[PATCH] dvb: b2c2/flexcop driver refactoring part 2: add modular Flexcop driver

b2c2/flexcop driver refactoring to support PCI and USB based cards part 2: add
modular Flexcop driver

Signed-off-by: Patrick Boettcher <pb@linuxtv.org>
Signed-off-by: Johannes Stezenbach <js@linuxtv.org>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <akpm@osdl.org>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <torvalds@osdl.org>
diff --git a/drivers/media/dvb/b2c2/flexcop-reg.h b/drivers/media/dvb/b2c2/flexcop-reg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..41835c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/media/dvb/b2c2/flexcop-reg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
+ * This file is part of linux driver the digital TV devices equipped with B2C2 FlexcopII(b)/III
+ *
+ * flexcop-reg.h - register abstraction for FlexCopII, FlexCopIIb and FlexCopIII
+ *
+ * see flexcop.c for copyright information.
+ */
+#ifndef __FLEXCOP_REG_H__
+#define __FLEXCOP_REG_H__
+typedef enum {
+} flexcop_revision_t;
+extern const char *flexcop_revision_names[];
+typedef enum {
+	FC_UNK = 0,
+} flexcop_device_type_t;
+typedef enum {
+	FC_USB = 0,
+} flexcop_bus_t;
+extern const char *flexcop_device_names[];
+/* FlexCop IBI Registers */
+/* flexcop_ibi_reg - a huge union representing the register structure */
+typedef union {
+	u32 raw;
+/* DMA 0x000 to 0x01c
+ * DMA1 0x000 to 0x00c
+ * DMA2 0x010 to 0x01c
+ */
+	struct {
+		u32 dma_0start        : 1;   /* set: data will be delivered to dma1_address0 */
+        u32 dma_0No_update    : 1;   /* set: dma1_cur_address will be updated, unset: no update */
+        u32 dma_address0      :30;   /* physical/virtual host memory address0 DMA */
+	} dma_0x0;
+	struct {
+		u32 DMA_maxpackets    : 8;   /* (remapped) PCI DMA1 Packet Count Interrupt. This variable
+										is able to be read and written while bit(1) of register
+										0x00c (remap_enable) is set. This variable represents
+										the number of packets that will be transmitted to the PCI
+										host using PCI DMA1 before an interrupt to the PCI is
+										asserted. This functionality may be enabled using bit(20)
+										of register 0x208. N=0 disables the IRQ. */
+		u32 dma_addr_size     :24;   /* size of memory buffer in DWORDs (bytesize / 4) for DMA */
+	} dma_0x4_remap;
+	struct {
+		u32 dma1timer         : 7;   /* reading PCI DMA1 timer ... when remap_enable is 0 */
+		u32 unused            : 1;
+		u32 dma_addr_size     :24;
+	} dma_0x4_read;
+	struct {
+		u32 unused            : 1;
+		u32 dmatimer          : 7;   /* writing PCI DMA1 timer ... when remap_enable is 0 */
+		u32 dma_addr_size     :24;
+	} dma_0x4_write;
+	struct {
+		u32 unused            : 2;
+		u32 dma_cur_addr      :30;   /* current physical host memory address pointer for DMA */
+	} dma_0x8;
+	struct {
+		u32 dma_1start        : 1;   /* set: data will be delivered to dma_address1, when dma_address0 is full */
+		u32 remap_enable      : 1;   /* remap enable for 0x0x4(7:0) */
+		u32 dma_address1      :30;   /* Physical/virtual address 1 on DMA */
+	} dma_0xc;
+/* Two-wire Serial Master and Clock 0x100-0x110 */
+	struct {
+//		u32 slave_transmitter : 1;   /* ???*/
+		u32 chipaddr          : 7;   /* two-line serial address of the target slave */
+		u32 reserved1         : 1;
+		u32 baseaddr          : 8;   /* address of the location of the read/write operation */
+		u32 data1_reg         : 8;   /* first byte in two-line serial read/write operation */
+		u32 working_start     : 1;  /* when doing a write operation this indicator is 0 when ready
+									  * set to 1 when doing a write operation */
+		u32 twoWS_rw          : 1;   /* read/write indicator (1 = read, 0 write) */
+		u32 total_bytes       : 2;   /* number of data bytes in each two-line serial transaction (0 = 1 byte, 11 = 4byte)*/
+		u32 twoWS_port_reg    : 2;   /* port selection: 01 - Front End/Demod, 10 - EEPROM, 11 - Tuner */
+		u32 no_base_addr_ack_error : 1;   /* writing: write-req: frame is produced w/o baseaddr, read-req: read-cycles w/o
+									  * preceding address assignment write frame
+									  * ACK_ERROR = 1 when no ACK from slave in the last transaction */
+		u32 st_done           : 1;   /* indicator for transaction is done */
+	} tw_sm_c_100;
+	struct {
+		u32 data2_reg         : 8;   /* 2nd data byte */
+		u32 data3_reg         : 8;   /* 3rd data byte */
+		u32 data4_reg         : 8;   /* 4th data byte */
+		u32 exlicit_stops     : 1;   /* when set, transactions are produced w/o trailing STOP flag, then send isolated STOP flags */
+		u32 force_stop        : 1;   /* isolated stop flag */
+		u32 unused            : 6;
+	} tw_sm_c_104;
+/* Clock. The register allows the FCIII to convert an incoming Master clock
+ * (MCLK) signal into a lower frequency clock through the use of a LowCounter
+ * (TLO) and a High- Counter (THI). The time counts for THI and TLO are
+ * measured in MCLK; each count represents 4 MCLK input clock cycles.
+ *
+ * The default output for port #1 is set for Front End Demod communication. (0x108)
+ * The default output for port #2 is set for EEPROM communication. (0x10c)
+ * The default output for port #3 is set for Tuner communication. (0x110)
+ */
+	struct {
+		u32 thi1              : 6;   /* Thi for port #1 (def: 100110b; 38) */
+		u32 reserved1         : 2;
+		u32 tlo1              : 5;   /* Tlo for port #1 (def: 11100b; 28) */
+		u32 reserved2         :19;
+	} tw_sm_c_108;
+	struct {
+		u32 thi1              : 6;   /* Thi for port #2 (def: 111001b; 57) */
+		u32 reserved1         : 2;
+		u32 tlo1              : 5;   /* Tlo for port #2 (def: 11100b; 28) */
+		u32 reserved2         :19;
+	} tw_sm_c_10c;
+	struct {
+		u32 thi1              : 6;   /* Thi for port #3 (def: 111001b; 57) */
+		u32 reserved1         : 2;
+		u32 tlo1              : 5;   /* Tlo for port #3 (def: 11100b; 28) */
+		u32 reserved2         :19;
+	} tw_sm_c_110;
+/* LNB Switch Frequency 0x200
+ * Clock that creates the LNB switch tone. The default is set to have a fixed
+ * low output (not oscillating) to the LNB_CTL line.
+ */
+	struct {
+		u32 LNB_CTLHighCount_sig :15; /* It is the number of pre-scaled clock cycles that will be low. */
+		u32 LNB_CTLLowCount_sig  :15; /* For example, to obtain a 22KHz output given a 45 Mhz Master
+										Clock signal (MCLK), set PreScalar=01 and LowCounter value to 0x1ff. */
+		u32 LNB_CTLPrescaler_sig : 2; /* pre-scaler divides MCLK: 00 (no division), 01 by 2, 10 by 4, 11 by 12 */
+	} lnb_switch_freq_200;
+/* ACPI, Peripheral Reset, LNB Polarity
+ * ACPI power conservation mode, LNB polarity selection (low or high voltage),
+ * and peripheral reset.
+ */
+	struct {
+		u32 ACPI1_sig         : 1;   /* turn of the power of tuner and LNB, not implemented in FCIII */
+		u32 ACPI3_sig         : 1;   /* turn of power of the complete satelite receiver board (except FCIII) */
+		u32 LNB_L_H_sig       : 1;   /* low or high voltage for LNB. (0 = low, 1 = high) */
+		u32 Per_reset_sig     : 1;   /* misc. init reset (default: 1), to reset set to low and back to high */
+		u32 reserved          :20;
+		u32 Rev_N_sig_revision_hi : 4;/* 0xc in case of FCIII */
+		u32 Rev_N_sig_reserved1 : 2;
+		u32 Rev_N_sig_caps    : 1;   /* if 1, FCIII has 32 PID- and MAC-filters and is capable of IP multicast */
+		u32 Rev_N_sig_reserved2 : 1;
+	} misc_204;
+/* Control and Status 0x208 to 0x21c */
+/* Gross enable and disable control */
+	struct {
+		u32 Stream1_filter_sig : 1;  /* Stream1 PID filtering */
+		u32 Stream2_filter_sig : 1;  /* Stream2 PID filtering */
+		u32 PCR_filter_sig    : 1;   /* PCR PID filter */
+		u32 PMT_filter_sig    : 1;   /* PMT PID filter */
+		u32 EMM_filter_sig    : 1;   /* EMM PID filter */
+		u32 ECM_filter_sig    : 1;   /* ECM PID filter */
+		u32 Null_filter_sig   : 1;   /* Filters null packets, PID=0x1fff. */
+		u32 Mask_filter_sig   : 1;   /* mask PID filter */
+		u32 WAN_Enable_sig    : 1;   /* WAN output line through V8 memory space is activated. */
+		u32 WAN_CA_Enable_sig : 1;   /* not in FCIII */
+		u32 CA_Enable_sig     : 1;   /* not in FCIII */
+		u32 SMC_Enable_sig    : 1;   /* CI stream data (CAI) goes directly to the smart card intf (opposed IBI 0x600 or SC-cmd buf). */
+		u32 Per_CA_Enable_sig : 1;   /* not in FCIII */
+		u32 Multi2_Enable_sig : 1;   /* ? */
+		u32 MAC_filter_Mode_sig : 1; /* (MAC_filter_enable) Globally enables MAC filters for Net PID filteres. */
+		u32 Rcv_Data_sig      : 1;   /* PID filtering module enable. When this bit is a one, the PID filter will
+										examine and process packets according to all other (individual) PID
+										filtering controls. If it a zero, no packet processing of any kind will
+										take place. All data from the tuner will be thrown away. */
+		u32 DMA1_IRQ_Enable_sig : 1; /* When set, a DWORD counter is enabled on PCI DMA1 that asserts the PCI
+									  * interrupt after the specified count for filling the buffer. */
+		u32 DMA1_Timer_Enable_sig : 1; /* When set, a timer is enabled on PCI DMA1 that asserts the PCI interrupt
+											after a specified amount of time. */
+		u32 DMA2_IRQ_Enable_sig : 1;   /* same as DMA1_IRQ_Enable_sig but for DMA2 */
+		u32 DMA2_Timer_Enable_sig : 1;   /* same as DMA1_Timer_Enable_sig but for DMA2 */
+		u32 DMA1_Size_IRQ_Enable_sig : 1; /* When set, a packet count detector is enabled on PCI DMA1 that asserts the PCI interrupt. */
+		u32 DMA2_Size_IRQ_Enable_sig : 1; /* When set, a packet	count detector is enabled on PCI DMA2 that asserts the PCI interrupt. */
+		u32 Mailbox_from_V8_Enable_sig: 1; /* When set, writes to the mailbox register produce an interrupt to the
+											PCI host to indicate that mailbox data is available. */
+		u32 unused            : 9;
+	} ctrl_208;
+/* General status. When a PCI interrupt occurs, this register is read to
+ * discover the reason for the interrupt.
+ */
+	struct {
+		u32 DMA1_IRQ_Status   : 1;   /* When set(1) the DMA1 counter had generated an IRQ. Read Only. */
+		u32 DMA1_Timer_Status : 1;   /* When set(1) the DMA1 timer had generated an IRQ. Read Only. */
+		u32 DMA2_IRQ_Status   : 1;   /* When set(1) the DMA2 counter had generated an IRQ. Read Only. */
+		u32 DMA2_Timer_Status : 1;   /* When set(1) the DMA2 timer had generated an IRQ. Read Only. */
+		u32 DMA1_Size_IRQ_Status : 1; /* (Read only). This register is read after an interrupt to */
+		u32 DMA2_Size_IRQ_Status : 1; /* find out why we had an IRQ. Reading this register will clear this bit. Packet count*/
+		u32 Mailbox_from_V8_Status_sig: 1; /* Same as above. Reading this register will clear this bit. */
+		u32 Data_receiver_error : 1; /* 1 indicate an error in the receiver Front End (Tuner module) */
+		u32 Continuity_error_flag : 1;   /* 1 indicates a continuity error in the TS stream. */
+		u32 LLC_SNAP_FLAG_set : 1;   /* 1 indicates that the LCC_SNAP_FLAG was set. */
+		u32 Transport_Error   : 1;   /*  When set indicates that an unexpected packet was received. */
+		u32 reserved          :21;
+	} irq_20c;
+/* Software reset register */
+	struct {
+		u32 reset_blocks      : 8;   /* Enabled when Block_reset_enable = 0xB2 and 0x208 bits 15:8 = 0x00.
+										Each bit location represents a 0x100 block of registers. Writing
+										a one in a bit location resets that block of registers and the logic
+										that it controls. */
+		u32 Block_reset_enable : 8;  /* This variable is set to 0xB2 when the register is written. */
+		u32 Special_controls  :16;   /* Asserts Reset_V8 => 0xC258; Turns on pci encryption => 0xC25A;
+										Turns off pci encryption => 0xC259 Note: pci_encryption default
+										at power-up is ON. */
+	} sw_reset_210;
+	struct {
+		u32 vuart_oe_sig      : 1;   /* When clear, the V8 processor has sole control of the serial UART
+										(RS-232 Smart Card interface). When set, the IBI interface
+										defined by register 0x600 controls the serial UART. */
+		u32 v2WS_oe_sig       : 1;   /* When clear, the V8 processor has direct control of the Two-line
+										Serial Master EEPROM target. When set, the Two-line Serial Master
+										EEPROM target interface is controlled by IBI register 0x100. */
+		u32 halt_V8_sig       : 1;   /* When set, contiguous wait states are applied to the V8-space
+										bus masters. Once this signal is cleared, normal V8-space
+										operations resume. */
+		u32 section_pkg_enable_sig: 1; /* When set, this signal enables the front end translation circuitry
+										  to process section packed transport streams. */
+		u32 s2p_sel_sig       : 1;   /* Serial to parallel conversion. When set, polarized transport data
+										within the FlexCop3 front end circuitry is converted from a serial
+										stream into parallel data before downstream processing otherwise
+										interprets the data. */
+		u32 unused1           : 3;
+		u32 polarity_PS_CLK_sig: 1;  /* This signal is used to invert the input polarity of the tranport
+										stream CLOCK signal before any processing occurs on the transport
+										stream within FlexCop3. */
+		u32 polarity_PS_VALID_sig: 1; /* This signal is used to invert the input polarity of the tranport
+										stream VALID signal before any processing occurs on the transport
+										stream within FlexCop3. */
+		u32 polarity_PS_SYNC_sig: 1; /* This signal is used to invert the input polarity of the tranport
+										stream SYNC signal before any processing occurs on the transport
+										stream within FlexCop3. */
+		u32 polarity_PS_ERR_sig: 1;  /* This signal is used to invert the input polarity of the tranport
+										stream ERROR signal before any processing occurs on the transport
+										stream within FlexCop3. */
+		u32 unused2           :20;
+	} misc_214;
+/* Mailbox from V8 to host */
+	struct {
+		u32 Mailbox_from_V8   :32;   /* When this register is written by either the V8 processor or by an
+										end host, an interrupt is generated to the PCI host to indicate
+										that mailbox data is available. Reading register 20c will clear
+										the IRQ. */
+	} mbox_v8_to_host_218;
+/* Mailbox from host to v8 Mailbox_to_V8
+ * Mailbox_to_V8 mailbox storage register
+ * used to send messages from PCI to V8. Writing to this register will send an
+ * IRQ to the V8. Then it can read the data from here. Reading this register
+ * will clear the IRQ. If the V8 is halted and bit 31 of this register is set,
+ * then this register is used instead as a direct interface to access the
+ * V8space memory.
+ */
+	struct {
+		u32 sysramaccess_data : 8;   /* Data byte written or read from the specified address in V8 SysRAM. */
+		u32 sysramaccess_addr :15;   /* 15 bit address used to access V8 Sys-RAM. */
+		u32 unused            : 7;
+		u32 sysramaccess_write: 1;   /* Write flag used to latch data into the V8 SysRAM. */
+		u32 sysramaccess_busmuster: 1; /* Setting this bit when the V8 is halted at 0x214 Bit(2) allows
+										  this IBI register interface to directly drive the V8-space memory. */
+	} mbox_host_to_v8_21c;
+/* PIDs, Translation Bit, SMC Filter Select 0x300 to 0x31c */
+	struct {
+		u32 Stream1_PID       :13;   /* Primary use is receiving Net data, so these 13 bits normally
+										hold the PID value for the desired network stream. */
+		u32 Stream1_trans     : 1;   /* When set, Net translation will take place for Net data ferried in TS packets. */
+		u32 MAC_Multicast_filter : 1;   /* When clear, multicast MAC filtering is not allowed for Stream1 and PID_n filters. */
+		u32 debug_flag_pid_saved : 1;
+		u32 Stream2_PID       :13;   /* 13 bits for Stream 2 PID filter value. General use. */
+		u32 Stream2_trans     : 1;   /* When set Tables/CAI translation will take place for the data ferried in
+										Stream2_PID TS packets. */
+		u32 debug_flag_write_status00 : 1;
+		u32 debug_fifo_problem : 1;
+	} pid_filter_300;
+	struct {
+		u32 PCR_PID           :13;   /* PCR stream PID filter value. Primary use is Program Clock Reference stream filtering. */
+		u32 PCR_trans         : 1;   /* When set, Tables/CAI translation will take place for these packets. */
+		u32 debug_overrun3    : 1;
+		u32 debug_overrun2    : 1;
+		u32 PMT_PID           :13;   /* stream PID filter value. Primary use is Program Management Table segment filtering. */
+		u32 PMT_trans         : 1;   /* When set, Tables/CAI translation will take place for these packets. */
+		u32 reserved          : 2;
+	} pid_filter_304;
+	struct {
+		u32 EMM_PID           :13;   /* EMM PID filter value. Primary use is Entitlement Management Messaging for
+										conditional access-related data. */
+		u32 EMM_trans         : 1;   /* When set, Tables/CAI translation will take place for these packets. */
+		u32 EMM_filter_4      : 1;   /* When set will pass only EMM data possessing the same ID code as the
+										first four bytes (32 bits) of the end-user s 6-byte Smart Card ID number Select */
+		u32 EMM_filter_6      : 1;   /* When set will pass only EMM data possessing the same 6-byte code as the end-users
+										complete 6-byte Smart Card ID number. */
+		u32 ECM_PID           :13;   /* ECM PID filter value. Primary use is Entitlement Control Messaging for conditional
+										access-related data. */
+		u32 ECM_trans         : 1;   /* When set, Tables/CAI translation will take place for these packets. */
+		u32 reserved          : 2;
+	} pid_filter_308;
+	struct {
+		u32 Group_PID     :13;   /* PID value for group filtering. */
+		u32 Group_trans   : 1;   /* When set, Tables/CAI translation will take place for these packets. */
+		u32 unused1       : 2;
+		u32 Group_mask    :13;   /* Mask value used in logical "and" equation that defines group filtering */
+		u32 unused2       : 3;
+	} pid_filter_30c_ext_ind_0_7;
+	struct {
+		u32 net_master_read :17;
+		u32 unused        :15;
+	} pid_filter_30c_ext_ind_1;
+	struct {
+		u32 net_master_write :17;
+		u32 unused        :15;
+	} pid_filter_30c_ext_ind_2;
+	struct {
+		u32 next_net_master_write :17;
+		u32 unused        :15;
+	} pid_filter_30c_ext_ind_3;
+	struct {
+		u32 unused1       : 1;
+		u32 state_write   :10;
+		u32 reserved1     : 6;   /* default: 000100 */
+		u32 stack_read    :10;
+		u32 reserved2     : 5;   /* default: 00100 */
+	} pid_filter_30c_ext_ind_4;
+	struct {
+		u32 stack_cnt     :10;
+		u32 unused        :22;
+	} pid_filter_30c_ext_ind_5;
+	struct {
+		u32 pid_fsm_save_reg0 : 2;
+		u32 pid_fsm_save_reg1 : 2;
+		u32 pid_fsm_save_reg2 : 2;
+		u32 pid_fsm_save_reg3 : 2;
+		u32 pid_fsm_save_reg4 : 2;
+		u32 pid_fsm_save_reg300 : 2;
+		u32 write_status1 : 2;
+		u32 write_status4 : 2;
+		u32 data_size_reg :12;
+		u32 unused        : 4;
+	} pid_filter_30c_ext_ind_6;
+	struct {
+		u32 index_reg         : 5;   /* (Index pointer) Points at an internal PIDn register. A binary code
+										representing one of 32 internal PIDn registers as well as its
+										corresponding internal MAC_lown register. */
+		u32 extra_index_reg   : 3;   /* This vector is used to select between sets of debug signals routed to register 0x30c. */
+		u32 AB_select         : 1;   /* Used in conjunction with 0x31c. read/write to the MAC_highA or MAC_highB register
+										0=MAC_highB register, 1=MAC_highA */
+		u32 pass_alltables    : 1;   /* 1=Net packets are not filtered against the Network Table ID found in register 0x400.
+										All types of networks (DVB, ATSC, ISDB) are passed. */
+		u32 unused            :22;
+	} index_reg_310;
+	struct {
+		u32 PID               :13;   /* PID value */
+		u32 PID_trans         : 1;   /* translation will take place for packets filtered */
+		u32 PID_enable_bit    : 1;   /* When set this PID filter is enabled */
+		u32 reserved          :17;
+	} pid_n_reg_314;
+	struct {
+		u32 A4_byte           : 8;
+		u32 A5_byte           : 8;
+		u32 A6_byte           : 8;
+		u32 Enable_bit        : 1;   /* enabled (1) or disabled (1) */
+		u32 HighAB_bit        : 1;   /* use MAC_highA (1) or MAC_highB (0) as MSB */
+		u32 reserved          : 6;
+	} mac_low_reg_318;
+	struct {
+		u32 A1_byte           : 8;
+		u32 A2_byte           : 8;
+		u32 A3_byte           : 8;
+		u32 reserved          : 8;
+	} mac_high_reg_31c;
+/* Table, SMCID,MACDestination Filters 0x400 to 0x41c */
+	struct {
+		u32 reserved          :16;
+#define fc_data_Tag_ID_DVB  0x3e
+#define fc_data_Tag_ID_ATSC 0x3f
+#define fc_data_Tag_ID_IDSB 0x8b
+		u32 data_Tag_ID       :16;
+	} data_tag_400;
+	struct {
+		u32 Card_IDbyte6      : 8;
+		u32 Card_IDbyte5      : 8;
+		u32 Card_IDbyte4      : 8;
+		u32 Card_IDbyte3      : 8;
+	} card_id_408;
+	struct {
+		u32 Card_IDbyte2      : 8;
+		u32 Card_IDbyte1      : 8;
+	} card_id_40c;
+	/* holding the unique mac address of the receiver which houses the FlexCopIII */
+	struct {
+		u32 MAC1              : 8;
+		u32 MAC2              : 8;
+		u32 MAC3              : 8;
+		u32 MAC6              : 8;
+	} mac_address_418;
+	struct {
+		u32 MAC7              : 8;
+		u32 MAC8              : 8;
+		u32 reserved          : 16;
+	} mac_address_41c;
+	struct {
+		u32 transmitter_data_byte : 8;
+		u32 ReceiveDataReady  : 1;
+		u32 ReceiveByteFrameError: 1;
+		u32 txbuffempty       : 1;
+		u32 reserved          :21;
+	} ci_600;
+	struct {
+		u32 pi_d              : 8;
+		u32 pi_ha             :20;
+		u32 pi_rw             : 1;
+		u32 pi_component_reg  : 3;
+	} pi_604;
+	struct {
+		u32 serialReset       : 1;
+		u32 oncecycle_read    : 1;
+		u32 Timer_Read_req    : 1;
+		u32 Timer_Load_req    : 1;
+		u32 timer_data        : 7;
+		u32 unused            : 1; /* ??? not mentioned in data book */
+		u32 Timer_addr        : 5;
+		u32 reserved          : 3;
+		u32 pcmcia_a_mod_pwr_n : 1;
+		u32 pcmcia_b_mod_pwr_n : 1;
+		u32 config_Done_stat  : 1;
+		u32 config_Init_stat  : 1;
+		u32 config_Prog_n     : 1;
+		u32 config_wr_n       : 1;
+		u32 config_cs_n       : 1;
+		u32 config_cclk       : 1;
+		u32 pi_CiMax_IRQ_n    : 1;
+		u32 pi_timeout_status : 1;
+		u32 pi_wait_n         : 1;
+		u32 pi_busy_n         : 1;
+	} pi_608;
+	struct {
+		u32 PID               :13;
+		u32 key_enable        : 1;
+#define fc_key_code_default 0x1
+#define fc_key_code_even    0x2
+#define fc_key_code_odd     0x3
+		u32 key_code          : 2;
+		u32 key_array_col     : 3;
+		u32 key_array_row     : 5;
+		u32 dvb_en            : 1; /* 0=TS bypasses the Descrambler */
+		u32 rw_flag           : 1;
+		u32 reserved          : 6;
+	} dvb_reg_60c;
+/* SRAM and Output Destination 0x700 to 0x714 */
+	struct {
+		u32 sram_addr         :15;
+		u32 sram_rw           : 1;   /* 0=write, 1=read */
+		u32 sram_data         : 8;
+		u32 sc_xfer_bit       : 1;
+		u32 reserved1         : 3;
+		u32 oe_pin_reg        : 1;
+		u32 ce_pin_reg        : 1;
+		u32 reserved2         : 1;
+		u32 start_sram_ibi    : 1;
+	} sram_ctrl_reg_700;
+	struct {
+		u32 net_addr_read     :16;
+		u32 net_addr_write    :16;
+	} net_buf_reg_704;
+	struct {
+		u32 cai_read          :11;
+		u32 reserved1         : 5;
+		u32 cai_write         :11;
+		u32 reserved2         : 6;
+		u32 cai_cnt           : 4;
+	} cai_buf_reg_708;
+	struct {
+		u32 cao_read          :11;
+		u32 reserved1         : 5;
+		u32 cap_write         :11;
+		u32 reserved2         : 6;
+		u32 cao_cnt           : 4;
+	} cao_buf_reg_70c;
+	struct {
+		u32 media_read        :11;
+		u32 reserved1         : 5;
+		u32 media_write       :11;
+		u32 reserved2         : 6;
+		u32 media_cnt         : 4;
+	} media_buf_reg_710;
+	struct {
+		u32 NET_Dest          : 2;
+		u32 CAI_Dest          : 2;
+		u32 CAO_Dest          : 2;
+		u32 MEDIA_Dest        : 2;
+		u32 net_ovflow_error  : 1;
+		u32 media_ovflow_error : 1;
+		u32 cai_ovflow_error  : 1;
+		u32 cao_ovflow_error  : 1;
+		u32 ctrl_usb_wan      : 1;
+		u32 ctrl_sramdma      : 1;
+		u32 ctrl_maximumfill  : 1;
+		u32 reserved          :17;
+	} sram_dest_reg_714;
+	struct {
+		u32 net_cnt           :12;
+		u32 reserved1         : 4;
+		u32 net_addr_read     : 1;
+		u32 reserved2         : 3;
+		u32 net_addr_write    : 1;
+		u32 reserved3         :11;
+	} net_buf_reg_718;
+	struct {
+		u32 wan_speed_sig     : 2;
+		u32 reserved1         : 6;
+		u32 wan_wait_state    : 8;
+		u32 sram_chip         : 2;
+		u32 sram_memmap       : 2;
+		u32 reserved2         : 4;
+		u32 wan_pkt_frame     : 4;
+		u32 reserved3         : 4;
+	} wan_ctrl_reg_71c;
+} flexcop_ibi_value;
+extern flexcop_ibi_value ibi_zero;
+typedef enum {
+} flexcop_i2c_port_t;
+typedef enum {
+	FC_WRITE = 0,
+	FC_READ  = 1,
+} flexcop_access_op_t;
+typedef enum {
+} flexcop_sram_dest_t;
+typedef enum {
+} flexcop_sram_dest_target_t;
+typedef enum {
+	FC_SRAM_2_32KB  = 0, /*  64KB */
+	FC_SRAM_1_32KB  = 1, /*  32KB - default fow FCII */
+	FC_SRAM_1_128KB = 2, /* 128KB */
+	FC_SRAM_1_48KB  = 3, /*  48KB - default for FCIII */
+} flexcop_sram_type_t;
+typedef enum {
+} flexcop_wan_speed_t;
+typedef enum {
+	FC_DMA_1 = 1,
+	FC_DMA_2 = 2,
+} flexcop_dma_index_t;
+typedef enum {
+} flexcop_dma_addr_index_t;
+/* names of the particular registers */
+typedef enum {
+	dma1_000            = 0x000,
+	dma1_004            = 0x004,
+	dma1_008            = 0x008,
+	dma1_00c            = 0x00c,
+	dma2_010            = 0x010,
+	dma2_014            = 0x014,
+	dma2_018            = 0x018,
+	dma2_01c            = 0x01c,
+	tw_sm_c_100         = 0x100,
+	tw_sm_c_104         = 0x104,
+	tw_sm_c_108         = 0x108,
+	tw_sm_c_10c         = 0x10c,
+	tw_sm_c_110         = 0x110,
+	lnb_switch_freq_200 = 0x200,
+	misc_204            = 0x204,
+	ctrl_208            = 0x208,
+	irq_20c             = 0x20c,
+	sw_reset_210        = 0x210,
+	misc_214            = 0x214,
+	mbox_v8_to_host_218 = 0x218,
+	mbox_host_to_v8_21c = 0x21c,
+	pid_filter_300      = 0x300,
+	pid_filter_304      = 0x304,
+	pid_filter_308      = 0x308,
+	pid_filter_30c      = 0x30c,
+	index_reg_310       = 0x310,
+	pid_n_reg_314       = 0x314,
+	mac_low_reg_318     = 0x318,
+	mac_high_reg_31c    = 0x31c,
+	data_tag_400        = 0x400,
+	card_id_408         = 0x408,
+	card_id_40c         = 0x40c,
+	mac_address_418     = 0x418,
+	mac_address_41c     = 0x41c,
+	ci_600              = 0x600,
+	pi_604              = 0x604,
+	pi_608              = 0x608,
+	dvb_reg_60c         = 0x60c,
+	sram_ctrl_reg_700   = 0x700,
+	net_buf_reg_704     = 0x704,
+	cai_buf_reg_708     = 0x708,
+	cao_buf_reg_70c     = 0x70c,
+	media_buf_reg_710   = 0x710,
+	sram_dest_reg_714   = 0x714,
+	net_buf_reg_718     = 0x718,
+	wan_ctrl_reg_71c    = 0x71c,
+} flexcop_ibi_register;
+#define flexcop_set_ibi_value(reg,attr,val) \
+	flexcop_ibi_value v = fc->read_ibi_reg(fc,reg); \
+	v.reg.attr = val; \
+	fc->write_ibi_reg(fc,reg,v); \