greybus: ap: process the UniPro link up message

The link up message is the event that tells the AP what device ID
has been assigned to a particular interface on a module during
enumeration. The link up is sent *only* after the hotplug event
for a particular module has been sent to the AP.

The link up payload must carry the Module ID and Interface ID
to uniquely identify the struct gb_interface to which the
Device ID has been assigned.

After processing of the link up message, the interface's device_id
field will contain the assigned Device ID so that the AP has the
information necessary to issue network route commands.

Signed-off-by: Matt Porter <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
2 files changed
tree: d119e6ab4b4c8552912c3ce825a2f98f3a2a9ff3
  1. drivers/