pm2301: LPN mode control support

The AC charger plug-in detection while booting causes I2C read
failure if AC charger is not connected. Now the LPN pin is enabled
for every PM2301 register access, which solves the issue.

Signed-off-by: Rupesh Kumar <>
Signed-off-by: Lee Jones <>
Reviewed-by: Marcus COOPER <>
Reviewed-by: Vijaya Kumar K-1 <>
Reviewed-by: Rabin VINCENT <>
Reviewed-by: Jonas ABERG <>
Tested-by: Jonas ABERG <>
diff --git a/drivers/power/pm2301_charger.h b/drivers/power/pm2301_charger.h
index 3531cc5..e6319cd 100644
--- a/drivers/power/pm2301_charger.h
+++ b/drivers/power/pm2301_charger.h
@@ -493,6 +493,7 @@
 	int old_vbat;
 	int failure_case;
 	int failure_input_ovv;
+	unsigned int lpn_pin;
 	struct pm2xxx_interrupts *pm2_int;
 	struct ab8500_gpadc *gpadc;
 	struct regulator *regu;