tools/testing/selftests/proc: test /proc/*/fd a bit (+ PF_KTHREAD is ABI!)

* Test lookup in /proc/self/fd.
  "map_files" lookup story showed that lookup is not that simple.

* Test that all those symlinks open the same file.
  Check with (st_dev, st_info).

* Test that kernel threads do not have anything in their /proc/*/fd/

Now this is where things get interesting.

First, kernel threads aren't pinned by /proc/self or equivalent,
thus some "atomicity" is required.

Second, ->comm can contain whitespace and ')'.
No, they are not escaped.

Third, the only reliable way to check if process is kernel thread
appears to be field #9 in /proc/*/stat.

This field is struct task_struct::flags in decimal!
Check is done by testing PF_KTHREAD flags like we do in kernel.

	PF_KTREAD value is a part of userspace ABI !!!

Other methods for determining kernel threadness are not reliable:
* RSS can be 0 if everything is swapped, even while reading
  from /proc/self.

* ->total_vm CAN BE ZERO if process is finishing

	munmap(NULL, whole address space);

* /proc/*/maps and similar files can be empty because unmapping
  everything works. Read returning 0 can't distinguish between
  kernel thread and such suicide process.

Signed-off-by: Alexey Dobriyan <>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Morton <>
Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds <>
8 files changed