crypto: twofish - add 3-way parallel x86_64 assembler implemention

Patch adds 3-way parallel x86_64 assembly implementation of twofish as new
module. New assembler functions crypt data in three blocks chunks, improving
cipher performance on out-of-order CPUs.

Patch has been tested with tcrypt and automated filesystem tests.

Summary of the tcrypt benchmarks:

Twofish 3-way-asm vs twofish asm (128bit 8kb block ECB)
 encrypt: 1.3x speed
 decrypt: 1.3x speed

Twofish 3-way-asm vs twofish asm (128bit 8kb block CBC)
 encrypt: 1.07x speed
 decrypt: 1.4x speed

Twofish 3-way-asm vs twofish asm (128bit 8kb block CTR)
 encrypt: 1.4x speed

Twofish 3-way-asm vs AES asm (128bit 8kb block ECB)
 encrypt: 1.0x speed
 decrypt: 1.0x speed

Twofish 3-way-asm vs AES asm (128bit 8kb block CBC)
 encrypt: 0.84x speed
 decrypt: 1.09x speed

Twofish 3-way-asm vs AES asm (128bit 8kb block CTR)
 encrypt: 1.15x speed

Full output:

Tests were run on:
 vendor_id  : AuthenticAMD
 cpu family : 16
 model      : 10
 model name : AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1055T Processor

Also userspace test were run on:
 vendor_id  : GenuineIntel
 cpu family : 6
 model      : 15
 model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E7330  @ 2.40GHz
 stepping   : 11

Userspace test results:

Encryption/decryption of twofish 3-way vs x86_64-asm on AMD Phenom II:
 encrypt: 1.27x
 decrypt: 1.25x

Encryption/decryption of twofish 3-way vs x86_64-asm on Intel Xeon E7330:
 encrypt: 1.36x
 decrypt: 1.36x

Signed-off-by: Jussi Kivilinna <>
Signed-off-by: Herbert Xu <>
diff --git a/arch/x86/crypto/twofish-x86_64-asm_64-3way.S b/arch/x86/crypto/twofish-x86_64-asm_64-3way.S
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b012a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/x86/crypto/twofish-x86_64-asm_64-3way.S
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+ * Twofish Cipher 3-way parallel algorithm (x86_64)
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011 Jussi Kivilinna <>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
+ * USA
+ *
+ */
+.file "twofish-x86_64-asm-3way.S"
+/* structure of crypto context */
+#define s0	0
+#define s1	1024
+#define s2	2048
+#define s3	3072
+#define w	4096
+#define k	4128
+  3-way twofish
+ **********************************************************************/
+#define CTX %rdi
+#define RIO %rdx
+#define RAB0 %rax
+#define RAB1 %rbx
+#define RAB2 %rcx
+#define RAB0d %eax
+#define RAB1d %ebx
+#define RAB2d %ecx
+#define RAB0bh %ah
+#define RAB1bh %bh
+#define RAB2bh %ch
+#define RAB0bl %al
+#define RAB1bl %bl
+#define RAB2bl %cl
+#define RCD0 %r8
+#define RCD1 %r9
+#define RCD2 %r10
+#define RCD0d %r8d
+#define RCD1d %r9d
+#define RCD2d %r10d
+#define RX0 %rbp
+#define RX1 %r11
+#define RX2 %r12
+#define RX0d %ebp
+#define RX1d %r11d
+#define RX2d %r12d
+#define RY0 %r13
+#define RY1 %r14
+#define RY2 %r15
+#define RY0d %r13d
+#define RY1d %r14d
+#define RY2d %r15d
+#define RT0 %rdx
+#define RT1 %rsi
+#define RT0d %edx
+#define RT1d %esi
+#define do16bit_ror(rot, op1, op2, T0, T1, tmp1, tmp2, ab, dst) \
+	movzbl ab ## bl,		tmp2 ## d; \
+	movzbl ab ## bh,		tmp1 ## d; \
+	rorq $(rot),			ab; \
+	op1##l T0(CTX, tmp2, 4),	dst ## d; \
+	op2##l T1(CTX, tmp1, 4),	dst ## d;
+ * Combined G1 & G2 function. Reordered with help of rotates to have moves
+ * at begining.
+ */
+#define g1g2_3(ab, cd, Tx0, Tx1, Tx2, Tx3, Ty0, Ty1, Ty2, Ty3, x, y) \
+	/* G1,1 && G2,1 */ \
+	do16bit_ror(32, mov, xor, Tx0, Tx1, RT0, x ## 0, ab ## 0, x ## 0); \
+	do16bit_ror(48, mov, xor, Ty1, Ty2, RT0, y ## 0, ab ## 0, y ## 0); \
+	\
+	do16bit_ror(32, mov, xor, Tx0, Tx1, RT0, x ## 1, ab ## 1, x ## 1); \
+	do16bit_ror(48, mov, xor, Ty1, Ty2, RT0, y ## 1, ab ## 1, y ## 1); \
+	\
+	do16bit_ror(32, mov, xor, Tx0, Tx1, RT0, x ## 2, ab ## 2, x ## 2); \
+	do16bit_ror(48, mov, xor, Ty1, Ty2, RT0, y ## 2, ab ## 2, y ## 2); \
+	\
+	/* G1,2 && G2,2 */ \
+	do16bit_ror(32, xor, xor, Tx2, Tx3, RT0, RT1, ab ## 0, x ## 0); \
+	do16bit_ror(16, xor, xor, Ty3, Ty0, RT0, RT1, ab ## 0, y ## 0); \
+	xchgq cd ## 0, ab ## 0; \
+	\
+	do16bit_ror(32, xor, xor, Tx2, Tx3, RT0, RT1, ab ## 1, x ## 1); \
+	do16bit_ror(16, xor, xor, Ty3, Ty0, RT0, RT1, ab ## 1, y ## 1); \
+	xchgq cd ## 1, ab ## 1; \
+	\
+	do16bit_ror(32, xor, xor, Tx2, Tx3, RT0, RT1, ab ## 2, x ## 2); \
+	do16bit_ror(16, xor, xor, Ty3, Ty0, RT0, RT1, ab ## 2, y ## 2); \
+	xchgq cd ## 2, ab ## 2;
+#define enc_round_end(ab, x, y, n) \
+	addl y ## d,			x ## d; \
+	addl x ## d,			y ## d; \
+	addl k+4*(2*(n))(CTX),		x ## d; \
+	xorl ab ## d,			x ## d; \
+	addl k+4*(2*(n)+1)(CTX),	y ## d; \
+	shrq $32,			ab; \
+	roll $1,			ab ## d; \
+	xorl y ## d,			ab ## d; \
+	shlq $32,			ab; \
+	rorl $1,			x ## d; \
+	orq x,				ab;
+#define dec_round_end(ba, x, y, n) \
+	addl y ## d,			x ## d; \
+	addl x ## d,			y ## d; \
+	addl k+4*(2*(n))(CTX),		x ## d; \
+	addl k+4*(2*(n)+1)(CTX),	y ## d; \
+	xorl ba ## d,			y ## d; \
+	shrq $32,			ba; \
+	roll $1,			ba ## d; \
+	xorl x ## d,			ba ## d; \
+	shlq $32,			ba; \
+	rorl $1,			y ## d; \
+	orq y,				ba;
+#define encrypt_round3(ab, cd, n) \
+	g1g2_3(ab, cd, s0, s1, s2, s3, s0, s1, s2, s3, RX, RY); \
+	\
+	enc_round_end(ab ## 0, RX0, RY0, n); \
+	enc_round_end(ab ## 1, RX1, RY1, n); \
+	enc_round_end(ab ## 2, RX2, RY2, n);
+#define decrypt_round3(ba, dc, n) \
+	g1g2_3(ba, dc, s1, s2, s3, s0, s3, s0, s1, s2, RY, RX); \
+	\
+	dec_round_end(ba ## 0, RX0, RY0, n); \
+	dec_round_end(ba ## 1, RX1, RY1, n); \
+	dec_round_end(ba ## 2, RX2, RY2, n);
+#define encrypt_cycle3(ab, cd, n) \
+	encrypt_round3(ab, cd, n*2); \
+	encrypt_round3(ab, cd, (n*2)+1);
+#define decrypt_cycle3(ba, dc, n) \
+	decrypt_round3(ba, dc, (n*2)+1); \
+	decrypt_round3(ba, dc, (n*2));
+#define inpack3(in, n, xy, m) \
+	movq 4*(n)(in),			xy ## 0; \
+	xorq w+4*m(CTX),		xy ## 0; \
+	\
+	movq 4*(4+(n))(in),		xy ## 1; \
+	xorq w+4*m(CTX),		xy ## 1; \
+	\
+	movq 4*(8+(n))(in),		xy ## 2; \
+	xorq w+4*m(CTX),		xy ## 2;
+#define outunpack3(op, out, n, xy, m) \
+	xorq w+4*m(CTX),		xy ## 0; \
+	op ## q xy ## 0,		4*(n)(out); \
+	\
+	xorq w+4*m(CTX),		xy ## 1; \
+	op ## q xy ## 1,		4*(4+(n))(out); \
+	\
+	xorq w+4*m(CTX),		xy ## 2; \
+	op ## q xy ## 2,		4*(8+(n))(out);
+#define inpack_enc3() \
+	inpack3(RIO, 0, RAB, 0); \
+	inpack3(RIO, 2, RCD, 2);
+#define outunpack_enc3(op) \
+	outunpack3(op, RIO, 2, RAB, 6); \
+	outunpack3(op, RIO, 0, RCD, 4);
+#define inpack_dec3() \
+	inpack3(RIO, 0, RAB, 4); \
+	rorq $32,			RAB0; \
+	rorq $32,			RAB1; \
+	rorq $32,			RAB2; \
+	inpack3(RIO, 2, RCD, 6); \
+	rorq $32,			RCD0; \
+	rorq $32,			RCD1; \
+	rorq $32,			RCD2;
+#define outunpack_dec3() \
+	rorq $32,			RCD0; \
+	rorq $32,			RCD1; \
+	rorq $32,			RCD2; \
+	outunpack3(mov, RIO, 0, RCD, 0); \
+	rorq $32,			RAB0; \
+	rorq $32,			RAB1; \
+	rorq $32,			RAB2; \
+	outunpack3(mov, RIO, 2, RAB, 2);
+.align 8 __twofish_enc_blk_3way
+.type   __twofish_enc_blk_3way,@function;
+	/* input:
+	 *	%rdi: ctx, CTX
+	 *	%rsi: dst
+	 *	%rdx: src, RIO
+	 *	%rcx: bool, if true: xor output
+	 */
+	pushq %r15;
+	pushq %r14;
+	pushq %r13;
+	pushq %r12;
+	pushq %rbp;
+	pushq %rbx;
+	pushq %rcx; /* bool xor */
+	pushq %rsi; /* dst */
+	inpack_enc3();
+	encrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 0);
+	encrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 1);
+	encrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 2);
+	encrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 3);
+	encrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 4);
+	encrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 5);
+	encrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 6);
+	encrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 7);
+	popq RIO; /* dst */
+	popq %rbp; /* bool xor */
+	testb %bpl, %bpl;
+	jnz __enc_xor3;
+	outunpack_enc3(mov);
+	popq %rbx;
+	popq %rbp;
+	popq %r12;
+	popq %r13;
+	popq %r14;
+	popq %r15;
+	ret;
+	outunpack_enc3(xor);
+	popq %rbx;
+	popq %rbp;
+	popq %r12;
+	popq %r13;
+	popq %r14;
+	popq %r15;
+	ret;
+ twofish_dec_blk_3way
+.type   twofish_dec_blk_3way,@function;
+	/* input:
+	 *	%rdi: ctx, CTX
+	 *	%rsi: dst
+	 *	%rdx: src, RIO
+	 */
+	pushq %r15;
+	pushq %r14;
+	pushq %r13;
+	pushq %r12;
+	pushq %rbp;
+	pushq %rbx;
+	pushq %rsi; /* dst */
+	inpack_dec3();
+	decrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 7);
+	decrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 6);
+	decrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 5);
+	decrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 4);
+	decrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 3);
+	decrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 2);
+	decrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 1);
+	decrypt_cycle3(RAB, RCD, 0);
+	popq RIO; /* dst */
+	outunpack_dec3();
+	popq %rbx;
+	popq %rbp;
+	popq %r12;
+	popq %r13;
+	popq %r14;
+	popq %r15;
+	ret;