char: n_gsm: remove message filtering for contipated DLCI

The design of uplink flow control in the mux driver is
that for constipated channels data will backup into the
per-channel fifos, and any messages that make it to the
outbound message queue will still go out.
Code was added to also stop messages that were in the outbound
queue but this requires filtering through all the messages on the
queue for stopped dlcis and changes some of the mux logic unneccessarily.

The message fiiltering was removed to be in line w/ the original design
as the message filtering does not provide any solution.
Extra debug messages used during investigation were also removed.

Signed-off-by: samix.lebsir <>
Signed-off-by: Alan Cox <>
Cc: Dressage <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
1 file changed