staging: wilc1000: arrays can't be NULL

hif_drv->[i] contains found_net_info structs
which have the following element:
u8 bssid[6];

pstrNetworkInfo, of type network_info, also contains an u8 array named

request->ssids is an array of cfg80211_ssid structs. Making ssid:
u8 ssid[IEEE80211_MAX_SSID_LEN];

In these 3 cases the arrays are being checked against NULL, which can't
happen. Removing the checks since they will always be true.

Found with smatch:
drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.c:1234 Handle_RcvdNtwrkInfo() warn: this array is probably non-NULL. 'hif_drv->usr_scan_req.net_info[i].bssid'
drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.c:1235 Handle_RcvdNtwrkInfo() warn: this array is probably non-NULL. 'pstrNetworkInfo->bssid'
drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.c:1253 Handle_RcvdNtwrkInfo() warn: this array is probably non-NULL. 'hif_drv->usr_scan_req.net_info[hif_drv->usr_scan_req.rcvd_ch_cnt].bssid'
drivers/staging/wilc1000/host_interface.c:1254 Handle_RcvdNtwrkInfo() warn: this array is probably non-NULL. 'pstrNetworkInfo->bssid'

Signed-off-by: Luis de Bethencourt <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
2 files changed