ARM: dts: msm: Initial device tree changes for msm8909 and msm8909w target

Snapshot of msm8909 and msm8909w device tree is taken from msm-3.18 kernel
version @ commit bf9148fbb54a75 ("ARM: dts: msm: disable internal pull up
for 8909w BG")

Below changes are made on top of above snapshot:

1. Add DT changes for uart bring-up for msm8909.

2. Add DT changes for msm8909w Blackghost WTP 512MB variant(v2) chipset
   with pm660 PMIC support.

3. Camera, display device and sensors nodes are excluded from DT files
   which will be enabled in next upgrade.

Change-Id: I3c5b5e01b0d3ded4d20ede4dcdf5edea4aa8f3cf
Signed-off-by: Raja Mallik <>
Signed-off-by: Sundara Vinayagam <>
diff --git a/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/msm8909-mtp.dtsi b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/msm8909-mtp.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f18173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/msm8909-mtp.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2018, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include "msm8909.dtsi"
+#include "msm8909-pinctrl.dtsi"
+#include "msm8909-regulator.dtsi"
+&soc {
+	/*
+	 * DT node to add support for SMB135x charger and integrate
+	 * with VM-BMS.
+	 */
+	i2c@78b8000 {
+		smb1357_otg_vreg: smb1357-charger@57 {
+			compatible = "qcom,smb1357-charger";
+			reg = <0x57>;
+			interrupt-parent = <&msm_gpio>;
+			interrupts = <58 8>;
+			pinctrl-names = "default";
+			pinctrl-0 = <&smb_int_default>;
+			qcom,bmd-algo-disabled;
+			qcom,float-voltage-mv = <4200>;
+			qcom,charging-timeout = <1536>;
+			qcom,recharge-thresh-mv = <100>;
+			regulator-name = "smb1357_otg_vreg";
+			qcom,soft-vfloat-comp-disabled;
+			qcom,thermal-mitigation = <1500 700 600 0>;
+			qcom,bms-psy-name = "bms";
+			/*
+			 * Disable SMB1357 based charging termination as BMS
+			 * controls charging.
+			 */
+			qcom,iterm-disabled;
+			/*
+			 * Disable charge inhibit feature to start chargin on
+			 * charger insertion independent of battery voltage.
+			 */
+			qcom,inhibit-disabled;
+			/* BMS is controlling charging/re-charge */
+			qcom,bms-controlled-charging;
+			/*
+			 * To enable charger node:
+			 * set status = "ok" and
+			 * add 'qcom,use-external-charger' to pm8909_chg node
+			 */
+			status = "disabled";
+		};
+	};
+	/*
+	 * DT node to add support for SMB358 charger and integrate
+	 * with VM-BMS.
+	 */
+	i2c@78b8000 {
+	};
+	i2c@78b9000 { /* BLSP1 QUP5 */
+		synaptics@20 {
+			compatible = "synaptics,dsx";
+			reg = <0x20>;
+			interrupt-parent = <&msm_gpio>;
+			interrupts = <13 0x2008>;
+			avdd-supply = <&pm8909_l17>;
+			vdd-supply = <&pm8909_l6>;
+			/* pins used by touchscreen */
+			pinctrl-names = "pmx_ts_active",
+				"pmx_ts_suspend","pmx_ts_release";
+			pinctrl-0 = <&ts_int_active &ts_reset_active>;
+			pinctrl-1 = <&ts_int_suspend &ts_reset_suspend>;
+			pinctrl-2 = <&ts_release>;
+			synaptics,irq-gpio = <&msm_gpio 13 0x2008>;
+			synaptics,reset-gpio = <&msm_gpio 12 0x0>;
+			synaptics,disable-gpios;
+			synaptics,display-coords = <0 0 719 1279>;
+			synaptics,panel-coords = <0 0 719 1405>;
+		};
+	};
+	i2c@78b6000 { /* BLSP1 QUP2 */
+		nq@28 {
+			compatible = "qcom,nq-nci";
+			reg = <0x28>;
+			qcom,nq-irq = <&msm_gpio 21 0x00>;
+			qcom,nq-ven = <&msm_gpio 20 0x00>;
+			qcom,nq-firm = <&msm_gpio 45 0x00>;
+			qcom,clk-src = "BBCLK2";
+			interrupt-parent = <&msm_gpio>;
+			interrupts = <21 0>;
+			interrupt-names = "nfc_irq";
+			pinctrl-names = "nfc_active","nfc_suspend";
+			pinctrl-0 = <&nfc_int_active &nfc_disable_active>;
+			pinctrl-1 = <&nfc_int_suspend &nfc_disable_suspend>;
+			clocks = <&clock_rpm clk_bb_clk2_pin>;
+			clock-names = "ref_clk";
+		};
+	};
+	gpio_keys {
+		compatible = "gpio-keys";
+		input-name = "gpio-keys";
+		pinctrl-names = "tlmm_gpio_key_active","tlmm_gpio_key_suspend";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&gpio_key_active>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&gpio_key_suspend>;
+		camera_focus {
+			label = "camera_focus";
+			gpios = <&msm_gpio 91 0x1>;
+			linux,input-type = <1>;
+			linux,code = <0x210>;
+			gpio-key,wakeup;
+			debounce-interval = <15>;
+		};
+		camera_snapshot {
+			label = "camera_snapshot";
+			gpios = <&msm_gpio 92 0x1>;
+			linux,input-type = <1>;
+			linux,code = <0x2fe>;
+			gpio-key,wakeup;
+			debounce-interval = <15>;
+		};
+		vol_up {
+			label = "volume_up";
+			gpios = <&msm_gpio 90 0x1>;
+			linux,input-type = <1>;
+			linux,code = <115>;
+			gpio-key,wakeup;
+			debounce-interval = <15>;
+		};
+	};
+	audio_codec_mtp: sound {
+		compatible = "qcom,msm8952-audio-codec";
+		qcom,model = "msm8909-snd-card";
+		reg = <0x7702000 0x4>,
+		      <0x7702004 0x4>,
+		      <0x7702008 0x4>;
+		reg-names = "csr_gp_io_mux_mic_ctl",
+			    "csr_gp_io_mux_spkr_ctl",
+			    "csr_gp_io_lpaif_pri_pcm_pri_mode_muxsel";
+		qcom,msm-snd-card-id = <0>;
+		qcom,msm-codec-type = "internal";
+		qcom,msm-ext-pa = "primary";
+		qcom,msm-mclk-freq = <9600000>;
+		qcom,msm-mbhc-hphl-swh = <0>;
+		qcom,msm-mbhc-gnd-swh = <0>;
+		qcom,msm-hs-micbias-type = "internal";
+		qcom,msm-micbias1-ext-cap;
+		qcom,split-a2dp;
+		qcom,audio-routing =
+			"RX_BIAS", "MCLK",
+			"SPK_RX_BIAS", "MCLK",
+			"INT_LDO_H", "MCLK",
+			"MIC BIAS External", "Handset Mic",
+			"MIC BIAS Internal2", "Headset Mic",
+			"MIC BIAS External", "Secondary Mic",
+			"AMIC1", "MIC BIAS External",
+			"AMIC2", "MIC BIAS Internal2",
+			"AMIC3", "MIC BIAS External";
+		qcom,msm-gpios =
+			"pri_i2s",
+			"us_eu_gpio";
+		qcom,pinctrl-names =
+			"all_off",
+			"pri_i2s_act",
+			"us_eu_gpio_act",
+			"pri_i2s_us_eu_gpio_act";
+		pinctrl-names =
+			"all_off",
+			"pri_i2s_act",
+			"us_eu_gpio_act",
+			"pri_i2s_us_eu_gpio_act";
+		pinctrl-0 = <&cdc_pdm_lines_sus &cross_conn_det_sus
+							&vdd_spkdrv_sus>;
+		pinctrl-1 = <&cdc_pdm_lines_act &cross_conn_det_sus
+							&vdd_spkdrv_act>;
+		pinctrl-2 = <&cdc_pdm_lines_sus &cross_conn_det_act
+							&vdd_spkdrv_sus>;
+		pinctrl-3 = <&cdc_pdm_lines_act &cross_conn_det_act
+							&vdd_spkdrv_act>;
+		qcom,cdc-us-euro-gpios = <&msm_gpio 97 0>;
+		asoc-platform = <&pcm0>, <&pcm1>, <&pcm2>, <&voip>, <&voice>,
+				<&loopback>, <&compress>, <&hostless>,
+				<&afe>, <&lsm>, <&routing>, <&lpa>,
+				<&voice_svc>;
+		asoc-platform-names = "msm-pcm-dsp.0", "msm-pcm-dsp.1",
+				"msm-pcm-dsp.2", "msm-voip-dsp",
+				"msm-pcm-voice", "msm-pcm-loopback",
+				"msm-compress-dsp", "msm-pcm-hostless",
+				"msm-pcm-afe", "msm-lsm-client",
+				"msm-pcm-routing", "msm-pcm-lpa",
+				"msm-voice-svc";
+		asoc-cpu = <&dai_pri_auxpcm>,
+				<&dai_mi2s0>, <&dai_mi2s1>, <&dai_mi2s2>,
+				<&dai_mi2s3>, <&dai_mi2s5>, <&dai_mi2s6>,
+				<&bt_sco_rx>, <&bt_sco_tx>, <&bt_a2dp_rx>,
+				<&int_fm_rx>, <&int_fm_tx>, <&afe_pcm_rx>,
+				<&afe_pcm_tx>, <&afe_proxy_rx>, <&afe_proxy_tx>,
+				<&incall_record_rx>, <&incall_record_tx>,
+				<&incall_music_rx>, <&incall_music_2_rx>;
+		asoc-cpu-names = "msm-dai-q6-auxpcm.1",
+				"msm-dai-q6-mi2s.0", "msm-dai-q6-mi2s.1",
+				"msm-dai-q6-mi2s.2", "msm-dai-q6-mi2s.3",
+				"msm-dai-q6-mi2s.5", "msm-dai-q6-mi2s.6",
+				"msm-dai-q6-dev.12288", "msm-dai-q6-dev.12289",
+				"msm-dai-q6-dev.12290", "msm-dai-q6-dev.12292",
+				"msm-dai-q6-dev.12293", "msm-dai-q6-dev.224",
+				"msm-dai-q6-dev.225", "msm-dai-q6-dev.241",
+				"msm-dai-q6-dev.240", "msm-dai-q6-dev.32771",
+				"msm-dai-q6-dev.32772", "msm-dai-q6-dev.32773",
+				"msm-dai-q6-dev.32770";
+		asoc-codec = <&stub_codec>, <&pm8909_conga_dig>;
+		asoc-codec-names = "msm-stub-codec.1", "cajon_codec";
+	};
+&blsp1_uart1 {
+	status = "ok";
+	pinctrl-names = "default";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&uart_console_sleep>;
+&qcom_rng {
+	status = "okay";
+&qcom_crypto {
+	status = "okay";
+&qcom_cedev {
+	status = "okay";
+&qcom_seecom {
+	status = "okay";
+&qcom_tzlog {
+	status = "okay";
+&qnand_1 {
+	status = "ok";
+&sdhc_1 {
+	vdd-supply = <&pm8909_l8>;
+	qcom,vdd-voltage-level = <2900000 2900000>;
+	qcom,vdd-current-level = <200 400000>;
+	vdd-io-supply = <&pm8909_l5>;
+	qcom,vdd-io-always-on;
+	qcom,vdd-io-lpm-sup;
+	qcom,vdd-io-voltage-level = <1800000 1800000>;
+	qcom,vdd-io-current-level = <200 60000>;
+	pinctrl-names = "active", "sleep";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&sdc1_clk_on &sdc1_cmd_on &sdc1_data_on>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&sdc1_clk_off &sdc1_cmd_off &sdc1_data_off>;
+	qcom,bus-speed-mode = "HS200_1p8v", "DDR_1p8v";
+	qcom,nonremovable;
+	status = "ok";
+&sdhc_2 {
+	 #address-cells = <0>;
+	interrupt-parent = <&sdhc_2>;
+	interrupts = <0 1 2>;
+	#interrupt-cells = <1>;
+	interrupt-map-mask = <0xffffffff>;
+	interrupt-map = <0 &intc 0 125 0
+			1 &intc 0 221 0
+			2 &msm_gpio 38 0>;
+	interrupt-names = "hc_irq", "pwr_irq", "status_irq";
+	cd-gpios = <&msm_gpio 38 0x1>;
+	vdd-supply = <&pm8909_l11>;
+	qcom,vdd-voltage-level = <1800000 2950000>;
+	qcom,vdd-current-level = <15000 400000>;
+	vdd-io-supply = <&pm8909_l12>;
+	qcom,vdd-io-voltage-level = <1800000 2950000>;
+	qcom,vdd-io-current-level = <200 50000>;
+	pinctrl-names = "active", "sleep";
+	pinctrl-0 = <&sdc2_clk_on &sdc2_cmd_on &sdc2_data_on &sdc2_cd_on>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&sdc2_clk_off &sdc2_cmd_off &sdc2_data_off &sdc2_cd_off>;
+	status = "ok";
+&i2c_1 { /* BLSP1 QUP1 */
+&mdss_mdp {
+	qcom,mdss-pref-prim-intf = "dsi";
+&msm_gpio {
+	pmx_mdss {
+		mdss_dsi_active: mdss_dsi_active {
+			mux {
+				pins = "gpio25", "gpio37";
+			};
+			config {
+				pins = "gpio25", "gpio37";
+			};
+		};
+		mdss_dsi_suspend: mdss_dsi_suspend {
+			mux {
+				pins = "gpio25", "gpio37";
+			};
+			config {
+				pins = "gpio25", "gpio37";
+			};
+		};
+	};
+	pmx_mdss_te {
+		mdss_te_active: mdss_te_active {
+			mux {
+				pins = "gpio24";
+			};
+			config {
+				pins = "gpio24";
+			};
+		};
+		mdss_te_suspend: mdss_te_suspend {
+			mux {
+				pins = "gpio24";
+			};
+			config {
+				pins = "gpio24";
+			};
+		};
+	};
+	mpu6050_int_pin {
+		mpu6050_default: mpu6050_default {
+			mux {
+				pins = "gpio96";
+				function = "gpio";
+			};
+			config {
+				pins = "gpio96";
+				drive-dtrength = <6>;
+				bias-pull-down;
+			};
+		};
+		mpu6050_sleep: mpu6050_sleep {
+			mux {
+				pins = "gpio96";
+				function = "gpio";
+			};
+			config {
+				pins = "gpio96";
+				drive-dtrength = <2>;
+				bias-pull-down;
+			};
+		};
+	};
+	ak8963_int_pin {
+		ak8963_default: ak8963_default {
+			mux {
+				pins = "gpio65";
+				function = "gpio";
+			};
+			config {
+				pins = "gpio65";
+				drive-strength = <6>;
+				bias-pull-up;
+			};
+		};
+		ak8963_sleep: ak8963_sleep {
+			mux {
+				pins = "gpio65";
+				function = "gpio";
+			};
+			config {
+				pins = "gpio65";
+				drive-strength = <2>;
+				bias-pull-down;
+			};
+		};
+	};
+/* CoreSight */
+&tpiu {
+	pinctrl-names = "sdcard", "trace", "swduart",
+			"swdtrc", "jtag", "spmi";
+	/* NIDnT */
+	pinctrl-0 = <&qdsd_clk_sdcard &qdsd_cmd_sdcard
+		     &qdsd_data0_sdcard &qdsd_data1_sdcard
+		     &qdsd_data2_sdcard &qdsd_data3_sdcard>;
+	pinctrl-1 = <&qdsd_clk_trace &qdsd_cmd_trace
+		     &qdsd_data0_trace &qdsd_data1_trace
+		     &qdsd_data2_trace &qdsd_data3_trace>;
+	pinctrl-2 = <&qdsd_cmd_swduart &qdsd_data0_swduart
+		     &qdsd_data1_swduart &qdsd_data2_swduart
+		     &qdsd_data3_swduart>;
+	pinctrl-3 = <&qdsd_clk_swdtrc &qdsd_cmd_swdtrc
+		     &qdsd_data0_swdtrc &qdsd_data1_swdtrc
+		     &qdsd_data2_swdtrc &qdsd_data3_swdtrc>;
+	pinctrl-4 = <&qdsd_cmd_jtag &qdsd_data0_jtag
+		     &qdsd_data1_jtag &qdsd_data2_jtag
+		     &qdsd_data3_jtag>;
+	pinctrl-5 = <&qdsd_clk_spmi &qdsd_cmd_spmi
+		     &qdsd_data0_spmi &qdsd_data3_spmi>;