synchronize with external depot

-add relocation code to initial asm setup
-print the top of the stack on a crash
-turn off debug spew when threads exit
-make sure the critical section routines are fully inlined
-remove warning in dpc code
diff --git a/arch/arm/crt0.S b/arch/arm/crt0.S
index 801e2b9..759f11a 100644
--- a/arch/arm/crt0.S
+++ b/arch/arm/crt0.S
@@ -51,6 +51,30 @@
 	.word 0xe1600070
+	/* see if we need to relocate */
+	mov		r0, pc
+	sub		r0, r0, #(.Laddr - _start)
+	ldr		r1, =_start
+	cmp		r0, r1
+	beq		.Lstack_setup
+	/* we need to relocate ourselves to the proper spot */
+	ldr		r2, =__data_end	
+	ldr		r3, [r0], #4
+	str		r3, [r1], #4
+	cmp		r1, r2
+	bne		.Lrelocate_loop
+	/* we're relocated, jump to the right address */
+	ldr		r0, =.Lstack_setup
+	bx		r0
 	/* set up the stack for irq, fiq, abort, undefined, system/user, and lastly supervisor mode */
 	mrs     r0, cpsr
 	bic     r0, r0, #0x1f
@@ -86,23 +110,23 @@
 	ldr		r2, =__data_end
 	cmp		r0, r1
-	beq		__do_bss
+	beq		.L__do_bss
 	cmp		r1, r2
 	ldrlt	r3, [r0], #4
 	strlt	r3, [r1], #4
-	blt		__copy_loop
+	blt		.L__copy_loop
 	/* clear out the bss */
 	ldr		r0, =__bss_start
 	ldr		r1, =_end
 	mov		r2, #0
 	cmp		r0, r1
 	strlt	r2, [r0], #4
-	blt		__bss_loop
+	blt		.L__bss_loop
 	bl		kmain
 	b		.