Staging: ced1401: Patch removes typedef unsigned short WORD.

Patch removes the use of typedef unsigned short WORD.

Signed-off-by: Elena Ufimtseva <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
diff --git a/drivers/staging/ced1401/use1401.h b/drivers/staging/ced1401/use1401.h
index 80213ef..edf53c1 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/ced1401/use1401.h
+++ b/drivers/staging/ced1401/use1401.h
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
 /* Definitions of element sizes for DMA transfers - to allow byte-swapping */
 #define ESZBYTES              0           /* BYTE element size value        */
-#define ESZWORDS              1           /* WORD element size value        */
+#define ESZWORDS              1           /* unsigned short element size value        */
 #define ESZLONGS              2           /* long element size value        */
 #define ESZUNKNOWN            0           /* unknown element size value     */
@@ -210,27 +210,27 @@
 U14API(short)	U14Reset1401(short hand);
 U14API(short)	U14ForceReset(short hand);
 U14API(short)	U14TypeOf1401(short hand);
-U14API(short)	U14NameOf1401(short hand, char *pBuf, WORD wMax);
+U14API(short)	U14NameOf1401(short hand, char *pBuf, unsigned short wMax);
 U14API(short)	U14Stat1401(short hand);
 U14API(short)	U14CharCount(short hand);
 U14API(short)	U14LineCount(short hand);
 U14API(short)	U14SendString(short hand, const char *pString);
-U14API(short)	U14GetString(short hand, char *pBuffer, WORD wMaxLen);
+U14API(short)	U14GetString(short hand, char *pBuffer, unsigned short wMaxLen);
 U14API(short)	U14SendChar(short hand, char cChar);
 U14API(short)	U14GetChar(short hand, char *pcChar);
 U14API(short)	U14LdCmd(short hand, const char *command);
 U14API(DWORD) U14Ld(short hand, const char *vl, const char *str);
-U14API(short)	U14SetTransArea(short hand, WORD wArea, void *pvBuff,
+U14API(short)	U14SetTransArea(short hand, unsigned short wArea, void *pvBuff,
 					DWORD dwLength, short eSz);
-U14API(short)	U14UnSetTransfer(short hand, WORD wArea);
-U14API(short)	U14SetTransferEvent(short hand, WORD wArea, BOOL bEvent,
+U14API(short)	U14UnSetTransfer(short hand, unsigned short wArea);
+U14API(short)	U14SetTransferEvent(short hand, unsigned short wArea, BOOL bEvent,
 					BOOL bToHost, DWORD dwStart, DWORD dwLength);
-U14API(int)   U14TestTransferEvent(short hand, WORD wArea);
-U14API(int)   U14WaitTransferEvent(short hand, WORD wArea, int msTimeOut);
+U14API(int)   U14TestTransferEvent(short hand, unsigned short wArea);
+U14API(int)   U14WaitTransferEvent(short hand, unsigned short wArea, int msTimeOut);
 U14API(short)	U14GetTransfer(short hand, TGET_TX_BLOCK *pTransBlock);
 U14API(short)	U14ToHost(short hand, char *pAddrHost, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dw1401,
@@ -238,11 +238,11 @@
 U14API(short)	U14To1401(short hand, const char *pAddrHost, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dw1401,
 								short eSz);
-U14API(short)	U14SetCircular(short hand, WORD wArea, BOOL bToHost, void *pvBuff,
+U14API(short)	U14SetCircular(short hand, unsigned short wArea, BOOL bToHost, void *pvBuff,
 							DWORD dwLength);
-U14API(int)   U14GetCircBlk(short hand, WORD wArea, DWORD *pdwOffs);
-U14API(int)   U14FreeCircBlk(short hand, WORD wArea, DWORD dwOffs, DWORD dwSize,
+U14API(int)   U14GetCircBlk(short hand, unsigned short wArea, DWORD *pdwOffs);
+U14API(int)   U14FreeCircBlk(short hand, unsigned short wArea, DWORD dwOffs, DWORD dwSize,
 							DWORD *pdwOffs);
 U14API(short)	U14StrToLongs(const char *pszBuff, U14LONG *palNums, short sMaxLongs);
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
 U14API(int)   U14BaseAddr1401(short hand);
 U14API(int)   U14DriverVersion(short hand);
 U14API(int)   U14DriverType(short hand);
-U14API(short)	U14DriverName(short hand, char *pBuf, WORD wMax);
+U14API(short)	U14DriverName(short hand, char *pBuf, unsigned short wMax);
 U14API(short)	U14GetUserMemorySize(short hand, DWORD *pMemorySize);
 U14API(short)	U14KillIO1401(short hand);
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
 U14API(short)	U14StartSelfTest(short hand);
 U14API(short)	U14CheckSelfTest(short hand, U14LONG *pData);
 U14API(short)	U14TransferFlags(short hand);
-U14API(void)  U14GetErrorString(short nErr, char *pStr, WORD wMax);
+U14API(void)  U14GetErrorString(short nErr, char *pStr, unsigned short wMax);
 U14API(int)   U14MonitorRev(short hand);
 U14API(void)  U14CloseAll(void);