data=(void*)&v4l2_buf;
-        vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.len=plane[0].bytesused;
-        vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.bufferaddr=(void*)plane[0].m.userptr;
-        vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.time_stamp= ((uint64_t)v4l2_buf.timestamp.tv_sec * (uint64_t)1000000) +
-          (uint64_t)v4l2_buf.timestamp.tv_usec;
-        if (vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.len) {
-            vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.framesize.left = plane[0].reserved[2];
-   = plane[0].reserved[3];
-            vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right = plane[0].reserved[4];
-            vdec_msg.msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom = plane[0].reserved[5];
-        }
-        if (omx->async_message_process(input,&vdec_msg) < 0) {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n async_message_thread Exited  \n");
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if((pfd.revents & POLLOUT) || (pfd.revents & POLLWRNORM)) {
-      struct vdec_msginfo vdec_msg;
-      v4l2_buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
-      v4l2_buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
-      v4l2_buf.length = 1;
-      v4l2_buf.m.planes = plane;
-      while(!ioctl(pfd.fd, VIDIOC_DQBUF, &v4l2_buf)) {
-        vdec_msg.msgcode=VDEC_MSG_RESP_INPUT_BUFFER_DONE;
-        vdec_msg.status_code=VDEC_S_SUCCESS;
-        vdec_msg.msgdata.input_frame_clientdata=(void*)&v4l2_buf;
-        if (omx->async_message_process(input,&vdec_msg) < 0) {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n async_message_thread Exited  \n");
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (pfd.revents & POLLPRI){
-      rc = ioctl(pfd.fd, VIDIOC_DQEVENT, &dqevent);
-        struct vdec_msginfo vdec_msg;
-        vdec_msg.msgcode=VDEC_MSG_EVT_CONFIG_CHANGED;
-        vdec_msg.status_code=VDEC_S_SUCCESS;
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n VIDC Port Reconfig recieved insufficient\n");
-        if (omx->async_message_process(input,&vdec_msg) < 0) {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n async_message_thread Exited  \n");
-          break;
-        }
-      } else if (dqevent.type == V4L2_EVENT_MSM_VIDC_FLUSH_DONE) {
-        struct vdec_msginfo vdec_msg;
-        vdec_msg.msgcode=VDEC_MSG_RESP_FLUSH_INPUT_DONE;
-        vdec_msg.status_code=VDEC_S_SUCCESS;
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("VIDC Input Flush Done Recieved \n");
-        if (omx->async_message_process(input,&vdec_msg) < 0) {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n async_message_thread Exited  \n");
-          break;
-        }
-        vdec_msg.msgcode=VDEC_MSG_RESP_FLUSH_OUTPUT_DONE;
-        vdec_msg.status_code=VDEC_S_SUCCESS;
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("VIDC Output Flush Done Recieved \n");
-        if (omx->async_message_process(input,&vdec_msg) < 0) {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n async_message_thread Exited  \n");
-          break;
-        }
-      } else if (dqevent.type == V4L2_EVENT_MSM_VIDC_CLOSE_DONE) {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n VIDC Close Done Recieved and async_message_thread Exited \n");
-        break;
-      } else if(dqevent.type == V4L2_EVENT_MSM_VIDC_SYS_ERROR) {
-        struct vdec_msginfo vdec_msg;
-        vdec_msg.msgcode=VDEC_MSG_EVT_HW_ERROR;
-        vdec_msg.status_code=VDEC_S_SUCCESS;
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n SYS Error Recieved \n");
-        if (omx->async_message_process(input,&vdec_msg) < 0) {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n async_message_thread Exited  \n");
-          break;
-        }
-      } else {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n VIDC Some Event recieved \n");
-        continue;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("omx_vdec: Async thread stop\n");
-  return NULL;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("omx_vdec: Async thread stop\n");
+    return NULL;
 void* message_thread(void *input)
-  omx_vdec* omx = reinterpret_cast<omx_vdec*>(input);
-  unsigned char id;
-  int n;
+    omx_vdec* omx = reinterpret_cast<omx_vdec*>(input);
+    unsigned char id;
+    int n;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("omx_vdec: message thread start\n");
-  prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"VideoDecMsgThread", 0, 0, 0);
-  while (1)
-  {
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("omx_vdec: message thread start\n");
+    prctl(PR_SET_NAME, (unsigned long)"VideoDecMsgThread", 0, 0, 0);
+    while (1) {
-    n = read(omx->m_pipe_in, &id, 1);
+        n = read(omx->m_pipe_in, &id, 1);
-    if(0 == n)
-    {
-      break;
+        if (0 == n) {
+            break;
+        }
+        if (1 == n) {
+            omx->process_event_cb(omx, id);
+        }
+        if ((n < 0) && (errno != EINTR)) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\nERROR: read from pipe failed, ret %d errno %d", n, errno);
+            break;
+        }
-    if (1 == n)
-    {
-        omx->process_event_cb(omx, id);
-    }
-    if ((n < 0) && (errno != EINTR))
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\nERROR: read from pipe failed, ret %d errno %d", n, errno);
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("omx_vdec: message thread stop\n");
-  return 0;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("omx_vdec: message thread stop\n");
+    return 0;
 void post_message(omx_vdec *omx, unsigned char id)
-      int ret_value;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("omx_vdec: post_message %d pipe out%d\n", id,omx->m_pipe_out);
-      ret_value = write(omx->m_pipe_out, &id, 1);
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("post_message to pipe done %d\n",ret_value);
+    int ret_value;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("omx_vdec: post_message %d pipe out%d\n", id,omx->m_pipe_out);
+    ret_value = write(omx->m_pipe_out, &id, 1);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("post_message to pipe done %d\n",ret_value);
 // omx_cmd_queue destructor
-  // Nothing to do
+    // Nothing to do
 // omx cmd queue constructor
@@ -304,49 +299,41 @@
 // omx cmd queue insert
 bool omx_vdec::omx_cmd_queue::insert_entry(unsigned p1, unsigned p2, unsigned id)
-  bool ret = true;
-  {
-    m_q[m_write].id       = id;
-    m_q[m_write].param1   = p1;
-    m_q[m_write].param2   = p2;
-    m_write++;
-    m_size ++;
-    if(m_write >= OMX_CORE_CONTROL_CMDQ_SIZE)
-    {
-      m_write = 0;
+    bool ret = true;
+    if (m_size < OMX_CORE_CONTROL_CMDQ_SIZE) {
+        m_q[m_write].id       = id;
+        m_q[m_write].param1   = p1;
+        m_q[m_write].param2   = p2;
+        m_write++;
+        m_size ++;
+        if (m_write >= OMX_CORE_CONTROL_CMDQ_SIZE) {
+            m_write = 0;
+        }
+    } else {
+        ret = false;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::Command Queue Full\n", __func__);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    ret = false;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::Command Queue Full\n", __func__);
-  }
-  return ret;
+    return ret;
 // omx cmd queue pop
 bool omx_vdec::omx_cmd_queue::pop_entry(unsigned *p1, unsigned *p2, unsigned *id)
-  bool ret = true;
-  if (m_size > 0)
-  {
-    *id = m_q[m_read].id;
-    *p1 = m_q[m_read].param1;
-    *p2 = m_q[m_read].param2;
-    // Move the read pointer ahead
-    ++m_read;
-    --m_size;
-    if(m_read >= OMX_CORE_CONTROL_CMDQ_SIZE)
-    {
-      m_read = 0;
+    bool ret = true;
+    if (m_size > 0) {
+        *id = m_q[m_read].id;
+        *p1 = m_q[m_read].param1;
+        *p2 = m_q[m_read].param2;
+        // Move the read pointer ahead
+        ++m_read;
+        --m_size;
+        if (m_read >= OMX_CORE_CONTROL_CMDQ_SIZE) {
+            m_read = 0;
+        }
+    } else {
+        ret = false;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    ret = false;
-  }
-  return ret;
+    return ret;
 // Retrieve the first mesg type in the queue
@@ -358,116 +345,104 @@
 #ifdef _ANDROID_
-  //initialize timestamps array
-  memset(m_ts_arr_list, 0, ( sizeof(ts_entry) * MAX_NUM_INPUT_OUTPUT_BUFFERS) );
+    //initialize timestamps array
+    memset(m_ts_arr_list, 0, ( sizeof(ts_entry) * MAX_NUM_INPUT_OUTPUT_BUFFERS) );
-  //free m_ts_arr_list?
+    //free m_ts_arr_list?
 bool omx_vdec::ts_arr_list::insert_ts(OMX_TICKS ts)
-  bool ret = true;
-  bool duplicate_ts = false;
-  int idx = 0;
+    bool ret = true;
+    bool duplicate_ts = false;
+    int idx = 0;
-  //insert at the first available empty location
-  for ( ; idx < MAX_NUM_INPUT_OUTPUT_BUFFERS; idx++)
-  {
-    if (!m_ts_arr_list[idx].valid)
-    {
-      //found invalid or empty entry, save timestamp
-      m_ts_arr_list[idx].valid = true;
-      m_ts_arr_list[idx].timestamp = ts;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Insert_ts(): Inserting TIMESTAMP (%lld) at idx (%d)",
-                       ts, idx);
-      break;
+    //insert at the first available empty location
+    for ( ; idx < MAX_NUM_INPUT_OUTPUT_BUFFERS; idx++) {
+        if (!m_ts_arr_list[idx].valid) {
+            //found invalid or empty entry, save timestamp
+            m_ts_arr_list[idx].valid = true;
+            m_ts_arr_list[idx].timestamp = ts;
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Insert_ts(): Inserting TIMESTAMP (%lld) at idx (%d)",
+                    ts, idx);
+            break;
+        }
-  }
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Timestamp array list is FULL. Unsuccessful insert");
-    ret = false;
-  }
-  return ret;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Timestamp array list is FULL. Unsuccessful insert");
+        ret = false;
+    }
+    return ret;
 bool omx_vdec::ts_arr_list::pop_min_ts(OMX_TICKS &ts)
-  bool ret = true;
-  int min_idx = -1;
-  OMX_TICKS min_ts = 0;
-  int idx = 0;
+    bool ret = true;
+    int min_idx = -1;
+    OMX_TICKS min_ts = 0;
+    int idx = 0;
-  for ( ; idx < MAX_NUM_INPUT_OUTPUT_BUFFERS; idx++)
-  {
+    for ( ; idx < MAX_NUM_INPUT_OUTPUT_BUFFERS; idx++) {
-    if (m_ts_arr_list[idx].valid)
-    {
-      //found valid entry, save index
-      if (min_idx < 0)
-      {
-        //first valid entry
-        min_ts = m_ts_arr_list[idx].timestamp;
-        min_idx = idx;
-      }
-      else if (m_ts_arr_list[idx].timestamp < min_ts)
-      {
-        min_ts = m_ts_arr_list[idx].timestamp;
-        min_idx = idx;
-      }
+        if (m_ts_arr_list[idx].valid) {
+            //found valid entry, save index
+            if (min_idx < 0) {
+                //first valid entry
+                min_ts = m_ts_arr_list[idx].timestamp;
+                min_idx = idx;
+            } else if (m_ts_arr_list[idx].timestamp < min_ts) {
+                min_ts = m_ts_arr_list[idx].timestamp;
+                min_idx = idx;
+            }
+        }
-  }
+    if (min_idx < 0) {
+        //no valid entries found
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Timestamp array list is empty. Unsuccessful pop");
+        ts = 0;
+        ret = false;
+    } else {
+        ts = m_ts_arr_list[min_idx].timestamp;
+        m_ts_arr_list[min_idx].valid = false;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Pop_min_ts:Timestamp (%lld), index(%d)",
+                ts, min_idx);
+    }
-  if (min_idx < 0)
-  {
-    //no valid entries found
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Timestamp array list is empty. Unsuccessful pop");
-    ts = 0;
-    ret = false;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    ts = m_ts_arr_list[min_idx].timestamp;
-    m_ts_arr_list[min_idx].valid = false;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Pop_min_ts:Timestamp (%lld), index(%d)",
-                     ts, min_idx);
-  }
-  return ret;
+    return ret;
 bool omx_vdec::ts_arr_list::reset_ts_list()
-  bool ret = true;
-  int idx = 0;
+    bool ret = true;
+    int idx = 0;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("reset_ts_list(): Resetting timestamp array list");
-  for ( ; idx < MAX_NUM_INPUT_OUTPUT_BUFFERS; idx++)
-  {
-    m_ts_arr_list[idx].valid = false;
-  }
-  return ret;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("reset_ts_list(): Resetting timestamp array list");
+    for ( ; idx < MAX_NUM_INPUT_OUTPUT_BUFFERS; idx++) {
+        m_ts_arr_list[idx].valid = false;
+    }
+    return ret;
 // factory function executed by the core to create instances
 void *get_omx_component_factory_fn(void)
-  return (new omx_vdec);
+    return (new omx_vdec);
 #ifdef _ANDROID_
 #ifdef USE_ION
 VideoHeap::VideoHeap(int devicefd, size_t size, void* base,
-                     struct ion_handle *handle, int ionMapfd)
+        struct ion_handle *handle, int ionMapfd)
-//    ionInit(devicefd, base, size, 0 , MEM_DEVICE,handle,ionMapfd);
+    //    ionInit(devicefd, base, size, 0 , MEM_DEVICE,handle,ionMapfd);
 VideoHeap::VideoHeap(int fd, size_t size, void* base)
@@ -478,859 +453,760 @@
 #endif // _ANDROID_
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::omx_vdec
+   omx_vdec::omx_vdec
-  Constructor
+   Constructor
-  None
+   None
-  None.
-========================================================================== */
+   None.
+   ========================================================================== */
 omx_vdec::omx_vdec(): m_error_propogated(false),
-	m_state(OMX_StateInvalid),
-	m_app_data(NULL),
-	m_inp_mem_ptr(NULL),
-	m_out_mem_ptr(NULL),
-	m_inp_err_count(0),
-	input_flush_progress (false),
-	output_flush_progress (false),
-	input_use_buffer (false),
-	output_use_buffer (false),
-	ouput_egl_buffers(false),
-	m_use_output_pmem(OMX_FALSE),
-	m_out_mem_region_smi(OMX_FALSE),
-	m_out_pvt_entry_pmem(OMX_FALSE),
-	pending_input_buffers(0),
-	pending_output_buffers(0),
-	m_out_bm_count(0),
-	m_inp_bm_count(0),
-	m_inp_bPopulated(OMX_FALSE),
-	m_out_bPopulated(OMX_FALSE),
-	m_flags(0),
+    m_state(OMX_StateInvalid),
+    m_app_data(NULL),
+    m_inp_mem_ptr(NULL),
+    m_out_mem_ptr(NULL),
+    m_inp_err_count(0),
+    input_flush_progress (false),
+    output_flush_progress (false),
+    input_use_buffer (false),
+    output_use_buffer (false),
+    ouput_egl_buffers(false),
+    m_use_output_pmem(OMX_FALSE),
+    m_out_mem_region_smi(OMX_FALSE),
+    m_out_pvt_entry_pmem(OMX_FALSE),
+    pending_input_buffers(0),
+    pending_output_buffers(0),
+    m_out_bm_count(0),
+    m_inp_bm_count(0),
+    m_inp_bPopulated(OMX_FALSE),
+    m_out_bPopulated(OMX_FALSE),
+    m_flags(0),
 #ifdef _ANDROID_
-	m_heap_ptr(NULL),
+    m_heap_ptr(NULL),
-	m_inp_bEnabled(OMX_TRUE),
-	m_out_bEnabled(OMX_TRUE),
-	m_in_alloc_cnt(0),
-	m_platform_list(NULL),
-	m_platform_entry(NULL),
-	m_pmem_info(NULL),
-	arbitrary_bytes (true),
-	psource_frame (NULL),
-	pdest_frame (NULL),
-	m_inp_heap_ptr (NULL),
-	m_phdr_pmem_ptr(NULL),
-	m_heap_inp_bm_count (0),
-	codec_type_parse ((codec_type)0),
-	first_frame_meta (true),
-	frame_count (0),
-	nal_count (0),
-	nal_length(0),
-	look_ahead_nal (false),
-	first_frame(0),
-	first_buffer(NULL),
-	first_frame_size (0),
-	m_device_file_ptr(NULL),
-	m_vc1_profile((vc1_profile_type)0),
-	m_profile(0),
-	h264_last_au_ts(LLONG_MAX),
-	h264_last_au_flags(0),
-	prev_ts(LLONG_MAX),
-	rst_prev_ts(true),
-	frm_int(0),
-	m_disp_hor_size(0),
-	m_disp_vert_size(0),
-	in_reconfig(false),
-	m_display_id(NULL),
-	h264_parser(NULL),
-	client_extradata(0),
-	m_reject_avc_1080p_mp (0),
+    m_inp_bEnabled(OMX_TRUE),
+    m_out_bEnabled(OMX_TRUE),
+    m_in_alloc_cnt(0),
+    m_platform_list(NULL),
+    m_platform_entry(NULL),
+    m_pmem_info(NULL),
+    arbitrary_bytes (true),
+    psource_frame (NULL),
+    pdest_frame (NULL),
+    m_inp_heap_ptr (NULL),
+    m_phdr_pmem_ptr(NULL),
+    m_heap_inp_bm_count (0),
+    codec_type_parse ((codec_type)0),
+    first_frame_meta (true),
+    frame_count (0),
+    nal_count (0),
+    nal_length(0),
+    look_ahead_nal (false),
+    first_frame(0),
+    first_buffer(NULL),
+    first_frame_size (0),
+    m_device_file_ptr(NULL),
+    m_vc1_profile((vc1_profile_type)0),
+    m_profile(0),
+    h264_last_au_ts(LLONG_MAX),
+    h264_last_au_flags(0),
+    prev_ts(LLONG_MAX),
+    rst_prev_ts(true),
+    frm_int(0),
+    m_disp_hor_size(0),
+    m_disp_vert_size(0),
+    in_reconfig(false),
+    m_display_id(NULL),
+    h264_parser(NULL),
+    client_extradata(0),
+    m_reject_avc_1080p_mp (0),
 #ifdef _ANDROID_
-	m_enable_android_native_buffers(OMX_FALSE),
-	m_use_android_native_buffers(OMX_FALSE),
-	iDivXDrmDecrypt(NULL),
+    m_enable_android_native_buffers(OMX_FALSE),
+    m_use_android_native_buffers(OMX_FALSE),
+    iDivXDrmDecrypt(NULL),
-	m_desc_buffer_ptr(NULL),
-	secure_mode(false),
-	client_set_fps(false)
+    m_desc_buffer_ptr(NULL),
+    secure_mode(false),
+    client_set_fps(false)
-  /* Assumption is that , to begin with , we have all the frames with decoder */
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("In OMX vdec Constructor");
+    /* Assumption is that , to begin with , we have all the frames with decoder */
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("In OMX vdec Constructor");
 #ifdef _ANDROID_
-  char property_value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {0};
-  property_get("vidc.dec.debug.perf", property_value, "0");
-  perf_flag = atoi(property_value);
-  if (perf_flag)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("vidc.dec.debug.perf is %d", perf_flag);
-    dec_time.start();
-    proc_frms = latency = 0;
-  }
-  prev_n_filled_len = 0;
-  property_value[0] = '\0';
-  property_get("vidc.dec.debug.ts", property_value, "0");
-  m_debug_timestamp = atoi(property_value);
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("vidc.dec.debug.ts value is %d",m_debug_timestamp);
-  if (m_debug_timestamp)
-  {
-    time_stamp_dts.set_timestamp_reorder_mode(true);
-    time_stamp_dts.enable_debug_print(true);
-  }
+    char property_value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {0};
+    property_get("vidc.dec.debug.perf", property_value, "0");
+    perf_flag = atoi(property_value);
+    if (perf_flag) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("vidc.dec.debug.perf is %d", perf_flag);
+        dec_time.start();
+        proc_frms = latency = 0;
+    }
+    prev_n_filled_len = 0;
+    property_value[0] = '\0';
+    property_get("vidc.dec.debug.ts", property_value, "0");
+    m_debug_timestamp = atoi(property_value);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("vidc.dec.debug.ts value is %d",m_debug_timestamp);
+    if (m_debug_timestamp) {
+        time_stamp_dts.set_timestamp_reorder_mode(true);
+        time_stamp_dts.enable_debug_print(true);
+    }
-  property_value[0] = '\0';
-  property_get("vidc.dec.debug.concealedmb", property_value, "0");
-  m_debug_concealedmb = atoi(property_value);
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("vidc.dec.debug.concealedmb value is %d",m_debug_concealedmb);
+    property_value[0] = '\0';
+    property_get("vidc.dec.debug.concealedmb", property_value, "0");
+    m_debug_concealedmb = atoi(property_value);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("vidc.dec.debug.concealedmb value is %d",m_debug_concealedmb);
-  property_value[0] = '\0';
-  property_get("vidc.dec.profile.check", property_value, "0");
-  m_reject_avc_1080p_mp = atoi(property_value);
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("vidc.dec.profile.check value is %d",m_reject_avc_1080p_mp);
+    property_value[0] = '\0';
+    property_get("vidc.dec.profile.check", property_value, "0");
+    m_reject_avc_1080p_mp = atoi(property_value);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("vidc.dec.profile.check value is %d",m_reject_avc_1080p_mp);
-  memset(&m_cmp,0,sizeof(m_cmp));
-  memset(&m_cb,0,sizeof(m_cb));
-  memset (&drv_ctx,0,sizeof(drv_ctx));
-  memset (&h264_scratch,0,sizeof (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE));
-  memset (m_hwdevice_name,0,sizeof(m_hwdevice_name));
-  memset(m_demux_offsets, 0, ( sizeof(OMX_U32) * 8192) );
-  m_demux_entries = 0;
-  msg_thread_id = 0;
-  async_thread_id = 0;
-  msg_thread_created = false;
-  async_thread_created = false;
+    memset(&m_cmp,0,sizeof(m_cmp));
+    memset(&m_cb,0,sizeof(m_cb));
+    memset (&drv_ctx,0,sizeof(drv_ctx));
+    memset (&h264_scratch,0,sizeof (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE));
+    memset (m_hwdevice_name,0,sizeof(m_hwdevice_name));
+    memset(m_demux_offsets, 0, ( sizeof(OMX_U32) * 8192) );
+    m_demux_entries = 0;
+    msg_thread_id = 0;
+    async_thread_id = 0;
+    msg_thread_created = false;
+    async_thread_created = false;
 #ifdef _ANDROID_ICS_
-  memset(&native_buffer, 0 ,(sizeof(struct nativebuffer) * MAX_NUM_INPUT_OUTPUT_BUFFERS));
+    memset(&native_buffer, 0 ,(sizeof(struct nativebuffer) * MAX_NUM_INPUT_OUTPUT_BUFFERS));
-  memset(&drv_ctx.extradata_info, 0, sizeof(drv_ctx.extradata_info));
-  drv_ctx.timestamp_adjust = false;
-  drv_ctx.video_driver_fd = -1;
-  m_vendor_config.pData = NULL;
-  pthread_mutex_init(&m_lock, NULL);
-  pthread_mutex_init(&c_lock, NULL);
-  sem_init(&m_cmd_lock,0,0);
-  streaming[CAPTURE_PORT] =
-      streaming[OUTPUT_PORT] = false;
+    memset(&drv_ctx.extradata_info, 0, sizeof(drv_ctx.extradata_info));
+    drv_ctx.timestamp_adjust = false;
+    drv_ctx.video_driver_fd = -1;
+    m_vendor_config.pData = NULL;
+    pthread_mutex_init(&m_lock, NULL);
+    pthread_mutex_init(&c_lock, NULL);
+    sem_init(&m_cmd_lock,0,0);
+    streaming[CAPTURE_PORT] =
+        streaming[OUTPUT_PORT] = false;
 #ifdef _ANDROID_
-  char extradata_value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {0};
-  property_get("vidc.dec.debug.extradata", extradata_value, "0");
-  m_debug_extradata = atoi(extradata_value);
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("vidc.dec.debug.extradata value is %d",m_debug_extradata);
+    char extradata_value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX] = {0};
+    property_get("vidc.dec.debug.extradata", extradata_value, "0");
+    m_debug_extradata = atoi(extradata_value);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("vidc.dec.debug.extradata value is %d",m_debug_extradata);
-  m_fill_output_msg = OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_FTB;
-  client_buffers.set_vdec_client(this);
+    m_fill_output_msg = OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_FTB;
+    client_buffers.set_vdec_client(this);
 static const int event_type[] = {
 static OMX_ERRORTYPE subscribe_to_events(int fd)
-	OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-	struct v4l2_event_subscription sub;
-	int array_sz = sizeof(event_type)/sizeof(int);
-	int i,rc;
-	if (fd < 0) {
-		printf("Invalid input: %d\n", fd);
-		return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-	}
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    struct v4l2_event_subscription sub;
+    int array_sz = sizeof(event_type)/sizeof(int);
+    int i,rc;
+    if (fd < 0) {
+        printf("Invalid input: %d\n", fd);
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
-	for (i = 0; i < array_sz; ++i) {
-		memset(&sub, 0, sizeof(sub));
-		sub.type = event_type[i];
-		rc = ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_SUBSCRIBE_EVENT, &sub);
-		if (rc) {
-			printf("Failed to subscribe event: 0x%x\n", sub.type);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	if (i < array_sz) {
-		for (--i; i >=0 ; i--) {
-			memset(&sub, 0, sizeof(sub));
-			sub.type = event_type[i];
-			rc = ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_UNSUBSCRIBE_EVENT, &sub);
-			if (rc)
-				printf("Failed to unsubscribe event: 0x%x\n", sub.type);
-		}
-		eRet = OMX_ErrorNotImplemented;
-	}
-	return eRet;
+    for (i = 0; i < array_sz; ++i) {
+        memset(&sub, 0, sizeof(sub));
+        sub.type = event_type[i];
+        rc = ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_SUBSCRIBE_EVENT, &sub);
+        if (rc) {
+            printf("Failed to subscribe event: 0x%x\n", sub.type);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (i < array_sz) {
+        for (--i; i >=0 ; i--) {
+            memset(&sub, 0, sizeof(sub));
+            sub.type = event_type[i];
+            rc = ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_UNSUBSCRIBE_EVENT, &sub);
+            if (rc)
+                printf("Failed to unsubscribe event: 0x%x\n", sub.type);
+        }
+        eRet = OMX_ErrorNotImplemented;
+    }
+    return eRet;
 static OMX_ERRORTYPE unsubscribe_to_events(int fd)
-	OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-	struct v4l2_event_subscription sub;
-	int array_sz = sizeof(event_type)/sizeof(int);
-	int i,rc;
-	if (fd < 0) {
-		printf("Invalid input: %d\n", fd);
-		return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-	}
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    struct v4l2_event_subscription sub;
+    int array_sz = sizeof(event_type)/sizeof(int);
+    int i,rc;
+    if (fd < 0) {
+        printf("Invalid input: %d\n", fd);
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
-	for (i = 0; i < array_sz; ++i) {
-		memset(&sub, 0, sizeof(sub));
-		sub.type = event_type[i];
-		rc = ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_UNSUBSCRIBE_EVENT, &sub);
-		if (rc) {
-			printf("Failed to unsubscribe event: 0x%x\n", sub.type);
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	return eRet;
+    for (i = 0; i < array_sz; ++i) {
+        memset(&sub, 0, sizeof(sub));
+        sub.type = event_type[i];
+        rc = ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_UNSUBSCRIBE_EVENT, &sub);
+        if (rc) {
+            printf("Failed to unsubscribe event: 0x%x\n", sub.type);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    return eRet;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::~omx_vdec
+   omx_vdec::~omx_vdec
-  Destructor
+   Destructor
-  None
+   None
-  None.
-========================================================================== */
+   None.
+   ========================================================================== */
-  m_pmem_info = NULL;
-  struct v4l2_decoder_cmd dec;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("In OMX vdec Destructor");
-  if(m_pipe_in) close(m_pipe_in);
-  if(m_pipe_out) close(m_pipe_out);
-  m_pipe_in = -1;
-  m_pipe_out = -1;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Waiting on OMX Msg Thread exit");
-  if (msg_thread_created)
-    pthread_join(msg_thread_id,NULL);
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Waiting on OMX Async Thread exit");
-  dec.cmd = V4L2_DEC_CMD_STOP;
-  if (drv_ctx.video_driver_fd >=0 ) {
-    if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_DECODER_CMD, &dec))
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n STOP Command failed\n");
-  }
-  if (async_thread_created)
-    pthread_join(async_thread_id,NULL);
-  unsubscribe_to_events(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd);
-  close(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd);
-  pthread_mutex_destroy(&m_lock);
-  pthread_mutex_destroy(&c_lock);
-  sem_destroy(&m_cmd_lock);
-  if (perf_flag)
-  {
-    dec_time.end();
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Exit OMX vdec Destructor");
+    m_pmem_info = NULL;
+    struct v4l2_decoder_cmd dec;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("In OMX vdec Destructor");
+    if (m_pipe_in) close(m_pipe_in);
+    if (m_pipe_out) close(m_pipe_out);
+    m_pipe_in = -1;
+    m_pipe_out = -1;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Waiting on OMX Msg Thread exit");
+    if (msg_thread_created)
+        pthread_join(msg_thread_id,NULL);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Waiting on OMX Async Thread exit");
+    dec.cmd = V4L2_DEC_CMD_STOP;
+    if (drv_ctx.video_driver_fd >=0 ) {
+        if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_DECODER_CMD, &dec))
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n STOP Command failed\n");
+    }
+    if (async_thread_created)
+        pthread_join(async_thread_id,NULL);
+    unsubscribe_to_events(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd);
+    close(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd);
+    pthread_mutex_destroy(&m_lock);
+    pthread_mutex_destroy(&c_lock);
+    sem_destroy(&m_cmd_lock);
+    if (perf_flag) {
+        dec_time.end();
+    }
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Exit OMX vdec Destructor");
-int release_buffers(omx_vdec* obj, enum vdec_buffer buffer_type) {
-	struct v4l2_requestbuffers bufreq;
-	int rc = 0;
-	if (buffer_type == VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT){
-		bufreq.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
-		bufreq.count = 0;
-		rc = ioctl(obj->drv_ctx.video_driver_fd,VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &bufreq);
-	}
-	return rc;
+int release_buffers(omx_vdec* obj, enum vdec_buffer buffer_type)
+    struct v4l2_requestbuffers bufreq;
+    int rc = 0;
+    if (buffer_type == VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT) {
+        bufreq.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+        bufreq.count = 0;
+        bufreq.type=V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+        rc = ioctl(obj->drv_ctx.video_driver_fd,VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &bufreq);
+    }
+    return rc;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::OMXCntrlProcessMsgCb
+   omx_vdec::OMXCntrlProcessMsgCb
-  IL Client callbacks are generated through this routine. The decoder
-  provides the thread context for this routine.
+   IL Client callbacks are generated through this routine. The decoder
+   provides the thread context for this routine.
-  ctxt -- Context information related to the self.
-  id   -- Event identifier. This could be any of the following:
-          1. Command completion event
-          2. Buffer done callback event
-          3. Frame done callback event
+   ctxt -- Context information related to the self.
+   id   -- Event identifier. This could be any of the following:
+   1. Command completion event
+   2. Buffer done callback event
+   3. Frame done callback event
-  None.
+   None.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 void omx_vdec::process_event_cb(void *ctxt, unsigned char id)
-  signed p1; // Parameter - 1
-  signed p2; // Parameter - 2
-  unsigned ident;
-  unsigned qsize=0; // qsize
-  omx_vdec *pThis = (omx_vdec *) ctxt;
+    signed p1; // Parameter - 1
+    signed p2; // Parameter - 2
+    unsigned ident;
+    unsigned qsize=0; // qsize
+    omx_vdec *pThis = (omx_vdec *) ctxt;
-  if(!pThis)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::Context is incorrect, bailing out\n",
-        __func__);
-    return;
-  }
-  // Protect the shared queue data structure
-  do
-  {
-    /*Read the message id's from the queue*/
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&pThis->m_lock);
-    qsize = pThis->m_cmd_q.m_size;
-    if(qsize)
-    {
-      pThis->m_cmd_q.pop_entry((unsigned *)&p1, (unsigned *)&p2, &ident);
+    if (!pThis) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::Context is incorrect, bailing out\n",
+                __func__);
+        return;
-    if (qsize == 0 && pThis->m_state != OMX_StatePause)
-    {
-      qsize = pThis->m_ftb_q.m_size;
-      if (qsize)
-      {
-        pThis->m_ftb_q.pop_entry((unsigned *)&p1, (unsigned *)&p2, &ident);
-      }
-    }
-    if (qsize == 0 && pThis->m_state != OMX_StatePause)
-    {
-      qsize = pThis->m_etb_q.m_size;
-      if (qsize)
-      {
-        pThis->m_etb_q.pop_entry((unsigned *)&p1, (unsigned *)&p2, &ident);
-      }
-    }
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&pThis->m_lock);
-    /*process message if we have one*/
-    if(qsize > 0)
-    {
-      id = ident;
-      switch (id)
-      {
-          if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler)
-          {
-            switch (p1)
-            {
-              case OMX_CommandStateSet:
-                pThis->m_state = (OMX_STATETYPE) p2;
-                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n OMX_CommandStateSet complete, m_state = %d",
-                    pThis->m_state);
-                pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
-                                      OMX_EventCmdComplete, p1, p2, NULL);
-                break;
-              case OMX_EventError:
-                if(p2 == OMX_StateInvalid)
-                {
-                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n OMX_EventError: p2 is OMX_StateInvalid");
-                    pThis->m_state = (OMX_STATETYPE) p2;
-                    pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
-                               OMX_EventError, OMX_ErrorInvalidState, p2, NULL);
-                }
-                else if (p2 == OMX_ErrorHardware)
-                {
-                   pThis->omx_report_error();
-                }
-                else
-		  {		
-                    pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
-                                      OMX_EventError, p2, (OMX_U32)NULL, NULL );
-                }
-                break;
-              case OMX_CommandPortDisable:
-                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n OMX_CommandPortDisable complete for port [%d]", p2);
-                if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,
-                {
-                  break;
-                }
-                if (p2 == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX)
-                {
-				  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-				  pThis->stream_off(OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX);
-				  if(release_buffers(pThis, VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT))
-					  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to release output buffers\n");
-				  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet1 = pThis->get_buffer_req(&pThis->drv_ctx.op_buf);
-				  pThis->in_reconfig = false;
-                  if(eRet !=  OMX_ErrorNone)
-                  {
-                      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("set_buffer_req failed eRet = %d",eRet);
-                      pThis->omx_report_error();
-                      break;
-                  }
-                }
-                pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
-                                      OMX_EventCmdComplete, p1, p2, NULL );
-                break;
-              case OMX_CommandPortEnable:
-                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n OMX_CommandPortEnable complete for port [%d]", p2);
-                pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,\
-                                      OMX_EventCmdComplete, p1, p2, NULL );
-                break;
-              default:
-                pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
-                                         OMX_EventCmdComplete, p1, p2, NULL );
-                break;
-            }
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL\n", __func__);
-          }
-          break;
-          if (pThis->empty_this_buffer_proxy_arbitrary((OMX_HANDLETYPE)p1,\
-              (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2) != OMX_ErrorNone)
-          {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n empty_this_buffer_proxy_arbitrary failure");
-            pThis->omx_report_error ();
-          }
-      break;
-          if (pThis->empty_this_buffer_proxy((OMX_HANDLETYPE)p1,\
-              (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2) != OMX_ErrorNone)
-          {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n empty_this_buffer_proxy failure");
-            pThis->omx_report_error ();
-          }
-         break;
-          if ( pThis->fill_this_buffer_proxy((OMX_HANDLETYPE)p1,\
-               (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2) != OMX_ErrorNone)
-          {
-             DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n fill_this_buffer_proxy failure");
-             pThis->omx_report_error ();
-          }
-        break;
-          pThis->send_command_proxy(&pThis->m_cmp,(OMX_COMMANDTYPE)p1,\
-                                    (OMX_U32)p2,(OMX_PTR)NULL);
-          break;
-          if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS && p2 != VDEC_S_INPUT_BITSTREAM_ERR)
-          {
-            pThis->omx_report_error ();
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            if (p2 == VDEC_S_INPUT_BITSTREAM_ERR && p1)
-            {
-              pThis->m_inp_err_count++;
-              pThis->time_stamp_dts.remove_time_stamp(
-              ((OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1)->nTimeStamp,
-              (pThis->drv_ctx.interlace != VDEC_InterlaceFrameProgressive)
-                ?true:false);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              pThis->m_inp_err_count = 0;
-            }
-            if ( pThis->empty_buffer_done(&pThis->m_cmp,
-                 (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1) != OMX_ErrorNone)
-            {
-               DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n empty_buffer_done failure");
-               pThis->omx_report_error ();
-            }
-            if(pThis->m_inp_err_count >= MAX_INPUT_ERROR)
-            {
-               DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Input bitstream error for consecutive %d frames.", MAX_INPUT_ERROR);
-               pThis->omx_report_error ();
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-          {
-            int64_t *timestamp = (int64_t *)p1;
-            if (p1)
-            {
-              pThis->time_stamp_dts.remove_time_stamp(*timestamp,
-              (pThis->drv_ctx.interlace != VDEC_InterlaceFrameProgressive)
-              ?true:false);
-              free(timestamp);
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-          if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS)
-          {
-            pThis->omx_report_error ();
-          }
-          else if ( pThis->fill_buffer_done(&pThis->m_cmp,
-                  (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1) != OMX_ErrorNone )
-          {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n fill_buffer_done failure");
-            pThis->omx_report_error ();
-          }
-          break;
-          DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Driver flush i/p Port complete");
-          if (!pThis->input_flush_progress)
-          {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n WARNING: Unexpected flush from driver");
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            pThis->execute_input_flush();
-            if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler)
-            {
-              if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS)
-              {
-                pThis->omx_report_error ();
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                /*Check if we need generate event for Flush done*/
-                if(BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,
-                                   OMX_COMPONENT_INPUT_FLUSH_PENDING))
-                {
-                  BITMASK_CLEAR (&pThis->m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_INPUT_FLUSH_PENDING);
-                  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Input Flush completed - Notify Client");
-                  pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
-                                           OMX_EventCmdComplete,OMX_CommandFlush,
-                                           OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX,NULL );
-                }
-                if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,
-                                         OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING))
-                {
-                   if(pThis->stream_off(OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX)) {
-                           DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Failed to call streamoff on OUTPUT Port \n");
-						   pThis->omx_report_error ();
-				   } else {
-					   pThis->streaming[OUTPUT_PORT] = false;
-				   }
-                  if (!pThis->output_flush_progress)
-                  {
-                     DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Input flush done hence issue stop");
-					 pThis->post_event ((unsigned int)NULL, VDEC_S_SUCCESS,\
-                  }
-                }
-              }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-          DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Driver flush o/p Port complete");
-          if (!pThis->output_flush_progress)
-          {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n WARNING: Unexpected flush from driver");
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            pThis->execute_output_flush();
-            if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler)
-            {
-              if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS)
-              {
-                pThis->omx_report_error ();
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                /*Check if we need generate event for Flush done*/
-                if(BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,
-                                   OMX_COMPONENT_OUTPUT_FLUSH_PENDING))
-                {
-                  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Notify Output Flush done");
-                  BITMASK_CLEAR (&pThis->m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_OUTPUT_FLUSH_PENDING);
-                  pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
-                                           OMX_EventCmdComplete,OMX_CommandFlush,
-                                           OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX,NULL );
-                }
-                if(BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,
-                {
-                  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Internal flush complete");
-                  BITMASK_CLEAR (&pThis->m_flags,
-                                 OMX_COMPONENT_OUTPUT_FLUSH_IN_DISABLE_PENDING);
-                  if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,
-                          OMX_COMPONENT_DISABLE_OUTPUT_DEFERRED))
-                  {
-                    pThis->post_event(OMX_CommandPortDisable,
-                               OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX,
-                               OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-                    BITMASK_CLEAR (&pThis->m_flags,
-                                   OMX_COMPONENT_DISABLE_OUTPUT_DEFERRED);
-                  }
-                }
-                if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags ,OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING))
-                {
-                   if(pThis->stream_off(OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX)) {
-                           DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Failed to call streamoff on CAPTURE Port \n");
-						   pThis->omx_report_error ();
-						   break;
-                   }
-				   pThis->streaming[CAPTURE_PORT] = false;
-                  if (!pThis->input_flush_progress)
-                  {
-                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Output flush done hence issue stop");
-					 pThis->post_event ((unsigned int)NULL, VDEC_S_SUCCESS,\
-                  }
-                }
-              }
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
-            }
-          }
-          break;
-          if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler)
-          {
-            if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS)
-            {
-              pThis->omx_report_error ();
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              {
-                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Move to executing");
-                // Send the callback now
-                BITMASK_CLEAR((&pThis->m_flags),OMX_COMPONENT_EXECUTE_PENDING);
-                pThis->m_state = OMX_StateExecuting;
-                pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
-                                       OMX_EventCmdComplete,OMX_CommandStateSet,
-                                       OMX_StateExecuting, NULL);
-              }
-              else if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,
-                                       OMX_COMPONENT_PAUSE_PENDING))
-              {
-                if (/*ioctl (pThis->drv_ctx.video_driver_fd,
-                           VDEC_IOCTL_CMD_PAUSE,NULL ) < */0)
-                {
-                  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n VDEC_IOCTL_CMD_PAUSE failed");
-                  pThis->omx_report_error ();
-                }
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Event Handler callback is NULL");
-          }
-          break;
-          if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler)
-          {
-            if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS)
-            {
-              pThis->omx_report_error ();
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              pThis->complete_pending_buffer_done_cbs();
-              if(BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_PAUSE_PENDING))
-              {
-                //Send the callback now
-                BITMASK_CLEAR((&pThis->m_flags),OMX_COMPONENT_PAUSE_PENDING);
-                pThis->m_state = OMX_StatePause;
-                pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
-                                       OMX_EventCmdComplete,OMX_CommandStateSet,
-                                       OMX_StatePause, NULL);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
-          }
-          break;
-          if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler)
-          {
-            if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS)
-            {
-              pThis->omx_report_error ();
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              {
-                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Moving the decoder to execute state");
-                // Send the callback now
-                BITMASK_CLEAR((&pThis->m_flags),OMX_COMPONENT_EXECUTE_PENDING);
-                pThis->m_state = OMX_StateExecuting;
-                pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
-                                       OMX_EventCmdComplete,OMX_CommandStateSet,
-                                       OMX_StateExecuting,NULL);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
-          }
-          break;
-          if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler)
-          {
-            if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS)
-            {
-              pThis->omx_report_error ();
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              pThis->complete_pending_buffer_done_cbs();
-              if(BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING))
-              {
-                // Send the callback now
-                BITMASK_CLEAR((&pThis->m_flags),OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING);
-                pThis->m_state = OMX_StateIdle;
-                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Move to Idle State");
-                pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp,pThis->m_app_data,
-                                         OMX_EventCmdComplete,OMX_CommandStateSet,
-                                         OMX_StateIdle,NULL);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
-          }
-          break;
-          if (p2 == OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition) {
-            pThis->in_reconfig = true;
-          }
-          if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler) {
-            pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
-                OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged, p1, p2, NULL );
-          } else {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
-          }
-          if (pThis->drv_ctx.interlace != VDEC_InterlaceFrameProgressive)
-          {
-            OMX_EVENTTYPE event = (OMX_EVENTTYPE)OMX_EventIndexsettingChanged;
-            if (pThis->drv_ctx.interlace == VDEC_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst)
-                format = OMX_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst;
-            else if (pThis->drv_ctx.interlace == VDEC_InterlaceInterleaveFrameBottomFieldFirst)
-                format = OMX_InterlaceInterleaveFrameBottomFieldFirst;
-            else //unsupported interlace format; raise a error
-                event = OMX_EventError;
-            if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler) {
-              pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
-                  event, format, 0, NULL );
-            } else {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
-            }
-          }
-        break;
-          if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler) {
-            pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data, OMX_EventBufferFlag,
-                            OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX, OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS, NULL );
-          } else {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
-          }
-          pThis->prev_ts = LLONG_MAX;
-          pThis->rst_prev_ts = true;
-          break;
-          pThis->omx_report_error ();
-          break;
-          pThis->omx_report_unsupported_setting();
-          break;
-        {
-          if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler) {
-            pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
-                (OMX_EVENTTYPE)OMX_EventIndexsettingChanged, OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX, 0, NULL );
-          } else {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
-          }
+    // Protect the shared queue data structure
+    do {
+        /*Read the message id's from the queue*/
+        pthread_mutex_lock(&pThis->m_lock);
+        qsize = pThis->m_cmd_q.m_size;
+        if (qsize) {
+            pThis->m_cmd_q.pop_entry((unsigned *)&p1, (unsigned *)&p2, &ident);
-        default:
-          break;
+        if (qsize == 0 && pThis->m_state != OMX_StatePause) {
+            qsize = pThis->m_ftb_q.m_size;
+            if (qsize) {
+                pThis->m_ftb_q.pop_entry((unsigned *)&p1, (unsigned *)&p2, &ident);
+            }
-      }
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&pThis->m_lock);
-    qsize = pThis->m_cmd_q.m_size;
-    if (pThis->m_state != OMX_StatePause)
-        qsize += (pThis->m_ftb_q.m_size + pThis->m_etb_q.m_size);
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&pThis->m_lock);
-  }
-  while(qsize>0);
+        if (qsize == 0 && pThis->m_state != OMX_StatePause) {
+            qsize = pThis->m_etb_q.m_size;
+            if (qsize) {
+                pThis->m_etb_q.pop_entry((unsigned *)&p1, (unsigned *)&p2, &ident);
+            }
+        }
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(&pThis->m_lock);
+        /*process message if we have one*/
+        if (qsize > 0) {
+            id = ident;
+            switch (id) {
+                case OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT:
+                    if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler) {
+                        switch (p1) {
+                            case OMX_CommandStateSet:
+                                pThis->m_state = (OMX_STATETYPE) p2;
+                                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n OMX_CommandStateSet complete, m_state = %d",
+                                        pThis->m_state);
+                                pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
+                                        OMX_EventCmdComplete, p1, p2, NULL);
+                                break;
+                            case OMX_EventError:
+                                if (p2 == OMX_StateInvalid) {
+                                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n OMX_EventError: p2 is OMX_StateInvalid");
+                                    pThis->m_state = (OMX_STATETYPE) p2;
+                                    pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
+                                            OMX_EventError, OMX_ErrorInvalidState, p2, NULL);
+                                } else if (p2 == OMX_ErrorHardware) {
+                                    pThis->omx_report_error();
+                                } else {
+                                    pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
+                                            OMX_EventError, p2, (OMX_U32)NULL, NULL );
+                                }
+                                break;
+                            case OMX_CommandPortDisable:
+                                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n OMX_CommandPortDisable complete for port [%d]", p2);
+                                if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,
+                                            OMX_COMPONENT_OUTPUT_FLUSH_IN_DISABLE_PENDING)) {
+                                    BITMASK_SET(&pThis->m_flags, OMX_COMPONENT_DISABLE_OUTPUT_DEFERRED);
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                                if (p2 == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
+                                    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+                                    pThis->stream_off(OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX);
+                                    if (release_buffers(pThis, VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT))
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to release output buffers\n");
+                                    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet1 = pThis->get_buffer_req(&pThis->drv_ctx.op_buf);
+                                    pThis->in_reconfig = false;
+                                    if (eRet !=  OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("set_buffer_req failed eRet = %d",eRet);
+                                        pThis->omx_report_error();
+                                        break;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
+                                        OMX_EventCmdComplete, p1, p2, NULL );
+                                break;
+                            case OMX_CommandPortEnable:
+                                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n OMX_CommandPortEnable complete for port [%d]", p2);
+                                pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,\
+                                        OMX_EventCmdComplete, p1, p2, NULL );
+                                break;
+                            default:
+                                pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
+                                        OMX_EventCmdComplete, p1, p2, NULL );
+                                break;
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL\n", __func__);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    if (pThis->empty_this_buffer_proxy_arbitrary((OMX_HANDLETYPE)p1,\
+                                (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n empty_this_buffer_proxy_arbitrary failure");
+                        pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_ETB:
+                    if (pThis->empty_this_buffer_proxy((OMX_HANDLETYPE)p1,\
+                                (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n empty_this_buffer_proxy failure");
+                        pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_FTB:
+                    if ( pThis->fill_this_buffer_proxy((OMX_HANDLETYPE)p1,\
+                                (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n fill_this_buffer_proxy failure");
+                        pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                    }
+                    break;
+                    pThis->send_command_proxy(&pThis->m_cmp,(OMX_COMMANDTYPE)p1,\
+                            (OMX_U32)p2,(OMX_PTR)NULL);
+                    break;
+                case OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD:
+                    if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS && p2 != VDEC_S_INPUT_BITSTREAM_ERR) {
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD failure");
+                        pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                    } else {
+                        if (p2 == VDEC_S_INPUT_BITSTREAM_ERR && p1) {
+                            pThis->m_inp_err_count++;
+                            pThis->time_stamp_dts.remove_time_stamp(
+                                    ((OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1)->nTimeStamp,
+                                    (pThis->drv_ctx.interlace != VDEC_InterlaceFrameProgressive)
+                                    ?true:false);
+                        } else {
+                            pThis->m_inp_err_count = 0;
+                        }
+                        if ( pThis->empty_buffer_done(&pThis->m_cmp,
+                                    (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n empty_buffer_done failure");
+                            pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                        }
+                        if (pThis->m_inp_err_count >= MAX_INPUT_ERROR) {
+                            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Input bitstream error for consecutive %d frames.", MAX_INPUT_ERROR);
+                            pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                                            int64_t *timestamp = (int64_t *)p1;
+                                            if (p1) {
+                                                pThis->time_stamp_dts.remove_time_stamp(*timestamp,
+                                                        (pThis->drv_ctx.interlace != VDEC_InterlaceFrameProgressive)
+                                                        ?true:false);
+                                                free(timestamp);
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                        break;
+                case OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_FBD:
+                                        if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS) {
+                                            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_FBD failure");
+                                            pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                                        } else if ( pThis->fill_buffer_done(&pThis->m_cmp,
+                                                    (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1) != OMX_ErrorNone ) {
+                                            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n fill_buffer_done failure");
+                                            pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                                        }
+                                        break;
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Driver flush i/p Port complete");
+                                        if (!pThis->input_flush_progress) {
+                                            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n WARNING: Unexpected flush from driver");
+                                        } else {
+                                            pThis->execute_input_flush();
+                                            if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler) {
+                                                if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS) {
+                                                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nOMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT_INPUT_FLUSH failure");
+                                                    pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                                                } else {
+                                                    /*Check if we need generate event for Flush done*/
+                                                    if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,
+                                                                OMX_COMPONENT_INPUT_FLUSH_PENDING)) {
+                                                        BITMASK_CLEAR (&pThis->m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_INPUT_FLUSH_PENDING);
+                                                        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Input Flush completed - Notify Client");
+                                                        pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
+                                                                OMX_EventCmdComplete,OMX_CommandFlush,
+                                                                OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX,NULL );
+                                                    }
+                                                    if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,
+                                                                OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING)) {
+                                                        if (pThis->stream_off(OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX)) {
+                                                            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Failed to call streamoff on OUTPUT Port \n");
+                                                            pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                                                        } else {
+                                                            pThis->streaming[OUTPUT_PORT] = false;
+                                                        }
+                                                        if (!pThis->output_flush_progress) {
+                                                            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Input flush done hence issue stop");
+                                                            pThis->post_event ((unsigned int)NULL, VDEC_S_SUCCESS,\
+                                                                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_STOP_DONE);
+                                                        }
+                                                    }
+                                                }
+                                            } else {
+                                                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                        break;
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Driver flush o/p Port complete");
+                                        if (!pThis->output_flush_progress) {
+                                            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n WARNING: Unexpected flush from driver");
+                                        } else {
+                                            pThis->execute_output_flush();
+                                            if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler) {
+                                                if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS) {
+                                                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT_OUTPUT_FLUSH failed");
+                                                    pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                                                } else {
+                                                    /*Check if we need generate event for Flush done*/
+                                                    if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,
+                                                                OMX_COMPONENT_OUTPUT_FLUSH_PENDING)) {
+                                                        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Notify Output Flush done");
+                                                        BITMASK_CLEAR (&pThis->m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_OUTPUT_FLUSH_PENDING);
+                                                        pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
+                                                                OMX_EventCmdComplete,OMX_CommandFlush,
+                                                                OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX,NULL );
+                                                    }
+                                                    if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,
+                                                                OMX_COMPONENT_OUTPUT_FLUSH_IN_DISABLE_PENDING)) {
+                                                        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Internal flush complete");
+                                                        BITMASK_CLEAR (&pThis->m_flags,
+                                                                OMX_COMPONENT_OUTPUT_FLUSH_IN_DISABLE_PENDING);
+                                                        if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,
+                                                                    OMX_COMPONENT_DISABLE_OUTPUT_DEFERRED)) {
+                                                            pThis->post_event(OMX_CommandPortDisable,
+                                                                    OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX,
+                                                                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                                                            BITMASK_CLEAR (&pThis->m_flags,
+                                                                    OMX_COMPONENT_DISABLE_OUTPUT_DEFERRED);
+                                                        }
+                                                    }
+                                                    if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags ,OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING)) {
+                                                        if (pThis->stream_off(OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX)) {
+                                                            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Failed to call streamoff on CAPTURE Port \n");
+                                                            pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                                                            break;
+                                                        }
+                                                        pThis->streaming[CAPTURE_PORT] = false;
+                                                        if (!pThis->input_flush_progress) {
+                                                            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Output flush done hence issue stop");
+                                                            pThis->post_event ((unsigned int)NULL, VDEC_S_SUCCESS,\
+                                                                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_STOP_DONE);
+                                                        }
+                                                    }
+                                                }
+                                            } else {
+                                                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                        break;
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Rxd OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_START_DONE");
+                                        if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler) {
+                                            if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS) {
+                                                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_START_DONE Failure");
+                                                pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                                            } else {
+                                                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_START_DONE Success");
+                                                if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_EXECUTE_PENDING)) {
+                                                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Move to executing");
+                                                    // Send the callback now
+                                                    BITMASK_CLEAR((&pThis->m_flags),OMX_COMPONENT_EXECUTE_PENDING);
+                                                    pThis->m_state = OMX_StateExecuting;
+                                                    pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
+                                                            OMX_EventCmdComplete,OMX_CommandStateSet,
+                                                            OMX_StateExecuting, NULL);
+                                                } else if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,
+                                                            OMX_COMPONENT_PAUSE_PENDING)) {
+                                                    if (/*ioctl (pThis->drv_ctx.video_driver_fd,
+                                                          VDEC_IOCTL_CMD_PAUSE,NULL ) < */0) {
+                                                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n VDEC_IOCTL_CMD_PAUSE failed");
+                                                        pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                                                    }
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                        } else {
+                                            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Event Handler callback is NULL");
+                                        }
+                                        break;
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Rxd OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_PAUSE_DONE");
+                                        if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler) {
+                                            if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS) {
+                                                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_PAUSE_DONE ret failed");
+                                                pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                                            } else {
+                                                pThis->complete_pending_buffer_done_cbs();
+                                                if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_PAUSE_PENDING)) {
+                                                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_PAUSE_DONE nofity");
+                                                    //Send the callback now
+                                                    BITMASK_CLEAR((&pThis->m_flags),OMX_COMPONENT_PAUSE_PENDING);
+                                                    pThis->m_state = OMX_StatePause;
+                                                    pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
+                                                            OMX_EventCmdComplete,OMX_CommandStateSet,
+                                                            OMX_StatePause, NULL);
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                        } else {
+                                            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
+                                        }
+                                        break;
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Rxd OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_RESUME_DONE");
+                                        if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler) {
+                                            if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS) {
+                                                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_RESUME_DONE failed");
+                                                pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                                            } else {
+                                                if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_EXECUTE_PENDING)) {
+                                                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Moving the decoder to execute state");
+                                                    // Send the callback now
+                                                    BITMASK_CLEAR((&pThis->m_flags),OMX_COMPONENT_EXECUTE_PENDING);
+                                                    pThis->m_state = OMX_StateExecuting;
+                                                    pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
+                                                            OMX_EventCmdComplete,OMX_CommandStateSet,
+                                                            OMX_StateExecuting,NULL);
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                        } else {
+                                            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
+                                        }
+                                        break;
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Rxd OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_STOP_DONE");
+                                        if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler) {
+                                            if (p2 != VDEC_S_SUCCESS) {
+                                                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_STOP_DONE ret failed");
+                                                pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                                            } else {
+                                                pThis->complete_pending_buffer_done_cbs();
+                                                if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&pThis->m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING)) {
+                                                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_STOP_DONE Success");
+                                                    // Send the callback now
+                                                    BITMASK_CLEAR((&pThis->m_flags),OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING);
+                                                    pThis->m_state = OMX_StateIdle;
+                                                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Move to Idle State");
+                                                    pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp,pThis->m_app_data,
+                                                            OMX_EventCmdComplete,OMX_CommandStateSet,
+                                                            OMX_StateIdle,NULL);
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                        } else {
+                                            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
+                                        }
+                                        break;
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Rxd OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_PORT_RECONFIG");
+                                        if (p2 == OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition) {
+                                            pThis->in_reconfig = true;
+                                        }
+                                        if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler) {
+                                            pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
+                                                    OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged, p1, p2, NULL );
+                                        } else {
+                                            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
+                                        }
+                                        if (pThis->drv_ctx.interlace != VDEC_InterlaceFrameProgressive) {
+                                            OMX_INTERLACETYPE format = (OMX_INTERLACETYPE)-1;
+                                            OMX_EVENTTYPE event = (OMX_EVENTTYPE)OMX_EventIndexsettingChanged;
+                                            if (pThis->drv_ctx.interlace == VDEC_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst)
+                                                format = OMX_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst;
+                                            else if (pThis->drv_ctx.interlace == VDEC_InterlaceInterleaveFrameBottomFieldFirst)
+                                                format = OMX_InterlaceInterleaveFrameBottomFieldFirst;
+                                            else //unsupported interlace format; raise a error
+                                                event = OMX_EventError;
+                                            if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler) {
+                                                pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
+                                                        event, format, 0, NULL );
+                                            } else {
+                                                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                        break;
+                case OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EOS_DONE:
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Rxd OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EOS_DONE");
+                                        if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler) {
+                                            pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data, OMX_EventBufferFlag,
+                                                    OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX, OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS, NULL );
+                                        } else {
+                                            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
+                                        }
+                                        pThis->prev_ts = LLONG_MAX;
+                                        pThis->rst_prev_ts = true;
+                                        break;
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_HARDWARE_ERROR");
+                                        pThis->omx_report_error ();
+                                        break;
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_UNSUPPORTED_SETTING\n");
+                                        pThis->omx_report_unsupported_setting();
+                                        break;
+                                            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Rxd OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_INFO_PORT_RECONFIG");
+                                            if (pThis->m_cb.EventHandler) {
+                                                pThis->m_cb.EventHandler(&pThis->m_cmp, pThis->m_app_data,
+                                                        (OMX_EVENTTYPE)OMX_EventIndexsettingChanged, OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX, 0, NULL );
+                                            } else {
+                                                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: %s()::EventHandler is NULL", __func__);
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                default:
+                                        break;
+            }
+        }
+        pthread_mutex_lock(&pThis->m_lock);
+        qsize = pThis->m_cmd_q.m_size;
+        if (pThis->m_state != OMX_StatePause)
+            qsize += (pThis->m_ftb_q.m_size + pThis->m_etb_q.m_size);
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(&pThis->m_lock);
+    } while (qsize>0);
 int omx_vdec::update_resolution(int width, int height, int stride, int scan_lines)
-	int format_changed = 0;
-	if ((height != drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height) ||
-		(width != drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width)) {
-		DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("NOTE_CIF: W/H %d (%d), %d (%d)\n",
-			width, drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width,
-			height,drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height);
-		format_changed = 1;
-	}
+    int format_changed = 0;
+    if ((height != drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height) ||
+            (width != drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width)) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("NOTE_CIF: W/H %d (%d), %d (%d)\n",
+                width, drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width,
+                height,drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height);
+        format_changed = 1;
+    }
     drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height = height;
     drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width = width;
     drv_ctx.video_resolution.scan_lines = scan_lines;
@@ -1339,325 +1215,299 @@
     rectangle.nTop = 0;
     rectangle.nWidth = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width;
     rectangle.nHeight = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height;
-	return format_changed;
+    return format_changed;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::is_video_session_supported()
-  if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",
-              OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE) &&
-     (m_profile == HIGH_PROFILE || m_profile == MAIN_PROFILE)) {
-    m_decoder_capability.max_width = 1280;
-    m_decoder_capability.max_height = 720;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Set max_width=1280 & max_height=720 for H264 HP/MP");
-  }
+    if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",
+                OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE) &&
+            (m_profile == HIGH_PROFILE || m_profile == MAIN_PROFILE)) {
+        m_decoder_capability.max_width = 1280;
+        m_decoder_capability.max_height = 720;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Set max_width=1280 & max_height=720 for H264 HP/MP");
+    }
-  if ((drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width *
-       drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height >
-       m_decoder_capability.max_width *
-       m_decoder_capability.max_height) ||
-       (drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width*
-       drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height <
-       m_decoder_capability.min_width *
-       m_decoder_capability.min_height))
-  {
-         "Unsupported WxH = (%u)x(%u) supported range is min(%u)x(%u) - max(%u)x(%u)",
-          drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width,
-          drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height,
-          m_decoder_capability.min_width,
-          m_decoder_capability.min_height,
-          m_decoder_capability.max_width,
-          m_decoder_capability.max_height);
-      return OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n video session supported\n");
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    if ((drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width *
+                drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height >
+                m_decoder_capability.max_width *
+                m_decoder_capability.max_height) ||
+            (drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width*
+             drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height <
+             m_decoder_capability.min_width *
+             m_decoder_capability.min_height)) {
+                "Unsupported WxH = (%u)x(%u) supported range is min(%u)x(%u) - max(%u)x(%u)",
+                drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width,
+                drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height,
+                m_decoder_capability.min_width,
+                m_decoder_capability.min_height,
+                m_decoder_capability.max_width,
+                m_decoder_capability.max_height);
+        return OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+    }
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n video session supported\n");
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::ComponentInit
+   omx_vdec::ComponentInit
-  Initialize the component.
+   Initialize the component.
-  ctxt -- Context information related to the self.
-  id   -- Event identifier. This could be any of the following:
-          1. Command completion event
-          2. Buffer done callback event
-          3. Frame done callback event
+   ctxt -- Context information related to the self.
+   id   -- Event identifier. This could be any of the following:
+   1. Command completion event
+   2. Buffer done callback event
+   3. Frame done callback event
-  None.
+   None.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::component_init(OMX_STRING role)
-	OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-	struct v4l2_fmtdesc fdesc;
-	struct v4l2_format fmt;
-	struct v4l2_requestbuffers bufreq;
-	struct v4l2_control control;
-	struct v4l2_frmsizeenum frmsize;
-	unsigned int   alignment = 0,buffer_size = 0;
-	int fds[2];
-	int r,ret=0;
-	bool codec_ambiguous = false;
-	OMX_STRING device_name = (OMX_STRING)"/dev/video/venus_dec";
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    struct v4l2_fmtdesc fdesc;
+    struct v4l2_format fmt;
+    struct v4l2_requestbuffers bufreq;
+    struct v4l2_control control;
+    struct v4l2_frmsizeenum frmsize;
+    unsigned int   alignment = 0,buffer_size = 0;
+    int fds[2];
+    int r,ret=0;
+    bool codec_ambiguous = false;
+    OMX_STRING device_name = (OMX_STRING)"/dev/video/venus_dec";
 #ifdef _ANDROID_
-	char platform_name[64];
-	property_get("ro.board.platform", platform_name, "0");
-	if (!strncmp(platform_name, "msm8610", 7)) {
-	    device_name = (OMX_STRING)"/dev/video/q6_dec";
-	}
+    char platform_name[64];
+    property_get("ro.board.platform", platform_name, "0");
+    if (!strncmp(platform_name, "msm8610", 7)) {
+        device_name = (OMX_STRING)"/dev/video/q6_dec";
+    }
-	if(!strncmp(role, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)){
-		struct v4l2_control control;
-		secure_mode = true;
-		arbitrary_bytes = false;
-		role = (OMX_STRING)"";
-	}
+    if (!strncmp(role, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        struct v4l2_control control;
+        secure_mode = true;
+        arbitrary_bytes = false;
+        role = (OMX_STRING)"";
+    }
-	drv_ctx.video_driver_fd = open(device_name, O_RDWR);
+    drv_ctx.video_driver_fd = open(device_name, O_RDWR);
-	DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n omx_vdec::component_init(): Open returned fd %d, errno %d",
-			drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, errno);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n omx_vdec::component_init(): Open returned fd %d, errno %d",
+            drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, errno);
-	if(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd == 0){
-	  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("omx_vdec_msm8974 :: Got fd as 0 for msm_vidc_dec, Opening again\n");
-	  drv_ctx.video_driver_fd = open(device_name, O_RDWR);
-	  close(0);
-	}
+    if (drv_ctx.video_driver_fd == 0) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("omx_vdec_msm8974 :: Got fd as 0 for msm_vidc_dec, Opening again\n");
+        drv_ctx.video_driver_fd = open(device_name, O_RDWR);
+        close(0);
+    }
-	if(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd < 0)
-	{
-		DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Omx_vdec::Comp Init Returning failure, errno %d\n", errno);
-		return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-	}
-	drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator = DEFAULT_FPS;
-	drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator = 1;
+    if (drv_ctx.video_driver_fd < 0) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Omx_vdec::Comp Init Returning failure, errno %d\n", errno);
+        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+    }
+    drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator = DEFAULT_FPS;
+    drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator = 1;
     ret = subscribe_to_events(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd);
     if (!ret) {
-      async_thread_created = true;
-      ret = pthread_create(&async_thread_id,0,async_message_thread,this);
-	}
-    if(ret) {
-	  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Failed to create async_message_thread \n");
-	  async_thread_created = false;
-	  return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        async_thread_created = true;
+        ret = pthread_create(&async_thread_id,0,async_message_thread,this);
+    }
+    if (ret) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Failed to create async_message_thread \n");
+        async_thread_created = false;
+        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-	strcpy(inputfilename, INPUT_BUFFER_FILE_NAME);
+    strcpy(inputfilename, INPUT_BUFFER_FILE_NAME);
-	outputBufferFile1 = fopen (outputfilename, "ab");
+    outputBufferFile1 = fopen (outputfilename, "ab");
-	outputExtradataFile = fopen (ouputextradatafilename, "ab");
+    outputExtradataFile = fopen (ouputextradatafilename, "ab");
-	// Copy the role information which provides the decoder kind
-	strlcpy(drv_ctx.kind,role,128);
+    // Copy the role information which provides the decoder kind
+    strlcpy(drv_ctx.kind,role,128);
-	if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind,"",\
-	{
-		strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.mpeg4",\
-		drv_ctx.timestamp_adjust = true;
-		drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_MPEG4;
-		eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG4;
-		output_capability=V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG4;
-		/*Initialize Start Code for MPEG4*/
-		codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_MPEG4;
-		m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
+    if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind,"",\
+                OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.mpeg4",\
+                OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+        drv_ctx.timestamp_adjust = true;
+        drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_MPEG4;
+        eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG4;
+        output_capability=V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG4;
+        /*Initialize Start Code for MPEG4*/
+        codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_MPEG4;
+        m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
-		strcat(inputfilename, "m4v");
+        strcat(inputfilename, "m4v");
-	}
-	else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind,"",\
-	{
-		strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.mpeg2",\
-		drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_MPEG2;
-		output_capability = V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2;
-		eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG2;
-		/*Initialize Start Code for MPEG2*/
-		codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_MPEG2;
-		m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
+    } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind,"",\
+                OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.mpeg2",\
+                OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+        drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_MPEG2;
+        output_capability = V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2;
+        eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingMPEG2;
+        /*Initialize Start Code for MPEG2*/
+        codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_MPEG2;
+        m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
-		strcat(inputfilename, "mpg");
+        strcat(inputfilename, "mpg");
-	}
-	else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",\
-	{
-		strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.h263",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-		DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n H263 Decoder selected");
-		drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_H263;
-		eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingH263;
-		output_capability = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H263;
-		codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_H263;
-		m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
+    } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",\
+                OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.h263",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n H263 Decoder selected");
+        drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_H263;
+        eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingH263;
+        output_capability = V4L2_PIX_FMT_H263;
+        codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_H263;
+        m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
-		strcat(inputfilename, "263");
+        strcat(inputfilename, "263");
-	}
-	else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",\
-	{
-		strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.divx",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-		DEBUG_PRINT_LOW ("\n DIVX 311 Decoder selected");
-		drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_DIVX_3;
-		output_capability = V4L2_PIX_FMT_DIVX_311;
-		eCompressionFormat = (OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE)QOMX_VIDEO_CodingDivx;
-		codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_DIVX;
-		m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
+    } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",\
+                OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.divx",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW ("\n DIVX 311 Decoder selected");
+        drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_DIVX_3;
+        output_capability = V4L2_PIX_FMT_DIVX_311;
+        eCompressionFormat = (OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE)QOMX_VIDEO_CodingDivx;
+        codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_DIVX;
+        m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
-		eRet = createDivxDrmContext();
-		if (eRet != OMX_ErrorNone) {
-			DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("createDivxDrmContext Failed");
-			return eRet;
-		}
-	}
-	else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",\
-	{
-		strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.divx",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-		DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR ("\n DIVX 4 Decoder selected");
-		drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_DIVX_4;
-		output_capability = V4L2_PIX_FMT_DIVX;
-		eCompressionFormat = (OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE)QOMX_VIDEO_CodingDivx;
-		codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_DIVX;
-		codec_ambiguous = true;
-		m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
+        eRet = createDivxDrmContext();
+        if (eRet != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("createDivxDrmContext Failed");
+            return eRet;
+        }
+    } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",\
+                OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.divx",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR ("\n DIVX 4 Decoder selected");
+        drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_DIVX_4;
+        output_capability = V4L2_PIX_FMT_DIVX;
+        eCompressionFormat = (OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE)QOMX_VIDEO_CodingDivx;
+        codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_DIVX;
+        codec_ambiguous = true;
+        m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
-		eRet = createDivxDrmContext();
-		if (eRet != OMX_ErrorNone) {
-			DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("createDivxDrmContext Failed");
-			return eRet;
-		}
-	}
-	else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",\
-	{
-		strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.divx",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-		DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR ("\n DIVX 5/6 Decoder selected");
-		drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_DIVX_6;
-		output_capability = V4L2_PIX_FMT_DIVX;
-		eCompressionFormat = (OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE)QOMX_VIDEO_CodingDivx;
-		codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_DIVX;
-		codec_ambiguous = true;
-		m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
+        eRet = createDivxDrmContext();
+        if (eRet != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("createDivxDrmContext Failed");
+            return eRet;
+        }
+    } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",\
+                OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.divx",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR ("\n DIVX 5/6 Decoder selected");
+        drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_DIVX_6;
+        output_capability = V4L2_PIX_FMT_DIVX;
+        eCompressionFormat = (OMX_VIDEO_CODINGTYPE)QOMX_VIDEO_CodingDivx;
+        codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_DIVX;
+        codec_ambiguous = true;
+        m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
-		eRet = createDivxDrmContext();
-		if (eRet != OMX_ErrorNone) {
-			DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("createDivxDrmContext Failed");
-			return eRet;
-		}
+        eRet = createDivxDrmContext();
+        if (eRet != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("createDivxDrmContext Failed");
+            return eRet;
+        }
-	}
-	else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",\
-	{
-		strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.avc",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-		drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_H264;
-		output_capability=V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264;
-		eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC;
-		codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_H264;
-		m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
-		m_frame_parser.init_nal_length(nal_length);
+    } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",\
+                OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.avc",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+        drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_H264;
+        output_capability=V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264;
+        eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC;
+        codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_H264;
+        m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
+        m_frame_parser.init_nal_length(nal_length);
-		strcat(inputfilename, "264");
+        strcat(inputfilename, "264");
-	}
-	else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",\
-	{
-		strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.vc1",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-		drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_VC1;
-		eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingWMV;
-		codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_VC1;
-		output_capability = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_G;
-		m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
+    } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",\
+                OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.vc1",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+        drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_VC1;
+        eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingWMV;
+        codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_VC1;
+        output_capability = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_G;
+        m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
-		strcat(inputfilename, "vc1");
+        strcat(inputfilename, "vc1");
-	}
-	else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",\
-	{
-		strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.vc1",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-		drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_VC1_RCV;
-		eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingWMV;
-		codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_VC1;
-		output_capability = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_L;
-		m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
+    } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",\
+                OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.vc1",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+        drv_ctx.decoder_format = VDEC_CODECTYPE_VC1_RCV;
+        eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingWMV;
+        codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_VC1;
+        output_capability = V4L2_PIX_FMT_VC1_ANNEX_L;
+        m_frame_parser.init_start_codes (codec_type_parse);
-		strcat(inputfilename, "vc1");
+        strcat(inputfilename, "vc1");
-	}
-	else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",	\
-	{
-		strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.vp8",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-		output_capability=V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8;
-		eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingVPX;
-		codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_VP8;
-		arbitrary_bytes = false;
+    } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",    \
+                OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        strlcpy((char *)m_cRole, "video_decoder.vp8",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+        output_capability=V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8;
+        eCompressionFormat = OMX_VIDEO_CodingVPX;
+        codec_type_parse = CODEC_TYPE_VP8;
+        arbitrary_bytes = false;
-                strcat(inputfilename, "ivf");
+        strcat(inputfilename, "ivf");
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:Unknown Component\n");
-		eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidComponentName;
-	}
+    } else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:Unknown Component\n");
+        eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidComponentName;
+    }
-	inputBufferFile1 = fopen (inputfilename, "ab");
-	if (output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8) {
-		struct ivf_file_header
-		{
-			OMX_U8 signature[4]; //='DKIF';
-			OMX_U8 version         ; //= 0;
-			OMX_U8 headersize      ; //= 32;
-			OMX_U32 FourCC;
-			OMX_U8 width;
-			OMX_U8 height;
-			OMX_U32 rate;
-			OMX_U32 scale;
-			OMX_U32 length;
-			OMX_U8 unused[4];
-		} file_header;
-		 memset((void *)&file_header,0,sizeof(file_header));
-		file_header.signature[0] = 'D';
-		file_header.signature[1] = 'K';
-		file_header.signature[2] = 'I';
-		file_header.signature[3] = 'F';
-		file_header.version = 0;
-		file_header.headersize = 32;
-		file_header.FourCC = 0x30385056;
-		if (inputBufferFile1)
-		{
-			fwrite((const char *)&file_header,
-					sizeof(file_header),1,inputBufferFile1);
-		}
-	}
+    inputBufferFile1 = fopen (inputfilename, "ab");
+    if (output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8) {
+        struct ivf_file_header {
+            OMX_U8 signature[4]; //='DKIF';
+            OMX_U8 version         ; //= 0;
+            OMX_U8 headersize      ; //= 32;
+            OMX_U32 FourCC;
+            OMX_U8 width;
+            OMX_U8 height;
+            OMX_U32 rate;
+            OMX_U32 scale;
+            OMX_U32 length;
+            OMX_U8 unused[4];
+        } file_header;
+        memset((void *)&file_header,0,sizeof(file_header));
+        file_header.signature[0] = 'D';
+        file_header.signature[1] = 'K';
+        file_header.signature[2] = 'I';
+        file_header.signature[3] = 'F';
+        file_header.version = 0;
+        file_header.headersize = 32;
+        file_header.FourCC = 0x30385056;
+        if (inputBufferFile1) {
+            fwrite((const char *)&file_header,
+                    sizeof(file_header),1,inputBufferFile1);
+        }
+    }
-	if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone)
-	{
+    if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone) {
-		drv_ctx.output_format = VDEC_YUV_FORMAT_NV12;
+        drv_ctx.output_format = VDEC_YUV_FORMAT_NV12;
         OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE dest_color_format = (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)
         if (!client_buffers.set_color_format(dest_color_format)) {
@@ -1665,124 +1515,124 @@
             eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-		capture_capability= V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12;
+        capture_capability= V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12;
-		struct v4l2_capability cap;
-		ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &cap);
-		if (ret) {
-		  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to query capabilities\n");
-		  /*TODO: How to handle this case */
-		} else {
-		  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Capabilities: driver_name = %s, card = %s, bus_info = %s,"
-				" version = %d, capabilities = %x\n", cap.driver, cap.card,
-				cap.bus_info, cap.version, cap.capabilities);
-		}
-		ret=0;
-		fdesc.index=0;
-		while (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT, &fdesc) == 0) {
-			DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("fmt: description: %s, fmt: %x, flags = %x\n", fdesc.description,
-					fdesc.pixelformat, fdesc.flags);
-			fdesc.index++;
-		}
-		fdesc.index=0;
-		while (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT, &fdesc) == 0) {
+        struct v4l2_capability cap;
+        ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &cap);
+        if (ret) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to query capabilities\n");
+            /*TODO: How to handle this case */
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Capabilities: driver_name = %s, card = %s, bus_info = %s,"
+                    " version = %d, capabilities = %x\n", cap.driver, cap.card,
+                    cap.bus_info, cap.version, cap.capabilities);
+        }
+        ret=0;
+        fdesc.type=V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+        fdesc.index=0;
+        while (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT, &fdesc) == 0) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("fmt: description: %s, fmt: %x, flags = %x\n", fdesc.description,
+                    fdesc.pixelformat, fdesc.flags);
+            fdesc.index++;
+        }
+        fdesc.type=V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
+        fdesc.index=0;
+        while (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT, &fdesc) == 0) {
-			DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("fmt: description: %s, fmt: %x, flags = %x\n", fdesc.description,
-					fdesc.pixelformat, fdesc.flags);
-			fdesc.index++;
-		}
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("fmt: description: %s, fmt: %x, flags = %x\n", fdesc.description,
+                    fdesc.pixelformat, fdesc.flags);
+            fdesc.index++;
+        }
         update_resolution(320, 240, 320, 240);
-		fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height;
-		fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width;
-		fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = output_capability;
-		ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt);
-		if (ret) {
-			/*TODO: How to handle this case */
-			DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to set format on output port\n");
-			return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-				}
-		DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Set Format was successful \n ");
-		if (codec_ambiguous) {
-			if (output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_DIVX) {
-				struct v4l2_control divx_ctrl;
+        fmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
+        fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height;
+        fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width;
+        fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = output_capability;
+        ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt);
+        if (ret) {
+            /*TODO: How to handle this case */
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to set format on output port\n");
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Set Format was successful \n ");
+        if (codec_ambiguous) {
+            if (output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_DIVX) {
+                struct v4l2_control divx_ctrl;
-				if (drv_ctx.decoder_format == VDEC_CODECTYPE_DIVX_4) {
-					divx_ctrl.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_DIVX_FORMAT_4;
-				} else if (drv_ctx.decoder_format == VDEC_CODECTYPE_DIVX_5) {
-					divx_ctrl.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_DIVX_FORMAT_5;
-				} else {
-					divx_ctrl.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_DIVX_FORMAT_6;
-				}
+                if (drv_ctx.decoder_format == VDEC_CODECTYPE_DIVX_4) {
+                    divx_ctrl.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_DIVX_FORMAT_4;
+                } else if (drv_ctx.decoder_format == VDEC_CODECTYPE_DIVX_5) {
+                    divx_ctrl.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_DIVX_FORMAT_5;
+                } else {
+                    divx_ctrl.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_DIVX_FORMAT_6;
+                }
-				ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &divx_ctrl);
-				if (ret) {
-					DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to set divx version\n");
-				}
-			} else {
-				DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Codec should not be ambiguous");
-			}
-		}
+                ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &divx_ctrl);
+                if (ret) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to set divx version\n");
+                }
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Codec should not be ambiguous");
+            }
+        }
-		//Get the hardware capabilities
-		memset((void *)&frmsize,0,sizeof(frmsize));
-		frmsize.index = 0;
-		frmsize.pixel_format = output_capability;
-		ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd,
-		if (ret || frmsize.type != V4L2_FRMSIZE_TYPE_STEPWISE) {
-			DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to get framesizes\n");
-			return OMX_ErrorHardware;
-		}
+        //Get the hardware capabilities
+        memset((void *)&frmsize,0,sizeof(frmsize));
+        frmsize.index = 0;
+        frmsize.pixel_format = output_capability;
+        ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd,
+                VIDIOC_ENUM_FRAMESIZES, &frmsize);
+        if (ret || frmsize.type != V4L2_FRMSIZE_TYPE_STEPWISE) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to get framesizes\n");
+            return OMX_ErrorHardware;
+        }
-		if (frmsize.type == V4L2_FRMSIZE_TYPE_STEPWISE) {
-		    m_decoder_capability.min_width = frmsize.stepwise.min_width;
-		    m_decoder_capability.max_width = frmsize.stepwise.max_width;
-		    m_decoder_capability.min_height = frmsize.stepwise.min_height;
-		    m_decoder_capability.max_height = frmsize.stepwise.max_height;
-		}
+        if (frmsize.type == V4L2_FRMSIZE_TYPE_STEPWISE) {
+            m_decoder_capability.min_width = frmsize.stepwise.min_width;
+            m_decoder_capability.max_width = frmsize.stepwise.max_width;
+            m_decoder_capability.min_height = frmsize.stepwise.min_height;
+            m_decoder_capability.max_height = frmsize.stepwise.max_height;
+        }
-		fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height;
-		fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width;
-		fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = capture_capability;
-		ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt);
-		if (ret) {
-			/*TODO: How to handle this case */	
-			DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to set format on capture port\n");
-				}
-		DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Set Format was successful \n ");
-		if(secure_mode){
-			control.value = 1;
-			DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Omx_vdec:: calling to open secure device %d\n", ret);
-			ret=ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL,&control);
-			if (ret) {
-				DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Omx_vdec:: Unable to open secure device %d\n", ret);
-				return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-			}
-		}
+        fmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+        fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height;
+        fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width;
+        fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = capture_capability;
+        ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt);
+        if (ret) {
+            /*TODO: How to handle this case */
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to set format on capture port\n");
+        }
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Set Format was successful \n ");
+        if (secure_mode) {
+            control.value = 1;
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Omx_vdec:: calling to open secure device %d\n", ret);
+            ret=ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL,&control);
+            if (ret) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Omx_vdec:: Unable to open secure device %d\n", ret);
+                return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+            }
+        }
-		/*Get the Buffer requirements for input and output ports*/
-		drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_type = VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_INPUT;
-		drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_type = VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT;
-		if (secure_mode) {
-			drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment=SZ_1M;
-			drv_ctx.ip_buf.alignment=SZ_1M;
-		} else {
-			drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment=SZ_4K;
-			drv_ctx.ip_buf.alignment=SZ_4K;
-		}
-		drv_ctx.interlace = VDEC_InterlaceFrameProgressive;
-		drv_ctx.extradata = 0;
-		drv_ctx.picture_order = VDEC_ORDER_DISPLAY;
-		ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control);
-		drv_ctx.idr_only_decoding = 0;
+        /*Get the Buffer requirements for input and output ports*/
+        drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_type = VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_INPUT;
+        drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_type = VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT;
+        if (secure_mode) {
+            drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment=SZ_1M;
+            drv_ctx.ip_buf.alignment=SZ_1M;
+        } else {
+            drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment=SZ_4K;
+            drv_ctx.ip_buf.alignment=SZ_4K;
+        }
+        drv_ctx.interlace = VDEC_InterlaceFrameProgressive;
+        drv_ctx.extradata = 0;
+        drv_ctx.picture_order = VDEC_ORDER_DISPLAY;
+        control.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_OUTPUT_ORDER_DISPLAY;
+        ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control);
+        drv_ctx.idr_only_decoding = 0;
         m_state = OMX_StateLoaded;
@@ -1792,155 +1642,135 @@
         DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Input Buffer Size =%d \n ",drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size);
-		if (drv_ctx.decoder_format == VDEC_CODECTYPE_H264)
-		{
-			if (m_frame_parser.mutils == NULL)
-			{
-				m_frame_parser.mutils = new H264_Utils();
+        if (drv_ctx.decoder_format == VDEC_CODECTYPE_H264) {
+            if (m_frame_parser.mutils == NULL) {
+                m_frame_parser.mutils = new H264_Utils();
-				if (m_frame_parser.mutils == NULL)
-				{
-					DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n parser utils Allocation failed ");
-					eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					h264_scratch.nAllocLen = drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size;
-					h264_scratch.pBuffer = (OMX_U8 *)malloc (drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size);
-					h264_scratch.nFilledLen = 0;
-					h264_scratch.nOffset = 0;
+                if (m_frame_parser.mutils == NULL) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n parser utils Allocation failed ");
+                    eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+                } else {
+                    h264_scratch.nAllocLen = drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size;
+                    h264_scratch.pBuffer = (OMX_U8 *)malloc (drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size);
+                    h264_scratch.nFilledLen = 0;
+                    h264_scratch.nOffset = 0;
-					if (h264_scratch.pBuffer == NULL)
-					{
-						DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n h264_scratch.pBuffer Allocation failed ");
-						return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-					}
-					m_frame_parser.mutils->initialize_frame_checking_environment();
-					m_frame_parser.mutils->allocate_rbsp_buffer (drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size);
-				}
-			}
+                    if (h264_scratch.pBuffer == NULL) {
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n h264_scratch.pBuffer Allocation failed ");
+                        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+                    }
+                    m_frame_parser.mutils->initialize_frame_checking_environment();
+                    m_frame_parser.mutils->allocate_rbsp_buffer (drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size);
+                }
+            }
-			h264_parser = new h264_stream_parser();
-			if (!h264_parser)
-			{
-				DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: H264 parser allocation failed!");
-				eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-			}
-		}
+            h264_parser = new h264_stream_parser();
+            if (!h264_parser) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: H264 parser allocation failed!");
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+            }
+        }
-		if(pipe(fds))
-		{
-			DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("pipe creation failed\n");
-			eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			int temp1[2];
-			if(fds[0] == 0 || fds[1] == 0)
-			{
-				if (pipe (temp1))
-				{
-					DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("pipe creation failed\n");
-					return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-				}
-				//close (fds[0]);
-				//close (fds[1]);
-				fds[0] = temp1 [0];
-				fds[1] = temp1 [1];
-			}
-			m_pipe_in = fds[0];
-			m_pipe_out = fds[1];
-			msg_thread_created = true;
-			r = pthread_create(&msg_thread_id,0,message_thread,this);
-			if(r < 0)
-			{
-				DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n component_init(): message_thread creation failed");
-				msg_thread_created = false;
-				eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-			}
-		}
-	}
+        if (pipe(fds)) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("pipe creation failed\n");
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        } else {
+            int temp1[2];
+            if (fds[0] == 0 || fds[1] == 0) {
+                if (pipe (temp1)) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("pipe creation failed\n");
+                    return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+                }
+                //close (fds[0]);
+                //close (fds[1]);
+                fds[0] = temp1 [0];
+                fds[1] = temp1 [1];
+            }
+            m_pipe_in = fds[0];
+            m_pipe_out = fds[1];
+            msg_thread_created = true;
+            r = pthread_create(&msg_thread_id,0,message_thread,this);
-	if (eRet != OMX_ErrorNone)
-	{
-		DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Component Init Failed");
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n omx_vdec::component_init() success");
-	}
-	//memset(&h264_mv_buff,0,sizeof(struct h264_mv_buffer));
-	return eRet;
+            if (r < 0) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n component_init(): message_thread creation failed");
+                msg_thread_created = false;
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (eRet != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Component Init Failed");
+    } else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n omx_vdec::component_init() success");
+    }
+    //memset(&h264_mv_buff,0,sizeof(struct h264_mv_buffer));
+    return eRet;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::GetComponentVersion
+   omx_vdec::GetComponentVersion
-  Returns the component version.
+   Returns the component version.
-  TBD.
+   TBD.
-  OMX_ErrorNone.
+   OMX_ErrorNone.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::get_component_version
-                                     (
-                                      OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp,
-                                      OMX_OUT OMX_STRING componentName,
-                                      OMX_OUT OMX_VERSIONTYPE* componentVersion,
-                                      OMX_OUT OMX_VERSIONTYPE* specVersion,
-                                      OMX_OUT OMX_UUIDTYPE* componentUUID
-                                      )
+ OMX_OUT OMX_STRING componentName,
+ OMX_OUT OMX_VERSIONTYPE* componentVersion,
+ )
-    if(m_state == OMX_StateInvalid)
-    {
+    if (m_state == OMX_StateInvalid) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Get Comp Version in Invalid State\n");
         return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-  /* TBD -- Return the proper version */
-  if (specVersion)
-  {
-    specVersion->nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-  }
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    /* TBD -- Return the proper version */
+    if (specVersion) {
+        specVersion->nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+    }
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::SendCommand
+   omx_vdec::SendCommand
-  Returns zero if all the buffers released..
+   Returns zero if all the buffers released..
-  None.
+   None.
-  true/false
+   true/false
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::send_command(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp,
-                                      OMX_IN OMX_COMMANDTYPE cmd,
-                                      OMX_IN OMX_U32 param1,
-                                      OMX_IN OMX_PTR cmdData
-                                      )
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32 param1,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR cmdData
+        )
     DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n send_command: Recieved a Command from Client");
-    if(m_state == OMX_StateInvalid)
-    {
+    if (m_state == OMX_StateInvalid) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: Send Command in Invalid State\n");
         return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
     if (cmd == OMX_CommandFlush && param1 != OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX
-      && param1 != OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX && param1 != OMX_ALL)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n send_command(): ERROR OMX_CommandFlush "
-        "to invalid port: %lu", param1);
-      return OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
+            && param1 != OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX && param1 != OMX_ALL) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n send_command(): ERROR OMX_CommandFlush "
+                "to invalid port: %lu", param1);
+        return OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
@@ -1949,1133 +1779,953 @@
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::SendCommand
+   omx_vdec::SendCommand
-  Returns zero if all the buffers released..
+   Returns zero if all the buffers released..
-  None.
+   None.
-  true/false
+   true/false
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::send_command_proxy(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp,
-                                            OMX_IN OMX_COMMANDTYPE cmd,
-                                            OMX_IN OMX_U32 param1,
-                                            OMX_IN OMX_PTR cmdData
-                                            )
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32 param1,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR cmdData
+        )
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  int bFlag = 1,sem_posted = 0,ret=0;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    OMX_STATETYPE eState = (OMX_STATETYPE) param1;
+    int bFlag = 1,sem_posted = 0,ret=0;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n send_command_proxy(): cmd = %d", cmd);
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n send_command_proxy(): Current State %d, Expected State %d",
-    m_state, eState);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n send_command_proxy(): cmd = %d", cmd);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n send_command_proxy(): Current State %d, Expected State %d",
+            m_state, eState);
-  if(cmd == OMX_CommandStateSet)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n send_command_proxy(): OMX_CommandStateSet issued");
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Current State %d, Expected State %d", m_state, eState);
-    /***************************/
-    /* Current State is Loaded */
-    /***************************/
-    if(m_state == OMX_StateLoaded)
-    {
-      if(eState == OMX_StateIdle)
-      {
-        //if all buffers are allocated or all ports disabled
-        if(allocate_done() ||
-          (m_inp_bEnabled == OMX_FALSE && m_out_bEnabled == OMX_FALSE))
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->Idle\n");
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->Idle-Pending\n");
-          // Skip the event notification
-          bFlag = 0;
-        }
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from Loaded to Loaded */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StateLoaded)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->Loaded\n");
-        post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorSameState,\
-                   OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorSameState;
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from Loaded to WaitForResources */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StateWaitForResources)
-      {
-        /* Since error is None , we will post an event
-           at the end of this function definition */
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->WaitForResources\n");
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from Loaded to Executing */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StateExecuting)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->Executing\n");
-        post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
-                   OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from Loaded to Pause */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StatePause)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->Pause\n");
-        post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
-                   OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from Loaded to Invalid */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StateInvalid)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->Invalid\n");
-        post_event(OMX_EventError,eState,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->Invalid(%d Not Handled)\n",\
-                          eState);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-      }
-    }
-    /***************************/
-    /* Current State is IDLE */
-    /***************************/
-    else if(m_state == OMX_StateIdle)
-    {
-      if(eState == OMX_StateLoaded)
-      {
-        if(release_done())
-        {
-          /*
-             Since error is None , we will post an event at the end
-             of this function definition
-          */
-          DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Loaded\n");
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Loaded-Pending\n");
-          // Skip the event notification
-          bFlag = 0;
-        }
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from Idle to Executing */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StateExecuting)
-      {
-	    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Executing\n");
-        bFlag = 1;
-	    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Executing\n");
-	    m_state=OMX_StateExecuting;
-	    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Stream On CAPTURE Was successful\n");
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from Idle to Idle */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StateIdle)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Idle\n");
-        post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorSameState,\
-                   OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorSameState;
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from Idle to WaitForResources */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StateWaitForResources)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Idle-->WaitForResources\n");
-        post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
-                   OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
-      }
-       /* Requesting transition from Idle to Pause */
-       else if(eState == OMX_StatePause)
-      {
-         /*To pause the Video core we need to start the driver*/
-         if (/*ioctl (drv_ctx.video_driver_fd,VDEC_IOCTL_CMD_START,
-                    NULL) < */0)
-         {
-           omx_report_error ();
-           eRet = OMX_ErrorHardware;
-         }
-         else
-         {
-           DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Pause\n");
-           bFlag = 0;
-         }
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from Idle to Invalid */
-       else if(eState == OMX_StateInvalid)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Invalid\n");
-        post_event(OMX_EventError,eState,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Idle --> %d Not Handled\n",eState);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-      }
-    }
-    /******************************/
-    /* Current State is Executing */
-    /******************************/
-    else if(m_state == OMX_StateExecuting)
-    {
-       DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Command Recieved in OMX_StateExecuting");
-       /* Requesting transition from Executing to Idle */
-       if(eState == OMX_StateIdle)
-	   {
-		   /* Since error is None , we will post an event
-			  at the end of this function definition
-			*/
-		   DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n send_command_proxy(): Executing --> Idle \n");
-		   if(!sem_posted)
-		   {
-			   sem_posted = 1;
-			   sem_post (&m_cmd_lock);
-			   execute_omx_flush(OMX_ALL);
-		   }
-		   bFlag = 0;
-	   }
-       /* Requesting transition from Executing to Paused */
-       else if(eState == OMX_StatePause)
-       {
-         DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n PAUSE Command Issued");
-         m_state = OMX_StatePause;
-         bFlag = 1;
-       }
-       /* Requesting transition from Executing to Loaded */
-       else if(eState == OMX_StateLoaded)
-       {
-         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n send_command_proxy(): Executing --> Loaded \n");
-         post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
-                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-         eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
-       }
-       /* Requesting transition from Executing to WaitForResources */
-       else if(eState == OMX_StateWaitForResources)
-       {
-         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n send_command_proxy(): Executing --> WaitForResources \n");
-         post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
-                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-         eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
-       }
-       /* Requesting transition from Executing to Executing */
-       else if(eState == OMX_StateExecuting)
-       {
-         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n send_command_proxy(): Executing --> Executing \n");
-         post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorSameState,\
-                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-         eRet = OMX_ErrorSameState;
-       }
-       /* Requesting transition from Executing to Invalid */
-       else if(eState == OMX_StateInvalid)
-       {
-         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n send_command_proxy(): Executing --> Invalid \n");
-         post_event(OMX_EventError,eState,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-         eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-       }
-       else
-       {
-         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Executing --> %d Not Handled\n",eState);
-         eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-       }
-    }
-    /***************************/
-    /* Current State is Pause  */
-    /***************************/
-    else if(m_state == OMX_StatePause)
-    {
-      /* Requesting transition from Pause to Executing */
-      if(eState == OMX_StateExecuting)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Pause --> Executing \n");
-        m_state = OMX_StateExecuting;
-        bFlag = 1;
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from Pause to Idle */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StateIdle)
-      {
-        /* Since error is None , we will post an event
-        at the end of this function definition */
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Pause --> Idle \n");
-         if(!sem_posted)
-         {
-           sem_posted = 1;
-           sem_post (&m_cmd_lock);
-           execute_omx_flush(OMX_ALL);
-         }
-         bFlag = 0;
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from Pause to loaded */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StateLoaded)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Pause --> loaded \n");
-        post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
-                   OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from Pause to WaitForResources */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StateWaitForResources)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Pause --> WaitForResources \n");
-        post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
-                   OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from Pause to Pause */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StatePause)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Pause --> Pause \n");
-        post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorSameState,\
-                   OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorSameState;
-      }
-       /* Requesting transition from Pause to Invalid */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StateInvalid)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Pause --> Invalid \n");
-        post_event(OMX_EventError,eState,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Paused --> %d Not Handled\n",eState);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-      }
-    }
-     /***************************/
-    /* Current State is WaitForResources  */
-    /***************************/
-    else if(m_state == OMX_StateWaitForResources)
-    {
-      /* Requesting transition from WaitForResources to Loaded */
-      if(eState == OMX_StateLoaded)
-      {
-        /* Since error is None , we will post an event
-        at the end of this function definition */
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): WaitForResources-->Loaded\n");
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from WaitForResources to WaitForResources */
-      else if (eState == OMX_StateWaitForResources)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): WaitForResources-->WaitForResources\n");
-        post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorSameState,
-                   OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorSameState;
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from WaitForResources to Executing */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StateExecuting)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): WaitForResources-->Executing\n");
-        post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
-                   OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from WaitForResources to Pause */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StatePause)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): WaitForResources-->Pause\n");
-        post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
-                   OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from WaitForResources to Invalid */
-      else if(eState == OMX_StateInvalid)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): WaitForResources-->Invalid\n");
-        post_event(OMX_EventError,eState,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-      }
-      /* Requesting transition from WaitForResources to Loaded -
-      is NOT tested by Khronos TS */
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): %d --> %d(Not Handled)\n",m_state,eState);
-      eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-    }
-  }
-  /********************************/
-  /* Current State is Invalid */
-  /*******************************/
-  else if(m_state == OMX_StateInvalid)
-  {
-    /* State Transition from Inavlid to any state */
-    if(eState == (OMX_StateLoaded || OMX_StateWaitForResources
-                  || OMX_StateIdle || OMX_StateExecuting
-                  || OMX_StatePause || OMX_StateInvalid))
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Invalid -->Loaded\n");
-      post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorInvalidState,\
-      eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-    }
-  }
-  else if (cmd == OMX_CommandFlush)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n send_command_proxy(): OMX_CommandFlush issued"
-        "with param1: %lu", param1);
-    if(OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX == param1 || OMX_ALL == param1)
-    {
-    }
-    if(OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX == param1 || OMX_ALL == param1)
-    {
-    }
-    if (!sem_posted){
-      sem_posted = 1;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Set the Semaphore");
-      sem_post (&m_cmd_lock);
-      execute_omx_flush(param1);
-    }
-    bFlag = 0;
-  }
-  else if ( cmd == OMX_CommandPortEnable)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n send_command_proxy(): OMX_CommandPortEnable issued"
-        "with param1: %lu", param1);
-    if(param1 == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX || param1 == OMX_ALL)
-      {
-        m_inp_bEnabled = OMX_TRUE;
-        if( (m_state == OMX_StateLoaded &&
-            || allocate_input_done())
-        {
-          post_event(OMX_CommandPortEnable,OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX,
-                     OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Disabled-->Enabled Pending\n");
-          // Skip the event notification
-          bFlag = 0;
-        }
-      }
-      if(param1 == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX || param1 == OMX_ALL)
-      {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Enable output Port command recieved");
-          m_out_bEnabled = OMX_TRUE;
-          if( (m_state == OMX_StateLoaded &&
-              || (allocate_output_done()))
-          {
-             post_event(OMX_CommandPortEnable,OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX,
-                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-          }
-          else
-          {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Disabled-->Enabled Pending\n");
-              // Skip the event notification
-              bFlag = 0;
-          }
-      }
-  }
-  else if (cmd == OMX_CommandPortDisable)
-  {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n send_command_proxy(): OMX_CommandPortDisable issued"
-          "with param1: %lu", param1);
-      if(param1 == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX || param1 == OMX_ALL)
-      {
-          m_inp_bEnabled = OMX_FALSE;
-          if((m_state == OMX_StateLoaded || m_state == OMX_StateIdle)
-              && release_input_done())
-          {
-             post_event(OMX_CommandPortDisable,OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX,
-                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-          }
-          else
-          {
-             if(m_state == OMX_StatePause ||m_state == OMX_StateExecuting)
-             {
-               if(!sem_posted)
-               {
-                 sem_posted = 1;
-                 sem_post (&m_cmd_lock);
-               }
-               execute_omx_flush(OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX);
-             }
-             // Skip the event notification
-             bFlag = 0;
-          }
-      }
-      if(param1 == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX || param1 == OMX_ALL)
-      {
-          m_out_bEnabled = OMX_FALSE;
-          DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Disable output Port command recieved");
-          if((m_state == OMX_StateLoaded || m_state == OMX_StateIdle)
-              && release_output_done())
-          {
-             post_event(OMX_CommandPortDisable,OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX,\
-                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-          }
-          else
-         {
-            if(m_state == OMX_StatePause ||m_state == OMX_StateExecuting)
-            {
-              if (!sem_posted)
-              {
-                sem_posted = 1;
-                sem_post (&m_cmd_lock);
-              }
-                execute_omx_flush(OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX);
+    if (cmd == OMX_CommandStateSet) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n send_command_proxy(): OMX_CommandStateSet issued");
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Current State %d, Expected State %d", m_state, eState);
+        /***************************/
+        /* Current State is Loaded */
+        /***************************/
+        if (m_state == OMX_StateLoaded) {
+            if (eState == OMX_StateIdle) {
+                //if all buffers are allocated or all ports disabled
+                if (allocate_done() ||
+                        (m_inp_bEnabled == OMX_FALSE && m_out_bEnabled == OMX_FALSE)) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->Idle\n");
+                } else {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->Idle-Pending\n");
+                    BITMASK_SET(&m_flags, OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING);
+                    // Skip the event notification
+                    bFlag = 0;
+                }
-            // Skip the event notification
-            bFlag = 0;
+            /* Requesting transition from Loaded to Loaded */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateLoaded) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->Loaded\n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorSameState,\
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorSameState;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Loaded to WaitForResources */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateWaitForResources) {
+                /* Since error is None , we will post an event
+                   at the end of this function definition */
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->WaitForResources\n");
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Loaded to Executing */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateExecuting) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->Executing\n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Loaded to Pause */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StatePause) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->Pause\n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Loaded to Invalid */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateInvalid) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->Invalid\n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,eState,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Loaded-->Invalid(%d Not Handled)\n",\
+                        eState);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+            }
+        }
-         }
-      }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Error: Invalid Command other than StateSet (%d)\n",cmd);
-    eRet = OMX_ErrorNotImplemented;
-  }
-  if(eRet == OMX_ErrorNone && bFlag)
-  {
-    post_event(cmd,eState,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-  }
-  if(!sem_posted)
-  {
-    sem_post(&m_cmd_lock);
-  }
+        /***************************/
+        /* Current State is IDLE */
+        /***************************/
+        else if (m_state == OMX_StateIdle) {
+            if (eState == OMX_StateLoaded) {
+                if (release_done()) {
+                    /*
+                       Since error is None , we will post an event at the end
+                       of this function definition
+                     */
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Loaded\n");
+                } else {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Loaded-Pending\n");
+                    BITMASK_SET(&m_flags, OMX_COMPONENT_LOADING_PENDING);
+                    // Skip the event notification
+                    bFlag = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Idle to Executing */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateExecuting) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Executing\n");
+                //BITMASK_SET(&m_flags, OMX_COMPONENT_EXECUTE_PENDING);
+                bFlag = 1;
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Executing\n");
+                m_state=OMX_StateExecuting;
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Stream On CAPTURE Was successful\n");
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Idle to Idle */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateIdle) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Idle\n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorSameState,\
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorSameState;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Idle to WaitForResources */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateWaitForResources) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Idle-->WaitForResources\n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Idle to Pause */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StatePause) {
+                /*To pause the Video core we need to start the driver*/
+                if (/*ioctl (drv_ctx.video_driver_fd,VDEC_IOCTL_CMD_START,
+                      NULL) < */0) {
+                    omx_report_error ();
+                    eRet = OMX_ErrorHardware;
+                } else {
+                    BITMASK_SET(&m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_PAUSE_PENDING);
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Pause\n");
+                    bFlag = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Idle to Invalid */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateInvalid) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Invalid\n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,eState,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Idle --> %d Not Handled\n",eState);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+            }
+        }
-  return eRet;
+        /******************************/
+        /* Current State is Executing */
+        /******************************/
+        else if (m_state == OMX_StateExecuting) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Command Recieved in OMX_StateExecuting");
+            /* Requesting transition from Executing to Idle */
+            if (eState == OMX_StateIdle) {
+                /* Since error is None , we will post an event
+                   at the end of this function definition
+                 */
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n send_command_proxy(): Executing --> Idle \n");
+                BITMASK_SET(&m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING);
+                if (!sem_posted) {
+                    sem_posted = 1;
+                    sem_post (&m_cmd_lock);
+                    execute_omx_flush(OMX_ALL);
+                }
+                bFlag = 0;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Executing to Paused */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StatePause) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n PAUSE Command Issued");
+                m_state = OMX_StatePause;
+                bFlag = 1;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Executing to Loaded */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateLoaded) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n send_command_proxy(): Executing --> Loaded \n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Executing to WaitForResources */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateWaitForResources) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n send_command_proxy(): Executing --> WaitForResources \n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Executing to Executing */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateExecuting) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n send_command_proxy(): Executing --> Executing \n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorSameState,\
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorSameState;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Executing to Invalid */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateInvalid) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n send_command_proxy(): Executing --> Invalid \n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,eState,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Executing --> %d Not Handled\n",eState);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+            }
+        }
+        /***************************/
+        /* Current State is Pause  */
+        /***************************/
+        else if (m_state == OMX_StatePause) {
+            /* Requesting transition from Pause to Executing */
+            if (eState == OMX_StateExecuting) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Pause --> Executing \n");
+                m_state = OMX_StateExecuting;
+                bFlag = 1;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Pause to Idle */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateIdle) {
+                /* Since error is None , we will post an event
+                   at the end of this function definition */
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Pause --> Idle \n");
+                BITMASK_SET(&m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING);
+                if (!sem_posted) {
+                    sem_posted = 1;
+                    sem_post (&m_cmd_lock);
+                    execute_omx_flush(OMX_ALL);
+                }
+                bFlag = 0;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Pause to loaded */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateLoaded) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Pause --> loaded \n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Pause to WaitForResources */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateWaitForResources) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Pause --> WaitForResources \n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Pause to Pause */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StatePause) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Pause --> Pause \n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorSameState,\
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorSameState;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from Pause to Invalid */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateInvalid) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Pause --> Invalid \n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,eState,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Paused --> %d Not Handled\n",eState);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+            }
+        }
+        /***************************/
+        /* Current State is WaitForResources  */
+        /***************************/
+        else if (m_state == OMX_StateWaitForResources) {
+            /* Requesting transition from WaitForResources to Loaded */
+            if (eState == OMX_StateLoaded) {
+                /* Since error is None , we will post an event
+                   at the end of this function definition */
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): WaitForResources-->Loaded\n");
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from WaitForResources to WaitForResources */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateWaitForResources) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): WaitForResources-->WaitForResources\n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorSameState,
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorSameState;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from WaitForResources to Executing */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateExecuting) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): WaitForResources-->Executing\n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from WaitForResources to Pause */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StatePause) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): WaitForResources-->Pause\n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition,\
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from WaitForResources to Invalid */
+            else if (eState == OMX_StateInvalid) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): WaitForResources-->Invalid\n");
+                post_event(OMX_EventError,eState,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
+            }
+            /* Requesting transition from WaitForResources to Loaded -
+               is NOT tested by Khronos TS */
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): %d --> %d(Not Handled)\n",m_state,eState);
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+        }
+    }
+    /********************************/
+    /* Current State is Invalid */
+    /*******************************/
+    else if (m_state == OMX_StateInvalid) {
+        /* State Transition from Inavlid to any state */
+        if (eState == (OMX_StateLoaded || OMX_StateWaitForResources
+                    || OMX_StateIdle || OMX_StateExecuting
+                    || OMX_StatePause || OMX_StateInvalid)) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR::send_command_proxy(): Invalid -->Loaded\n");
+            post_event(OMX_EventError,OMX_ErrorInvalidState,\
+                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
+        }
+    } else if (cmd == OMX_CommandFlush) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n send_command_proxy(): OMX_CommandFlush issued"
+                "with param1: %lu", param1);
+        if (OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX == param1 || OMX_ALL == param1) {
+        }
+        if (OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX == param1 || OMX_ALL == param1) {
+        }
+        if (!sem_posted) {
+            sem_posted = 1;
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Set the Semaphore");
+            sem_post (&m_cmd_lock);
+            execute_omx_flush(param1);
+        }
+        bFlag = 0;
+    } else if ( cmd == OMX_CommandPortEnable) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n send_command_proxy(): OMX_CommandPortEnable issued"
+                "with param1: %lu", param1);
+        if (param1 == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX || param1 == OMX_ALL) {
+            m_inp_bEnabled = OMX_TRUE;
+            if ( (m_state == OMX_StateLoaded &&
+                        !BITMASK_PRESENT(&m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING))
+                    || allocate_input_done()) {
+                post_event(OMX_CommandPortEnable,OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX,
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Disabled-->Enabled Pending\n");
+                // Skip the event notification
+                bFlag = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        if (param1 == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX || param1 == OMX_ALL) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Enable output Port command recieved");
+            m_out_bEnabled = OMX_TRUE;
+            if ( (m_state == OMX_StateLoaded &&
+                        !BITMASK_PRESENT(&m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING))
+                    || (allocate_output_done())) {
+                post_event(OMX_CommandPortEnable,OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX,
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Disabled-->Enabled Pending\n");
+                // Skip the event notification
+                bFlag = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    } else if (cmd == OMX_CommandPortDisable) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n send_command_proxy(): OMX_CommandPortDisable issued"
+                "with param1: %lu", param1);
+        if (param1 == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX || param1 == OMX_ALL) {
+            m_inp_bEnabled = OMX_FALSE;
+            if ((m_state == OMX_StateLoaded || m_state == OMX_StateIdle)
+                    && release_input_done()) {
+                post_event(OMX_CommandPortDisable,OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX,
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+            } else {
+                if (m_state == OMX_StatePause ||m_state == OMX_StateExecuting) {
+                    if (!sem_posted) {
+                        sem_posted = 1;
+                        sem_post (&m_cmd_lock);
+                    }
+                    execute_omx_flush(OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX);
+                }
+                // Skip the event notification
+                bFlag = 0;
+            }
+        }
+        if (param1 == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX || param1 == OMX_ALL) {
+            m_out_bEnabled = OMX_FALSE;
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Disable output Port command recieved");
+            if ((m_state == OMX_StateLoaded || m_state == OMX_StateIdle)
+                    && release_output_done()) {
+                post_event(OMX_CommandPortDisable,OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX,\
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+            } else {
+                if (m_state == OMX_StatePause ||m_state == OMX_StateExecuting) {
+                    if (!sem_posted) {
+                        sem_posted = 1;
+                        sem_post (&m_cmd_lock);
+                    }
+                    execute_omx_flush(OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX);
+                }
+                // Skip the event notification
+                bFlag = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Error: Invalid Command other than StateSet (%d)\n",cmd);
+        eRet = OMX_ErrorNotImplemented;
+    }
+    if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone && bFlag) {
+        post_event(cmd,eState,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+    }
+    if (!sem_posted) {
+        sem_post(&m_cmd_lock);
+    }
+    return eRet;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::ExecuteOmxFlush
+   omx_vdec::ExecuteOmxFlush
-  Executes the OMX flush.
+   Executes the OMX flush.
-  flushtype - input flush(1)/output flush(0)/ both.
+   flushtype - input flush(1)/output flush(0)/ both.
-  true/false
+   true/false
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 bool omx_vdec::execute_omx_flush(OMX_U32 flushType)
-  bool bRet = false;
-  struct v4l2_plane plane;
-  struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf;
-  struct v4l2_decoder_cmd dec;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("in %s, flushing %d", __func__, flushType);
-  memset((void *)&v4l2_buf,0,sizeof(v4l2_buf));
-  dec.cmd = V4L2_DEC_QCOM_CMD_FLUSH;
+    bool bRet = false;
+    struct v4l2_plane plane;
+    struct v4l2_buffer v4l2_buf;
+    struct v4l2_decoder_cmd dec;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("in %s, flushing %d", __func__, flushType);
+    memset((void *)&v4l2_buf,0,sizeof(v4l2_buf));
+    dec.cmd = V4L2_DEC_QCOM_CMD_FLUSH;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("in %s: reconfig? %d", __func__, in_reconfig);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("in %s: reconfig? %d", __func__, in_reconfig);
-  if (in_reconfig && flushType == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX)
-  {
-    output_flush_progress = true;
-    dec.flags = V4L2_DEC_QCOM_CMD_FLUSH_CAPTURE;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    /* XXX: The driver/hardware does not support flushing of individual ports
-     * in all states. So we pretty much need to flush both ports internally,
-     * but client should only get the FLUSH_(INPUT|OUTPUT)_DONE for the one it
-     * requested.  Since OMX_COMPONENT_(OUTPUT|INPUT)_FLUSH_PENDING isn't set,
-     * we automatically omit sending the FLUSH done for the "opposite" port. */
-    input_flush_progress = true;
-    output_flush_progress = true;
-  }
+    if (in_reconfig && flushType == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
+        output_flush_progress = true;
+        dec.flags = V4L2_DEC_QCOM_CMD_FLUSH_CAPTURE;
+    } else {
+        /* XXX: The driver/hardware does not support flushing of individual ports
+         * in all states. So we pretty much need to flush both ports internally,
+         * but client should only get the FLUSH_(INPUT|OUTPUT)_DONE for the one it
+         * requested.  Since OMX_COMPONENT_(OUTPUT|INPUT)_FLUSH_PENDING isn't set,
+         * we automatically omit sending the FLUSH done for the "opposite" port. */
+        input_flush_progress = true;
+        output_flush_progress = true;
+    }
-  if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_DECODER_CMD, &dec))
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Flush Port (%lu) Failed ", flushType);
-    bRet = false;
-  }
+    if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_DECODER_CMD, &dec)) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Flush Port (%lu) Failed ", flushType);
+        bRet = false;
+    }
-  return bRet;
+    return bRet;
 FUNCTION : execute_output_flush
-  Executes the OMX flush at OUTPUT PORT.
+Executes the OMX flush at OUTPUT PORT.
-  None.
-  true/false
 bool omx_vdec::execute_output_flush()
-  unsigned      p1 = 0; // Parameter - 1
-  unsigned      p2 = 0; // Parameter - 2
-  unsigned      ident = 0;
-  bool bRet = true;
+    unsigned      p1 = 0; // Parameter - 1
+    unsigned      p2 = 0; // Parameter - 2
+    unsigned      ident = 0;
+    bool bRet = true;
-  /*Generate FBD for all Buffers in the FTBq*/
-  pthread_mutex_lock(&m_lock);
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Initiate Output Flush");
-  while (m_ftb_q.m_size)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Buffer queue size %d pending buf cnt %d",
-                       m_ftb_q.m_size,pending_output_buffers);
-    m_ftb_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n ID(%x) P1(%x) P2(%x)", ident, p1, p2);
-    if(ident == m_fill_output_msg )
-    {
-      m_cb.FillBufferDone(&m_cmp, m_app_data, (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2);
+    /*Generate FBD for all Buffers in the FTBq*/
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&m_lock);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Initiate Output Flush");
+    while (m_ftb_q.m_size) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Buffer queue size %d pending buf cnt %d",
+                m_ftb_q.m_size,pending_output_buffers);
+        m_ftb_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n ID(%x) P1(%x) P2(%x)", ident, p1, p2);
+        if (ident == m_fill_output_msg ) {
+            m_cb.FillBufferDone(&m_cmp, m_app_data, (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2);
+        } else if (ident == OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_FBD) {
+            fill_buffer_done(&m_cmp,(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1);
+        }
-    else if (ident == OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_FBD)
-    {
-      fill_buffer_done(&m_cmp,(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1);
-    }
-  }
-  pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_lock);
-  output_flush_progress = false;
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_lock);
+    output_flush_progress = false;
-  if (arbitrary_bytes)
-  {
-    prev_ts = LLONG_MAX;
-    rst_prev_ts = true;
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n OMX flush o/p Port complete PenBuf(%d)", pending_output_buffers);
-  return bRet;
+    if (arbitrary_bytes) {
+        prev_ts = LLONG_MAX;
+        rst_prev_ts = true;
+    }
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n OMX flush o/p Port complete PenBuf(%d)", pending_output_buffers);
+    return bRet;
 FUNCTION : execute_input_flush
-  Executes the OMX flush at INPUT PORT.
+Executes the OMX flush at INPUT PORT.
-  None.
-  true/false
 bool omx_vdec::execute_input_flush()
-  unsigned       i =0;
-  unsigned      p1 = 0; // Parameter - 1
-  unsigned      p2 = 0; // Parameter - 2
-  unsigned      ident = 0;
-  bool bRet = true;
+    unsigned       i =0;
+    unsigned      p1 = 0; // Parameter - 1
+    unsigned      p2 = 0; // Parameter - 2
+    unsigned      ident = 0;
+    bool bRet = true;
-  /*Generate EBD for all Buffers in the ETBq*/
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Initiate Input Flush \n");
+    /*Generate EBD for all Buffers in the ETBq*/
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Initiate Input Flush \n");
-  pthread_mutex_lock(&m_lock);
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Check if the Queue is empty \n");
-  while (m_etb_q.m_size)
-  {
-    m_etb_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&m_lock);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Check if the Queue is empty \n");
+    while (m_etb_q.m_size) {
+        m_etb_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Flush Input Heap Buffer %p",(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2);
-      m_cb.EmptyBufferDone(&m_cmp ,m_app_data, (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2);
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Flush Input Heap Buffer %p",(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2);
+            m_cb.EmptyBufferDone(&m_cmp ,m_app_data, (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2);
+        } else if (ident == OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_ETB) {
+            pending_input_buffers++;
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Flush Input OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_ETB %p, pending_input_buffers %d",
+                    (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2, pending_input_buffers);
+            empty_buffer_done(&m_cmp,(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2);
+        } else if (ident == OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Flush Input OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD %p",
+                    (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1);
+            empty_buffer_done(&m_cmp,(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1);
+        }
-    else if(ident == OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_ETB)
-    {
-      pending_input_buffers++;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Flush Input OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_ETB %p, pending_input_buffers %d",
-        (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2, pending_input_buffers);
-      empty_buffer_done(&m_cmp,(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p2);
-    }
-    else if (ident == OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD)
-    {
-      empty_buffer_done(&m_cmp,(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1);
-    }
-  }
-  time_stamp_dts.flush_timestamp();
-  /*Check if Heap Buffers are to be flushed*/
-  if (arbitrary_bytes && !(codec_config_flag))
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Reset all the variables before flusing");
-    h264_scratch.nFilledLen = 0;
-    nal_count = 0;
-    look_ahead_nal = false;
-    frame_count = 0;
-    h264_last_au_ts = LLONG_MAX;
-    h264_last_au_flags = 0;
-    memset(m_demux_offsets, 0, ( sizeof(OMX_U32) * 8192) );
-    m_demux_entries = 0;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Initialize parser");
-    if (m_frame_parser.mutils)
-    {
-      m_frame_parser.mutils->initialize_frame_checking_environment();
-    }
+    time_stamp_dts.flush_timestamp();
+    /*Check if Heap Buffers are to be flushed*/
+    if (arbitrary_bytes && !(codec_config_flag)) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Reset all the variables before flusing");
+        h264_scratch.nFilledLen = 0;
+        nal_count = 0;
+        look_ahead_nal = false;
+        frame_count = 0;
+        h264_last_au_ts = LLONG_MAX;
+        h264_last_au_flags = 0;
+        memset(m_demux_offsets, 0, ( sizeof(OMX_U32) * 8192) );
+        m_demux_entries = 0;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Initialize parser");
+        if (m_frame_parser.mutils) {
+            m_frame_parser.mutils->initialize_frame_checking_environment();
+        }
-    while (m_input_pending_q.m_size)
-    {
-      m_input_pending_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
-      m_cb.EmptyBufferDone(&m_cmp ,m_app_data, (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1);
-    }
+        while (m_input_pending_q.m_size) {
+            m_input_pending_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
+            m_cb.EmptyBufferDone(&m_cmp ,m_app_data, (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1);
+        }
-    if (psource_frame)
-    {
-      m_cb.EmptyBufferDone(&m_cmp ,m_app_data,psource_frame);
-      psource_frame = NULL;
-    }
+        if (psource_frame) {
+            m_cb.EmptyBufferDone(&m_cmp ,m_app_data,psource_frame);
+            psource_frame = NULL;
+        }
-    if (pdest_frame)
-    {
-      pdest_frame->nFilledLen = 0;
-      m_input_free_q.insert_entry((unsigned) pdest_frame, (unsigned int)NULL,
-              (unsigned int)NULL);
-      pdest_frame = NULL;
+        if (pdest_frame) {
+            pdest_frame->nFilledLen = 0;
+            m_input_free_q.insert_entry((unsigned) pdest_frame, (unsigned int)NULL,
+                    (unsigned int)NULL);
+            pdest_frame = NULL;
+        }
+        m_frame_parser.flush();
+    } else if (codec_config_flag) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("frame_parser flushing skipped due to codec config buffer "
+                "is not sent to the driver yet");
-    m_frame_parser.flush();
-  }
-  else if (codec_config_flag)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("frame_parser flushing skipped due to codec config buffer "
-       "is not sent to the driver yet");
-  }
-  pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_lock);
-  input_flush_progress = false;
-  if (!arbitrary_bytes)
-  {
-    prev_ts = LLONG_MAX;
-    rst_prev_ts = true;
-  }
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_lock);
+    input_flush_progress = false;
+    if (!arbitrary_bytes) {
+        prev_ts = LLONG_MAX;
+        rst_prev_ts = true;
+    }
 #ifdef _ANDROID_
-  if (m_debug_timestamp)
-  {
-    m_timestamp_list.reset_ts_list();
-  }
+    if (m_debug_timestamp) {
+        m_timestamp_list.reset_ts_list();
+    }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n OMX flush i/p Port complete PenBuf(%d)", pending_input_buffers);
-  return bRet;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n OMX flush i/p Port complete PenBuf(%d)", pending_input_buffers);
+    return bRet;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::SendCommandEvent
+   omx_vdec::SendCommandEvent
-  Send the event to decoder pipe.  This is needed to generate the callbacks
-  in decoder thread context.
+   Send the event to decoder pipe.  This is needed to generate the callbacks
+   in decoder thread context.
-  None.
+   None.
-  true/false
+   true/false
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 bool omx_vdec::post_event(unsigned int p1,
-                          unsigned int p2,
-                          unsigned int id)
+        unsigned int p2,
+        unsigned int id)
-  bool bRet      =                      false;
+    bool bRet      =                      false;
-  pthread_mutex_lock(&m_lock);
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&m_lock);
-  if (id == m_fill_output_msg ||
-  {
-    m_ftb_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,id);
-  }
-  else if (id == OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_ETB ||
-           id == OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD ||
-  {
-	  m_etb_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,id);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    m_cmd_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,id);
-  }
+    if (id == m_fill_output_msg ||
+            id == OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_FBD) {
+        m_ftb_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,id);
+    } else if (id == OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_ETB ||
+            id == OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD ||
+        m_etb_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,id);
+    } else {
+        m_cmd_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,id);
+    }
-  bRet = true;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Value of this pointer in post_event %p",this);
-  post_message(this, id);
+    bRet = true;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Value of this pointer in post_event %p",this);
+    post_message(this, id);
-  pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_lock);
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_lock);
-  return bRet;
+    return bRet;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::get_supported_profile_level_for_1080p(OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PROFILELEVELTYPE *profileLevelType)
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  if(!profileLevelType)
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    if (!profileLevelType)
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  if(profileLevelType->nPortIndex == 0) {
-    if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-    {
-      if (profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 0)
-      {
-        profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileBaseline;
-        profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel4;
+    if (profileLevelType->nPortIndex == 0) {
+        if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+            if (profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 0) {
+                profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileBaseline;
+                profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel4;
-      }
-      else if (profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 1)
-      {
-        profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileMain;
-        profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel4;
-      }
-      else if(profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 2)
-      {
-        profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileHigh;
-        profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel4;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported nProfileIndex ret NoMore %lu\n",
-            profileLevelType->nProfileIndex);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
-      }
+            } else if (profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 1) {
+                profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileMain;
+                profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel4;
+            } else if (profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 2) {
+                profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileHigh;
+                profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel4;
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported nProfileIndex ret NoMore %lu\n",
+                        profileLevelType->nProfileIndex);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+            }
+        } else if ((!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))) {
+            if (profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 0) {
+                profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileBaseline;
+                profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_H263Level70;
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported nProfileIndex ret NoMore %lu\n", profileLevelType->nProfileIndex);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+            }
+        } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+            if (profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 0) {
+                profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimple;
+                profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level5;
+            } else if (profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 1) {
+                profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileAdvancedSimple;
+                profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level5;
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported nProfileIndex ret NoMore %lu\n", profileLevelType->nProfileIndex);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+            }
+        } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+        } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+            if (profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 0) {
+                profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2ProfileSimple;
+                profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2LevelHL;
+            } else if (profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 1) {
+                profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2ProfileMain;
+                profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2LevelHL;
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported nProfileIndex ret NoMore %lu\n", profileLevelType->nProfileIndex);
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+            }
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported ret NoMore for codec: %s\n", drv_ctx.kind);
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+        }
+    } else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported should be queries on Input port only %lu\n", profileLevelType->nPortIndex);
+        eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-    else if((!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)))
-    {
-      if (profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 0)
-      {
-        profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_H263ProfileBaseline;
-        profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_H263Level70;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported nProfileIndex ret NoMore %lu\n", profileLevelType->nProfileIndex);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
-      }
-    }
-    else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-    {
-      if (profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 0)
-      {
-        profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileSimple;
-        profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level5;
-      }
-      else if(profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 1)
-      {
-        profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4ProfileAdvancedSimple;
-        profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG4Level5;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported nProfileIndex ret NoMore %lu\n", profileLevelType->nProfileIndex);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
-      }
-    }
-    else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-    {
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
-    }
-    else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-    {
-      if (profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 0)
-      {
-        profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2ProfileSimple;
-        profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2LevelHL;
-      }
-      else if(profileLevelType->nProfileIndex == 1)
-      {
-        profileLevelType->eProfile = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2ProfileMain;
-        profileLevelType->eLevel   = OMX_VIDEO_MPEG2LevelHL;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported nProfileIndex ret NoMore %lu\n", profileLevelType->nProfileIndex);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported ret NoMore for codec: %s\n", drv_ctx.kind);
-      eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported should be queries on Input port only %lu\n", profileLevelType->nPortIndex);
-    eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-  }
-  return eRet;
+    return eRet;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::GetParameter
+   omx_vdec::GetParameter
-  OMX Get Parameter method implementation
+   OMX Get Parameter method implementation
-  <TBD>.
+   <TBD>.
-  Error None if successful.
+   Error None if successful.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::get_parameter(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE     hComp,
-                                           OMX_IN OMX_INDEXTYPE paramIndex,
-                                           OMX_INOUT OMX_PTR     paramData)
+        OMX_IN OMX_INDEXTYPE paramIndex,
+        OMX_INOUT OMX_PTR     paramData)
     OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
     DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: \n");
-    if(m_state == OMX_StateInvalid)
-    {
+    if (m_state == OMX_StateInvalid) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Get Param in Invalid State\n");
         return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-    if(paramData == NULL)
-    {
+    if (paramData == NULL) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Get Param in Invalid paramData \n");
         return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  switch((unsigned long)paramIndex)
-  {
-    case OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition:
-    {
-                            (OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *) paramData;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition\n");
-      eRet = update_portdef(portDefn);
-      if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone)
-          m_port_def = *portDefn;
-      break;
-    }
-    case OMX_IndexParamVideoInit:
-    {
-      OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *portParamType =
-                              (OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *) paramData;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoInit\n");
+    switch ((unsigned long)paramIndex) {
+        case OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: {
+                               OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *portDefn =
+                                   (OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *) paramData;
+                               DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition\n");
+                               eRet = update_portdef(portDefn);
+                               if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone)
+                                   m_port_def = *portDefn;
+                               break;
+                           }
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoInit: {
+                              OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *portParamType =
+                                  (OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *) paramData;
+                              DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoInit\n");
-      portParamType->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-      portParamType->nSize = sizeof(portParamType);
-      portParamType->nPorts           = 2;
-      portParamType->nStartPortNumber = 0;
-      break;
-    }
-    case OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat:
-    {
-                     (OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE *)paramData;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat\n");
+                              portParamType->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+                              portParamType->nSize = sizeof(portParamType);
+                              portParamType->nPorts           = 2;
+                              portParamType->nStartPortNumber = 0;
+                              break;
+                          }
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat: {
+                                OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE *portFmt =
+                                    (OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE *)paramData;
+                                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat\n");
-      portFmt->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-      portFmt->nSize             = sizeof(portFmt);
+                                portFmt->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+                                portFmt->nSize             = sizeof(portFmt);
-      if (0 == portFmt->nPortIndex)
-      {
-        if (0 == portFmt->nIndex)
-        {
-              portFmt->eColorFormat =  OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused;
-              portFmt->eCompressionFormat = eCompressionFormat;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat:"\
-              " NoMore compression formats\n");
-          eRet =  OMX_ErrorNoMore;
-        }
-      }
-      else if (1 == portFmt->nPortIndex)
-      {
-        portFmt->eCompressionFormat =  OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused;
+                                if (0 == portFmt->nPortIndex) {
+                                    if (0 == portFmt->nIndex) {
+                                        portFmt->eColorFormat =  OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused;
+                                        portFmt->eCompressionFormat = eCompressionFormat;
+                                    } else {
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat:"\
+                                                " NoMore compression formats\n");
+                                        eRet =  OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+                                    }
+                                } else if (1 == portFmt->nPortIndex) {
+                                    portFmt->eCompressionFormat =  OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused;
-        if(0 == portFmt->nIndex)
-            portFmt->eColorFormat = (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)
-                QOMX_COLOR_FORMATYUV420PackedSemiPlanar32m;
-        else if (1 == portFmt->nIndex)
-          portFmt->eColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar;
-        else
-        {
-           DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat:"\
-                  " NoMore Color formats\n");
-           eRet =  OMX_ErrorNoMore;
-        }
-	DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("returning %d\n", portFmt->eColorFormat);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_parameter: Bad port index %d\n",
-                          (int)portFmt->nPortIndex);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    /*Component should support this port definition*/
-    case OMX_IndexParamAudioInit:
-    {
-        OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *audioPortParamType =
-                                              (OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *) paramData;
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamAudioInit\n");
-        audioPortParamType->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-        audioPortParamType->nSize = sizeof(audioPortParamType);
-        audioPortParamType->nPorts           = 0;
-        audioPortParamType->nStartPortNumber = 0;
-        break;
-    }
-    /*Component should support this port definition*/
-    case OMX_IndexParamImageInit:
-    {
-        OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *imagePortParamType =
-                                              (OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *) paramData;
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamImageInit\n");
-        imagePortParamType->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-        imagePortParamType->nSize = sizeof(imagePortParamType);
-        imagePortParamType->nPorts           = 0;
-        imagePortParamType->nStartPortNumber = 0;
-        break;
+                                    if (0 == portFmt->nIndex)
+                                        portFmt->eColorFormat = (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)
+                                            QOMX_COLOR_FORMATYUV420PackedSemiPlanar32m;
+                                    else if (1 == portFmt->nIndex)
+                                        portFmt->eColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar;
+                                    else {
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat:"\
+                                                " NoMore Color formats\n");
+                                        eRet =  OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+                                    }
+                                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("returning %d\n", portFmt->eColorFormat);
+                                } else {
+                                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_parameter: Bad port index %d\n",
+                                            (int)portFmt->nPortIndex);
+                                    eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
+                                }
+                                break;
+                            }
+                            /*Component should support this port definition*/
+        case OMX_IndexParamAudioInit: {
+                              OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *audioPortParamType =
+                                  (OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *) paramData;
+                              DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamAudioInit\n");
+                              audioPortParamType->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+                              audioPortParamType->nSize = sizeof(audioPortParamType);
+                              audioPortParamType->nPorts           = 0;
+                              audioPortParamType->nStartPortNumber = 0;
+                              break;
+                          }
+                          /*Component should support this port definition*/
+        case OMX_IndexParamImageInit: {
+                              OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *imagePortParamType =
+                                  (OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE *) paramData;
+                              DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamImageInit\n");
+                              imagePortParamType->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+                              imagePortParamType->nSize = sizeof(imagePortParamType);
+                              imagePortParamType->nPorts           = 0;
+                              imagePortParamType->nStartPortNumber = 0;
+                              break;
-    }
-    /*Component should support this port definition*/
-    case OMX_IndexParamOtherInit:
-    {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamOtherInit %08x\n",
-                          paramIndex);
-        eRet =OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex;
-        break;
-    }
-    case OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole:
-    {
-        comp_role = (OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE *) paramData;
-        comp_role->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-        comp_role->nSize = sizeof(*comp_role);
+                          }
+                          /*Component should support this port definition*/
+        case OMX_IndexParamOtherInit: {
+                              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamOtherInit %08x\n",
+                                      paramIndex);
+                              eRet =OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex;
+                              break;
+                          }
+        case OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole: {
+                                  OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE *comp_role;
+                                  comp_role = (OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE *) paramData;
+                                  comp_role->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+                                  comp_role->nSize = sizeof(*comp_role);
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Getparameter: OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole %d\n",
-                    paramIndex);
-        strlcpy((char*)comp_role->cRole,(const char*)m_cRole,
-                    OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-        break;
-    }
-    /* Added for parameter test */
-    case OMX_IndexParamPriorityMgmt:
-        {
+                                  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Getparameter: OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole %d\n",
+                                          paramIndex);
+                                  strlcpy((char*)comp_role->cRole,(const char*)m_cRole,
+                                          OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+                                  break;
+                              }
+                              /* Added for parameter test */
+        case OMX_IndexParamPriorityMgmt: {
-            OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE *priorityMgmType =
-                                             (OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE *) paramData;
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPriorityMgmt\n");
-            priorityMgmType->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-            priorityMgmType->nSize = sizeof(priorityMgmType);
+                             OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE *priorityMgmType =
+                                 (OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE *) paramData;
+                             DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPriorityMgmt\n");
+                             priorityMgmType->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+                             priorityMgmType->nSize = sizeof(priorityMgmType);
-            break;
-        }
-    /* Added for parameter test */
-    case OMX_IndexParamCompBufferSupplier:
-        {
-            OMX_PARAM_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE *bufferSupplierType =
-                                     (OMX_PARAM_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE*) paramData;
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamCompBufferSupplier\n");
+                             break;
+                         }
+                         /* Added for parameter test */
+        case OMX_IndexParamCompBufferSupplier: {
+                                   OMX_PARAM_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE *bufferSupplierType =
+                                       (OMX_PARAM_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE*) paramData;
+                                   DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamCompBufferSupplier\n");
-            bufferSupplierType->nSize = sizeof(bufferSupplierType);
-            bufferSupplierType->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-            if(0 == bufferSupplierType->nPortIndex)
-                bufferSupplierType->nPortIndex = OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified;
-            else if (1 == bufferSupplierType->nPortIndex)
-                bufferSupplierType->nPortIndex = OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified;
-            else
-                eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
+                                   bufferSupplierType->nSize = sizeof(bufferSupplierType);
+                                   bufferSupplierType->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+                                   if (0 == bufferSupplierType->nPortIndex)
+                                       bufferSupplierType->nPortIndex = OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified;
+                                   else if (1 == bufferSupplierType->nPortIndex)
+                                       bufferSupplierType->nPortIndex = OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified;
+                                   else
+                                       eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-            break;
-        }
-    case OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc:
-        {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc %08x\n",
-                        paramIndex);
-            break;
-        }
-    case OMX_IndexParamVideoH263:
-        {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoH263 %08x\n",
-                        paramIndex);
-            break;
-        }
-    case OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg4:
-        {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg4 %08x\n",
-                        paramIndex);
-            break;
-        }
-    case OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg2:
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg2 %08x\n",
-              paramIndex);
-          break;
-        }
-    case OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported:
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported %08x\n", paramIndex);
-          OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PROFILELEVELTYPE *profileLevelType =
-    eRet = get_supported_profile_level_for_1080p(profileLevelType);
-          break;
-        }
+                                   break;
+                               }
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc: {
+                             DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc %08x\n",
+                                     paramIndex);
+                             break;
+                         }
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoH263: {
+                              DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoH263 %08x\n",
+                                      paramIndex);
+                              break;
+                          }
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg4: {
+                               DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg4 %08x\n",
+                                       paramIndex);
+                               break;
+                           }
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg2: {
+                               DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg2 %08x\n",
+                                       paramIndex);
+                               break;
+                           }
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported: {
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelQuerySupported %08x\n", paramIndex);
+                                        OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PROFILELEVELTYPE *profileLevelType =
+                                            (OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PROFILELEVELTYPE *)paramData;
+                                        eRet = get_supported_profile_level_for_1080p(profileLevelType);
+                                        break;
+                                    }
 #if defined (_ANDROID_HONEYCOMB_) || defined (_ANDROID_ICS_)
-    case OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexGetAndroidNativeBufferUsage:
-        {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexGetAndroidNativeBufferUsage\n");
-            GetAndroidNativeBufferUsageParams* nativeBuffersUsage = (GetAndroidNativeBufferUsageParams *) paramData;
-            if(nativeBuffersUsage->nPortIndex == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
+        case OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexGetAndroidNativeBufferUsage: {
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_parameter: OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexGetAndroidNativeBufferUsage\n");
+                                        GetAndroidNativeBufferUsageParams* nativeBuffersUsage = (GetAndroidNativeBufferUsageParams *) paramData;
+                                        if (nativeBuffersUsage->nPortIndex == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
-                if(secure_mode) {
-                        nativeBuffersUsage->nUsage = (GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_MM_HEAP | GRALLOC_USAGE_PROTECTED |
-                                                      GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_UNCACHED);
-                } else {
-                        nativeBuffersUsage->nUsage =
-                            (GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_IOMMU_HEAP |
-                             GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_UNCACHED);
-                }
-            } else {
-                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("get_parameter: OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexGetAndroidNativeBufferUsage failed!\n");
-                eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-            }
-        }
-        break;
+                                            if (secure_mode) {
+                                                nativeBuffersUsage->nUsage = (GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_MM_HEAP | GRALLOC_USAGE_PROTECTED |
+                                                        GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_UNCACHED);
+                                            } else {
+                                                nativeBuffersUsage->nUsage =
+                                                    (GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_IOMMU_HEAP |
+                                                     GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_UNCACHED);
+                                            }
+                                        } else {
+                                            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("get_parameter: OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexGetAndroidNativeBufferUsage failed!\n");
+                                            eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                    break;
-    default:
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_parameter: unknown param %08x\n", paramIndex);
-      eRet =OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex;
+        default: {
+                 DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_parameter: unknown param %08x\n", paramIndex);
+                 eRet =OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex;
+             }
-  }
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n get_parameter returning WxH(%d x %d) SxSH(%d x %d)\n",
+            drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width,
+            drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height,
+            drv_ctx.video_resolution.stride,
+            drv_ctx.video_resolution.scan_lines);
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n get_parameter returning WxH(%d x %d) SxSH(%d x %d)\n",
-      drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width,
-      drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height,
-      drv_ctx.video_resolution.stride,
-      drv_ctx.video_resolution.scan_lines);
-  return eRet;
+    return eRet;
 #if defined (_ANDROID_HONEYCOMB_) || defined (_ANDROID_ICS_)
@@ -3085,22 +2735,22 @@
     OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
     UseAndroidNativeBufferParams *params = (UseAndroidNativeBufferParams *)data;
-    if((params == NULL) ||
-      (params->nativeBuffer == NULL) ||
-      (params->nativeBuffer->handle == NULL) ||
-      !m_enable_android_native_buffers)
+    if ((params == NULL) ||
+            (params->nativeBuffer == NULL) ||
+            (params->nativeBuffer->handle == NULL) ||
+            !m_enable_android_native_buffers)
         return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
     m_use_android_native_buffers = OMX_TRUE;
     sp<android_native_buffer_t> nBuf = params->nativeBuffer;
     private_handle_t *handle = (private_handle_t *)nBuf->handle;
-    if(OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX == params->nPortIndex) {  //android native buffers can be used only on Output port
+    if (OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX == params->nPortIndex) { //android native buffers can be used only on Output port
         OMX_U8 *buffer = NULL;
-        if(!secure_mode) {
-                buffer = (OMX_U8*)mmap(0, handle->size,
+        if (!secure_mode) {
+            buffer = (OMX_U8*)mmap(0, handle->size,
                     PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, handle->fd, 0);
-                if(buffer == MAP_FAILED) {
-                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to mmap pmem with fd = %d, size = %d", handle->fd, handle->size);
-                    return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+            if (buffer == MAP_FAILED) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to mmap pmem with fd = %d, size = %d", handle->fd, handle->size);
+                return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
         eRet = use_buffer(hComp,params->bufferHeader,params->nPortIndex,data,handle->size,buffer);
@@ -3111,1077 +2761,906 @@
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::Setparameter
+   omx_vdec::Setparameter
-  OMX Set Parameter method implementation.
+   OMX Set Parameter method implementation.
-  <TBD>.
+   <TBD>.
-  OMX Error None if successful.
+   OMX Error None if successful.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::set_parameter(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE     hComp,
-                                           OMX_IN OMX_INDEXTYPE paramIndex,
-                                           OMX_IN OMX_PTR        paramData)
+        OMX_IN OMX_INDEXTYPE paramIndex,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR        paramData)
     OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
     int ret=0;
     struct v4l2_format fmt;
-    if(m_state == OMX_StateInvalid)
-    {
+    if (m_state == OMX_StateInvalid) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Set Param in Invalid State\n");
         return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-    if(paramData == NULL)
-    {
-         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Get Param in Invalid paramData \n");
-         return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    if (paramData == NULL) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Get Param in Invalid paramData \n");
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-    if((m_state != OMX_StateLoaded) &&
-          (m_out_bEnabled == OMX_TRUE) &&
-          (m_inp_bEnabled == OMX_TRUE)) {
+    if ((m_state != OMX_StateLoaded) &&
+            (m_out_bEnabled == OMX_TRUE) &&
+            (m_inp_bEnabled == OMX_TRUE)) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Set Param in Invalid State \n");
         return OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation;
-  switch((unsigned long)paramIndex)
-  {
-    case OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition:
-    {
-      portDefn = (OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *) paramData;
-      //TODO: Check if any allocate buffer/use buffer/useNativeBuffer has
-      //been called.
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition H= %d, W = %d\n",
-             (int)portDefn->,
-             (int)portDefn->;
-      if(OMX_DirOutput == portDefn->eDir)
-      {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition OP port\n");
-          m_display_id = portDefn->;
-          unsigned int buffer_size;
-          if (!client_buffers.get_buffer_req(buffer_size)) {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Error in getting buffer requirements");
-              eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-          } else {
-              if ( portDefn->nBufferCountActual >= drv_ctx.op_buf.mincount &&
-                      portDefn->nBufferSize >=  drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size )
-              {
-                  drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount = portDefn->nBufferCountActual;
-                  drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size = portDefn->nBufferSize;
-                  drv_ctx.extradata_info.count = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount;
-                  drv_ctx.extradata_info.size = drv_ctx.extradata_info.count *
-                                        drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
-                  eRet = set_buffer_req(&drv_ctx.op_buf);
-                  if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone)
-                      m_port_def = *portDefn;
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: OP Requirements(#%d: %u) Requested(#%lu: %lu)\n",
-                          drv_ctx.op_buf.mincount, drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size,
-                          portDefn->nBufferCountActual, portDefn->nBufferSize);
-                  eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-              }
-          }
-      }
-      else if(OMX_DirInput == portDefn->eDir)
-      {
-        bool port_format_changed = false;
-        if((portDefn-> >> 16) > 0 &&
-           (portDefn-> >> 16) <= MAX_SUPPORTED_FPS)
-        {
-            // Frame rate only should be set if this is a "known value" or to
-            // activate ts prediction logic (arbitrary mode only) sending input
-            // timestamps with max value (LLONG_MAX).
-            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: frame rate set by omx client : %lu",
-                             portDefn-> >> 16);
-            Q16ToFraction(portDefn->, drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator,
-                          drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator);
-            if(!drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator)
-            {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Numerator is zero setting to 30");
-              drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator = 30;
-            }
-            if(drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator)
-              drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator = (int)
-                  drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator / drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator;
-              drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator = 1;
-            frm_int = drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator * 1e6 /
-                      drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator;
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: frm_int(%lu) fps(%.2f)",
-                             frm_int, drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator /
-                             (float)drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator);
-        }
-         DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition IP port\n");
-         if(drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height !=
-               portDefn-> ||
-             drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width  !=
-               portDefn->
-         {
-             DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n SetParam IP: WxH(%lu x %lu)\n",
-                           portDefn->,
-                           portDefn->;
-             port_format_changed = true;
-             if (portDefn-> != 0x0 &&
-                 portDefn-> != 0x0)
-             {
-                 update_resolution(portDefn->,
-                    portDefn->,
-					portDefn->,
-					portDefn->;
-                 eRet = is_video_session_supported();
-                 if (eRet)
-                    break;
-			fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height;
-			fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width;
-			fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = output_capability;
-			DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height = %d , fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width = %d \n",fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height,fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width);
-			ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt);
-               if (ret)
-               {
-                   DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Set Resolution failed");
-                   eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-               }
-               else
-                   eRet = get_buffer_req(&drv_ctx.op_buf);
-             }
-         }
-         if (portDefn->nBufferCountActual >= drv_ctx.ip_buf.mincount
-                  || portDefn->nBufferSize != drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size)
-         {
-             port_format_changed = true;
-             vdec_allocatorproperty *buffer_prop = &drv_ctx.ip_buf;
-             drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount = portDefn->nBufferCountActual;
-             drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size = (portDefn->nBufferSize + buffer_prop->alignment - 1) &
-                      (~(buffer_prop->alignment - 1));
-             eRet = set_buffer_req(buffer_prop);
-         }
-         if (false == port_format_changed)
-         {
-             DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: IP Requirements(#%d: %u) Requested(#%lu: %lu)\n",
-               drv_ctx.ip_buf.mincount, drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size,
-               portDefn->nBufferCountActual, portDefn->nBufferSize);
-             eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-         }
-      }
-      else if (portDefn->eDir ==  OMX_DirMax)
-      {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR(" Set_parameter: Bad Port idx %d",
-                      (int)portDefn->nPortIndex);
-          eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-      }
-    }
-    break;
-    case OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat:
-    {
-                     (OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE *)paramData;
-      int ret=0;
-      struct v4l2_format fmt;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat %d\n",
-              portFmt->eColorFormat);
+    switch ((unsigned long)paramIndex) {
+        case OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition: {
+                               OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *portDefn;
+                               portDefn = (OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *) paramData;
+                               //TODO: Check if any allocate buffer/use buffer/useNativeBuffer has
+                               //been called.
+                               DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition H= %d, W = %d\n",
+                                       (int)portDefn->,
+                                       (int)portDefn->;
+                               if (OMX_DirOutput == portDefn->eDir) {
+                                   DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition OP port\n");
+                                   m_display_id = portDefn->;
+                                   unsigned int buffer_size;
+                                   if (!client_buffers.get_buffer_req(buffer_size)) {
+                                       DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Error in getting buffer requirements");
+                                       eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                                   } else {
+                                       if ( portDefn->nBufferCountActual >= drv_ctx.op_buf.mincount &&
+                                               portDefn->nBufferSize >=  drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size ) {
+                                           drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount = portDefn->nBufferCountActual;
+                                           drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size = portDefn->nBufferSize;
+                                           drv_ctx.extradata_info.count = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount;
+                                           drv_ctx.extradata_info.size = drv_ctx.extradata_info.count *
+                                               drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
+                                           eRet = set_buffer_req(&drv_ctx.op_buf);
+                                           if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone)
+                                               m_port_def = *portDefn;
+                                       } else {
+                                           DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: OP Requirements(#%d: %u) Requested(#%lu: %lu)\n",
+                                                   drv_ctx.op_buf.mincount, drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size,
+                                                   portDefn->nBufferCountActual, portDefn->nBufferSize);
+                                           eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                                       }
+                                   }
+                               } else if (OMX_DirInput == portDefn->eDir) {
+                                   bool port_format_changed = false;
+                                   if ((portDefn-> >> 16) > 0 &&
+                                           (portDefn-> >> 16) <= MAX_SUPPORTED_FPS) {
+                                       // Frame rate only should be set if this is a "known value" or to
+                                       // activate ts prediction logic (arbitrary mode only) sending input
+                                       // timestamps with max value (LLONG_MAX).
+                                       DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: frame rate set by omx client : %lu",
+                                               portDefn-> >> 16);
+                                       Q16ToFraction(portDefn->, drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator,
+                                               drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator);
+                                       if (!drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator) {
+                                           DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Numerator is zero setting to 30");
+                                           drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator = 30;
+                                       }
+                                       if (drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator)
+                                           drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator = (int)
+                                               drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator / drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator;
+                                       drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator = 1;
+                                       frm_int = drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator * 1e6 /
+                                           drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator;
+                                       DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: frm_int(%lu) fps(%.2f)",
+                                               frm_int, drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator /
+                                               (float)drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator);
+                                   }
+                                   DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition IP port\n");
+                                   if (drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height !=
+                                           portDefn-> ||
+                                           drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width  !=
+                                           portDefn-> {
+                                       DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n SetParam IP: WxH(%lu x %lu)\n",
+                                               portDefn->,
+                                               portDefn->;
+                                       port_format_changed = true;
+                                       if (portDefn-> != 0x0 &&
+                                               portDefn-> != 0x0) {
+                                           update_resolution(portDefn->,
+                                                   portDefn->,
+                                                   portDefn->,
+                                                   portDefn->;
+                                           eRet = is_video_session_supported();
+                                           if (eRet)
+                                               break;
+                                           fmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
+                                           fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height;
+                                           fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width;
+                                           fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = output_capability;
+                                           DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height = %d , fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width = %d \n",fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height,fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width);
+                                           ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt);
+                                           if (ret) {
+                                               DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Set Resolution failed");
+                                               eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                           } else
+                                               eRet = get_buffer_req(&drv_ctx.op_buf);
+                                       }
+                                   }
+                                   if (portDefn->nBufferCountActual >= drv_ctx.ip_buf.mincount
+                                           || portDefn->nBufferSize != drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size) {
+                                       port_format_changed = true;
+                                       vdec_allocatorproperty *buffer_prop = &drv_ctx.ip_buf;
+                                       drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount = portDefn->nBufferCountActual;
+                                       drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size = (portDefn->nBufferSize + buffer_prop->alignment - 1) &
+                                           (~(buffer_prop->alignment - 1));
+                                       eRet = set_buffer_req(buffer_prop);
+                                   }
+                                   if (false == port_format_changed) {
+                                       DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: IP Requirements(#%d: %u) Requested(#%lu: %lu)\n",
+                                               drv_ctx.ip_buf.mincount, drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size,
+                                               portDefn->nBufferCountActual, portDefn->nBufferSize);
+                                       eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                                   }
+                               } else if (portDefn->eDir ==  OMX_DirMax) {
+                                   DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR(" Set_parameter: Bad Port idx %d",
+                                           (int)portDefn->nPortIndex);
+                                   eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
+                               }
+                           }
+                           break;
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat: {
+                                OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE *portFmt =
+                                    (OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PORTFORMATTYPE *)paramData;
+                                int ret=0;
+                                struct v4l2_format fmt;
+                                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoPortFormat %d\n",
+                                        portFmt->eColorFormat);
-      if(1 == portFmt->nPortIndex)
-      {
-          fmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
-          fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height;
-          fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width;
-          fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = capture_capability;
-          enum vdec_output_fromat op_format;
-          if((portFmt->eColorFormat == (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)
-                      QOMX_COLOR_FORMATYUV420PackedSemiPlanar32m) ||
-              (portFmt->eColorFormat == OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar))
-              op_format = (enum vdec_output_fromat)VDEC_YUV_FORMAT_NV12;
-          else if(portFmt->eColorFormat ==
-                  (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)
-                  QOMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8ka)
-              op_format = VDEC_YUV_FORMAT_TILE_4x2;
-          else
-              eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                                if (1 == portFmt->nPortIndex) {
+                                    fmt.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+                                    fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height;
+                                    fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width;
+                                    fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = capture_capability;
+                                    enum vdec_output_fromat op_format;
+                                    if ((portFmt->eColorFormat == (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)
+                                                QOMX_COLOR_FORMATYUV420PackedSemiPlanar32m) ||
+                                            (portFmt->eColorFormat == OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar))
+                                        op_format = (enum vdec_output_fromat)VDEC_YUV_FORMAT_NV12;
+                                    else if (portFmt->eColorFormat ==
+                                            (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)
+                                            QOMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420PackedSemiPlanar64x32Tile2m8ka)
+                                        op_format = VDEC_YUV_FORMAT_TILE_4x2;
+                                    else
+                                        eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-          if(eRet == OMX_ErrorNone)
-          {
-              drv_ctx.output_format = op_format;
-              ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt);
-              if(ret)
-              {
-                  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Set output format failed");
-                  eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-                  /*TODO: How to handle this case */
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                  eRet = get_buffer_req(&drv_ctx.op_buf);
-              }
-          }
-          if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone){
-           if (!client_buffers.set_color_format(portFmt->eColorFormat)) {
-             DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Set color format failed");
-             eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-           }
-         }
-      }
-    }
-    break;
+                                    if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                                        drv_ctx.output_format = op_format;
+                                        ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt);
+                                        if (ret) {
+                                            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Set output format failed");
+                                            eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                            /*TODO: How to handle this case */
+                                        } else {
+                                            eRet = get_buffer_req(&drv_ctx.op_buf);
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                    if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                                        if (!client_buffers.set_color_format(portFmt->eColorFormat)) {
+                                            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Set color format failed");
+                                            eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                            break;
-    case OMX_QcomIndexPortDefn:
-    {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexQcomParamPortDefinitionType %lu\n",
-            portFmt->nFramePackingFormat);
+        case OMX_QcomIndexPortDefn: {
+                            OMX_QCOM_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *portFmt =
+                                (OMX_QCOM_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *) paramData;
+                            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexQcomParamPortDefinitionType %lu\n",
+                                    portFmt->nFramePackingFormat);
-        /* Input port */
-        if (portFmt->nPortIndex == 0)
-        {
-            if (portFmt->nFramePackingFormat == OMX_QCOM_FramePacking_Arbitrary)
-            {
-              if(secure_mode) {
-                arbitrary_bytes = false;
-                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("setparameter: cannot set to arbitary bytes mode in secure session");
-                eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-              } else {
-               arbitrary_bytes = true;
-              }
-            }
-            else if (portFmt->nFramePackingFormat ==
-                OMX_QCOM_FramePacking_OnlyOneCompleteFrame)
-            {
-               arbitrary_bytes = false;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown FramePacking format %lu\n",
-                    portFmt->nFramePackingFormat);
-                eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-            }
-        }
-        else if (portFmt->nPortIndex == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX)
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: OMX_IndexQcomParamPortDefinitionType OP Port\n");
-          if( (portFmt->nMemRegion > OMX_QCOM_MemRegionInvalid &&
-               portFmt->nMemRegion < OMX_QCOM_MemRegionMax) &&
-              portFmt->nCacheAttr == OMX_QCOM_CacheAttrNone)
-          {
-            m_out_mem_region_smi = OMX_TRUE;
-            if ((m_out_mem_region_smi && m_out_pvt_entry_pmem))
-            {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: OMX_IndexQcomParamPortDefinitionType OP Port: out pmem set\n");
-              m_use_output_pmem = OMX_TRUE;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-    }
-    break;
+                            /* Input port */
+                            if (portFmt->nPortIndex == 0) {
+                                if (portFmt->nFramePackingFormat == OMX_QCOM_FramePacking_Arbitrary) {
+                                    if (secure_mode) {
+                                        arbitrary_bytes = false;
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("setparameter: cannot set to arbitary bytes mode in secure session");
+                                        eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                    } else {
+                                        arbitrary_bytes = true;
+                                    }
+                                } else if (portFmt->nFramePackingFormat ==
+                                        OMX_QCOM_FramePacking_OnlyOneCompleteFrame) {
+                                    arbitrary_bytes = false;
+                                } else {
+                                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown FramePacking format %lu\n",
+                                            portFmt->nFramePackingFormat);
+                                    eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                }
+                            } else if (portFmt->nPortIndex == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
+                                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: OMX_IndexQcomParamPortDefinitionType OP Port\n");
+                                if ( (portFmt->nMemRegion > OMX_QCOM_MemRegionInvalid &&
+                                            portFmt->nMemRegion < OMX_QCOM_MemRegionMax) &&
+                                        portFmt->nCacheAttr == OMX_QCOM_CacheAttrNone) {
+                                    m_out_mem_region_smi = OMX_TRUE;
+                                    if ((m_out_mem_region_smi && m_out_pvt_entry_pmem)) {
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: OMX_IndexQcomParamPortDefinitionType OP Port: out pmem set\n");
+                                        m_use_output_pmem = OMX_TRUE;
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        break;
-     case OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole:
-     {
-          OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE *comp_role;
-          comp_role = (OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE *) paramData;
-          DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole %s\n",
-                       comp_role->cRole);
+        case OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole: {
+                                  OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE *comp_role;
+                                  comp_role = (OMX_PARAM_COMPONENTROLETYPE *) paramData;
+                                  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamStandardComponentRole %s\n",
+                                          comp_role->cRole);
-          if((m_state == OMX_StateLoaded)&&
-          {
-           DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Set Parameter called in valid state");
-          }
-          else
-          {
-             DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Set Parameter called in Invalid State\n");
-             return OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation;
-          }
+                                  if ((m_state == OMX_StateLoaded)&&
+                                          !BITMASK_PRESENT(&m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING)) {
+                                      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Set Parameter called in valid state");
+                                  } else {
+                                      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Set Parameter called in Invalid State\n");
+                                      return OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation;
+                                  }
-          if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-          {
-              if(!strncmp((char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.avc",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-              {
-                  strlcpy((char*)m_cRole,"video_decoder.avc",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown Index %s\n", comp_role->cRole);
-                  eRet =OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-              }
-          }
-          else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-          {
-              if(!strncmp((const char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.mpeg4",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-              {
-                  strlcpy((char*)m_cRole,"video_decoder.mpeg4",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown Index %s\n", comp_role->cRole);
-                  eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-              }
-          }
-          else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-          {
-              if(!strncmp((const char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.h263",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-              {
-                  strlcpy((char*)m_cRole,"video_decoder.h263",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown Index %s\n", comp_role->cRole);
-                  eRet =OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-              }
-          }
-          else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-          {
-            if(!strncmp((const char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.mpeg2",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-            {
-              strlcpy((char*)m_cRole,"video_decoder.mpeg2",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-            }
-            else
-            {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown Index %s\n", comp_role->cRole);
-              eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-            }
-          }
-          else if((!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) ||
-                  (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-                  )
-          {
-              if(!strncmp((const char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.divx",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-              {
-                  strlcpy((char*)m_cRole,"video_decoder.divx",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown Index %s\n", comp_role->cRole);
-                  eRet =OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-              }
-          }
-          else if ( (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) ||
-                    (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-                    )
-          {
-              if(!strncmp((const char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.vc1",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-              {
-                  strlcpy((char*)m_cRole,"video_decoder.vc1",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-              }
-              else
-              {
-                  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown Index %s\n", comp_role->cRole);
-                  eRet =OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-              }
-          }
-	  else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-          {
-            if(!strncmp((const char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.vp8",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE) ||
-               (!strncmp((const char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.vpx",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)))
-            {
-              strlcpy((char*)m_cRole,"video_decoder.vp8",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-            }
-	    else
-            {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown Index %s\n", comp_role->cRole);
-              eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-            }
-	  }
-          else
-          {
-               DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown param %s\n", drv_ctx.kind);
-               eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidComponentName;
-          }
-          break;
-     }
+                                  if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+                                      if (!strncmp((char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.avc",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+                                          strlcpy((char*)m_cRole,"video_decoder.avc",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+                                      } else {
+                                          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown Index %s\n", comp_role->cRole);
+                                          eRet =OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                      }
+                                  } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+                                      if (!strncmp((const char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.mpeg4",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+                                          strlcpy((char*)m_cRole,"video_decoder.mpeg4",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+                                      } else {
+                                          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown Index %s\n", comp_role->cRole);
+                                          eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                      }
+                                  } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+                                      if (!strncmp((const char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.h263",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+                                          strlcpy((char*)m_cRole,"video_decoder.h263",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+                                      } else {
+                                          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown Index %s\n", comp_role->cRole);
+                                          eRet =OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                      }
+                                  } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+                                      if (!strncmp((const char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.mpeg2",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+                                          strlcpy((char*)m_cRole,"video_decoder.mpeg2",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+                                      } else {
+                                          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown Index %s\n", comp_role->cRole);
+                                          eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                      }
+                                  } else if ((!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) ||
+                                          (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
+                                        ) {
+                                      if (!strncmp((const char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.divx",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+                                          strlcpy((char*)m_cRole,"video_decoder.divx",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+                                      } else {
+                                          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown Index %s\n", comp_role->cRole);
+                                          eRet =OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                      }
+                                  } else if ( (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) ||
+                                          (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
+                                        ) {
+                                      if (!strncmp((const char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.vc1",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+                                          strlcpy((char*)m_cRole,"video_decoder.vc1",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+                                      } else {
+                                          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown Index %s\n", comp_role->cRole);
+                                          eRet =OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                      }
+                                  } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+                                      if (!strncmp((const char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.vp8",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE) ||
+                                              (!strncmp((const char*)comp_role->cRole,"video_decoder.vpx",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))) {
+                                          strlcpy((char*)m_cRole,"video_decoder.vp8",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+                                      } else {
+                                          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown Index %s\n", comp_role->cRole);
+                                          eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                      }
+                                  } else {
+                                      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown param %s\n", drv_ctx.kind);
+                                      eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidComponentName;
+                                  }
+                                  break;
+                              }
-    case OMX_IndexParamPriorityMgmt:
-        {
-            if(m_state != OMX_StateLoaded)
-            {
-               DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Set Parameter called in Invalid State\n");
-               return OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation;
-            }
-            OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE *priorityMgmtype = (OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE*) paramData;
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPriorityMgmt %lu\n",
-              priorityMgmtype->nGroupID);
+        case OMX_IndexParamPriorityMgmt: {
+                             if (m_state != OMX_StateLoaded) {
+                                 DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Set Parameter called in Invalid State\n");
+                                 return OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation;
+                             }
+                             OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE *priorityMgmtype = (OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE*) paramData;
+                             DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamPriorityMgmt %lu\n",
+                                     priorityMgmtype->nGroupID);
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: priorityMgmtype %lu\n",
-             priorityMgmtype->nGroupPriority);
+                             DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: priorityMgmtype %lu\n",
+                                     priorityMgmtype->nGroupPriority);
-            m_priority_mgm.nGroupID = priorityMgmtype->nGroupID;
-            m_priority_mgm.nGroupPriority = priorityMgmtype->nGroupPriority;
+                             m_priority_mgm.nGroupID = priorityMgmtype->nGroupID;
+                             m_priority_mgm.nGroupPriority = priorityMgmtype->nGroupPriority;
-            break;
-        }
+                             break;
+                         }
-      case OMX_IndexParamCompBufferSupplier:
-      {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamCompBufferSupplier %d\n",
-                bufferSupplierType->eBufferSupplier);
-             if(bufferSupplierType->nPortIndex == 0 || bufferSupplierType->nPortIndex ==1)
-                m_buffer_supplier.eBufferSupplier = bufferSupplierType->eBufferSupplier;
+        case OMX_IndexParamCompBufferSupplier: {
+                                   OMX_PARAM_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE *bufferSupplierType = (OMX_PARAM_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE*) paramData;
+                                   DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamCompBufferSupplier %d\n",
+                                           bufferSupplierType->eBufferSupplier);
+                                   if (bufferSupplierType->nPortIndex == 0 || bufferSupplierType->nPortIndex ==1)
+                                       m_buffer_supplier.eBufferSupplier = bufferSupplierType->eBufferSupplier;
-             else
+                                   else
-             eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
+                                       eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-          break;
+                                   break;
-      }
-      case OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc:
-          {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc %d\n",
-                    paramIndex);
-              break;
-          }
-      case OMX_IndexParamVideoH263:
-          {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoH263 %d\n",
-                    paramIndex);
-              break;
-          }
-      case OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg4:
-          {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg4 %d\n",
-                    paramIndex);
-              break;
-          }
-      case OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg2:
-          {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg2 %d\n",
-                    paramIndex);
-              break;
-          }
-       case OMX_QcomIndexParamVideoDecoderPictureOrder:
-          {
-              QOMX_VIDEO_DECODER_PICTURE_ORDER *pictureOrder =
-                  (QOMX_VIDEO_DECODER_PICTURE_ORDER *)paramData;
-			  struct v4l2_control control;
-			  int pic_order,rc=0;
-              DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: OMX_QcomIndexParamVideoDecoderPictureOrder %d\n",
-                    pictureOrder->eOutputPictureOrder);
-		if (pictureOrder->eOutputPictureOrder == QOMX_VIDEO_DISPLAY_ORDER) {
-		  }
-		else if (pictureOrder->eOutputPictureOrder == QOMX_VIDEO_DECODE_ORDER){
-                  time_stamp_dts.set_timestamp_reorder_mode(false);
-		}
-		else
-		eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-		if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone)
-		{
-			control.value = pic_order;
-			rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control);
-			if(rc)
-			{
-				DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Set picture order failed");
-				eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-    case OMX_QcomIndexParamConcealMBMapExtraData:
-      if(!secure_mode)
-          eRet = enable_extradata(VDEC_EXTRADATA_MB_ERROR_MAP, false,
-                                  ((QOMX_ENABLETYPE *)paramData)->bEnable);
-      else {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n secure mode setting not supported");
-          eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-      }
-      break;
-    case OMX_QcomIndexParamFrameInfoExtraData:
-      {
-        if(!secure_mode)
-            eRet = enable_extradata(OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA, false,
-                                ((QOMX_ENABLETYPE *)paramData)->bEnable);
-        else {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n secure mode setting not supported");
-            eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-        }
-       break;
-      }
-    case OMX_QcomIndexParamInterlaceExtraData:
-      if(!secure_mode)
-          eRet = enable_extradata(OMX_INTERLACE_EXTRADATA, false,
-                              ((QOMX_ENABLETYPE *)paramData)->bEnable);
-      else {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n secure mode setting not supported");
-          eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-      }
-      break;
-    case OMX_QcomIndexParamH264TimeInfo:
-      if(!secure_mode)
-          eRet = enable_extradata(OMX_TIMEINFO_EXTRADATA, false,
-                              ((QOMX_ENABLETYPE *)paramData)->bEnable);
-      else {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n secure mode setting not supported");
-          eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-      }
-      break;
-    case OMX_QcomIndexParamVideoDivx:
-      {
-      }
-      break;
-    case OMX_QcomIndexPlatformPvt:
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: OMX_QcomIndexPlatformPvt OP Port\n");
-        if (entryType->type != OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM)
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: Platform Private entry type (%d) not supported.", entryType->type);
-          eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          m_out_pvt_entry_pmem = OMX_TRUE;
-          if ((m_out_mem_region_smi && m_out_pvt_entry_pmem))
-          {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: OMX_QcomIndexPlatformPvt OP Port: out pmem set\n");
-            m_use_output_pmem = OMX_TRUE;
-          }
-        }
+                               }
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc: {
+                             DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoAvc %d\n",
+                                     paramIndex);
+                             break;
+                         }
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoH263: {
+                              DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoH263 %d\n",
+                                      paramIndex);
+                              break;
+                          }
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg4: {
+                               DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg4 %d\n",
+                                       paramIndex);
+                               break;
+                           }
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg2: {
+                               DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_parameter: OMX_IndexParamVideoMpeg2 %d\n",
+                                       paramIndex);
+                               break;
+                           }
+        case OMX_QcomIndexParamVideoDecoderPictureOrder: {
+                                     QOMX_VIDEO_DECODER_PICTURE_ORDER *pictureOrder =
+                                         (QOMX_VIDEO_DECODER_PICTURE_ORDER *)paramData;
+                                     struct v4l2_control control;
+                                     int pic_order,rc=0;
+                                     DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: OMX_QcomIndexParamVideoDecoderPictureOrder %d\n",
+                                             pictureOrder->eOutputPictureOrder);
+                                     if (pictureOrder->eOutputPictureOrder == QOMX_VIDEO_DISPLAY_ORDER) {
+                                         pic_order = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_OUTPUT_ORDER_DISPLAY;
+                                     } else if (pictureOrder->eOutputPictureOrder == QOMX_VIDEO_DECODE_ORDER) {
+                                         pic_order = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_OUTPUT_ORDER_DECODE;
+                                         time_stamp_dts.set_timestamp_reorder_mode(false);
+                                     } else
+                                         eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                                     if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                                = V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_OUTPUT_ORDER;
+                                         control.value = pic_order;
+                                         rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control);
+                                         if (rc) {
+                                             DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Set picture order failed");
+                                             eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                         }
+                                     }
+                                     break;
+                                 }
+        case OMX_QcomIndexParamConcealMBMapExtraData:
+                                 if (!secure_mode)
+                                     eRet = enable_extradata(VDEC_EXTRADATA_MB_ERROR_MAP, false,
+                                             ((QOMX_ENABLETYPE *)paramData)->bEnable);
+                                 else {
+                                     DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n secure mode setting not supported");
+                                     eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                 }
+                                 break;
+        case OMX_QcomIndexParamFrameInfoExtraData: {
+                                   if (!secure_mode)
+                                       eRet = enable_extradata(OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA, false,
+                                               ((QOMX_ENABLETYPE *)paramData)->bEnable);
+                                   else {
+                                       DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n secure mode setting not supported");
+                                       eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                   }
+                                   break;
+                               }
+        case OMX_QcomIndexParamInterlaceExtraData:
+                               if (!secure_mode)
+                                   eRet = enable_extradata(OMX_INTERLACE_EXTRADATA, false,
+                                           ((QOMX_ENABLETYPE *)paramData)->bEnable);
+                               else {
+                                   DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n secure mode setting not supported");
+                                   eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                               }
+                               break;
+        case OMX_QcomIndexParamH264TimeInfo:
+                               if (!secure_mode)
+                                   eRet = enable_extradata(OMX_TIMEINFO_EXTRADATA, false,
+                                           ((QOMX_ENABLETYPE *)paramData)->bEnable);
+                               else {
+                                   DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n secure mode setting not supported");
+                                   eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                               }
+                               break;
+        case OMX_QcomIndexParamVideoDivx: {
+                              QOMX_VIDEO_PARAM_DIVXTYPE* divXType = (QOMX_VIDEO_PARAM_DIVXTYPE *) paramData;
+                          }
+                          break;
+        case OMX_QcomIndexPlatformPvt: {
+                               DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: OMX_QcomIndexPlatformPvt OP Port\n");
+                               OMX_QCOM_PLATFORMPRIVATE_EXTN* entryType = (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORMPRIVATE_EXTN *) paramData;
+                               if (entryType->type != OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM) {
+                                   DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: Platform Private entry type (%d) not supported.", entryType->type);
+                                   eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                               } else {
+                                   m_out_pvt_entry_pmem = OMX_TRUE;
+                                   if ((m_out_mem_region_smi && m_out_pvt_entry_pmem)) {
+                                       DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: OMX_QcomIndexPlatformPvt OP Port: out pmem set\n");
+                                       m_use_output_pmem = OMX_TRUE;
+                                   }
+                               }
-      }
-      break;
-    case OMX_QcomIndexParamVideoSyncFrameDecodingMode:
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: OMX_QcomIndexParamVideoSyncFrameDecodingMode");
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set idr only decoding for thumbnail mode");
-        struct v4l2_control control;
-        int rc;
-        drv_ctx.idr_only_decoding = 1;
-        control.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_OUTPUT_ORDER_DECODE;
-        rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control);
-        if(rc)
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Set picture order failed");
-          eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-        } else {
-            control.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_SYNC_FRAME_DECODE_ENABLE;
-            rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control);
-            if(rc)
-            {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Sync frame setting failed");
-              eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-            }
-            /*Setting sync frame decoding on driver might change buffer
-             * requirements so update them here*/
-            if (get_buffer_req(&drv_ctx.ip_buf)) {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Sync frame setting failed: falied to get buffer i/p requirements");
-              eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-            }
-            if (get_buffer_req(&drv_ctx.op_buf)) {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Sync frame setting failed: falied to get buffer o/p requirements");
-              eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-            }
-        }
-      }
-      break;
+                           }
+                           break;
+        case OMX_QcomIndexParamVideoSyncFrameDecodingMode: {
+                                       DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter: OMX_QcomIndexParamVideoSyncFrameDecodingMode");
+                                       DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set idr only decoding for thumbnail mode");
+                                       struct v4l2_control control;
+                                       int rc;
+                                       drv_ctx.idr_only_decoding = 1;
+                              = V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_OUTPUT_ORDER;
+                                       control.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_OUTPUT_ORDER_DECODE;
+                                       rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control);
+                                       if (rc) {
+                                           DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Set picture order failed");
+                                           eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                       } else {
+                                  = V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_SYNC_FRAME_DECODE;
+                                           control.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_SYNC_FRAME_DECODE_ENABLE;
+                                           rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control);
+                                           if (rc) {
+                                               DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Sync frame setting failed");
+                                               eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                           }
+                                           /*Setting sync frame decoding on driver might change buffer
+                                            * requirements so update them here*/
+                                           if (get_buffer_req(&drv_ctx.ip_buf)) {
+                                               DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Sync frame setting failed: falied to get buffer i/p requirements");
+                                               eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                           }
+                                           if (get_buffer_req(&drv_ctx.op_buf)) {
+                                               DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Sync frame setting failed: falied to get buffer o/p requirements");
+                                               eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                           }
+                                       }
+                                   }
+                                   break;
-    case OMX_QcomIndexParamIndexExtraDataType:
-      {
-        if(!secure_mode) {
-            QOMX_INDEXEXTRADATATYPE *extradataIndexType = (QOMX_INDEXEXTRADATATYPE *) paramData;
-            if ((extradataIndexType->nIndex == OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition) &&
-                   (extradataIndexType->bEnabled == OMX_TRUE) &&
-                   (extradataIndexType->nPortIndex == 1))
-            {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter:  OMX_QcomIndexParamIndexExtraDataType SmoothStreaming\n");
-              eRet = enable_extradata(OMX_PORTDEF_EXTRADATA, false, extradataIndexType->bEnabled);
+        case OMX_QcomIndexParamIndexExtraDataType: {
+                                   if (!secure_mode) {
+                                       QOMX_INDEXEXTRADATATYPE *extradataIndexType = (QOMX_INDEXEXTRADATATYPE *) paramData;
+                                       if ((extradataIndexType->nIndex == OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition) &&
+                                               (extradataIndexType->bEnabled == OMX_TRUE) &&
+                                               (extradataIndexType->nPortIndex == 1)) {
+                                           DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_parameter:  OMX_QcomIndexParamIndexExtraDataType SmoothStreaming\n");
+                                           eRet = enable_extradata(OMX_PORTDEF_EXTRADATA, false, extradataIndexType->bEnabled);
-            }
-         }
-       }
-      break;
-    case OMX_QcomIndexParamEnableSmoothStreaming:
-      {
+                                       }
+                                   }
+                               }
+                               break;
+        case OMX_QcomIndexParamEnableSmoothStreaming: {
-	      struct v4l2_control control;
-	      struct v4l2_format fmt;
-	      control.value = 1;
-	      int rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL,&control);
-	      if(rc < 0) {
-		      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to enable Smooth Streaming on driver.");
-		      eRet = OMX_ErrorHardware;
-	      }
+                                      struct v4l2_control control;
+                                      struct v4l2_format fmt;
+                             = V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_CONTINUE_DATA_TRANSFER;
+                                      control.value = 1;
+                                      int rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL,&control);
+                                      if (rc < 0) {
+                                          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to enable Smooth Streaming on driver.");
+                                          eRet = OMX_ErrorHardware;
+                                      }
-       eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                      eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-      }
-     break;
+                                  }
+                                  break;
 #if defined (_ANDROID_HONEYCOMB_) || defined (_ANDROID_ICS_)
-      /* Need to allow following two set_parameters even in Idle
-       * state. This is ANDROID architecture which is not in sync
-       * with openmax standard. */
-    case OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexEnableAndroidNativeBuffers:
-      {
-          EnableAndroidNativeBuffersParams* enableNativeBuffers = (EnableAndroidNativeBuffersParams *) paramData;
-          if(enableNativeBuffers) {
-              m_enable_android_native_buffers = enableNativeBuffers->enable;
-          }
-      }
-      break;
-    case OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer:
-      {
-          eRet = use_android_native_buffer(hComp, paramData);
-      }
-      break;
+                                  /* Need to allow following two set_parameters even in Idle
+                                   * state. This is ANDROID architecture which is not in sync
+                                   * with openmax standard. */
+        case OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexEnableAndroidNativeBuffers: {
+                                           EnableAndroidNativeBuffersParams* enableNativeBuffers = (EnableAndroidNativeBuffersParams *) paramData;
+                                           if (enableNativeBuffers) {
+                                               m_enable_android_native_buffers = enableNativeBuffers->enable;
+                                           }
+                                       }
+                                       break;
+        case OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer: {
+                                       eRet = use_android_native_buffer(hComp, paramData);
+                                   }
+                                   break;
-    case OMX_QcomIndexParamEnableTimeStampReorder:
-      {
-        if (drv_ctx.picture_order == (vdec_output_order)QOMX_VIDEO_DISPLAY_ORDER) {
-          if (reorder->bEnable == OMX_TRUE) {
-              frm_int =0;
-              time_stamp_dts.set_timestamp_reorder_mode(true);
-          }
-          else
-            time_stamp_dts.set_timestamp_reorder_mode(false);
-        } else {
-          time_stamp_dts.set_timestamp_reorder_mode(false);
-          if (reorder->bEnable == OMX_TRUE)
-          {
-            eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-     case OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelCurrent:
-       {
-         if (pParam) {
-           m_profile_lvl.eProfile = pParam->eProfile;
-           m_profile_lvl.eLevel = pParam->eLevel;
-         }
-         break;
+        case OMX_QcomIndexParamEnableTimeStampReorder: {
+                                       QOMX_INDEXTIMESTAMPREORDER *reorder = (QOMX_INDEXTIMESTAMPREORDER *)paramData;
+                                       if (drv_ctx.picture_order == (vdec_output_order)QOMX_VIDEO_DISPLAY_ORDER) {
+                                           if (reorder->bEnable == OMX_TRUE) {
+                                               frm_int =0;
+                                               time_stamp_dts.set_timestamp_reorder_mode(true);
+                                           } else
+                                               time_stamp_dts.set_timestamp_reorder_mode(false);
+                                       } else {
+                                           time_stamp_dts.set_timestamp_reorder_mode(false);
+                                           if (reorder->bEnable == OMX_TRUE) {
+                                               eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                                           }
+                                       }
+                                   }
+                                   break;
+        case OMX_IndexParamVideoProfileLevelCurrent: {
+                                     OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PROFILELEVELTYPE* pParam =
+                                         (OMX_VIDEO_PARAM_PROFILELEVELTYPE*)paramData;
+                                     if (pParam) {
+                                         m_profile_lvl.eProfile = pParam->eProfile;
+                                         m_profile_lvl.eLevel = pParam->eLevel;
+                                     }
+                                     break;
-       }
-    default:
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown param %d\n", paramIndex);
-      eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex;
+                                 }
+        default: {
+                 DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setparameter: unknown param %d\n", paramIndex);
+                 eRet = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex;
+             }
-  }
-  return eRet;
+    return eRet;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::GetConfig
+   omx_vdec::GetConfig
-  OMX Get Config Method implementation.
+   OMX Get Config Method implementation.
-  <TBD>.
+   <TBD>.
-  OMX Error None if successful.
+   OMX Error None if successful.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::get_config(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE      hComp,
-                                        OMX_IN OMX_INDEXTYPE configIndex,
-                                        OMX_INOUT OMX_PTR     configData)
+        OMX_IN OMX_INDEXTYPE configIndex,
+        OMX_INOUT OMX_PTR     configData)
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  if (m_state == OMX_StateInvalid)
-  {
-     DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Get Config in Invalid State\n");
-     return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-  }
-  switch ((unsigned long)configIndex)
-  {
-    case OMX_QcomIndexConfigInterlaced:
-    {
-                                   (OMX_QCOM_CONFIG_INTERLACETYPE *) configData;
-      if (configFmt->nPortIndex == 1)
-      {
-        if (configFmt->nIndex == 0)
-        {
-          configFmt->eInterlaceType = OMX_QCOM_InterlaceFrameProgressive;
-        }
-        else if (configFmt->nIndex == 1)
-        {
-          configFmt->eInterlaceType =
-                                  OMX_QCOM_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst;
-        }
-        else if (configFmt->nIndex == 2)
-        {
-          configFmt->eInterlaceType =
-          OMX_QCOM_InterlaceInterleaveFrameBottomFieldFirst;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_config: OMX_QcomIndexConfigInterlaced:"
-                            " NoMore Interlaced formats\n");
-          eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_config: Bad port index %d queried on only o/p port\n",
-        (int)configFmt->nPortIndex);
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-      }
-    break;
-    }
-    case OMX_QcomIndexQueryNumberOfVideoDecInstance:
-    {
-        QOMX_VIDEO_QUERY_DECODER_INSTANCES *decoderinstances =
-	decoderinstances->nNumOfInstances = 16;
-	/*TODO: How to handle this case */	
-    break;
-    }
-  case OMX_QcomIndexConfigVideoFramePackingArrangement:
-    {
-      if (drv_ctx.decoder_format == VDEC_CODECTYPE_H264)
-      {
-          (OMX_QCOM_FRAME_PACK_ARRANGEMENT *) configData;
-        h264_parser->get_frame_pack_data(configFmt);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_config: Framepack data not supported for non H264 codecs");
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-  case OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop:
-    {
-      OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE *rect = (OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE *) configData;
-      memcpy(rect, &rectangle, sizeof(OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE));
-      break;
-    }
-  default:
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_config: unknown param %d\n",configIndex);
-      eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-    }
-  }
-  return eRet;
-/* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::SetConfig
-  OMX Set Config method implementation
-  <TBD>.
-  OMX Error None if successful.
-========================================================================== */
-OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::set_config(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE      hComp,
-                                        OMX_IN OMX_INDEXTYPE configIndex,
-                                        OMX_IN OMX_PTR        configData)
-  if(m_state == OMX_StateInvalid)
-  {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Get Config in Invalid State\n");
-      return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-  }
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Set Config Called");
-  if (configIndex == (OMX_INDEXTYPE)OMX_IndexVendorVideoExtraData)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Index OMX_IndexVendorVideoExtraData called");
-    if (!strcmp(drv_ctx.kind, ""))
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Index OMX_IndexVendorVideoExtraData AVC");
-      OMX_U32 extra_size;
-      // Parsing done here for the AVC atom is definitely not generic
-      // Currently this piece of code is working, but certainly
-      // not tested with all .mp4 files.
-      // Incase of failure, we might need to revisit this
-      // for a generic piece of code.
-      // Retrieve size of NAL length field
-      // byte #4 contains the size of NAL lenght field
-      nal_length = (config->pData[4] & 0x03) + 1;
-      extra_size = 0;
-      if (nal_length > 2)
-      {
-        /* Presently we assume that only one SPS and one PPS in AvC1 Atom */
-        extra_size = (nal_length - 2) * 2;
-      }
-      // SPS starts from byte #6
-      OMX_U8 *pSrcBuf = (OMX_U8 *) (&config->pData[6]);
-      OMX_U8 *pDestBuf;
-      m_vendor_config.nPortIndex = config->nPortIndex;
-      // minus 6 --> SPS starts from byte #6
-      // minus 1 --> picture param set byte to be ignored from avcatom
-      m_vendor_config.nDataSize = config->nDataSize - 6 - 1 + extra_size;
-      m_vendor_config.pData = (OMX_U8 *) malloc(m_vendor_config.nDataSize);
-      OMX_U32 len;
-      OMX_U8 index = 0;
-      // case where SPS+PPS is sent as part of set_config
-      pDestBuf = m_vendor_config.pData;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Rxd SPS+PPS nPortIndex[%lu] len[%lu] data[%p]\n",
-           m_vendor_config.nPortIndex,
-           m_vendor_config.nDataSize,
-           m_vendor_config.pData);
-      while (index < 2)
-      {
-        uint8 *psize;
-        len = *pSrcBuf;
-        len = len << 8;
-        len |= *(pSrcBuf + 1);
-        psize = (uint8 *) & len;
-        memcpy(pDestBuf + nal_length, pSrcBuf + 2,len);
-        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nal_length; i++)
-        {
-          pDestBuf[i] = psize[nal_length - 1 - i];
-        }
-        //memcpy(pDestBuf,pSrcBuf,(len+2));
-        pDestBuf += len + nal_length;
-        pSrcBuf += len + 2;
-        index++;
-        pSrcBuf++;   // skip picture param set
-        len = 0;
-      }
-    }
-    else if (!strcmp(drv_ctx.kind, "") ||
-             !strcmp(drv_ctx.kind, ""))
-    {
-      m_vendor_config.nPortIndex = config->nPortIndex;
-      m_vendor_config.nDataSize = config->nDataSize;
-      m_vendor_config.pData = (OMX_U8 *) malloc((config->nDataSize));
-      memcpy(m_vendor_config.pData, config->pData,config->nDataSize);
-    }
-    else if (!strcmp(drv_ctx.kind, ""))
-    {
-        if(m_vendor_config.pData)
-        {
-            free(m_vendor_config.pData);
-            m_vendor_config.pData = NULL;
-            m_vendor_config.nDataSize = 0;
-        }
-        if (((*((OMX_U32 *) config->pData)) &
-             VC1_SP_MP_START_CODE_MASK) ==
-             VC1_SP_MP_START_CODE)
-        {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_config - VC1 simple/main profile\n");
-            m_vendor_config.nPortIndex = config->nPortIndex;
-            m_vendor_config.nDataSize = config->nDataSize;
-            m_vendor_config.pData =
-                (OMX_U8 *) malloc(config->nDataSize);
-            memcpy(m_vendor_config.pData, config->pData,
-                   config->nDataSize);
-            m_vc1_profile = VC1_SP_MP_RCV;
-        }
-        else if (*((OMX_U32 *) config->pData) == VC1_AP_SEQ_START_CODE)
-        {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_config - VC1 Advance profile\n");
-            m_vendor_config.nPortIndex = config->nPortIndex;
-            m_vendor_config.nDataSize = config->nDataSize;
-            m_vendor_config.pData =
-                (OMX_U8 *) malloc((config->nDataSize));
-            memcpy(m_vendor_config.pData, config->pData,
-                   config->nDataSize);
-            m_vc1_profile = VC1_AP;
-        }
-        else if ((config->nDataSize == VC1_STRUCT_C_LEN))
-        {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_config - VC1 Simple/Main profile struct C only\n");
-            m_vendor_config.nPortIndex = config->nPortIndex;
-            m_vendor_config.nDataSize  = config->nDataSize;
-            m_vendor_config.pData = (OMX_U8*)malloc(config->nDataSize);
-            memcpy(m_vendor_config.pData,config->pData,config->nDataSize);
-            m_vc1_profile = VC1_SP_MP_RCV;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_config - Error: Unknown VC1 profile\n");
-        }
-    }
-    return ret;
-  }
-  else if (configIndex == OMX_IndexConfigVideoNalSize)
-  {
-    struct v4l2_control temp;
-    pNal = reinterpret_cast < OMX_VIDEO_CONFIG_NALSIZE * >(configData);
-    switch (pNal->nNaluBytes) {
-      case 0:
-        break;
-      case 2:
-        break;
-      case 4:
-        break;
-      default:
-        return OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-    }
-    if (!arbitrary_bytes) {
-      /* In arbitrary bytes mode, the assembler strips out nal size and replaces
-       * with start code, so only need to notify driver in frame by frame mode */
-      if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &temp))
-      {
-        return OMX_ErrorHardware;
-      }
-    }
-    nal_length = pNal->nNaluBytes;
-    m_frame_parser.init_nal_length(nal_length);
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n OMX_IndexConfigVideoNalSize called with Size %d", nal_length);
-    return ret;
-  }
-  else if (configIndex == OMX_IndexVendorVideoFrameRate)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Index OMX_IndexVendorVideoFrameRate %d", config->nFps);
-    if (config->nPortIndex == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX)
-    {
-      if (config->bEnabled)
-      {
-        if ((config->nFps >> 16) > 0)
-        {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_config: frame rate set by omx client : %d",
-                            config->nFps >> 16);
-            Q16ToFraction(config->nFps, drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator,
-                          drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator);
-            if (!drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator)
-            {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Numerator is zero setting to 30");
-              drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator = 30;
-            }
-            if (drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator)
-            {
-              drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator = (int)
-                  drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator / drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator;
-            }
-            drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator = 1;
-            frm_int = drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator * 1e6 /
-                      drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator;
-            struct v4l2_outputparm oparm;
-            /*XXX: we're providing timing info as seconds per frame rather than frames
-             * per second.*/
-            oparm.timeperframe.numerator = drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator;
-            oparm.timeperframe.denominator = drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator;
-            struct v4l2_streamparm sparm;
-            sparm.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
-            sparm.parm.output = oparm;
-            if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_PARM, &sparm))
-            {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Unable to convey fps info to driver, \
-                  performance might be affected");
-              ret = OMX_ErrorHardware;
-            }
-            client_set_fps = true;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Frame rate not supported.");
-          ret = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_config: Disabled client's frame rate");
-        client_set_fps = false;
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR(" Set_config: Bad Port idx %d",
-                      (int)config->nPortIndex);
-        ret = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-    }
-    return ret;
-  }
-  return OMX_ErrorNotImplemented;
-/* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::GetExtensionIndex
-  OMX GetExtensionIndex method implementaion.  <TBD>
-  <TBD>.
-  OMX Error None if everything successful.
-========================================================================== */
-OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::get_extension_index(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE      hComp,
-                                                OMX_IN OMX_STRING      paramName,
-                                                OMX_OUT OMX_INDEXTYPE* indexType)
-    if(m_state == OMX_StateInvalid)
-    {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Get Extension Index in Invalid State\n");
+    if (m_state == OMX_StateInvalid) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Get Config in Invalid State\n");
         return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-    else if (!strncmp(paramName, "",sizeof("") - 1)) {
-        *indexType = (OMX_INDEXTYPE)OMX_QcomIndexParamVideoSyncFrameDecodingMode;
+    switch ((unsigned long)configIndex) {
+        case OMX_QcomIndexConfigInterlaced: {
+                                OMX_QCOM_CONFIG_INTERLACETYPE *configFmt =
+                                    (OMX_QCOM_CONFIG_INTERLACETYPE *) configData;
+                                if (configFmt->nPortIndex == 1) {
+                                    if (configFmt->nIndex == 0) {
+                                        configFmt->eInterlaceType = OMX_QCOM_InterlaceFrameProgressive;
+                                    } else if (configFmt->nIndex == 1) {
+                                        configFmt->eInterlaceType =
+                                            OMX_QCOM_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst;
+                                    } else if (configFmt->nIndex == 2) {
+                                        configFmt->eInterlaceType =
+                                            OMX_QCOM_InterlaceInterleaveFrameBottomFieldFirst;
+                                    } else {
+                                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_config: OMX_QcomIndexConfigInterlaced:"
+                                                " NoMore Interlaced formats\n");
+                                        eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+                                    }
+                                } else {
+                                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_config: Bad port index %d queried on only o/p port\n",
+                                            (int)configFmt->nPortIndex);
+                                    eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
+                                }
+                                break;
+                            }
+        case OMX_QcomIndexQueryNumberOfVideoDecInstance: {
+                                     QOMX_VIDEO_QUERY_DECODER_INSTANCES *decoderinstances =
+                                         (QOMX_VIDEO_QUERY_DECODER_INSTANCES*)configData;
+                                     decoderinstances->nNumOfInstances = 16;
+                                     /*TODO: How to handle this case */
+                                     break;
+                                 }
+        case OMX_QcomIndexConfigVideoFramePackingArrangement: {
+                                          if (drv_ctx.decoder_format == VDEC_CODECTYPE_H264) {
+                                              OMX_QCOM_FRAME_PACK_ARRANGEMENT *configFmt =
+                                                  (OMX_QCOM_FRAME_PACK_ARRANGEMENT *) configData;
+                                              h264_parser->get_frame_pack_data(configFmt);
+                                          } else {
+                                              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_config: Framepack data not supported for non H264 codecs");
+                                          }
+                                          break;
+                                      }
+        case OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop: {
+                                  OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE *rect = (OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE *) configData;
+                                  memcpy(rect, &rectangle, sizeof(OMX_CONFIG_RECTTYPE));
+                                  break;
+                              }
+        default: {
+                 DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("get_config: unknown param %d\n",configIndex);
+                 eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+             }
-    else if (!strncmp(paramName, "OMX.QCOM.index.param.IndexExtraData",sizeof("OMX.QCOM.index.param.IndexExtraData") - 1))
-    {
+    return eRet;
+/* ======================================================================
+   omx_vdec::SetConfig
+   OMX Set Config method implementation
+   <TBD>.
+   OMX Error None if successful.
+   ========================================================================== */
+OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::set_config(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE      hComp,
+        OMX_IN OMX_INDEXTYPE configIndex,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR        configData)
+    if (m_state == OMX_StateInvalid) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Get Config in Invalid State\n");
+        return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
+    }
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Set Config Called");
+    if (configIndex == (OMX_INDEXTYPE)OMX_IndexVendorVideoExtraData) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Index OMX_IndexVendorVideoExtraData called");
+        if (!strcmp(drv_ctx.kind, "")) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Index OMX_IndexVendorVideoExtraData AVC");
+            OMX_U32 extra_size;
+            // Parsing done here for the AVC atom is definitely not generic
+            // Currently this piece of code is working, but certainly
+            // not tested with all .mp4 files.
+            // Incase of failure, we might need to revisit this
+            // for a generic piece of code.
+            // Retrieve size of NAL length field
+            // byte #4 contains the size of NAL lenght field
+            nal_length = (config->pData[4] & 0x03) + 1;
+            extra_size = 0;
+            if (nal_length > 2) {
+                /* Presently we assume that only one SPS and one PPS in AvC1 Atom */
+                extra_size = (nal_length - 2) * 2;
+            }
+            // SPS starts from byte #6
+            OMX_U8 *pSrcBuf = (OMX_U8 *) (&config->pData[6]);
+            OMX_U8 *pDestBuf;
+            m_vendor_config.nPortIndex = config->nPortIndex;
+            // minus 6 --> SPS starts from byte #6
+            // minus 1 --> picture param set byte to be ignored from avcatom
+            m_vendor_config.nDataSize = config->nDataSize - 6 - 1 + extra_size;
+            m_vendor_config.pData = (OMX_U8 *) malloc(m_vendor_config.nDataSize);
+            OMX_U32 len;
+            OMX_U8 index = 0;
+            // case where SPS+PPS is sent as part of set_config
+            pDestBuf = m_vendor_config.pData;
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Rxd SPS+PPS nPortIndex[%lu] len[%lu] data[%p]\n",
+                    m_vendor_config.nPortIndex,
+                    m_vendor_config.nDataSize,
+                    m_vendor_config.pData);
+            while (index < 2) {
+                uint8 *psize;
+                len = *pSrcBuf;
+                len = len << 8;
+                len |= *(pSrcBuf + 1);
+                psize = (uint8 *) & len;
+                memcpy(pDestBuf + nal_length, pSrcBuf + 2,len);
+                for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nal_length; i++) {
+                    pDestBuf[i] = psize[nal_length - 1 - i];
+                }
+                //memcpy(pDestBuf,pSrcBuf,(len+2));
+                pDestBuf += len + nal_length;
+                pSrcBuf += len + 2;
+                index++;
+                pSrcBuf++;   // skip picture param set
+                len = 0;
+            }
+        } else if (!strcmp(drv_ctx.kind, "") ||
+                !strcmp(drv_ctx.kind, "")) {
+            m_vendor_config.nPortIndex = config->nPortIndex;
+            m_vendor_config.nDataSize = config->nDataSize;
+            m_vendor_config.pData = (OMX_U8 *) malloc((config->nDataSize));
+            memcpy(m_vendor_config.pData, config->pData,config->nDataSize);
+        } else if (!strcmp(drv_ctx.kind, "")) {
+            if (m_vendor_config.pData) {
+                free(m_vendor_config.pData);
+                m_vendor_config.pData = NULL;
+                m_vendor_config.nDataSize = 0;
+            }
+            if (((*((OMX_U32 *) config->pData)) &
+                        VC1_SP_MP_START_CODE_MASK) ==
+                    VC1_SP_MP_START_CODE) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_config - VC1 simple/main profile\n");
+                m_vendor_config.nPortIndex = config->nPortIndex;
+                m_vendor_config.nDataSize = config->nDataSize;
+                m_vendor_config.pData =
+                    (OMX_U8 *) malloc(config->nDataSize);
+                memcpy(m_vendor_config.pData, config->pData,
+                        config->nDataSize);
+                m_vc1_profile = VC1_SP_MP_RCV;
+            } else if (*((OMX_U32 *) config->pData) == VC1_AP_SEQ_START_CODE) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_config - VC1 Advance profile\n");
+                m_vendor_config.nPortIndex = config->nPortIndex;
+                m_vendor_config.nDataSize = config->nDataSize;
+                m_vendor_config.pData =
+                    (OMX_U8 *) malloc((config->nDataSize));
+                memcpy(m_vendor_config.pData, config->pData,
+                        config->nDataSize);
+                m_vc1_profile = VC1_AP;
+            } else if ((config->nDataSize == VC1_STRUCT_C_LEN)) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_config - VC1 Simple/Main profile struct C only\n");
+                m_vendor_config.nPortIndex = config->nPortIndex;
+                m_vendor_config.nDataSize  = config->nDataSize;
+                m_vendor_config.pData = (OMX_U8*)malloc(config->nDataSize);
+                memcpy(m_vendor_config.pData,config->pData,config->nDataSize);
+                m_vc1_profile = VC1_SP_MP_RCV;
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_config - Error: Unknown VC1 profile\n");
+            }
+        }
+        return ret;
+    } else if (configIndex == OMX_IndexConfigVideoNalSize) {
+        struct v4l2_control temp;
+        pNal = reinterpret_cast < OMX_VIDEO_CONFIG_NALSIZE * >(configData);
+        switch (pNal->nNaluBytes) {
+            case 0:
+                temp.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_NAL_FORMAT_STARTCODES;
+                break;
+            case 2:
+                temp.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_NAL_FORMAT_TWO_BYTE_LENGTH;
+                break;
+            case 4:
+                temp.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_NAL_FORMAT_FOUR_BYTE_LENGTH;
+                break;
+            default:
+                return OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+        }
+        if (!arbitrary_bytes) {
+            /* In arbitrary bytes mode, the assembler strips out nal size and replaces
+             * with start code, so only need to notify driver in frame by frame mode */
+            if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &temp)) {
+                return OMX_ErrorHardware;
+            }
+        }
+        nal_length = pNal->nNaluBytes;
+        m_frame_parser.init_nal_length(nal_length);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n OMX_IndexConfigVideoNalSize called with Size %d", nal_length);
+        return ret;
+    } else if (configIndex == OMX_IndexVendorVideoFrameRate) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Index OMX_IndexVendorVideoFrameRate %d", config->nFps);
+        if (config->nPortIndex == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
+            if (config->bEnabled) {
+                if ((config->nFps >> 16) > 0) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_config: frame rate set by omx client : %d",
+                            config->nFps >> 16);
+                    Q16ToFraction(config->nFps, drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator,
+                            drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator);
+                    if (!drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator) {
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Numerator is zero setting to 30");
+                        drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator = 30;
+                    }
+                    if (drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator) {
+                        drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator = (int)
+                            drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator / drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator;
+                    }
+                    drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator = 1;
+                    frm_int = drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator * 1e6 /
+                        drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator;
+                    struct v4l2_outputparm oparm;
+                    /*XXX: we're providing timing info as seconds per frame rather than frames
+                     * per second.*/
+                    oparm.timeperframe.numerator = drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator;
+                    oparm.timeperframe.denominator = drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator;
+                    struct v4l2_streamparm sparm;
+                    sparm.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
+                    sparm.parm.output = oparm;
+                    if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_PARM, &sparm)) {
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Unable to convey fps info to driver, \
+                                performance might be affected");
+                        ret = OMX_ErrorHardware;
+                    }
+                    client_set_fps = true;
+                } else {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Frame rate not supported.");
+                    ret = OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+                }
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("set_config: Disabled client's frame rate");
+                client_set_fps = false;
+            }
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR(" Set_config: Bad Port idx %d",
+                    (int)config->nPortIndex);
+            ret = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
+        }
+        return ret;
+    }
+    return OMX_ErrorNotImplemented;
+/* ======================================================================
+   omx_vdec::GetExtensionIndex
+   OMX GetExtensionIndex method implementaion.  <TBD>
+   <TBD>.
+   OMX Error None if everything successful.
+   ========================================================================== */
+OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::get_extension_index(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE      hComp,
+        OMX_IN OMX_STRING      paramName,
+        OMX_OUT OMX_INDEXTYPE* indexType)
+    if (m_state == OMX_StateInvalid) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Get Extension Index in Invalid State\n");
+        return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
+    } else if (!strncmp(paramName, "",sizeof("") - 1)) {
+        *indexType = (OMX_INDEXTYPE)OMX_QcomIndexParamVideoSyncFrameDecodingMode;
+    } else if (!strncmp(paramName, "OMX.QCOM.index.param.IndexExtraData",sizeof("OMX.QCOM.index.param.IndexExtraData") - 1)) {
         *indexType = (OMX_INDEXTYPE)OMX_QcomIndexParamIndexExtraDataType;
 #if defined (_ANDROID_HONEYCOMB_) || defined (_ANDROID_ICS_)
-    else if(!strncmp(paramName,"", sizeof("") - 1)) {
+    else if (!strncmp(paramName,"", sizeof("") - 1)) {
         *indexType = (OMX_INDEXTYPE)OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexEnableAndroidNativeBuffers;
-    }
-    else if(!strncmp(paramName,"", sizeof("") - 1)) {
+    } else if (!strncmp(paramName,"", sizeof("") - 1)) {
         *indexType = (OMX_INDEXTYPE)OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer2;
-    }
-    else if(!strncmp(paramName,"", sizeof("") - 1)) {
+    } else if (!strncmp(paramName,"", sizeof("") - 1)) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Extension: %s is supported\n", paramName);
         *indexType = (OMX_INDEXTYPE)OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexUseAndroidNativeBuffer;
-    }
-    else if(!strncmp(paramName,"", sizeof("") - 1)) {
+    } else if (!strncmp(paramName,"", sizeof("") - 1)) {
         *indexType = (OMX_INDEXTYPE)OMX_GoogleAndroidIndexGetAndroidNativeBufferUsage;
-	else {
+    else {
         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Extension: %s not implemented\n", paramName);
         return OMX_ErrorNotImplemented;
@@ -4189,1318 +3668,1231 @@
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::GetState
+   omx_vdec::GetState
-  Returns the state information back to the caller.<TBD>
+   Returns the state information back to the caller.<TBD>
-  <TBD>.
+   <TBD>.
-  Error None if everything is successful.
-========================================================================== */
+   Error None if everything is successful.
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::get_state(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE  hComp,
-                                       OMX_OUT OMX_STATETYPE* state)
+        OMX_OUT OMX_STATETYPE* state)
-  *state = m_state;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_state: Returning the state %d\n",*state);
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    *state = m_state;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("get_state: Returning the state %d\n",*state);
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::ComponentTunnelRequest
+   omx_vdec::ComponentTunnelRequest
-  OMX Component Tunnel Request method implementation. <TBD>
+   OMX Component Tunnel Request method implementation. <TBD>
-  None.
+   None.
-  OMX Error None if everything successful.
+   OMX Error None if everything successful.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::component_tunnel_request(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE                hComp,
-                                                     OMX_IN OMX_U32                        port,
-                                                     OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE        peerComponent,
-                                                     OMX_IN OMX_U32                    peerPort,
-                                                     OMX_INOUT OMX_TUNNELSETUPTYPE* tunnelSetup)
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                        port,
+        OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE        peerComponent,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                    peerPort,
-  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Error: component_tunnel_request Not Implemented\n");
-  return OMX_ErrorNotImplemented;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Error: component_tunnel_request Not Implemented\n");
+    return OMX_ErrorNotImplemented;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::UseOutputBuffer
+   omx_vdec::UseOutputBuffer
-  Helper function for Use buffer in the input pin
+   Helper function for Use buffer in the input pin
-  None.
+   None.
-  true/false
+   true/false
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::allocate_extradata()
 #ifdef USE_ION
-  if (drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size) {
-    if (drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.ion_alloc_data.handle) {
-      munmap((void *)drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr, drv_ctx.extradata_info.size);
-      close(drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data.fd);
-      free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion);
+    if (drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size) {
+        if (drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.ion_alloc_data.handle) {
+            munmap((void *)drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr, drv_ctx.extradata_info.size);
+            close(drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data.fd);
+            free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion);
+        }
+        drv_ctx.extradata_info.size = (drv_ctx.extradata_info.size + 4095) & (~4095);
+        drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.ion_device_fd = alloc_map_ion_memory(
+                drv_ctx.extradata_info.size, 4096,
+                &drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.ion_alloc_data,
+                &drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data, 0);
+        if (drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.ion_device_fd < 0) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to alloc extradata memory\n");
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
+        drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr = (char *)mmap(NULL,
+                drv_ctx.extradata_info.size,
+                drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data.fd , 0);
+        if (drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr == MAP_FAILED) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to map extradata memory\n");
+            close(drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data.fd);
+            free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion);
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
-    drv_ctx.extradata_info.size = (drv_ctx.extradata_info.size + 4095) & (~4095);
-    drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.ion_device_fd = alloc_map_ion_memory(
-        drv_ctx.extradata_info.size, 4096,
-        &drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.ion_alloc_data,
-        &drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data, 0);
-    if (drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.ion_device_fd < 0) {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to alloc extradata memory\n");
-      return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-    }
-    drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr = (char *)mmap(NULL,
-        drv_ctx.extradata_info.size,
-        drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data.fd , 0);
-    if (drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr == MAP_FAILED) {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to map extradata memory\n");
-      close(drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data.fd);
-      free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion);
-      return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-    }
-  }
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
-void omx_vdec::free_extradata() {
+void omx_vdec::free_extradata()
 #ifdef USE_ION
-  if (drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr) {
-    munmap((void *)drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr, drv_ctx.extradata_info.size);
-    close(drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data.fd);
-    free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion);
-  }
-  memset(&drv_ctx.extradata_info, 0, sizeof(drv_ctx.extradata_info));
+    if (drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr) {
+        munmap((void *)drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr, drv_ctx.extradata_info.size);
+        close(drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data.fd);
+        free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion);
+    }
+    memset(&drv_ctx.extradata_info, 0, sizeof(drv_ctx.extradata_info));
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::use_output_buffer(
-                         OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE            hComp,
-                         OMX_INOUT OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE** bufferHdr,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_U32                   port,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_PTR                   appData,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_U32                   bytes,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_U8*                   buffer)
+        OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE            hComp,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                   port,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR                   appData,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                   bytes,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U8*                   buffer)
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE       *bufHdr= NULL; // buffer header
-  unsigned                         i= 0; // Temporary counter
-  struct vdec_setbuffer_cmd setbuffers;
-  OMX_PTR privateAppData = NULL;
-  private_handle_t *handle = NULL;
-  OMX_U8 *buff = buffer;
-  struct v4l2_buffer buf;
-  struct v4l2_plane plane[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
-  int extra_idx = 0;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE       *bufHdr= NULL; // buffer header
+    unsigned                         i= 0; // Temporary counter
+    struct vdec_setbuffer_cmd setbuffers;
+    OMX_PTR privateAppData = NULL;
+    private_handle_t *handle = NULL;
+    OMX_U8 *buff = buffer;
+    struct v4l2_buffer buf;
+    struct v4l2_plane plane[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+    int extra_idx = 0;
-  if (!m_out_mem_ptr) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Use_op_buf:Allocating output headers");
-    eRet = allocate_output_headers();
-    if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone)
-      eRet = allocate_extradata();
-  }
-  if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone) {
-    for(i=0; i< drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount; i++) {
-      if(BITMASK_ABSENT(&m_out_bm_count,i))
-      {
-        break;
-      }
+    if (!m_out_mem_ptr) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Use_op_buf:Allocating output headers");
+        eRet = allocate_output_headers();
+        if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone)
+            eRet = allocate_extradata();
-  }
-  if(i >= drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Already using %d o/p buffers\n", drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
-    eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-  }
+    if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        for (i=0; i< drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount; i++) {
+            if (BITMASK_ABSENT(&m_out_bm_count,i)) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
-  if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone) {
+    if (i >= drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Already using %d o/p buffers\n", drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
+        eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+    }
+    if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone) {
 #if defined(_ANDROID_HONEYCOMB_) || defined(_ANDROID_ICS_)
-    if(m_enable_android_native_buffers) {
-        if (m_use_android_native_buffers) {
-            UseAndroidNativeBufferParams *params = (UseAndroidNativeBufferParams *)appData;
-            sp<android_native_buffer_t> nBuf = params->nativeBuffer;
-            handle = (private_handle_t *)nBuf->handle;
-            privateAppData = params->pAppPrivate;
-        } else {
-            handle = (private_handle_t *)buff;
-            privateAppData = appData;
-        }
+        if (m_enable_android_native_buffers) {
+            if (m_use_android_native_buffers) {
+                UseAndroidNativeBufferParams *params = (UseAndroidNativeBufferParams *)appData;
+                sp<android_native_buffer_t> nBuf = params->nativeBuffer;
+                handle = (private_handle_t *)nBuf->handle;
+                privateAppData = params->pAppPrivate;
+            } else {
+                handle = (private_handle_t *)buff;
+                privateAppData = appData;
+            }
-        if ((OMX_U32)handle->size < drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size) {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Insufficient sized buffer given for playback,"
-                              " expected %u, got %lu",
-                              drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size, (OMX_U32)handle->size);
-            return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-        }
+            if ((OMX_U32)handle->size < drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Insufficient sized buffer given for playback,"
+                        " expected %u, got %lu",
+                        drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size, (OMX_U32)handle->size);
+                return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+            }
-        if (!m_use_android_native_buffers) {
-            if (!secure_mode) {
-                buff =  (OMX_U8*)mmap(0, handle->size,
-                                      PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, handle->fd, 0);
-                if (buff == MAP_FAILED) {
-                  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to mmap pmem with fd = %d, size = %d", handle->fd, handle->size);
-                  return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+            if (!m_use_android_native_buffers) {
+                if (!secure_mode) {
+                    buff =  (OMX_U8*)mmap(0, handle->size,
+                            PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, handle->fd, 0);
+                    if (buff == MAP_FAILED) {
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to mmap pmem with fd = %d, size = %d", handle->fd, handle->size);
+                        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+                    }
-        }
 #if defined(_ANDROID_ICS_)
-        native_buffer[i].nativehandle = handle;
-        native_buffer[i].privatehandle = handle;
+            native_buffer[i].nativehandle = handle;
+            native_buffer[i].privatehandle = handle;
-        if(!handle) {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Native Buffer handle is NULL");
+            if (!handle) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Native Buffer handle is NULL");
+                return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+            }
+            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd = handle->fd;
+            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset = 0;
+            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr = buff;
+            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].buffer_len = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
+            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].mmaped_size = handle->size;
+        } else
+            if (!ouput_egl_buffers && !m_use_output_pmem) {
+#ifdef USE_ION
+                drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd = alloc_map_ion_memory(
+                        drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size,drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment,
+                        &drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_alloc_data,
+                        &drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data, secure_mode ? ION_SECURE : 0);
+                if (drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd < 0) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ION device fd is bad %d\n", drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd);
+                    return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+                }
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd = \
+                                      drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data.fd;
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd = \
+                                      open (MEM_DEVICE,O_RDWR);
+                if (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd < 0) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ION/pmem buffer fd is bad %d\n", drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd);
+                    return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+                }
+                /* FIXME: why is this code even here? We already open MEM_DEVICE a few lines above */
+                if (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd == 0) {
+                    drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd = \
+                                          open (MEM_DEVICE,O_RDWR);
+                    if (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd < 0) {
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ION/pmem buffer fd is bad %d\n", drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd);
+                        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+                    }
+                }
+                if (!align_pmem_buffers(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd,
+                            drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size,
+                            drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment)) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n align_pmem_buffers() failed");
+                    close(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd);
+                    return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+                }
+                if (!secure_mode) {
+                    drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr =
+                        (unsigned char *)mmap(NULL, drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size,
+                                PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
+                                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd,0);
+                    if (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr == MAP_FAILED) {
+                        close(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd);
+#ifdef USE_ION
+                        free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i]);
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Unable to mmap output buffer\n");
+                        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+                    }
+                }
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset = 0;
+                privateAppData = appData;
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Use_op_buf: out_pmem=%d",m_use_output_pmem);
+                if (!appData || !bytes ) {
+                    if (!secure_mode && !buffer) {
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Bad parameters for use buffer in EGL image case");
+                        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                    }
+                }
+                OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST *pmem_list;
+                OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM_INFO *pmem_info;
+                pmem_list = (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST*) appData;
+                if (!pmem_list->entryList || !pmem_list->entryList->entry ||
+                        !pmem_list->nEntries ||
+                        pmem_list->entryList->type != OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Pmem info not valid in use buffer");
+                    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                }
+                pmem_info = (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM_INFO *)
+                    pmem_list->entryList->entry;
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("vdec: use buf: pmem_fd=0x%lx",
+                        pmem_info->pmem_fd);
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd = pmem_info->pmem_fd;
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset = pmem_info->offset;
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr = buff;
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].mmaped_size =
+                    drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].buffer_len = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
+                privateAppData = appData;
+            }
+        m_pmem_info[i].offset = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset;
+        m_pmem_info[i].pmem_fd = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd;
+        *bufferHdr = (m_out_mem_ptr + i );
+        if (secure_mode)
+            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr = *bufferHdr;
+        //setbuffers.buffer_type = VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT;
+        memcpy (&setbuffers.buffer,&drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i],
+                sizeof (vdec_bufferpayload));
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Set the Output Buffer Idx: %d Addr: %p, pmem_fd=0x%x", i,
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr,
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd );
+        buf.index = i;
+        buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+        buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+        plane[0].length = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
+        plane[0].m.userptr = (unsigned long)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr -
+            (unsigned long)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset;
+        plane[0].reserved[0] = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd;
+        plane[0].reserved[1] = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset;
+        plane[0].data_offset = 0;
+        extra_idx = EXTRADATA_IDX(drv_ctx.num_planes);
+        if (extra_idx && (extra_idx < VIDEO_MAX_PLANES)) {
+            plane[extra_idx].length = drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
+            plane[extra_idx].m.userptr = (long unsigned int) (drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr + i * drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size);
+#ifdef USE_ION
+            plane[extra_idx].reserved[0] = drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data.fd;
+            plane[extra_idx].reserved[1] = i * drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
+            plane[extra_idx].data_offset = 0;
+        } else if  (extra_idx >= VIDEO_MAX_PLANES) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Extradata index is more than allowed: %d\n", extra_idx);
             return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd = handle->fd;
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset = 0;
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr = buff;
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].buffer_len = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].mmaped_size = handle->size;
-    } else
+        buf.m.planes = plane;
+        buf.length = drv_ctx.num_planes;
-    if (!ouput_egl_buffers && !m_use_output_pmem) {
-#ifdef USE_ION
-        drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd = alloc_map_ion_memory(
-                drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size,drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment,
-                &drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_alloc_data,
-                &drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data, secure_mode ? ION_SECURE : 0);
-        if(drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd < 0) {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ION device fd is bad %d\n", drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd);
-          return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-        }
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd = \
-          drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data.fd;
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd = \
-          open (MEM_DEVICE,O_RDWR);
-        if (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd < 0) {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ION/pmem buffer fd is bad %d\n", drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd);
-          return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-        }
-	/* FIXME: why is this code even here? We already open MEM_DEVICE a few lines above */
-        if(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd == 0)
-        {
-          drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd = \
-            open (MEM_DEVICE,O_RDWR);
-          if (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd < 0) {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ION/pmem buffer fd is bad %d\n", drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd);
+        if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_PREPARE_BUF, &buf)) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to prepare bufs\n");
+            /*TODO: How to handle this case */
             return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-          }
-        if(!align_pmem_buffers(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd,
-          drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size,
-          drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment))
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n align_pmem_buffers() failed");
-          close(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd);
-          return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-        }
-        if(!secure_mode) {
-            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr =
-              (unsigned char *)mmap(NULL, drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size,
-              drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd,0);
-            if (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr == MAP_FAILED) {
-                close(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd);
-#ifdef USE_ION
-                free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i]);
-              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Unable to mmap output buffer\n");
-              return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        if (i == (drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount -1) && !streaming[CAPTURE_PORT]) {
+            enum v4l2_buf_type buf_type;
+            buf_type=V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+            if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_STREAMON,&buf_type)) {
+                return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+            } else {
+                streaming[CAPTURE_PORT] = true;
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n STREAMON Successful \n ");
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset = 0;
-        privateAppData = appData;
-     }
-     else {
-       DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Use_op_buf: out_pmem=%d",m_use_output_pmem);
-        if (!appData || !bytes ) {
-          if(!secure_mode && !buffer) {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Bad parameters for use buffer in EGL image case");
-              return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-          }
+        (*bufferHdr)->nAllocLen = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
+        if (m_enable_android_native_buffers) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("setting pBuffer to private_handle_t %p", handle);
+            (*bufferHdr)->pBuffer = (OMX_U8 *)handle;
+        } else {
+            (*bufferHdr)->pBuffer = buff;
-        pmem_list = (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST*) appData;
-        if (!pmem_list->entryList || !pmem_list->entryList->entry ||
-            !pmem_list->nEntries ||
-            pmem_list->entryList->type != OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM) {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Pmem info not valid in use buffer");
-          return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-        }
-        pmem_info = (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM_INFO *)
-                    pmem_list->entryList->entry;
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("vdec: use buf: pmem_fd=0x%lx",
-                          pmem_info->pmem_fd);
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd = pmem_info->pmem_fd;
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset = pmem_info->offset;
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr = buff;
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].mmaped_size =
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].buffer_len = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
-        privateAppData = appData;
-     }
-     m_pmem_info[i].offset = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset;
-     m_pmem_info[i].pmem_fd = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd;
-     *bufferHdr = (m_out_mem_ptr + i );
-     if(secure_mode)
-          drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr = *bufferHdr;
-     //setbuffers.buffer_type = VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT;
-     memcpy (&setbuffers.buffer,&drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i],
-             sizeof (vdec_bufferpayload));
-     DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Set the Output Buffer Idx: %d Addr: %p, pmem_fd=0x%x", i,
-                       drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr,
-                       drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd );
-     buf.index = i;
-     buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
-     plane[0].length = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
-     plane[0].m.userptr = (unsigned long)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr -
-             (unsigned long)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset;
-     plane[0].reserved[0] = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd;
-     plane[0].reserved[1] = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset;
-     plane[0].data_offset = 0;
-     extra_idx = EXTRADATA_IDX(drv_ctx.num_planes);
-     if (extra_idx && (extra_idx < VIDEO_MAX_PLANES)) {
-       plane[extra_idx].length = drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
-       plane[extra_idx].m.userptr = (long unsigned int) (drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr + i * drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size);
-#ifdef USE_ION
-       plane[extra_idx].reserved[0] = drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data.fd;
-       plane[extra_idx].reserved[1] = i * drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
-       plane[extra_idx].data_offset = 0;
-     } else if  (extra_idx >= VIDEO_MAX_PLANES) {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Extradata index is more than allowed: %d\n", extra_idx);
-        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-     }
-     buf.m.planes = plane;
-     buf.length = drv_ctx.num_planes;
-     if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_PREPARE_BUF, &buf)) {
-       DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to prepare bufs\n");
-	   /*TODO: How to handle this case */	
-       return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-     }
-     if (i == (drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount -1) && !streaming[CAPTURE_PORT]) {
-	     enum v4l2_buf_type buf_type;
-	     if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_STREAMON,&buf_type)) {
-		     return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-	     } else {
-		     streaming[CAPTURE_PORT] = true;
-		     DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n STREAMON Successful \n ");
-	     }
-     }
-     (*bufferHdr)->nAllocLen = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
-     if (m_enable_android_native_buffers) {
-       DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("setting pBuffer to private_handle_t %p", handle);
-       (*bufferHdr)->pBuffer = (OMX_U8 *)handle;
-     } else {
-       (*bufferHdr)->pBuffer = buff;
-     }
-     (*bufferHdr)->pAppPrivate = privateAppData;
-     BITMASK_SET(&m_out_bm_count,i);
-  }
-  return eRet;
+        (*bufferHdr)->pAppPrivate = privateAppData;
+        BITMASK_SET(&m_out_bm_count,i);
+    }
+    return eRet;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::use_input_heap_buffers
+   omx_vdec::use_input_heap_buffers
-  OMX Use Buffer Heap allocation method implementation.
+   OMX Use Buffer Heap allocation method implementation.
-  <TBD>.
+   <TBD>.
-  OMX Error None , if everything successful.
+   OMX Error None , if everything successful.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::use_input_heap_buffers(
-                         OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE            hComp,
-                         OMX_INOUT OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE** bufferHdr,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_U32                   port,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_PTR                   appData,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_U32                   bytes,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_U8*                   buffer)
+        OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE            hComp,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                   port,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR                   appData,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                   bytes,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U8*                   buffer)
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Inside %s, %p\n", __FUNCTION__, buffer);
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  if(!m_inp_heap_ptr)
-    m_inp_heap_ptr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*)
-               calloc( (sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE)),
-               drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
-  if(!m_phdr_pmem_ptr)
-    m_phdr_pmem_ptr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE**)
-               calloc( (sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*)),
-               drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
-  if(!m_inp_heap_ptr || !m_phdr_pmem_ptr)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Insufficent memory");
-    eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-  }
-  else if (m_in_alloc_cnt < drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount)
-  {
-    input_use_buffer = true;
-    memset(&m_inp_heap_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt], 0, sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE));
-    m_inp_heap_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt].pBuffer = buffer;
-    m_inp_heap_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt].nAllocLen = bytes;
-    m_inp_heap_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt].pAppPrivate = appData;
-    m_inp_heap_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt].nInputPortIndex = (OMX_U32) OMX_DirInput;
-    m_inp_heap_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt].nOutputPortIndex = (OMX_U32) OMX_DirMax;
-    *bufferHdr = &m_inp_heap_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt];
-    eRet = allocate_input_buffer(hComp, &m_phdr_pmem_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt], port, appData, bytes);
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Heap buffer(%p) Pmem buffer(%p)", *bufferHdr, m_phdr_pmem_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt]);
-    if (!m_input_free_q.insert_entry((unsigned)m_phdr_pmem_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt],
-                (unsigned)NULL, (unsigned)NULL))
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:Free_q is full");
-      return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Inside %s, %p\n", __FUNCTION__, buffer);
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    if (!m_inp_heap_ptr)
+        m_inp_heap_ptr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*)
+            calloc( (sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE)),
+                    drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
+    if (!m_phdr_pmem_ptr)
+        m_phdr_pmem_ptr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE**)
+            calloc( (sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*)),
+                    drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
+    if (!m_inp_heap_ptr || !m_phdr_pmem_ptr) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Insufficent memory");
+        eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+    } else if (m_in_alloc_cnt < drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount) {
+        input_use_buffer = true;
+        memset(&m_inp_heap_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt], 0, sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE));
+        m_inp_heap_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt].pBuffer = buffer;
+        m_inp_heap_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt].nAllocLen = bytes;
+        m_inp_heap_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt].pAppPrivate = appData;
+        m_inp_heap_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt].nInputPortIndex = (OMX_U32) OMX_DirInput;
+        m_inp_heap_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt].nOutputPortIndex = (OMX_U32) OMX_DirMax;
+        *bufferHdr = &m_inp_heap_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt];
+        eRet = allocate_input_buffer(hComp, &m_phdr_pmem_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt], port, appData, bytes);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Heap buffer(%p) Pmem buffer(%p)", *bufferHdr, m_phdr_pmem_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt]);
+        if (!m_input_free_q.insert_entry((unsigned)m_phdr_pmem_ptr[m_in_alloc_cnt],
+                    (unsigned)NULL, (unsigned)NULL)) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:Free_q is full");
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
+        m_in_alloc_cnt++;
+    } else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("All i/p buffers have been set!");
+        eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-    m_in_alloc_cnt++;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("All i/p buffers have been set!");
-    eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-  }
-  return eRet;
+    return eRet;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::UseBuffer
+   omx_vdec::UseBuffer
-  OMX Use Buffer method implementation.
+   OMX Use Buffer method implementation.
-  <TBD>.
+   <TBD>.
-  OMX Error None , if everything successful.
+   OMX Error None , if everything successful.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::use_buffer(
-                         OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE            hComp,
-                         OMX_INOUT OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE** bufferHdr,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_U32                   port,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_PTR                   appData,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_U32                   bytes,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_U8*                   buffer)
+        OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE            hComp,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                   port,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR                   appData,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                   bytes,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U8*                   buffer)
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE error = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  struct vdec_setbuffer_cmd setbuffers;
-  if (bufferHdr == NULL || bytes == 0)
-  {
-      if(!secure_mode && buffer == NULL) {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("bad param 0x%p %ld 0x%p",bufferHdr, bytes, buffer);
-          return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-      }
-  }
-  if(m_state == OMX_StateInvalid)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Use Buffer in Invalid State\n");
-    return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-  }
-    error = use_input_heap_buffers(hComp, bufferHdr, port, appData, bytes, buffer);
-  else if(port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX)
-    error = use_output_buffer(hComp,bufferHdr,port,appData,bytes,buffer); //not tested
-  else
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Error: Invalid Port Index received %d\n",(int)port);
-    error = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Use Buffer: port %lu, buffer %p, eRet %d", port, *bufferHdr, error);
-  if(error == OMX_ErrorNone)
-  {
-    if(allocate_done() && BITMASK_PRESENT(&m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING))
-    {
-      // Send the callback now
-      post_event(OMX_CommandStateSet,OMX_StateIdle,
-                         OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE error = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    struct vdec_setbuffer_cmd setbuffers;
+    if (bufferHdr == NULL || bytes == 0) {
+        if (!secure_mode && buffer == NULL) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("bad param 0x%p %ld 0x%p",bufferHdr, bytes, buffer);
+            return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+        }
-    if(port == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX && m_inp_bPopulated &&
-    {
-      post_event(OMX_CommandPortEnable,
+    if (m_state == OMX_StateInvalid) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Use Buffer in Invalid State\n");
+        return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-    else if(port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX && m_out_bPopulated &&
-    {
-      post_event(OMX_CommandPortEnable,
-                 OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX,
+    if (port == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX)
+        error = use_input_heap_buffers(hComp, bufferHdr, port, appData, bytes, buffer);
+    else if (port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX)
+        error = use_output_buffer(hComp,bufferHdr,port,appData,bytes,buffer); //not tested
+    else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Error: Invalid Port Index received %d\n",(int)port);
+        error = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-  }
-  return error;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Use Buffer: port %lu, buffer %p, eRet %d", port, *bufferHdr, error);
+    if (error == OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        if (allocate_done() && BITMASK_PRESENT(&m_flags,OMX_COMPONENT_IDLE_PENDING)) {
+            // Send the callback now
+            post_event(OMX_CommandStateSet,OMX_StateIdle,
+                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+        }
+        if (port == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX && m_inp_bPopulated &&
+            post_event(OMX_CommandPortEnable,
+                    OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX,
+                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+        } else if (port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX && m_out_bPopulated &&
+            post_event(OMX_CommandPortEnable,
+                    OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX,
+                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+        }
+    }
+    return error;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::free_input_buffer(unsigned int bufferindex,
-                                OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *pmem_bufferHdr)
+        OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *pmem_bufferHdr)
-  if (m_inp_heap_ptr && !input_use_buffer && arbitrary_bytes)
-  {
-    if(m_inp_heap_ptr[bufferindex].pBuffer)
-      free(m_inp_heap_ptr[bufferindex].pBuffer);
-    m_inp_heap_ptr[bufferindex].pBuffer = NULL;
-  }
-  if (pmem_bufferHdr)
-    free_input_buffer(pmem_bufferHdr);
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    if (m_inp_heap_ptr && !input_use_buffer && arbitrary_bytes) {
+        if (m_inp_heap_ptr[bufferindex].pBuffer)
+            free(m_inp_heap_ptr[bufferindex].pBuffer);
+        m_inp_heap_ptr[bufferindex].pBuffer = NULL;
+    }
+    if (pmem_bufferHdr)
+        free_input_buffer(pmem_bufferHdr);
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::free_input_buffer(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *bufferHdr)
-  unsigned int index = 0;
-  if (bufferHdr == NULL || m_inp_mem_ptr == NULL)
-  {
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  index = bufferHdr - m_inp_mem_ptr;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free Input Buffer index = %d",index);
-  if (index < drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount && drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free Input Buffer index = %d",index);
-    if (drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].pmem_fd > 0)
-    {
-       struct vdec_setbuffer_cmd setbuffers;
-       setbuffers.buffer_type = VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_INPUT;
-       memcpy (&setbuffers.buffer,&drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index],
-          sizeof (vdec_bufferpayload));
-       if(!secure_mode) {
-           DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n unmap the input buffer fd=%d",
-                        drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].pmem_fd);
-           DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n unmap the input buffer size=%d  address = %p",
-                       drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].mmaped_size,
-                       drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].bufferaddr);
-           munmap (drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].bufferaddr,
-                   drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].mmaped_size);
-       }
-       close (drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].pmem_fd);
-       drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].pmem_fd = -1;
-       if (m_desc_buffer_ptr && m_desc_buffer_ptr[index].buf_addr)
-       {
-         free(m_desc_buffer_ptr[index].buf_addr);
-         m_desc_buffer_ptr[index].buf_addr = NULL;
-         m_desc_buffer_ptr[index].desc_data_size = 0;
-       }
-#ifdef USE_ION
-       free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[index]);
+    unsigned int index = 0;
+    if (bufferHdr == NULL || m_inp_mem_ptr == NULL) {
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    index = bufferHdr - m_inp_mem_ptr;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free Input Buffer index = %d",index);
+    if (index < drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount && drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free Input Buffer index = %d",index);
+        if (drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].pmem_fd > 0) {
+            struct vdec_setbuffer_cmd setbuffers;
+            setbuffers.buffer_type = VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_INPUT;
+            memcpy (&setbuffers.buffer,&drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index],
+                    sizeof (vdec_bufferpayload));
+            if (!secure_mode) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n unmap the input buffer fd=%d",
+                        drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].pmem_fd);
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n unmap the input buffer size=%d  address = %p",
+                        drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].mmaped_size,
+                        drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].bufferaddr);
+                munmap (drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].bufferaddr,
+                        drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].mmaped_size);
+            }
+            close (drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].pmem_fd);
+            drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[index].pmem_fd = -1;
+            if (m_desc_buffer_ptr && m_desc_buffer_ptr[index].buf_addr) {
+                free(m_desc_buffer_ptr[index].buf_addr);
+                m_desc_buffer_ptr[index].buf_addr = NULL;
+                m_desc_buffer_ptr[index].desc_data_size = 0;
+            }
+#ifdef USE_ION
+            free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[index]);
+        }
+    }
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::free_output_buffer(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *bufferHdr)
-  unsigned int index = 0;
+    unsigned int index = 0;
-  if (bufferHdr == NULL || m_out_mem_ptr == NULL)
-  {
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
+    if (bufferHdr == NULL || m_out_mem_ptr == NULL) {
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
-  index = bufferHdr - m_out_mem_ptr;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free ouput Buffer index = %d",index);
+    index = bufferHdr - m_out_mem_ptr;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free ouput Buffer index = %d",index);
-  if (index < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount
-      && drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free ouput Buffer index = %d addr = %p", index,
-                    drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[index].bufferaddr);
+    if (index < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount
+            && drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free ouput Buffer index = %d addr = %p", index,
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[index].bufferaddr);
-    struct vdec_setbuffer_cmd setbuffers;
-    setbuffers.buffer_type = VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT;
-    memcpy (&setbuffers.buffer,&drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[index],
-        sizeof (vdec_bufferpayload));
+        struct vdec_setbuffer_cmd setbuffers;
+        setbuffers.buffer_type = VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT;
+        memcpy (&setbuffers.buffer,&drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[index],
+                sizeof (vdec_bufferpayload));
 #ifdef _ANDROID_
-    if(m_enable_android_native_buffers) {
+        if (m_enable_android_native_buffers) {
             if (!secure_mode) {
-            if(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[index].pmem_fd > 0) {
-                munmap(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[index].bufferaddr,
-                        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[index].mmaped_size);
+                if (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[index].pmem_fd > 0) {
+                    munmap(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[index].bufferaddr,
+                            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[index].mmaped_size);
+                }
-        }
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[index].pmem_fd = -1;
-    } else {
+            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[index].pmem_fd = -1;
+        } else {
-        if (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].pmem_fd > 0 && !ouput_egl_buffers && !m_use_output_pmem)
-        {
-            if (!secure_mode) {
-                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n unmap the output buffer fd = %d",
-                        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].pmem_fd);
-                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n unmap the ouput buffer size=%d  address = %p",
-                        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].mmaped_size * drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount,
-                        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].bufferaddr);
-                munmap (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].bufferaddr,
-                        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].mmaped_size * drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
-            }
-            close (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].pmem_fd);
-            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].pmem_fd = -1;
+            if (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].pmem_fd > 0 && !ouput_egl_buffers && !m_use_output_pmem) {
+                if (!secure_mode) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n unmap the output buffer fd = %d",
+                            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].pmem_fd);
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n unmap the ouput buffer size=%d  address = %p",
+                            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].mmaped_size * drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount,
+                            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].bufferaddr);
+                    munmap (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].bufferaddr,
+                            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].mmaped_size * drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
+                }
+                close (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].pmem_fd);
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].pmem_fd = -1;
 #ifdef USE_ION
-            free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[0]);
+                free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[0]);
-        }
+            }
 #ifdef _ANDROID_
-    }
+        }
-    if (release_output_done()) {
-      free_extradata();
+        if (release_output_done()) {
+            free_extradata();
+        }
-  }
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::allocate_input_heap_buffer(OMX_HANDLETYPE       hComp,
-                                         OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE **bufferHdr,
-                                         OMX_U32              port,
-                                         OMX_PTR              appData,
-                                         OMX_U32              bytes)
+        OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE **bufferHdr,
+        OMX_U32              port,
+        OMX_PTR              appData,
+        OMX_U32              bytes)
-  unsigned char *buf_addr = NULL;
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  unsigned   i = 0;
+    unsigned char *buf_addr = NULL;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    unsigned   i = 0;
-  /* Sanity Check*/
-  if (bufferHdr == NULL)
-  {
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  if (m_inp_heap_ptr == NULL)
-  {
-    m_inp_heap_ptr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*) \
-                     calloc( (sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE)),
-                     drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
-    m_phdr_pmem_ptr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE**) \
-                     calloc( (sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*)),
-                     drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
-    if (m_inp_heap_ptr == NULL)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n m_inp_heap_ptr Allocation failed ");
-      return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-    }
-  }
-  /*Find a Free index*/
-  for(i=0; i< drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount; i++)
-  {
-    if(BITMASK_ABSENT(&m_heap_inp_bm_count,i))
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free Input Buffer Index %d",i);
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (i < drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount)
-  {
-    buf_addr = (unsigned char *)malloc (drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size);
-    if (buf_addr == NULL)
-    {
-      return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+    /* Sanity Check*/
+    if (bufferHdr == NULL) {
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-    *bufferHdr = (m_inp_heap_ptr + i);
-    input = *bufferHdr;
-    BITMASK_SET(&m_heap_inp_bm_count,i);
+    if (m_inp_heap_ptr == NULL) {
+        m_inp_heap_ptr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*) \
+                 calloc( (sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE)),
+                         drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
+        m_phdr_pmem_ptr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE**) \
+                  calloc( (sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*)),
+                          drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
-    input->pBuffer           = (OMX_U8 *)buf_addr;
-    input->nSize             = sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE);
-    input->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-    input->nAllocLen         = drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size;
-    input->pAppPrivate       = appData;
-    input->nInputPortIndex   = OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Address of Heap Buffer %p",*bufferHdr );
-    eRet = allocate_input_buffer(hComp,&m_phdr_pmem_ptr [i],port,appData,bytes);
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Address of Pmem Buffer %p",m_phdr_pmem_ptr[i]);
-    /*Add the Buffers to freeq*/
-    if (!m_input_free_q.insert_entry((unsigned)m_phdr_pmem_ptr[i],
-                (unsigned)NULL, (unsigned)NULL))
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:Free_q is full");
-      return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        if (m_inp_heap_ptr == NULL) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n m_inp_heap_ptr Allocation failed ");
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  return eRet;
+    /*Find a Free index*/
+    for (i=0; i< drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount; i++) {
+        if (BITMASK_ABSENT(&m_heap_inp_bm_count,i)) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free Input Buffer Index %d",i);
+            break;
+        }
+    }
+    if (i < drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount) {
+        buf_addr = (unsigned char *)malloc (drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size);
+        if (buf_addr == NULL) {
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
+        *bufferHdr = (m_inp_heap_ptr + i);
+        input = *bufferHdr;
+        BITMASK_SET(&m_heap_inp_bm_count,i);
+        input->pBuffer           = (OMX_U8 *)buf_addr;
+        input->nSize             = sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE);
+        input->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+        input->nAllocLen         = drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size;
+        input->pAppPrivate       = appData;
+        input->nInputPortIndex   = OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Address of Heap Buffer %p",*bufferHdr );
+        eRet = allocate_input_buffer(hComp,&m_phdr_pmem_ptr [i],port,appData,bytes);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Address of Pmem Buffer %p",m_phdr_pmem_ptr[i]);
+        /*Add the Buffers to freeq*/
+        if (!m_input_free_q.insert_entry((unsigned)m_phdr_pmem_ptr[i],
+                    (unsigned)NULL, (unsigned)NULL)) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:Free_q is full");
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
+    } else {
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
+    return eRet;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::AllocateInputBuffer
+   omx_vdec::AllocateInputBuffer
-  Helper function for allocate buffer in the input pin
+   Helper function for allocate buffer in the input pin
-  None.
+   None.
-  true/false
+   true/false
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::allocate_input_buffer(
-                         OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE            hComp,
-                         OMX_INOUT OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE** bufferHdr,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_U32                   port,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_PTR                   appData,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_U32                   bytes)
+        OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE            hComp,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                   port,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR                   appData,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                   bytes)
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  struct vdec_setbuffer_cmd setbuffers;
-  unsigned   i = 0;
-  unsigned char *buf_addr = NULL;
-  int pmem_fd = -1;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    struct vdec_setbuffer_cmd setbuffers;
+    unsigned   i = 0;
+    unsigned char *buf_addr = NULL;
+    int pmem_fd = -1;
-  if(bytes != drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Requested Size is wrong %lu epected is %d",
-      bytes, drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size);
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  if(!m_inp_mem_ptr)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Allocate i/p buffer Header: Cnt(%d) Sz(%d)",
-      drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount,
-      drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size);
-    m_inp_mem_ptr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*) \
-    calloc( (sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE)), drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
-    if (m_inp_mem_ptr == NULL)
-    {
-      return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+    if (bytes != drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Requested Size is wrong %lu epected is %d",
+                bytes, drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size);
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-    drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer = (struct vdec_bufferpayload *) \
-    calloc ((sizeof (struct vdec_bufferpayload)),drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
+    if (!m_inp_mem_ptr) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Allocate i/p buffer Header: Cnt(%d) Sz(%d)",
+                drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount,
+                drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size);
-    if (drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer == NULL)
-    {
-      return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-    }
+        m_inp_mem_ptr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE*) \
+                calloc( (sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE)), drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
+        if (m_inp_mem_ptr == NULL) {
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
+        drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer = (struct vdec_bufferpayload *) \
+                      calloc ((sizeof (struct vdec_bufferpayload)),drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
+        if (drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer == NULL) {
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
 #ifdef USE_ION
-    drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info = (struct vdec_ion *) \
-    calloc ((sizeof (struct vdec_ion)),drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
+        drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info = (struct vdec_ion *) \
+                      calloc ((sizeof (struct vdec_ion)),drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
-    if (drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info == NULL)
-    {
-      return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-    }
+        if (drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info == NULL) {
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
-    for (i=0; i < drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount; i++)
-    {
-      drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].pmem_fd = -1;
+        for (i=0; i < drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount; i++) {
+            drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].pmem_fd = -1;
 #ifdef USE_ION
-      drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd = -1;
+            drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd = -1;
-    }
-  }
-  for(i=0; i< drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount; i++)
-  {
-    if(BITMASK_ABSENT(&m_inp_bm_count,i))
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free Input Buffer Index %d",i);
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if(i < drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount)
-  {
-    struct v4l2_buffer buf;
-    struct v4l2_plane plane;
-    int rc;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Allocate input Buffer");
-#ifdef USE_ION
- drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd = alloc_map_ion_memory(
-                    drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size,drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment,
-                    &drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[i].ion_alloc_data,
-		    &drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data, secure_mode ? ION_SECURE : 0);
-    if(drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd < 0) {
-        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-     }
-    pmem_fd = drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data.fd;
-    pmem_fd = open (MEM_DEVICE,O_RDWR);
-    if (pmem_fd < 0)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n open failed for pmem/adsp for input buffer");
-      return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-    }
-    if (pmem_fd == 0)
-    {
-      pmem_fd = open (MEM_DEVICE,O_RDWR);
-      if (pmem_fd < 0)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n open failed for pmem/adsp for input buffer");
-        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-      }
-    }
-    if(!align_pmem_buffers(pmem_fd, drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size,
-      drv_ctx.ip_buf.alignment))
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n align_pmem_buffers() failed");
-      close(pmem_fd);
-      return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-    }
-    if (!secure_mode) {
-        buf_addr = (unsigned char *)mmap(NULL,
-          drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size,
-          PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, pmem_fd, 0);
-        if (buf_addr == MAP_FAILED)
-        {
-            close(pmem_fd);
-#ifdef USE_ION
-            free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[i]);
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Map Failed to allocate input buffer");
-          return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-    *bufferHdr = (m_inp_mem_ptr + i);
-    if (secure_mode)
-        drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].bufferaddr = *bufferHdr;
-    else
-        drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].bufferaddr = buf_addr;
-    drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].pmem_fd = pmem_fd;
-    drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].buffer_len = drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size;
-    drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].mmaped_size = drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size;
-    drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].offset = 0;
-    buf.index = i;
-    buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
-    plane.bytesused = 0;
-    plane.length = drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].mmaped_size;
-    plane.m.userptr = (unsigned long)drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[i].bufferaddr;
-    plane.reserved[0] =drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].pmem_fd;
-    plane.reserved[1] = 0;
-    plane.data_offset = drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[i].offset;
-    buf.m.planes = &plane;
-    buf.length = 1;
-     DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Set the input Buffer Idx: %d Addr: %p", i,
-             drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[i].bufferaddr);
-     rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_PREPARE_BUF, &buf);
-     if (rc) {
-       DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to prepare bufs\n");
-	   /*TODO: How to handle this case */	
-       return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-     }
-    input = *bufferHdr;
-    BITMASK_SET(&m_inp_bm_count,i);
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Buffer address %p of pmem",*bufferHdr);
-    if (secure_mode)
-         input->pBuffer = (OMX_U8 *)drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].pmem_fd;
-    else
-         input->pBuffer           = (OMX_U8 *)buf_addr;
-    input->nSize             = sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE);
-    input->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-    input->nAllocLen         = drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size;
-    input->pAppPrivate       = appData;
-    input->nInputPortIndex   = OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX;
-    input->pInputPortPrivate = (void *)&drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i];
-    if (drv_ctx.disable_dmx)
-    {
-      eRet = allocate_desc_buffer(i);
+    for (i=0; i< drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount; i++) {
+        if (BITMASK_ABSENT(&m_inp_bm_count,i)) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free Input Buffer Index %d",i);
+            break;
+        }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:Input Buffer Index not found");
-    eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-  }
-  return eRet;
+    if (i < drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount) {
+        struct v4l2_buffer buf;
+        struct v4l2_plane plane;
+        int rc;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Allocate input Buffer");
+#ifdef USE_ION
+        drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd = alloc_map_ion_memory(
+                drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size,drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment,
+                &drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[i].ion_alloc_data,
+                &drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data, secure_mode ? ION_SECURE : 0);
+        if (drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd < 0) {
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
+        pmem_fd = drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data.fd;
+        pmem_fd = open (MEM_DEVICE,O_RDWR);
+        if (pmem_fd < 0) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n open failed for pmem/adsp for input buffer");
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
+        if (pmem_fd == 0) {
+            pmem_fd = open (MEM_DEVICE,O_RDWR);
+            if (pmem_fd < 0) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n open failed for pmem/adsp for input buffer");
+                return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+            }
+        }
+        if (!align_pmem_buffers(pmem_fd, drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size,
+                    drv_ctx.ip_buf.alignment)) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n align_pmem_buffers() failed");
+            close(pmem_fd);
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
+        if (!secure_mode) {
+            buf_addr = (unsigned char *)mmap(NULL,
+                    drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size,
+                    PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, pmem_fd, 0);
+            if (buf_addr == MAP_FAILED) {
+                close(pmem_fd);
+#ifdef USE_ION
+                free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info[i]);
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Map Failed to allocate input buffer");
+                return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+            }
+        }
+        *bufferHdr = (m_inp_mem_ptr + i);
+        if (secure_mode)
+            drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].bufferaddr = *bufferHdr;
+        else
+            drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].bufferaddr = buf_addr;
+        drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].pmem_fd = pmem_fd;
+        drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].buffer_len = drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size;
+        drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].mmaped_size = drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size;
+        drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].offset = 0;
+        buf.index = i;
+        buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
+        buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+        plane.bytesused = 0;
+        plane.length = drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].mmaped_size;
+        plane.m.userptr = (unsigned long)drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[i].bufferaddr;
+        plane.reserved[0] =drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].pmem_fd;
+        plane.reserved[1] = 0;
+        plane.data_offset = drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[i].offset;
+        buf.m.planes = &plane;
+        buf.length = 1;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Set the input Buffer Idx: %d Addr: %p", i,
+                drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer[i].bufferaddr);
+        rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_PREPARE_BUF, &buf);
+        if (rc) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to prepare bufs\n");
+            /*TODO: How to handle this case */
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
+        input = *bufferHdr;
+        BITMASK_SET(&m_inp_bm_count,i);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Buffer address %p of pmem",*bufferHdr);
+        if (secure_mode)
+            input->pBuffer = (OMX_U8 *)drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i].pmem_fd;
+        else
+            input->pBuffer           = (OMX_U8 *)buf_addr;
+        input->nSize             = sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE);
+        input->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+        input->nAllocLen         = drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size;
+        input->pAppPrivate       = appData;
+        input->nInputPortIndex   = OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX;
+        input->pInputPortPrivate = (void *)&drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer [i];
+        if (drv_ctx.disable_dmx) {
+            eRet = allocate_desc_buffer(i);
+        }
+    } else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:Input Buffer Index not found");
+        eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+    }
+    return eRet;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::AllocateOutputBuffer
+   omx_vdec::AllocateOutputBuffer
-  Helper fn for AllocateBuffer in the output pin
+   Helper fn for AllocateBuffer in the output pin
-  <TBD>.
+   <TBD>.
-  OMX Error None if everything went well.
+   OMX Error None if everything went well.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::allocate_output_buffer(
-                         OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE            hComp,
-                         OMX_INOUT OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE** bufferHdr,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_U32                   port,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_PTR                   appData,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_U32                   bytes)
+        OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE            hComp,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                   port,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR                   appData,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                   bytes)
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE       *bufHdr= NULL; // buffer header
-  unsigned                         i= 0; // Temporary counter
-  struct vdec_setbuffer_cmd setbuffers;
-  int extra_idx = 0;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE       *bufHdr= NULL; // buffer header
+    unsigned                         i= 0; // Temporary counter
+    struct vdec_setbuffer_cmd setbuffers;
+    int extra_idx = 0;
 #ifdef USE_ION
-  int ion_device_fd =-1;
-  struct ion_allocation_data ion_alloc_data;
-  struct ion_fd_data fd_ion_data;
+    int ion_device_fd =-1;
+    struct ion_allocation_data ion_alloc_data;
+    struct ion_fd_data fd_ion_data;
-  if(!m_out_mem_ptr)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Allocate o/p buffer Header: Cnt(%d) Sz(%d)",
-      drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount,
-      drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size);
-    int nBufHdrSize        = 0;
-    int nPlatformEntrySize = 0;
-    int nPlatformListSize  = 0;
-    int nPMEMInfoSize = 0;
-    int pmem_fd = -1;
-    unsigned char *pmem_baseaddress = NULL;
+    if (!m_out_mem_ptr) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Allocate o/p buffer Header: Cnt(%d) Sz(%d)",
+                drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount,
+                drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size);
+        int nBufHdrSize        = 0;
+        int nPlatformEntrySize = 0;
+        int nPlatformListSize  = 0;
+        int nPMEMInfoSize = 0;
+        int pmem_fd = -1;
+        unsigned char *pmem_baseaddress = NULL;
-    OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST      *pPlatformList;
+        OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST      *pPlatformList;
+        OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_ENTRY     *pPlatformEntry;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Allocating First Output Buffer(%d)\n",
-      drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
-    nBufHdrSize        = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
-                         sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Allocating First Output Buffer(%d)\n",
+                drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
+        nBufHdrSize        = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
+            sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE);
-    nPMEMInfoSize      = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
-                         sizeof(OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM_INFO);
-    nPlatformListSize  = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
-                         sizeof(OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST);
-    nPlatformEntrySize = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
-                         sizeof(OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_ENTRY);
+        nPMEMInfoSize      = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
+        nPlatformListSize  = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
+            sizeof(OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST);
+        nPlatformEntrySize = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("TotalBufHdr %d BufHdrSize %d PMEM %d PL %d\n",nBufHdrSize,
-                         sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE),
-                         nPMEMInfoSize,
-                         nPlatformListSize);
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("PE %d OutputBuffer Count %d \n",nPlatformEntrySize,
-                         drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("TotalBufHdr %d BufHdrSize %d PMEM %d PL %d\n",nBufHdrSize,
+                sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE),
+                nPMEMInfoSize,
+                nPlatformListSize);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("PE %d OutputBuffer Count %d \n",nPlatformEntrySize,
+                drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
 #ifdef USE_ION
- ion_device_fd = alloc_map_ion_memory(
-                    drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size * drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount,
-                    drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment,
-                    &ion_alloc_data, &fd_ion_data, secure_mode ? ION_SECURE : 0);
-    if (ion_device_fd < 0) {
-        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-    }
-    pmem_fd = fd_ion_data.fd;
+        ion_device_fd = alloc_map_ion_memory(
+                drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size * drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount,
+                drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment,
+                &ion_alloc_data, &fd_ion_data, secure_mode ? ION_SECURE : 0);
+        if (ion_device_fd < 0) {
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
+        pmem_fd = fd_ion_data.fd;
-    pmem_fd = open (MEM_DEVICE,O_RDWR);
+        pmem_fd = open (MEM_DEVICE,O_RDWR);
-    if (pmem_fd < 0)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:pmem fd for output buffer %d",
-        drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size);
-      return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-    }
+        if (pmem_fd < 0) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:pmem fd for output buffer %d",
+                    drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size);
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
-    if(pmem_fd == 0)
-    {
-      pmem_fd = open (MEM_DEVICE,O_RDWR);
+        if (pmem_fd == 0) {
+            pmem_fd = open (MEM_DEVICE,O_RDWR);
-      if (pmem_fd < 0)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:pmem fd for output buffer %d",
-          drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size);
-        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-      }
-    }
+            if (pmem_fd < 0) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:pmem fd for output buffer %d",
+                        drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size);
+                return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+            }
+        }
-    if(!align_pmem_buffers(pmem_fd, drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size *
-      drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount,
-      drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment))
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n align_pmem_buffers() failed");
-      close(pmem_fd);
-      return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-    }
+        if (!align_pmem_buffers(pmem_fd, drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size *
+                    drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount,
+                    drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment)) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n align_pmem_buffers() failed");
+            close(pmem_fd);
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
-   if (!secure_mode) {
-        pmem_baseaddress = (unsigned char *)mmap(NULL,
-                           (drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size *
-                            drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount),
-                            PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,pmem_fd,0);
-        if (pmem_baseaddress == MAP_FAILED)
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n MMAP failed for Size %d",
-          drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size);
-          close(pmem_fd);
+        if (!secure_mode) {
+            pmem_baseaddress = (unsigned char *)mmap(NULL,
+                    (drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size *
+                     drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount),
+                    PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,pmem_fd,0);
+            if (pmem_baseaddress == MAP_FAILED) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n MMAP failed for Size %d",
+                        drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size);
+                close(pmem_fd);
 #ifdef USE_ION
-          free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i]);
+                free_ion_memory(&drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i]);
-          return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+                return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+            }
+        }
+        m_out_mem_ptr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE  *)calloc(nBufHdrSize,1);
+        // Alloc mem for platform specific info
+        char *pPtr=NULL;
+        pPtr = (char*) calloc(nPlatformListSize + nPlatformEntrySize +
+                nPMEMInfoSize,1);
+        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer = (struct vdec_bufferpayload *)\
+                       calloc (sizeof(struct vdec_bufferpayload),
+                               drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
+        drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer = (struct vdec_output_frameinfo  *)\
+                     calloc (sizeof (struct vdec_output_frameinfo),
+                             drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
+#ifdef USE_ION
+        drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info = (struct vdec_ion *)\
+                      calloc (sizeof(struct vdec_ion),
+                              drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
+        if (m_out_mem_ptr && pPtr && drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer
+                && drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer) {
+            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].mmaped_size =
+                (drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size *
+                 drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
+            bufHdr          =  m_out_mem_ptr;
+            m_platform_list = (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST *)(pPtr);
+            m_platform_entry= (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_ENTRY *)
+                (((char *) m_platform_list)  + nPlatformListSize);
+            m_pmem_info     = (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM_INFO *)
+                (((char *) m_platform_entry) + nPlatformEntrySize);
+            pPlatformList   = m_platform_list;
+            pPlatformEntry  = m_platform_entry;
+            pPMEMInfo       = m_pmem_info;
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Memory Allocation Succeeded for OUT port%p\n",m_out_mem_ptr);
+            // Settting the entire storage nicely
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("bHdr %p OutMem %p PE %p\n",bufHdr, m_out_mem_ptr,pPlatformEntry);
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW(" Pmem Info = %p \n",pPMEMInfo);
+            for (i=0; i < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount ; i++) {
+                bufHdr->nSize              = sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE);
+                bufHdr->nVersion.nVersion  = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+                // Set the values when we determine the right HxW param
+                bufHdr->nAllocLen          = bytes;
+                bufHdr->nFilledLen         = 0;
+                bufHdr->pAppPrivate        = appData;
+                bufHdr->nOutputPortIndex   = OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX;
+                // Platform specific PMEM Information
+                // Initialize the Platform Entry
+                //DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Initializing the Platform Entry for %d\n",i);
+                pPlatformEntry->type       = OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM;
+                pPlatformEntry->entry      = pPMEMInfo;
+                // Initialize the Platform List
+                pPlatformList->nEntries    = 1;
+                pPlatformList->entryList   = pPlatformEntry;
+                // Keep pBuffer NULL till vdec is opened
+                bufHdr->pBuffer            = NULL;
+                bufHdr->nOffset            = 0;
+                pPMEMInfo->offset          =  drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size*i;
+                pPMEMInfo->pmem_fd = 0;
+                bufHdr->pPlatformPrivate = pPlatformList;
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd = pmem_fd;
+                m_pmem_info[i].pmem_fd = pmem_fd;
+#ifdef USE_ION
+                drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd = ion_device_fd;
+                drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_alloc_data = ion_alloc_data;
+                drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data = fd_ion_data;
+                /*Create a mapping between buffers*/
+                bufHdr->pOutputPortPrivate = &drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer[i];
+                drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer[i].client_data = (void *)\
+                                    &drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i];
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size*i;
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr =
+                    pmem_baseaddress + (drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size*i);
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n pmem_fd = %d offset = %d address = %p",
+                        pmem_fd, drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset,
+                        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr);
+                // Move the buffer and buffer header pointers
+                bufHdr++;
+                pPMEMInfo++;
+                pPlatformEntry++;
+                pPlatformList++;
+            }
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Output buf mem alloc failed[0x%p][0x%p]\n",\
+                    m_out_mem_ptr, pPtr);
+            if (m_out_mem_ptr) {
+                free(m_out_mem_ptr);
+                m_out_mem_ptr = NULL;
+            }
+            if (pPtr) {
+                free(pPtr);
+                pPtr = NULL;
+            }
+            if (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer) {
+                free(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer);
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer = NULL;
+            }
+            if (drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer) {
+                free(drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer);
+                drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer = NULL;
+            }
+#ifdef USE_ION
+            if (drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free o/p ion context");
+                free(drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info);
+                drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info = NULL;
+            }
+            eRet =  OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
+        if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone)
+            eRet = allocate_extradata();
+    }
+    for (i=0; i< drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount; i++) {
+        if (BITMASK_ABSENT(&m_out_bm_count,i)) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Found a Free Output Buffer %d",i);
+            break;
-    m_out_mem_ptr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE  *)calloc(nBufHdrSize,1);
-    // Alloc mem for platform specific info
-    char *pPtr=NULL;
-    pPtr = (char*) calloc(nPlatformListSize + nPlatformEntrySize +
-                                     nPMEMInfoSize,1);
-    drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer = (struct vdec_bufferpayload *)\
-      calloc (sizeof(struct vdec_bufferpayload),
-      drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
-    drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer = (struct vdec_output_frameinfo  *)\
-      calloc (sizeof (struct vdec_output_frameinfo),
-      drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
+    if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        if (i < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
+            struct v4l2_buffer buf;
+            struct v4l2_plane plane[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+            int rc;
+            m_pmem_info[i].offset = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset;
+            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].buffer_len =
+                drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
+            *bufferHdr = (m_out_mem_ptr + i );
+            if (secure_mode) {
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr = *bufferHdr;
+            }
+            drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].mmaped_size = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
+            buf.index = i;
+            buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+            buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+            plane[0].length = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
+            plane[0].m.userptr = (unsigned long)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr -
+                (unsigned long)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset;
 #ifdef USE_ION
-    drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info = (struct vdec_ion *)\
-      calloc (sizeof(struct vdec_ion),
-      drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
+            plane[0].reserved[0] = drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data.fd;
-    if(m_out_mem_ptr && pPtr && drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer
-       && drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer)
-    {
-      drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[0].mmaped_size =
-        (drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size *
-         drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
-      bufHdr          =  m_out_mem_ptr;
-      m_platform_list = (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST *)(pPtr);
-      m_platform_entry= (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_ENTRY *)
-                        (((char *) m_platform_list)  + nPlatformListSize);
-      m_pmem_info     = (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM_INFO *)
-                        (((char *) m_platform_entry) + nPlatformEntrySize);
-      pPlatformList   = m_platform_list;
-      pPlatformEntry  = m_platform_entry;
-      pPMEMInfo       = m_pmem_info;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Memory Allocation Succeeded for OUT port%p\n",m_out_mem_ptr);
-      // Settting the entire storage nicely
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("bHdr %p OutMem %p PE %p\n",bufHdr, m_out_mem_ptr,pPlatformEntry);
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW(" Pmem Info = %p \n",pPMEMInfo);
-      for(i=0; i < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount ; i++)
-      {
-        bufHdr->nSize              = sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE);
-        bufHdr->nVersion.nVersion  = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-        // Set the values when we determine the right HxW param
-        bufHdr->nAllocLen          = bytes;
-        bufHdr->nFilledLen         = 0;
-        bufHdr->pAppPrivate        = appData;
-        bufHdr->nOutputPortIndex   = OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX;
-        // Platform specific PMEM Information
-        // Initialize the Platform Entry
-        //DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Initializing the Platform Entry for %d\n",i);
-        pPlatformEntry->type       = OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM;
-        pPlatformEntry->entry      = pPMEMInfo;
-        // Initialize the Platform List
-        pPlatformList->nEntries    = 1;
-        pPlatformList->entryList   = pPlatformEntry;
-        // Keep pBuffer NULL till vdec is opened
-        bufHdr->pBuffer            = NULL;
-        bufHdr->nOffset            = 0;
-        pPMEMInfo->offset          =  drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size*i;
-        pPMEMInfo->pmem_fd = 0;
-        bufHdr->pPlatformPrivate = pPlatformList;
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd = pmem_fd;
-        m_pmem_info[i].pmem_fd = pmem_fd;
+            plane[0].reserved[1] = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset;
+            plane[0].data_offset = 0;
+            extra_idx = EXTRADATA_IDX(drv_ctx.num_planes);
+            if (extra_idx && (extra_idx < VIDEO_MAX_PLANES)) {
+                plane[extra_idx].length = drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
+                plane[extra_idx].m.userptr = (long unsigned int) (drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr + i * drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size);
 #ifdef USE_ION
-        drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd = ion_device_fd;
-        drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_alloc_data = ion_alloc_data;
-        drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data = fd_ion_data;
+                plane[extra_idx].reserved[0] = drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data.fd;
+                plane[extra_idx].reserved[1] = i * drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
+                plane[extra_idx].data_offset = 0;
+            } else if (extra_idx >= VIDEO_MAX_PLANES) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Extradata index higher than allowed: %d\n", extra_idx);
+                return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+            }
+            buf.m.planes = plane;
+            buf.length = drv_ctx.num_planes;
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Set the Output Buffer Idx: %d Addr: %p", i, drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr);
+            rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_PREPARE_BUF, &buf);
+            if (rc) {
+                /*TODO: How to handle this case */
+                return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+            }
-        /*Create a mapping between buffers*/
-        bufHdr->pOutputPortPrivate = &drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer[i];
-        drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer[i].client_data = (void *)\
-                                            &drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i];
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size*i;
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr =
-          pmem_baseaddress + (drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size*i);
+            if (i == (drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount -1 ) && !streaming[CAPTURE_PORT]) {
+                enum v4l2_buf_type buf_type;
+                buf_type=V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+                rc=ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_STREAMON,&buf_type);
+                if (rc) {
+                    return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+                } else {
+                    streaming[CAPTURE_PORT] = true;
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n STREAMON Successful \n ");
+                }
+            }
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n pmem_fd = %d offset = %d address = %p",
-          pmem_fd, drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset,
-          drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr);
-        // Move the buffer and buffer header pointers
-        bufHdr++;
-        pPMEMInfo++;
-        pPlatformEntry++;
-        pPlatformList++;
-      }
+            (*bufferHdr)->pBuffer = (OMX_U8*)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr;
+            (*bufferHdr)->pAppPrivate = appData;
+            BITMASK_SET(&m_out_bm_count,i);
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("All the Output Buffers have been Allocated ; Returning Insufficient \n");
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
-    else
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Output buf mem alloc failed[0x%p][0x%p]\n",\
-                                        m_out_mem_ptr, pPtr);
-      if(m_out_mem_ptr)
-      {
-        free(m_out_mem_ptr);
-        m_out_mem_ptr = NULL;
-      }
-      if(pPtr)
-      {
-        free(pPtr);
-        pPtr = NULL;
-      }
-      if(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer)
-      {
-        free(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer);
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer = NULL;
-      }
-      if(drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer)
-      {
-        free(drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer);
-        drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer = NULL;
-      }
-#ifdef USE_ION
-    if (drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info) {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free o/p ion context");
-	free(drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info);
-        drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info = NULL;
-    }
-      eRet =  OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-    }
-    if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone)
-      eRet = allocate_extradata();
-  }
-  for(i=0; i< drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount; i++)
-  {
-    if(BITMASK_ABSENT(&m_out_bm_count,i))
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Found a Free Output Buffer %d",i);
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone)
-  {
-    if(i < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount)
-    {
-      struct v4l2_buffer buf;
-      struct v4l2_plane plane[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
-      int rc;
-      m_pmem_info[i].offset = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset;
-      drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].buffer_len =
-        drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
-    *bufferHdr = (m_out_mem_ptr + i );
-    if (secure_mode) {
-       drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr = *bufferHdr;
-    }
-   drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].mmaped_size = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
-     buf.index = i;
-     buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
-     plane[0].length = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
-     plane[0].m.userptr = (unsigned long)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr -
-             (unsigned long)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset;
-#ifdef USE_ION
-     plane[0].reserved[0] = drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data.fd;
-     plane[0].reserved[1] = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].offset;
-     plane[0].data_offset = 0;
-     extra_idx = EXTRADATA_IDX(drv_ctx.num_planes);
-     if (extra_idx && (extra_idx < VIDEO_MAX_PLANES)) {
-       plane[extra_idx].length = drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
-       plane[extra_idx].m.userptr = (long unsigned int) (drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr + i * drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size);
-#ifdef USE_ION
-       plane[extra_idx].reserved[0] = drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data.fd;
-       plane[extra_idx].reserved[1] = i * drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
-       plane[extra_idx].data_offset = 0;
-     } else if (extra_idx >= VIDEO_MAX_PLANES) {
-       DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Extradata index higher than allowed: %d\n", extra_idx);
-       return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-     }
-     buf.m.planes = plane;
-     buf.length = drv_ctx.num_planes;
-     DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Set the Output Buffer Idx: %d Addr: %p", i, drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr);
-     rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_PREPARE_BUF, &buf);
-     if (rc) {
-       /*TODO: How to handle this case */
-       return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-     }
-	  if (i == (drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount -1 ) && !streaming[CAPTURE_PORT]) {
-		enum v4l2_buf_type buf_type;
-		rc=ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_STREAMON,&buf_type);
-		if (rc) {
-			return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-		} else {
-			streaming[CAPTURE_PORT] = true;
-			DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n STREAMON Successful \n ");
-		}
-	  }
-      (*bufferHdr)->pBuffer = (OMX_U8*)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].bufferaddr;
-      (*bufferHdr)->pAppPrivate = appData;
-      BITMASK_SET(&m_out_bm_count,i);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("All the Output Buffers have been Allocated ; Returning Insufficient \n");
-      eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-    }
-  }
-  return eRet;
+    return eRet;
 // AllocateBuffer  -- API Call
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::AllocateBuffer
+   omx_vdec::AllocateBuffer
-  Returns zero if all the buffers released..
+   Returns zero if all the buffers released..
-  None.
+   None.
-  true/false
+   true/false
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::allocate_buffer(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE                hComp,
-                                     OMX_INOUT OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE** bufferHdr,
-                                     OMX_IN OMX_U32                        port,
-                                     OMX_IN OMX_PTR                     appData,
-                                     OMX_IN OMX_U32                       bytes)
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                        port,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR                     appData,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                       bytes)
     unsigned i = 0;
     OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone; // OMX return type
     DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Allocate buffer on port %d \n", (int)port);
-    if(m_state == OMX_StateInvalid)
-    {
+    if (m_state == OMX_StateInvalid) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Allocate Buf in Invalid State\n");
         return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-    if(port == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX)
-    {
-      if (arbitrary_bytes)
-      {
-          eRet = allocate_input_heap_buffer (hComp,bufferHdr,port,appData,bytes);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        eRet = allocate_input_buffer(hComp,bufferHdr,port,appData,bytes);
-      }
-    }
-    else if(port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX)
-    {
+    if (port == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
+        if (arbitrary_bytes) {
+            eRet = allocate_input_heap_buffer (hComp,bufferHdr,port,appData,bytes);
+        } else {
+            eRet = allocate_input_buffer(hComp,bufferHdr,port,appData,bytes);
+        }
+    } else if (port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
         eRet = client_buffers.allocate_buffers_color_convert(hComp,bufferHdr,port,
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Error: Invalid Port Index received %d\n",(int)port);
-      eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
+    } else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Error: Invalid Port Index received %d\n",(int)port);
+        eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
     DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Checking for Output Allocate buffer Done");
-    if(eRet == OMX_ErrorNone)
-    {
-        if(allocate_done()){
-            {
+    if (eRet == OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        if (allocate_done()) {
                 // Send the callback now
-                                   OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-        if(port == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX && m_inp_bPopulated)
-        {
-          {
-             post_event(OMX_CommandPortEnable,
+        if (port == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX && m_inp_bPopulated) {
+                post_event(OMX_CommandPortEnable,
-          }
+            }
-        if(port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX && m_out_bPopulated)
-            {
-          {
+        if (port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX && m_out_bPopulated) {
-                           OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX,
-                           OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                        OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX,
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
@@ -5510,172 +4902,140 @@
 // Free Buffer - API call
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::FreeBuffer
+   omx_vdec::FreeBuffer
-  None.
+   None.
-  true/false
+   true/false
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::free_buffer(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE         hComp,
-                                      OMX_IN OMX_U32                 port,
-                                      OMX_IN OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* buffer)
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                 port,
     OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
     unsigned int nPortIndex;
     DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("In for decoder free_buffer \n");
-    if(m_state == OMX_StateIdle &&
-    {
+    if (m_state == OMX_StateIdle &&
         DEBUG_PRINT_LOW(" free buffer while Component in Loading pending\n");
-    }
-    else if((m_inp_bEnabled == OMX_FALSE && port == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX)||
-            (m_out_bEnabled == OMX_FALSE && port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX))
-    {
+    } else if ((m_inp_bEnabled == OMX_FALSE && port == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX)||
+            (m_out_bEnabled == OMX_FALSE && port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX)) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Free Buffer while port %lu disabled\n", port);
-    }
-    else if ((port == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX &&
-             (port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX &&
-    {
+    } else if ((port == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX &&
+            (port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX &&
         DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Free Buffer while port %d enable pending\n", port);
-    }
-    else if(m_state == OMX_StateExecuting || m_state == OMX_StatePause)
-    {
+    } else if (m_state == OMX_StateExecuting || m_state == OMX_StatePause) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Invalid state to free buffer,ports need to be disabled\n");
-                   OMX_ErrorPortUnpopulated,
-                   OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                OMX_ErrorPortUnpopulated,
         return OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation;
-    }
-    else if (m_state != OMX_StateInvalid)
-    {
+    } else if (m_state != OMX_StateInvalid) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Invalid state to free buffer,port lost Buffers\n");
-                   OMX_ErrorPortUnpopulated,
-                   OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                OMX_ErrorPortUnpopulated,
-    if(port == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX)
-    {
-      /*Check if arbitrary bytes*/
-      if(!arbitrary_bytes && !input_use_buffer)
-        nPortIndex = buffer - m_inp_mem_ptr;
-      else
-        nPortIndex = buffer - m_inp_heap_ptr;
+    if (port == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
+        /*Check if arbitrary bytes*/
+        if (!arbitrary_bytes && !input_use_buffer)
+            nPortIndex = buffer - m_inp_mem_ptr;
+        else
+            nPortIndex = buffer - m_inp_heap_ptr;
         DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("free_buffer on i/p port - Port idx %d \n", nPortIndex);
-        if(nPortIndex < drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount)
-        {
-         // Clear the bit associated with it.
-         BITMASK_CLEAR(&m_inp_bm_count,nPortIndex);
-         BITMASK_CLEAR(&m_heap_inp_bm_count,nPortIndex);
-         if (input_use_buffer == true)
-         {
+        if (nPortIndex < drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount) {
+            // Clear the bit associated with it.
+            BITMASK_CLEAR(&m_inp_bm_count,nPortIndex);
+            BITMASK_CLEAR(&m_heap_inp_bm_count,nPortIndex);
+            if (input_use_buffer == true) {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free pmem Buffer index %d",nPortIndex);
-            if(m_phdr_pmem_ptr)
-              free_input_buffer(m_phdr_pmem_ptr[nPortIndex]);
-         }
-         else
-         {
-            if (arbitrary_bytes)
-            {
-              if(m_phdr_pmem_ptr)
-                free_input_buffer(nPortIndex,m_phdr_pmem_ptr[nPortIndex]);
-              else
-                free_input_buffer(nPortIndex,NULL);
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free pmem Buffer index %d",nPortIndex);
+                if (m_phdr_pmem_ptr)
+                    free_input_buffer(m_phdr_pmem_ptr[nPortIndex]);
+            } else {
+                if (arbitrary_bytes) {
+                    if (m_phdr_pmem_ptr)
+                        free_input_buffer(nPortIndex,m_phdr_pmem_ptr[nPortIndex]);
+                    else
+                        free_input_buffer(nPortIndex,NULL);
+                } else
+                    free_input_buffer(buffer);
-            else
-              free_input_buffer(buffer);
-         }
-         m_inp_bPopulated = OMX_FALSE;
-         /*Free the Buffer Header*/
-          if (release_input_done())
-          {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n ALL input buffers are freed/released");
-            free_input_buffer_header();
-          }
-        }
-        else
-        {
+            m_inp_bPopulated = OMX_FALSE;
+            /*Free the Buffer Header*/
+            if (release_input_done()) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n ALL input buffers are freed/released");
+                free_input_buffer_header();
+            }
+        } else {
             DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Error: free_buffer ,Port Index Invalid\n");
             eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-           && release_input_done())
-        {
+                && release_input_done()) {
-                       OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX,
-                       OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                    OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX,
+                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-    }
-    else if(port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX)
-    {
+    } else if (port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
         // check if the buffer is valid
         nPortIndex = buffer - client_buffers.get_il_buf_hdr();
-        if(nPortIndex < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount)
-        {
+        if (nPortIndex < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
             DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("free_buffer on o/p port - Port idx %d \n", nPortIndex);
             // Clear the bit associated with it.
             m_out_bPopulated = OMX_FALSE;
             client_buffers.free_output_buffer (buffer);
-            if (release_output_done())
-            {
-              free_output_buffer_header();
+            if (release_output_done()) {
+                free_output_buffer_header();
-        }
-        else
-        {
+        } else {
             DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Error: free_buffer , Port Index Invalid\n");
             eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-           && release_output_done())
-        {
+                && release_output_done()) {
             DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("FreeBuffer : If any Disable event pending,post it\n");
 #ifdef _ANDROID_ICS_
-                if (m_enable_android_native_buffers)
-                {
-                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("FreeBuffer - outport disabled: reset native buffers");
-                    memset(&native_buffer, 0 ,(sizeof(struct nativebuffer) * MAX_NUM_INPUT_OUTPUT_BUFFERS));
-                }
+            if (m_enable_android_native_buffers) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("FreeBuffer - outport disabled: reset native buffers");
+                memset(&native_buffer, 0 ,(sizeof(struct nativebuffer) * MAX_NUM_INPUT_OUTPUT_BUFFERS));
+            }
-                post_event(OMX_CommandPortDisable,
-                           OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX,
-                           OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+            post_event(OMX_CommandPortDisable,
+                    OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX,
+                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-    }
-    else
-    {
+    } else {
         eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-    if((eRet == OMX_ErrorNone) &&
-    {
-        if(release_done())
-        {
+    if ((eRet == OMX_ErrorNone) &&
+        if (release_done()) {
             // Send the callback now
             post_event(OMX_CommandStateSet, OMX_StateLoaded,
-                                      OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
     return eRet;
@@ -5683,536 +5043,480 @@
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::EmptyThisBuffer
+   omx_vdec::EmptyThisBuffer
-  This routine is used to push the encoded video frames to
-  the video decoder.
+   This routine is used to push the encoded video frames to
+   the video decoder.
-  None.
+   None.
-  OMX Error None if everything went successful.
+   OMX Error None if everything went successful.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::empty_this_buffer(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE         hComp,
-                                           OMX_IN OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* buffer)
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE ret1 = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  unsigned int nBufferIndex = drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE ret1 = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    unsigned int nBufferIndex = drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount;
-  if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG)
-  {
-    codec_config_flag = true;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("%s: codec_config buffer", __FUNCTION__);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    codec_config_flag = false;
-  }
+    if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG) {
+        codec_config_flag = true;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("%s: codec_config buffer", __FUNCTION__);
+    } else {
+        codec_config_flag = false;
+    }
-  if(m_state == OMX_StateInvalid)
-  {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Empty this buffer in Invalid State\n");
-      return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-  }
+    if (m_state == OMX_StateInvalid) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Empty this buffer in Invalid State\n");
+        return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
+    }
-  if (buffer == NULL)
-  {
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
+    if (buffer == NULL) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:ETB Buffer is NULL");
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
-  if (!m_inp_bEnabled)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:ETB incorrect state operation, input port is disabled.");
-    return OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation;
-  }
+    if (!m_inp_bEnabled) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:ETB incorrect state operation, input port is disabled.");
+        return OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation;
+    }
-  if (buffer->nInputPortIndex != OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:ETB invalid port in header %lu", buffer->nInputPortIndex);
-    return OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-  }
+    if (buffer->nInputPortIndex != OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:ETB invalid port in header %lu", buffer->nInputPortIndex);
+        return OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
+    }
 #ifdef _ANDROID_
-  if(iDivXDrmDecrypt)
-  {
-    OMX_ERRORTYPE drmErr = iDivXDrmDecrypt->Decrypt(buffer);
-    if(drmErr != OMX_ErrorNone) {
-        // this error can be ignored
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\nERROR:iDivXDrmDecrypt->Decrypt %d", drmErr);
+    if (iDivXDrmDecrypt) {
+        OMX_ERRORTYPE drmErr = iDivXDrmDecrypt->Decrypt(buffer);
+        if (drmErr != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            // this error can be ignored
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\nERROR:iDivXDrmDecrypt->Decrypt %d", drmErr);
+        }
-  }
 #endif //_ANDROID_
-  if (perf_flag)
-  {
-    if (!latency)
-    {
-      dec_time.stop();
-      latency = dec_time.processing_time_us();
-      dec_time.start();
+    if (perf_flag) {
+        if (!latency) {
+            dec_time.stop();
+            latency = dec_time.processing_time_us();
+            dec_time.start();
+        }
-  }
-  if (arbitrary_bytes)
-  {
-    nBufferIndex = buffer - m_inp_heap_ptr;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-     if (input_use_buffer == true)
-     {
-       nBufferIndex = buffer - m_inp_heap_ptr;
-       m_inp_mem_ptr[nBufferIndex].nFilledLen = m_inp_heap_ptr[nBufferIndex].nFilledLen;
-       m_inp_mem_ptr[nBufferIndex].nTimeStamp = m_inp_heap_ptr[nBufferIndex].nTimeStamp;
-       m_inp_mem_ptr[nBufferIndex].nFlags = m_inp_heap_ptr[nBufferIndex].nFlags;
-       buffer = &m_inp_mem_ptr[nBufferIndex];
-       DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Non-Arbitrary mode - buffer address is: malloc %p, pmem%p in Index %d, buffer %p of size %lu",
-                         &m_inp_heap_ptr[nBufferIndex], &m_inp_mem_ptr[nBufferIndex],nBufferIndex, buffer, buffer->nFilledLen);
-     }
-     else{
-       nBufferIndex = buffer - m_inp_mem_ptr;
-     }
-  }
+    if (arbitrary_bytes) {
+        nBufferIndex = buffer - m_inp_heap_ptr;
+    } else {
+        if (input_use_buffer == true) {
+            nBufferIndex = buffer - m_inp_heap_ptr;
+            m_inp_mem_ptr[nBufferIndex].nFilledLen = m_inp_heap_ptr[nBufferIndex].nFilledLen;
+            m_inp_mem_ptr[nBufferIndex].nTimeStamp = m_inp_heap_ptr[nBufferIndex].nTimeStamp;
+            m_inp_mem_ptr[nBufferIndex].nFlags = m_inp_heap_ptr[nBufferIndex].nFlags;
+            buffer = &m_inp_mem_ptr[nBufferIndex];
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Non-Arbitrary mode - buffer address is: malloc %p, pmem%p in Index %d, buffer %p of size %lu",
+                    &m_inp_heap_ptr[nBufferIndex], &m_inp_mem_ptr[nBufferIndex],nBufferIndex, buffer, buffer->nFilledLen);
+        } else {
+            nBufferIndex = buffer - m_inp_mem_ptr;
+        }
+    }
-  if (nBufferIndex > drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount )
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:ETB nBufferIndex is invalid");
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
+    if (nBufferIndex > drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount ) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:ETB nBufferIndex is invalid");
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("[ETB] BHdr(%p) pBuf(%p) nTS(%lld) nFL(%lu)",
-    buffer, buffer->pBuffer, buffer->nTimeStamp, buffer->nFilledLen);
-  if (arbitrary_bytes)
-  {
-    post_event ((unsigned)hComp,(unsigned)buffer,
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("[ETB] BHdr(%p) pBuf(%p) nTS(%lld) nFL(%lu)",
+            buffer, buffer->pBuffer, buffer->nTimeStamp, buffer->nFilledLen);
+    if (arbitrary_bytes) {
+        post_event ((unsigned)hComp,(unsigned)buffer,
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    if (!(client_extradata & OMX_TIMEINFO_EXTRADATA))
-      set_frame_rate(buffer->nTimeStamp);
-    post_event ((unsigned)hComp,(unsigned)buffer,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_ETB);
-  }
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    } else {
+        if (!(client_extradata & OMX_TIMEINFO_EXTRADATA))
+            set_frame_rate(buffer->nTimeStamp);
+        post_event ((unsigned)hComp,(unsigned)buffer,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_ETB);
+    }
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::empty_this_buffer_proxy
+   omx_vdec::empty_this_buffer_proxy
-  This routine is used to push the encoded video frames to
-  the video decoder.
+   This routine is used to push the encoded video frames to
+   the video decoder.
-  None.
+   None.
-  OMX Error None if everything went successful.
+   OMX Error None if everything went successful.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::empty_this_buffer_proxy(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE         hComp,
-                                                 OMX_IN OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* buffer)
-  int push_cnt = 0,i=0;
-  unsigned nPortIndex = 0;
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  struct vdec_input_frameinfo frameinfo;
-  struct vdec_bufferpayload *temp_buffer;
-  struct vdec_seqheader seq_header;
-  bool port_setting_changed = true;
-  bool not_coded_vop = false;
+    int push_cnt = 0,i=0;
+    unsigned nPortIndex = 0;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    struct vdec_input_frameinfo frameinfo;
+    struct vdec_bufferpayload *temp_buffer;
+    struct vdec_seqheader seq_header;
+    bool port_setting_changed = true;
+    bool not_coded_vop = false;
-  /*Should we generate a Aync error event*/
-  if (buffer == NULL || buffer->pInputPortPrivate == NULL)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:empty_this_buffer_proxy is invalid");
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
+    /*Should we generate a Aync error event*/
+    if (buffer == NULL || buffer->pInputPortPrivate == NULL) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:empty_this_buffer_proxy is invalid");
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
-  nPortIndex = buffer-((OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)m_inp_mem_ptr);
+    nPortIndex = buffer-((OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)m_inp_mem_ptr);
-  if (nPortIndex > drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:empty_this_buffer_proxy invalid nPortIndex[%u]",
-        nPortIndex);
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
+    if (nPortIndex > drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:empty_this_buffer_proxy invalid nPortIndex[%u]",
+                nPortIndex);
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
-  pending_input_buffers++;
+    pending_input_buffers++;
-  /* return zero length and not an EOS buffer */
-  if (!arbitrary_bytes && (buffer->nFilledLen == 0) &&
-     ((buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) == 0))
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n return zero legth buffer");
-    post_event ((unsigned int)buffer,VDEC_S_SUCCESS,
-                     OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD);
-    return OMX_ErrorNone;
-  }
+    /* return zero length and not an EOS buffer */
+    if (!arbitrary_bytes && (buffer->nFilledLen == 0) &&
+            ((buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) == 0)) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n return zero legth buffer");
+        post_event ((unsigned int)buffer,VDEC_S_SUCCESS,
+        return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    }
-  if(codec_type_parse == CODEC_TYPE_MPEG4 || codec_type_parse == CODEC_TYPE_DIVX){
-    mp4StreamType psBits;
- = (unsigned char *)(buffer->pBuffer + buffer->nOffset);
-    psBits.numBytes = buffer->nFilledLen;
-    mp4_headerparser.parseHeader(&psBits);
-    not_coded_vop = mp4_headerparser.is_notcodec_vop(
-            (buffer->pBuffer + buffer->nOffset),buffer->nFilledLen);
-    if(not_coded_vop) {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Found Not coded vop len %lu frame number %u",
-             buffer->nFilledLen,frame_count);
-        if(buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS){
-          DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Eos and Not coded Vop set len to zero");
-          not_coded_vop = false;
-          buffer->nFilledLen = 0;
+    if (codec_type_parse == CODEC_TYPE_MPEG4 || codec_type_parse == CODEC_TYPE_DIVX) {
+        mp4StreamType psBits;
+ = (unsigned char *)(buffer->pBuffer + buffer->nOffset);
+        psBits.numBytes = buffer->nFilledLen;
+        mp4_headerparser.parseHeader(&psBits);
+        not_coded_vop = mp4_headerparser.is_notcodec_vop(
+                (buffer->pBuffer + buffer->nOffset),buffer->nFilledLen);
+        if (not_coded_vop) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Found Not coded vop len %lu frame number %u",
+                    buffer->nFilledLen,frame_count);
+            if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Eos and Not coded Vop set len to zero");
+                not_coded_vop = false;
+                buffer->nFilledLen = 0;
+            }
-  }
-  if(input_flush_progress == true
+    if (input_flush_progress == true
-     || not_coded_vop
+            || not_coded_vop
-     )
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Flush in progress return buffer ");
-    post_event ((unsigned int)buffer,VDEC_S_SUCCESS,
-                     OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD);
-    return OMX_ErrorNone;
-  }
-  temp_buffer = (struct vdec_bufferpayload *)buffer->pInputPortPrivate;
-  if ((temp_buffer -  drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer) > drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount)
-  {
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  /* If its first frame, H264 codec and reject is true, then parse the nal
-     and get the profile. Based on this, reject the clip playback */
-  if(first_frame == 0 && codec_type_parse == CODEC_TYPE_H264 &&
-     m_reject_avc_1080p_mp)
-  {
-    first_frame = 1;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nParse nal to get the profile");
-    h264_parser->parse_nal((OMX_U8*)buffer->pBuffer, buffer->nFilledLen,
-                                 NALU_TYPE_SPS);
-    m_profile = h264_parser->get_profile();
-    ret = is_video_session_supported();
-    if (ret)
-    {
-      post_event ((unsigned int)buffer,VDEC_S_SUCCESS,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD);
-      post_event(OMX_EventError, OMX_ErrorInvalidState,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
-      /* Move the state to Invalid to avoid queueing of pending ETB to the driver */
-      m_state = OMX_StateInvalid;
-      return OMX_ErrorNone;
-    }
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n ETBProxy: bufhdr = %p, bufhdr->pBuffer = %p", buffer, buffer->pBuffer);
-  /*for use buffer we need to memcpy the data*/
-  temp_buffer->buffer_len = buffer->nFilledLen;
-  if (input_use_buffer)
-  {
-    if (buffer->nFilledLen <= temp_buffer->buffer_len)
-    {
-      if(arbitrary_bytes)
-      {
-        memcpy (temp_buffer->bufferaddr, (buffer->pBuffer + buffer->nOffset),buffer->nFilledLen);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        memcpy (temp_buffer->bufferaddr, (m_inp_heap_ptr[nPortIndex].pBuffer + m_inp_heap_ptr[nPortIndex].nOffset),
-                buffer->nFilledLen);
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+       ) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Flush in progress return buffer ");
+        post_event ((unsigned int)buffer,VDEC_S_SUCCESS,
+        return OMX_ErrorNone;
-  }
+    temp_buffer = (struct vdec_bufferpayload *)buffer->pInputPortPrivate;
-  frameinfo.bufferaddr = temp_buffer->bufferaddr;
-  frameinfo.client_data = (void *) buffer;
-  frameinfo.datalen = temp_buffer->buffer_len;
-  frameinfo.flags = 0;
-  frameinfo.offset = buffer->nOffset;
-  frameinfo.pmem_fd = temp_buffer->pmem_fd;
-  frameinfo.pmem_offset = temp_buffer->offset;
-  frameinfo.timestamp = buffer->nTimeStamp;
-  if (drv_ctx.disable_dmx && m_desc_buffer_ptr && m_desc_buffer_ptr[nPortIndex].buf_addr)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("ETB: dmx enabled");
-    if (m_demux_entries == 0)
-    {
-      extract_demux_addr_offsets(buffer);
+    if ((temp_buffer -  drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer) > drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount) {
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
+    /* If its first frame, H264 codec and reject is true, then parse the nal
+       and get the profile. Based on this, reject the clip playback */
+    if (first_frame == 0 && codec_type_parse == CODEC_TYPE_H264 &&
+            m_reject_avc_1080p_mp) {
+        first_frame = 1;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nParse nal to get the profile");
+        h264_parser->parse_nal((OMX_U8*)buffer->pBuffer, buffer->nFilledLen,
+                NALU_TYPE_SPS);
+        m_profile = h264_parser->get_profile();
+        ret = is_video_session_supported();
+        if (ret) {
+            post_event ((unsigned int)buffer,VDEC_S_SUCCESS,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD);
+            post_event(OMX_EventError, OMX_ErrorInvalidState,OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EVENT);
+            /* Move the state to Invalid to avoid queueing of pending ETB to the driver */
+            m_state = OMX_StateInvalid;
+            return OMX_ErrorNone;
+        }
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("ETB: handle_demux_data - entries=%lu",m_demux_entries);
-    handle_demux_data(buffer);
-    frameinfo.desc_addr = (OMX_U8 *)m_desc_buffer_ptr[nPortIndex].buf_addr;
-    frameinfo.desc_size = m_desc_buffer_ptr[nPortIndex].desc_data_size;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    frameinfo.desc_addr = NULL;
-    frameinfo.desc_size = 0;
-  }
-  if(!arbitrary_bytes)
-  {
-      frameinfo.flags |= buffer->nFlags;
-  }
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n ETBProxy: bufhdr = %p, bufhdr->pBuffer = %p", buffer, buffer->pBuffer);
+    /*for use buffer we need to memcpy the data*/
+    temp_buffer->buffer_len = buffer->nFilledLen;
+    if (input_use_buffer) {
+        if (buffer->nFilledLen <= temp_buffer->buffer_len) {
+            if (arbitrary_bytes) {
+                memcpy (temp_buffer->bufferaddr, (buffer->pBuffer + buffer->nOffset),buffer->nFilledLen);
+            } else {
+                memcpy (temp_buffer->bufferaddr, (m_inp_heap_ptr[nPortIndex].pBuffer + m_inp_heap_ptr[nPortIndex].nOffset),
+                        buffer->nFilledLen);
+            }
+        } else {
+            return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+        }
+    }
+    frameinfo.bufferaddr = temp_buffer->bufferaddr;
+    frameinfo.client_data = (void *) buffer;
+    frameinfo.datalen = temp_buffer->buffer_len;
+    frameinfo.flags = 0;
+    frameinfo.offset = buffer->nOffset;
+    frameinfo.pmem_fd = temp_buffer->pmem_fd;
+    frameinfo.pmem_offset = temp_buffer->offset;
+    frameinfo.timestamp = buffer->nTimeStamp;
+    if (drv_ctx.disable_dmx && m_desc_buffer_ptr && m_desc_buffer_ptr[nPortIndex].buf_addr) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("ETB: dmx enabled");
+        if (m_demux_entries == 0) {
+            extract_demux_addr_offsets(buffer);
+        }
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("ETB: handle_demux_data - entries=%lu",m_demux_entries);
+        handle_demux_data(buffer);
+        frameinfo.desc_addr = (OMX_U8 *)m_desc_buffer_ptr[nPortIndex].buf_addr;
+        frameinfo.desc_size = m_desc_buffer_ptr[nPortIndex].desc_data_size;
+    } else {
+        frameinfo.desc_addr = NULL;
+        frameinfo.desc_size = 0;
+    }
+    if (!arbitrary_bytes) {
+        frameinfo.flags |= buffer->nFlags;
+    }
 #ifdef _ANDROID_
-  if (m_debug_timestamp)
-  {
-    if(arbitrary_bytes)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Inserting TIMESTAMP (%lld) into queue", buffer->nTimeStamp);
-      m_timestamp_list.insert_ts(buffer->nTimeStamp);
+    if (m_debug_timestamp) {
+        if (arbitrary_bytes) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Inserting TIMESTAMP (%lld) into queue", buffer->nTimeStamp);
+            m_timestamp_list.insert_ts(buffer->nTimeStamp);
+        } else if (!arbitrary_bytes && !(buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG)) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Inserting TIMESTAMP (%lld) into queue", buffer->nTimeStamp);
+            m_timestamp_list.insert_ts(buffer->nTimeStamp);
+        }
-    else if(!arbitrary_bytes && !(buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG))
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Inserting TIMESTAMP (%lld) into queue", buffer->nTimeStamp);
-      m_timestamp_list.insert_ts(buffer->nTimeStamp);
-    }
-  }
-  if (output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8) {
-    struct vp8_ivf_frame_header{
-       OMX_U32 framesize;
-       OMX_U32 timestamp_lo;
-       OMX_U32 timestamp_hi;
-    } vp8_frame_header;
-    vp8_frame_header.framesize = temp_buffer->buffer_len;
-    /* Currently FW doesn't use timestamp values */
-    vp8_frame_header.timestamp_lo = 0;
-    vp8_frame_header.timestamp_hi = 0;
-    if (inputBufferFile1)
-    {
-      fwrite((const char *)&vp8_frame_header,
-        sizeof(vp8_frame_header),1,inputBufferFile1);
-      fwrite((const char *)temp_buffer->bufferaddr,
-        temp_buffer->buffer_len,1,inputBufferFile1);
-      }
-  } else {
-    if (inputBufferFile1)
-    {
-      fwrite((const char *)temp_buffer->bufferaddr,
-        temp_buffer->buffer_len,1,inputBufferFile1);
+    if (output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_VP8) {
+        struct vp8_ivf_frame_header {
+            OMX_U32 framesize;
+            OMX_U32 timestamp_lo;
+            OMX_U32 timestamp_hi;
+        } vp8_frame_header;
+        vp8_frame_header.framesize = temp_buffer->buffer_len;
+        /* Currently FW doesn't use timestamp values */
+        vp8_frame_header.timestamp_lo = 0;
+        vp8_frame_header.timestamp_hi = 0;
+        if (inputBufferFile1) {
+            fwrite((const char *)&vp8_frame_header,
+                    sizeof(vp8_frame_header),1,inputBufferFile1);
+            fwrite((const char *)temp_buffer->bufferaddr,
+                    temp_buffer->buffer_len,1,inputBufferFile1);
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (inputBufferFile1) {
+            fwrite((const char *)temp_buffer->bufferaddr,
+                    temp_buffer->buffer_len,1,inputBufferFile1);
+        }
-  }
-  if(buffer->nFlags & QOMX_VIDEO_BUFFERFLAG_EOSEQ)
-  {
-    frameinfo.flags |= QOMX_VIDEO_BUFFERFLAG_EOSEQ;
-    buffer->nFlags &= ~QOMX_VIDEO_BUFFERFLAG_EOSEQ;
-  }
+    if (buffer->nFlags & QOMX_VIDEO_BUFFERFLAG_EOSEQ) {
+        frameinfo.flags |= QOMX_VIDEO_BUFFERFLAG_EOSEQ;
+        buffer->nFlags &= ~QOMX_VIDEO_BUFFERFLAG_EOSEQ;
+    }
-  if (temp_buffer->buffer_len == 0 || (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS))
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Rxd i/p EOS, Notify Driver that EOS has been reached");
-    frameinfo.flags |= VDEC_BUFFERFLAG_EOS;
-    h264_scratch.nFilledLen = 0;
-    nal_count = 0;
-    look_ahead_nal = false;
-    frame_count = 0;
-    if (m_frame_parser.mutils)
-      m_frame_parser.mutils->initialize_frame_checking_environment();
-    m_frame_parser.flush();
-    h264_last_au_ts = LLONG_MAX;
-    h264_last_au_flags = 0;
-    memset(m_demux_offsets, 0, ( sizeof(OMX_U32) * 8192) );
-    m_demux_entries = 0;
-  }
-  struct v4l2_buffer buf;
-  struct v4l2_plane plane;
-  memset( (void *)&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
-  memset( (void *)&plane, 0, sizeof(plane));
-  int rc;
-  unsigned long  print_count;
-  if (temp_buffer->buffer_len == 0 || (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS))
-  {  buf.flags = V4L2_BUF_FLAG_EOS;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n  INPUT EOS reached \n") ;
-  }
-	OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-	buf.index = nPortIndex;
-	buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
-	plane.bytesused = temp_buffer->buffer_len;
-	plane.length = drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size;
-	plane.m.userptr = (unsigned long)temp_buffer->bufferaddr -
-            (unsigned long)temp_buffer->offset;
-	plane.reserved[0] = temp_buffer->pmem_fd;
-	plane.reserved[1] = temp_buffer->offset;
-	plane.data_offset = 0;
-	buf.m.planes = &plane;
-	buf.length = 1;
-	if (frameinfo.timestamp >= LLONG_MAX) {
-          buf.flags |= V4L2_QCOM_BUF_TIMESTAMP_INVALID;
-        }
-	//assumption is that timestamp is in milliseconds
-	buf.timestamp.tv_sec = frameinfo.timestamp / 1000000;
-	buf.timestamp.tv_usec = (frameinfo.timestamp % 1000000);
-	buf.flags |= (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DECODEONLY) ? V4L2_QCOM_BUF_FLAG_DECODEONLY: 0;
+    if (temp_buffer->buffer_len == 0 || (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS)) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Rxd i/p EOS, Notify Driver that EOS has been reached");
+        frameinfo.flags |= VDEC_BUFFERFLAG_EOS;
+        h264_scratch.nFilledLen = 0;
+        nal_count = 0;
+        look_ahead_nal = false;
+        frame_count = 0;
+        if (m_frame_parser.mutils)
+            m_frame_parser.mutils->initialize_frame_checking_environment();
+        m_frame_parser.flush();
+        h264_last_au_ts = LLONG_MAX;
+        h264_last_au_flags = 0;
+        memset(m_demux_offsets, 0, ( sizeof(OMX_U32) * 8192) );
+        m_demux_entries = 0;
+    }
+    struct v4l2_buffer buf;
+    struct v4l2_plane plane;
+    memset( (void *)&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+    memset( (void *)&plane, 0, sizeof(plane));
+    int rc;
+    unsigned long  print_count;
+    if (temp_buffer->buffer_len == 0 || (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS)) {
+        buf.flags = V4L2_BUF_FLAG_EOS;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n  INPUT EOS reached \n") ;
+    }
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    buf.index = nPortIndex;
+    buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+    plane.bytesused = temp_buffer->buffer_len;
+    plane.length = drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size;
+    plane.m.userptr = (unsigned long)temp_buffer->bufferaddr -
+        (unsigned long)temp_buffer->offset;
+    plane.reserved[0] = temp_buffer->pmem_fd;
+    plane.reserved[1] = temp_buffer->offset;
+    plane.data_offset = 0;
+    buf.m.planes = &plane;
+    buf.length = 1;
+    if (frameinfo.timestamp >= LLONG_MAX) {
+        buf.flags |= V4L2_QCOM_BUF_TIMESTAMP_INVALID;
+    }
+    //assumption is that timestamp is in milliseconds
+    buf.timestamp.tv_sec = frameinfo.timestamp / 1000000;
+    buf.timestamp.tv_usec = (frameinfo.timestamp % 1000000);
+    buf.flags |= (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG) ? V4L2_QCOM_BUF_FLAG_CODECCONFIG: 0;
+    buf.flags |= (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DECODEONLY) ? V4L2_QCOM_BUF_FLAG_DECODEONLY: 0;
-	rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf);
-	if(rc)
-	{
-		DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to qbuf Input buffer to driver\n");
-		return OMX_ErrorHardware;
-	}
-  if(!streaming[OUTPUT_PORT])
-  {
-	enum v4l2_buf_type buf_type;
-	int ret,r;
+    rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf);
+    if (rc) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to qbuf Input buffer to driver\n");
+        return OMX_ErrorHardware;
+    }
+    if (!streaming[OUTPUT_PORT]) {
+        enum v4l2_buf_type buf_type;
+        int ret,r;
+        buf_type=V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
         DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("send_command_proxy(): Idle-->Executing\n");
-	ret=ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_STREAMON,&buf_type);
-	if(!ret) {
-		DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Streamon on OUTPUT Plane was successful \n");
-		streaming[OUTPUT_PORT] = true;
-	} else{
-		DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR(" \n Failed to call streamon on OUTPUT \n");
-		DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("If Stream on failed no buffer should be queued");
-		post_event ((unsigned int)buffer,VDEC_S_SUCCESS,
-		return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-	}
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("[ETBP] pBuf(%p) nTS(%lld) Sz(%d)",
-    frameinfo.bufferaddr, frameinfo.timestamp, frameinfo.datalen);
-      time_stamp_dts.insert_timestamp(buffer);
+        ret=ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_STREAMON,&buf_type);
+        if (!ret) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Streamon on OUTPUT Plane was successful \n");
+            streaming[OUTPUT_PORT] = true;
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR(" \n Failed to call streamon on OUTPUT \n");
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("If Stream on failed no buffer should be queued");
+            post_event ((unsigned int)buffer,VDEC_S_SUCCESS,
+                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD);
+            return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+        }
+    }
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("[ETBP] pBuf(%p) nTS(%lld) Sz(%d)",
+            frameinfo.bufferaddr, frameinfo.timestamp, frameinfo.datalen);
+    time_stamp_dts.insert_timestamp(buffer);
-  return ret;
+    return ret;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::FillThisBuffer
+   omx_vdec::FillThisBuffer
-  IL client uses this method to release the frame buffer
-  after displaying them.
+   IL client uses this method to release the frame buffer
+   after displaying them.
-  None.
+   None.
-  true/false
+   true/false
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::fill_this_buffer(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE  hComp,
-                                          OMX_IN OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* buffer)
-  if(m_state == OMX_StateInvalid)
-  {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("FTB in Invalid State\n");
-      return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
-  }
+    if (m_state == OMX_StateInvalid) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("FTB in Invalid State\n");
+        return OMX_ErrorInvalidState;
+    }
-  if (!m_out_bEnabled)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:FTB incorrect state operation, output port is disabled.");
-    return OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation;
-  }
+    if (!m_out_bEnabled) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:FTB incorrect state operation, output port is disabled.");
+        return OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation;
+    }
-  if (buffer == NULL ||
-      ((buffer - client_buffers.get_il_buf_hdr()) >= drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount))
-  {
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
+    if (buffer == NULL ||
+            ((buffer - client_buffers.get_il_buf_hdr()) >= drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount)) {
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
-  if (buffer->nOutputPortIndex != OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:FTB invalid port in header %lu", buffer->nOutputPortIndex);
-    return OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-  }
+    if (buffer->nOutputPortIndex != OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:FTB invalid port in header %lu", buffer->nOutputPortIndex);
+        return OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
+    }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("[FTB] bufhdr = %p, bufhdr->pBuffer = %p", buffer, buffer->pBuffer);
-  post_event((unsigned) hComp, (unsigned)buffer, m_fill_output_msg);
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("[FTB] bufhdr = %p, bufhdr->pBuffer = %p", buffer, buffer->pBuffer);
+    post_event((unsigned) hComp, (unsigned)buffer, m_fill_output_msg);
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::fill_this_buffer_proxy
+   omx_vdec::fill_this_buffer_proxy
-  IL client uses this method to release the frame buffer
-  after displaying them.
+   IL client uses this method to release the frame buffer
+   after displaying them.
-  None.
+   None.
-  true/false
+   true/false
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::fill_this_buffer_proxy(
-                         OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE        hComp,
-                         OMX_IN OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* bufferAdd)
+        OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE        hComp,
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE nRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *buffer = bufferAdd;
-  unsigned nPortIndex = 0;
-  struct vdec_fillbuffer_cmd fillbuffer;
-  struct vdec_bufferpayload     *ptr_outputbuffer = NULL;
-  struct vdec_output_frameinfo  *ptr_respbuffer = NULL;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE nRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *buffer = bufferAdd;
+    unsigned nPortIndex = 0;
+    struct vdec_fillbuffer_cmd fillbuffer;
+    struct vdec_bufferpayload     *ptr_outputbuffer = NULL;
+    struct vdec_output_frameinfo  *ptr_respbuffer = NULL;
-  nPortIndex = buffer-((OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)client_buffers.get_il_buf_hdr());
+    nPortIndex = buffer-((OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)client_buffers.get_il_buf_hdr());
-  if (bufferAdd == NULL || nPortIndex > drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount)
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    if (bufferAdd == NULL || nPortIndex > drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount)
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n FTBProxy: bufhdr = %p, bufhdr->pBuffer = %p",
-      bufferAdd, bufferAdd->pBuffer);
-  /*Return back the output buffer to client*/
-  if(m_out_bEnabled != OMX_TRUE || output_flush_progress == true)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Output Buffers return flush/disable condition");
-    buffer->nFilledLen = 0;
-    m_cb.FillBufferDone (hComp,m_app_data,buffer);
-    return OMX_ErrorNone;
-  }
-  pending_output_buffers++;
-  buffer = client_buffers.get_dr_buf_hdr(bufferAdd);
-  ptr_respbuffer = (struct vdec_output_frameinfo*)buffer->pOutputPortPrivate;
-  if (ptr_respbuffer)
-  {
-    ptr_outputbuffer =  (struct vdec_bufferpayload*)ptr_respbuffer->client_data;
-  }
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n FTBProxy: bufhdr = %p, bufhdr->pBuffer = %p",
+            bufferAdd, bufferAdd->pBuffer);
+    /*Return back the output buffer to client*/
+    if (m_out_bEnabled != OMX_TRUE || output_flush_progress == true) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Output Buffers return flush/disable condition");
+        buffer->nFilledLen = 0;
+        m_cb.FillBufferDone (hComp,m_app_data,buffer);
+        return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    }
+    pending_output_buffers++;
+    buffer = client_buffers.get_dr_buf_hdr(bufferAdd);
+    ptr_respbuffer = (struct vdec_output_frameinfo*)buffer->pOutputPortPrivate;
+    if (ptr_respbuffer) {
+        ptr_outputbuffer =  (struct vdec_bufferpayload*)ptr_respbuffer->client_data;
+    }
-  if (ptr_respbuffer == NULL || ptr_outputbuffer == NULL)
-  {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("resp buffer or outputbuffer is NULL");
-      buffer->nFilledLen = 0;
-      m_cb.FillBufferDone (hComp,m_app_data,buffer);
-      pending_output_buffers--;
-      return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
+    if (ptr_respbuffer == NULL || ptr_outputbuffer == NULL) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("resp buffer or outputbuffer is NULL");
+        buffer->nFilledLen = 0;
+        m_cb.FillBufferDone (hComp,m_app_data,buffer);
+        pending_output_buffers--;
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
- /* memcpy (&fillbuffer.buffer,ptr_outputbuffer,
-          sizeof(struct vdec_bufferpayload));
-    fillbuffer.client_data = bufferAdd;*/
+    /* memcpy (&fillbuffer.buffer,ptr_outputbuffer,
+       sizeof(struct vdec_bufferpayload));
+       fillbuffer.client_data = bufferAdd;*/
 #ifdef _ANDROID_ICS_
-    if (m_enable_android_native_buffers)
-    {
+    if (m_enable_android_native_buffers) {
         // Acquire a write lock on this buffer.
         if (GENLOCK_NO_ERROR != genlock_lock_buffer(native_buffer[buffer - m_out_mem_ptr].nativehandle,
-                                                  GENLOCK_WRITE_LOCK, GENLOCK_MAX_TIMEOUT)) {
             DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to acquire genlock");
             buffer->nFilledLen = 0;
             m_cb.FillBufferDone (hComp,m_app_data,buffer);
@@ -6220,147 +5524,139 @@
             return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
         } else {
             native_buffer[buffer - m_out_mem_ptr].inuse = true;
-      }
+        }
-	int rc = 0;
-  struct v4l2_buffer buf;
-  struct v4l2_plane plane[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
-  memset( (void *)&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
-  memset( (void *)plane, 0, (sizeof(struct v4l2_plane)*VIDEO_MAX_PLANES));
-  int extra_idx = 0;
+    int rc = 0;
+    struct v4l2_buffer buf;
+    struct v4l2_plane plane[VIDEO_MAX_PLANES];
+    memset( (void *)&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
+    memset( (void *)plane, 0, (sizeof(struct v4l2_plane)*VIDEO_MAX_PLANES));
+    int extra_idx = 0;
-  buf.index = nPortIndex;
-  buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
-  plane[0].bytesused = buffer->nFilledLen;
-  plane[0].length = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
-  plane[0].m.userptr =
-      (unsigned long)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[nPortIndex].bufferaddr -
-      (unsigned long)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[nPortIndex].offset;
-  plane[0].reserved[0] = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[nPortIndex].pmem_fd;
-  plane[0].reserved[1] = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[nPortIndex].offset;
-  plane[0].data_offset = 0;
-  extra_idx = EXTRADATA_IDX(drv_ctx.num_planes);
-  if (extra_idx && (extra_idx < VIDEO_MAX_PLANES)) {
-    plane[extra_idx].bytesused = 0;
-    plane[extra_idx].length = drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
-    plane[extra_idx].m.userptr = (long unsigned int) (drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr + nPortIndex * drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size);
+    buf.index = nPortIndex;
+    buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+    plane[0].bytesused = buffer->nFilledLen;
+    plane[0].length = drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
+    plane[0].m.userptr =
+        (unsigned long)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[nPortIndex].bufferaddr -
+        (unsigned long)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[nPortIndex].offset;
+    plane[0].reserved[0] = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[nPortIndex].pmem_fd;
+    plane[0].reserved[1] = drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[nPortIndex].offset;
+    plane[0].data_offset = 0;
+    extra_idx = EXTRADATA_IDX(drv_ctx.num_planes);
+    if (extra_idx && (extra_idx < VIDEO_MAX_PLANES)) {
+        plane[extra_idx].bytesused = 0;
+        plane[extra_idx].length = drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
+        plane[extra_idx].m.userptr = (long unsigned int) (drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr + nPortIndex * drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size);
 #ifdef USE_ION
-    plane[extra_idx].reserved[0] = drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data.fd;
+        plane[extra_idx].reserved[0] = drv_ctx.extradata_info.ion.fd_ion_data.fd;
-    plane[extra_idx].reserved[1] = nPortIndex * drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
-    plane[extra_idx].data_offset = 0;
-  } else if (extra_idx >= VIDEO_MAX_PLANES) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Extradata index higher than expected: %d\n", extra_idx);
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  buf.m.planes = plane;
-  buf.length = drv_ctx.num_planes;
-  rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf);
-  if (rc) {
-    /*TODO: How to handle this case */
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to qbuf to driver");
-  }
-//#ifdef _ANDROID_ICS_
-  //  if (m_enable_android_native_buffers)
-  //  {
-        // Unlock the buffer
-   //     if (GENLOCK_NO_ERROR != genlock_unlock_buffer(native_buffer[buffer - m_out_mem_ptr].nativehandle)) {
+        plane[extra_idx].reserved[1] = nPortIndex * drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
+        plane[extra_idx].data_offset = 0;
+    } else if (extra_idx >= VIDEO_MAX_PLANES) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Extradata index higher than expected: %d\n", extra_idx);
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
+    buf.m.planes = plane;
+    buf.length = drv_ctx.num_planes;
+    rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf);
+    if (rc) {
+        /*TODO: How to handle this case */
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to qbuf to driver");
+    }
+    //#ifdef _ANDROID_ICS_
+    //  if (m_enable_android_native_buffers)
+    //  {
+    // Unlock the buffer
+    //     if (GENLOCK_NO_ERROR != genlock_unlock_buffer(native_buffer[buffer - m_out_mem_ptr].nativehandle)) {
     //        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Releasing genlock failed");
     //        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
     ///    } else {
-     //       native_buffer[buffer - m_out_mem_ptr].inuse = false;
-      //  }
-   // }
+    //       native_buffer[buffer - m_out_mem_ptr].inuse = false;
+    //  }
+    // }
+    //#endif
     //m_cb.FillBufferDone (hComp,m_app_data,buffer);
-   // pending_output_buffers--;
-   // return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  //}
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    // pending_output_buffers--;
+    // return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    //}
+return OMX_ErrorNone;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::SetCallbacks
+   omx_vdec::SetCallbacks
-  Set the callbacks.
+   Set the callbacks.
-  None.
+   None.
-  OMX Error None if everything successful.
+   OMX Error None if everything successful.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::set_callbacks(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE        hComp,
-                                           OMX_IN OMX_CALLBACKTYPE* callbacks,
-                                           OMX_IN OMX_PTR             appData)
+        OMX_IN OMX_CALLBACKTYPE* callbacks,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR             appData)
-  m_cb       = *callbacks;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Callbacks Set %p %p %p",m_cb.EmptyBufferDone,\
-               m_cb.EventHandler,m_cb.FillBufferDone);
-  m_app_data =    appData;
-  return OMX_ErrorNotImplemented;
+    m_cb       = *callbacks;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Callbacks Set %p %p %p",m_cb.EmptyBufferDone,\
+            m_cb.EventHandler,m_cb.FillBufferDone);
+    m_app_data =    appData;
+    return OMX_ErrorNotImplemented;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::ComponentDeInit
+   omx_vdec::ComponentDeInit
-  Destroys the component and release memory allocated to the heap.
+   Destroys the component and release memory allocated to the heap.
-  <TBD>.
+   <TBD>.
-  OMX Error None if everything successful.
+   OMX Error None if everything successful.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::component_deinit(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp)
 #ifdef _ANDROID_
-    if(iDivXDrmDecrypt)
-    {
+    if (iDivXDrmDecrypt) {
         delete iDivXDrmDecrypt;
 #endif //_ANDROID_
     unsigned i = 0;
-    if (OMX_StateLoaded != m_state)
-    {
+    if (OMX_StateLoaded != m_state) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("WARNING:Rxd DeInit,OMX not in LOADED state %d\n",\
-                          m_state);
+                m_state);
         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nPlayback Ended - FAILED");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Playback Ended - PASSED");
+    } else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Playback Ended - PASSED");
     /*Check if the output buffers have to be cleaned up*/
-    if(m_out_mem_ptr)
-    {
+    if (m_out_mem_ptr) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Freeing the Output Memory\n");
-        for (i = 0; i < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount; i++ )
-        {
-          free_output_buffer (&m_out_mem_ptr[i]);
+        for (i = 0; i < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount; i++ ) {
+            free_output_buffer (&m_out_mem_ptr[i]);
 #ifdef _ANDROID_ICS_
-        if (m_enable_android_native_buffers)
-        {
-          if (native_buffer[i].inuse)
-          {
-            if (GENLOCK_NO_ERROR != genlock_unlock_buffer(native_buffer[i].nativehandle)) {
-                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Unlocking genlock failed");
+            if (m_enable_android_native_buffers) {
+                if (native_buffer[i].inuse) {
+                    if (GENLOCK_NO_ERROR != genlock_unlock_buffer(native_buffer[i].nativehandle)) {
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Unlocking genlock failed");
+                    }
+                    native_buffer[i].inuse = false;
+                }
-            native_buffer[i].inuse = false;
-          }
-        }
 #ifdef _ANDROID_ICS_
@@ -6369,38 +5665,32 @@
     /*Check if the input buffers have to be cleaned up*/
-    if(m_inp_mem_ptr || m_inp_heap_ptr)
-    {
+    if (m_inp_mem_ptr || m_inp_heap_ptr) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Freeing the Input Memory\n");
-        for (i = 0; i<drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount; i++ )
-        {
-          if (m_inp_mem_ptr)
-            free_input_buffer (i,&m_inp_mem_ptr[i]);
-          else
-            free_input_buffer (i,NULL);
+        for (i = 0; i<drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount; i++ ) {
+            if (m_inp_mem_ptr)
+                free_input_buffer (i,&m_inp_mem_ptr[i]);
+            else
+                free_input_buffer (i,NULL);
-    if(h264_scratch.pBuffer)
-    {
+    if (h264_scratch.pBuffer) {
         h264_scratch.pBuffer = NULL;
-    if (h264_parser)
-    {
+    if (h264_parser) {
         delete h264_parser;
-	h264_parser = NULL;
+        h264_parser = NULL;
-    if(m_platform_list)
-    {
+    if (m_platform_list) {
         m_platform_list = NULL;
-    if(m_vendor_config.pData)
-    {
+    if (m_vendor_config.pData) {
         m_vendor_config.pData = NULL;
@@ -6413,17 +5703,16 @@
     m_cmd_q.m_read = m_cmd_q.m_write =0;
     m_etb_q.m_read = m_etb_q.m_write =0;
 #ifdef _ANDROID_
-    if (m_debug_timestamp)
-    {
-      m_timestamp_list.reset_ts_list();
+    if (m_debug_timestamp) {
+        m_timestamp_list.reset_ts_list();
     //(void)ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VDEC_IOCTL_STOP_NEXT_MSG,
-       // NULL);
+    // NULL);
     DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Close the driver instance");
     if (inputBufferFile1)
         fclose (inputBufferFile1);
@@ -6436,54 +5725,54 @@
     if (outputExtradataFile)
         fclose (outputExtradataFile);
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n omx_vdec::component_deinit() complete");
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n omx_vdec::component_deinit() complete");
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::UseEGLImage
+   omx_vdec::UseEGLImage
-  OMX Use EGL Image method implementation <TBD>.
+   OMX Use EGL Image method implementation <TBD>.
-  <TBD>.
+   <TBD>.
-  Not Implemented error.
+   Not Implemented error.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::use_EGL_image(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE                hComp,
-                                          OMX_INOUT OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE** bufferHdr,
-                                          OMX_IN OMX_U32                        port,
-                                          OMX_IN OMX_PTR                     appData,
-                                          OMX_IN void*                      eglImage)
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32                        port,
+        OMX_IN OMX_PTR                     appData,
+        OMX_IN void*                      eglImage)
-   EGLint fd = -1, offset = 0,pmemPtr = 0;
+    EGLint fd = -1, offset = 0,pmemPtr = 0;
-   int fd = -1, offset = 0;
+    int fd = -1, offset = 0;
-   DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\nuse EGL image support for decoder");
-   if (!bufferHdr || !eglImage|| port != OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
-     DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n ");
-   }
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\nuse EGL image support for decoder");
+    if (!bufferHdr || !eglImage|| port != OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n ");
+    }
-   if(m_display_id == NULL) {
+    if (m_display_id == NULL) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Display ID is not set by IL client \n");
         return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-   }
-                    eglGetProcAddress("eglQueryImageKHR");
-   egl_queryfunc(m_display_id, eglImage, EGL_BUFFER_HANDLE_QCOM,&fd);
-   egl_queryfunc(m_display_id, eglImage, EGL_BUFFER_OFFSET_QCOM,&offset);
-   egl_queryfunc(m_display_id, eglImage, EGL_BITMAP_POINTER_KHR,&pmemPtr);
+    }
+        eglGetProcAddress("eglQueryImageKHR");
+    egl_queryfunc(m_display_id, eglImage, EGL_BUFFER_HANDLE_QCOM,&fd);
+    egl_queryfunc(m_display_id, eglImage, EGL_BUFFER_OFFSET_QCOM,&offset);
+    egl_queryfunc(m_display_id, eglImage, EGL_BITMAP_POINTER_KHR,&pmemPtr);
 #else //with OMX test app
     struct temp_egl {
         int pmem_fd;
@@ -6492,8 +5781,7 @@
     struct temp_egl *temp_egl_id = NULL;
     void * pmemPtr = (void *) eglImage;
     temp_egl_id = (struct temp_egl *)eglImage;
-    if (temp_egl_id != NULL)
-    {
+    if (temp_egl_id != NULL) {
         fd = temp_egl_id->pmem_fd;
         offset = temp_egl_id->offset;
@@ -6501,650 +5789,559 @@
     if (fd < 0) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Improper pmem fd by EGL client %d  \n",fd);
         return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-   }
-   pmem_info.pmem_fd = (OMX_U32) fd;
-   pmem_info.offset = (OMX_U32) offset;
-   pmem_entry.entry = (void *) &pmem_info;
-   pmem_entry.type = OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM;
-   pmem_list.entryList = &pmem_entry;
-   pmem_list.nEntries = 1;
-   ouput_egl_buffers = true;
-   if (OMX_ErrorNone != use_buffer(hComp,bufferHdr, port,
-       (void *)&pmem_list, drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size,
-        (OMX_U8 *)pmemPtr)) {
-     DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("use buffer call failed for egl image\n");
-     return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-   }
-   return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    }
+    pmem_info.pmem_fd = (OMX_U32) fd;
+    pmem_info.offset = (OMX_U32) offset;
+    pmem_entry.entry = (void *) &pmem_info;
+    pmem_entry.type = OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM;
+    pmem_list.entryList = &pmem_entry;
+    pmem_list.nEntries = 1;
+    ouput_egl_buffers = true;
+    if (OMX_ErrorNone != use_buffer(hComp,bufferHdr, port,
+                (void *)&pmem_list, drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size,
+                (OMX_U8 *)pmemPtr)) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("use buffer call failed for egl image\n");
+        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+    }
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::ComponentRoleEnum
+   omx_vdec::ComponentRoleEnum
-  OMX Component Role Enum method implementation.
+   OMX Component Role Enum method implementation.
-  <TBD>.
+   <TBD>.
-  OMX Error None if everything is successful.
-========================================================================== */
+   OMX Error None if everything is successful.
+   ========================================================================== */
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::component_role_enum(OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp,
-                                                OMX_OUT OMX_U8*        role,
-                                                OMX_IN OMX_U32        index)
+        OMX_OUT OMX_U8*        role,
+        OMX_IN OMX_U32        index)
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-  {
-    if((0 == index) && role)
-    {
-      strlcpy((char *)role, "video_decoder.mpeg4",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("component_role_enum: role %s\n",role);
+    if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        if ((0 == index) && role) {
+            strlcpy((char *)role, "video_decoder.mpeg4",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("component_role_enum: role %s\n",role);
+        } else {
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+        }
-    else
-    {
-      eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+    if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        if ((0 == index) && role) {
+            strlcpy((char *)role, "video_decoder.mpeg2",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("component_role_enum: role %s\n",role);
+        } else {
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+        }
+    } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        if ((0 == index) && role) {
+            strlcpy((char *)role, "video_decoder.h263",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("component_role_enum: role %s\n",role);
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n No more roles \n");
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+        }
-  }
-  if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-  {
-    if((0 == index) && role)
-    {
-      strlcpy((char *)role, "video_decoder.mpeg2",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("component_role_enum: role %s\n",role);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
-    }
-  }
-  else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-  {
-    if((0 == index) && role)
-    {
-      strlcpy((char *)role, "video_decoder.h263",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("component_role_enum: role %s\n",role);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n No more roles \n");
-      eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
-    }
-  }
-  else if((!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) ||
-          (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-          )
+    else if ((!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) ||
+            (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
+        )
-  {
-    if((0 == index) && role)
-      strlcpy((char *)role, "video_decoder.divx",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("component_role_enum: role %s\n",role);
+        if ((0 == index) && role) {
+            strlcpy((char *)role, "video_decoder.divx",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("component_role_enum: role %s\n",role);
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n No more roles \n");
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+        }
+    } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        if ((0 == index) && role) {
+            strlcpy((char *)role, "video_decoder.avc",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("component_role_enum: role %s\n",role);
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n No more roles \n");
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+        }
+    } else if ( (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) ||
+            (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
+          ) {
+        if ((0 == index) && role) {
+            strlcpy((char *)role, "video_decoder.vc1",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("component_role_enum: role %s\n",role);
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n No more roles \n");
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+        }
+    } else if (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) {
+        if ((0 == index) && role) {
+            strlcpy((char *)role, "video_decoder.vp8",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("component_role_enum: role %s\n",role);
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n No more roles \n");
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
+        }
+    } else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:Querying Role on Unknown Component\n");
+        eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidComponentName;
-    else
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n No more roles \n");
-      eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
-    }
-  }
-  else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-  {
-    if((0 == index) && role)
-    {
-      strlcpy((char *)role, "video_decoder.avc",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("component_role_enum: role %s\n",role);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n No more roles \n");
-      eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
-    }
-  }
-  else if( (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE)) ||
-           (!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-           )
-  {
-    if((0 == index) && role)
-    {
-      strlcpy((char *)role, "video_decoder.vc1",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("component_role_enum: role %s\n",role);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n No more roles \n");
-      eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
-    }
-  }
-  else if(!strncmp(drv_ctx.kind, "",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE))
-  {
-    if((0 == index) && role)
-    {
-      strlcpy((char *)role, "video_decoder.vp8",OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE);
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("component_role_enum: role %s\n",role);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n No more roles \n");
-      eRet = OMX_ErrorNoMore;
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:Querying Role on Unknown Component\n");
-    eRet = OMX_ErrorInvalidComponentName;
-  }
-  return eRet;
+    return eRet;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::AllocateDone
+   omx_vdec::AllocateDone
-  Checks if entire buffer pool is allocated by IL Client or not.
-  Need this to move to IDLE state.
+   Checks if entire buffer pool is allocated by IL Client or not.
+   Need this to move to IDLE state.
-  None.
+   None.
-  true/false.
+   true/false.
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 bool omx_vdec::allocate_done(void)
-  bool bRet = false;
-  bool bRet_In = false;
-  bool bRet_Out = false;
+    bool bRet = false;
+    bool bRet_In = false;
+    bool bRet_Out = false;
-  bRet_In = allocate_input_done();
-  bRet_Out = allocate_output_done();
+    bRet_In = allocate_input_done();
+    bRet_Out = allocate_output_done();
-  if(bRet_In && bRet_Out)
-  {
-      bRet = true;
-  }
-  return bRet;
-/* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::AllocateInputDone
-  Checks if I/P buffer pool is allocated by IL Client or not.
-  None.
-  true/false.
-========================================================================== */
-bool omx_vdec::allocate_input_done(void)
-  bool bRet = false;
-  unsigned i=0;
-  if (m_inp_mem_ptr == NULL)
-  {
-      return bRet;
-  }
-  if(m_inp_mem_ptr )
-  {
-    for(;i<drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount;i++)
-    {
-      if(BITMASK_ABSENT(&m_inp_bm_count,i))
-      {
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(i == drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount)
-  {
-    bRet = true;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Allocate done for all i/p buffers");
-  }
-  if(i==drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount && m_inp_bEnabled)
-  {
-     m_inp_bPopulated = OMX_TRUE;
-  }
-  return bRet;
-/* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::AllocateOutputDone
-  Checks if entire O/P buffer pool is allocated by IL Client or not.
-  None.
-  true/false.
-========================================================================== */
-bool omx_vdec::allocate_output_done(void)
-  bool bRet = false;
-  unsigned j=0;
-  if (m_out_mem_ptr == NULL)
-  {
-      return bRet;
-  }
-  if (m_out_mem_ptr)
-  {
-    for(;j < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount;j++)
-    {
-      if(BITMASK_ABSENT(&m_out_bm_count,j))
-      {
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if(j == drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount)
-  {
-    bRet = true;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Allocate done for all o/p buffers");
-    if(m_out_bEnabled)
-       m_out_bPopulated = OMX_TRUE;
-  }
-  return bRet;
-/* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::ReleaseDone
-  Checks if IL client has released all the buffers.
-  None.
-  true/false
-========================================================================== */
-bool omx_vdec::release_done(void)
-  bool bRet = false;
-  if(release_input_done())
-  {
-    if(release_output_done())
-    {
+    if (bRet_In && bRet_Out) {
         bRet = true;
-  }
-  return bRet;
+    return bRet;
+/* ======================================================================
+   omx_vdec::AllocateInputDone
+   Checks if I/P buffer pool is allocated by IL Client or not.
+   None.
+   true/false.
+   ========================================================================== */
+bool omx_vdec::allocate_input_done(void)
+    bool bRet = false;
+    unsigned i=0;
+    if (m_inp_mem_ptr == NULL) {
+        return bRet;
+    }
+    if (m_inp_mem_ptr ) {
+        for (; i<drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount; i++) {
+            if (BITMASK_ABSENT(&m_inp_bm_count,i)) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (i == drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount) {
+        bRet = true;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Allocate done for all i/p buffers");
+    }
+    if (i==drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount && m_inp_bEnabled) {
+        m_inp_bPopulated = OMX_TRUE;
+    }
+    return bRet;
+/* ======================================================================
+   omx_vdec::AllocateOutputDone
+   Checks if entire O/P buffer pool is allocated by IL Client or not.
+   None.
+   true/false.
+   ========================================================================== */
+bool omx_vdec::allocate_output_done(void)
+    bool bRet = false;
+    unsigned j=0;
+    if (m_out_mem_ptr == NULL) {
+        return bRet;
+    }
+    if (m_out_mem_ptr) {
+        for (; j < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount; j++) {
+            if (BITMASK_ABSENT(&m_out_bm_count,j)) {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (j == drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
+        bRet = true;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Allocate done for all o/p buffers");
+        if (m_out_bEnabled)
+            m_out_bPopulated = OMX_TRUE;
+    }
+    return bRet;
+/* ======================================================================
+   omx_vdec::ReleaseDone
+   Checks if IL client has released all the buffers.
+   None.
+   true/false
+   ========================================================================== */
+bool omx_vdec::release_done(void)
+    bool bRet = false;
+    if (release_input_done()) {
+        if (release_output_done()) {
+            bRet = true;
+        }
+    }
+    return bRet;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::ReleaseOutputDone
+   omx_vdec::ReleaseOutputDone
-  Checks if IL client has released all the buffers.
+   Checks if IL client has released all the buffers.
-  None.
+   None.
-  true/false
+   true/false
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 bool omx_vdec::release_output_done(void)
-  bool bRet = false;
-  unsigned i=0,j=0;
+    bool bRet = false;
+    unsigned i=0,j=0;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Value of m_out_mem_ptr %p",m_inp_mem_ptr);
-  if(m_out_mem_ptr)
-  {
-      for(;j < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount ; j++)
-      {
-        if(BITMASK_PRESENT(&m_out_bm_count,j))
-        {
-          break;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Value of m_out_mem_ptr %p",m_inp_mem_ptr);
+    if (m_out_mem_ptr) {
+        for (; j < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount ; j++) {
+            if (BITMASK_PRESENT(&m_out_bm_count,j)) {
+                break;
+            }
-      }
-    if(j == drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount)
-    {
-      m_out_bm_count = 0;
-      bRet = true;
+        if (j == drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
+            m_out_bm_count = 0;
+            bRet = true;
+        }
+    } else {
+        m_out_bm_count = 0;
+        bRet = true;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    m_out_bm_count = 0;
-    bRet = true;
-  }
-  return bRet;
+    return bRet;
 /* ======================================================================
-  omx_vdec::ReleaseInputDone
+   omx_vdec::ReleaseInputDone
-  Checks if IL client has released all the buffers.
+   Checks if IL client has released all the buffers.
-  None.
+   None.
-  true/false
+   true/false
-========================================================================== */
+   ========================================================================== */
 bool omx_vdec::release_input_done(void)
-  bool bRet = false;
-  unsigned i=0,j=0;
+    bool bRet = false;
+    unsigned i=0,j=0;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Value of m_inp_mem_ptr %p",m_inp_mem_ptr);
-  if(m_inp_mem_ptr)
-  {
-      for(;j<drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount;j++)
-      {
-        if( BITMASK_PRESENT(&m_inp_bm_count,j))
-        {
-          break;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Value of m_inp_mem_ptr %p",m_inp_mem_ptr);
+    if (m_inp_mem_ptr) {
+        for (; j<drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount; j++) {
+            if ( BITMASK_PRESENT(&m_inp_bm_count,j)) {
+                break;
+            }
-      }
-    if(j==drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount)
-    {
-      bRet = true;
+        if (j==drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount) {
+            bRet = true;
+        }
+    } else {
+        bRet = true;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    bRet = true;
-  }
-  return bRet;
+    return bRet;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::fill_buffer_done(OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp,
-                               OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE * buffer)
+        OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE * buffer)
-  if (!buffer || (buffer - m_out_mem_ptr) >= drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n [FBD] ERROR in ptr(%p)", buffer);
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  else if (output_flush_progress)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("FBD: Buffer (%p) flushed", buffer);
-    buffer->nFilledLen = 0;
-    buffer->nTimeStamp = 0;
-    buffer->nFlags &= ~OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EXTRADATA;
-    buffer->nFlags &= ~QOMX_VIDEO_BUFFERFLAG_EOSEQ;
-    buffer->nFlags &= ~OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DATACORRUPT;
-  }
-  if (m_debug_extradata)
-  {
-    if (buffer->nFlags & QOMX_VIDEO_BUFFERFLAG_EOSEQ)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n");
-      DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("***************************************************\n");
-      DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("FillBufferDone: End Of Sequence Received\n");
-      DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("***************************************************\n");
+    if (!buffer || (buffer - m_out_mem_ptr) >= drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n [FBD] ERROR in ptr(%p)", buffer);
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    } else if (output_flush_progress) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("FBD: Buffer (%p) flushed", buffer);
+        buffer->nFilledLen = 0;
+        buffer->nTimeStamp = 0;
+        buffer->nFlags &= ~OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EXTRADATA;
+        buffer->nFlags &= ~QOMX_VIDEO_BUFFERFLAG_EOSEQ;
+        buffer->nFlags &= ~OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DATACORRUPT;
-    if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DATACORRUPT)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n");
-      DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("***************************************************\n");
-      DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("***************************************************\n");
+    if (m_debug_extradata) {
+        if (buffer->nFlags & QOMX_VIDEO_BUFFERFLAG_EOSEQ) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n");
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("***************************************************\n");
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("FillBufferDone: End Of Sequence Received\n");
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("***************************************************\n");
+        }
+        if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DATACORRUPT) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n");
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("***************************************************\n");
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("FillBufferDone: OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DATACORRUPT Received\n");
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("***************************************************\n");
+        }
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n fill_buffer_done: bufhdr = %p, bufhdr->pBuffer = %p",
-      buffer, buffer->pBuffer);
-  pending_output_buffers --;
-  if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Output EOS has been reached");
-    if (!output_flush_progress)
-      post_event((unsigned)NULL, (unsigned)NULL,
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n fill_buffer_done: bufhdr = %p, bufhdr->pBuffer = %p",
+            buffer, buffer->pBuffer);
+    pending_output_buffers --;
-    if (psource_frame)
-    {
-      m_cb.EmptyBufferDone(&m_cmp, m_app_data, psource_frame);
-      psource_frame = NULL;
+    if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Output EOS has been reached");
+        if (!output_flush_progress)
+            post_event((unsigned)NULL, (unsigned)NULL,
+                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EOS_DONE);
+        if (psource_frame) {
+            m_cb.EmptyBufferDone(&m_cmp, m_app_data, psource_frame);
+            psource_frame = NULL;
+        }
+        if (pdest_frame) {
+            pdest_frame->nFilledLen = 0;
+            m_input_free_q.insert_entry((unsigned) pdest_frame,(unsigned)NULL,
+                    (unsigned)NULL);
+            pdest_frame = NULL;
+        }
-    if (pdest_frame)
-    {
-      pdest_frame->nFilledLen = 0;
-      m_input_free_q.insert_entry((unsigned) pdest_frame,(unsigned)NULL,
-              (unsigned)NULL);
-      pdest_frame = NULL;
-    }
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n In fill Buffer done call address %p ",buffer);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n In fill Buffer done call address %p ",buffer);
-  if (outputBufferFile1 && buffer->nFilledLen)
-  {
-	  int buf_index = buffer - m_out_mem_ptr;
-      int stride = drv_ctx.video_resolution.stride;
-      int scanlines = drv_ctx.video_resolution.scan_lines;
-      char *temp = (char *)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[buf_index].bufferaddr;
-	  unsigned i;
-	  int bytes_written = 0;
-	  for (i = 0; i < drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height; i++) {
-		  bytes_written = fwrite(temp, drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width, 1, outputBufferFile1);
-		  temp += stride;
-	  }
-	  temp = (char *)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[buf_index].bufferaddr + stride * scanlines;
-      int stride_c = stride;
-	  for(i = 0; i < drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height/2; i++) {
-		  bytes_written += fwrite(temp, drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width, 1, outputBufferFile1);
-		  temp += stride_c;
-	  }
-  }
+    if (outputBufferFile1 && buffer->nFilledLen) {
+        int buf_index = buffer - m_out_mem_ptr;
+        int stride = drv_ctx.video_resolution.stride;
+        int scanlines = drv_ctx.video_resolution.scan_lines;
+        char *temp = (char *)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[buf_index].bufferaddr;
+        unsigned i;
+        int bytes_written = 0;
+        for (i = 0; i < drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height; i++) {
+            bytes_written = fwrite(temp, drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width, 1, outputBufferFile1);
+            temp += stride;
+        }
+        temp = (char *)drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[buf_index].bufferaddr + stride * scanlines;
+        int stride_c = stride;
+        for (i = 0; i < drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height/2; i++) {
+            bytes_written += fwrite(temp, drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width, 1, outputBufferFile1);
+            temp += stride_c;
+        }
+    }
-  /* For use buffer we need to copy the data */
-  if (!output_flush_progress)
-  {
-    /* This is the error check for non-recoverable errros */
-    bool is_duplicate_ts_valid = true;
-    bool is_interlaced = (drv_ctx.interlace != VDEC_InterlaceFrameProgressive);
+    /* For use buffer we need to copy the data */
+    if (!output_flush_progress) {
+        /* This is the error check for non-recoverable errros */
+        bool is_duplicate_ts_valid = true;
+        bool is_interlaced = (drv_ctx.interlace != VDEC_InterlaceFrameProgressive);
-    if (output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG4 ||
-      output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2 ||
-      output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_DIVX ||
-      output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_DIVX_311)
-      is_duplicate_ts_valid = false;
+        if (output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG4 ||
+                output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2 ||
+                output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_DIVX ||
+                output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_DIVX_311)
+            is_duplicate_ts_valid = false;
-    if (output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264 && is_interlaced) {
-      bool mbaff = (h264_parser)? (h264_parser->is_mbaff()): false;
-      if (mbaff) {
-        is_interlaced = false;
-      }
-    }
-    if (buffer->nFilledLen > 0) {
-      time_stamp_dts.get_next_timestamp(buffer,
-        is_interlaced && is_duplicate_ts_valid);
-        if (m_debug_timestamp)
-        {
-          {
-            OMX_TICKS expected_ts = 0;
-            m_timestamp_list.pop_min_ts(expected_ts);
-            if (is_interlaced && is_duplicate_ts_valid) {
-              m_timestamp_list.pop_min_ts(expected_ts);
+        if (output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264 && is_interlaced) {
+            bool mbaff = (h264_parser)? (h264_parser->is_mbaff()): false;
+            if (mbaff) {
+                is_interlaced = false;
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Current timestamp (%lld),Popped TIMESTAMP (%lld) from list",
-                           buffer->nTimeStamp, expected_ts);
+        }
-            if (buffer->nTimeStamp != expected_ts) {
-              DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n ERROR in omx_vdec::async_message_process timestamp Check");
+        if (buffer->nFilledLen > 0) {
+            time_stamp_dts.get_next_timestamp(buffer,
+                    is_interlaced && is_duplicate_ts_valid);
+            if (m_debug_timestamp) {
+                {
+                    OMX_TICKS expected_ts = 0;
+                    m_timestamp_list.pop_min_ts(expected_ts);
+                    if (is_interlaced && is_duplicate_ts_valid) {
+                        m_timestamp_list.pop_min_ts(expected_ts);
+                    }
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Current timestamp (%lld),Popped TIMESTAMP (%lld) from list",
+                            buffer->nTimeStamp, expected_ts);
+                    if (buffer->nTimeStamp != expected_ts) {
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n ERROR in omx_vdec::async_message_process timestamp Check");
+                    }
+                }
-          }
+        } else {
+            m_inp_err_count++;
+            time_stamp_dts.remove_time_stamp(
+                    buffer->nTimeStamp,
+                    is_interlaced && is_duplicate_ts_valid);
-    } else {
-      m_inp_err_count++;
-      time_stamp_dts.remove_time_stamp(
-              buffer->nTimeStamp,
-                is_interlaced && is_duplicate_ts_valid);
-  }
-  if (m_cb.FillBufferDone)
-  {
-    if (buffer->nFilledLen > 0)
-    {
-      handle_extradata(buffer);
-      if (client_extradata & OMX_TIMEINFO_EXTRADATA)
-        set_frame_rate(buffer->nTimeStamp);
-      else if (arbitrary_bytes)
-        adjust_timestamp(buffer->nTimeStamp);
-      if (perf_flag)
-      {
-        if (!proc_frms)
-        {
-          dec_time.stop();
-          latency = dec_time.processing_time_us() - latency;
-          DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH(">>> FBD Metrics: Latency(%.2f)mS", latency / 1e3);
-          dec_time.start();
-          fps_metrics.start();
-        }
-        proc_frms++;
-        if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS)
-        {
-          OMX_U64 proc_time = 0;
-          fps_metrics.stop();
-          proc_time = fps_metrics.processing_time_us();
-          DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH(">>> FBD Metrics: proc_frms(%lu) proc_time(%.2f)S fps(%.2f)",
+    if (m_cb.FillBufferDone) {
+        if (buffer->nFilledLen > 0) {
+            handle_extradata(buffer);
+            if (client_extradata & OMX_TIMEINFO_EXTRADATA)
+                set_frame_rate(buffer->nTimeStamp);
+            else if (arbitrary_bytes)
+                adjust_timestamp(buffer->nTimeStamp);
+            if (perf_flag) {
+                if (!proc_frms) {
+                    dec_time.stop();
+                    latency = dec_time.processing_time_us() - latency;
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH(">>> FBD Metrics: Latency(%.2f)mS", latency / 1e3);
+                    dec_time.start();
+                    fps_metrics.start();
+                }
+                proc_frms++;
+                if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) {
+                    OMX_U64 proc_time = 0;
+                    fps_metrics.stop();
+                    proc_time = fps_metrics.processing_time_us();
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH(">>> FBD Metrics: proc_frms(%lu) proc_time(%.2f)S fps(%.2f)",
                             proc_frms, (float)proc_time / 1e6,
                             (float)(1e6 * proc_frms) / proc_time);
-          proc_frms = 0;
-        }
-      }
+                    proc_frms = 0;
+                }
+            }
-  if (outputExtradataFile)
-  {
+            if (outputExtradataFile) {
-    p_extra = (OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *)
-           ((unsigned)(buffer->pBuffer + buffer->nOffset +
-            buffer->nFilledLen + 3)&(~3));
-    while(p_extra &&
-          (OMX_U8*)p_extra < (buffer->pBuffer + buffer->nAllocLen) )
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\nWRITING extradata, size=%d,type=%d",p_extra->nSize, p_extra->eType);
-      fwrite (p_extra,1,p_extra->nSize,outputExtradataFile);
-      if (p_extra->eType == OMX_ExtraDataNone)
-      {
-        break;
-      }
-      p_extra = (OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *) (((OMX_U8 *) p_extra) + p_extra->nSize);
-    }
-  }
+                OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *p_extra = NULL;
+                p_extra = (OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *)
+                    ((unsigned)(buffer->pBuffer + buffer->nOffset +
+                        buffer->nFilledLen + 3)&(~3));
+                while (p_extra &&
+                        (OMX_U8*)p_extra < (buffer->pBuffer + buffer->nAllocLen) ) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\nWRITING extradata, size=%d,type=%d",p_extra->nSize, p_extra->eType);
+                    fwrite (p_extra,1,p_extra->nSize,outputExtradataFile);
+                    if (p_extra->eType == OMX_ExtraDataNone) {
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    p_extra = (OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *) (((OMX_U8 *) p_extra) + p_extra->nSize);
+                }
+            }
-    }
-    if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS){
-      prev_ts = LLONG_MAX;
-      rst_prev_ts = true;
-      }
+        }
+        if (buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) {
+            prev_ts = LLONG_MAX;
+            rst_prev_ts = true;
+        }
-                ((OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST *)
-                buffer->pPlatformPrivate)->entryList->entry;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Before FBD callback Accessed Pmeminfo %lu",pPMEMInfo->pmem_fd);
+             buffer->pPlatformPrivate)->entryList->entry;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Before FBD callback Accessed Pmeminfo %lu",pPMEMInfo->pmem_fd);
 #ifdef _ANDROID_ICS_
-    if (m_enable_android_native_buffers)
-    {
-     if (native_buffer[buffer - m_out_mem_ptr].inuse) {
-      if (GENLOCK_NO_ERROR != genlock_unlock_buffer(native_buffer[buffer - m_out_mem_ptr].nativehandle)) {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Unlocking genlock failed");
-        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-      }
-      else {
-        native_buffer[buffer - m_out_mem_ptr].inuse = false;
-      }
-     }
-    }
+        if (m_enable_android_native_buffers) {
+            if (native_buffer[buffer - m_out_mem_ptr].inuse) {
+                if (GENLOCK_NO_ERROR != genlock_unlock_buffer(native_buffer[buffer - m_out_mem_ptr].nativehandle)) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Unlocking genlock failed");
+                    return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+                } else {
+                    native_buffer[buffer - m_out_mem_ptr].inuse = false;
+                }
+            }
+        }
-    il_buffer = client_buffers.get_il_buf_hdr(buffer);
-    if (il_buffer)
-      m_cb.FillBufferDone (hComp,m_app_data,il_buffer);
-    else {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Invalid buffer address from get_il_buf_hdr");
-      return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+        OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *il_buffer;
+        il_buffer = client_buffers.get_il_buf_hdr(buffer);
+        if (il_buffer)
+            m_cb.FillBufferDone (hComp,m_app_data,il_buffer);
+        else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Invalid buffer address from get_il_buf_hdr");
+            return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+        }
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n After Fill Buffer Done callback %lu",pPMEMInfo->pmem_fd);
+    } else {
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n After Fill Buffer Done callback %lu",pPMEMInfo->pmem_fd);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::empty_buffer_done(OMX_HANDLETYPE         hComp,
-                                          OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* buffer)
+        OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* buffer)
-    if (buffer == NULL || ((buffer - m_inp_mem_ptr) > drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount))
-    {
+    if (buffer == NULL || ((buffer - m_inp_mem_ptr) > drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount)) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n empty_buffer_done: ERROR bufhdr = %p", buffer);
-       return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
     DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n empty_buffer_done: bufhdr = %p, bufhdr->pBuffer = %p",
-        buffer, buffer->pBuffer);
+            buffer, buffer->pBuffer);
-    if (arbitrary_bytes)
-    {
-      if (pdest_frame == NULL && input_flush_progress == false)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Push input from buffer done address of Buffer %p",buffer);
-        pdest_frame = buffer;
-        buffer->nFilledLen = 0;
-        buffer->nTimeStamp = LLONG_MAX;
-        push_input_buffer (hComp);
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Push buffer into freeq address of Buffer %p",buffer);
-        buffer->nFilledLen = 0;
-        if (!m_input_free_q.insert_entry((unsigned)buffer,
-                   (unsigned)NULL, (unsigned)NULL))
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:i/p free Queue is FULL Error");
+    if (arbitrary_bytes) {
+        if (pdest_frame == NULL && input_flush_progress == false) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Push input from buffer done address of Buffer %p",buffer);
+            pdest_frame = buffer;
+            buffer->nFilledLen = 0;
+            buffer->nTimeStamp = LLONG_MAX;
+            push_input_buffer (hComp);
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Push buffer into freeq address of Buffer %p",buffer);
+            buffer->nFilledLen = 0;
+            if (!m_input_free_q.insert_entry((unsigned)buffer,
+                        (unsigned)NULL, (unsigned)NULL)) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:i/p free Queue is FULL Error");
+            }
-      }
-    }
-    else if(m_cb.EmptyBufferDone)
-    {
+    } else if (m_cb.EmptyBufferDone) {
         buffer->nFilledLen = 0;
-        if (input_use_buffer == true){
+        if (input_use_buffer == true) {
             buffer = &m_inp_heap_ptr[buffer-m_inp_mem_ptr];
         m_cb.EmptyBufferDone(hComp ,m_app_data, buffer);
@@ -7154,743 +6351,641 @@
 int omx_vdec::async_message_process (void *context, void* message)
-  omx_vdec* omx = NULL;
-  struct vdec_msginfo *vdec_msg = NULL;
-  struct v4l2_buffer *v4l2_buf_ptr = NULL;
-  struct vdec_output_frameinfo *output_respbuf = NULL;
-	int rc=1;
-  if (context == NULL || message == NULL)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n FATAL ERROR in omx_vdec::async_message_process NULL Check");
-    return -1;
-  }
-  vdec_msg = (struct vdec_msginfo *)message;
-  omx = reinterpret_cast<omx_vdec*>(context);
-  switch (vdec_msg->msgcode)
-  {
-    omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,\
-  break;
-    omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,\
-  break;
-    omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,\
-                     OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_STOP_DONE);
-  break;
-    omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,\
-  break;
-    omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,\
-  break;
-    omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,\
-    break;
-    omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,\
-    break;
-    /* omxhdr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* )
-              vdec_msg->msgdata.input_frame_clientdata; */
-    v4l2_buf_ptr = (v4l2_buffer*)vdec_msg->msgdata.input_frame_clientdata;
-    omxhdr=omx->m_inp_mem_ptr+v4l2_buf_ptr->index;
-    if (omxhdr == NULL ||
-       ((omxhdr - omx->m_inp_mem_ptr) > omx->drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount) )
-    {
-       omxhdr = NULL;
-       vdec_msg->status_code = VDEC_S_EFATAL;
+    omx_vdec* omx = NULL;
+    struct vdec_msginfo *vdec_msg = NULL;
+    struct v4l2_buffer *v4l2_buf_ptr = NULL;
+    struct vdec_output_frameinfo *output_respbuf = NULL;
+    int rc=1;
+    if (context == NULL || message == NULL) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n FATAL ERROR in omx_vdec::async_message_process NULL Check");
+        return -1;
-    if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_INPUT_UNSUPPORTED)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Unsupported input");
-      omx->omx_report_error ();
-    }
-    if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_DATA_CORRUPT)
-    {
-      vdec_msg->status_code = VDEC_S_INPUT_BITSTREAM_ERR;
-    }
-    omx->post_event ((unsigned int)omxhdr,vdec_msg->status_code,
-                     OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD);
-    break;
-      int64_t *timestamp;
-      timestamp = (int64_t *) malloc(sizeof(int64_t));
-      if (timestamp) {
-        *timestamp = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.time_stamp;
-        omx->post_event ((unsigned int)timestamp, vdec_msg->status_code,
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\nField dropped time stamp is %lld",
-             vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.time_stamp);
-      }
-      break;
+    vdec_msg = (struct vdec_msginfo *)message;
-      v4l2_buf_ptr = (v4l2_buffer*)vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.client_data;
-      omxhdr=omx->m_out_mem_ptr+v4l2_buf_ptr->index;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("[RespBufDone] Buf(%p) Ts(%lld) Pic_type(%u)",
-		      omxhdr, vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.time_stamp,
-		      vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.pic_type);
-    if (omxhdr && omxhdr->pOutputPortPrivate &&
-        ((omxhdr - omx->m_out_mem_ptr) < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) &&
-         (((struct vdec_output_frameinfo *)omxhdr->pOutputPortPrivate
-            - omx->drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer) < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount))
-    {
-      if ( vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.len <=  omxhdr->nAllocLen)
-      {
-	omxhdr->nFilledLen = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.len;
-	omxhdr->nOffset = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.offset;
-    omxhdr->nTimeStamp = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.time_stamp;
-    omxhdr->nFlags = 0;
-	if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_EOS)
-	{
-	  omxhdr->nFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS;
-	  //rc = -1;
-	}
-  if (omxhdr->nFilledLen)
-  {
-    omxhdr->nFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME;
-  }
-  if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_KEYFRAME || v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_FLAG_IDRFRAME)
-  {
-    omxhdr->nFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_SYNCFRAME;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    omxhdr->nFlags &= ~OMX_BUFFERFLAG_SYNCFRAME;
-  }
-  if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_FLAG_EOSEQ)
-  {
-    omxhdr->nFlags |= QOMX_VIDEO_BUFFERFLAG_EOSEQ;
-  }
-  if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_FLAG_DECODEONLY)
-  {
-    omxhdr->nFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DECODEONLY;
-  }
-  if (omxhdr && (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_DROP_FRAME) &&
-       !(v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_FLAG_DECODEONLY) &&
-       !(v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_EOS))
-  {
-      omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL,(unsigned int)omxhdr,
-      break;
-  }
-  if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_DATA_CORRUPT)
-  {
-    omxhdr->nFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DATACORRUPT;
-  }
-  vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.bufferaddr =
-      omx->drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[v4l2_buf_ptr->index].bufferaddr;
-  int format_notably_changed = 0;
-  if (omxhdr->nFilledLen &&
-	  (omxhdr->nFilledLen != omx->prev_n_filled_len))
-  {
-	  if ((vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom != omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height) ||
-			  (vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right != omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width)) {
-		  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Height/Width information has changed\n");
-		  omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom;
-		  omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right;
-		  format_notably_changed = 1;
-	  }
-  }
-  if (omxhdr->nFilledLen && (((unsigned)omx->rectangle.nLeft !=
-                      vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.left)
-        || ((unsigned)omx->rectangle.nTop != vdec_msg->
-        || (omx->rectangle.nWidth != vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right)
-        || (omx->rectangle.nHeight != vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom))) {
-	  if ((vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom != omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height) ||
-				  (vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right != omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width)) {
-			  omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom;
-			  omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right;
-			  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Height/Width information has changed. W: %d --> %d, H: %d --> %d\n",
-					  omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width, vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right,
-					  omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height, vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom);
-	  }
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Crop information changed. W: %d --> %d, H: %d -> %d\n",
-		omx->rectangle.nWidth, vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right,
-		omx->rectangle.nHeight, vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom);
-    omx->rectangle.nLeft = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.left;
-    omx->rectangle.nTop = vdec_msg->;
-    omx->rectangle.nWidth = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right;
-    omx->rectangle.nHeight = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom;
-	format_notably_changed = 1;
-  }
-  if (format_notably_changed) {
-	  if(omx->is_video_session_supported()) {
-		  omx->post_event (NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,
-	  } else {
-                  if (!omx->client_buffers.update_buffer_req()) {
-                     DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setting c2D buffer requirements failed");
-                  }
-		  omx->post_event (OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX, OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop,
-	  }
-  }
-  if (omxhdr->nFilledLen)
-	  omx->prev_n_filled_len = omxhdr->nFilledLen;
+    omx = reinterpret_cast<omx_vdec*>(context);
-        output_respbuf = (struct vdec_output_frameinfo *)\
-                          omxhdr->pOutputPortPrivate;
-        output_respbuf->len = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.len;
-        output_respbuf->offset = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.offset;
-        if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_KEYFRAME)
-        {
-          output_respbuf->pic_type = PICTURE_TYPE_I;
-        }
-        if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_PFRAME)
-        {
-          output_respbuf->pic_type = PICTURE_TYPE_P;
-        }
-        if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_BFRAME) {
-          output_respbuf->pic_type = PICTURE_TYPE_B;
-        }
+    switch (vdec_msg->msgcode) {
-        if (omx->output_use_buffer)
-          memcpy ( omxhdr->pBuffer, (void *)
-                   ((unsigned long)vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.bufferaddr +
-                    (unsigned long)vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.offset),
-                    vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.len);
-      }
-      else
-        omxhdr->nFilledLen = 0;
-      omx->post_event ((unsigned int)omxhdr, vdec_msg->status_code,
-                       OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_FBD);
+        case VDEC_MSG_EVT_HW_ERROR:
+            omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,\
+            break;
+            omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,\
+            break;
+        case VDEC_MSG_RESP_STOP_DONE:
+            omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,\
+            break;
+            omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,\
+            break;
+            omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,\
+            break;
+            omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,\
+            break;
+            omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,\
+            break;
+            /* omxhdr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* )
+               vdec_msg->msgdata.input_frame_clientdata; */
+            v4l2_buf_ptr = (v4l2_buffer*)vdec_msg->msgdata.input_frame_clientdata;
+            omxhdr=omx->m_inp_mem_ptr+v4l2_buf_ptr->index;
+            if (omxhdr == NULL ||
+                    ((omxhdr - omx->m_inp_mem_ptr) > omx->drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount) ) {
+                omxhdr = NULL;
+                vdec_msg->status_code = VDEC_S_EFATAL;
+            }
+            if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_INPUT_UNSUPPORTED) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Unsupported input");
+                omx->omx_report_error ();
+            }
+            if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_DATA_CORRUPT) {
+                vdec_msg->status_code = VDEC_S_INPUT_BITSTREAM_ERR;
+            }
+            omx->post_event ((unsigned int)omxhdr,vdec_msg->status_code,
+                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD);
+            break;
+            int64_t *timestamp;
+            timestamp = (int64_t *) malloc(sizeof(int64_t));
+            if (timestamp) {
+                *timestamp = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.time_stamp;
+                omx->post_event ((unsigned int)timestamp, vdec_msg->status_code,
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\nField dropped time stamp is %lld",
+                        vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.time_stamp);
+            }
+            break;
+            v4l2_buf_ptr = (v4l2_buffer*)vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.client_data;
+            omxhdr=omx->m_out_mem_ptr+v4l2_buf_ptr->index;
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("[RespBufDone] Buf(%p) Ts(%lld) Pic_type(%u)",
+                    omxhdr, vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.time_stamp,
+                    vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.pic_type);
+            if (omxhdr && omxhdr->pOutputPortPrivate &&
+                    ((omxhdr - omx->m_out_mem_ptr) < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) &&
+                    (((struct vdec_output_frameinfo *)omxhdr->pOutputPortPrivate
+                      - omx->drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer) < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount)) {
+                if ( vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.len <=  omxhdr->nAllocLen) {
+                    omxhdr->nFilledLen = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.len;
+                    omxhdr->nOffset = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.offset;
+                    omxhdr->nTimeStamp = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.time_stamp;
+                    omxhdr->nFlags = 0;
+                    if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_EOS) {
+                        omxhdr->nFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS;
+                        //rc = -1;
+                    }
+                    if (omxhdr->nFilledLen) {
+                        omxhdr->nFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME;
+                    }
+                    if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_KEYFRAME || v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_FLAG_IDRFRAME) {
+                        omxhdr->nFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_SYNCFRAME;
+                    } else {
+                        omxhdr->nFlags &= ~OMX_BUFFERFLAG_SYNCFRAME;
+                    }
+                    if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_FLAG_EOSEQ) {
+                        omxhdr->nFlags |= QOMX_VIDEO_BUFFERFLAG_EOSEQ;
+                    }
+                    if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_FLAG_DECODEONLY) {
+                        omxhdr->nFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DECODEONLY;
+                    }
+                    if (omxhdr && (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_DROP_FRAME) &&
+                            !(v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_FLAG_DECODEONLY) &&
+                            !(v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_EOS)) {
+                        omx->post_event ((unsigned)NULL,(unsigned int)omxhdr,
+                                OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_FTB);
+                        break;
+                    }
+                    if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_QCOM_BUF_DATA_CORRUPT) {
+                        omxhdr->nFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DATACORRUPT;
+                    }
+                    vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.bufferaddr =
+                        omx->drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[v4l2_buf_ptr->index].bufferaddr;
+                    int format_notably_changed = 0;
+                    if (omxhdr->nFilledLen &&
+                            (omxhdr->nFilledLen != omx->prev_n_filled_len)) {
+                        if ((vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom != omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height) ||
+                                (vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right != omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width)) {
+                            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Height/Width information has changed\n");
+                            omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom;
+                            omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right;
+                            format_notably_changed = 1;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (omxhdr->nFilledLen && (((unsigned)omx->rectangle.nLeft !=
+                                    vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.left)
+                                || ((unsigned)omx->rectangle.nTop != vdec_msg->
+                                || (omx->rectangle.nWidth != vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right)
+                                || (omx->rectangle.nHeight != vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom))) {
+                        if ((vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom != omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height) ||
+                                (vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right != omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width)) {
+                            omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom;
+                            omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right;
+                            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Height/Width information has changed. W: %d --> %d, H: %d --> %d\n",
+                                    omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width, vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right,
+                                    omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height, vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom);
+                        }
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Crop information changed. W: %d --> %d, H: %d -> %d\n",
+                                omx->rectangle.nWidth, vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right,
+                                omx->rectangle.nHeight, vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom);
+                        omx->rectangle.nLeft = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.left;
+                        omx->rectangle.nTop = vdec_msg->;
+                        omx->rectangle.nWidth = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.right;
+                        omx->rectangle.nHeight = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.framesize.bottom;
+                        format_notably_changed = 1;
+                    }
+                    if (format_notably_changed) {
+                        if (omx->is_video_session_supported()) {
+                            omx->post_event (NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,
+                                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_UNSUPPORTED_SETTING);
+                        } else {
+                            if (!omx->client_buffers.update_buffer_req()) {
+                                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setting c2D buffer requirements failed");
+                            }
+                            omx->post_event (OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX, OMX_IndexConfigCommonOutputCrop,
+                                    OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_PORT_RECONFIG);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (omxhdr->nFilledLen)
+                        omx->prev_n_filled_len = omxhdr->nFilledLen;
+                    output_respbuf = (struct vdec_output_frameinfo *)\
+                             omxhdr->pOutputPortPrivate;
+                    output_respbuf->len = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.len;
+                    output_respbuf->offset = vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.offset;
+                    if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_KEYFRAME) {
+                        output_respbuf->pic_type = PICTURE_TYPE_I;
+                    }
+                    if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_PFRAME) {
+                        output_respbuf->pic_type = PICTURE_TYPE_P;
+                    }
+                    if (v4l2_buf_ptr->flags & V4L2_BUF_FLAG_BFRAME) {
+                        output_respbuf->pic_type = PICTURE_TYPE_B;
+                    }
+                    if (omx->output_use_buffer)
+                        memcpy ( omxhdr->pBuffer, (void *)
+                                ((unsigned long)vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.bufferaddr +
+                                 (unsigned long)vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.offset),
+                                vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.len);
+                } else
+                    omxhdr->nFilledLen = 0;
+                omx->post_event ((unsigned int)omxhdr, vdec_msg->status_code,
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_FBD);
+            } else if (vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.flags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS)
+                omx->post_event ((unsigned int)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,
+                        OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EOS_DONE);
+            else
+                omx->post_event ((unsigned int)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,
+            break;
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Port settings changed");
+            omx->post_event (OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition,
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
-    else if (vdec_msg->msgdata.output_frame.flags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS)
-      omx->post_event ((unsigned int)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,
-                       OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EOS_DONE);
-    else
-      omx->post_event ((unsigned int)NULL, vdec_msg->status_code,
-    break;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Port settings changed");
-    omx->post_event (OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX, OMX_IndexParamPortDefinition,
-    break;
-  default:
-    break;
-  }
-  return rc;
+    return rc;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::empty_this_buffer_proxy_arbitrary (
-                                                   OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp,
-                                                   OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *buffer
-                                                           )
+        OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp,
+        )
-  unsigned address,p2,id;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Empty this arbitrary");
+    unsigned address,p2,id;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Empty this arbitrary");
-  if (buffer == NULL)
-  {
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n ETBProxyArb: bufhdr = %p, bufhdr->pBuffer = %p", buffer, buffer->pBuffer);
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n ETBProxyArb: nFilledLen %lu, flags %lu, timestamp %lld",
-        buffer->nFilledLen, buffer->nFlags, buffer->nTimeStamp);
-  /* return zero length and not an EOS buffer */
-  /* return buffer if input flush in progress */
-  if ((input_flush_progress == true) || ((buffer->nFilledLen == 0) &&
-     ((buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) == 0)))
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n return zero legth buffer or flush in progress");
-    m_cb.EmptyBufferDone (hComp,m_app_data,buffer);
-    return OMX_ErrorNone;
-  }
-  if (psource_frame == NULL)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Set Buffer as source Buffer %p time stamp %lld",buffer,buffer->nTimeStamp);
-    psource_frame = buffer;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Try to Push One Input Buffer ");
-    push_input_buffer (hComp);
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Push the source buffer into pendingq %p",buffer);
-    if (!m_input_pending_q.insert_entry((unsigned)buffer, (unsigned)NULL,
-                (unsigned)NULL))
-    {
-      return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    if (buffer == NULL) {
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n ETBProxyArb: bufhdr = %p, bufhdr->pBuffer = %p", buffer, buffer->pBuffer);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n ETBProxyArb: nFilledLen %lu, flags %lu, timestamp %lld",
+            buffer->nFilledLen, buffer->nFlags, buffer->nTimeStamp);
+    /* return zero length and not an EOS buffer */
+    /* return buffer if input flush in progress */
+    if ((input_flush_progress == true) || ((buffer->nFilledLen == 0) &&
+                ((buffer->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) == 0))) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n return zero legth buffer or flush in progress");
+        m_cb.EmptyBufferDone (hComp,m_app_data,buffer);
+        return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    }
+    if (psource_frame == NULL) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Set Buffer as source Buffer %p time stamp %lld",buffer,buffer->nTimeStamp);
+        psource_frame = buffer;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Try to Push One Input Buffer ");
+        push_input_buffer (hComp);
+    } else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Push the source buffer into pendingq %p",buffer);
+        if (!m_input_pending_q.insert_entry((unsigned)buffer, (unsigned)NULL,
+                    (unsigned)NULL)) {
+            return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+        }
+    }
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::push_input_buffer (OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp)
-  unsigned address,p2,id;
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    unsigned address,p2,id;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  if (pdest_frame == NULL || psource_frame == NULL)
-  {
-    /*Check if we have a destination buffer*/
-    if (pdest_frame == NULL)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Get a Destination buffer from the queue");
-      if (m_input_free_q.m_size)
-      {
-        m_input_free_q.pop_entry(&address,&p2,&id);
-        pdest_frame = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)address;
-        pdest_frame->nFilledLen = 0;
-        pdest_frame->nTimeStamp = LLONG_MAX;
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Address of Pmem Buffer %p",pdest_frame);
-      }
+    if (pdest_frame == NULL || psource_frame == NULL) {
+        /*Check if we have a destination buffer*/
+        if (pdest_frame == NULL) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Get a Destination buffer from the queue");
+            if (m_input_free_q.m_size) {
+                m_input_free_q.pop_entry(&address,&p2,&id);
+                pdest_frame = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)address;
+                pdest_frame->nFilledLen = 0;
+                pdest_frame->nTimeStamp = LLONG_MAX;
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Address of Pmem Buffer %p",pdest_frame);
+            }
+        }
+        /*Check if we have a destination buffer*/
+        if (psource_frame == NULL) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Get a source buffer from the queue");
+            if (m_input_pending_q.m_size) {
+                m_input_pending_q.pop_entry(&address,&p2,&id);
+                psource_frame = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)address;
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Next source Buffer %p time stamp %lld",psource_frame,
+                        psource_frame->nTimeStamp);
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Next source Buffer flag %lu length %lu",
+                        psource_frame->nFlags,psource_frame->nFilledLen);
+            }
+        }
-    /*Check if we have a destination buffer*/
-    if (psource_frame == NULL)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Get a source buffer from the queue");
-      if (m_input_pending_q.m_size)
-      {
-        m_input_pending_q.pop_entry(&address,&p2,&id);
-        psource_frame = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)address;
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Next source Buffer %p time stamp %lld",psource_frame,
-                psource_frame->nTimeStamp);
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Next source Buffer flag %lu length %lu",
-        psource_frame->nFlags,psource_frame->nFilledLen);
-      }
+    while ((pdest_frame != NULL) && (psource_frame != NULL)) {
+        switch (codec_type_parse) {
+            case CODEC_TYPE_MPEG4:
+            case CODEC_TYPE_H263:
+            case CODEC_TYPE_MPEG2:
+                ret =  push_input_sc_codec(hComp);
+                break;
+            case CODEC_TYPE_H264:
+                ret = push_input_h264(hComp);
+                break;
+            case CODEC_TYPE_VC1:
+                ret = push_input_vc1(hComp);
+                break;
+            default:
+                break;
+        }
+        if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Pushing input Buffer Failed");
+            omx_report_error ();
+            break;
+        }
-  }
-  while ((pdest_frame != NULL) && (psource_frame != NULL))
-  {
-    switch (codec_type_parse)
-    {
-      case CODEC_TYPE_MPEG4:
-      case CODEC_TYPE_H263:
-      case CODEC_TYPE_MPEG2:
-        ret =  push_input_sc_codec(hComp);
-      break;
-      case CODEC_TYPE_H264:
-        ret = push_input_h264(hComp);
-      break;
-      case CODEC_TYPE_VC1:
-        ret = push_input_vc1(hComp);
-      break;
-      default:
-      break;
-    }
-    if (ret != OMX_ErrorNone)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Pushing input Buffer Failed");
-      omx_report_error ();
-      break;
-    }
-  }
-  return ret;
+    return ret;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::push_input_sc_codec(OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp)
-  OMX_U32 partial_frame = 1;
-  OMX_BOOL generate_ebd = OMX_TRUE;
-  unsigned address = 0, p2 = 0, id = 0;
+    OMX_U32 partial_frame = 1;
+    OMX_BOOL generate_ebd = OMX_TRUE;
+    unsigned address = 0, p2 = 0, id = 0;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Start Parsing the bit stream address %p TimeStamp %lld",
-        psource_frame,psource_frame->nTimeStamp);
-  if (m_frame_parser.parse_sc_frame(psource_frame,
-                                       pdest_frame,&partial_frame) == -1)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Error In Parsing Return Error");
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  if (partial_frame == 0)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Frame size %lu source %p frame count %d",
-          pdest_frame->nFilledLen,psource_frame,frame_count);
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n TimeStamp updated %lld", pdest_frame->nTimeStamp);
-    /*First Parsed buffer will have only header Hence skip*/
-    if (frame_count == 0)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n H263/MPEG4 Codec First Frame ");
-      if(codec_type_parse == CODEC_TYPE_MPEG4 ||
-         codec_type_parse == CODEC_TYPE_DIVX) {
-        mp4StreamType psBits;
- = pdest_frame->pBuffer + pdest_frame->nOffset;
-        psBits.numBytes = pdest_frame->nFilledLen;
-        mp4_headerparser.parseHeader(&psBits);
-      }
-      frame_count++;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Start Parsing the bit stream address %p TimeStamp %lld",
+            psource_frame,psource_frame->nTimeStamp);
+    if (m_frame_parser.parse_sc_frame(psource_frame,
+                pdest_frame,&partial_frame) == -1) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Error In Parsing Return Error");
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-    else
-    {
-      pdest_frame->nFlags &= ~OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS;
-      if(pdest_frame->nFilledLen)
-      {
-        /*Push the frame to the Decoder*/
-        if (empty_this_buffer_proxy(hComp,pdest_frame) != OMX_ErrorNone)
-        {
-          return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    if (partial_frame == 0) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Frame size %lu source %p frame count %d",
+                pdest_frame->nFilledLen,psource_frame,frame_count);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n TimeStamp updated %lld", pdest_frame->nTimeStamp);
+        /*First Parsed buffer will have only header Hence skip*/
+        if (frame_count == 0) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n H263/MPEG4 Codec First Frame ");
+            if (codec_type_parse == CODEC_TYPE_MPEG4 ||
+                    codec_type_parse == CODEC_TYPE_DIVX) {
+                mp4StreamType psBits;
+       = pdest_frame->pBuffer + pdest_frame->nOffset;
+                psBits.numBytes = pdest_frame->nFilledLen;
+                mp4_headerparser.parseHeader(&psBits);
+            }
+            frame_count++;
+        } else {
+            pdest_frame->nFlags &= ~OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS;
+            if (pdest_frame->nFilledLen) {
+                /*Push the frame to the Decoder*/
+                if (empty_this_buffer_proxy(hComp,pdest_frame) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                }
+                frame_count++;
+                pdest_frame = NULL;
+                if (m_input_free_q.m_size) {
+                    m_input_free_q.pop_entry(&address,&p2,&id);
+                    pdest_frame = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *) address;
+                    pdest_frame->nFilledLen = 0;
+                }
+            } else if (!(psource_frame->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS)) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nZero len buffer return back to POOL");
+                m_input_free_q.insert_entry((unsigned) pdest_frame, (unsigned)NULL,
+                        (unsigned)NULL);
+                pdest_frame = NULL;
+            }
-        frame_count++;
-        pdest_frame = NULL;
-        if (m_input_free_q.m_size)
-        {
-          m_input_free_q.pop_entry(&address,&p2,&id);
-          pdest_frame = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *) address;
-          pdest_frame->nFilledLen = 0;
+    } else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Not a Complete Frame %lu",pdest_frame->nFilledLen);
+        /*Check if Destination Buffer is full*/
+        if (pdest_frame->nAllocLen ==
+                pdest_frame->nFilledLen + pdest_frame->nOffset) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:Frame Not found though Destination Filled");
+            return OMX_ErrorStreamCorrupt;
-      }
-      else if(!(psource_frame->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS))
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nZero len buffer return back to POOL");
-        m_input_free_q.insert_entry((unsigned) pdest_frame, (unsigned)NULL,
-                (unsigned)NULL);
-        pdest_frame = NULL;
-      }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Not a Complete Frame %lu",pdest_frame->nFilledLen);
-    /*Check if Destination Buffer is full*/
-    if (pdest_frame->nAllocLen ==
-        pdest_frame->nFilledLen + pdest_frame->nOffset)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:Frame Not found though Destination Filled");
-      return OMX_ErrorStreamCorrupt;
-    }
-  }
-  if (psource_frame->nFilledLen == 0)
-  {
-    if (psource_frame->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS)
-    {
-      if (pdest_frame)
-      {
-        pdest_frame->nFlags |= psource_frame->nFlags;
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Frame Found start Decoding Size =%lu TimeStamp = %lld",
-                     pdest_frame->nFilledLen,pdest_frame->nTimeStamp);
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Found a frame size = %lu number = %d",
-                     pdest_frame->nFilledLen,frame_count++);
-        /*Push the frame to the Decoder*/
-        if (empty_this_buffer_proxy(hComp,pdest_frame) != OMX_ErrorNone)
-        {
-          return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    if (psource_frame->nFilledLen == 0) {
+        if (psource_frame->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) {
+            if (pdest_frame) {
+                pdest_frame->nFlags |= psource_frame->nFlags;
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Frame Found start Decoding Size =%lu TimeStamp = %lld",
+                        pdest_frame->nFilledLen,pdest_frame->nTimeStamp);
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Found a frame size = %lu number = %d",
+                        pdest_frame->nFilledLen,frame_count++);
+                /*Push the frame to the Decoder*/
+                if (empty_this_buffer_proxy(hComp,pdest_frame) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                }
+                frame_count++;
+                pdest_frame = NULL;
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Last frame in else dest addr") ;
+                generate_ebd = OMX_FALSE;
+            }
-        frame_count++;
-        pdest_frame = NULL;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Last frame in else dest addr") ;
-        generate_ebd = OMX_FALSE;
-      }
-   }
-    if(generate_ebd)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Buffer Consumed return back to client %p",psource_frame);
-      m_cb.EmptyBufferDone (hComp,m_app_data,psource_frame);
-      psource_frame = NULL;
+        if (generate_ebd) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Buffer Consumed return back to client %p",psource_frame);
+            m_cb.EmptyBufferDone (hComp,m_app_data,psource_frame);
+            psource_frame = NULL;
-      if (m_input_pending_q.m_size)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Pull Next source Buffer %p",psource_frame);
-        m_input_pending_q.pop_entry(&address,&p2,&id);
-        psource_frame = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *) address;
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Next source Buffer %p time stamp %lld",psource_frame,
-                psource_frame->nTimeStamp);
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Next source Buffer flag %lu length %lu",
-        psource_frame->nFlags,psource_frame->nFilledLen);
-      }
+            if (m_input_pending_q.m_size) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Pull Next source Buffer %p",psource_frame);
+                m_input_pending_q.pop_entry(&address,&p2,&id);
+                psource_frame = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *) address;
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Next source Buffer %p time stamp %lld",psource_frame,
+                        psource_frame->nTimeStamp);
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Next source Buffer flag %lu length %lu",
+                        psource_frame->nFlags,psource_frame->nFilledLen);
+            }
+        }
-   }
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::push_input_h264 (OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp)
-  OMX_U32 partial_frame = 1;
-  unsigned address = 0, p2 = 0, id = 0;
-  OMX_BOOL isNewFrame = OMX_FALSE;
-  OMX_BOOL generate_ebd = OMX_TRUE;
+    OMX_U32 partial_frame = 1;
+    unsigned address = 0, p2 = 0, id = 0;
+    OMX_BOOL isNewFrame = OMX_FALSE;
+    OMX_BOOL generate_ebd = OMX_TRUE;
-  if (h264_scratch.pBuffer == NULL)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:H.264 Scratch Buffer not allocated");
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Pending h264_scratch.nFilledLen %lu "
-      "look_ahead_nal %d", h264_scratch.nFilledLen, look_ahead_nal);
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Pending pdest_frame->nFilledLen %lu",pdest_frame->nFilledLen);
-  if (h264_scratch.nFilledLen && look_ahead_nal)
-  {
-    look_ahead_nal = false;
-    if ((pdest_frame->nAllocLen - pdest_frame->nFilledLen) >=
-         h264_scratch.nFilledLen)
-    {
-      memcpy ((pdest_frame->pBuffer + pdest_frame->nFilledLen),
-              h264_scratch.pBuffer,h264_scratch.nFilledLen);
-      pdest_frame->nFilledLen += h264_scratch.nFilledLen;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Copy the previous NAL (h264 scratch) into Dest frame");
-      h264_scratch.nFilledLen = 0;
+    if (h264_scratch.pBuffer == NULL) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:H.264 Scratch Buffer not allocated");
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-    else
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Error:1: Destination buffer overflow for H264");
-      return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-    }
-  }
-  if (nal_length == 0)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Zero NAL, hence parse using start code");
-    if (m_frame_parser.parse_sc_frame(psource_frame,
-        &h264_scratch,&partial_frame) == -1)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Error In Parsing Return Error");
-      return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-    }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Non-zero NAL length clip, hence parse with NAL size %d ",nal_length);
-    if (m_frame_parser.parse_h264_nallength(psource_frame,
-        &h264_scratch,&partial_frame) == -1)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Error In Parsing NAL size, Return Error");
-      return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-    }
-  }
-  if (partial_frame == 0)
-  {
-    if (nal_count == 0 && h264_scratch.nFilledLen == 0)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n First NAL with Zero Length, hence Skip");
-      nal_count++;
-      h264_scratch.nTimeStamp = psource_frame->nTimeStamp;
-      h264_scratch.nFlags = psource_frame->nFlags;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Parsed New NAL Length = %lu",h264_scratch.nFilledLen);
-      if(h264_scratch.nFilledLen)
-      {
-          h264_parser->parse_nal((OMX_U8*)h264_scratch.pBuffer, h264_scratch.nFilledLen,
-                                 NALU_TYPE_SPS);
-        if (client_extradata & OMX_TIMEINFO_EXTRADATA)
-          h264_parser->parse_nal((OMX_U8*)h264_scratch.pBuffer,
-                                  h264_scratch.nFilledLen, NALU_TYPE_SEI);
-        else if (client_extradata & OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA)
-          // If timeinfo is present frame info from SEI is already processed
-          h264_parser->parse_nal((OMX_U8*)h264_scratch.pBuffer,
-                                  h264_scratch.nFilledLen, NALU_TYPE_SEI);
-        m_frame_parser.mutils->isNewFrame(&h264_scratch, 0, isNewFrame);
-        nal_count++;
-        if (VALID_TS(h264_last_au_ts) && !VALID_TS(pdest_frame->nTimeStamp)) {
-          pdest_frame->nTimeStamp = h264_last_au_ts;
-          pdest_frame->nFlags = h264_last_au_flags;
-          if (client_extradata & OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA)
-            h264_parser->update_panscan_data(h264_last_au_ts);
-        }
-        if(m_frame_parser.mutils->nalu_type == NALU_TYPE_NON_IDR ||
-           m_frame_parser.mutils->nalu_type == NALU_TYPE_IDR) {
-          h264_last_au_ts = h264_scratch.nTimeStamp;
-          h264_last_au_flags = h264_scratch.nFlags;
-          if (client_extradata & OMX_TIMEINFO_EXTRADATA)
-          {
-            OMX_S64 ts_in_sei = h264_parser->process_ts_with_sei_vui(h264_last_au_ts);
-            if (!VALID_TS(h264_last_au_ts))
-              h264_last_au_ts = ts_in_sei;
-          }
-        } else
-          h264_last_au_ts = LLONG_MAX;
-      }
-      if (!isNewFrame)
-      {
-        if ( (pdest_frame->nAllocLen - pdest_frame->nFilledLen) >=
-            h264_scratch.nFilledLen)
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Not a NewFrame Copy into Dest len %lu",
-              h264_scratch.nFilledLen);
-          memcpy ((pdest_frame->pBuffer + pdest_frame->nFilledLen),
-              h264_scratch.pBuffer,h264_scratch.nFilledLen);
-          pdest_frame->nFilledLen += h264_scratch.nFilledLen;
-          if(m_frame_parser.mutils->nalu_type == NALU_TYPE_EOSEQ)
-            pdest_frame->nFlags |= QOMX_VIDEO_BUFFERFLAG_EOSEQ;
-          h264_scratch.nFilledLen = 0;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Error:2: Destination buffer overflow for H264");
-          return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-        }
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        look_ahead_nal = true;
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Frame Found start Decoding Size =%lu TimeStamp = %llx",
-                     pdest_frame->nFilledLen,pdest_frame->nTimeStamp);
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Found a frame size = %lu number = %d",
-                     pdest_frame->nFilledLen,frame_count++);
-        if (pdest_frame->nFilledLen == 0)
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Copy the Current Frame since and push it");
-          look_ahead_nal = false;
-          if ( (pdest_frame->nAllocLen - pdest_frame->nFilledLen) >=
-               h264_scratch.nFilledLen)
-          {
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Pending h264_scratch.nFilledLen %lu "
+            "look_ahead_nal %d", h264_scratch.nFilledLen, look_ahead_nal);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Pending pdest_frame->nFilledLen %lu",pdest_frame->nFilledLen);
+    if (h264_scratch.nFilledLen && look_ahead_nal) {
+        look_ahead_nal = false;
+        if ((pdest_frame->nAllocLen - pdest_frame->nFilledLen) >=
+                h264_scratch.nFilledLen) {
             memcpy ((pdest_frame->pBuffer + pdest_frame->nFilledLen),
             pdest_frame->nFilledLen += h264_scratch.nFilledLen;
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Copy the previous NAL (h264 scratch) into Dest frame");
             h264_scratch.nFilledLen = 0;
-          }
-          else
-          {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Error:3: Destination buffer overflow for H264");
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Error:1: Destination buffer overflow for H264");
             return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-          }
-        else
-        {
-          if(psource_frame->nFilledLen || h264_scratch.nFilledLen)
-          {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Reset the EOS Flag");
-            pdest_frame->nFlags &= ~OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS;
-          }
-          /*Push the frame to the Decoder*/
-          if (empty_this_buffer_proxy(hComp,pdest_frame) != OMX_ErrorNone)
-          {
+    }
+    if (nal_length == 0) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Zero NAL, hence parse using start code");
+        if (m_frame_parser.parse_sc_frame(psource_frame,
+                    &h264_scratch,&partial_frame) == -1) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Error In Parsing Return Error");
             return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-          }
-          //frame_count++;
-          pdest_frame = NULL;
-          if (m_input_free_q.m_size)
-          {
-            m_input_free_q.pop_entry(&address,&p2,&id);
-            pdest_frame = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *) address;
-            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Pop the next pdest_buffer %p",pdest_frame);
-            pdest_frame->nFilledLen = 0;
-            pdest_frame->nFlags = 0;
-            pdest_frame->nTimeStamp = LLONG_MAX;
-          }
-      }
+    } else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Non-zero NAL length clip, hence parse with NAL size %d ",nal_length);
+        if (m_frame_parser.parse_h264_nallength(psource_frame,
+                    &h264_scratch,&partial_frame) == -1) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Error In Parsing NAL size, Return Error");
+            return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+        }
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Not a Complete Frame, pdest_frame->nFilledLen %lu",pdest_frame->nFilledLen);
-    /*Check if Destination Buffer is full*/
-    if (h264_scratch.nAllocLen ==
-        h264_scratch.nFilledLen + h264_scratch.nOffset)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR: Frame Not found though Destination Filled");
-      return OMX_ErrorStreamCorrupt;
-    }
-  }
-  if (!psource_frame->nFilledLen)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Buffer Consumed return source %p back to client",psource_frame);
-    if (psource_frame->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS)
-    {
-      if (pdest_frame)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n EOS Reached Pass Last Buffer");
-        if ( (pdest_frame->nAllocLen - pdest_frame->nFilledLen) >=
-             h264_scratch.nFilledLen)
-        {
-          memcpy ((pdest_frame->pBuffer + pdest_frame->nFilledLen),
-                  h264_scratch.pBuffer,h264_scratch.nFilledLen);
-          pdest_frame->nFilledLen += h264_scratch.nFilledLen;
-          h264_scratch.nFilledLen = 0;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:4: Destination buffer overflow for H264");
-          return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-        }
-        pdest_frame->nTimeStamp = h264_scratch.nTimeStamp;
-        pdest_frame->nFlags = h264_scratch.nFlags | psource_frame->nFlags;
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n pdest_frame->nFilledLen =%lu TimeStamp = %llx",
-                     pdest_frame->nFilledLen,pdest_frame->nTimeStamp);
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Push AU frame number %d to driver", frame_count++);
+    if (partial_frame == 0) {
+        if (nal_count == 0 && h264_scratch.nFilledLen == 0) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n First NAL with Zero Length, hence Skip");
+            nal_count++;
+            h264_scratch.nTimeStamp = psource_frame->nTimeStamp;
+            h264_scratch.nFlags = psource_frame->nFlags;
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Parsed New NAL Length = %lu",h264_scratch.nFilledLen);
+            if (h264_scratch.nFilledLen) {
+                h264_parser->parse_nal((OMX_U8*)h264_scratch.pBuffer, h264_scratch.nFilledLen,
+                        NALU_TYPE_SPS);
-        if (client_extradata & OMX_TIMEINFO_EXTRADATA)
-        {
-          OMX_S64 ts_in_sei = h264_parser->process_ts_with_sei_vui(pdest_frame->nTimeStamp);
-          if (!VALID_TS(pdest_frame->nTimeStamp))
-            pdest_frame->nTimeStamp = ts_in_sei;
-        }
+                if (client_extradata & OMX_TIMEINFO_EXTRADATA)
+                    h264_parser->parse_nal((OMX_U8*)h264_scratch.pBuffer,
+                            h264_scratch.nFilledLen, NALU_TYPE_SEI);
+                else if (client_extradata & OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA)
+                    // If timeinfo is present frame info from SEI is already processed
+                    h264_parser->parse_nal((OMX_U8*)h264_scratch.pBuffer,
+                            h264_scratch.nFilledLen, NALU_TYPE_SEI);
-        /*Push the frame to the Decoder*/
-        if (empty_this_buffer_proxy(hComp,pdest_frame) != OMX_ErrorNone)
-        {
-          return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                m_frame_parser.mutils->isNewFrame(&h264_scratch, 0, isNewFrame);
+                nal_count++;
+                if (VALID_TS(h264_last_au_ts) && !VALID_TS(pdest_frame->nTimeStamp)) {
+                    pdest_frame->nTimeStamp = h264_last_au_ts;
+                    pdest_frame->nFlags = h264_last_au_flags;
+                    if (client_extradata & OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA)
+                        h264_parser->update_panscan_data(h264_last_au_ts);
+                }
+                if (m_frame_parser.mutils->nalu_type == NALU_TYPE_NON_IDR ||
+                        m_frame_parser.mutils->nalu_type == NALU_TYPE_IDR) {
+                    h264_last_au_ts = h264_scratch.nTimeStamp;
+                    h264_last_au_flags = h264_scratch.nFlags;
+                    if (client_extradata & OMX_TIMEINFO_EXTRADATA) {
+                        OMX_S64 ts_in_sei = h264_parser->process_ts_with_sei_vui(h264_last_au_ts);
+                        if (!VALID_TS(h264_last_au_ts))
+                            h264_last_au_ts = ts_in_sei;
+                    }
+                } else
+                    h264_last_au_ts = LLONG_MAX;
+            }
+            if (!isNewFrame) {
+                if ( (pdest_frame->nAllocLen - pdest_frame->nFilledLen) >=
+                        h264_scratch.nFilledLen) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Not a NewFrame Copy into Dest len %lu",
+                            h264_scratch.nFilledLen);
+                    memcpy ((pdest_frame->pBuffer + pdest_frame->nFilledLen),
+                            h264_scratch.pBuffer,h264_scratch.nFilledLen);
+                    pdest_frame->nFilledLen += h264_scratch.nFilledLen;
+                    if (m_frame_parser.mutils->nalu_type == NALU_TYPE_EOSEQ)
+                        pdest_frame->nFlags |= QOMX_VIDEO_BUFFERFLAG_EOSEQ;
+                    h264_scratch.nFilledLen = 0;
+                } else {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Error:2: Destination buffer overflow for H264");
+                    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                }
+            } else {
+                look_ahead_nal = true;
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Frame Found start Decoding Size =%lu TimeStamp = %llx",
+                        pdest_frame->nFilledLen,pdest_frame->nTimeStamp);
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Found a frame size = %lu number = %d",
+                        pdest_frame->nFilledLen,frame_count++);
+                if (pdest_frame->nFilledLen == 0) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Copy the Current Frame since and push it");
+                    look_ahead_nal = false;
+                    if ( (pdest_frame->nAllocLen - pdest_frame->nFilledLen) >=
+                            h264_scratch.nFilledLen) {
+                        memcpy ((pdest_frame->pBuffer + pdest_frame->nFilledLen),
+                                h264_scratch.pBuffer,h264_scratch.nFilledLen);
+                        pdest_frame->nFilledLen += h264_scratch.nFilledLen;
+                        h264_scratch.nFilledLen = 0;
+                    } else {
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Error:3: Destination buffer overflow for H264");
+                        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    if (psource_frame->nFilledLen || h264_scratch.nFilledLen) {
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Reset the EOS Flag");
+                        pdest_frame->nFlags &= ~OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS;
+                    }
+                    /*Push the frame to the Decoder*/
+                    if (empty_this_buffer_proxy(hComp,pdest_frame) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                    }
+                    //frame_count++;
+                    pdest_frame = NULL;
+                    if (m_input_free_q.m_size) {
+                        m_input_free_q.pop_entry(&address,&p2,&id);
+                        pdest_frame = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *) address;
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Pop the next pdest_buffer %p",pdest_frame);
+                        pdest_frame->nFilledLen = 0;
+                        pdest_frame->nFlags = 0;
+                        pdest_frame->nTimeStamp = LLONG_MAX;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
-        frame_count++;
-        pdest_frame = NULL;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Last frame in else dest addr %p size %lu",
-                     pdest_frame,h264_scratch.nFilledLen);
-        generate_ebd = OMX_FALSE;
-      }
+    } else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Not a Complete Frame, pdest_frame->nFilledLen %lu",pdest_frame->nFilledLen);
+        /*Check if Destination Buffer is full*/
+        if (h264_scratch.nAllocLen ==
+                h264_scratch.nFilledLen + h264_scratch.nOffset) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR: Frame Not found though Destination Filled");
+            return OMX_ErrorStreamCorrupt;
+        }
-  }
-  if(generate_ebd && !psource_frame->nFilledLen)
-  {
-    m_cb.EmptyBufferDone (hComp,m_app_data,psource_frame);
-    psource_frame = NULL;
-    if (m_input_pending_q.m_size)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Pull Next source Buffer %p",psource_frame);
-      m_input_pending_q.pop_entry(&address,&p2,&id);
-      psource_frame = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *) address;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\nNext source Buffer flag %lu src length %lu",
-      psource_frame->nFlags,psource_frame->nFilledLen);
+    if (!psource_frame->nFilledLen) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Buffer Consumed return source %p back to client",psource_frame);
+        if (psource_frame->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS) {
+            if (pdest_frame) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n EOS Reached Pass Last Buffer");
+                if ( (pdest_frame->nAllocLen - pdest_frame->nFilledLen) >=
+                        h264_scratch.nFilledLen) {
+                    memcpy ((pdest_frame->pBuffer + pdest_frame->nFilledLen),
+                            h264_scratch.pBuffer,h264_scratch.nFilledLen);
+                    pdest_frame->nFilledLen += h264_scratch.nFilledLen;
+                    h264_scratch.nFilledLen = 0;
+                } else {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:4: Destination buffer overflow for H264");
+                    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                }
+                pdest_frame->nTimeStamp = h264_scratch.nTimeStamp;
+                pdest_frame->nFlags = h264_scratch.nFlags | psource_frame->nFlags;
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n pdest_frame->nFilledLen =%lu TimeStamp = %llx",
+                        pdest_frame->nFilledLen,pdest_frame->nTimeStamp);
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Push AU frame number %d to driver", frame_count++);
+                if (client_extradata & OMX_TIMEINFO_EXTRADATA) {
+                    OMX_S64 ts_in_sei = h264_parser->process_ts_with_sei_vui(pdest_frame->nTimeStamp);
+                    if (!VALID_TS(pdest_frame->nTimeStamp))
+                        pdest_frame->nTimeStamp = ts_in_sei;
+                }
+                /*Push the frame to the Decoder*/
+                if (empty_this_buffer_proxy(hComp,pdest_frame) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+                }
+                frame_count++;
+                pdest_frame = NULL;
+            } else {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Last frame in else dest addr %p size %lu",
+                        pdest_frame,h264_scratch.nFilledLen);
+                generate_ebd = OMX_FALSE;
+            }
+        }
-  }
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    if (generate_ebd && !psource_frame->nFilledLen) {
+        m_cb.EmptyBufferDone (hComp,m_app_data,psource_frame);
+        psource_frame = NULL;
+        if (m_input_pending_q.m_size) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Pull Next source Buffer %p",psource_frame);
+            m_input_pending_q.pop_entry(&address,&p2,&id);
+            psource_frame = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *) address;
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\nNext source Buffer flag %lu src length %lu",
+                    psource_frame->nFlags,psource_frame->nFilledLen);
+        }
+    }
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::push_input_vc1 (OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp)
@@ -7899,61 +6994,47 @@
     OMX_U32 partial_frame = 1;
     OMX_U32 buf_len, dest_len;
-    if(first_frame == 0)
-    {
+    if (first_frame == 0) {
         first_frame = 1;
         DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\nFirst i/p buffer for VC1 arbitrary bytes\n");
-        if(!m_vendor_config.pData)
-        {
+        if (!m_vendor_config.pData) {
             DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\nCheck profile type in 1st source buffer\n");
             buf = psource_frame->pBuffer;
             buf_len = psource_frame->nFilledLen;
             if ((*((OMX_U32 *) buf) & VC1_SP_MP_START_CODE_MASK) ==
-                VC1_SP_MP_START_CODE)
-            {
+                    VC1_SP_MP_START_CODE) {
                 m_vc1_profile = VC1_SP_MP_RCV;
-            }
-            else if(*((OMX_U32 *) buf) & VC1_AP_SEQ_START_CODE)
-            {
+            } else if (*((OMX_U32 *) buf) & VC1_AP_SEQ_START_CODE) {
                 m_vc1_profile = VC1_AP;
-            }
-            else
-            {
+            } else {
                 DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nInvalid sequence layer in first buffer\n");
                 return OMX_ErrorStreamCorrupt;
-        }
-        else
-        {
+        } else {
             pdest = pdest_frame->pBuffer + pdest_frame->nFilledLen +
             dest_len = pdest_frame->nAllocLen - (pdest_frame->nFilledLen +
-                pdest_frame->nOffset);
+                    pdest_frame->nOffset);
-            if(dest_len < m_vendor_config.nDataSize)
-            {
+            if (dest_len < m_vendor_config.nDataSize) {
                 DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nDestination buffer full\n");
                 return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-            }
-            else
-            {
+            } else {
                 memcpy(pdest, m_vendor_config.pData, m_vendor_config.nDataSize);
                 pdest_frame->nFilledLen += m_vendor_config.nDataSize;
-    switch(m_vc1_profile)
-    {
+    switch (m_vc1_profile) {
         case VC1_AP:
             DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n VC1 AP, hence parse using frame start code");
-            if (push_input_sc_codec(hComp) != OMX_ErrorNone)
-            {
+            if (push_input_sc_codec(hComp) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
                 DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Error In Parsing VC1 AP start code");
                 return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-        break;
+            break;
         case VC1_SP_MP_RCV:
@@ -7965,132 +7046,125 @@
 #ifndef USE_ION
 bool omx_vdec::align_pmem_buffers(int pmem_fd, OMX_U32 buffer_size,
-                                  OMX_U32 alignment)
+        OMX_U32 alignment)
-  struct pmem_allocation allocation;
-  allocation.size = buffer_size;
-  allocation.align = clip2(alignment);
-  if (allocation.align < 4096)
-  {
-    allocation.align = 4096;
-  }
-  if (ioctl(pmem_fd, PMEM_ALLOCATE_ALIGNED, &allocation) < 0)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Aligment(%u) failed with pmem driver Sz(%lu)",
-      allocation.align, allocation.size);
-    return false;
-  }
-  return true;
+    struct pmem_allocation allocation;
+    allocation.size = buffer_size;
+    allocation.align = clip2(alignment);
+    if (allocation.align < 4096) {
+        allocation.align = 4096;
+    }
+    if (ioctl(pmem_fd, PMEM_ALLOCATE_ALIGNED, &allocation) < 0) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Aligment(%u) failed with pmem driver Sz(%lu)",
+                allocation.align, allocation.size);
+        return false;
+    }
+    return true;
 #ifdef USE_ION
 int omx_vdec::alloc_map_ion_memory(OMX_U32 buffer_size,
-              OMX_U32 alignment, struct ion_allocation_data *alloc_data,
-	      struct ion_fd_data *fd_data, int flag)
+        OMX_U32 alignment, struct ion_allocation_data *alloc_data,
+        struct ion_fd_data *fd_data, int flag)
-  int fd = -EINVAL;
-  int rc = -EINVAL;
-  int ion_dev_flag;
-  struct vdec_ion ion_buf_info;
-  if (!alloc_data || buffer_size <= 0 || !fd_data) {
-     DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Invalid arguments to alloc_map_ion_memory\n");
-     return -EINVAL;
-  }
-  ion_dev_flag = O_RDONLY;
-  fd = open (MEM_DEVICE, ion_dev_flag);
-  if (fd < 0) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("opening ion device failed with fd = %d\n", fd);
-    return fd;
-  }
-  alloc_data->flags = 0;
-  if(!secure_mode && (flag & ION_FLAG_CACHED))
-  {
-    alloc_data->flags |= ION_FLAG_CACHED;
-  }
-  alloc_data->len = buffer_size;
-  alloc_data->align = clip2(alignment);
-  if (alloc_data->align < 4096)
-  {
-    alloc_data->align = 4096;
-  }
-  if ((secure_mode) && (flag & ION_SECURE))
-      alloc_data->flags |= ION_SECURE;
+    int fd = -EINVAL;
+    int rc = -EINVAL;
+    int ion_dev_flag;
+    struct vdec_ion ion_buf_info;
+    if (!alloc_data || buffer_size <= 0 || !fd_data) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Invalid arguments to alloc_map_ion_memory\n");
+        return -EINVAL;
+    }
+    ion_dev_flag = O_RDONLY;
+    fd = open (MEM_DEVICE, ion_dev_flag);
+    if (fd < 0) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("opening ion device failed with fd = %d\n", fd);
+        return fd;
+    }
+    alloc_data->flags = 0;
+    if (!secure_mode && (flag & ION_FLAG_CACHED)) {
+        alloc_data->flags |= ION_FLAG_CACHED;
+    }
+    alloc_data->len = buffer_size;
+    alloc_data->align = clip2(alignment);
+    if (alloc_data->align < 4096) {
+        alloc_data->align = 4096;
+    }
+    if ((secure_mode) && (flag & ION_SECURE))
+        alloc_data->flags |= ION_SECURE;
-  alloc_data->heap_mask = ION_HEAP(ION_IOMMU_HEAP_ID);
-  if (secure_mode)
-	  alloc_data->heap_mask = ION_HEAP(MEM_HEAP_ID);
-  rc = ioctl(fd,ION_IOC_ALLOC,alloc_data);
-  if (rc || !alloc_data->handle) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n ION ALLOC memory failed ");
-    alloc_data->handle = NULL;
-    close(fd);
-    fd = -ENOMEM;
-    return fd;
-  }
-  fd_data->handle = alloc_data->handle;
-  rc = ioctl(fd,ION_IOC_MAP,fd_data);
-  if (rc) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n ION MAP failed ");
-    ion_buf_info.ion_alloc_data = *alloc_data;
-    ion_buf_info.ion_device_fd = fd;
-    ion_buf_info.fd_ion_data = *fd_data;
-    free_ion_memory(&ion_buf_info);
-    fd_data->fd =-1;
-    close(fd);
-    fd = -ENOMEM;
-  }
+    alloc_data->heap_mask = ION_HEAP(ION_IOMMU_HEAP_ID);
+    if (secure_mode)
+        alloc_data->heap_mask = ION_HEAP(MEM_HEAP_ID);
+    rc = ioctl(fd,ION_IOC_ALLOC,alloc_data);
+    if (rc || !alloc_data->handle) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n ION ALLOC memory failed ");
+        alloc_data->handle = NULL;
+        close(fd);
+        fd = -ENOMEM;
+        return fd;
+    }
+    fd_data->handle = alloc_data->handle;
+    rc = ioctl(fd,ION_IOC_MAP,fd_data);
+    if (rc) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n ION MAP failed ");
+        ion_buf_info.ion_alloc_data = *alloc_data;
+        ion_buf_info.ion_device_fd = fd;
+        ion_buf_info.fd_ion_data = *fd_data;
+        free_ion_memory(&ion_buf_info);
+        fd_data->fd =-1;
+        close(fd);
+        fd = -ENOMEM;
+    }
-  return fd;
+    return fd;
-void omx_vdec::free_ion_memory(struct vdec_ion *buf_ion_info) {
+void omx_vdec::free_ion_memory(struct vdec_ion *buf_ion_info)
-     if(!buf_ion_info) {
-       DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n ION: free called with invalid fd/allocdata");
-       return;
-     }
-     if(ioctl(buf_ion_info->ion_device_fd,ION_IOC_FREE,
-             &buf_ion_info->ion_alloc_data.handle)) {
-       DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n ION: free failed" );
-     }
-     close(buf_ion_info->ion_device_fd);
-     buf_ion_info->ion_device_fd = -1;
-     buf_ion_info->ion_alloc_data.handle = NULL;
-     buf_ion_info->fd_ion_data.fd = -1;
+    if (!buf_ion_info) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n ION: free called with invalid fd/allocdata");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (ioctl(buf_ion_info->ion_device_fd,ION_IOC_FREE,
+                &buf_ion_info->ion_alloc_data.handle)) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n ION: free failed" );
+    }
+    close(buf_ion_info->ion_device_fd);
+    buf_ion_info->ion_device_fd = -1;
+    buf_ion_info->ion_alloc_data.handle = NULL;
+    buf_ion_info->fd_ion_data.fd = -1;
 void omx_vdec::free_output_buffer_header()
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n ALL output buffers are freed/released");
-  output_use_buffer = false;
-  ouput_egl_buffers = false;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n ALL output buffers are freed/released");
+    output_use_buffer = false;
+    ouput_egl_buffers = false;
-  if (m_out_mem_ptr)
-  {
-    free (m_out_mem_ptr);
-    m_out_mem_ptr = NULL;
-  }
+    if (m_out_mem_ptr) {
+        free (m_out_mem_ptr);
+        m_out_mem_ptr = NULL;
+    }
-  if(m_platform_list)
-  {
-    free(m_platform_list);
-    m_platform_list = NULL;
-  }
+    if (m_platform_list) {
+        free(m_platform_list);
+        m_platform_list = NULL;
+    }
-  if (drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer)
-  {
-    free (drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer);
-    drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer = NULL;
-  }
-  if (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer)
-  {
-    free (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer);
-    drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer = NULL;
-  }
+    if (drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer) {
+        free (drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer);
+        drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer = NULL;
+    }
+    if (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer) {
+        free (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer);
+        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer = NULL;
+    }
 #ifdef USE_ION
     if (drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free o/p ion context");
-	free(drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info);
+        free(drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info);
         drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info = NULL;
@@ -8099,45 +7173,39 @@
 void omx_vdec::free_input_buffer_header()
     input_use_buffer = false;
-    if (arbitrary_bytes)
-    {
-      if (m_frame_parser.mutils)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free utils parser");
-        delete (m_frame_parser.mutils);
-        m_frame_parser.mutils = NULL;
-      }
+    if (arbitrary_bytes) {
+        if (m_frame_parser.mutils) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free utils parser");
+            delete (m_frame_parser.mutils);
+            m_frame_parser.mutils = NULL;
+        }
-      if (m_inp_heap_ptr)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free input Heap Pointer");
-        free (m_inp_heap_ptr);
-        m_inp_heap_ptr = NULL;
-      }
+        if (m_inp_heap_ptr) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free input Heap Pointer");
+            free (m_inp_heap_ptr);
+            m_inp_heap_ptr = NULL;
+        }
-      if (m_phdr_pmem_ptr)
-      {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free input pmem header Pointer");
-        free (m_phdr_pmem_ptr);
-        m_phdr_pmem_ptr = NULL;
-      }
+        if (m_phdr_pmem_ptr) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free input pmem header Pointer");
+            free (m_phdr_pmem_ptr);
+            m_phdr_pmem_ptr = NULL;
+        }
-    if (m_inp_mem_ptr)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free input pmem Pointer area");
-      free (m_inp_mem_ptr);
-      m_inp_mem_ptr = NULL;
+    if (m_inp_mem_ptr) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free input pmem Pointer area");
+        free (m_inp_mem_ptr);
+        m_inp_mem_ptr = NULL;
-    if (drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free Driver Context pointer");
-      free (drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer);
-      drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer = NULL;
+    if (drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free Driver Context pointer");
+        free (drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer);
+        drv_ctx.ptr_inputbuffer = NULL;
 #ifdef USE_ION
     if (drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info) {
         DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free ion context");
-	free(drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info);
+        free(drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info);
         drv_ctx.ip_buf_ion_info = NULL;
@@ -8145,1560 +7213,1473 @@
 int omx_vdec::stream_off(OMX_U32 port)
-	enum v4l2_buf_type btype;
-	int rc = 0;
-	enum v4l2_ports v4l2_port = OUTPUT_PORT;
+    enum v4l2_buf_type btype;
+    int rc = 0;
+    enum v4l2_ports v4l2_port = OUTPUT_PORT;
-	if (port == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
-		v4l2_port = OUTPUT_PORT;
-	} else if (port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
-		v4l2_port = CAPTURE_PORT;
-	} else if (port == OMX_ALL) {
-		int rc_input = stream_off(OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX);
-		int rc_output = stream_off(OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX);
+    if (port == OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
+        v4l2_port = OUTPUT_PORT;
+    } else if (port == OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX) {
+        v4l2_port = CAPTURE_PORT;
+    } else if (port == OMX_ALL) {
+        int rc_input = stream_off(OMX_CORE_INPUT_PORT_INDEX);
+        int rc_output = stream_off(OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX);
-		if (!rc_input)
-			return rc_input;
-		else
-			return rc_output;
-	}
+        if (!rc_input)
+            return rc_input;
+        else
+            return rc_output;
+    }
-	if (!streaming[v4l2_port]) {
-		// already streamed off, warn and move on
-		DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Warning: Attempting to stream off on %d port,"
-				" which is already streamed off", v4l2_port);
-		return 0;
-	}
+    if (!streaming[v4l2_port]) {
+        // already streamed off, warn and move on
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Warning: Attempting to stream off on %d port,"
+                " which is already streamed off", v4l2_port);
+        return 0;
+    }
-	DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Streaming off %d port", v4l2_port);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Streaming off %d port", v4l2_port);
-	rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &btype);
-	if (rc) {
-		/*TODO: How to handle this case */
-		DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to call streamoff on %d Port \n", v4l2_port);
-	} else {
-		streaming[v4l2_port] = false;
-	}
+    rc = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &btype);
+    if (rc) {
+        /*TODO: How to handle this case */
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Failed to call streamoff on %d Port \n", v4l2_port);
+    } else {
+        streaming[v4l2_port] = false;
+    }
-	return rc;
+    return rc;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::get_buffer_req(vdec_allocatorproperty *buffer_prop)
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  struct v4l2_requestbuffers bufreq;
-  unsigned int buf_size = 0, extra_data_size = 0, client_extra_data_size = 0;
-  struct v4l2_format fmt;
-  int ret = 0;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    struct v4l2_requestbuffers bufreq;
+    unsigned int buf_size = 0, extra_data_size = 0, client_extra_data_size = 0;
+    struct v4l2_format fmt;
+    int ret = 0;
     DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("GetBufReq IN: ActCnt(%d) Size(%d)",
-    buffer_prop->actualcount, buffer_prop->buffer_size);
-	bufreq.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
-	bufreq.count = 1;
-   if(buffer_prop->buffer_type == VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_INPUT){
-    fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = output_capability;
-  }else if (buffer_prop->buffer_type == VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT){
-    fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = capture_capability;
-  }else {eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;}
-  if(eRet==OMX_ErrorNone){
-  ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd,VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &bufreq);
-  }
-  if(ret)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Requesting buffer requirements failed");
-	/*TODO: How to handle this case */
-    eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-	return eRet;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-  buffer_prop->actualcount = bufreq.count;
-  buffer_prop->mincount = bufreq.count;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Count = %d \n ",bufreq.count);
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("GetBufReq IN: ActCnt(%d) Size(%d)",
-    buffer_prop->actualcount, buffer_prop->buffer_size);
-  fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height;
-  fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width;
-  ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_G_FMT, &fmt);
-  update_resolution(fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width,
-		fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height,
-		fmt.fmt.pix_mp.plane_fmt[0].bytesperline,
-		fmt.fmt.pix_mp.plane_fmt[0].reserved[0]);
-  if (fmt.type == V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE)
-      drv_ctx.num_planes = fmt.fmt.pix_mp.num_planes;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Buffer Size = %d \n ",fmt.fmt.pix_mp.plane_fmt[0].sizeimage);
-  if(ret)
-  {
-	/*TODO: How to handle this case */
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Requesting buffer requirements failed");
-    eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    int extra_idx = 0;
-    eRet = is_video_session_supported();
-    if (eRet)
-      return eRet;
-    buffer_prop->buffer_size = fmt.fmt.pix_mp.plane_fmt[0].sizeimage;
-    buf_size = buffer_prop->buffer_size;
-    extra_idx = EXTRADATA_IDX(drv_ctx.num_planes);
-    if (extra_idx && (extra_idx < VIDEO_MAX_PLANES)) {
-      extra_data_size =  fmt.fmt.pix_mp.plane_fmt[extra_idx].sizeimage;
-    } else if (extra_idx >= VIDEO_MAX_PLANES) {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Extradata index is more than allowed: %d\n", extra_idx);
-      return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+            buffer_prop->actualcount, buffer_prop->buffer_size);
+    bufreq.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+    bufreq.count = 1;
+    if (buffer_prop->buffer_type == VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_INPUT) {
+        bufreq.type=V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
+        fmt.type =V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
+        fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = output_capability;
+    } else if (buffer_prop->buffer_type == VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT) {
+        bufreq.type=V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+        fmt.type =V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+        fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = capture_capability;
+    } else {
+        eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-    if (client_extradata & OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Frame info extra data enabled!");
-      client_extra_data_size += OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA_SIZE;
+    if (eRet==OMX_ErrorNone) {
+        ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd,VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &bufreq);
-    if (client_extradata & OMX_INTERLACE_EXTRADATA)
-    {
-      client_extra_data_size += OMX_INTERLACE_EXTRADATA_SIZE;
+    if (ret) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Requesting buffer requirements failed");
+        /*TODO: How to handle this case */
+        eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        return eRet;
+    } else {
+        buffer_prop->actualcount = bufreq.count;
+        buffer_prop->mincount = bufreq.count;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Count = %d \n ",bufreq.count);
-    if (client_extradata & OMX_PORTDEF_EXTRADATA)
-    {
-      client_extra_data_size += OMX_PORTDEF_EXTRADATA_SIZE;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Smooth streaming enabled extra_data_size=%d\n",
-         client_extra_data_size);
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("GetBufReq IN: ActCnt(%d) Size(%d)",
+            buffer_prop->actualcount, buffer_prop->buffer_size);
+    fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height;
+    fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width;
+    ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_G_FMT, &fmt);
+    update_resolution(fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width,
+            fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height,
+            fmt.fmt.pix_mp.plane_fmt[0].bytesperline,
+            fmt.fmt.pix_mp.plane_fmt[0].reserved[0]);
+    if (fmt.type == V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE)
+        drv_ctx.num_planes = fmt.fmt.pix_mp.num_planes;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Buffer Size = %d \n ",fmt.fmt.pix_mp.plane_fmt[0].sizeimage);
+    if (ret) {
+        /*TODO: How to handle this case */
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Requesting buffer requirements failed");
+        eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+    } else {
+        int extra_idx = 0;
+        eRet = is_video_session_supported();
+        if (eRet)
+            return eRet;
+        buffer_prop->buffer_size = fmt.fmt.pix_mp.plane_fmt[0].sizeimage;
+        buf_size = buffer_prop->buffer_size;
+        extra_idx = EXTRADATA_IDX(drv_ctx.num_planes);
+        if (extra_idx && (extra_idx < VIDEO_MAX_PLANES)) {
+            extra_data_size =  fmt.fmt.pix_mp.plane_fmt[extra_idx].sizeimage;
+        } else if (extra_idx >= VIDEO_MAX_PLANES) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Extradata index is more than allowed: %d\n", extra_idx);
+            return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+        }
+        if (client_extradata & OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Frame info extra data enabled!");
+            client_extra_data_size += OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA_SIZE;
+        }
+        if (client_extradata & OMX_INTERLACE_EXTRADATA) {
+            client_extra_data_size += OMX_INTERLACE_EXTRADATA_SIZE;
+        }
+        if (client_extradata & OMX_PORTDEF_EXTRADATA) {
+            client_extra_data_size += OMX_PORTDEF_EXTRADATA_SIZE;
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Smooth streaming enabled extra_data_size=%d\n",
+                    client_extra_data_size);
+        }
+        if (client_extra_data_size) {
+            client_extra_data_size += sizeof(OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE); //Space for terminator
+            buf_size = ((buf_size + 3)&(~3)); //Align extradata start address to 64Bit
+        }
+        drv_ctx.extradata_info.size = buffer_prop->actualcount * extra_data_size;
+        drv_ctx.extradata_info.count = buffer_prop->actualcount;
+        drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size = extra_data_size;
+        buf_size += client_extra_data_size;
+        buf_size = (buf_size + buffer_prop->alignment - 1)&(~(buffer_prop->alignment - 1));
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("GetBufReq UPDATE: ActCnt(%d) Size(%d) BufSize(%d)",
+                buffer_prop->actualcount, buffer_prop->buffer_size, buf_size);
+        if (in_reconfig) // BufReq will be set to driver when port is disabled
+            buffer_prop->buffer_size = buf_size;
+        else if (buf_size != buffer_prop->buffer_size) {
+            buffer_prop->buffer_size = buf_size;
+            eRet = set_buffer_req(buffer_prop);
+        }
-    if (client_extra_data_size)
-    {
-      client_extra_data_size += sizeof(OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE); //Space for terminator
-      buf_size = ((buf_size + 3)&(~3)); //Align extradata start address to 64Bit
-    }
-    drv_ctx.extradata_info.size = buffer_prop->actualcount * extra_data_size;
-    drv_ctx.extradata_info.count = buffer_prop->actualcount;
-    drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size = extra_data_size;
-    buf_size += client_extra_data_size;
-    buf_size = (buf_size + buffer_prop->alignment - 1)&(~(buffer_prop->alignment - 1));
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("GetBufReq UPDATE: ActCnt(%d) Size(%d) BufSize(%d)",
-        buffer_prop->actualcount, buffer_prop->buffer_size, buf_size);
-    if (in_reconfig) // BufReq will be set to driver when port is disabled
-      buffer_prop->buffer_size = buf_size;
-    else if (buf_size != buffer_prop->buffer_size)
-    {
-      buffer_prop->buffer_size = buf_size;
-      eRet = set_buffer_req(buffer_prop);
-    }
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("GetBufReq OUT: ActCnt(%d) Size(%d)",
-    buffer_prop->actualcount, buffer_prop->buffer_size);
-  return eRet;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("GetBufReq OUT: ActCnt(%d) Size(%d)",
+            buffer_prop->actualcount, buffer_prop->buffer_size);
+    return eRet;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::set_buffer_req(vdec_allocatorproperty *buffer_prop)
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  unsigned buf_size = 0;
-  struct v4l2_format fmt;
-  struct v4l2_requestbuffers bufreq;
-  int ret;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("SetBufReq IN: ActCnt(%d) Size(%d)",
-    buffer_prop->actualcount, buffer_prop->buffer_size);
-  buf_size = (buffer_prop->buffer_size + buffer_prop->alignment - 1)&(~(buffer_prop->alignment - 1));
-  if (buf_size != buffer_prop->buffer_size)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Buffer size alignment error: Requested(%d) Required(%d)",
-      buffer_prop->buffer_size, buf_size);
-    eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height;
-	fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    unsigned buf_size = 0;
+    struct v4l2_format fmt;
+    struct v4l2_requestbuffers bufreq;
+    int ret;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("SetBufReq IN: ActCnt(%d) Size(%d)",
+            buffer_prop->actualcount, buffer_prop->buffer_size);
+    buf_size = (buffer_prop->buffer_size + buffer_prop->alignment - 1)&(~(buffer_prop->alignment - 1));
+    if (buf_size != buffer_prop->buffer_size) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Buffer size alignment error: Requested(%d) Required(%d)",
+                buffer_prop->buffer_size, buf_size);
+        eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    } else {
+        fmt.fmt.pix_mp.height = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height;
+        fmt.fmt.pix_mp.width = drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width;
-	if (buffer_prop->buffer_type == VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_INPUT){
-		fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = output_capability;
-	} else if (buffer_prop->buffer_type == VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT) {
-		fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = capture_capability;
-	} else {eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;}
+        if (buffer_prop->buffer_type == VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_INPUT) {
+            fmt.type =V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
+            fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = output_capability;
+        } else if (buffer_prop->buffer_type == VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT) {
+            fmt.type =V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+            fmt.fmt.pix_mp.pixelformat = capture_capability;
+        } else {
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+        }
-	ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt);
-    if (ret)
-    {
-	  /*TODO: How to handle this case */
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setting buffer requirements (format) failed %d", ret);
-      eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt);
+        if (ret) {
+            /*TODO: How to handle this case */
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setting buffer requirements (format) failed %d", ret);
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
+        bufreq.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
+        bufreq.count = buffer_prop->actualcount;
+        if (buffer_prop->buffer_type == VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_INPUT) {
+            bufreq.type=V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
+        } else if (buffer_prop->buffer_type == VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT) {
+            bufreq.type=V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
+        } else {
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+        }
+        if (eRet==OMX_ErrorNone) {
+            ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd,VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &bufreq);
+        }
+        if (ret) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setting buffer requirements (reqbufs) failed %d", ret);
+            /*TODO: How to handle this case */
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        } else if (bufreq.count < buffer_prop->actualcount) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Driver refused to change the number of buffers"
+                    " on v4l2 port %d to %d (prefers %d)", bufreq.type,
+                    buffer_prop->actualcount, bufreq.count);
+            eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        } else {
+            if (!client_buffers.update_buffer_req()) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setting c2D buffer requirements failed");
+                eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+            }
+        }
-	bufreq.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_USERPTR;
-	bufreq.count = buffer_prop->actualcount;
-	if(buffer_prop->buffer_type == VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_INPUT) {
-	} else if (buffer_prop->buffer_type == VDEC_BUFFER_TYPE_OUTPUT) {
-	} else {eRet = OMX_ErrorBadParameter;}
-	if (eRet==OMX_ErrorNone) {
-		ret = ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd,VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &bufreq);
-	}
-	if (ret)
-	{
-		DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setting buffer requirements (reqbufs) failed %d", ret);
-		/*TODO: How to handle this case */
-		eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-	} else if (bufreq.count < buffer_prop->actualcount) {
-		DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Driver refused to change the number of buffers"
-						" on v4l2 port %d to %d (prefers %d)", bufreq.type,
-						buffer_prop->actualcount, bufreq.count);
-		eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-	} else {
-        if (!client_buffers.update_buffer_req()) {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Setting c2D buffer requirements failed");
-        eRet = OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return eRet;
+    return eRet;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::update_picture_resolution()
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  return eRet;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    return eRet;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::update_portdef(OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *portDefn)
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  if (!portDefn)
-  {
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("omx_vdec::update_portdef\n");
-  portDefn->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-  portDefn->nSize = sizeof(portDefn);
-  portDefn->eDomain    = OMX_PortDomainVideo;
-  if (drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator > 0)
-    portDefn-> = drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator /
-                                        drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator;
-  else {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Error: Divide by zero \n");
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  if (0 == portDefn->nPortIndex)
-  {
-    portDefn->eDir =  OMX_DirInput;
-    portDefn->nBufferCountActual = drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount;
-    portDefn->nBufferCountMin    = drv_ctx.ip_buf.mincount;
-    portDefn->nBufferSize        = drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size;
-    portDefn-> = OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused;
-    portDefn-> = eCompressionFormat;
-    portDefn->bEnabled   = m_inp_bEnabled;
-    portDefn->bPopulated = m_inp_bPopulated;
-  }
-  else if (1 == portDefn->nPortIndex)
-  {
-    unsigned int buf_size = 0;
-    if (!client_buffers.update_buffer_req()) {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n client_buffers.update_buffer_req Failed");
-      return OMX_ErrorHardware;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    if (!portDefn) {
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-    if (!client_buffers.get_buffer_req(buf_size)) {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n update buffer requirements");
-      return OMX_ErrorHardware;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("omx_vdec::update_portdef\n");
+    portDefn->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+    portDefn->nSize = sizeof(portDefn);
+    portDefn->eDomain    = OMX_PortDomainVideo;
+    if (drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator > 0)
+        portDefn-> = drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator /
+            drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator;
+    else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Error: Divide by zero \n");
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-    portDefn->nBufferSize = buf_size;
-    portDefn->eDir =  OMX_DirOutput;
-	portDefn->nBufferCountActual = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount;
-	portDefn->nBufferCountMin    = drv_ctx.op_buf.mincount;
-    portDefn-> = OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused;
-    portDefn->bEnabled   = m_out_bEnabled;
-    portDefn->bPopulated = m_out_bPopulated;
-    if (!client_buffers.get_color_format(portDefn-> {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Error in getting color format");
-        return OMX_ErrorHardware;
+    if (0 == portDefn->nPortIndex) {
+        portDefn->eDir =  OMX_DirInput;
+        portDefn->nBufferCountActual = drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount;
+        portDefn->nBufferCountMin    = drv_ctx.ip_buf.mincount;
+        portDefn->nBufferSize        = drv_ctx.ip_buf.buffer_size;
+        portDefn-> = OMX_COLOR_FormatUnused;
+        portDefn-> = eCompressionFormat;
+        portDefn->bEnabled   = m_inp_bEnabled;
+        portDefn->bPopulated = m_inp_bPopulated;
+    } else if (1 == portDefn->nPortIndex) {
+        unsigned int buf_size = 0;
+        if (!client_buffers.update_buffer_req()) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n client_buffers.update_buffer_req Failed");
+            return OMX_ErrorHardware;
+        }
+        if (!client_buffers.get_buffer_req(buf_size)) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n update buffer requirements");
+            return OMX_ErrorHardware;
+        }
+        portDefn->nBufferSize = buf_size;
+        portDefn->eDir =  OMX_DirOutput;
+        portDefn->nBufferCountActual = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount;
+        portDefn->nBufferCountMin    = drv_ctx.op_buf.mincount;
+        portDefn-> = OMX_VIDEO_CodingUnused;
+        portDefn->bEnabled   = m_out_bEnabled;
+        portDefn->bPopulated = m_out_bPopulated;
+        if (!client_buffers.get_color_format(portDefn-> {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Error in getting color format");
+            return OMX_ErrorHardware;
+        }
+    } else {
+        portDefn->eDir = OMX_DirMax;
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW(" get_parameter: Bad Port idx %d",
+                (int)portDefn->nPortIndex);
+        eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-      portDefn->eDir = OMX_DirMax;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW(" get_parameter: Bad Port idx %d",
-             (int)portDefn->nPortIndex);
-    eRet = OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex;
-  }
-  portDefn-> =  drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height;
-  portDefn->  =  drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width;
-  portDefn-> = drv_ctx.video_resolution.stride;
-  portDefn-> = drv_ctx.video_resolution.scan_lines;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("update_portdef Width = %lu Height = %lu Stride = %ld"
-    " SliceHeight = %lu \n", portDefn->,
-    portDefn->,
-    portDefn->,
-    portDefn->;
-  return eRet;
+    portDefn-> =  drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height;
+    portDefn->  =  drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width;
+    portDefn-> = drv_ctx.video_resolution.stride;
+    portDefn-> = drv_ctx.video_resolution.scan_lines;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("update_portdef Width = %lu Height = %lu Stride = %ld"
+            " SliceHeight = %lu \n", portDefn->,
+            portDefn->,
+            portDefn->,
+            portDefn->;
+    return eRet;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::allocate_output_headers()
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  unsigned i= 0;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    unsigned i= 0;
-  if(!m_out_mem_ptr) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Use o/p buffer case - Header List allocation");
-    int nBufHdrSize        = 0;
-    int nPlatformEntrySize = 0;
-    int nPlatformListSize  = 0;
-    int nPMEMInfoSize = 0;
-    OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST      *pPlatformList;
+    if (!m_out_mem_ptr) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n Use o/p buffer case - Header List allocation");
+        int nBufHdrSize        = 0;
+        int nPlatformEntrySize = 0;
+        int nPlatformListSize  = 0;
+        int nPMEMInfoSize = 0;
+        OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST      *pPlatformList;
+        OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_ENTRY     *pPlatformEntry;
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Setting First Output Buffer(%d)\n",
-      drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
-    nBufHdrSize        = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
-                         sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Setting First Output Buffer(%d)\n",
+                drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
+        nBufHdrSize        = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
+            sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE);
-    nPMEMInfoSize      = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
-                         sizeof(OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM_INFO);
-    nPlatformListSize  = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
-                         sizeof(OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST);
-    nPlatformEntrySize = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
-                         sizeof(OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_ENTRY);
+        nPMEMInfoSize      = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
+        nPlatformListSize  = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
+            sizeof(OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST);
+        nPlatformEntrySize = drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount *
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("TotalBufHdr %d BufHdrSize %d PMEM %d PL %d\n",nBufHdrSize,
-                         sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE),
-                         nPMEMInfoSize,
-                         nPlatformListSize);
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("PE %d bmSize %d \n",nPlatformEntrySize,
-                         m_out_bm_count);
-    m_out_mem_ptr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE  *)calloc(nBufHdrSize,1);
-    // Alloc mem for platform specific info
-    char *pPtr=NULL;
-    pPtr = (char*) calloc(nPlatformListSize + nPlatformEntrySize +
-                                     nPMEMInfoSize,1);
-    drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer = (struct vdec_bufferpayload *) \
-      calloc (sizeof(struct vdec_bufferpayload),
-      drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
-    drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer = (struct vdec_output_frameinfo  *)\
-      calloc (sizeof (struct vdec_output_frameinfo),
-      drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("TotalBufHdr %d BufHdrSize %d PMEM %d PL %d\n",nBufHdrSize,
+                sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE),
+                nPMEMInfoSize,
+                nPlatformListSize);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("PE %d bmSize %d \n",nPlatformEntrySize,
+                m_out_bm_count);
+        m_out_mem_ptr = (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE  *)calloc(nBufHdrSize,1);
+        // Alloc mem for platform specific info
+        char *pPtr=NULL;
+        pPtr = (char*) calloc(nPlatformListSize + nPlatformEntrySize +
+                nPMEMInfoSize,1);
+        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer = (struct vdec_bufferpayload *) \
+                       calloc (sizeof(struct vdec_bufferpayload),
+                               drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
+        drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer = (struct vdec_output_frameinfo  *)\
+                     calloc (sizeof (struct vdec_output_frameinfo),
+                             drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
 #ifdef USE_ION
-    drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info = (struct vdec_ion * ) \
-      calloc (sizeof(struct vdec_ion),drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
+        drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info = (struct vdec_ion * ) \
+                      calloc (sizeof(struct vdec_ion),drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount);
-    if(m_out_mem_ptr && pPtr && drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer
-       && drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer)
-    {
-      bufHdr          =  m_out_mem_ptr;
-      m_platform_list = (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST *)(pPtr);
-      m_platform_entry= (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_ENTRY *)
-                        (((char *) m_platform_list)  + nPlatformListSize);
-      m_pmem_info     = (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM_INFO *)
-                        (((char *) m_platform_entry) + nPlatformEntrySize);
-      pPlatformList   = m_platform_list;
-      pPlatformEntry  = m_platform_entry;
-      pPMEMInfo       = m_pmem_info;
+        if (m_out_mem_ptr && pPtr && drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer
+                && drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer) {
+            bufHdr          =  m_out_mem_ptr;
+            m_platform_list = (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_LIST *)(pPtr);
+            m_platform_entry= (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_ENTRY *)
+                (((char *) m_platform_list)  + nPlatformListSize);
+            m_pmem_info     = (OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM_INFO *)
+                (((char *) m_platform_entry) + nPlatformEntrySize);
+            pPlatformList   = m_platform_list;
+            pPlatformEntry  = m_platform_entry;
+            pPMEMInfo       = m_pmem_info;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Memory Allocation Succeeded for OUT port%p\n",m_out_mem_ptr);
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Memory Allocation Succeeded for OUT port%p\n",m_out_mem_ptr);
-      // Settting the entire storage nicely
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("bHdr %p OutMem %p PE %p\n",bufHdr,
-                      m_out_mem_ptr,pPlatformEntry);
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW(" Pmem Info = %p \n",pPMEMInfo);
-      for(i=0; i < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount ; i++)
-      {
-        bufHdr->nSize              = sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE);
-        bufHdr->nVersion.nVersion  = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-        // Set the values when we determine the right HxW param
-        bufHdr->nAllocLen          = 0;
-        bufHdr->nFilledLen         = 0;
-        bufHdr->pAppPrivate        = NULL;
-        bufHdr->nOutputPortIndex   = OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX;
-        pPlatformEntry->type       = OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM;
-        pPlatformEntry->entry      = pPMEMInfo;
-        // Initialize the Platform List
-        pPlatformList->nEntries    = 1;
-        pPlatformList->entryList   = pPlatformEntry;
-        // Keep pBuffer NULL till vdec is opened
-        bufHdr->pBuffer            = NULL;
-        pPMEMInfo->offset          =  0;
-        pPMEMInfo->pmem_fd = 0;
-        bufHdr->pPlatformPrivate = pPlatformList;
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd = -1;
+            // Settting the entire storage nicely
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("bHdr %p OutMem %p PE %p\n",bufHdr,
+                    m_out_mem_ptr,pPlatformEntry);
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW(" Pmem Info = %p \n",pPMEMInfo);
+            for (i=0; i < drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount ; i++) {
+                bufHdr->nSize              = sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE);
+                bufHdr->nVersion.nVersion  = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+                // Set the values when we determine the right HxW param
+                bufHdr->nAllocLen          = 0;
+                bufHdr->nFilledLen         = 0;
+                bufHdr->pAppPrivate        = NULL;
+                bufHdr->nOutputPortIndex   = OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX;
+                pPlatformEntry->type       = OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM;
+                pPlatformEntry->entry      = pPMEMInfo;
+                // Initialize the Platform List
+                pPlatformList->nEntries    = 1;
+                pPlatformList->entryList   = pPlatformEntry;
+                // Keep pBuffer NULL till vdec is opened
+                bufHdr->pBuffer            = NULL;
+                pPMEMInfo->offset          =  0;
+                pPMEMInfo->pmem_fd = 0;
+                bufHdr->pPlatformPrivate = pPlatformList;
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i].pmem_fd = -1;
 #ifdef USE_ION
-        drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd =-1;
+                drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd =-1;
-        /*Create a mapping between buffers*/
-        bufHdr->pOutputPortPrivate = &drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer[i];
-        drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer[i].client_data = (void *) \
-                                            &drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i];
-        // Move the buffer and buffer header pointers
-        bufHdr++;
-        pPMEMInfo++;
-        pPlatformEntry++;
-        pPlatformList++;
-      }
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Output buf mem alloc failed[0x%p][0x%p]\n",\
-                                        m_out_mem_ptr, pPtr);
-      if(m_out_mem_ptr)
-      {
-        free(m_out_mem_ptr);
-        m_out_mem_ptr = NULL;
-      }
-      if(pPtr)
-      {
-        free(pPtr);
-        pPtr = NULL;
-      }
-      if(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer)
-      {
-        free(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer);
-        drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer = NULL;
-      }
-      if(drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer)
-      {
-        free(drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer);
-        drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer = NULL;
-      }
+                /*Create a mapping between buffers*/
+                bufHdr->pOutputPortPrivate = &drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer[i];
+                drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer[i].client_data = (void *) \
+                                    &drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[i];
+                // Move the buffer and buffer header pointers
+                bufHdr++;
+                pPMEMInfo++;
+                pPlatformEntry++;
+                pPlatformList++;
+            }
+        } else {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Output buf mem alloc failed[0x%p][0x%p]\n",\
+                    m_out_mem_ptr, pPtr);
+            if (m_out_mem_ptr) {
+                free(m_out_mem_ptr);
+                m_out_mem_ptr = NULL;
+            }
+            if (pPtr) {
+                free(pPtr);
+                pPtr = NULL;
+            }
+            if (drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer) {
+                free(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer);
+                drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer = NULL;
+            }
+            if (drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer) {
+                free(drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer);
+                drv_ctx.ptr_respbuffer = NULL;
+            }
 #ifdef USE_ION
-    if (drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info) {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free o/p ion context");
-	free(drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info);
-        drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info = NULL;
-    }
+            if (drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("\n Free o/p ion context");
+                free(drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info);
+                drv_ctx.op_buf_ion_info = NULL;
+            }
-      eRet =  OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+            eRet =  OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
+    } else {
+        eRet =  OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-  } else {
-    eRet =  OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-  }
-  return eRet;
+    return eRet;
 void omx_vdec::complete_pending_buffer_done_cbs()
-  unsigned p1;
-  unsigned p2;
-  unsigned ident;
-  omx_cmd_queue tmp_q, pending_bd_q;
-  pthread_mutex_lock(&m_lock);
-  // pop all pending GENERATE FDB from ftb queue
-  while (m_ftb_q.m_size)
-  {
-    m_ftb_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
-    {
-      pending_bd_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,ident);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      tmp_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,ident);
-    }
-  }
-  //return all non GENERATE FDB to ftb queue
-  while(tmp_q.m_size)
-  {
-    tmp_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
-    m_ftb_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,ident);
-  }
-  // pop all pending GENERATE EDB from etb queue
-  while (m_etb_q.m_size)
-  {
-    m_etb_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
-    {
-      pending_bd_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,ident);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      tmp_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,ident);
-    }
-  }
-  //return all non GENERATE FDB to etb queue
-  while(tmp_q.m_size)
-  {
-    tmp_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
-    m_etb_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,ident);
-  }
-  pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_lock);
-  // process all pending buffer dones
-  while(pending_bd_q.m_size)
-  {
-    pending_bd_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
-    switch(ident)
-    {
-        if(empty_buffer_done(&m_cmp, (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1) != OMX_ErrorNone)
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR: empty_buffer_done() failed!\n");
-          omx_report_error ();
+    unsigned p1;
+    unsigned p2;
+    unsigned ident;
+    omx_cmd_queue tmp_q, pending_bd_q;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&m_lock);
+    // pop all pending GENERATE FDB from ftb queue
+    while (m_ftb_q.m_size) {
+        m_ftb_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
+        if (ident == OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_FBD) {
+            pending_bd_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,ident);
+        } else {
+            tmp_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,ident);
-        break;
+    }
+    //return all non GENERATE FDB to ftb queue
+    while (tmp_q.m_size) {
+        tmp_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
+        m_ftb_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,ident);
+    }
+    // pop all pending GENERATE EDB from etb queue
+    while (m_etb_q.m_size) {
+        m_etb_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
+        if (ident == OMX_COMPONENT_GENERATE_EBD) {
+            pending_bd_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,ident);
+        } else {
+            tmp_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,ident);
+        }
+    }
+    //return all non GENERATE FDB to etb queue
+    while (tmp_q.m_size) {
+        tmp_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
+        m_etb_q.insert_entry(p1,p2,ident);
+    }
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_lock);
+    // process all pending buffer dones
+    while (pending_bd_q.m_size) {
+        pending_bd_q.pop_entry(&p1,&p2,&ident);
+        switch (ident) {
+                if (empty_buffer_done(&m_cmp, (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1) != OMX_ErrorNone) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR: empty_buffer_done() failed!\n");
+                    omx_report_error ();
+                }
+                break;
-        if(fill_buffer_done(&m_cmp, (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1) != OMX_ErrorNone )
-        {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR: fill_buffer_done() failed!\n");
-          omx_report_error ();
+                if (fill_buffer_done(&m_cmp, (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)p1) != OMX_ErrorNone ) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR: fill_buffer_done() failed!\n");
+                    omx_report_error ();
+                }
+                break;
-        break;
-  }
 void omx_vdec::set_frame_rate(OMX_S64 act_timestamp)
-  OMX_U32 new_frame_interval = 0;
-  if (VALID_TS(act_timestamp) && VALID_TS(prev_ts) && act_timestamp != prev_ts
-     && llabs(act_timestamp - prev_ts) > 2000)
-  {
-    new_frame_interval = client_set_fps ? frm_int :
-        llabs(act_timestamp - prev_ts);
-    if (new_frame_interval < frm_int || frm_int == 0)
-    {
-      frm_int = new_frame_interval;
-      if(frm_int)
-      {
-        drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator = 1e6;
-        drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator = frm_int;
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_frame_rate: frm_int(%lu) fps(%f)",
-                         frm_int, drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator /
-                         (float)drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator);
+    OMX_U32 new_frame_interval = 0;
+    if (VALID_TS(act_timestamp) && VALID_TS(prev_ts) && act_timestamp != prev_ts
+            && llabs(act_timestamp - prev_ts) > 2000) {
+        new_frame_interval = client_set_fps ? frm_int :
+            llabs(act_timestamp - prev_ts);
+        if (new_frame_interval < frm_int || frm_int == 0) {
+            frm_int = new_frame_interval;
+            if (frm_int) {
+                drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator = 1e6;
+                drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator = frm_int;
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("set_frame_rate: frm_int(%lu) fps(%f)",
+                        frm_int, drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator /
+                        (float)drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator);
-        /* We need to report the difference between this FBD and the previous FBD
-         * back to the driver for clock scaling purposes. */
-        struct v4l2_outputparm oparm;
-        /*XXX: we're providing timing info as seconds per frame rather than frames
-         * per second.*/
-        oparm.timeperframe.numerator = drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator;
-        oparm.timeperframe.denominator = drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator;
+                /* We need to report the difference between this FBD and the previous FBD
+                 * back to the driver for clock scaling purposes. */
+                struct v4l2_outputparm oparm;
+                /*XXX: we're providing timing info as seconds per frame rather than frames
+                 * per second.*/
+                oparm.timeperframe.numerator = drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_denominator;
+                oparm.timeperframe.denominator = drv_ctx.frame_rate.fps_numerator;
-        struct v4l2_streamparm sparm;
-        sparm.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
-        sparm.parm.output = oparm;
-        if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_PARM, &sparm))
-        {
-            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Unable to convey fps info to driver, \
-                    performance might be affected");
+                struct v4l2_streamparm sparm;
+                sparm.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
+                sparm.parm.output = oparm;
+                if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_PARM, &sparm)) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Unable to convey fps info to driver, \
+                            performance might be affected");
+                }
+            }
-      }
-  }
-  prev_ts = act_timestamp;
+    prev_ts = act_timestamp;
 void omx_vdec::adjust_timestamp(OMX_S64 &act_timestamp)
-  if (rst_prev_ts && VALID_TS(act_timestamp))
-  {
-    prev_ts = act_timestamp;
-    rst_prev_ts = false;
-  }
-  else if (VALID_TS(prev_ts))
-  {
-    bool codec_cond = (drv_ctx.timestamp_adjust)?
-                      (!VALID_TS(act_timestamp) || (((act_timestamp > prev_ts)?
-                      (act_timestamp - prev_ts):(prev_ts - act_timestamp)) <= 2000)):
-                      (!VALID_TS(act_timestamp) || act_timestamp == prev_ts);
-    if(frm_int > 0 && codec_cond)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("adjust_timestamp: original ts[%lld]", act_timestamp);
-      act_timestamp = prev_ts + frm_int;
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("adjust_timestamp: predicted ts[%lld]", act_timestamp);
-      prev_ts = act_timestamp;
+    if (rst_prev_ts && VALID_TS(act_timestamp)) {
+        prev_ts = act_timestamp;
+        rst_prev_ts = false;
+    } else if (VALID_TS(prev_ts)) {
+        bool codec_cond = (drv_ctx.timestamp_adjust)?
+            (!VALID_TS(act_timestamp) || (((act_timestamp > prev_ts)?
+                               (act_timestamp - prev_ts):(prev_ts - act_timestamp)) <= 2000)):
+            (!VALID_TS(act_timestamp) || act_timestamp == prev_ts);
+        if (frm_int > 0 && codec_cond) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("adjust_timestamp: original ts[%lld]", act_timestamp);
+            act_timestamp = prev_ts + frm_int;
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("adjust_timestamp: predicted ts[%lld]", act_timestamp);
+            prev_ts = act_timestamp;
+        } else
+            set_frame_rate(act_timestamp);
+    } else if (frm_int > 0)          // In this case the frame rate was set along
+    {                               // with the port definition, start ts with 0
+        act_timestamp = prev_ts = 0;  // and correct if a valid ts is received.
+        rst_prev_ts = true;
-    else
-      set_frame_rate(act_timestamp);
-  }
-  else if (frm_int > 0)           // In this case the frame rate was set along
-  {                               // with the port definition, start ts with 0
-    act_timestamp = prev_ts = 0;  // and correct if a valid ts is received.
-    rst_prev_ts = true;
-  }
 void omx_vdec::handle_extradata(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *p_buf_hdr)
-  OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *p_extra = NULL, *p_sei = NULL, *p_vui = NULL;
-  OMX_U32 num_conceal_MB = 0;
-  OMX_U32 frame_rate = 0;
-  int consumed_len = 0;
-  OMX_U32 num_MB_in_frame;
-  OMX_U32 recovery_sei_flags = 1;
-  int enable = 0;
-  OMX_U32 mbaff = 0;
-  int buf_index = p_buf_hdr - m_out_mem_ptr;
-  struct msm_vidc_panscan_window_payload *panscan_payload = NULL;
-  OMX_U8 *pBuffer = (OMX_U8 *)(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[buf_index].bufferaddr) +
-      p_buf_hdr->nOffset;
-  if (!drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr) {
-    return;
-  }
-    ((unsigned)(pBuffer + p_buf_hdr->nOffset + p_buf_hdr->nFilledLen + 3)&(~3));
-  char *p_extradata = drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr + buf_index * drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
-  if ((OMX_U8*)p_extra > (pBuffer + p_buf_hdr->nAllocLen))
-    p_extra = NULL;
-  if (data) {
-    while((consumed_len < drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size)
-        && (data->eType != (OMX_EXTRADATATYPE)EXTRADATA_NONE)) {
-      if ((consumed_len + data->nSize) > drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size) {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Invalid extra data size");
-        break;
-      }
-      switch((unsigned long)data->eType) {
-        struct msm_vidc_interlace_payload *payload;
-        payload = (struct msm_vidc_interlace_payload *)data->data;
-        mbaff = (h264_parser)? (h264_parser->is_mbaff()): false;
-        if (payload && (payload->format == INTERLACE_FRAME_PROGRESSIVE)  && !mbaff)
-          drv_ctx.interlace = VDEC_InterlaceFrameProgressive;
-        else {
-          drv_ctx.interlace = VDEC_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst;
-          enable = 1;
-        }
-        if(m_enable_android_native_buffers)
-          setMetaData((private_handle_t *)native_buffer[buf_index].privatehandle,
-            PP_PARAM_INTERLACED, (void*)&enable);
-        if (!secure_mode && (client_extradata & OMX_INTERLACE_EXTRADATA)) {
-          append_interlace_extradata(p_extra, payload->format);
-          p_extra = (OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *) (((OMX_U8 *) p_extra) + p_extra->nSize);
-        }
-        break;
-        struct msm_vidc_framerate_payload *frame_rate_payload;
-        frame_rate_payload = (struct msm_vidc_framerate_payload *)data->data;
-        frame_rate = frame_rate_payload->frame_rate;
-      break;
-        struct msm_vidc_ts_payload *time_stamp_payload;
-        time_stamp_payload = (struct msm_vidc_ts_payload *)data->data;
-        p_buf_hdr->nTimeStamp = time_stamp_payload->timestamp_lo;
-        p_buf_hdr->nTimeStamp |= ((unsigned long long)time_stamp_payload->timestamp_hi << 32);
-      break;
-        struct msm_vidc_concealmb_payload *conceal_mb_payload;
-        conceal_mb_payload = (struct msm_vidc_concealmb_payload *)data->data;
-        num_MB_in_frame = ((drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width + 15) *
-                     (drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height + 15)) >> 8;
-        num_conceal_MB = ((num_MB_in_frame > 0)?(conceal_mb_payload->num_mbs * 100 / num_MB_in_frame) : 0);
-      break;
-      case EXTRADATA_INDEX:
-	int *etype;
-	etype  = (int *)(data->data);
-	if (etype && *etype == EXTRADATA_ASPECT_RATIO) {
-        struct msm_vidc_aspect_ratio_payload *aspect_ratio_payload;
-        aspect_ratio_payload = (struct msm_vidc_aspect_ratio_payload *)(++etype);
-        if (aspect_ratio_payload) {
-          ((struct vdec_output_frameinfo *)
-              p_buf_hdr->pOutputPortPrivate)->aspect_ratio_info.par_width = aspect_ratio_payload->aspect_width;
-          ((struct vdec_output_frameinfo *)
-              p_buf_hdr->pOutputPortPrivate)->aspect_ratio_info.par_height = aspect_ratio_payload->aspect_height;
-          }
-	}
-      break;
-        struct msm_vidc_recoverysei_payload *recovery_sei_payload;
-        recovery_sei_payload = (struct msm_vidc_recoverysei_payload *)data->data;
-        recovery_sei_flags = recovery_sei_payload->flags;
-       if (recovery_sei_flags != FRAME_RECONSTRUCTION_CORRECT) {
-         p_buf_hdr->nFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DATACORRUPT;
-         DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n");
-         DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("***************************************************\n");
-         DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("FillBufferDone: OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DATACORRUPT Received\n");
-         DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("***************************************************\n");
-      }
-      break;
-        panscan_payload = (struct msm_vidc_panscan_window_payload *)data->data;
-        break;
-        struct msm_vidc_mpeg2_seqdisp_payload *seqdisp_payload;
-        seqdisp_payload = (struct msm_vidc_mpeg2_seqdisp_payload *)data->data;
-        if (seqdisp_payload) {
-          m_disp_hor_size = seqdisp_payload->disp_width;
-          m_disp_vert_size = seqdisp_payload->disp_height;
-        }
-        break;
-      default:
-        goto unrecognized_extradata;
-      }
-      consumed_len += data->nSize;
-      data = (OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *)((char *)data + data->nSize);
+    OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *p_extra = NULL, *p_sei = NULL, *p_vui = NULL;
+    OMX_U32 num_conceal_MB = 0;
+    OMX_U32 frame_rate = 0;
+    int consumed_len = 0;
+    OMX_U32 num_MB_in_frame;
+    OMX_U32 recovery_sei_flags = 1;
+    int enable = 0;
+    OMX_U32 mbaff = 0;
+    int buf_index = p_buf_hdr - m_out_mem_ptr;
+    struct msm_vidc_panscan_window_payload *panscan_payload = NULL;
+    OMX_U8 *pBuffer = (OMX_U8 *)(drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[buf_index].bufferaddr) +
+        p_buf_hdr->nOffset;
+    if (!drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr) {
+        return;
-    if (!secure_mode && (client_extradata & OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA)) {
-      p_buf_hdr->nFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EXTRADATA;
-      append_frame_info_extradata(p_extra,
-        num_conceal_MB, ((struct vdec_output_frameinfo *)p_buf_hdr->pOutputPortPrivate)->pic_type, frame_rate,
-        panscan_payload,&((struct vdec_output_frameinfo *)
-        p_buf_hdr->pOutputPortPrivate)->aspect_ratio_info);}
-  }
+    p_extra = (OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *)
+        ((unsigned)(pBuffer + p_buf_hdr->nOffset + p_buf_hdr->nFilledLen + 3)&(~3));
+    char *p_extradata = drv_ctx.extradata_info.uaddr + buf_index * drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size;
+    if ((OMX_U8*)p_extra > (pBuffer + p_buf_hdr->nAllocLen))
+        p_extra = NULL;
+    if (data) {
+        while ((consumed_len < drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size)
+                && (data->eType != (OMX_EXTRADATATYPE)EXTRADATA_NONE)) {
+            if ((consumed_len + data->nSize) > drv_ctx.extradata_info.buffer_size) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Invalid extra data size");
+                break;
+            }
+            switch ((unsigned long)data->eType) {
+                case EXTRADATA_INTERLACE_VIDEO:
+                    struct msm_vidc_interlace_payload *payload;
+                    payload = (struct msm_vidc_interlace_payload *)data->data;
+                    mbaff = (h264_parser)? (h264_parser->is_mbaff()): false;
+                    if (payload && (payload->format == INTERLACE_FRAME_PROGRESSIVE)  && !mbaff)
+                        drv_ctx.interlace = VDEC_InterlaceFrameProgressive;
+                    else {
+                        drv_ctx.interlace = VDEC_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst;
+                        enable = 1;
+                    }
+                    if (m_enable_android_native_buffers)
+                        setMetaData((private_handle_t *)native_buffer[buf_index].privatehandle,
+                                PP_PARAM_INTERLACED, (void*)&enable);
+                    if (!secure_mode && (client_extradata & OMX_INTERLACE_EXTRADATA)) {
+                        append_interlace_extradata(p_extra, payload->format);
+                        p_extra = (OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *) (((OMX_U8 *) p_extra) + p_extra->nSize);
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case EXTRADATA_FRAME_RATE:
+                    struct msm_vidc_framerate_payload *frame_rate_payload;
+                    frame_rate_payload = (struct msm_vidc_framerate_payload *)data->data;
+                    frame_rate = frame_rate_payload->frame_rate;
+                    break;
+                case EXTRADATA_TIMESTAMP:
+                    struct msm_vidc_ts_payload *time_stamp_payload;
+                    time_stamp_payload = (struct msm_vidc_ts_payload *)data->data;
+                    p_buf_hdr->nTimeStamp = time_stamp_payload->timestamp_lo;
+                    p_buf_hdr->nTimeStamp |= ((unsigned long long)time_stamp_payload->timestamp_hi << 32);
+                    break;
+                case EXTRADATA_NUM_CONCEALED_MB:
+                    struct msm_vidc_concealmb_payload *conceal_mb_payload;
+                    conceal_mb_payload = (struct msm_vidc_concealmb_payload *)data->data;
+                    num_MB_in_frame = ((drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width + 15) *
+                            (drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height + 15)) >> 8;
+                    num_conceal_MB = ((num_MB_in_frame > 0)?(conceal_mb_payload->num_mbs * 100 / num_MB_in_frame) : 0);
+                    break;
+                case EXTRADATA_INDEX:
+                    int *etype;
+                    etype  = (int *)(data->data);
+                    if (etype && *etype == EXTRADATA_ASPECT_RATIO) {
+                        struct msm_vidc_aspect_ratio_payload *aspect_ratio_payload;
+                        aspect_ratio_payload = (struct msm_vidc_aspect_ratio_payload *)(++etype);
+                        if (aspect_ratio_payload) {
+                            ((struct vdec_output_frameinfo *)
+                             p_buf_hdr->pOutputPortPrivate)->aspect_ratio_info.par_width = aspect_ratio_payload->aspect_width;
+                            ((struct vdec_output_frameinfo *)
+                             p_buf_hdr->pOutputPortPrivate)->aspect_ratio_info.par_height = aspect_ratio_payload->aspect_height;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case EXTRADATA_RECOVERY_POINT_SEI:
+                    struct msm_vidc_recoverysei_payload *recovery_sei_payload;
+                    recovery_sei_payload = (struct msm_vidc_recoverysei_payload *)data->data;
+                    recovery_sei_flags = recovery_sei_payload->flags;
+                    if (recovery_sei_flags != FRAME_RECONSTRUCTION_CORRECT) {
+                        p_buf_hdr->nFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DATACORRUPT;
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n");
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("***************************************************\n");
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("FillBufferDone: OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DATACORRUPT Received\n");
+                        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("***************************************************\n");
+                    }
+                    break;
+                case EXTRADATA_PANSCAN_WINDOW:
+                    panscan_payload = (struct msm_vidc_panscan_window_payload *)data->data;
+                    break;
+                case EXTRADATA_MPEG2_SEQDISP:
+                    struct msm_vidc_mpeg2_seqdisp_payload *seqdisp_payload;
+                    seqdisp_payload = (struct msm_vidc_mpeg2_seqdisp_payload *)data->data;
+                    if (seqdisp_payload) {
+                        m_disp_hor_size = seqdisp_payload->disp_width;
+                        m_disp_vert_size = seqdisp_payload->disp_height;
+                    }
+                    break;
+                default:
+                    goto unrecognized_extradata;
+            }
+            consumed_len += data->nSize;
+            data = (OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *)((char *)data + data->nSize);
+        }
+        if (!secure_mode && (client_extradata & OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA)) {
+            p_buf_hdr->nFlags |= OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EXTRADATA;
+            append_frame_info_extradata(p_extra,
+                    num_conceal_MB, ((struct vdec_output_frameinfo *)p_buf_hdr->pOutputPortPrivate)->pic_type, frame_rate,
+                    panscan_payload,&((struct vdec_output_frameinfo *)
+                        p_buf_hdr->pOutputPortPrivate)->aspect_ratio_info);
+        }
+    }
-  if(!secure_mode && client_extradata)
-    append_terminator_extradata(p_extra);
-  return;
+    if (!secure_mode && client_extradata)
+        append_terminator_extradata(p_extra);
+    return;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::enable_extradata(OMX_U32 requested_extradata,
-	 bool is_internal, bool enable)
+        bool is_internal, bool enable)
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  struct v4l2_control control;
-  if(m_state != OMX_StateLoaded)
-  {
-     DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: enable extradata allowed in Loaded state only");
-     return OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation;
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("NOTE: enable_extradata: actual[%lu] requested[%lu] enable[%d], is_internal: %d\n",
-    client_extradata, requested_extradata, enable, is_internal);
-  if (!is_internal) {
-	  if (enable)
-		  client_extradata |= requested_extradata;
-	  else
-		  client_extradata = client_extradata & ~requested_extradata;
-  }
-  if (enable) {
-    if (requested_extradata & OMX_INTERLACE_EXTRADATA) {
-      if(ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set interlaced extradata."
-            " Quality of interlaced clips might be impacted.\n");
-      }
-    } else if (requested_extradata & OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA)
-      {
-      control.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_EXTRADATA_FRAME_RATE;
-      if(ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set framerate extradata\n");
-      }
-      if(ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set concealed MB extradata\n");
-      }
-      if(ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set recovery point SEI extradata\n");
-      }
-      if(ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set panscan extradata\n");
-      }
-      if(ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set panscan extradata\n");
-      }
-      if (output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2)
-      {
-        control.value =  V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_EXTRADATA_MPEG2_SEQDISP;
-        if(ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set panscan extradata\n");
-        }
-      }
-    } else if (requested_extradata & OMX_TIMEINFO_EXTRADATA)
-    {
-      control.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_EXTRADATA_TIMESTAMP;
-      if(ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set timeinfo extradata\n");
-      }
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE ret = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    struct v4l2_control control;
+    if (m_state != OMX_StateLoaded) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("ERROR: enable extradata allowed in Loaded state only");
+        return OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation;
-  }
-  ret = get_buffer_req(&drv_ctx.op_buf);
-  return ret;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("NOTE: enable_extradata: actual[%lu] requested[%lu] enable[%d], is_internal: %d\n",
+            client_extradata, requested_extradata, enable, is_internal);
+    if (!is_internal) {
+        if (enable)
+            client_extradata |= requested_extradata;
+        else
+            client_extradata = client_extradata & ~requested_extradata;
+    }
+    if (enable) {
+        if (requested_extradata & OMX_INTERLACE_EXTRADATA) {
+            control.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_EXTRADATA_INTERLACE_VIDEO;
+            if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set interlaced extradata."
+                        " Quality of interlaced clips might be impacted.\n");
+            }
+        } else if (requested_extradata & OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA) {
+            control.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_EXTRADATA_FRAME_RATE;
+            if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set framerate extradata\n");
+            }
+            control.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_EXTRADATA_NUM_CONCEALED_MB;
+            if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set concealed MB extradata\n");
+            }
+            control.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_EXTRADATA_RECOVERY_POINT_SEI;
+            if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set recovery point SEI extradata\n");
+            }
+            control.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_EXTRADATA_PANSCAN_WINDOW;
+            if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set panscan extradata\n");
+            }
+            control.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_INDEX_EXTRADATA_ASPECT_RATIO;
+            if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set panscan extradata\n");
+            }
+            if (output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2) {
+                control.value =  V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_EXTRADATA_MPEG2_SEQDISP;
+                if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
+                    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set panscan extradata\n");
+                }
+            }
+        } else if (requested_extradata & OMX_TIMEINFO_EXTRADATA) {
+            control.value = V4L2_MPEG_VIDC_EXTRADATA_TIMESTAMP;
+            if (ioctl(drv_ctx.video_driver_fd, VIDIOC_S_CTRL, &control)) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("Failed to set timeinfo extradata\n");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    ret = get_buffer_req(&drv_ctx.op_buf);
+    return ret;
 OMX_U32 omx_vdec::count_MB_in_extradata(OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *extra)
-  OMX_U32 num_MB = 0, byte_count = 0, num_MB_in_frame = 0;
-  OMX_U8 *data_ptr = extra->data, data = 0;
-  while (byte_count < extra->nDataSize)
-  {
-    data = *data_ptr;
-    while (data)
-    {
-      num_MB += (data&0x01);
-      data >>= 1;
+    OMX_U32 num_MB = 0, byte_count = 0, num_MB_in_frame = 0;
+    OMX_U8 *data_ptr = extra->data, data = 0;
+    while (byte_count < extra->nDataSize) {
+        data = *data_ptr;
+        while (data) {
+            num_MB += (data&0x01);
+            data >>= 1;
+        }
+        data_ptr++;
+        byte_count++;
-    data_ptr++;
-    byte_count++;
-  }
-  num_MB_in_frame = ((drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width + 15) *
-                     (drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height + 15)) >> 8;
-  return ((num_MB_in_frame > 0)?(num_MB * 100 / num_MB_in_frame) : 0);
+    num_MB_in_frame = ((drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width + 15) *
+            (drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height + 15)) >> 8;
+    return ((num_MB_in_frame > 0)?(num_MB * 100 / num_MB_in_frame) : 0);
 void omx_vdec::print_debug_extradata(OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *extra)
-  if (!m_debug_extradata)
-     return;
-    "============== Extra Data ==============\n"
-    "           Size: %lu \n"
-    "        Version: %lu \n"
-    "      PortIndex: %lu \n"
-    "           Type: %x \n"
-    "       DataSize: %lu \n",
-    extra->nSize, extra->nVersion.nVersion,
-    extra->nPortIndex, extra->eType, extra->nDataSize);
-  if (extra->eType == (OMX_EXTRADATATYPE)OMX_ExtraDataInterlaceFormat)
-  {
-      "------ Interlace Format ------\n"
-      "                Size: %lu \n"
-      "             Version: %lu \n"
-      "           PortIndex: %lu \n"
-      " Is Interlace Format: %d \n"
-      "   Interlace Formats: %lu \n"
-      "=========== End of Interlace ===========\n",
-      intfmt->nSize, intfmt->nVersion.nVersion, intfmt->nPortIndex,
-      intfmt->bInterlaceFormat, intfmt->nInterlaceFormats);
-  }
-  else if (extra->eType == (OMX_EXTRADATATYPE)OMX_ExtraDataFrameInfo)
-  {
+    if (!m_debug_extradata)
+        return;
-      "-------- Frame Format --------\n"
-      "             Picture Type: %d \n"
-      "           Interlace Type: %d \n"
-      " Pan Scan Total Frame Num: %lu \n"
-      "   Concealed Macro Blocks: %lu \n"
-      "               frame rate: %lu \n"
-      "           Aspect Ratio X: %lu \n"
-      "           Aspect Ratio Y: %lu \n",
-      fminfo->ePicType,
-      fminfo->interlaceType,
-      fminfo->panScan.numWindows,
-      fminfo->nConcealedMacroblocks,
-      fminfo->nFrameRate,
-      fminfo->aspectRatio.aspectRatioX,
-      fminfo->aspectRatio.aspectRatioY);
+            "============== Extra Data ==============\n"
+            "           Size: %lu \n"
+            "        Version: %lu \n"
+            "      PortIndex: %lu \n"
+            "           Type: %x \n"
+            "       DataSize: %lu \n",
+            extra->nSize, extra->nVersion.nVersion,
+            extra->nPortIndex, extra->eType, extra->nDataSize);
-    for (OMX_U32 i = 0; i < fminfo->panScan.numWindows; i++)
-    {
-        "------------------------------\n"
-        "     Pan Scan Frame Num: %lu \n"
-        "            Rectangle x: %ld \n"
-        "            Rectangle y: %ld \n"
-        "           Rectangle dx: %ld \n"
-        "           Rectangle dy: %ld \n",
-        i, fminfo->panScan.window[i].x, fminfo->panScan.window[i].y,
-        fminfo->panScan.window[i].dx, fminfo->panScan.window[i].dy);
+    if (extra->eType == (OMX_EXTRADATATYPE)OMX_ExtraDataInterlaceFormat) {
+                "------ Interlace Format ------\n"
+                "                Size: %lu \n"
+                "             Version: %lu \n"
+                "           PortIndex: %lu \n"
+                " Is Interlace Format: %d \n"
+                "   Interlace Formats: %lu \n"
+                "=========== End of Interlace ===========\n",
+                intfmt->nSize, intfmt->nVersion.nVersion, intfmt->nPortIndex,
+                intfmt->bInterlaceFormat, intfmt->nInterlaceFormats);
+    } else if (extra->eType == (OMX_EXTRADATATYPE)OMX_ExtraDataFrameInfo) {
+                "-------- Frame Format --------\n"
+                "             Picture Type: %d \n"
+                "           Interlace Type: %d \n"
+                " Pan Scan Total Frame Num: %lu \n"
+                "   Concealed Macro Blocks: %lu \n"
+                "               frame rate: %lu \n"
+                "           Aspect Ratio X: %lu \n"
+                "           Aspect Ratio Y: %lu \n",
+                fminfo->ePicType,
+                fminfo->interlaceType,
+                fminfo->panScan.numWindows,
+                fminfo->nConcealedMacroblocks,
+                fminfo->nFrameRate,
+                fminfo->aspectRatio.aspectRatioX,
+                fminfo->aspectRatio.aspectRatioY);
+        for (OMX_U32 i = 0; i < fminfo->panScan.numWindows; i++) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH(
+                    "------------------------------\n"
+                    "     Pan Scan Frame Num: %lu \n"
+                    "            Rectangle x: %ld \n"
+                    "            Rectangle y: %ld \n"
+                    "           Rectangle dx: %ld \n"
+                    "           Rectangle dy: %ld \n",
+                    i, fminfo->panScan.window[i].x, fminfo->panScan.window[i].y,
+                    fminfo->panScan.window[i].dx, fminfo->panScan.window[i].dy);
+        }
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("========= End of Frame Format ==========");
+    } else if (extra->eType == OMX_ExtraDataNone) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("========== End of Terminator ===========");
+    } else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("======= End of Driver Extradata ========");
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("========= End of Frame Format ==========");
-  }
-  else if (extra->eType == OMX_ExtraDataNone)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("========== End of Terminator ===========");
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("======= End of Driver Extradata ========");
-  }
 void omx_vdec::append_interlace_extradata(OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *extra,
-                                          OMX_U32 interlaced_format_type)
+        OMX_U32 interlaced_format_type)
-  OMX_U32 mbaff = 0;
-  if (!(client_extradata & OMX_INTERLACE_EXTRADATA)) {
-	return;
-  }
-  extra->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-  extra->nPortIndex = OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX;
-  extra->eType = (OMX_EXTRADATATYPE)OMX_ExtraDataInterlaceFormat;
-  extra->nDataSize = sizeof(OMX_STREAMINTERLACEFORMAT);
-  interlace_format = (OMX_STREAMINTERLACEFORMAT *)extra->data;
-  interlace_format->nSize = sizeof(OMX_STREAMINTERLACEFORMAT);
-  interlace_format->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-  interlace_format->nPortIndex = OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX;
-  mbaff = (h264_parser)? (h264_parser->is_mbaff()): false;
-  if ((interlaced_format_type == INTERLACE_FRAME_PROGRESSIVE)  && !mbaff)
-  {
-    interlace_format->bInterlaceFormat = OMX_FALSE;
-    interlace_format->nInterlaceFormats = OMX_InterlaceFrameProgressive;
-    drv_ctx.interlace = VDEC_InterlaceFrameProgressive;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    interlace_format->bInterlaceFormat = OMX_TRUE;
-    interlace_format->nInterlaceFormats = OMX_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst;
-    drv_ctx.interlace = VDEC_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst;
-  }
-  print_debug_extradata(extra);
+    OMX_STREAMINTERLACEFORMAT *interlace_format;
+    OMX_U32 mbaff = 0;
+    if (!(client_extradata & OMX_INTERLACE_EXTRADATA)) {
+        return;
+    }
+    extra->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+    extra->nPortIndex = OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX;
+    extra->eType = (OMX_EXTRADATATYPE)OMX_ExtraDataInterlaceFormat;
+    extra->nDataSize = sizeof(OMX_STREAMINTERLACEFORMAT);
+    interlace_format = (OMX_STREAMINTERLACEFORMAT *)extra->data;
+    interlace_format->nSize = sizeof(OMX_STREAMINTERLACEFORMAT);
+    interlace_format->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+    interlace_format->nPortIndex = OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX;
+    mbaff = (h264_parser)? (h264_parser->is_mbaff()): false;
+    if ((interlaced_format_type == INTERLACE_FRAME_PROGRESSIVE)  && !mbaff) {
+        interlace_format->bInterlaceFormat = OMX_FALSE;
+        interlace_format->nInterlaceFormats = OMX_InterlaceFrameProgressive;
+        drv_ctx.interlace = VDEC_InterlaceFrameProgressive;
+    } else {
+        interlace_format->bInterlaceFormat = OMX_TRUE;
+        interlace_format->nInterlaceFormats = OMX_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst;
+        drv_ctx.interlace = VDEC_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst;
+    }
+    print_debug_extradata(extra);
 void omx_vdec::fill_aspect_ratio_info(
-                       struct vdec_aspectratioinfo *aspect_ratio_info,
-                       OMX_QCOM_EXTRADATA_FRAMEINFO *frame_info)
+        struct vdec_aspectratioinfo *aspect_ratio_info,
+        OMX_QCOM_EXTRADATA_FRAMEINFO *frame_info)
-  m_extradata = frame_info;
-  m_extradata->aspectRatio.aspectRatioX = aspect_ratio_info->par_width;
-  m_extradata->aspectRatio.aspectRatioY = aspect_ratio_info->par_height;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("aspectRatioX %lu aspectRatioX %lu", m_extradata->aspectRatio.aspectRatioX,
-                                                     m_extradata->aspectRatio.aspectRatioY);
+    m_extradata = frame_info;
+    m_extradata->aspectRatio.aspectRatioX = aspect_ratio_info->par_width;
+    m_extradata->aspectRatio.aspectRatioY = aspect_ratio_info->par_height;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("aspectRatioX %lu aspectRatioX %lu", m_extradata->aspectRatio.aspectRatioX,
+            m_extradata->aspectRatio.aspectRatioY);
 void omx_vdec::append_frame_info_extradata(OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *extra,
-    OMX_U32 num_conceal_mb, OMX_U32 picture_type, OMX_U32 frame_rate,
+        OMX_U32 num_conceal_mb, OMX_U32 picture_type, OMX_U32 frame_rate,
         struct msm_vidc_panscan_window_payload *panscan_payload,
         struct vdec_aspectratioinfo *aspect_ratio_info)
-  struct msm_vidc_panscan_window *panscan_window;
-  if (!(client_extradata & OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA)) {
+    struct msm_vidc_panscan_window *panscan_window;
+    if (!(client_extradata & OMX_FRAMEINFO_EXTRADATA)) {
-  }
-  extra->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-  extra->nPortIndex = OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX;
-  extra->eType = (OMX_EXTRADATATYPE)OMX_ExtraDataFrameInfo;
-  extra->nDataSize = sizeof(OMX_QCOM_EXTRADATA_FRAMEINFO);
-  frame_info = (OMX_QCOM_EXTRADATA_FRAMEINFO *)extra->data;
-  switch (picture_type)
-  {
-    case PICTURE_TYPE_I:
-      frame_info->ePicType = OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeI;
-    break;
-    case PICTURE_TYPE_P:
-      frame_info->ePicType = OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeP;
-    break;
-    case PICTURE_TYPE_B:
-      frame_info->ePicType = OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeB;
-    break;
-    default:
-       frame_info->ePicType = (OMX_VIDEO_PICTURETYPE)0;
-  }
-  if (drv_ctx.interlace == VDEC_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst)
-    frame_info->interlaceType = OMX_QCOM_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst;
-  else if (drv_ctx.interlace == VDEC_InterlaceInterleaveFrameBottomFieldFirst)
-    frame_info->interlaceType = OMX_QCOM_InterlaceInterleaveFrameBottomFieldFirst;
-  else
-    frame_info->interlaceType = OMX_QCOM_InterlaceFrameProgressive;
-  memset(&frame_info->aspectRatio, 0, sizeof(frame_info->aspectRatio));
-  frame_info->nConcealedMacroblocks = num_conceal_mb;
-  frame_info->nFrameRate = frame_rate;
-  frame_info->panScan.numWindows = 0;
-  if (output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2)
-  {
-    if (m_disp_hor_size && m_disp_vert_size)
-    {
-      frame_info->displayAspectRatio.displayHorizontalSize = m_disp_hor_size;
-      frame_info->displayAspectRatio.displayVerticalSize = m_disp_vert_size;
-  }
+    extra->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+    extra->nPortIndex = OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX;
+    extra->eType = (OMX_EXTRADATATYPE)OMX_ExtraDataFrameInfo;
+    extra->nDataSize = sizeof(OMX_QCOM_EXTRADATA_FRAMEINFO);
+    frame_info = (OMX_QCOM_EXTRADATA_FRAMEINFO *)extra->data;
+    switch (picture_type) {
+        case PICTURE_TYPE_I:
+            frame_info->ePicType = OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeI;
+            break;
+        case PICTURE_TYPE_P:
+            frame_info->ePicType = OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeP;
+            break;
+        case PICTURE_TYPE_B:
+            frame_info->ePicType = OMX_VIDEO_PictureTypeB;
+            break;
+        default:
+            frame_info->ePicType = (OMX_VIDEO_PICTURETYPE)0;
+    }
+    if (drv_ctx.interlace == VDEC_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst)
+        frame_info->interlaceType = OMX_QCOM_InterlaceInterleaveFrameTopFieldFirst;
+    else if (drv_ctx.interlace == VDEC_InterlaceInterleaveFrameBottomFieldFirst)
+        frame_info->interlaceType = OMX_QCOM_InterlaceInterleaveFrameBottomFieldFirst;
+    else
+        frame_info->interlaceType = OMX_QCOM_InterlaceFrameProgressive;
+    memset(&frame_info->aspectRatio, 0, sizeof(frame_info->aspectRatio));
+    frame_info->nConcealedMacroblocks = num_conceal_mb;
+    frame_info->nFrameRate = frame_rate;
+    frame_info->panScan.numWindows = 0;
+    if (output_capability == V4L2_PIX_FMT_MPEG2) {
+        if (m_disp_hor_size && m_disp_vert_size) {
+            frame_info->displayAspectRatio.displayHorizontalSize = m_disp_hor_size;
+            frame_info->displayAspectRatio.displayVerticalSize = m_disp_vert_size;
+        }
+    }
-  if(panscan_payload) {
-  frame_info->panScan.numWindows = panscan_payload->num_panscan_windows;
-  panscan_window = &panscan_payload->wnd[0];
-  for (OMX_U32 i = 0; i < frame_info->panScan.numWindows; i++)
-    {
-      frame_info->panScan.window[i].x = panscan_window->panscan_window_width;
-      frame_info->panScan.window[i].y = panscan_window->panscan_window_height;
-      frame_info->panScan.window[i].dx = panscan_window->panscan_width_offset;
-      frame_info->panScan.window[i].dy = panscan_window->panscan_height_offset;
-      panscan_window++;
+    if (panscan_payload) {
+        frame_info->panScan.numWindows = panscan_payload->num_panscan_windows;
+        panscan_window = &panscan_payload->wnd[0];
+        for (OMX_U32 i = 0; i < frame_info->panScan.numWindows; i++) {
+            frame_info->panScan.window[i].x = panscan_window->panscan_window_width;
+            frame_info->panScan.window[i].y = panscan_window->panscan_window_height;
+            frame_info->panScan.window[i].dx = panscan_window->panscan_width_offset;
+            frame_info->panScan.window[i].dy = panscan_window->panscan_height_offset;
+            panscan_window++;
+        }
-  }
-  fill_aspect_ratio_info(aspect_ratio_info, frame_info);
-  print_debug_extradata(extra);
+    fill_aspect_ratio_info(aspect_ratio_info, frame_info);
+    print_debug_extradata(extra);
 void omx_vdec::append_portdef_extradata(OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *extra)
-  extra->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-  extra->nPortIndex = OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX;
-  extra->eType = (OMX_EXTRADATATYPE)OMX_ExtraDataPortDef;
-  extra->nDataSize = sizeof(OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE);
-  portDefn = (OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *)extra->data;
-  *portDefn = m_port_def;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("append_portdef_extradata height = %lu width = %lu "
-     "stride = %lu sliceheight = %lu \n",portDefn->,
-     portDefn->,
-     portDefn->,
-     portDefn->;
+    extra->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+    extra->nPortIndex = OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX;
+    extra->eType = (OMX_EXTRADATATYPE)OMX_ExtraDataPortDef;
+    extra->nDataSize = sizeof(OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE);
+    portDefn = (OMX_PARAM_PORTDEFINITIONTYPE *)extra->data;
+    *portDefn = m_port_def;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("append_portdef_extradata height = %lu width = %lu "
+            "stride = %lu sliceheight = %lu \n",portDefn->,
+            portDefn->,
+            portDefn->,
+            portDefn->;
 void omx_vdec::append_terminator_extradata(OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE *extra)
-  if (!client_extradata) {
-	return;
-  }
-  extra->nSize = sizeof(OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE);
-  extra->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-  extra->eType = OMX_ExtraDataNone;
-  extra->nDataSize = 0;
-  extra->data[0] = 0;
+    if (!client_extradata) {
+        return;
+    }
+    extra->nSize = sizeof(OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE);
+    extra->nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+    extra->eType = OMX_ExtraDataNone;
+    extra->nDataSize = 0;
+    extra->data[0] = 0;
-  print_debug_extradata(extra);
+    print_debug_extradata(extra);
 OMX_ERRORTYPE  omx_vdec::allocate_desc_buffer(OMX_U32 index)
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  if (index >= drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:Desc Buffer Index not found");
-    return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-  }
-  if (m_desc_buffer_ptr == NULL)
-  {
-    m_desc_buffer_ptr = (desc_buffer_hdr*) \
-                     calloc( (sizeof(desc_buffer_hdr)),
-                     drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
-    if (m_desc_buffer_ptr == NULL)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n m_desc_buffer_ptr Allocation failed ");
-      return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    if (index >= drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR:Desc Buffer Index not found");
+        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-  }
+    if (m_desc_buffer_ptr == NULL) {
+        m_desc_buffer_ptr = (desc_buffer_hdr*) \
+                    calloc( (sizeof(desc_buffer_hdr)),
+                            drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount);
+        if (m_desc_buffer_ptr == NULL) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n m_desc_buffer_ptr Allocation failed ");
+            return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+        }
+    }
-  m_desc_buffer_ptr[index].buf_addr = (unsigned char *)malloc (DESC_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(OMX_U8));
-  if (m_desc_buffer_ptr[index].buf_addr == NULL)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\ndesc buffer Allocation failed ");
-    return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-  }
+    m_desc_buffer_ptr[index].buf_addr = (unsigned char *)malloc (DESC_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(OMX_U8));
+    if (m_desc_buffer_ptr[index].buf_addr == NULL) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\ndesc buffer Allocation failed ");
+        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+    }
-  return eRet;
+    return eRet;
 void omx_vdec::insert_demux_addr_offset(OMX_U32 address_offset)
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Inserting address offset (%lu) at idx (%lu)", address_offset,m_demux_entries);
-  if (m_demux_entries < 8192)
-  {
-    m_demux_offsets[m_demux_entries++] = address_offset;
-  }
-  return;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Inserting address offset (%lu) at idx (%lu)", address_offset,m_demux_entries);
+    if (m_demux_entries < 8192) {
+        m_demux_offsets[m_demux_entries++] = address_offset;
+    }
+    return;
 void omx_vdec::extract_demux_addr_offsets(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *buf_hdr)
-  OMX_U32 bytes_to_parse = buf_hdr->nFilledLen;
-  OMX_U8 *buf = buf_hdr->pBuffer + buf_hdr->nOffset;
-  OMX_U32 index = 0;
+    OMX_U32 bytes_to_parse = buf_hdr->nFilledLen;
+    OMX_U8 *buf = buf_hdr->pBuffer + buf_hdr->nOffset;
+    OMX_U32 index = 0;
-  m_demux_entries = 0;
+    m_demux_entries = 0;
-  while (index < bytes_to_parse)
-  {
-    if ( ((buf[index] == 0x00) && (buf[index+1] == 0x00) &&
-          (buf[index+2] == 0x00) && (buf[index+3] == 0x01)) ||
-         ((buf[index] == 0x00) && (buf[index+1] == 0x00) &&
-          (buf[index+2] == 0x01)) )
-    {
-      //Found start code, insert address offset
-      insert_demux_addr_offset(index);
-      if (buf[index+2] == 0x01) // 3 byte start code
-        index += 3;
-      else                      //4 byte start code
-        index += 4;
+    while (index < bytes_to_parse) {
+        if ( ((buf[index] == 0x00) && (buf[index+1] == 0x00) &&
+                    (buf[index+2] == 0x00) && (buf[index+3] == 0x01)) ||
+                ((buf[index] == 0x00) && (buf[index+1] == 0x00) &&
+                 (buf[index+2] == 0x01)) ) {
+            //Found start code, insert address offset
+            insert_demux_addr_offset(index);
+            if (buf[index+2] == 0x01) // 3 byte start code
+                index += 3;
+            else                      //4 byte start code
+                index += 4;
+        } else
+            index++;
-    else
-      index++;
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Extracted (%lu) demux entry offsets",m_demux_entries);
-  return;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Extracted (%lu) demux entry offsets",m_demux_entries);
+    return;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::handle_demux_data(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *p_buf_hdr)
-  //fix this, handle 3 byte start code, vc1 terminator entry
-  OMX_U8 *p_demux_data = NULL;
-  OMX_U32 desc_data = 0;
-  OMX_U32 start_addr = 0;
-  OMX_U32 nal_size = 0;
-  OMX_U32 suffix_byte = 0;
-  OMX_U32 demux_index = 0;
-  OMX_U32 buffer_index = 0;
+    //fix this, handle 3 byte start code, vc1 terminator entry
+    OMX_U8 *p_demux_data = NULL;
+    OMX_U32 desc_data = 0;
+    OMX_U32 start_addr = 0;
+    OMX_U32 nal_size = 0;
+    OMX_U32 suffix_byte = 0;
+    OMX_U32 demux_index = 0;
+    OMX_U32 buffer_index = 0;
-  if (m_desc_buffer_ptr == NULL)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("m_desc_buffer_ptr is NULL. Cannot append demux entries.");
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  buffer_index = p_buf_hdr - ((OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)m_inp_mem_ptr);
-  if (buffer_index > drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("handle_demux_data:Buffer index is incorrect (%lu)", buffer_index);
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  p_demux_data = (OMX_U8 *) m_desc_buffer_ptr[buffer_index].buf_addr;
-  if ( ((OMX_U8*)p_demux_data == NULL) ||
-      ((m_demux_entries * 16) + 1) > DESC_BUFFER_SIZE)
-  {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Insufficient buffer. Cannot append demux entries.");
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  else
-  {
-    for (; demux_index < m_demux_entries; demux_index++)
-    {
-      desc_data = 0;
-      start_addr = m_demux_offsets[demux_index];
-      if (p_buf_hdr->pBuffer[m_demux_offsets[demux_index] + 2] == 0x01)
-      {
-        suffix_byte = p_buf_hdr->pBuffer[m_demux_offsets[demux_index] + 3];
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        suffix_byte = p_buf_hdr->pBuffer[m_demux_offsets[demux_index] + 4];
-      }
-      if (demux_index < (m_demux_entries - 1))
-      {
-        nal_size = m_demux_offsets[demux_index + 1] - m_demux_offsets[demux_index] - 2;
-      }
-      else
-      {
-        nal_size = p_buf_hdr->nFilledLen - m_demux_offsets[demux_index] - 2;
-      }
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Start_addr(%p), suffix_byte(0x%lx),nal_size(%lu),demux_index(%lu)",
-                        (void *)start_addr,
-                        suffix_byte,
-                        nal_size,
-                        demux_index);
-      desc_data = (start_addr >> 3) << 1;
-      desc_data |= (start_addr & 7) << 21;
-      desc_data |= suffix_byte << 24;
-      memcpy(p_demux_data, &desc_data, sizeof(OMX_U32));
-      memcpy(p_demux_data + 4, &nal_size, sizeof(OMX_U32));
-      memset(p_demux_data + 8, 0, sizeof(OMX_U32));
-      memset(p_demux_data + 12, 0, sizeof(OMX_U32));
-      p_demux_data += 16;
+    if (m_desc_buffer_ptr == NULL) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("m_desc_buffer_ptr is NULL. Cannot append demux entries.");
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-    if (codec_type_parse == CODEC_TYPE_VC1)
-    {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("VC1 terminator entry");
-      desc_data = 0;
-      desc_data = 0x82 << 24;
-      memcpy(p_demux_data, &desc_data, sizeof(OMX_U32));
-      memset(p_demux_data + 4, 0, sizeof(OMX_U32));
-      memset(p_demux_data + 8, 0, sizeof(OMX_U32));
-      memset(p_demux_data + 12, 0, sizeof(OMX_U32));
-      p_demux_data += 16;
-      m_demux_entries++;
-    }
-    //Add zero word to indicate end of descriptors
-    memset(p_demux_data, 0, sizeof(OMX_U32));
-    m_desc_buffer_ptr[buffer_index].desc_data_size = (m_demux_entries * 16) + sizeof(OMX_U32);
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("desc table data size=%lu", m_desc_buffer_ptr[buffer_index].desc_data_size);
-  }
-  memset(m_demux_offsets, 0, ( sizeof(OMX_U32) * 8192) );
-  m_demux_entries = 0;
-  DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Demux table complete!");
-  return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    buffer_index = p_buf_hdr - ((OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *)m_inp_mem_ptr);
+    if (buffer_index > drv_ctx.ip_buf.actualcount) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("handle_demux_data:Buffer index is incorrect (%lu)", buffer_index);
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
+    p_demux_data = (OMX_U8 *) m_desc_buffer_ptr[buffer_index].buf_addr;
+    if ( ((OMX_U8*)p_demux_data == NULL) ||
+            ((m_demux_entries * 16) + 1) > DESC_BUFFER_SIZE) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("Insufficient buffer. Cannot append demux entries.");
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    } else {
+        for (; demux_index < m_demux_entries; demux_index++) {
+            desc_data = 0;
+            start_addr = m_demux_offsets[demux_index];
+            if (p_buf_hdr->pBuffer[m_demux_offsets[demux_index] + 2] == 0x01) {
+                suffix_byte = p_buf_hdr->pBuffer[m_demux_offsets[demux_index] + 3];
+            } else {
+                suffix_byte = p_buf_hdr->pBuffer[m_demux_offsets[demux_index] + 4];
+            }
+            if (demux_index < (m_demux_entries - 1)) {
+                nal_size = m_demux_offsets[demux_index + 1] - m_demux_offsets[demux_index] - 2;
+            } else {
+                nal_size = p_buf_hdr->nFilledLen - m_demux_offsets[demux_index] - 2;
+            }
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Start_addr(%p), suffix_byte(0x%lx),nal_size(%lu),demux_index(%lu)",
+                    (void *)start_addr,
+                    suffix_byte,
+                    nal_size,
+                    demux_index);
+            desc_data = (start_addr >> 3) << 1;
+            desc_data |= (start_addr & 7) << 21;
+            desc_data |= suffix_byte << 24;
+            memcpy(p_demux_data, &desc_data, sizeof(OMX_U32));
+            memcpy(p_demux_data + 4, &nal_size, sizeof(OMX_U32));
+            memset(p_demux_data + 8, 0, sizeof(OMX_U32));
+            memset(p_demux_data + 12, 0, sizeof(OMX_U32));
+            p_demux_data += 16;
+        }
+        if (codec_type_parse == CODEC_TYPE_VC1) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("VC1 terminator entry");
+            desc_data = 0;
+            desc_data = 0x82 << 24;
+            memcpy(p_demux_data, &desc_data, sizeof(OMX_U32));
+            memset(p_demux_data + 4, 0, sizeof(OMX_U32));
+            memset(p_demux_data + 8, 0, sizeof(OMX_U32));
+            memset(p_demux_data + 12, 0, sizeof(OMX_U32));
+            p_demux_data += 16;
+            m_demux_entries++;
+        }
+        //Add zero word to indicate end of descriptors
+        memset(p_demux_data, 0, sizeof(OMX_U32));
+        m_desc_buffer_ptr[buffer_index].desc_data_size = (m_demux_entries * 16) + sizeof(OMX_U32);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("desc table data size=%lu", m_desc_buffer_ptr[buffer_index].desc_data_size);
+    }
+    memset(m_demux_offsets, 0, ( sizeof(OMX_U32) * 8192) );
+    m_demux_entries = 0;
+    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Demux table complete!");
+    return OMX_ErrorNone;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::createDivxDrmContext()
-     OMX_ERRORTYPE err = OMX_ErrorNone;
-     iDivXDrmDecrypt = DivXDrmDecrypt::Create();
-     if (iDivXDrmDecrypt) {
-          OMX_ERRORTYPE err = iDivXDrmDecrypt->Init();
-          if(err!=OMX_ErrorNone) {
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE err = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    iDivXDrmDecrypt = DivXDrmDecrypt::Create();
+    if (iDivXDrmDecrypt) {
+        OMX_ERRORTYPE err = iDivXDrmDecrypt->Init();
+        if (err!=OMX_ErrorNone) {
             DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR :iDivXDrmDecrypt->Init %d", err);
             delete iDivXDrmDecrypt;
             iDivXDrmDecrypt = NULL;
-          }
-     }
-     else {
-          DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nUnable to Create DIVX DRM");
-          err = OMX_ErrorUndefined;
-     }
-     return err;
+        }
+    } else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nUnable to Create DIVX DRM");
+        err = OMX_ErrorUndefined;
+    }
+    return err;
-  enabled = false;
-  omx = NULL;
-  init_members();
-  ColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatMax;
+    enabled = false;
+    omx = NULL;
+    init_members();
+    ColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatMax;
 void omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::set_vdec_client(void *client)
-  omx = reinterpret_cast<omx_vdec*>(client);
+    omx = reinterpret_cast<omx_vdec*>(client);
-void omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::init_members() {
-  allocated_count = 0;
-  buffer_size_req = 0;
-  buffer_alignment_req = 0;
-  memset(m_platform_list_client,0,sizeof(m_platform_list_client));
-  memset(m_platform_entry_client,0,sizeof(m_platform_entry_client));
-  memset(m_pmem_info_client,0,sizeof(m_pmem_info_client));
-  memset(m_out_mem_ptr_client,0,sizeof(m_out_mem_ptr_client));
+void omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::init_members()
+    allocated_count = 0;
+    buffer_size_req = 0;
+    buffer_alignment_req = 0;
+    memset(m_platform_list_client,0,sizeof(m_platform_list_client));
+    memset(m_platform_entry_client,0,sizeof(m_platform_entry_client));
+    memset(m_pmem_info_client,0,sizeof(m_pmem_info_client));
+    memset(m_out_mem_ptr_client,0,sizeof(m_out_mem_ptr_client));
 #ifdef USE_ION
-  memset(op_buf_ion_info,0,sizeof(m_platform_entry_client));
+    memset(op_buf_ion_info,0,sizeof(m_platform_entry_client));
-  for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COUNT;i++)
-    pmem_fd[i] = -1;
+    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_COUNT; i++)
+        pmem_fd[i] = -1;
-omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::~allocate_color_convert_buf() {
-  c2d.destroy();
+    c2d.destroy();
 bool omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::update_buffer_req()
-  bool status = true;
-  unsigned int src_size = 0, destination_size = 0;
-  OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE drv_color_format;
-  if (!omx){
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Invalid client in color convert");
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (!enabled){
-    DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n No color conversion required");
-    return status;
-  }
-  pthread_mutex_lock(&omx->c_lock);
-  if (omx->drv_ctx.output_format != VDEC_YUV_FORMAT_NV12 &&
-      ColorFormat != OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nupdate_buffer_req: Unsupported color conversion");
-    status = false;
-    goto fail_update_buf_req;
-  }
-  c2d.close();
-  status =>drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height,
-                    omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width,
-                    NV12_128m,YCbCr420P);
-  if (status) {
-    status = c2d.get_buffer_size(C2D_INPUT,src_size);
-    if (status)
-      status = c2d.get_buffer_size(C2D_OUTPUT,destination_size);
-  }
-  if (status) {
-    if (!src_size || src_size > omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size ||
-        !destination_size) {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR: Size mismatch in C2D src_size %d"
-            "driver size %d destination size %d",
-             src_size,omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size,destination_size);
-      status = false;
-      c2d.close();
-      buffer_size_req = 0;
-    } else {
-      buffer_size_req = destination_size;
-      if (buffer_size_req < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size)
-	     buffer_size_req = omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
-      if (buffer_alignment_req < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment)
-            buffer_alignment_req = omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment;
+    bool status = true;
+    unsigned int src_size = 0, destination_size = 0;
+    OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE drv_color_format;
+    if (!omx) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Invalid client in color convert");
+        return false;
-  }
+    if (!enabled) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_HIGH("\n No color conversion required");
+        return status;
+    }
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&omx->c_lock);
+    if (omx->drv_ctx.output_format != VDEC_YUV_FORMAT_NV12 &&
+            ColorFormat != OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nupdate_buffer_req: Unsupported color conversion");
+        status = false;
+        goto fail_update_buf_req;
+    }
+    c2d.close();
+    status =>drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_height,
+            omx->drv_ctx.video_resolution.frame_width,
+            NV12_128m,YCbCr420P);
+    if (status) {
+        status = c2d.get_buffer_size(C2D_INPUT,src_size);
+        if (status)
+            status = c2d.get_buffer_size(C2D_OUTPUT,destination_size);
+    }
+    if (status) {
+        if (!src_size || src_size > omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size ||
+                !destination_size) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nERROR: Size mismatch in C2D src_size %d"
+                    "driver size %d destination size %d",
+                    src_size,omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size,destination_size);
+            status = false;
+            c2d.close();
+            buffer_size_req = 0;
+        } else {
+            buffer_size_req = destination_size;
+            if (buffer_size_req < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size)
+                buffer_size_req = omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
+            if (buffer_alignment_req < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment)
+                buffer_alignment_req = omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment;
+        }
+    }
-  pthread_mutex_unlock(&omx->c_lock);
-  return status;
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&omx->c_lock);
+    return status;
 bool omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::set_color_format(
-  OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE dest_color_format)
+        OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE dest_color_format)
-  bool status = true;
-  OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE drv_color_format;
-  if (!omx){
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Invalid client in color convert");
-    return false;
-  }
-  pthread_mutex_lock(&omx->c_lock);
-  if (omx->drv_ctx.output_format == VDEC_YUV_FORMAT_NV12)
-    drv_color_format = (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)
-    QOMX_COLOR_FORMATYUV420PackedSemiPlanar32m;
-  else {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Incorrect color format");
-    status = false;
-  }
-  if (status && (drv_color_format != dest_color_format)) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Enabling C2D\n");
-    if (dest_color_format != OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar) {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Unsupported color format for c2d");
-      status = false;
-    } else {
-      ColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar;
-      if (enabled)
-        c2d.destroy();
-      enabled = false;
-      if (!c2d.init()) {
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n open failed for c2d");
-        status = false;
-      } else
-        enabled = true;
+    bool status = true;
+    OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE drv_color_format;
+    if (!omx) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Invalid client in color convert");
+        return false;
-  } else {
-    if (enabled)
-      c2d.destroy();
-    enabled = false;
-  }
-  pthread_mutex_unlock(&omx->c_lock);
-  return status;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&omx->c_lock);
+    if (omx->drv_ctx.output_format == VDEC_YUV_FORMAT_NV12)
+        drv_color_format = (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)
+            QOMX_COLOR_FORMATYUV420PackedSemiPlanar32m;
+    else {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Incorrect color format");
+        status = false;
+    }
+    if (status && (drv_color_format != dest_color_format)) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_LOW("Enabling C2D\n");
+        if (dest_color_format != OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Unsupported color format for c2d");
+            status = false;
+        } else {
+            ColorFormat = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar;
+            if (enabled)
+                c2d.destroy();
+            enabled = false;
+            if (!c2d.init()) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n open failed for c2d");
+                status = false;
+            } else
+                enabled = true;
+        }
+    } else {
+        if (enabled)
+            c2d.destroy();
+        enabled = false;
+    }
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&omx->c_lock);
+    return status;
 OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::get_il_buf_hdr()
-  if (!omx){
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Invalid param get_buf_hdr");
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  if (!enabled)
-    return omx->m_out_mem_ptr;
-  return m_out_mem_ptr_client;
-OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::get_il_buf_hdr
-       (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *bufadd)
-  if (!omx){
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Invalid param get_buf_hdr");
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  if (!enabled)
-    return bufadd;
-  unsigned index = 0;
-  index = bufadd - omx->m_out_mem_ptr;
-  if (index < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
-    m_out_mem_ptr_client[index].nFlags = (bufadd->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS);
-    m_out_mem_ptr_client[index].nTimeStamp = bufadd->nTimeStamp;
-    bool status;
-    if (!omx->in_reconfig && !omx->output_flush_progress && bufadd->nFilledLen) {
-       pthread_mutex_lock(&omx->c_lock);
-      status = c2d.convert(omx->drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[index].pmem_fd,
-                           omx->m_out_mem_ptr->pBuffer, bufadd->pBuffer, pmem_fd[index],
-                           pmem_baseaddress[index], pmem_baseaddress[index]);
-       pthread_mutex_unlock(&omx->c_lock);
-      m_out_mem_ptr_client[index].nFilledLen = buffer_size_req;
-      if (!status){
-        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Failed color conversion %d", status);
-        m_out_mem_ptr_client[index].nFilledLen = 0;
-        return &m_out_mem_ptr_client[index];
-      }
-    } else
-      m_out_mem_ptr_client[index].nFilledLen = 0;
-    return &m_out_mem_ptr_client[index];
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Index messed up in the get_il_buf_hdr");
-  return NULL;
-OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::get_dr_buf_hdr
-                                              (OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *bufadd)
-  if (!omx){
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Invalid param get_buf_hdr");
-    return NULL;
-  }
-  if (!enabled)
-    return bufadd;
-  unsigned index = 0;
-  index = bufadd - m_out_mem_ptr_client;
-  if (index < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
-    return &omx->m_out_mem_ptr[index];
-  }
-  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Index messed up in the get_dr_buf_hdr");
-  return NULL;
-bool omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::get_buffer_req
-          (unsigned int &buffer_size)
-  bool status = true;
-  pthread_mutex_lock(&omx->c_lock);
-  if (!enabled)
-    buffer_size = omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
-  else {
-    if (!c2d.get_buffer_size(C2D_OUTPUT,buffer_size)) {
-      DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Get buffer size failed");
-      status = false;
-      goto fail_get_buffer_size;
+    if (!omx) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Invalid param get_buf_hdr");
+        return NULL;
-  }
-  if (buffer_size < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size)
+    if (!enabled)
+        return omx->m_out_mem_ptr;
+    return m_out_mem_ptr_client;
+    OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::get_il_buf_hdr
+    if (!omx) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Invalid param get_buf_hdr");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (!enabled)
+        return bufadd;
+    unsigned index = 0;
+    index = bufadd - omx->m_out_mem_ptr;
+    if (index < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
+        m_out_mem_ptr_client[index].nFlags = (bufadd->nFlags & OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS);
+        m_out_mem_ptr_client[index].nTimeStamp = bufadd->nTimeStamp;
+        bool status;
+        if (!omx->in_reconfig && !omx->output_flush_progress && bufadd->nFilledLen) {
+            pthread_mutex_lock(&omx->c_lock);
+            status = c2d.convert(omx->drv_ctx.ptr_outputbuffer[index].pmem_fd,
+                    omx->m_out_mem_ptr->pBuffer, bufadd->pBuffer, pmem_fd[index],
+                    pmem_baseaddress[index], pmem_baseaddress[index]);
+            pthread_mutex_unlock(&omx->c_lock);
+            m_out_mem_ptr_client[index].nFilledLen = buffer_size_req;
+            if (!status) {
+                DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Failed color conversion %d", status);
+                m_out_mem_ptr_client[index].nFilledLen = 0;
+                return &m_out_mem_ptr_client[index];
+            }
+        } else
+            m_out_mem_ptr_client[index].nFilledLen = 0;
+        return &m_out_mem_ptr_client[index];
+    }
+    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Index messed up in the get_il_buf_hdr");
+    return NULL;
+    OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE* omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::get_dr_buf_hdr
+    if (!omx) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Invalid param get_buf_hdr");
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    if (!enabled)
+        return bufadd;
+    unsigned index = 0;
+    index = bufadd - m_out_mem_ptr_client;
+    if (index < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
+        return &omx->m_out_mem_ptr[index];
+    }
+    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Index messed up in the get_dr_buf_hdr");
+    return NULL;
+    bool omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::get_buffer_req
+(unsigned int &buffer_size)
+    bool status = true;
+    pthread_mutex_lock(&omx->c_lock);
+    if (!enabled)
         buffer_size = omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
-  if (buffer_alignment_req < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment)
-	  buffer_alignment_req = omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment;
+    else {
+        if (!c2d.get_buffer_size(C2D_OUTPUT,buffer_size)) {
+            DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Get buffer size failed");
+            status = false;
+            goto fail_get_buffer_size;
+        }
+    }
+    if (buffer_size < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size)
+        buffer_size = omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size;
+    if (buffer_alignment_req < omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment)
+        buffer_alignment_req = omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.alignment;
-  pthread_mutex_unlock(&omx->c_lock);
-  return status;
+    pthread_mutex_unlock(&omx->c_lock);
+    return status;
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::free_output_buffer(
-  unsigned int index = 0;
+        OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *bufhdr)
+    unsigned int index = 0;
-  if (!enabled)
-    return omx->free_output_buffer(bufhdr);
-  if (enabled && omx->is_component_secure())
-    return OMX_ErrorNone;
-  if (!allocated_count || !bufhdr) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Color convert no buffer to be freed %p",bufhdr);
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  index = bufhdr - m_out_mem_ptr_client;
-  if (index >= omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount){
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Incorrect index color convert free_output_buffer");
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  if (pmem_fd[index] > 0) {
-    munmap(pmem_baseaddress[index], buffer_size_req);
-    close(pmem_fd[index]);
-  }
-  pmem_fd[index] = -1;
+    if (!enabled)
+        return omx->free_output_buffer(bufhdr);
+    if (enabled && omx->is_component_secure())
+        return OMX_ErrorNone;
+    if (!allocated_count || !bufhdr) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Color convert no buffer to be freed %p",bufhdr);
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
+    index = bufhdr - m_out_mem_ptr_client;
+    if (index >= omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Incorrect index color convert free_output_buffer");
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
+    if (pmem_fd[index] > 0) {
+        munmap(pmem_baseaddress[index], buffer_size_req);
+        close(pmem_fd[index]);
+    }
+    pmem_fd[index] = -1;
 #ifdef USE_ION
-  omx->free_ion_memory(&op_buf_ion_info[index]);
+    omx->free_ion_memory(&op_buf_ion_info[index]);
-  m_heap_ptr[index].video_heap_ptr = NULL;
-  if (allocated_count > 0)
-    allocated_count--;
-  else
-    allocated_count = 0;
-  if (!allocated_count) {
-    pthread_mutex_lock(&omx->c_lock);
-    c2d.close();
-    init_members();
-    pthread_mutex_unlock(&omx->c_lock);
-  }
-  return omx->free_output_buffer(&omx->m_out_mem_ptr[index]);
+    m_heap_ptr[index].video_heap_ptr = NULL;
+    if (allocated_count > 0)
+        allocated_count--;
+    else
+        allocated_count = 0;
+    if (!allocated_count) {
+        pthread_mutex_lock(&omx->c_lock);
+        c2d.close();
+        init_members();
+        pthread_mutex_unlock(&omx->c_lock);
+    }
+    return omx->free_output_buffer(&omx->m_out_mem_ptr[index]);
 OMX_ERRORTYPE omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::allocate_buffers_color_convert(OMX_HANDLETYPE hComp,
-  OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE **bufferHdr,OMX_U32 port,OMX_PTR appData,OMX_U32 bytes)
+        OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE **bufferHdr,OMX_U32 port,OMX_PTR appData,OMX_U32 bytes)
-  OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
-  if (!enabled){
-    eRet = omx->allocate_output_buffer(hComp,bufferHdr,port,appData,bytes);
-    return eRet;
-  }
-  if (enabled && omx->is_component_secure()) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nNotin color convert mode secure_mode %d",
-                      omx->is_component_secure());
-    return OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
-  }
-  if (!bufferHdr || bytes > buffer_size_req) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Invalid params allocate_buffers_color_convert %p", bufferHdr);
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n color_convert buffer_size_req %d bytes %lu",
-                      buffer_size_req,bytes);
-    return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
-  }
-  if (allocated_count >= omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Actual count err in allocate_buffers_color_convert");
-    return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-  }
-  eRet = omx->allocate_output_buffer(hComp,&temp_bufferHdr,
-         port,appData,omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size);
-  if (eRet != OMX_ErrorNone || !temp_bufferHdr){
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Buffer allocation failed color_convert");
-    return eRet;
-  }
-  if ((temp_bufferHdr - omx->m_out_mem_ptr) >=
-      omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Invalid header index %d",
-             (temp_bufferHdr - omx->m_out_mem_ptr));
-    return OMX_ErrorUndefined;
-  }
-  unsigned int i = allocated_count;
+    OMX_ERRORTYPE eRet = OMX_ErrorNone;
+    if (!enabled) {
+        eRet = omx->allocate_output_buffer(hComp,bufferHdr,port,appData,bytes);
+        return eRet;
+    }
+    if (enabled && omx->is_component_secure()) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\nNotin color convert mode secure_mode %d",
+                omx->is_component_secure());
+        return OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting;
+    }
+    if (!bufferHdr || bytes > buffer_size_req) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Invalid params allocate_buffers_color_convert %p", bufferHdr);
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n color_convert buffer_size_req %d bytes %lu",
+                buffer_size_req,bytes);
+        return OMX_ErrorBadParameter;
+    }
+    if (allocated_count >= omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Actual count err in allocate_buffers_color_convert");
+        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+    }
+    OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE *temp_bufferHdr = NULL;
+    eRet = omx->allocate_output_buffer(hComp,&temp_bufferHdr,
+            port,appData,omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.buffer_size);
+    if (eRet != OMX_ErrorNone || !temp_bufferHdr) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Buffer allocation failed color_convert");
+        return eRet;
+    }
+    if ((temp_bufferHdr - omx->m_out_mem_ptr) >=
+            omx->drv_ctx.op_buf.actualcount) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n Invalid header index %d",
+                (temp_bufferHdr - omx->m_out_mem_ptr));
+        return OMX_ErrorUndefined;
+    }
+    unsigned int i = allocated_count;
 #ifdef USE_ION
-  op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd = omx->alloc_map_ion_memory(
-    buffer_size_req,buffer_alignment_req,
-    &op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_alloc_data,&op_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data,
-    0);
-  pmem_fd[i] = op_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data.fd;
-  if (op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd < 0) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n alloc_map_ion failed in color_convert");
-    return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-  }
-  pmem_baseaddress[i] = (unsigned char *)mmap(NULL,buffer_size_req,
-                     PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,pmem_fd[i],0);
+    op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd = omx->alloc_map_ion_memory(
+            buffer_size_req,buffer_alignment_req,
+            &op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_alloc_data,&op_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data,
+            0);
+    pmem_fd[i] = op_buf_ion_info[i].fd_ion_data.fd;
+    if (op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd < 0) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n alloc_map_ion failed in color_convert");
+        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+    }
+    pmem_baseaddress[i] = (unsigned char *)mmap(NULL,buffer_size_req,
+            PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,pmem_fd[i],0);
-  if (pmem_baseaddress[i] == MAP_FAILED) {
-    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n MMAP failed for Size %d",buffer_size_req);
-    close(pmem_fd[i]);
-    omx->free_ion_memory(&op_buf_ion_info[i]);
-    return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
-  }
-  m_heap_ptr[i].video_heap_ptr = new VideoHeap (
-    op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd,buffer_size_req,
-    pmem_baseaddress[i],op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_alloc_data.handle,pmem_fd[i]);
+    if (pmem_baseaddress[i] == MAP_FAILED) {
+        DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n MMAP failed for Size %d",buffer_size_req);
+        close(pmem_fd[i]);
+        omx->free_ion_memory(&op_buf_ion_info[i]);
+        return OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources;
+    }
+    m_heap_ptr[i].video_heap_ptr = new VideoHeap (
+            op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_device_fd,buffer_size_req,
+            pmem_baseaddress[i],op_buf_ion_info[i].ion_alloc_data.handle,pmem_fd[i]);
-  m_pmem_info_client[i].pmem_fd = (OMX_U32)m_heap_ptr[i].video_heap_ptr.get();
-  m_pmem_info_client[i].offset = 0;
-  m_platform_entry_client[i].entry = (void *)&m_pmem_info_client[i];
-  m_platform_entry_client[i].type = OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM;
-  m_platform_list_client[i].nEntries = 1;
-  m_platform_list_client[i].entryList = &m_platform_entry_client[i];
-  m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].pOutputPortPrivate = NULL;
-  m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].nAllocLen = buffer_size_req;
-  m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].nFilledLen = 0;
-  m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].nFlags = 0;
-  m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].nOutputPortIndex = OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX;
-  m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].nSize = sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE);
-  m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
-  m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].pPlatformPrivate = &m_platform_list_client[i];
-  m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].pBuffer = pmem_baseaddress[i];
-  m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].pAppPrivate = appData;
-  *bufferHdr = &m_out_mem_ptr_client[i];
-  DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n IL client buffer header %p", *bufferHdr);
-  allocated_count++;
-  return eRet;
+    m_pmem_info_client[i].pmem_fd = (OMX_U32)m_heap_ptr[i].video_heap_ptr.get();
+    m_pmem_info_client[i].offset = 0;
+    m_platform_entry_client[i].entry = (void *)&m_pmem_info_client[i];
+    m_platform_entry_client[i].type = OMX_QCOM_PLATFORM_PRIVATE_PMEM;
+    m_platform_list_client[i].nEntries = 1;
+    m_platform_list_client[i].entryList = &m_platform_entry_client[i];
+    m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].pOutputPortPrivate = NULL;
+    m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].nAllocLen = buffer_size_req;
+    m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].nFilledLen = 0;
+    m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].nFlags = 0;
+    m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].nOutputPortIndex = OMX_CORE_OUTPUT_PORT_INDEX;
+    m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].nSize = sizeof(OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE);
+    m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].nVersion.nVersion = OMX_SPEC_VERSION;
+    m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].pPlatformPrivate = &m_platform_list_client[i];
+    m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].pBuffer = pmem_baseaddress[i];
+    m_out_mem_ptr_client[i].pAppPrivate = appData;
+    *bufferHdr = &m_out_mem_ptr_client[i];
+    DEBUG_PRINT_ERROR("\n IL client buffer header %p", *bufferHdr);
+    allocated_count++;
+    return eRet;
 bool omx_vdec::is_component_secure()
-  return secure_mode;
+    return secure_mode;
 bool omx_vdec::allocate_color_convert_buf::get_color_format(OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE &dest_color_format)
-  bool status = true;
-  if (!enabled) {
-    if (omx->drv_ctx.output_format == VDEC_YUV_FORMAT_NV12)
-     dest_color_format =  (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)
-            QOMX_COLOR_FORMATYUV420PackedSemiPlanar32m;
-    else
-      status = false;
-  } else {
-    if (ColorFormat != OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar) {
-      status = false;
-    } else
-      dest_color_format = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar;
-  }
-  return status;
+    bool status = true;
+    if (!enabled) {
+        if (omx->drv_ctx.output_format == VDEC_YUV_FORMAT_NV12)
+            dest_color_format =  (OMX_COLOR_FORMATTYPE)
+                QOMX_COLOR_FORMATYUV420PackedSemiPlanar32m;
+        else
+            status = false;
+    } else {
+        if (ColorFormat != OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar) {
+            status = false;
+        } else
+            dest_color_format = OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420Planar;
+    }
+    return status;