initial commit of lk (little kernel) project
diff --git a/lib/libc/string/ b/lib/libc/string/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d038e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/libc/string/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+	bcopy \
+	bzero \
+	memchr \
+	memcmp \
+	memcpy \
+	memmove \
+	memset \
+	strcat \
+	strchr \
+	strcmp \
+	strcoll \
+	strcpy \
+	strdup \
+	strerror \
+	strlcat \
+	strlcpy \
+	strlen \
+	strncat \
+	strncpy \
+	strncmp \
+	strnicmp \
+	strnlen \
+	strpbrk \
+	strrchr \
+	strspn \
+	strstr \
+	strtok \
+	strxfrm
+# include the arch specific string routines
+# the makefile may filter out implemented versions from the C_STRING_OPS variable
+include $(LOCAL_DIR)/arch/$(ARCH)/
+OBJS += \
+	$(addprefix $(LIBC_STRING_C_DIR)/,$(addsuffix .o,$(C_STRING_OPS)))