initial commit of lk (little kernel) project
diff --git a/platform/at91sam7/include/platform/at91sam7.h b/platform/at91sam7/include/platform/at91sam7.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd5a50f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platform/at91sam7/include/platform/at91sam7.h
@@ -0,0 +1,794 @@
+/* at91sam7s.h -- AT91SAM7S hardware definitions
+** Copyright 2006, Brian Swetland.  All rights reserved.
+** See provided LICENSE file or for details.
+#ifndef __PLATFORM_AT91SAM7_H__ 
+#define __PLATFORM_AT91SAM7_H__
+#if !defined(AT91_SAM7X) && !defined(AT91_SAM7S)
+#error Unspecified Architecture - AT91SAM7S or AT91SAM7X must be defined
+/* peripheral ids */
+#define PID_AIC_FIQ    0
+#define PID_SYSIRQ     1
+#define PID_PIOA       2
+#define PID_USART0     6
+#define PID_USART1     7
+#define PID_SSC        8
+#define PID_TWI        9
+#define PID_PWMC       10
+#define PID_UDP        11
+#define PID_TC0        12
+#define PID_TC1        13
+#define PID_TC2        14
+#if AT91_SAM7X
+#define PID_PIOB       3
+#define PID_SPI0       4
+#define PID_SPI1       5
+#define PID_CAN        15
+#define PID_EMAC       16
+#define PID_ADC        17
+#define PID_AIC_IRQ0   30
+#define PID_AIC_IRQ1   31
+#define PID_ADC        4
+#define PID_SPI0       5
+#define PID_AIC_IRQ    30
+#define BASE_FLASH     0x00100000
+#define BASE_SRAM      0x00200000
+#define BASE_TC        0xFFFA0000
+#define BASE_UDP       0xFFFB0000
+#define BASE_TWI       0xFFFB8000
+#define BASE_USART0    0xFFFC0000
+#define BASE_USART1    0xFFFC4000
+#define BASE_PWMC      0xFFFCC000
+#define BASE_SSC       0xFFFD4000
+#define BASE_ADC       0xFFFD8000
+#define BASE_SPI0      0xFFFE0000
+#define BASE_AIC       0xFFFFF000
+#define BASE_DBGU      0xFFFFF200
+#define BASE_PIOA      0xFFFFF400
+#define BASE_PMC       0xFFFFFC00
+#define BASE_RSTC      0xFFFFFD00
+#define BASE_RTT       0xFFFFFD20
+#define BASE_PIT       0xFFFFFD30
+#define BASE_WDT       0xFFFFFD40
+#define BASE_VREG      0xFFFFFD60
+#define BASE_MC        0xFFFFFF00
+#if AT91_SAM7X
+#define BASE_CAN       0xFFFD0000
+#define BASE_EMAC      0xFFFDC000
+#define BASE_SPI1      0xFFFE4000
+#define BASE_PIOB      0xFFFFF600
+typedef volatile unsigned int vu4;
+typedef struct
+    vu4 MR;
+    vu4 SR;
+    vu4 PIVR;
+    vu4 PIIR;
+} AT91PIT;
+/* MR */
+#define PIT_PITEN     (1 << 24)
+#define PIT_PITIEN    (1 << 25)
+/* SR */
+#define PIT_PITS      (1)
+/* PIxR */
+#define PIT_PICNT(x)   (x >> 20)
+#define PIT_CPIV(x)    (x & 0x000fffff)
+#define AT91PIT_ADDR ((AT91PIT*) BASE_PIT)
+typedef struct
+    vu4 CR;
+    vu4 MR;
+    vu4 IER;
+    vu4 IDR;
+    vu4 IMR;
+    vu4 SR;
+    vu4 RHR;
+    vu4 THR;
+    vu4 BRGR;
+    vu4 __0[7];
+    vu4 CIDR;
+    vu4 EXID;
+    vu4 FNR;
+} AT91DBGU;
+/* CR bits */
+#define DBGU_RSTRX       0x00000004
+#define DBGU_RSTTX       0x00000008
+#define DBGU_RXEN        0x00000010
+#define DBGU_RXDIS       0x00000020
+#define DBGU_TXEN        0x00000040
+#define DBGU_TXDIS       0x00000080
+#define DBGU_RSTSTA      0x00000100
+/* MR bits */
+#define DBGU_PAR_EVEN    0x00000000
+#define DBGU_PAR_ODD     0x00000200
+#define DBGU_PAR_SPACE   0x00000400
+#define DBGU_PAR_MARK    0x00000600
+#define DBGU_PAR_NONE    0x00000800
+#define DBGU_MODE_NORMAL 0x00000000
+#define DBGU_MODE_ECHO   0x0000C000
+#define DBGU_MODE_LLOOP  0x00008000
+#define DBGU_MODE_RLOOP  0x00004000
+/* IER, IDR, IMR, and SR bits */
+#define DBGU_RXRDY       0x00000001
+#define DBGU_TXRDY       0x00000002
+#define DBGU_ENDRX       0x00000008
+#define DBGU_ENDTX       0x00000010
+#define DBGU_OVRE        0x00000020
+#define DBGU_FRAME       0x00000040
+#define DBGU_PARE        0x00000080
+#define DBGU_TXEMPTY     0x00000200
+#define DBGU_TXBUFE      0x00000800
+#define DBGU_RXBUFF      0x00001000
+#define DBGU_COMMTX      0x40000000
+#define DBGU_COMMRX      0x80000000
+typedef struct 
+    vu4 pio_enable;
+    vu4 pio_disable;
+    vu4 pio_status;
+    vu4 __0;
+    vu4 output_enable;
+    vu4 output_disable;
+    vu4 output_status;
+    vu4 __1;
+    vu4 filter_enable;
+    vu4 filter_disable;
+    vu4 filter_status;
+    vu4 __2;
+    vu4 data_set;
+    vu4 data_clear;
+    vu4 data_status;
+    vu4 pin_status;
+    vu4 irq_enable;
+    vu4 irq_disable;
+    vu4 irq_mask;
+    vu4 irq_status;
+    vu4 multidriver_enable;
+    vu4 multidriver_disable;
+    vu4 multidriver_status;
+    vu4 __3;
+    vu4 pullup_disable;
+    vu4 pullup_enable;
+    vu4 pullup_status;
+    vu4 __4;
+    vu4 select_a;
+    vu4 select_b;
+    vu4 select_status;
+    vu4 __5[9];
+    vu4 write_enable;
+    vu4 write_disable;
+    vu4 write_status;
+} AT91PIO;    
+#if AT91_SAM7X
+typedef struct 
+    vu4 SCER;
+    vu4 SCDR;
+    vu4 SCSR;
+    vu4 __0;
+    vu4 PCER;
+    vu4 PCDR;
+    vu4 PCSR;
+    vu4 __1;
+    vu4 MOR;
+    vu4 MCFR;
+    vu4 __2;
+    vu4 PLLR;
+    vu4 MCKR;
+    vu4 __3[2];
+    vu4 PCK0;
+    vu4 PCK1;
+    vu4 PCK2;
+} AT91PMC;
+#define AT91PMC_ADDR ((AT91PMC*) BASE_PMC)
+#define PMC_PCK      0x00000001
+#define PMC_UDP      0x00000080
+#define PMC_PCK0     0x00000100
+#define PMC_PCK1     0x00000200
+#define PMC_PCK2     0x00000400
+typedef struct 
+    vu4 CR;
+    vu4 MR;
+    vu4 RDR;
+    vu4 TDR;
+    vu4 SR;
+    vu4 IER;
+    vu4 IDR;
+    vu4 IMR;
+    vu4 __0[4];
+    vu4 CSR0;
+    vu4 CSR1;
+    vu4 CSR2;
+    vu4 CSR3;
+} AT91SPI;
+#define AT91SPI0_ADDR ((AT91SPI*) BASE_SPI0)
+#if AT91_SAM7X
+#define AT91SPI1_ADDR ((AT91SPI*) BASE_SPI0)
+/* CR bits */
+#define SPI_SPIEN         0x00000001
+#define SPI_SPIDIS        0x00000002
+#define SPI_SWRST         0x00000080
+#define SPI_LASTXFER      0x01000000
+/* MR bits */
+#define SPI_MSTR          0x00000001
+#define SPI_PS            0x00000002
+#define SPI_PCSDEC        0x00000004
+#define SPI_MODFDIS       0x00000010
+#define SPI_LLB           0x00000080
+#define SPI_DLYBCS(n)     (((n) & 0xff) << 24)
+#define SPI_PCS0          0x000e0000
+#define SPI_PCS1          0x000d0000
+#define SPI_PCS2          0x000b0000
+#define SPI_PCS3          0x00070000
+/* SR bits */
+#define SPI_RDRF          0x00000001 /* recv data reg full */
+#define SPI_TDRE          0x00000002 /* xmit data reg empty */
+#define SPI_MODF          0x00000004 /* mode fault error */
+#define SPI_OVRES         0x00000008 /* overrun error */
+#define SPI_ENDRX         0x00000010 /* end of rx buffer */
+#define SPI_ENDTX         0x00000020 /* end of tx buffer */
+#define SPI_RXBUFF        0x00000040 /* rx buffer full */
+#define SPI_TXBUFE        0x00000080 /* tx buffer empty */
+#define SPI_NSSR          0x00000100 /* rising edge on NSS */
+#define SPI_TXEMPTY       0x00000200 /* transmission regs empty */
+#define SPI_SPIENS        0x00010000
+typedef struct 
+    vu4 FRM_NUM;
+    vu4 GLB_STAT;
+    vu4 FADDR;
+    vu4 __0;
+    vu4 IER;
+    vu4 IDR;
+    vu4 IMR;
+    vu4 ISR;
+    vu4 ICR;
+    vu4 __1;
+    vu4 RST_EP;
+    vu4 __2;
+    vu4 CSR0;
+    vu4 CSR1;
+    vu4 CSR2;
+    vu4 CSR3;
+    vu4 __3[4];
+    vu4 FDR0;
+    vu4 FDR1;
+    vu4 FDR2;
+    vu4 FDR3;
+    vu4 __4[5];
+    vu4 TXVC;
+} AT91UDP;
+#define AT91UDP_ADDR ((AT91UDP*) BASE_UDP)
+// GLB_STAT bits
+#define UDP_FADDEN    0x00000001
+#define UDP_CONFG     0x00000002
+#define UDP_ESR       0x00000004
+#define UDP_RSMINPR   0x00000008
+#define UDP_RMWUPE    0x00000010
+// FADDR bits
+#define UDP_FEN       0x00000100
+// interrupt bits
+#define UDP_EP0INT    0x00000001
+#define UDP_EP1INT    0x00000002
+#define UDP_EP2INT    0x00000004
+#define UDP_EP3INT    0x00000008
+#define UDP_RXSUSP    0x00000100
+#define UDP_RXRSM     0x00000200
+#define UDP_EXTRSM    0x00000400
+#define UDP_SOFINT    0x00000800
+#define UDP_ENDBUSRES 0x00001000
+#define UDP_WAKEUP    0x00002000
+// RST_EP bits
+#define UDP_EP0       0x00000001
+#define UDP_EP1       0x00000002
+#define UDP_EP2       0x00000004
+#define UDP_EP3       0x00000008
+// CSR bits
+#define UDP_TXCOMP         0x00000001
+#define UDP_RX_DATA_BK0    0x00000002
+#define UDP_RXSETUP        0x00000004
+#define UDP_STALLSENT      0x00000008
+#define UDP_ISOERROR       0x00000008
+#define UDP_TXPKTRDY       0x00000010
+#define UDP_FORCESTALL     0x00000020
+#define UDP_RX_DATA_BK1    0x00000040
+#define UDP_DIR            0x00000080
+#define UDP_DTGL           0x00000800
+#define UDP_EPEDS          0x00008000
+#define UDP_TYPE_CONTROL     0x00000000
+#define UDP_TYPE_ISOCH_OUT   0x00000100
+#define UDP_TYPE_BULK_OUT    0x00000200
+#define UDP_TYPE_INT_OUT     0x00000300
+#define UDP_TYPE_ISOCH_IN    0x00000500
+#define UDP_TYPE_BULK_IN     0x00000600
+#define UDP_TYPE_INT_IN      0x00000700
+typedef struct 
+    vu4 SMR[32];
+    vu4 SVR[32];
+    vu4 IVR;
+    vu4 FVR;
+    vu4 ISR;
+    vu4 IPR;
+    vu4 IMR;
+    vu4 CISR;
+    vu4 __0[2];
+    vu4 IECR;
+    vu4 IDCR;
+    vu4 ICCR;
+    vu4 ISCR;
+    vu4 EOICR;
+    vu4 SPU;
+    vu4 DCR;
+    vu4 __1;
+    vu4 FFER;
+    vu4 FFDR;
+    vu4 FFSR;
+} AT91AIC;
+#define AT91AIC_ADDR ((AT91AIC*) BASE_AIC)
+typedef struct 
+    vu4 CR;
+    vu4 MR;
+    vu4 IER;
+    vu4 IDR;
+    vu4 IMD;
+    vu4 CSR;
+    vu4 RHR;
+    vu4 THR;
+    vu4 BRGR;
+    vu4 RTOR;
+    vu4 TTGR;
+    vu4 __0[5];
+    vu4 FIDI;
+    vu4 NER;
+    vu4 __1;
+    vu4 IF;
+    vu4 MAN;
+#define AT91USART0_ADDR ((AT91USART*) 0xFFFC0000)
+#define AT91USART1_ADDR ((AT91USART*) 0xFFFC4000)
+/* CR */
+#define USART_RSTRX            0x00000004
+#define USART_RSTTX            0x00000008
+#define USART_RXEN             0x00000010
+#define USART_RXDIS            0x00000020
+#define USART_TXEN             0x00000040
+#define USART_TXDIS            0x00000080
+#define USART_RSTSTA           0x00000100
+#define USART_STTBRK           0x00000200
+#define USART_STPBRK           0x00000400
+#define USART_STTTO            0x00000800
+#define USART_SENDA            0x00001000
+#define USART_RSTIT            0x00002000
+#define USART_RSTNACK          0x00004000
+#define USART_RETTO            0x00008000
+#define USART_DTREN            0x00010000
+#define USART_DTRDIS           0x00020000
+#define USART_RTSEN            0x00040000
+#define USART_RTSDIS           0x00080000
+/* MR */
+#define USART_MODE_NORMAL      0x00000000
+#define USART_MODE_RS485       0x00000001
+#define USART_MODE_HWHS        0x00000002
+#define USART_MODE_MODEM       0x00000003
+#define USART_MODE_ISO7816T0   0x00000004
+#define USART_MODE_ISO7816T1   0x00000006
+#define USART_MODE_IRDA        0x00000008
+#define USART_CLK_MCK          0x00000000
+#define USART_CLK_MCK_DIV      0x00000010
+#define USART_CLK_SCK          0x00000030
+#define USART_CHRL_5BITS       0x00000000
+#define USART_CHRL_6BITS       0x00000040
+#define USART_CHRL_7BITS       0x00000080
+#define USART_CHRL_8BITS       0x000000C0
+#define USART_SYNCHRONOUS      0x00000100
+#define USART_PARITY_EVEN      0x00000000
+#define USART_PARITY_ODD       0x00000200
+#define USART_PARITY_SPACE     0x00000400
+#define USART_PARITY_MARK      0x00000600
+#define USART_PARITY_NONE      0x00000800
+#define USART_PARITY_MULTIDROP 0x00000C00
+#define USART_1STOP            0x00000000
+#define USART_1X5STOP          0x00001000
+#define USART_2STOP            0x00002000
+#define USART_CHMODE_NORMAL    0x00000000
+#define USART_CHMODE_ECHO      0x00004000
+#define USART_CHMODE_LLOOP     0x00008000
+#define USART_CHMODE_RLOOP     0x0000C000
+#define USART_MSBF             0x00010000
+#define USART_MODE9            0x00020000
+#define USART_CLKO             0x00040000
+#define USART_OVER             0x00080000
+#define USART_INACK            0x00100000
+#define USART_DSNACK           0x00200000
+#define USART_VAR_SYNC         0x00400000
+#define USART_FILTER           0x10000000
+#define USART_MAN              0x20000000
+#define USART_ONEBIT           0x80000000
+/* CSR */
+#define USART_RXRDY            0x00000001
+#define USART_TXRDY            0x00000002
+#define USART_RXBRK            0x00000004
+#define USART_ENDRX            0x00000008
+#define USART_ENDTX            0x00000010
+#define USART_OVRE             0x00000020
+#define USART_FRAME            0x00000040
+#define USART_PARE             0x00000080
+#define USART_TIMEOUT          0x00000100
+#define USART_TXEMPTY          0x00000200
+#define USART_ITERATION        0x00000400
+#define USART_TXBUFE           0x00000800
+#define USART_RXBUFF           0x00001000
+#define USART_NACK             0x00002000
+typedef struct 
+    vu4 CR;
+    vu4 SR;
+    vu4 MR;
+} AT91RSTC;
+#define RSTC_KEY               0xA5000000
+/* cr */
+#define RSTC_PROCRST           0x00000001
+#define RSTC_PERRST            0x00000004
+#define RSTC_EXTRST            0x00000008
+/* sr */
+#define RSTC_URSTS             0x00000001
+#define RSTC_BODSTS            0x00000002
+#define RSTC_RSTTYP_MASK       0x00000070
+#define RSTC_RSTTYP_COLD       0x00000000
+#define RSTC_RSTTYP_WATCHDOG   0x00000020
+#define RSTC_RSTTYP_SOFTWARE   0x00000030
+#define RSTC_RSTTYP_NRST_PIN   0x00000040
+#define RSTC_RSTTYP_BROWNOUT   0x00000060
+#define RSTC_NRSTL             0x00010000
+#define RSTC_SRCMP             0x00020000
+/* mr */
+#define RSTC_URSTEN            0x00000001
+#define RSTC_URSTIEN           0x00000010
+#define RSTC_ERSTL(n)          (((n) & 0xf) << 8)
+#define RSTC_BODIEN            0x00010000
+#if AT91_SAM7X
+typedef struct
+    vu4 NCR;
+    vu4 NCFG;
+    vu4 NSR;
+    vu4 __0;
+    vu4 __1;
+    vu4 TSR;
+    vu4 RBQP;
+    vu4 TBQP;
+    vu4 RSR;
+    vu4 ISR;
+    vu4 IER;
+    vu4 IDR;
+    vu4 IMR;
+    vu4 MAN;
+    vu4 PTR;
+    vu4 PFR;
+    vu4 FTO;
+    vu4 SCF;
+    vu4 MCF;
+    vu4 FRO;
+    vu4 FCSE;
+    vu4 ALE;
+    vu4 DTF;
+    vu4 LCOL;
+    vu4 ECOL;
+    vu4 TUND;
+    vu4 CSE;
+    vu4 RRE;
+    vu4 ROV;
+    vu4 RSE;
+    vu4 ELE;
+    vu4 RJA;
+    vu4 USF;
+    vu4 STE;
+    vu4 RLE;
+    vu4 __2;
+    vu4 HRB;
+    vu4 HRT;
+    vu4 SA1B;
+    vu4 SA1T;
+    vu4 SA2B;
+    vu4 SA2T;
+    vu4 SA3B;
+    vu4 SA3T;
+    vu4 SA4B;
+    vu4 SA5T;
+    vu4 TID;
+    vu4 __3;
+    vu4 USRIO;
+} AT91EMAC;
+#define NCR_LB        0x00000001
+#define NCR_LLB       0x00000002
+#define NCR_RE        0x00000004
+#define NCR_TE        0x00000008
+#define NCR_MPE       0x00000010
+#define NCR_CLRSTAT   0x00000020
+#define NCR_INCSTAT   0x00000040
+#define NCR_WESTAT    0x00000080
+#define NCR_BP        0x00000100
+#define NCR_TSTART    0x00000200
+#define NCR_THALT     0x00000400
+#define NCFG_SPD      0x00000001
+#define NCFG_FD       0x00000002
+#define NCFG_JFRAME   0x00000008
+#define NCFG_CAF      0x00000010
+#define NCFG_NBC      0x00000020
+#define NCFG_MTI      0x00000040
+#define NCFG_UNI      0x00000080
+#define NCFG_BIG      0x00000100
+#define NCFG_CLK_d8   0x00000000
+#define NCFG_CLK_d16  0x00000400
+#define NCFG_CLK_d32  0x00000800
+#define NCFG_CLK_d64  0x00000C00
+#define NCFG_RTY      0x00001000
+#define NCFG_PAE      0x00002000
+#define NCFG_RBOF_0   0x00000000
+#define NCFG_RBOF_1   0x00004000
+#define NCFG_RBOF_2   0x00008000
+#define NCFG_RBOF_3   0x0000C000
+#define NCFG_RLCE     0x00010000
+#define NCFG_DRFCS    0x00020000
+#define NCFG_EFRHD    0x00040000
+#define NCFG_IRXFCS   0x00080000
+#define NSR_MDIO      0x00000002
+#define NSR_IDLE      0x00000004
+#define TSR_UBR       0x00000001
+#define TSR_COL       0x00000002
+#define TSR_RLE       0x00000004
+#define TSR_TGO       0x00000008
+#define TSR_BEX       0x00000010
+#define TSR_COMP      0x00000020
+#define TSR_UND       0x00000040
+#define RSR_BNA       0x00000001
+#define RSR_REC       0x00000002
+#define RSR_OVR       0x00000004
+#define ISR_MFD       0x00000001
+#define ISR_RCOMP     0x00000002
+#define ISR_RXUBR     0x00000004
+#define ISR_TXUBR     0x00000008
+#define ISR_TUND      0x00000010
+#define ISR_RLE       0x00000020
+#define ISR_TXERR     0x00000040
+#define ISR_TCOMP     0x00000080
+#define ISR_ROVR      0x00000400
+#define ISR_HRESP     0x00000800
+#define ISR_PFR       0x00001000
+#define ISR_PTZ       0x00002000
+#define USRIO_RMII    0x00000001
+#define USRIO_CLKEN   0x00000002
+typedef struct 
+    vu4 addr;
+    vu4 info;
+} emac_xmit_entry;
+#define XMIT_USED           0x80000000
+#define XMIT_WRAP           0x40000000
+#define XMIT_ERR_RETRY      0x20000000
+#define XMIT_ERR_UNDERRUN   0x10000000
+#define XMIT_ERR_EXHAUSTED  0x08000000
+#define XMIT_NO_CRC         0x00010000
+#define XMIT_LAST           0x00008000
+#define XMIT_LENGTH(n)      ((n) & 0x3FF)
+/* CAN Registers */
+typedef struct
+    vu4 MMR;		/* Mailbox Mode Register */
+    vu4 MAM;		/* Mailbox Acceptance Mask Register */
+    vu4 MID;		/* Mailbox ID Register */
+    vu4 MFID;		/* Mailbox Family ID Register */
+    vu4 MSR;		/* Mailbox Status Register */
+    vu4 MDL;		/* Mailbox Data Low Register */
+    vu4 MDH;		/* Mailbox Data High Register */
+    vu4 MCR;		/* Mailbox Control Register */
+typedef struct
+    vu4 MR;		/* Mode Register */
+    vu4 IER;		/* Interrupt Enable Register */
+    vu4 IDR;		/* Interrupt Disable Register */
+    vu4 IMR;		/* Interrupt Mask Register */
+    vu4 SR;		/* Status Register */
+    vu4 BR;		/* Baudrate Register */
+    vu4 TIM;		/* Timer Register */
+    vu4 TIMESTP;	/* Timestamp Register */
+    vu4 ECR;		/* Error Counter Register */
+    vu4 TCR;		/* Transfer Command Register */
+    vu4 ACR;		/* Abort Command Register */
+    vu4 __0[53];	/* 0x002c - 0x0100 is undefined */
+    vu4 __1[63];	/* 0x0200 - 0x01fc is reserved */
+    AT91CAN_MAILBOX Mailbox[8];
+} AT91CAN;
+#define CAN_CANEN      0x00000001      /* CAN Controller Enable */
+#define CAN_LPM        0x00000002      /* Enable Low Power Mode */
+#define CAN_ABM        0x00000004      /* Enable Autoband/Listen Mode */
+#define CAN_OVL        0x00000008      /* Enable Overload Frame */
+#define CAN_TEOF       0x00000010      /* Timestamp Messages at each Frame */
+#define CAN_TTM        0x00000020      /* Enable Time Trigger Mode */
+#define CAN_TIMFRZ     0x00000040      /* Enable Timer Freeze */
+#define CAN_DRPT       0x00000080      /* Disable Repeat */
+#define CAN_MB(x)    (0x00000001 << x) /* Enable Interrupt Enable */
+#define CAN_ERRA      0x00010000      /* Enable Error Active Mode Interrupt */
+#define CAN_WARN      0x00020000      /* Enable Warning Limit Interrupt */
+#define CAN_ERRP      0x00040000      /* Enable Passive mode interrupt */
+#define CAN_BOFF      0x00080000      /* Enable Bus-off mode interrupt */
+#define CAN_SLEEP     0x00100000      /* Enable Sleep Interrupt */
+#define CAN_WAKEUP    0x00200000      /* Enable Wakeup Interrupt */
+#define CAN_TOVF      0x00400000      /* Enable Timer Overflow Interrupt */
+#define CAN_TSTP      0x00800000      /* Enable TimeStamp Interrupt */
+#define CAN_CERR      0x01000000      /* Enable CRC Error Interrupt */
+#define CAN_SERR      0x02000000      /* Enable Stuffing Error Interrupt */
+#define CAN_AERR      0x04000000      /* Enable Acknowledgement Error Int */
+#define CAN_FERR      0x08000000      /* Enable Form Error Interrupt */
+#define CAN_BERR      0x10000000      /* Enable Bit Error Interrupt */
+#define CAN_RBSY      0x20000000      /* Receiver Busy */
+#define CAN_TBSY      0x40000000      /* Transmitter Busy */
+#define CAN_OVLSY     0x80000000      /* Overload Busy */
+/* Can Baudrate Regiister */
+#define CAN_PHASE2(x)	(x)
+#define CAN_PHASE2_MASK	0x07
+#define CAN_PHASE1(x)	(x<<4)
+#define CAN_PHASE1_MASK	(0x07 << 4)
+#define CAN_PROPAG(x)	(x<<8)
+#define CAN_PROPAG_MASK	(0x07 << 8)
+#define CAN_SJW(x)	(x<<12)
+#define CAN_SJW_MASK(x)	(0x03 << 12)
+#define CAN_BRP(x)	(x<<16)
+#define CAN_BRP_MASK	(0x7f << 16)
+#define CAN_SMP	     0x01000000	     /* Sampling Mode */
+/* CAN Transfer Command Register */
+#define TCR_TIMRST   0x80000000	     /* Timer Reset */
+/* CAN Message Mode Register */
+#define CAN_MTIMEMARK(x)   (0x0000001 << x)
+#define CAN_PRIOR(x)	(x << 16)
+#define CAN_MOT(x)	(x << 24)
+#define CAN_MIDVB(x)	(x)
+#define CAN_MIDVA(x)	(x << 18)
+#define CAN_MIDE	0x20000000
+/* CAN MSRx */
+/* These are receive, so pass in the value of the register... */
+#define CAN_MTIMESTAMP(x)  (x & 0x0000ffff)
+#define CAN_MDLC(x)	   ( (x >> 16) & 0x0f)  /* Mailbox code length */
+#define CAN_MRTR	0x00100000              /* Mailbox Remote Trx Request*/
+#define CAN_MABT	0x00400000              /* Mailbox Message Abort  */
+#define CAN_MRDY	0x00800000              /* Mailbox Ready */
+#define CAN_MMI 	0x01000000              /* Mailbox Message Ignored */
+/* Message Control Register */
+//#define CAN_MDLC(x)	(x<<16)	        /* Mailbox Data Length Code */
+#define CAN_MACR	(0x01 << 22)	/* Abort Request */
+#define CAN_MTCR	(0x01 << 23)	/* Mailbox Transfer Command */
+#define AT91CAN_ADDR ((AT91CAN*) BASE_CAN)