Merge "crypto: msm: Add QTI crypto drivers" into msm-4.9
diff --git a/Documentation/crypto/msm/msm_ice_driver.txt b/Documentation/crypto/msm/msm_ice_driver.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ddb8176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/crypto/msm/msm_ice_driver.txt
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+Storage encryption has been one of the most required feature from security
+point of view. QTI based storage encryption solution uses general purpose
+crypto engine. While this kind of solution provide a decent amount of
+performance, it falls short as storage speed is improving significantly
+continuously. To overcome performance degradation, newer chips are going to
+have Inline Crypto Engine (ICE) embedded into storage device. ICE is supposed
+to meet the line speed of storage devices.
+Hardware Description
+ICE is a HW block that is embedded into storage device such as UFS/eMMC. By
+default, ICE works in bypass mode i.e. ICE HW does not perform any crypto
+operation on data to be processed by storage device. If required, ICE can be
+configured to perform crypto operation in one direction (i.e. either encryption
+or decryption) or in both direction(both encryption & decryption).
+When a switch between the operation modes(plain to crypto or crypto to plain)
+is desired for a particular partition, SW must complete all transactions for
+that particular partition before switching the crypto mode i.e. no crypto, one
+direction crypto or both direction crypto operation. Requests for other
+partitions are not impacted due to crypto mode switch.
+ICE HW currently supports AES128/256 bit ECB & XTS mode encryption algorithms.
+Keys for crypto operations are loaded from SW. Keys are stored in a lookup
+table(LUT) located inside ICE HW. Maximum of 32 keys can be loaded in ICE key
+LUT. A Key inside the LUT can be referred using a key index.
+SW Description
+ICE HW has catagorized ICE registers in 2 groups: those which can be accessed by
+only secure side i.e. TZ and those which can be accessed by non-secure side such
+as HLOS as well. This requires that ICE driver to be split in two pieces: one
+running from TZ space and another from HLOS space.
+ICE driver from TZ would configure keys as requested by HLOS side.
+ICE driver on HLOS side is responsible for initialization of ICE HW.
+SW Architecture Diagram
+Following are all the components involved in the ICE driver for control path:
++               App layer               +
++             System layer              +
++   ++++++++         +++++++            +
++   + VOLD +         + PFM +            +
++   ++++++++         +++++++            +
++         ||         ||                 +
++         ||         ||                 +
++         \/         \/                 +
++        ++++++++++++++                 +
++        + LibQSEECom +                 +
++        ++++++++++++++                 +
++             Kernel                    +       +++++++++++++++++
++                                       +       +     KMS       +
++  +++++++  +++++++++++  +++++++++++    +       +++++++++++++++++
++  + ICE +  + Storage +  + QSEECom +    +       +   ICE Driver  +
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ <===> +++++++++++++++++
+               ||                                    ||
+               ||                                    ||
+               \/                                    \/
++                      Storage Device                           +
++                      ++++++++++++++                           +
++                      +   ICE HW   +                           +
+Use Cases:
+a) Device bootup
+ICE HW is detected during bootup time and corresponding probe function is
+called. ICE driver parses its data from device tree node. ICE HW and storage
+HW are tightly coupled. Storage device probing is dependent upon ICE device
+probing. ICE driver configures all the required registers to put the ICE HW
+in bypass mode.
+b) Configuring keys
+Currently, there are couple of use cases to configure the keys.
+1) Full Disk Encryption(FDE)
+System layer(VOLD) at invocation of apps layer would call libqseecom to create
+the encryption key. Libqseecom calls qseecom driver to communicate with KMS
+module on the secure side i.e. TZ. KMS would call ICE driver on the TZ side to
+create and set the keys in ICE HW. At the end of transaction, VOLD would have
+key index of key LUT where encryption key is present.
+2) Per File Encryption (PFE)
+Per File Manager(PFM) calls QSEECom api to create the key. PFM has a peer comp-
+onent(PFT) at kernel layer which gets the corresponding key index from PFM.
+Following are all the components involved in the ICE driver for data path:
++               App layer               +
++              VFS                      +
++         File System (EXT4)            +
++             Block Layer               +
++ --------------------------------------+
++                              +++++++  +
++              dm-req-crypt => + PFT +  +
++                              +++++++  +
++                                       +
++    +++++++++++           +++++++      +
++    + Storage +           + ICE +      +
++                  ||                   +
++                  || (Storage Req with +
++                  \/  ICE parameters ) +
++          Storage Device               +
++          ++++++++++++++               +
++          +   ICE HW   +               +
+c) Data transaction
+Once the crypto key has been configured, VOLD/PFM creates device mapping for
+data partition. As part of device mapping VOLD passes key index, crypto
+algorithm, mode and key length to dm layer. In case of PFE, keys are provided
+by PFT as and when request is processed by dm-req-crypt. When any application
+needs to read/write data, it would go through DM layer which would add crypto
+information, provided by VOLD/PFT, to Request. For each Request, Storage driver
+would ask ICE driver to configure crypto part of request. ICE driver extracts
+crypto data from Request structure and provide it to storage driver which would
+finally dispatch request to storage device.
+d) Error Handling
+Due to issue # 1 mentioned in "Known Issues", ICE driver does not register for
+any interrupt. However, it enables sources of interrupt for ICE HW. After each
+data transaction, Storage driver receives transaction completion event. As part
+of event handling, storage driver calls  ICE driver to check if any of ICE
+interrupt status is set. If yes, storage driver returns error to upper layer.
+Error handling would be changed in future chips.
+ICE driver exposes interfaces for storage driver to :
+1. Get the global instance of ICE driver
+2. Get the implemented interfaces of the particular ice instance
+3. Initialize the ICE HW
+4. Reset the ICE HW
+5. Resume/Suspend the ICE HW
+6. Get the Crypto configuration for the data request for storage
+7. Check if current data transaction has generated any interrupt
+Driver Parameters
+This driver is built and statically linked into the kernel; therefore,
+there are no module parameters supported by this driver.
+There are no kernel command line parameters supported by this driver.
+Power Management
+ICE driver does not do power management on its own as it is part of storage
+hardware. Whenever storage driver receives request for power collapse/suspend
+resume, it would call ICE driver which exposes APIs for Storage HW. ICE HW
+during power collapse or reset, wipes crypto configuration data. When ICE
+driver receives request to resume, it would ask ICE driver on TZ side to
+restore the configuration. ICE driver does not do anything as part of power
+collapse or suspend event.
+ICE driver exposes following APIs for storage driver to use:
+int (*init)(struct platform_device *, void *, ice_success_cb, ice_error_cb);
+	-- This function is invoked by storage controller during initialization of
+	storage controller. Storage controller would provide success and error call
+	backs which would be invoked asynchronously once ICE HW init is done.
+int (*reset)(struct platform_device *);
+	-- ICE HW reset as part of storage controller reset. When storage controller
+	received reset command, it would call reset on ICE HW. As of now, ICE HW
+	does not need to do anything as part of reset.
+int (*resume)(struct platform_device *);
+	-- ICE HW while going to reset, wipes all crypto keys and other data from ICE
+	HW. ICE driver would reconfigure those data as part of resume operation.
+int (*suspend)(struct platform_device *);
+	-- This API would be called by storage driver when storage device is going to
+	suspend mode. As of today, ICE driver does not do anything to handle suspend.
+int (*config)(struct platform_device *, struct request* , struct ice_data_setting*);
+	-- Storage driver would call this interface to get all crypto data required to
+	perform crypto operation.
+int (*status)(struct platform_device *);
+	-- Storage driver would call this interface to check if previous data transfer
+	generated any error.
+Config options
+This driver is enabled by the kernel config option CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_MSM_ICE.
+ICE driver depends upon corresponding ICE driver on TZ side to function
+Known Issues
+1. ICE HW emits 0s even if it has generated an interrupt
+This issue has significant impact on how ICE interrupts are handled. Currently,
+ICE driver does not register for any of the ICE interrupts but enables the
+sources of interrupt. Once storage driver asks to check the status of interrupt,
+it reads and clears the clear status and provide read status to storage driver.
+This mechanism though not optimal but prevents filesystem curruption.
+This issue has been fixed in newer chips.
+2. ICE HW wipes all crypto data during power collapse
+This issue necessiate that ICE driver on TZ side store the crypto material
+which is not required in the case of general purpose crypto engine.
+This issue has been fixed in newer chips.
+Further Improvements
+Currently, Due to PFE use case, ICE driver is dependent upon dm-req-crypt to
+provide the keys as part of request structure. This couples ICE driver with
+dm-req-crypt based solution. It is under discussion to expose an IOCTL based
+and registeration based interface APIs from ICE driver. ICE driver would use
+these two interfaces to find out if any key exists for current request. If
+yes, choose the right key index received from IOCTL or registeration based
+APIs. If not, dont set any crypto parameter in the request.
diff --git a/Documentation/crypto/msm/qce.txt b/Documentation/crypto/msm/qce.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f1b313b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/crypto/msm/qce.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+The QTI crypto engine (qce) driver is a module that
+provides common services for accessing the QTI crypto device.
+Currently, the two main clients of qce are
+-qcrypto driver (module provided for accessing CE HW by kernel space apps)
+-qcedev driver (module provided for accessing CE HW by user space apps)
+The crypto engine (qce) driver is a client to the DMA driver for the QTI
+DMA device - Application Data Mover (ADM). ADM is used to provide the DMA
+transfer capability between QTI crypto device hardware and DDR memory
+for crypto operations.
+  Figure 1.
+  ---------
+  Linux kernel
+  (ex:IPSec)<-----*  QTI crypto driver----+
+			(qcrypto)	  |
+		   (for kernel space app) |
+					  |
+					  +-->|
+					      |
+					      | *qce   <----> QTI
+					      | driver        ADM driver <---> ADM HW
+					  +-->|			|		|
+					  |			|		|
+					  |			|		|
+					  |			|		|
+   Linux kernel				  |			|		|
+   misc device  <--- *QCEDEV Driver-------+			|		|
+   interface             (qcedev) 			(Reg interface)	 (DMA interface)
+			(for user space app)			\		/
+								 \	       /
+								  \	      /
+								   \	     /
+								    \	    /
+								     \	   /
+								      \	  /
+								QTI crypto CE3 HW
+ The entities marked with (*) in the Figure 1, are the software components of
+ the Linux QTI crypto modules.
+(1) The CE hardware can be accessed either from user space OR kernel space,
+    at one time. Both user space and kernel space clients cannot access the
+    qce driver (and the CE hardware) at the same time.
+	- If your device has user space apps that needs to access the crypto
+	  hardware, make sure to have the qcrypto module disabled/unloaded.
+	  This will result in the kernel space apps to use the registered
+	  software implementation of the crypto algorithms.
+	- If your device has kernel space apps that needs to access the
+	  crypto hardware, make sure to have qcedev module disabled/unloaded
+	  and implement your user space application to use the software
+	  implementation (ex: openssl/crypto) of the crypto algorithms.
+(2) If your device has Playready(Windows Media DRM) application enabled and
+    uses the qcedev module to access the crypto hardware accelerator,
+    please be informed that for performance reasons, the CE hardware will need
+    to be dedicated to playready application.  Any other user space application
+    should be implemented to use the SW implementation (ex: openssl/crypto)
+    of the crypto algorithms.
+Hardware description:
+QTI Crypto HW device family provides a series of algorithms implemented
+in the device hardware.
+Crypto 2 hardware provides hashing - SHA-1, SHA-256, ciphering - DES, 3DES, AES
+algorithms, and concurrent operations of hashing, and ciphering.
+In addition to those functions provided by Crypto 2 HW, Crypto 3 HW provides
+fast AES algorithms.
+In addition to those functions provided by Crypto 3 HW, Crypto 3E provides
+HMAC-SHA1 hashing algorithm, and Over The Air (OTA) f8/f9 algorithms as
+defined by the 3GPP forum.
+Software description
+The crypto device is defined as a platform device. The driver is
+independent of the platform. The driver supports multiple instances of
+crypto HW.
+All the platform specific parameters are defined in the board init
+file, eg. arch/arm/mach-msm/board-msm7x30.c for MSM7x30.
+The qce driver provide the common services of HW crypto
+access to the two drivers as listed above (qcedev, qcrypto. It sets up
+the crypto HW device for the operation, then it requests ADM driver for
+the DMA of the crypto operation.
+Two ADM channels and two command lists (one command list for each
+channel) are involved in an operation.
+The setting up of the command lists and the procedure of the operation
+of the crypto device are described in the following sections.
+The command list for the first DMA channel is set up as follows:
+  1st command of the list is for the DMA transfer from DDR memory to the
+  crypto device to input data to crypto device. The dst crci of the command
+  is set for crci-in for this crypto device.
+  2nd command is for the DMA transfer is from crypto device to DDR memory for
+  the authentication result. The src crci is set as crci-hash-done of the
+  crypto device. If authentication is not required in the operation,
+  the 2nd command is not used.
+The command list for the second DMA channel is set up as follows:
+  One command to DMA data from crypto device to DDR memory for encryption or
+  decryption output from crypto device.
+To accomplish ciphering and authentication concurrent operations, the driver
+performs the following steps:
+    (a). set up HW crypto device
+    (b). hit the crypto go register.
+    (c). issue the DMA command of first channel to the ADM driver,
+    (d). issue the DMA command of 2nd channel to the ADM driver.
+SHA1/SHA256 is an authentication/integrity hash algorithm. To accomplish
+hash operation (or any authentication only algorithm), 2nd DMA channel is
+not required. Only steps (a) to (c) are performed.
+At the completion of the DMA operation (for (c) and (d)) ADM driver
+invokes the callback registered to the DMA driver. This signifies the end of
+the DMA operation(s). The driver reads the status and other information from
+the CE hardware register and then invokes the callback to the qce driver client.
+This signal the completion and the results of the DMA along with the status of
+the CE hardware to the qce driver client. This completes a crypto operation.
+In the qce driver initialization, memory for the two command lists, descriptor
+lists for each crypto device are allocated out of coherent memory, using Linux
+DMA API. The driver pre-configures most of the two ADM command lists
+in the initialization. During each crypto operation, minimal set up is required.
+src_dscr or/and dst_dscr descriptor list of the ADM command are populated
+from the information obtained from the corresponding data structure. eg: for
+AEAD request, the following data structure provides the information:
+    struct aead_request *req
+      ......
+    req->assoc
+    req->src
+    req->dst
+The DMA address of a scatter list will be retrieved and set up in the
+descriptor list of an ADM command.
+Power Management
+  none
+The interface is defined in qce.h
+The clients qcrypto, qcedev drivers are the clients using
+the interfaces.
+The following services are provided by the qce driver -
+     qce_open(), qce_close(), qce_ablk_cipher_req(),
+     qce_hw_support(), qce_process_sha_req()
+  qce_open() is the first request from the client, ex. QTI crypto
+  driver (qcedev, qcrypto), to open a crypto engine. It is normally
+  called at the probe function of the client for a device. During the
+  probe,
+  - ADM command list structure will be set up
+  - Crypto device will be initialized.
+  - Resource associated with the crypto engine is retrieved by doing
+    platform_get_resource() or platform_get_resource_byname().
+ The resources for a device are
+    - crci-in, crci-out, crci-hash-done
+    - two DMA channel IDs, one for encryption and decryption input, one for
+      output.
+    - base address of the HW crypto device.
+  qce_close() is the last request from the client. Normally, it is
+  called from the remove function of the client.
+  qce_hw_support() allows the client to query what is supported
+  by the crypto engine hardware.
+  qce_ablk_cipher_req() provides ciphering service to the client.
+  qce_process_sha_req() provide hashing service to the client.
+  qce_aead_req() provide aead service to the client.
+Module parameters:
+The following module parameters are defined in the board init file.
+-CE hardware base register address
+-Data mover channel used for transfer to/from CE hardware
+These parameters differ in each platform.
+Existing DMA driver.
+The transfers are DMA'ed between the crypto hardware and DDR memory via the
+data mover, ADM. The data transfers are set up to use the existing dma driver.
+User space utilities:
+  n/a
+Known issues:
+  n/a
+To do:
+  n/a
diff --git a/Documentation/crypto/msm/qcedev.txt b/Documentation/crypto/msm/qcedev.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0638dd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/crypto/msm/qcedev.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+This driver provides IOCTLS for user space application to access crypto
+engine hardware for the qcedev crypto services. The driver supports the
+following crypto algorithms
+- AES-128, AES-256 (ECB, CBC and CTR mode)
+- AES-192, (ECB, CBC and CTR mode)
+  (support exists on platform supporting CE 3.x hardware)
+- SHA1/SHA256
+- AES-128, AES-256 (XTS), AES CMAC, SHA1/SHA256 HMAC
+  (support exists on platform supporting CE 4.x hardware)
+Hardware description:
+Crypto 3E provides cipher and hash algorithms as defined in the
+3GPP forum specifications.
+Software description
+The driver is a Linux platform device driver. For an msm target,
+there can be multiple crypto devices assigned for QCEDEV.
+The driver is a misc device driver as well.
+The following operations are registered in the driver,
+The following IOCTLS are available to the user space application(s)-
+  Cipher IOCTLs:
+  --------------
+    QCEDEV_IOCTL_ENC_REQ is for encrypting data.
+    QCEDEV_IOCTL_DEC_REQ is for decrypting data.
+  Hashing/HMAC IOCTLs
+  -------------------
+    QCEDEV_IOCTL_SHA_INIT_REQ is for initializing a hash/hmac request.
+    QCEDEV_IOCTL_SHA_UPDATE_REQ is for updating hash/hmac.
+    QCEDEV_IOCTL_SHA_FINAL_REQ is for ending the hash/mac request.
+    QCEDEV_IOCTL_GET_SHA_REQ is for retrieving the hash/hmac for data
+	packet of known size.
+    QCEDEV_IOCTL_GET_CMAC_REQ is for retrieving the MAC (using AES CMAC
+	algorithm) for data packet of known size.
+The requests are synchronous. The driver will put the process to
+sleep, waiting for the completion of the requests using wait_for_completion().
+Since the requests are coming out of user space application, before giving
+the requests to the low level qce driver, the ioctl requests and the
+associated input/output buffer will have to be safe checked, and copied
+to/from kernel space.
+The extra copying of requests/buffer can affect the performance. The issue
+with copying the data buffer is resolved by having the client use PMEM
+allocated buffers.
+NOTE:  Using memory allocated via PMEM is supported only for in place
+       operations where source and destination buffers point to the same
+       location. Support for different source and destination buffers
+       is not supported currently.
+       Furthermore, when using PMEM, and in AES CTR mode, when issuing an
+       encryption or decryption request, a non-zero byteoffset is not
+       supported.
+The design of the driver is to allow multiple open, and multiple requests
+to be issued from application(s). Therefore, the driver will internally queue
+the requests, and serialize the requests to the low level qce (or qce40) driver.
+On an IOCTL request from an application, if there is no outstanding
+request, a the driver will issue a "qce" request, otherwise,
+the request is queued in the driver queue.  The process is suspended
+waiting for completion.
+On completion of a request by the low level qce driver, the internal
+tasklet (done_tasklet) is scheduled. The sole purpose of done_tasklet is
+to call the completion of the current active request (complete()), and
+issue more requests to the qce, if any.
+When the process wakes up from wait_for_completion(), it will collect the
+return code, and return the ioctl.
+A spin lock is used to protect the critical section of internal queue to
+be accessed from multiple tasks, SMP, and completion callback
+from qce.
+The driver maintains a set of statistics using debug fs. The files are
+in /debug/qcedev/stats1, /debug/qcedev/stats2, /debug/qcedev/stats3;
+one for each instance of device. Reading the file associated with
+a device will retrieve the driver statistics for that device.
+Any write to the file will clear the statistics.
+Power Management
+Linux user space applications will need to open a handle
+(file descriptor) to the qcedev device.  This is achieved by doing
+the following to retrieve a file descriptor to the device.
+     fd = open("/dev/qce", O_RDWR);
+     ..
+     ioctl(fd, ...);
+Once a valid fd is retrieved, user can call the following ioctls with
+the fd as the first parameter and a pointer to an appropriate data
+structure, qcedev_cipher_op_req or qcedev_sha_op_req (depending on
+cipher/hash functionality) as the second parameter.
+The following IOCTLS are available to the user space application(s)-
+  Cipher IOCTLs:
+  --------------
+    QCEDEV_IOCTL_ENC_REQ is for encrypting data.
+    QCEDEV_IOCTL_DEC_REQ is for decrypting data.
+	The caller of the IOCTL passes a pointer to the structure shown
+	below, as the second parameter.
+	struct	qcedev_cipher_op_req {
+		int				use_pmem;
+		union{
+			struct qcedev_pmem_info pmem;
+			struct qcedev_vbuf_info vbuf;
+		};
+		uint32_t			entries;
+		uint32_t			data_len;
+		uint8_t				in_place_op;
+		uint8_t				enckey[QCEDEV_MAX_KEY_SIZE];
+		uint32_t			encklen;
+		uint8_t				iv[QCEDEV_MAX_IV_SIZE];
+		uint32_t			ivlen;
+		uint32_t			byteoffset;
+		enum qcedev_cipher_alg_enum	alg;
+		enum qcedev_cipher_mode_enum	mode;
+		enum qcedev_oper_enum		op;
+	};
+  Hashing/HMAC IOCTLs
+  -------------------
+    QCEDEV_IOCTL_SHA_INIT_REQ is for initializing a hash/hmac request.
+    QCEDEV_IOCTL_SHA_UPDATE_REQ is for updating hash/hmac.
+    QCEDEV_IOCTL_SHA_FINAL_REQ is for ending the hash/mac request.
+    QCEDEV_IOCTL_GET_SHA_REQ is for retrieving the hash/hmac for data
+	packet of known size.
+    QCEDEV_IOCTL_GET_CMAC_REQ is for retrieving the MAC (using AES CMAC
+	algorithm) for data packet of known size.
+	The caller of the IOCTL passes a pointer to the structure shown
+	below, as the second parameter.
+	struct	qcedev_sha_op_req {
+		struct buf_info			data[QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS];
+		uint32_t			entries;
+		uint32_t			data_len;
+		uint8_t				digest[QCEDEV_MAX_SHA_DIGEST];
+		uint32_t			diglen;
+		uint8_t				*authkey;
+		uint32_t			authklen;
+		enum qcedev_sha_alg_enum	alg;
+		struct qcedev_sha_ctxt		ctxt;
+	};
+The IOCTLs and associated request data structures are defined in qcedev.h
+Module parameters:
+The following module parameters are defined in the board init file.
+-CE hardware nase register address
+-Data mover channel used for transfer to/from CE hardware
+These parameters differ in each platform.
+qce driver. Please see Documentation/arm/msm/qce.txt.
+User space utilities:
+Known issues:
+To do:
+  Enhance Cipher functionality:
+  (1) Add support for handling > 32KB for ciphering functionality when
+  - operation is not an "in place" operation (source != destination).
+    (when using PMEM allocated memory)
+  (1) In case of cipher functionality, Driver does not support
+      a combination of different memory sources for source/destination.
+      In other words,  memory pointed to by  src and dst,
+      must BOTH (src/dst) be "pmem" or BOTH(src/dst) be "vbuf".
+  (2) In case of hash functionality, driver does not support handling data
+      buffers allocated via PMEM.
+  (3) Do not load this driver if your device already has kernel space apps
+      that need to access the crypto hardware.
+      Make sure to have qcedev module disabled/unloaded and implement your user
+      space application to use the software implementation (ex: openssl/crypto)
+      of the crypto algorithms.
+      (NOTE:  Please refer to details on the limitations listed in qce.txt)
+  (4) If your device has Playready (Windows Media DRM) application enabled
+      and uses the qcedev module to access the crypto hardware accelerator,
+      please be informed that for performance reasons, the CE hardware will
+      need to be dedicated to playready application.  Any other user space
+      application should be implemented to use the software implementation
+      (ex: openssl/crypto) of the crypto algorithms.
diff --git a/Documentation/crypto/msm/qcrypto.txt b/Documentation/crypto/msm/qcrypto.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2503103
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/crypto/msm/qcrypto.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+QTI Crypto (qcrypto) driver is a Linux crypto driver which interfaces
+with the Linux kernel crypto API layer to provide the HW crypto functions.
+This driver is accessed by kernel space apps via the kernel crypto API layer.
+At present there is no means for user space apps to access this module.
+Hardware description:
+QTI Crypto HW device family provides a series of algorithms implemented
+in the device.
+Crypto 2 hardware provides hashing - SHA-1, SHA-256, ciphering - DES, 3DES, AES
+algorithms, and concurrent operations of hashing, and ciphering.
+In addition to those functions provided by Crypto 2 HW, Crypto 3 provides fast
+AES algorithms.
+In addition to those functions provided by Crypto 3 HW, Crypto 3E provides
+HMAC-SHA1 hashing algorithm.
+In addition to those functions provided by Crypto 3 HW, Crypto 4.0 provides
+HMAC-SHA1/SHA256, AES CBC-MAC hashing algorithm and AES XTS/CCM cipher
+Software description
+The module init function (_qcrypto_init()), does a platform_register(),
+to register the driver. As the result, the driver probe function,
+_qcrypto_probe(), will be invoked for each registered device.
+In the probe function, driver opens the low level CE (qce_open), and
+registers the supported algorithms to the kernel crypto API layer.
+Currently, qcrypto supports the following algorithms.
+      ablkcipher -
+          cbc(aes),ecb(aes),ctr(aes)
+      ahash -
+          sha1, sha256
+      aead -
+          authenc(hmac(sha1),cbc(aes))
+      The hmac(sha1), hmac(sha256, authenc(hmac(sha1),cbc(aes)), ccm(aes)
+      and xts(aes) algorithms are registered for some platforms that
+      support these in the CE hardware
+The HW device  can support various algorithms. However, the most important
+algorithms to gain the performance using a HW crypto accelerator are
+AEAD stands for "authentication encryption with association data".
+ABLKCIPHER stands of "asynchronous block cipher".
+The AEAD structure is described in the following header file aead.h
+The design of the driver is to allow multiple requests
+issued from kernel client SW (eg IPSec).
+Therefore, the driver will have to internally queue the requests, and
+serialize the requests to the low level qce driver.
+When a request is received from the client, if there is no outstanding
+request, a qce (or qce40) request is issued, otherwise, the request is
+queued in the driver queue.
+On completion of a request, the qce (or qce40) invokes the registered
+callback from the qcrypto.  The internal tasklet (done_tasklet) is scheduled
+in this callback function. The sole purpose of done_tasklet is
+to call the completion of the current active request, and
+issue more requests to the qce (or qce40), if any exists.
+A spin lock is used to protect the critical section of internal queue to
+be accessed from multiple tasks, SMP, and completion callback
+from qce.
+The driver maintains a set of statistics using debug fs. The files are
+in /debug/qcrypto/stats1, /debug/qcrypto/stats2, /debug/qcrypto/stats3;
+one for each instance of device. Reading the file associated with
+a device will retrieve the driver statistics for that device.
+Any write to the file will clear the statistics.
+Test vectors for  authenc(hmac(sha1),cbc(aes)) algorithm are
+developed offline, and imported to crypto/testmgr.c, and crypto/testmgr.h.
+Power Management
+  none
+The kernel interface is defined in crypto.h.
+Module parameters:
+All the platform specific parameters are defined in the board init
+file, eg. arch/arm/mach-msm/board-mssm7x30.c for msm7x30.
+qce driver.
+User space utilities:
+  n/a
+Known issues:
+  n/a
+To do:
+  Add Hashing algorithms.
+(1) Each packet transfer size (for cipher and hash) is limited to maximum of
+    32KB.  This is a limitation in the crypto engine hardware. Client will
+    have to break packets larger than 32KB into multiple requests of smaller
+    size data packets.
+(2) Do not load this driver if your device has user space apps that needs to
+    access the crypto hardware. Please make sure to have the qcrypto module
+    disabled/unloaded.
+    Not having the driver loaded, will result in the kernel space apps to use
+    the registered software implementation of the crypto algorithms.
+(3) If your device has Playready application enabled and uses the qcedev module
+    to access the crypto hardware accelerator, please be informed that for
+    performance reasons, the CE hardware will need to be dedicated to playready
+    application.  Any other user space or kernel application should be implemented
+    to use the software implementation of the crypto algorithms.
+    (NOTE:  Please refer to details on the limitations listed in qce/40.txt)
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/crypto/msm/ice.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/crypto/msm/ice.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d0e580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/crypto/msm/ice.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+* Inline Crypto Engine (ICE)
+Required properties:
+  - compatible : should be "qcom,ice"
+  - reg : <register mapping>
+Optional properties:
+  - interrupt-names     : name describing the interrupts for ICE IRQ
+  - interrupts          : <interrupt mapping for ICE IRQ>
+  - qcom,enable-ice-clk : should enable clocks for ICE HW
+  - clocks              : List of phandle and clock specifier pairs
+  - clock-names         : List of clock input name strings sorted in the same
+                          order as the clocks property.
+  - qocm,op-freq-hz     : max clock speed sorted in the same order as the clocks
+                          property.
+  - qcom,instance-type  : describe the storage type for which ICE node is defined
+			  currently, only "ufs" and "sdcc" are supported storage type
+        ufs_ice: ufsice@630000 {
+                compatible = "qcom,ice";
+                reg = <0x630000 0x8000>;
+                interrupt-names = "ufs_ice_nonsec_level_irq", "ufs_ice_sec_level_irq";
+                interrupts = <0 258 0>, <0 257 0>;
+                qcom,enable-ice-clk;
+                clock-names = "ice_core_clk_src", "ice_core_clk";
+                clocks = <&clock_gcc clk_ufs_ice_core_clk_src>,
+                         <&clock_gcc clk_gcc_ufs_ice_core_clk>;
+                qcom,op-freq-hz = <300000000>, <0>;
+		qcom,instance-type = "ufs";
+                status = "disabled";
+        };
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/crypto/msm/qcedev.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/crypto/msm/qcedev.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8077cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/crypto/msm/qcedev.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+* QCEDEV (QTI Crypto Engine Device)
+Required properties:
+  - compatible : should be "qcom,qcedev"
+  - reg : should contain crypto, BAM register map.
+  - reg-names : should contain the crypto and bam base register names.
+  - interrupts : should contain crypto BAM interrupt.
+  - qcom,bam-pipe-pair : should contain crypto BAM pipe pair index.
+  - qcom,ce-hw-instance : should contain crypto HW instance.
+  - qcom,msm_bus,name: Should be "qcedev-noc"
+  - qcom,msm_bus,num_cases: Depends on the use cases for bus scaling
+  - qcom,msm_bus,active-only: Boolean flag for context of request (actve/dual)
+  - qcom,msm_bus,num_paths: The paths for source and destination ports
+  - qcom,msm_bus,vectors: Vectors for bus topology.
+  - qcom,ce-device: Device number.
+  - qcom,ce-opp-freq: indicates the CE operating frequency in Hz, changes from target to target.
+Optional properties:
+  - qcom,ce-hw-shared : optional, indicates if the hardware is shared between EE.
+  - qcom,ce-hw-key : optional, indicates if the hardware supports use of HW KEY.
+  - qcom,support-core-clk-only : optional, indicates if the HW supports single crypto core clk.
+  - qcom,bsm-ee : optional, indicate the BAM EE value, changes from target to target. Default value is 1 if not specified.
+	qcom,qcedev@fd440000 {
+		compatible = "qcom,qcedev";
+		reg = <0xfd440000 0x20000>,
+			<0xfd444000 0x8000>;
+		reg-names = "crypto-base","crypto-bam-base";
+		interrupts = <0 235 0>;
+		qcom,bam-pipe-pair = <0>;
+		qcom,ce-hw-instance = <1>;
+		qcom,ce-device = <0>;
+		qcom,ce-hw-shared;
+                qcom,msm-bus,name = "qcedev-noc";
+		qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
+		qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
+		qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
+				<56 512 0 0>,
+				<56 512 3936000 393600>,
+		qcom,ce-opp-freq = <100000000>;
+	};
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/crypto/msm/qcota.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/crypto/msm/qcota.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ce63af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/crypto/msm/qcota.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+* QCOTA (Over The Air Crypto Device)
+Required properties:
+  - compatible : should be "qcom,qcota"
+  - reg : should contain crypto, BAM register map.
+  - reg-names : should contain the crypto and bam base register names.
+  - interrupts : should contain crypto BAM interrupt.
+  - qcom,bam-pipe-pair : should contain crypto BAM pipe pair index.
+  - qcom,ce-hw-instance : should contain crypto HW instance.
+  - qcom,ce-device: Unique QCOTA device identifier. 0 for first
+			instance, 1 for second instance, n-1 for n-th instance.
+  - qcom,ce-opp-freq: indicates the CE operating frequency in Hz, changes from target to target.
+Optional properties:
+  - qcom,support-core-clk-only : optional, indicates if the HW supports single crypto core clk.
+  - qcom,bsm-ee : optional, indicate the BAM EE value, changes from target to target.Default value is 1 if not specified.
+	qcom,qcota@fe140000 {
+		compatible = "qcom,qcota";
+		reg = <0xfe140000 0x20000>,
+			<0xfe144000 0x8000>;
+		reg-names = "crypto-base","crypto-bam-base";
+		interrupts = <0 111 0>;
+		qcom,bam-pipe-pair = <1>;
+		qcom,ce-hw-instance = <2>;
+		qcom,ce-device = <0>;
+		qcom,ce-opp-freq = <100000000>;
+	};
+	qcom,qcota@fe0c0000 {
+		compatible = "qcom,qcota";
+		reg = <0xfe0c0000 0x20000>,
+			<0xfe0c4000 0x8000>;
+		reg-names = "crypto-base","crypto-bam-base";
+		interrupts = <0 113 0>;
+		qcom,bam-pipe-pair = <1>;
+		qcom,ce-hw-instance = <4>;
+		qcom,ce-device = <1>;
+		qcom,ce-opp-freq = <100000000>;
+	};
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/crypto/msm/qcrypto.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/crypto/msm/qcrypto.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06b219a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/crypto/msm/qcrypto.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+* QCRYPTO (QTI Crypto)
+Required properties:
+  - compatible : should be "qcom,qcrypto"
+  - reg : should contain crypto, BAM register map.
+  - reg-names : should contain the crypto and bam base register names.
+  - interrupts : should contain crypto BAM interrupt.
+  - qcom,bam-pipe-pair : should contain crypto BAM pipe pair index.
+  - qcom,ce-hw-instance : should contain crypto HW instance.
+  - qcom,msm_bus,name: Should be "qcrypto-noc"
+  - qcom,msm_bus,num_cases: Depends on the use cases for bus scaling
+  - qcom,msm_bus,active-only: Boolean flag for context of request (actve/dual)
+  - qcom,msm_bus,num_paths: The paths for source and destination ports
+  - qcom,ce-device: Device number. Device number is encoded with the following:
+		bit 3-0   device type:	0 for full disk encryption(fde)
+					1 for per file encrption(pfe)
+		bit 7-4   unit number within the device type.
+Optional properties:
+  - qcom,ce-hw-shared : optional, indicates if the hardware is shared between EE.
+  - qcom,ce-hw-key : optional, indicates if the hardware supports use of HW KEY.
+  - qcom,use-sw-aes-cbc-ecb-ctr-algo : optional, indicates if use SW aes-cbc/ecb/ctr algorithm.
+  - qcom,use-sw-aes-xts-algo : optional, indicates if use SW aes-xts algorithm.
+  - qcom,use-sw-aead-algo : optional, indicates if use SW aead algorithm.
+  - qcom,use-sw-ahash-algo : optional, indicates if use SW hash algorithm.
+  - qcom,use-sw-hmac-algo : optional, indicates if use SW hmac algorithm.
+  - qcom,use-sw-aes-ccm-algo : optional, indicates if use SW aes-ccm algorithm.
+  - qcom,clk-mgmt-sus-res : optional, indicate if the ce clocks need to be disabled/enabled in suspend/resume function.
+  - qcom,support-core-clk-only : optional, indicates if the HW supports single crypto core clk.
+  - qcom,bsm-ee : optional, indicate the BAM EE value, changes from target to target.Default value is 1 if not specified.
+  - qcom,ce-opp-freq: optional, indicates the CE operating frequency in Hz,
+	changes from target to target. If not specified, by default the
+	frequency is set as 100MHZ.
+  - qcom,msm_bus,vectors: optional, indicates vectors for bus topology.
+        This attribute is required for msm targets where bus scaling is
+	required. For other targets such as fsm, they do not perform
+	bus scaling. It is not required for those targets.
+        qcom,qcrypto@fd444000 {
+		compatible = "qcom,qcrypto";
+		reg = <0xfd440000 0x20000>,
+		      <0xfd444000 0x8000>;
+		reg-names = "crypto-base","crypto-bam-base";
+		interrupts = <0 235 0>;
+		qcom,bam-pipe-pair = <1>;
+		qcom,ce-hw-instance = <1>;
+		qcom,ce-device = <0>;
+		qcom,ce-hw-shared;
+                qcom,msm-bus,name = "qcrypto-noc";
+		qcom,msm-bus,num-cases = <2>;
+		qcom,msm-bus,num-paths = <1>;
+		qcom,msm-bus,vectors-KBps =
+				<56 512 0 0>,
+				<56 512 3936000 393600>,
+		qcom,ce-opp-freq = <100000000>;
+	};
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/Kconfig b/drivers/crypto/Kconfig
index 4d2b81f..b975d0f 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/crypto/Kconfig
@@ -385,6 +385,66 @@
 	  Select this to offload Samsung S5PV210 or S5PC110, Exynos from AES
 	  algorithms execution.
+config CRYPTO_DEV_QCE50
+        bool
+        bool "FIPS140-2 compliant build"
+        default n
+        help
+          This flag is used to make current build FIPS140-2
+          compliant. This flag will enable the patch of code
+          which will perform this task. Please select Y here
+          to enable.
+        tristate "QTI Crypto accelerator"
+        select CRYPTO_DES
+        select CRYPTO_ALGAPI
+        select CRYPTO_AUTHENC
+        select CRYPTO_BLKCIPHER
+        default n
+        help
+          This driver supports QTI crypto acceleration
+          for kernel clients. To compile this driver as a module,
+          choose M here: the module will be called qcrypto. Please
+          select Y here to enable.
+        tristate "QTI Crypto Engine (QCE) module"
+        select  CRYPTO_DEV_QCE50 if ARCH_APQ8084 || ARCH_MSM8916 || ARCH_MSM8994 || ARCH_MSM8996 || ARCH_MSM8992 || ARCH_MSMTITANIUM || ARCH_MSM8909 || ARCH_MSM8998 || ARCH_SDM660 || ARCH_SDM630
+        default n
+        help
+          This driver supports QTI Crypto Engine in MSM7x30, MSM8660
+          MSM8x55, MSM8960, MSM9615, MSM8916, MSM8994, MSM8996, FSM9900,
+		  MSMTITANINUM, APQ8084, MSM8998, SDM660 and SDM630.
+          To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
+          For MSM7x30 MSM8660 and MSM8x55 the module is called qce
+          For MSM8960, APQ8064 and MSM9615 the module is called qce40
+          For MSM8974, MSM8916, MSM8994, MSM8996, MSM8992, MSMTITANIUM,
+		  APQ8084, MSM8998, SDM660 and SDM630 the module is called qce50.
+        tristate "QCEDEV Interface to CE module"
+        default n
+        help
+          This driver supports QTI QCEDEV Crypto in MSM7x30, MSM8660,
+          MSM8960, MSM9615, APQ8064, MSM8974, MSM8916, MSM8994, MSM8996,
+          APQ8084, MSM8998, SDM660, SDM630. This exposes the
+          interface to the QCE hardware accelerator via IOCTLs.
+          To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
+          module will be called qcedev.
+        tristate "OTA Crypto module"
+        help
+          This driver supports QTI OTA Crypto in the FSM9xxx.
+          To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
+          module will be called ota_crypto. Please select Y here
+          to enable.
 	bool "Support for IBM PowerPC Nest (NX) cryptographic acceleration"
 	depends on PPC64
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/Makefile b/drivers/crypto/Makefile
index ad7250f..5f7b988 100644
--- a/drivers/crypto/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/crypto/Makefile
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
 obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_UX500) += ux500/
 obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_QAT) += qat/
 obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_QCE) += qce/
 obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_VMX) += vmx/
 obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_SUN4I_SS) += sunxi-ss/
 obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_ROCKCHIP) += rockchip/
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/msm/Kconfig b/drivers/crypto/msm/Kconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f4568b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/msm/Kconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+	tristate "Inline Crypto Module"
+	default n
+	depends on PFK && BLK_DEV_DM
+	help
+	  This driver supports Inline Crypto Engine for QTI chipsets, MSM8994
+	  and later, to accelerate crypto operations for storage needs.
+	  To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the
+	  module will be called ice.
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/msm/Makefile b/drivers/crypto/msm/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5db0546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/msm/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_QCEDEV) += qcedev.o
+ifeq ($(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_QCE50), y)
+        obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_QCOM_MSM_QCE) += qce50.o
+        obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_QCOM_MSM_QCE) += qce.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_QCRYPTO) += qcrypto.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_CRYPTO_DEV_OTA_CRYPTO) += ota_crypto.o
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/msm/compat_qcedev.c b/drivers/crypto/msm/compat_qcedev.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ca28be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/msm/compat_qcedev.c
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+ * QTI CE 32-bit compatibility syscall for 64-bit systems
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/qcedev.h>
+#include <linux/compat.h>
+#include "compat_qcedev.h"
+static int compat_get_qcedev_pmem_info(
+		struct compat_qcedev_pmem_info __user *pmem32,
+		struct qcedev_pmem_info __user *pmem)
+	compat_ulong_t offset;
+	compat_int_t fd_src;
+	compat_int_t fd_dst;
+	int err = 0, i = 0;
+	uint32_t len;
+	err |= get_user(fd_src, &pmem32->fd_src);
+	err |= put_user(fd_src, &pmem->fd_src);
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(offset, &pmem32->src[i].offset);
+		err |= put_user(offset, &pmem->src[i].offset);
+		err |= get_user(len, &pmem32->src[i].len);
+		err |= put_user(len, &pmem->src[i].len);
+	}
+	err |= get_user(fd_dst, &pmem32->fd_dst);
+	err |= put_user(fd_dst, &pmem->fd_dst);
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(offset, &pmem32->dst[i].offset);
+		err |= put_user(offset, &pmem->dst[i].offset);
+		err |= get_user(len, &pmem32->dst[i].len);
+		err |= put_user(len, &pmem->dst[i].len);
+	}
+	return err;
+static int compat_put_qcedev_pmem_info(
+		struct compat_qcedev_pmem_info __user *pmem32,
+		struct qcedev_pmem_info __user *pmem)
+	compat_ulong_t offset;
+	compat_int_t fd_src;
+	compat_int_t fd_dst;
+	int err = 0, i = 0;
+	uint32_t len;
+	err |= get_user(fd_src, &pmem->fd_src);
+	err |= put_user(fd_src, &pmem32->fd_src);
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(offset, &pmem->src[i].offset);
+		err |= put_user(offset, &pmem32->src[i].offset);
+		err |= get_user(len, &pmem->src[i].len);
+		err |= put_user(len, &pmem32->src[i].len);
+	}
+	err |= get_user(fd_dst, &pmem->fd_dst);
+	err |= put_user(fd_dst, &pmem32->fd_dst);
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(offset, &pmem->dst[i].offset);
+		err |= put_user(offset, &pmem32->dst[i].offset);
+		err |= get_user(len, &pmem->dst[i].len);
+		err |= put_user(len, &pmem32->dst[i].len);
+	}
+	return err;
+static int compat_get_qcedev_vbuf_info(
+		struct compat_qcedev_vbuf_info __user *vbuf32,
+		struct qcedev_vbuf_info __user *vbuf)
+	compat_uptr_t vaddr;
+	int err = 0, i = 0;
+	uint32_t len;
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(vaddr, &vbuf32->src[i].vaddr);
+		vbuf->src[i].vaddr = NULL;
+		err |= put_user(vaddr, (compat_uptr_t *)&vbuf->src[i].vaddr);
+		err |= get_user(len, &vbuf32->src[i].len);
+		err |= put_user(len, &vbuf->src[i].len);
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(vaddr, &vbuf32->dst[i].vaddr);
+		vbuf->dst[i].vaddr = NULL;
+		err |= put_user(vaddr, (compat_uptr_t *)&vbuf->dst[i].vaddr);
+		err |= get_user(len, &vbuf32->dst[i].len);
+		err |= put_user(len, &vbuf->dst[i].len);
+	}
+	return err;
+static int compat_put_qcedev_vbuf_info(
+		struct compat_qcedev_vbuf_info __user *vbuf32,
+		struct qcedev_vbuf_info __user *vbuf)
+	compat_uptr_t vaddr;
+	int err = 0, i = 0;
+	uint32_t len;
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(vaddr, (compat_uptr_t *)&vbuf->src[i].vaddr);
+		vbuf32->src[i].vaddr = 0;
+		err |= put_user(vaddr, &vbuf32->src[i].vaddr);
+		err |= get_user(len, &vbuf->src[i].len);
+		err |= put_user(len, &vbuf32->src[i].len);
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(vaddr, (compat_uptr_t *)&vbuf->dst[i].vaddr);
+		vbuf32->dst[i].vaddr = 0;
+		err |= put_user(vaddr, &vbuf32->dst[i].vaddr);
+		err |= get_user(len, &vbuf->dst[i].len);
+		err |= put_user(len, &vbuf32->dst[i].len);
+	}
+	return err;
+static int compat_get_qcedev_cipher_op_req(
+		struct compat_qcedev_cipher_op_req __user *data32,
+		struct qcedev_cipher_op_req __user *data)
+	enum qcedev_cipher_mode_enum mode;
+	enum qcedev_cipher_alg_enum alg;
+	compat_ulong_t byteoffset;
+	enum qcedev_oper_enum op;
+	compat_ulong_t data_len;
+	compat_ulong_t encklen;
+	compat_ulong_t entries;
+	compat_ulong_t ivlen;
+	uint8_t in_place_op;
+	int err = 0, i = 0;
+	uint8_t use_pmem;
+	uint8_t enckey;
+	uint8_t iv;
+	err |= get_user(use_pmem, &data32->use_pmem);
+	err |= put_user(use_pmem, &data->use_pmem);
+	if (use_pmem)
+		err |= compat_get_qcedev_pmem_info(&data32->pmem, &data->pmem);
+	else
+		err |= compat_get_qcedev_vbuf_info(&data32->vbuf, &data->vbuf);
+	err |= get_user(entries, &data32->entries);
+	err |= put_user(entries, &data->entries);
+	err |= get_user(data_len, &data32->data_len);
+	err |= put_user(data_len, &data->data_len);
+	err |= get_user(in_place_op, &data32->in_place_op);
+	err |= put_user(in_place_op, &data->in_place_op);
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_KEY_SIZE; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(enckey, &(data32->enckey[i]));
+		err |= put_user(enckey, &(data->enckey[i]));
+	}
+	err |= get_user(encklen, &data32->encklen);
+	err |= put_user(encklen, &data->encklen);
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_IV_SIZE; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(iv, &(data32->iv[i]));
+		err |= put_user(iv, &(data->iv[i]));
+	}
+	err |= get_user(ivlen, &data32->ivlen);
+	err |= put_user(ivlen, &data->ivlen);
+	err |= get_user(byteoffset, &data32->byteoffset);
+	err |= put_user(byteoffset, &data->byteoffset);
+	err |= get_user(alg, &data32->alg);
+	err |= put_user(alg, &data->alg);
+	err |= get_user(mode, &data32->mode);
+	err |= put_user(mode, &data->mode);
+	err |= get_user(op, &data32->op);
+	err |= put_user(op, &data->op);
+	return err;
+static int compat_put_qcedev_cipher_op_req(
+		struct compat_qcedev_cipher_op_req __user *data32,
+		struct qcedev_cipher_op_req __user *data)
+	enum qcedev_cipher_mode_enum mode;
+	enum qcedev_cipher_alg_enum alg;
+	compat_ulong_t byteoffset;
+	enum qcedev_oper_enum op;
+	compat_ulong_t data_len;
+	compat_ulong_t encklen;
+	compat_ulong_t entries;
+	compat_ulong_t ivlen;
+	uint8_t in_place_op;
+	int err = 0, i = 0;
+	uint8_t use_pmem;
+	uint8_t enckey;
+	uint8_t iv;
+	err |= get_user(use_pmem, &data->use_pmem);
+	err |= put_user(use_pmem, &data32->use_pmem);
+	if (use_pmem)
+		err |= compat_put_qcedev_pmem_info(&data32->pmem, &data->pmem);
+	else
+		err |= compat_put_qcedev_vbuf_info(&data32->vbuf, &data->vbuf);
+	err |= get_user(entries, &data->entries);
+	err |= put_user(entries, &data32->entries);
+	err |= get_user(data_len, &data->data_len);
+	err |= put_user(data_len, &data32->data_len);
+	err |= get_user(in_place_op, &data->in_place_op);
+	err |= put_user(in_place_op, &data32->in_place_op);
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_KEY_SIZE; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(enckey, &(data->enckey[i]));
+		err |= put_user(enckey, &(data32->enckey[i]));
+	}
+	err |= get_user(encklen, &data->encklen);
+	err |= put_user(encklen, &data32->encklen);
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_IV_SIZE; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(iv, &(data->iv[i]));
+		err |= put_user(iv, &(data32->iv[i]));
+	}
+	err |= get_user(ivlen, &data->ivlen);
+	err |= put_user(ivlen, &data32->ivlen);
+	err |= get_user(byteoffset, &data->byteoffset);
+	err |= put_user(byteoffset, &data32->byteoffset);
+	err |= get_user(alg, &data->alg);
+	err |= put_user(alg, &data32->alg);
+	err |= get_user(mode, &data->mode);
+	err |= put_user(mode, &data32->mode);
+	err |= get_user(op, &data->op);
+	err |= put_user(op, &data32->op);
+	return err;
+static int compat_get_qcedev_sha_op_req(
+		struct compat_qcedev_sha_op_req __user *data32,
+		struct qcedev_sha_op_req __user *data)
+	enum qcedev_sha_alg_enum alg;
+	compat_ulong_t authklen;
+	compat_ulong_t data_len;
+	compat_ulong_t entries;
+	compat_ulong_t diglen;
+	compat_uptr_t authkey;
+	compat_uptr_t vaddr;
+	int err = 0, i = 0;
+	uint8_t digest;
+	uint32_t len;
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(vaddr, &data32->data[i].vaddr);
+		data->data[i].vaddr = 0;
+		err |= put_user(vaddr, (compat_uptr_t *)&data->data[i].vaddr);
+		err |= get_user(len, &data32->data[i].len);
+		err |= put_user(len, &data->data[i].len);
+	}
+	err |= get_user(entries, &data32->entries);
+	err |= put_user(entries, &data->entries);
+	err |= get_user(data_len, &data32->data_len);
+	err |= put_user(data_len, &data->data_len);
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_SHA_DIGEST; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(digest, &(data32->digest[i]));
+		err |= put_user(digest, &(data->digest[i]));
+	}
+	err |= get_user(diglen, &data32->diglen);
+	err |= put_user(diglen, &data->diglen);
+	err |= get_user(authkey, &data32->authkey);
+	data->authkey = NULL;
+	err |= put_user(authkey, (compat_uptr_t *)&data->authkey);
+	err |= get_user(authklen, &data32->authklen);
+	err |= put_user(authklen, &data->authklen);
+	err |= get_user(alg, &data32->alg);
+	err |= put_user(alg, &data->alg);
+	return err;
+static int compat_put_qcedev_sha_op_req(
+		struct compat_qcedev_sha_op_req __user *data32,
+		struct qcedev_sha_op_req __user *data)
+	enum qcedev_sha_alg_enum alg;
+	compat_ulong_t authklen;
+	compat_ulong_t data_len;
+	compat_ulong_t entries;
+	compat_ulong_t diglen;
+	compat_uptr_t authkey;
+	compat_uptr_t vaddr;
+	int err = 0, i = 0;
+	uint8_t digest;
+	uint32_t len;
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(vaddr, (compat_uptr_t *)&data->data[i].vaddr);
+		data32->data[i].vaddr = 0;
+		err |= put_user(vaddr, &data32->data[i].vaddr);
+		err |= get_user(len, &data->data[i].len);
+		err |= put_user(len, &data32->data[i].len);
+	}
+	err |= get_user(entries, &data->entries);
+	err |= put_user(entries, &data32->entries);
+	err |= get_user(data_len, &data->data_len);
+	err |= put_user(data_len, &data32->data_len);
+	for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_SHA_DIGEST; i++) {
+		err |= get_user(digest, &(data->digest[i]));
+		err |= put_user(digest, &(data32->digest[i]));
+	}
+	err |= get_user(diglen, &data->diglen);
+	err |= put_user(diglen, &data32->diglen);
+	err |= get_user(authkey, (compat_uptr_t *)&data->authkey);
+	data32->authkey = 0;
+	err |= put_user(authkey, &data32->authkey);
+	err |= get_user(authklen, &data->authklen);
+	err |= put_user(authklen, &data32->authklen);
+	err |= get_user(alg, &data->alg);
+	err |= put_user(alg, &data32->alg);
+	return err;
+static unsigned int convert_cmd(unsigned int cmd)
+	switch (cmd) {
+	default:
+		return cmd;
+	}
+long compat_qcedev_ioctl(struct file *file,
+		unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
+	long ret;
+	switch (cmd) {
+		struct compat_qcedev_cipher_op_req __user *data32;
+		struct qcedev_cipher_op_req __user *data;
+		int err;
+		data32 = compat_ptr(arg);
+		data = compat_alloc_user_space(sizeof(*data));
+		if (!data)
+			return -EFAULT;
+		err = compat_get_qcedev_cipher_op_req(data32, data);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+		ret = qcedev_ioctl(file, convert_cmd(cmd), (unsigned long)data);
+		err = compat_put_qcedev_cipher_op_req(data32, data);
+		return ret ? ret : err;
+	}
+		struct compat_qcedev_sha_op_req __user *data32;
+		struct qcedev_sha_op_req __user *data;
+		int err;
+		data32 = compat_ptr(arg);
+		data = compat_alloc_user_space(sizeof(*data));
+		if (!data)
+			return -EFAULT;
+		err = compat_get_qcedev_sha_op_req(data32, data);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+		ret = qcedev_ioctl(file, convert_cmd(cmd), (unsigned long)data);
+		err = compat_put_qcedev_sha_op_req(data32, data);
+		return ret ? ret : err;
+	}
+	default:
+		return -ENOIOCTLCMD;
+	}
+	return 0;
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("QTI 32-64 Compatibility for Crypto driver");
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/msm/compat_qcedev.h b/drivers/crypto/msm/compat_qcedev.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4cc3933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/msm/compat_qcedev.h
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/ioctl.h>
+#include <linux/compat.h>
+ * struct compat_buf_info - Buffer information
+ * @offset:			Offset from the base address of the buffer
+ *				(Used when buffer is allocated using PMEM)
+ * @vaddr:			Virtual buffer address pointer
+ * @len:				Size of the buffer
+ */
+struct	compat_buf_info {
+	union {
+		compat_ulong_t	offset;
+		compat_uptr_t	vaddr;
+	};
+	compat_ulong_t	len;
+ * struct compat_qcedev_vbuf_info - Source and destination Buffer information
+ * @src:				Array of buf_info for input/source
+ * @dst:				Array of buf_info for output/destination
+ */
+struct	compat_qcedev_vbuf_info {
+	struct compat_buf_info	src[QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS];
+	struct compat_buf_info	dst[QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS];
+ * struct compat_qcedev_pmem_info - Stores PMEM buffer information
+ * @fd_src:			Handle to /dev/adsp_pmem used to allocate
+ *				memory for input/src buffer
+ * @src:				Array of buf_info for input/source
+ * @fd_dst:			Handle to /dev/adsp_pmem used to allocate
+ *				memory for output/dst buffer
+ * @dst:				Array of buf_info for output/destination
+ * @pmem_src_offset:		The offset from input/src buffer
+ *				(allocated by PMEM)
+ */
+struct	compat_qcedev_pmem_info {
+	compat_int_t		fd_src;
+	struct compat_buf_info	src[QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS];
+	compat_int_t		fd_dst;
+	struct compat_buf_info	dst[QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS];
+ * struct compat_qcedev_cipher_op_req - Holds the ciphering request information
+ * @use_pmem (IN):	Flag to indicate if buffer source is PMEM
+ * @pmem (IN):		Stores PMEM buffer information.
+ *			Refer struct qcedev_pmem_info
+ * @vbuf (IN/OUT):	Stores Source and destination Buffer information
+ *			Refer to struct qcedev_vbuf_info
+ * @data_len (IN):	Total Length of input/src and output/dst in bytes
+ * @in_place_op (IN):	Indicates whether the operation is inplace where
+ *			source == destination
+ *			When using PMEM allocated memory, must set this to 1
+ * @enckey (IN):		128 bits of confidentiality key
+ *			enckey[0] bit 127-120, enckey[1] bit 119-112,..
+ *			enckey[15] bit 7-0
+ * @encklen (IN):	Length of the encryption key(set to 128  bits/16
+ *			bytes in the driver)
+ * @iv (IN/OUT):		Initialization vector data
+ *			This is updated by the driver, incremented by
+ *			number of blocks encrypted/decrypted.
+ * @ivlen (IN):		Length of the IV
+ * @byteoffset (IN):	Offset in the Cipher BLOCK (applicable and to be set
+ *			for AES-128 CTR mode only)
+ * @alg (IN):		Type of ciphering algorithm: AES/DES/3DES
+ * @mode (IN):		Mode use when using AES algorithm: ECB/CBC/CTR
+ *			Applicable when using AES algorithm only
+ * @op (IN):		Type of operation: QCEDEV_OPER_DEC/QCEDEV_OPER_ENC or
+ *
+ * If use_pmem is set to 0, the driver assumes that memory was not allocated
+ * via PMEM, and kernel will need to allocate memory and copy data from user
+ * space buffer (data_src/dta_dst) and process accordingly and copy data back
+ * to the user space buffer
+ *
+ * If use_pmem is set to 1, the driver assumes that memory was allocated via
+ * PMEM.
+ * The kernel driver will use the fd_src to determine the kernel virtual address
+ * base that maps to the user space virtual address base for the  buffer
+ * allocated in user space.
+ * The final input/src and output/dst buffer pointer will be determined
+ * by adding the offsets to the kernel virtual addr.
+ *
+ * If use of hardware key is supported in the target, user can configure the
+ * key parameters (encklen, enckey) to use the hardware key.
+ * In order to use the hardware key, set encklen to 0 and set the enckey
+ * data array to 0.
+ */
+struct	compat_qcedev_cipher_op_req {
+	uint8_t					use_pmem;
+	union {
+		struct compat_qcedev_pmem_info	pmem;
+		struct compat_qcedev_vbuf_info	vbuf;
+	};
+	compat_ulong_t				entries;
+	compat_ulong_t				data_len;
+	uint8_t					in_place_op;
+	uint8_t					enckey[QCEDEV_MAX_KEY_SIZE];
+	compat_ulong_t				encklen;
+	uint8_t					iv[QCEDEV_MAX_IV_SIZE];
+	compat_ulong_t				ivlen;
+	compat_ulong_t				byteoffset;
+	enum qcedev_cipher_alg_enum		alg;
+	enum qcedev_cipher_mode_enum		mode;
+	enum qcedev_oper_enum			op;
+ * struct qcedev_sha_op_req - Holds the hashing request information
+ * @data (IN):			Array of pointers to the data to be hashed
+ * @entries (IN):		Number of buf_info entries in the data array
+ * @data_len (IN):		Length of data to be hashed
+ * @digest (IN/OUT):		Returns the hashed data information
+ * @diglen (OUT):		Size of the hashed/digest data
+ * @authkey (IN):		Pointer to authentication key for HMAC
+ * @authklen (IN):		Size of the authentication key
+ * @alg (IN):			Secure Hash algorithm
+ */
+struct	compat_qcedev_sha_op_req {
+	struct compat_buf_info			data[QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS];
+	compat_ulong_t				entries;
+	compat_ulong_t				data_len;
+	uint8_t					digest[QCEDEV_MAX_SHA_DIGEST];
+	compat_ulong_t				diglen;
+	compat_uptr_t				authkey;
+	compat_ulong_t				authklen;
+	enum qcedev_sha_alg_enum		alg;
+struct file;
+extern long compat_qcedev_ioctl(struct file *file,
+			unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
+	_IOWR(QCEDEV_IOC_MAGIC, 1, struct compat_qcedev_cipher_op_req)
+	_IOWR(QCEDEV_IOC_MAGIC, 2, struct compat_qcedev_cipher_op_req)
+	_IOWR(QCEDEV_IOC_MAGIC, 3, struct compat_qcedev_sha_op_req)
+	_IOWR(QCEDEV_IOC_MAGIC, 4, struct compat_qcedev_sha_op_req)
+	_IOWR(QCEDEV_IOC_MAGIC, 5, struct compat_qcedev_sha_op_req)
+	_IOWR(QCEDEV_IOC_MAGIC, 6, struct compat_qcedev_sha_op_req)
+	_IOWR(QCEDEV_IOC_MAGIC, 9, struct compat_qcedev_sha_op_req)
+#endif /* CONFIG_COMPAT */
+#endif /* _UAPI_COMPAT_QCEDEV__H */
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/msm/ice.c b/drivers/crypto/msm/ice.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba6825e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/msm/ice.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1761 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/io.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/of.h>
+#include <linux/device-mapper.h>
+#include <linux/clk.h>
+#include <linux/cdev.h>
+#include <linux/regulator/consumer.h>
+#include <linux/msm-bus.h>
+#include <linux/pfk.h>
+#include <crypto/ice.h>
+#include <soc/qcom/scm.h>
+#include <soc/qcom/qseecomi.h>
+#include "iceregs.h"
+#define TZ_SYSCALL_CREATE_SMC_ID(o, s, f) \
+	((uint32_t)((((o & 0x3f) << 24) | (s & 0xff) << 8) | (f & 0xff)))
+#define TZ_OWNER_QSEE_OS                 50
+#define TZ_SVC_KEYSTORE                  5     /* Keystore management */
+#define ICE_REV(x, y) (((x) & ICE_CORE_##y##_REV_MASK) >> ICE_CORE_##y##_REV)
+#define QCOM_UFS_ICE_DEV	"iceufs"
+#define QCOM_SDCC_ICE_DEV	"icesdcc"
+#define QCOM_ICE_UFS		10
+#define QCOM_ICE_SDCC		20
+struct ice_clk_info {
+	struct list_head list;
+	struct clk *clk;
+	const char *name;
+	u32 max_freq;
+	u32 min_freq;
+	u32 curr_freq;
+	bool enabled;
+struct qcom_ice_bus_vote {
+	uint32_t client_handle;
+	uint32_t curr_vote;
+	int min_bw_vote;
+	int max_bw_vote;
+	int saved_vote;
+	bool is_max_bw_needed;
+	struct device_attribute max_bus_bw;
+static LIST_HEAD(ice_devices);
+ * ICE HW device structure.
+ */
+struct ice_device {
+	struct list_head	list;
+	struct device		*pdev;
+	struct cdev		cdev;
+	dev_t			device_no;
+	struct class		*driver_class;
+	void __iomem		*mmio;
+	struct resource		*res;
+	int			irq;
+	bool			is_ice_enabled;
+	bool			is_ice_disable_fuse_blown;
+	ice_error_cb		error_cb;
+	void			*host_controller_data; /* UFS/EMMC/other? */
+	struct list_head	clk_list_head;
+	u32			ice_hw_version;
+	bool			is_ice_clk_available;
+	char			ice_instance_type[QCOM_ICE_TYPE_NAME_LEN];
+	struct regulator	*reg;
+	bool			is_regulator_available;
+	struct qcom_ice_bus_vote bus_vote;
+	ktime_t			ice_reset_start_time;
+	ktime_t			ice_reset_complete_time;
+static int qti_ice_setting_config(struct request *req,
+		struct platform_device *pdev,
+		struct ice_crypto_setting *crypto_data,
+		struct ice_data_setting *setting)
+	struct ice_device *ice_dev = NULL;
+	ice_dev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	if (!ice_dev) {
+		pr_debug("%s no ICE device\n", __func__);
+		/* make the caller finish peacfully */
+		return 0;
+	}
+	if (ice_dev->is_ice_disable_fuse_blown) {
+		pr_err("%s ICE disabled fuse is blown\n", __func__);
+		return -EPERM;
+	}
+	if ((short)(crypto_data->key_index) >= 0) {
+		memcpy(&setting->crypto_data, crypto_data,
+				sizeof(setting->crypto_data));
+		if (rq_data_dir(req) == WRITE)
+			setting->encr_bypass = false;
+		else if (rq_data_dir(req) == READ)
+			setting->decr_bypass = false;
+		else {
+			/* Should I say BUG_ON */
+			setting->encr_bypass = true;
+			setting->decr_bypass = true;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int qcom_ice_enable_clocks(struct ice_device *, bool);
+static int qcom_ice_set_bus_vote(struct ice_device *ice_dev, int vote)
+	int err = 0;
+	if (vote != ice_dev->bus_vote.curr_vote) {
+		err = msm_bus_scale_client_update_request(
+				ice_dev->bus_vote.client_handle, vote);
+		if (err) {
+			dev_err(ice_dev->pdev,
+				"%s:failed:client_handle=0x%x, vote=%d, err=%d\n",
+				__func__, ice_dev->bus_vote.client_handle,
+				vote, err);
+			goto out;
+		}
+		ice_dev->bus_vote.curr_vote = vote;
+	}
+	return err;
+static int qcom_ice_get_bus_vote(struct ice_device *ice_dev,
+		const char *speed_mode)
+	struct device *dev = ice_dev->pdev;
+	struct device_node *np = dev->of_node;
+	int err;
+	const char *key = "qcom,bus-vector-names";
+	if (!speed_mode) {
+		err = -EINVAL;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if (ice_dev->bus_vote.is_max_bw_needed && !!strcmp(speed_mode, "MIN"))
+		err = of_property_match_string(np, key, "MAX");
+	else
+		err = of_property_match_string(np, key, speed_mode);
+	if (err < 0)
+		dev_err(dev, "%s: Invalid %s mode %d\n",
+				__func__, speed_mode, err);
+	return err;
+static int qcom_ice_bus_register(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	int err = 0;
+	struct msm_bus_scale_pdata *bus_pdata;
+	struct device *dev = ice_dev->pdev;
+	struct platform_device *pdev = to_platform_device(dev);
+	struct device_node *np = dev->of_node;
+	bus_pdata = msm_bus_cl_get_pdata(pdev);
+	if (!bus_pdata) {
+		dev_err(dev, "%s: failed to get bus vectors\n", __func__);
+		err = -ENODATA;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	err = of_property_count_strings(np, "qcom,bus-vector-names");
+	if (err < 0 || err != bus_pdata->num_usecases) {
+		dev_err(dev, "%s: Error = %d with qcom,bus-vector-names\n",
+				__func__, err);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	err = 0;
+	ice_dev->bus_vote.client_handle =
+			msm_bus_scale_register_client(bus_pdata);
+	if (!ice_dev->bus_vote.client_handle) {
+		dev_err(dev, "%s: msm_bus_scale_register_client failed\n",
+				__func__);
+		err = -EFAULT;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* cache the vote index for minimum and maximum bandwidth */
+	ice_dev->bus_vote.min_bw_vote = qcom_ice_get_bus_vote(ice_dev, "MIN");
+	ice_dev->bus_vote.max_bw_vote = qcom_ice_get_bus_vote(ice_dev, "MAX");
+	return err;
+static int qcom_ice_set_bus_vote(struct ice_device *ice_dev, int vote)
+	return 0;
+static int qcom_ice_get_bus_vote(struct ice_device *ice_dev,
+		const char *speed_mode)
+	return 0;
+static int qcom_ice_bus_register(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	return 0;
+static int qcom_ice_get_vreg(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	int ret = 0;
+	if (!ice_dev->is_regulator_available)
+		return 0;
+	if (ice_dev->reg)
+		return 0;
+	ice_dev->reg = devm_regulator_get(ice_dev->pdev, "vdd-hba");
+	if (IS_ERR(ice_dev->reg)) {
+		ret = PTR_ERR(ice_dev->reg);
+		dev_err(ice_dev->pdev, "%s: %s get failed, err=%d\n",
+			__func__, "vdd-hba-supply", ret);
+	}
+	return ret;
+static void qcom_ice_config_proc_ignore(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	u32 regval;
+	if (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) == 2 &&
+	    ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MINOR) == 0 &&
+	    ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, STEP) == 0) {
+		regval = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev,
+		regval |= 0x800;
+		qcom_ice_writel(ice_dev, regval,
+		/* Ensure register is updated */
+		mb();
+	}
+static void qcom_ice_low_power_mode_enable(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	u32 regval;
+	regval = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_ADVANCED_CONTROL);
+	/*
+	 * Enable low power mode sequence
+	 * [0]-0, [1]-0, [2]-0, [3]-E, [4]-0, [5]-0, [6]-0, [7]-0
+	 */
+	regval |= 0x7000;
+	qcom_ice_writel(ice_dev, regval, QCOM_ICE_REGS_ADVANCED_CONTROL);
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions was completed before issuing next
+	 * ICE initialization/optimization instruction
+	 */
+	mb();
+static void qcom_ice_enable_test_bus_config(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	/*
+	 * Configure & enable ICE_TEST_BUS_REG to reflect ICE intr lines
+	 */
+	u32 regval;
+	if (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) >= 2)
+		return;
+	regval = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_TEST_BUS_CONTROL);
+	regval &= 0x0FFFFFFF;
+	/* TBD: replace 0x2 with define in iceregs.h */
+	regval |= 0x2;
+	qcom_ice_writel(ice_dev, regval, QCOM_ICE_REGS_TEST_BUS_CONTROL);
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions was completed before issuing next
+	 * ICE initialization/optimization instruction
+	 */
+	mb();
+static void qcom_ice_optimization_enable(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	u32 regval;
+	regval = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_ADVANCED_CONTROL);
+	if (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) >= 2)
+		regval |= 0xD807100;
+	else if (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) == 1)
+		regval |= 0x3F007100;
+	/* ICE Optimizations Enable Sequence */
+	udelay(5);
+	/* [0]-0, [1]-0, [2]-8, [3]-E, [4]-0, [5]-0, [6]-F, [7]-A */
+	qcom_ice_writel(ice_dev, regval, QCOM_ICE_REGS_ADVANCED_CONTROL);
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions was completed before issuing next
+	 * ICE initialization/optimization instruction
+	 */
+	mb();
+	/* ICE HPG requires sleep before writing */
+	udelay(5);
+	if (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) == 1) {
+		regval = 0;
+		regval = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_ENDIAN_SWAP);
+		regval |= 0xF;
+		qcom_ice_writel(ice_dev, regval, QCOM_ICE_REGS_ENDIAN_SWAP);
+		/*
+		 * Ensure previous instructions were completed before issue
+		 * next ICE commands
+		 */
+		mb();
+	}
+static int qcom_ice_wait_bist_status(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	int count;
+	u32 reg;
+	/* Poll until all BIST bits are reset */
+	for (count = 0; count < QCOM_ICE_MAX_BIST_CHECK_COUNT; count++) {
+		reg = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_BIST_STATUS);
+		if (!(reg & ICE_BIST_STATUS_MASK))
+			break;
+		udelay(50);
+	}
+	if (reg)
+		return -ETIMEDOUT;
+	return 0;
+static int qcom_ice_enable(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	unsigned int reg;
+	int ret = 0;
+	if ((ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) > 2) ||
+		((ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) == 2) &&
+		 (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MINOR) >= 1)))
+		ret = qcom_ice_wait_bist_status(ice_dev);
+	if (ret) {
+		dev_err(ice_dev->pdev, "BIST status error (%d)\n", ret);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	/* Starting ICE v3 enabling is done at storage controller (UFS/SDCC) */
+	if (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) >= 3)
+		return 0;
+	/*
+	 * To enable ICE, perform following
+	 * 2. Disable GLOBAL_BYPASS bit in ICE_CONTROL register
+	 */
+	reg = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_RESET);
+	if (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) >= 2)
+		reg &= 0x0;
+	else if (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) == 1)
+		reg &= ~0x100;
+	qcom_ice_writel(ice_dev, reg, QCOM_ICE_REGS_RESET);
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions was completed before issuing next
+	 * ICE initialization/optimization instruction
+	 */
+	mb();
+	reg = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_CONTROL);
+	if (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) >= 2)
+		reg &= 0xFFFE;
+	else if (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) == 1)
+		reg &= ~0x7;
+	qcom_ice_writel(ice_dev, reg, QCOM_ICE_REGS_CONTROL);
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions was completed before issuing next
+	 * ICE initialization/optimization instruction
+	 */
+	mb();
+	if ((ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) > 2) ||
+		((ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) == 2) &&
+		 (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MINOR) >= 1))) {
+		reg = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_BYPASS_STATUS);
+		if ((reg & 0x80000000) != 0x0) {
+			pr_err("%s: Bypass failed for ice = %p",
+				__func__, (void *)ice_dev);
+			WARN_ON(1);
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int qcom_ice_verify_ice(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	unsigned int rev;
+	unsigned int maj_rev, min_rev, step_rev;
+	rev = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_VERSION);
+	step_rev = (rev & ICE_CORE_STEP_REV_MASK) >> ICE_CORE_STEP_REV;
+		pr_err("%s: Unknown QC ICE device at %lu, rev %d.%d.%d\n",
+			__func__, (unsigned long)ice_dev->mmio,
+			maj_rev, min_rev, step_rev);
+		return -ENODEV;
+	}
+	ice_dev->ice_hw_version = rev;
+	dev_info(ice_dev->pdev, "QC ICE %d.%d.%d device found @0x%p\n",
+					maj_rev, min_rev, step_rev,
+					ice_dev->mmio);
+	return 0;
+static void qcom_ice_enable_intr(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	unsigned int reg;
+	reg = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_NON_SEC_IRQ_MASK);
+	qcom_ice_writel(ice_dev, reg, QCOM_ICE_REGS_NON_SEC_IRQ_MASK);
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions was completed before issuing next
+	 * ICE initialization/optimization instruction
+	 */
+	mb();
+static void qcom_ice_disable_intr(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	unsigned int reg;
+	reg = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_NON_SEC_IRQ_MASK);
+	qcom_ice_writel(ice_dev, reg, QCOM_ICE_REGS_NON_SEC_IRQ_MASK);
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions was completed before issuing next
+	 * ICE initialization/optimization instruction
+	 */
+	mb();
+static irqreturn_t qcom_ice_isr(int isr, void *data)
+	irqreturn_t retval = IRQ_NONE;
+	u32 status;
+	struct ice_device *ice_dev = data;
+	status = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_NON_SEC_IRQ_STTS);
+	if (status) {
+		ice_dev->error_cb(ice_dev->host_controller_data, status);
+		/* Interrupt has been handled. Clear the IRQ */
+		qcom_ice_writel(ice_dev, status, QCOM_ICE_REGS_NON_SEC_IRQ_CLR);
+		/* Ensure instruction is completed */
+		mb();
+		retval = IRQ_HANDLED;
+	}
+	return retval;
+static void qcom_ice_parse_ice_instance_type(struct platform_device *pdev,
+		struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	int ret = -1;
+	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
+	struct device_node *np = dev->of_node;
+	const char *type;
+	ret = of_property_read_string_index(np, "qcom,instance-type", 0, &type);
+	if (ret) {
+		pr_err("%s: Could not get ICE instance type\n", __func__);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	strlcpy(ice_dev->ice_instance_type, type, QCOM_ICE_TYPE_NAME_LEN);
+	return;
+static int qcom_ice_parse_clock_info(struct platform_device *pdev,
+		struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	int ret = -1, cnt, i, len;
+	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
+	struct device_node *np = dev->of_node;
+	char *name;
+	struct ice_clk_info *clki;
+	u32 *clkfreq = NULL;
+	if (!np)
+		goto out;
+	cnt = of_property_count_strings(np, "clock-names");
+	if (cnt <= 0) {
+		dev_info(dev, "%s: Unable to find clocks, assuming enabled\n",
+				__func__);
+		ret = cnt;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if (!of_get_property(np, "qcom,op-freq-hz", &len)) {
+		dev_info(dev, "qcom,op-freq-hz property not specified\n");
+		goto out;
+	}
+	len = len/sizeof(*clkfreq);
+	if (len != cnt)
+		goto out;
+	clkfreq = devm_kzalloc(dev, len * sizeof(*clkfreq), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!clkfreq) {
+		ret = -ENOMEM;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	ret = of_property_read_u32_array(np, "qcom,op-freq-hz", clkfreq, len);
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ice_dev->clk_list_head);
+	for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
+		ret = of_property_read_string_index(np,
+				"clock-names", i, (const char **)&name);
+		if (ret)
+			goto out;
+		clki = devm_kzalloc(dev, sizeof(*clki), GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (!clki) {
+			ret = -ENOMEM;
+			goto out;
+		}
+		clki->max_freq = clkfreq[i];
+		clki->name = kstrdup(name, GFP_KERNEL);
+		list_add_tail(&clki->list, &ice_dev->clk_list_head);
+	}
+	if (clkfreq)
+		devm_kfree(dev, (void *)clkfreq);
+	return ret;
+static int qcom_ice_get_device_tree_data(struct platform_device *pdev,
+		struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	struct device *dev = &pdev->dev;
+	int rc = -1;
+	int irq;
+	ice_dev->res = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM, 0);
+	if (!ice_dev->res) {
+		pr_err("%s: No memory available for IORESOURCE\n", __func__);
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	ice_dev->mmio = devm_ioremap_resource(dev, ice_dev->res);
+	if (IS_ERR(ice_dev->mmio)) {
+		rc = PTR_ERR(ice_dev->mmio);
+		pr_err("%s: Error = %d mapping ICE io memory\n", __func__, rc);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if (!of_parse_phandle(pdev->dev.of_node, "vdd-hba-supply", 0)) {
+		pr_err("%s: No vdd-hba-supply regulator, assuming not needed\n",
+								 __func__);
+		ice_dev->is_regulator_available = false;
+	} else {
+		ice_dev->is_regulator_available = true;
+	}
+	ice_dev->is_ice_clk_available = of_property_read_bool(
+						(&pdev->dev)->of_node,
+						"qcom,enable-ice-clk");
+	if (ice_dev->is_ice_clk_available) {
+		rc = qcom_ice_parse_clock_info(pdev, ice_dev);
+		if (rc) {
+			pr_err("%s: qcom_ice_parse_clock_info failed (%d)\n",
+				__func__, rc);
+			goto err_dev;
+		}
+	}
+	/* ICE interrupts is only relevant for v2.x */
+	irq = platform_get_irq(pdev, 0);
+	if (irq >= 0) {
+		rc = devm_request_irq(dev, irq, qcom_ice_isr, 0, dev_name(dev),
+				ice_dev);
+		if (rc) {
+			pr_err("%s: devm_request_irq irq=%d failed (%d)\n",
+				__func__, irq, rc);
+			goto err_dev;
+		}
+		ice_dev->irq = irq;
+		pr_info("ICE IRQ = %d\n", ice_dev->irq);
+	} else {
+		dev_dbg(dev, "IRQ resource not available\n");
+	}
+	qcom_ice_parse_ice_instance_type(pdev, ice_dev);
+	return 0;
+	if (rc && ice_dev->mmio)
+		devm_iounmap(dev, ice_dev->mmio);
+	return rc;
+ * ICE HW instance can exist in UFS or eMMC based storage HW
+ * Userspace does not know what kind of ICE it is dealing with.
+ * Though userspace can find which storage device it is booting
+ * from but all kind of storage types dont support ICE from
+ * beginning. So ICE device is created for user space to ping
+ * if ICE exist for that kind of storage
+ */
+static const struct file_operations qcom_ice_fops = {
+	.owner = THIS_MODULE,
+static int register_ice_device(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	int rc = 0;
+	unsigned int baseminor = 0;
+	unsigned int count = 1;
+	struct device *class_dev;
+	int is_sdcc_ice = !strcmp(ice_dev->ice_instance_type, "sdcc");
+	rc = alloc_chrdev_region(&ice_dev->device_no, baseminor, count,
+			is_sdcc_ice ? QCOM_SDCC_ICE_DEV : QCOM_UFS_ICE_DEV);
+	if (rc < 0) {
+		pr_err("alloc_chrdev_region failed %d for %s\n", rc,
+			is_sdcc_ice ? QCOM_SDCC_ICE_DEV : QCOM_UFS_ICE_DEV);
+		return rc;
+	}
+	ice_dev->driver_class = class_create(THIS_MODULE,
+			is_sdcc_ice ? QCOM_SDCC_ICE_DEV : QCOM_UFS_ICE_DEV);
+	if (IS_ERR(ice_dev->driver_class)) {
+		rc = -ENOMEM;
+		pr_err("class_create failed %d for %s\n", rc,
+			is_sdcc_ice ? QCOM_SDCC_ICE_DEV : QCOM_UFS_ICE_DEV);
+		goto exit_unreg_chrdev_region;
+	}
+	class_dev = device_create(ice_dev->driver_class, NULL,
+					ice_dev->device_no, NULL,
+			is_sdcc_ice ? QCOM_SDCC_ICE_DEV : QCOM_UFS_ICE_DEV);
+	if (!class_dev) {
+		pr_err("class_device_create failed %d for %s\n", rc,
+			is_sdcc_ice ? QCOM_SDCC_ICE_DEV : QCOM_UFS_ICE_DEV);
+		rc = -ENOMEM;
+		goto exit_destroy_class;
+	}
+	cdev_init(&ice_dev->cdev, &qcom_ice_fops);
+	ice_dev->cdev.owner = THIS_MODULE;
+	rc = cdev_add(&ice_dev->cdev, MKDEV(MAJOR(ice_dev->device_no), 0), 1);
+	if (rc < 0) {
+		pr_err("cdev_add failed %d for %s\n", rc,
+			is_sdcc_ice ? QCOM_SDCC_ICE_DEV : QCOM_UFS_ICE_DEV);
+		goto exit_destroy_device;
+	}
+	return  0;
+	device_destroy(ice_dev->driver_class, ice_dev->device_no);
+	class_destroy(ice_dev->driver_class);
+	unregister_chrdev_region(ice_dev->device_no, 1);
+	return rc;
+static int qcom_ice_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct ice_device *ice_dev;
+	int rc = 0;
+	if (!pdev) {
+		pr_err("%s: Invalid platform_device passed\n",
+			__func__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ice_dev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ice_device), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!ice_dev) {
+		rc = -ENOMEM;
+		pr_err("%s: Error %d allocating memory for ICE device:\n",
+			__func__, rc);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	ice_dev->pdev = &pdev->dev;
+	if (!ice_dev->pdev) {
+		rc = -EINVAL;
+		pr_err("%s: Invalid device passed in platform_device\n",
+								__func__);
+		goto err_ice_dev;
+	}
+	if (pdev->dev.of_node)
+		rc = qcom_ice_get_device_tree_data(pdev, ice_dev);
+	else {
+		rc = -EINVAL;
+		pr_err("%s: ICE device node not found\n", __func__);
+	}
+	if (rc)
+		goto err_ice_dev;
+	pr_debug("%s: Registering ICE device\n", __func__);
+	rc = register_ice_device(ice_dev);
+	if (rc) {
+		pr_err("create character device failed.\n");
+		goto err_ice_dev;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * If ICE is enabled here, it would be waste of power.
+	 * We would enable ICE when first request for crypto
+	 * operation arrives.
+	 */
+	ice_dev->is_ice_enabled = false;
+	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, ice_dev);
+	list_add_tail(&ice_dev->list, &ice_devices);
+	goto out;
+	kfree(ice_dev);
+	return rc;
+static int qcom_ice_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct ice_device *ice_dev;
+	ice_dev = (struct ice_device *)platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	if (!ice_dev)
+		return 0;
+	qcom_ice_disable_intr(ice_dev);
+	device_init_wakeup(&pdev->dev, false);
+	if (ice_dev->mmio)
+		iounmap(ice_dev->mmio);
+	list_del_init(&ice_dev->list);
+	kfree(ice_dev);
+	return 1;
+static int  qcom_ice_suspend(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	return 0;
+static int qcom_ice_restore_config(void)
+	struct scm_desc desc = {0};
+	int ret;
+	/*
+	 * TZ would check KEYS_RAM_RESET_COMPLETED status bit before processing
+	 * restore config command. This would prevent two calls from HLOS to TZ
+	 * One to check KEYS_RAM_RESET_COMPLETED status bit second to restore
+	 * config
+	 */
+	desc.arginfo = TZ_OS_KS_RESTORE_KEY_ID_PARAM_ID;
+	ret = scm_call2(TZ_OS_KS_RESTORE_KEY_ID, &desc);
+	if (ret)
+		pr_err("%s: Error: 0x%x\n", __func__, ret);
+	return ret;
+static int qcom_ice_restore_key_config(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	struct scm_desc desc = {0};
+	int ret = -1;
+	/* For ice 3, key configuration needs to be restored in case of reset */
+	if (!strcmp(ice_dev->ice_instance_type, "sdcc"))
+		desc.args[0] = QCOM_ICE_SDCC;
+	if (!strcmp(ice_dev->ice_instance_type, "ufs"))
+		desc.args[0] = QCOM_ICE_UFS;
+	ret = scm_call2(TZ_OS_KS_RESTORE_KEY_CONFIG_ID, &desc);
+	if (ret)
+		pr_err("%s: Error:  0x%x\n", __func__, ret);
+	return ret;
+static int qcom_ice_init_clocks(struct ice_device *ice)
+	int ret = -EINVAL;
+	struct ice_clk_info *clki;
+	struct device *dev = ice->pdev;
+	struct list_head *head = &ice->clk_list_head;
+	if (!head || list_empty(head)) {
+		dev_err(dev, "%s:ICE Clock list null/empty\n", __func__);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	list_for_each_entry(clki, head, list) {
+		if (!clki->name)
+			continue;
+		clki->clk = devm_clk_get(dev, clki->name);
+		if (IS_ERR(clki->clk)) {
+			ret = PTR_ERR(clki->clk);
+			dev_err(dev, "%s: %s clk get failed, %d\n",
+					__func__, clki->name, ret);
+			goto out;
+		}
+		/* Not all clocks would have a rate to be set */
+		ret = 0;
+		if (clki->max_freq) {
+			ret = clk_set_rate(clki->clk, clki->max_freq);
+			if (ret) {
+				dev_err(dev,
+				"%s: %s clk set rate(%dHz) failed, %d\n",
+						__func__, clki->name,
+				clki->max_freq, ret);
+				goto out;
+			}
+			clki->curr_freq = clki->max_freq;
+			dev_dbg(dev, "%s: clk: %s, rate: %lu\n", __func__,
+				clki->name, clk_get_rate(clki->clk));
+		}
+	}
+	return ret;
+static int qcom_ice_enable_clocks(struct ice_device *ice, bool enable)
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct ice_clk_info *clki;
+	struct device *dev = ice->pdev;
+	struct list_head *head = &ice->clk_list_head;
+	if (!head || list_empty(head)) {
+		dev_err(dev, "%s:ICE Clock list null/empty\n", __func__);
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if (!ice->is_ice_clk_available) {
+		dev_err(dev, "%s:ICE Clock not available\n", __func__);
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	list_for_each_entry(clki, head, list) {
+		if (!clki->name)
+			continue;
+		if (enable)
+			ret = clk_prepare_enable(clki->clk);
+		else
+			clk_disable_unprepare(clki->clk);
+		if (ret) {
+			dev_err(dev, "Unable to %s ICE core clk\n",
+				enable?"enable":"disable");
+			goto out;
+		}
+	}
+	return ret;
+static int qcom_ice_secure_ice_init(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	/* We need to enable source for ICE secure interrupts */
+	int ret = 0;
+	u32 regval;
+	regval = scm_io_read((unsigned long)ice_dev->res +
+	regval &= ~QCOM_ICE_SEC_IRQ_MASK;
+	ret = scm_io_write((unsigned long)ice_dev->res +
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions was completed before issuing next
+	 * ICE initialization/optimization instruction
+	 */
+	mb();
+	if (!ret)
+		pr_err("%s: failed(0x%x) to init secure ICE config\n",
+								__func__, ret);
+	return ret;
+static int qcom_ice_update_sec_cfg(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	int ret = 0, scm_ret = 0;
+	/* scm command buffer structure */
+	struct qcom_scm_cmd_buf {
+		unsigned int device_id;
+		unsigned int spare;
+	} cbuf = {0};
+	/*
+	 * Ideally, we should check ICE version to decide whether to proceed or
+	 * or not. Since version wont be available when this function is called
+	 * we need to depend upon is_ice_clk_available to decide
+	 */
+	if (ice_dev->is_ice_clk_available)
+		goto out;
+	/*
+	 * Store dev_id in ice_device structure so that emmc/ufs cases can be
+	 * handled properly
+	 */
+	#define RESTORE_SEC_CFG_CMD	0x2
+	#define ICE_TZ_DEV_ID	20
+	cbuf.device_id = ICE_TZ_DEV_ID;
+	ret = scm_restore_sec_cfg(cbuf.device_id, cbuf.spare, &scm_ret);
+	if (ret || scm_ret) {
+		pr_err("%s: failed, ret %d scm_ret %d\n",
+						__func__, ret, scm_ret);
+		if (!ret)
+			ret = scm_ret;
+	}
+	return ret;
+static int qcom_ice_finish_init(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	unsigned int reg;
+	int err = 0;
+	if (!ice_dev) {
+		pr_err("%s: Null data received\n", __func__);
+		err = -ENODEV;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if (ice_dev->is_ice_clk_available) {
+		err = qcom_ice_init_clocks(ice_dev);
+		if (err)
+			goto out;
+		err = qcom_ice_bus_register(ice_dev);
+		if (err)
+			goto out;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * It is possible that ICE device is not probed when host is probed
+	 * This would cause host probe to be deferred. When probe for host is
+	 * deferred, it can cause power collapse for host and that can wipe
+	 * configurations of host & ice. It is prudent to restore the config
+	 */
+	err = qcom_ice_update_sec_cfg(ice_dev);
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
+	err = qcom_ice_verify_ice(ice_dev);
+	if (err)
+		goto out;
+	/* if ICE_DISABLE_FUSE is blown, return immediately
+	 * Currently, FORCE HW Keys are also disabled, since
+	 * there is no use case for their usage neither in FDE
+	 * nor in PFE
+	 */
+	reg = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_FUSE_SETTING);
+	if (reg) {
+		ice_dev->is_ice_disable_fuse_blown = true;
+		pr_err("%s: Error: ICE_ERROR_HW_DISABLE_FUSE_BLOWN\n",
+								__func__);
+		err = -EPERM;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* TZ side of ICE driver would handle secure init of ICE HW from v2 */
+	if (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) == 1 &&
+		!qcom_ice_secure_ice_init(ice_dev)) {
+		pr_err("%s: Error: ICE_ERROR_ICE_TZ_INIT_FAILED\n", __func__);
+		err = -EFAULT;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	qcom_ice_low_power_mode_enable(ice_dev);
+	qcom_ice_optimization_enable(ice_dev);
+	qcom_ice_config_proc_ignore(ice_dev);
+	qcom_ice_enable_test_bus_config(ice_dev);
+	qcom_ice_enable(ice_dev);
+	ice_dev->is_ice_enabled = true;
+	qcom_ice_enable_intr(ice_dev);
+	return err;
+static int qcom_ice_init(struct platform_device *pdev,
+			void *host_controller_data,
+			ice_error_cb error_cb)
+	/*
+	 * A completion event for host controller would be triggered upon
+	 * initialization completion
+	 * When ICE is initialized, it would put ICE into Global Bypass mode
+	 * When any request for data transfer is received, it would enable
+	 * the ICE for that particular request
+	 */
+	struct ice_device *ice_dev;
+	ice_dev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	if (!ice_dev) {
+		pr_err("%s: invalid device\n", __func__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ice_dev->error_cb = error_cb;
+	ice_dev->host_controller_data = host_controller_data;
+	return qcom_ice_finish_init(ice_dev);
+static int qcom_ice_finish_power_collapse(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	int err = 0;
+	if (ice_dev->is_ice_disable_fuse_blown) {
+		err = -EPERM;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if (ice_dev->is_ice_enabled) {
+		/*
+		 * ICE resets into global bypass mode with optimization and
+		 * low power mode disabled. Hence we need to redo those seq's.
+		 */
+		qcom_ice_low_power_mode_enable(ice_dev);
+		qcom_ice_enable_test_bus_config(ice_dev);
+		qcom_ice_optimization_enable(ice_dev);
+		qcom_ice_enable(ice_dev);
+		if (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) == 1) {
+			/*
+			 * When ICE resets, it wipes all of keys from LUTs
+			 * ICE driver should call TZ to restore keys
+			 */
+			if (qcom_ice_restore_config()) {
+				err = -EFAULT;
+				goto out;
+			}
+		/*
+		 * ICE looses its key configuration when UFS is reset,
+		 * restore it
+		 */
+		} else if (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) > 2) {
+			err = qcom_ice_restore_key_config(ice_dev);
+			if (err)
+				goto out;
+			/*
+			 * for PFE case, clear the cached ICE key table,
+			 * this will force keys to be reconfigured
+			 * per each next transaction
+			 */
+			pfk_clear_on_reset();
+		}
+	}
+	ice_dev->ice_reset_complete_time = ktime_get();
+	return err;
+static int qcom_ice_resume(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	/*
+	 * ICE is power collapsed when storage controller is power collapsed
+	 * ICE resume function is responsible for:
+	 * ICE HW enabling sequence
+	 * Key restoration
+	 * A completion event should be triggered
+	 * upon resume completion
+	 * Storage driver will be fully operational only
+	 * after receiving this event
+	 */
+	struct ice_device *ice_dev;
+	ice_dev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	if (!ice_dev)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (ice_dev->is_ice_clk_available) {
+		/*
+		 * Storage is calling this function after power collapse which
+		 * would put ICE into GLOBAL_BYPASS mode. Make sure to enable
+		 * ICE
+		 */
+		qcom_ice_enable(ice_dev);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static void qcom_ice_dump_test_bus(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	u32 reg = 0x1;
+	u32 val;
+	u8 bus_selector;
+	u8 stream_selector;
+	pr_err("ICE TEST BUS DUMP:\n");
+	for (bus_selector = 0; bus_selector <= 0xF;  bus_selector++) {
+		reg = 0x1;	/* enable test bus */
+		reg |= bus_selector << 28;
+		if (bus_selector == 0xD)
+			continue;
+		qcom_ice_writel(ice_dev, reg, QCOM_ICE_REGS_TEST_BUS_CONTROL);
+		/*
+		 * make sure test bus selector is written before reading
+		 * the test bus register
+		 */
+		mb();
+		val = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_TEST_BUS_REG);
+		pr_err("ICE_TEST_BUS_CONTROL: 0x%08x | ICE_TEST_BUS_REG: 0x%08x\n",
+			reg, val);
+	}
+	for (stream_selector = 0; stream_selector <= 0xF; stream_selector++) {
+		reg = 0xD0000001;	/* enable stream test bus */
+		reg |= stream_selector << 16;
+		qcom_ice_writel(ice_dev, reg, QCOM_ICE_REGS_TEST_BUS_CONTROL);
+		/*
+		 * make sure test bus selector is written before reading
+		 * the test bus register
+		 */
+		mb();
+		val = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_TEST_BUS_REG);
+		pr_err("ICE_TEST_BUS_CONTROL: 0x%08x | ICE_TEST_BUS_REG: 0x%08x\n",
+			reg, val);
+	}
+static void qcom_ice_debug(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct ice_device *ice_dev;
+	if (!pdev) {
+		pr_err("%s: Invalid params passed\n", __func__);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	ice_dev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	if (!ice_dev) {
+		pr_err("%s: No ICE device available\n", __func__);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if (!ice_dev->is_ice_enabled) {
+		pr_err("%s: ICE device is not enabled\n", __func__);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	pr_err("%s: =========== REGISTER DUMP (%p)===========\n",
+			ice_dev->ice_instance_type, ice_dev);
+	pr_err("%s: ICE Control: 0x%08x | ICE Reset: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_CONTROL),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_RESET));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE Version: 0x%08x | ICE FUSE:  0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_VERSION),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_FUSE_SETTING));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE Param1: 0x%08x | ICE Param2:  0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_PARAMETERS_1),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_PARAMETERS_2));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE Param3: 0x%08x | ICE Param4:  0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_PARAMETERS_3),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_PARAMETERS_4));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE Param5: 0x%08x | ICE IRQ STTS:  0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_PARAMETERS_5),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_NON_SEC_IRQ_STTS));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE IRQ MASK: 0x%08x | ICE IRQ CLR:  0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_NON_SEC_IRQ_MASK),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_NON_SEC_IRQ_CLR));
+	if (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) > 2) {
+		pr_err("%s: ICE INVALID CCFG ERR STTS: 0x%08x\n",
+			ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+			qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev,
+	}
+	if ((ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) > 2) ||
+		((ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MAJOR) == 2) &&
+		 (ICE_REV(ice_dev->ice_hw_version, MINOR) >= 1))) {
+		pr_err("%s: ICE BIST Sts: 0x%08x | ICE Bypass Sts:  0x%08x\n",
+			ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+			qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_BIST_STATUS),
+			qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_BYPASS_STATUS));
+	}
+	pr_err("%s: ICE ADV CTRL: 0x%08x | ICE ENDIAN SWAP:  0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_ADVANCED_CONTROL),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_ENDIAN_SWAP));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM1_ERR_SYND1: 0x%08x | ICE_STM1_ERR_SYND2: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_ERROR_SYNDROME1),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_ERROR_SYNDROME2));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM2_ERR_SYND1: 0x%08x | ICE_STM2_ERR_SYND2: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_ERROR_SYNDROME1),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_ERROR_SYNDROME2));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM1_COUNTER1: 0x%08x | ICE_STM1_COUNTER2: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_COUNTERS1),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_COUNTERS2));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM1_COUNTER3: 0x%08x | ICE_STM1_COUNTER4: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_COUNTERS3),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_COUNTERS4));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM2_COUNTER1: 0x%08x | ICE_STM2_COUNTER2: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_COUNTERS1),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_COUNTERS2));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM2_COUNTER3: 0x%08x | ICE_STM2_COUNTER4: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_COUNTERS3),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_COUNTERS4));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM1_CTR5_MSB: 0x%08x | ICE_STM1_CTR5_LSB: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_COUNTERS5_MSB),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_COUNTERS5_LSB));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM1_CTR6_MSB: 0x%08x | ICE_STM1_CTR6_LSB: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_COUNTERS6_MSB),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_COUNTERS6_LSB));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM1_CTR7_MSB: 0x%08x | ICE_STM1_CTR7_LSB: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_COUNTERS7_MSB),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_COUNTERS7_LSB));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM1_CTR8_MSB: 0x%08x | ICE_STM1_CTR8_LSB: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_COUNTERS8_MSB),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_COUNTERS8_LSB));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM1_CTR9_MSB: 0x%08x | ICE_STM1_CTR9_LSB: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_COUNTERS9_MSB),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM1_COUNTERS9_LSB));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM2_CTR5_MSB: 0x%08x | ICE_STM2_CTR5_LSB: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_COUNTERS5_MSB),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_COUNTERS5_LSB));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM2_CTR6_MSB: 0x%08x | ICE_STM2_CTR6_LSB: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_COUNTERS6_MSB),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_COUNTERS6_LSB));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM2_CTR7_MSB: 0x%08x | ICE_STM2_CTR7_LSB: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_COUNTERS7_MSB),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_COUNTERS7_LSB));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM2_CTR8_MSB: 0x%08x | ICE_STM2_CTR8_LSB: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_COUNTERS8_MSB),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_COUNTERS8_LSB));
+	pr_err("%s: ICE_STM2_CTR9_MSB: 0x%08x | ICE_STM2_CTR9_LSB: 0x%08x\n",
+		ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_COUNTERS9_MSB),
+		qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev, QCOM_ICE_REGS_STREAM2_COUNTERS9_LSB));
+	qcom_ice_dump_test_bus(ice_dev);
+	pr_err("%s: ICE reset start time: %llu ICE reset done time: %llu\n",
+			ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+		(unsigned long long)ice_dev->ice_reset_start_time.tv64,
+		(unsigned long long)ice_dev->ice_reset_complete_time.tv64);
+	if (ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(ice_dev->ice_reset_complete_time,
+				  ice_dev->ice_reset_start_time)) > 0)
+		pr_err("%s: Time taken for reset: %lu\n",
+			ice_dev->ice_instance_type,
+			(unsigned long)ktime_to_us(ktime_sub(
+					ice_dev->ice_reset_complete_time,
+					ice_dev->ice_reset_start_time)));
+	return;
+static int qcom_ice_reset(struct  platform_device *pdev)
+	struct ice_device *ice_dev;
+	ice_dev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	if (!ice_dev) {
+		pr_err("%s: INVALID ice_dev\n", __func__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ice_dev->ice_reset_start_time = ktime_get();
+	return qcom_ice_finish_power_collapse(ice_dev);
+static int qcom_ice_config_start(struct platform_device *pdev,
+		struct request *req,
+		struct ice_data_setting *setting, bool async)
+	struct ice_crypto_setting *crypto_data;
+	struct ice_crypto_setting pfk_crypto_data = {0};
+	union map_info *info;
+	int ret = 0;
+	bool is_pfe = false;
+	if (!pdev || !req || !setting) {
+		pr_err("%s: Invalid params passed\n", __func__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * It is not an error to have a request with no  bio
+	 * Such requests must bypass ICE. So first set bypass and then
+	 * return if bio is not available in request
+	 */
+	if (setting) {
+		setting->encr_bypass = true;
+		setting->decr_bypass = true;
+	}
+	if (!req->bio) {
+		/* It is not an error to have a request with no  bio */
+		return 0;
+	}
+	ret = pfk_load_key_start(req->bio, &pfk_crypto_data, &is_pfe, async);
+	if (is_pfe) {
+		if (ret) {
+			if (ret != -EBUSY && ret != -EAGAIN)
+				pr_err("%s error %d while configuring ice key for PFE\n",
+						__func__, ret);
+			return ret;
+		}
+		return qti_ice_setting_config(req, pdev,
+				&pfk_crypto_data, setting);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * info field in req->end_io_data could be used by mulitple dm or
+	 * non-dm entities. To ensure that we are running operation on dm
+	 * based request, check BIO_DONT_FREE flag
+	 */
+	if (bio_flagged(req->bio, BIO_INLINECRYPT)) {
+		info = dm_get_rq_mapinfo(req);
+		if (!info) {
+			pr_debug("%s info not available in request\n",
+				 __func__);
+			return 0;
+		}
+		crypto_data = (struct ice_crypto_setting *)info->ptr;
+		if (!crypto_data) {
+			pr_err("%s crypto_data not available in request\n",
+				 __func__);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		return qti_ice_setting_config(req, pdev,
+				crypto_data, setting);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * It is not an error. If target is not req-crypt based, all request
+	 * from storage driver would come here to check if there is any ICE
+	 * setting required
+	 */
+	return 0;
+static int qcom_ice_config_end(struct request *req)
+	int ret = 0;
+	bool is_pfe = false;
+	if (!req) {
+		pr_err("%s: Invalid params passed\n", __func__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (!req->bio) {
+		/* It is not an error to have a request with no  bio */
+		return 0;
+	}
+	ret = pfk_load_key_end(req->bio, &is_pfe);
+	if (is_pfe) {
+		if (ret != 0)
+			pr_err("%s error %d while end configuring ice key for PFE\n",
+								__func__, ret);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int qcom_ice_status(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct ice_device *ice_dev;
+	unsigned int test_bus_reg_status;
+	if (!pdev) {
+		pr_err("%s: Invalid params passed\n", __func__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ice_dev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	if (!ice_dev)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	if (!ice_dev->is_ice_enabled)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	test_bus_reg_status = qcom_ice_readl(ice_dev,
+	return !!(test_bus_reg_status & QCOM_ICE_TEST_BUS_REG_NON_SECURE_INTR);
+struct qcom_ice_variant_ops qcom_ice_ops = {
+	.name             = "qcom",
+	.init             = qcom_ice_init,
+	.reset            = qcom_ice_reset,
+	.resume           = qcom_ice_resume,
+	.suspend          = qcom_ice_suspend,
+	.config_start     = qcom_ice_config_start,
+	.config_end       = qcom_ice_config_end,
+	.status           = qcom_ice_status,
+	.debug            = qcom_ice_debug,
+struct platform_device *qcom_ice_get_pdevice(struct device_node *node)
+	struct platform_device *ice_pdev = NULL;
+	struct ice_device *ice_dev = NULL;
+	if (!node) {
+		pr_err("%s: invalid node %p", __func__, node);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if (!of_device_is_available(node)) {
+		pr_err("%s: device unavailable\n", __func__);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	if (list_empty(&ice_devices)) {
+		pr_err("%s: invalid device list\n", __func__);
+		ice_pdev = ERR_PTR(-EPROBE_DEFER);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	list_for_each_entry(ice_dev, &ice_devices, list) {
+		if (ice_dev->pdev->of_node == node) {
+			pr_info("%s: found ice device %p\n", __func__, ice_dev);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	ice_pdev = to_platform_device(ice_dev->pdev);
+	pr_info("%s: matching platform device %p\n", __func__, ice_pdev);
+	return ice_pdev;
+static struct ice_device *get_ice_device_from_storage_type
+					(const char *storage_type)
+	struct ice_device *ice_dev = NULL;
+	if (list_empty(&ice_devices)) {
+		pr_err("%s: invalid device list\n", __func__);
+		ice_dev = ERR_PTR(-EPROBE_DEFER);
+		goto out;
+	}
+	list_for_each_entry(ice_dev, &ice_devices, list) {
+		if (!strcmp(ice_dev->ice_instance_type, storage_type)) {
+			pr_info("%s: found ice device %p\n", __func__, ice_dev);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	return ice_dev;
+static int enable_ice_setup(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	int ret = -1, vote;
+	/* Setup Regulator */
+	if (ice_dev->is_regulator_available) {
+		if (qcom_ice_get_vreg(ice_dev)) {
+			pr_err("%s: Could not get regulator\n", __func__);
+			goto out;
+		}
+		ret = regulator_enable(ice_dev->reg);
+		if (ret) {
+			pr_err("%s:%p: Could not enable regulator\n",
+					__func__, ice_dev);
+			goto out;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Setup Clocks */
+	if (qcom_ice_enable_clocks(ice_dev, true)) {
+		pr_err("%s:%p:%s Could not enable clocks\n", __func__,
+				ice_dev, ice_dev->ice_instance_type);
+		goto out_reg;
+	}
+	/* Setup Bus Vote */
+	vote = qcom_ice_get_bus_vote(ice_dev, "MAX");
+	if (vote < 0)
+		goto out_clocks;
+	ret = qcom_ice_set_bus_vote(ice_dev, vote);
+	if (ret) {
+		pr_err("%s:%p: failed %d\n", __func__, ice_dev, ret);
+		goto out_clocks;
+	}
+	return ret;
+	qcom_ice_enable_clocks(ice_dev, false);
+	if (ice_dev->is_regulator_available) {
+		if (qcom_ice_get_vreg(ice_dev)) {
+			pr_err("%s: Could not get regulator\n", __func__);
+			goto out;
+		}
+		ret = regulator_disable(ice_dev->reg);
+		if (ret) {
+			pr_err("%s:%pK: Could not disable regulator\n",
+					__func__, ice_dev);
+			goto out;
+		}
+	}
+	return ret;
+static int disable_ice_setup(struct ice_device *ice_dev)
+	int ret = -1, vote;
+	/* Setup Bus Vote */
+	vote = qcom_ice_get_bus_vote(ice_dev, "MIN");
+	if (vote < 0) {
+		pr_err("%s:%p: Unable to get bus vote\n", __func__, ice_dev);
+		goto out_disable_clocks;
+	}
+	ret = qcom_ice_set_bus_vote(ice_dev, vote);
+	if (ret)
+		pr_err("%s:%p: failed %d\n", __func__, ice_dev, ret);
+	/* Setup Clocks */
+	if (qcom_ice_enable_clocks(ice_dev, false))
+		pr_err("%s:%p:%s Could not disable clocks\n", __func__,
+				ice_dev, ice_dev->ice_instance_type);
+	/* Setup Regulator */
+	if (ice_dev->is_regulator_available) {
+		if (qcom_ice_get_vreg(ice_dev)) {
+			pr_err("%s: Could not get regulator\n", __func__);
+			goto out;
+		}
+		ret = regulator_disable(ice_dev->reg);
+		if (ret) {
+			pr_err("%s:%p: Could not disable regulator\n",
+					__func__, ice_dev);
+			goto out;
+		}
+	}
+	return ret;
+int qcom_ice_setup_ice_hw(const char *storage_type, int enable)
+	int ret = -1;
+	struct ice_device *ice_dev = NULL;
+	ice_dev = get_ice_device_from_storage_type(storage_type);
+	if (ice_dev == ERR_PTR(-EPROBE_DEFER))
+		return -EPROBE_DEFER;
+	if (!ice_dev)
+		return ret;
+	if (enable)
+		return enable_ice_setup(ice_dev);
+	else
+		return disable_ice_setup(ice_dev);
+struct qcom_ice_variant_ops *qcom_ice_get_variant_ops(struct device_node *node)
+	return &qcom_ice_ops;
+/* Following struct is required to match device with driver from dts file */
+static const struct of_device_id qcom_ice_match[] = {
+	{ .compatible = "qcom,ice" },
+	{},
+MODULE_DEVICE_TABLE(of, qcom_ice_match);
+static struct platform_driver qcom_ice_driver = {
+	.probe          = qcom_ice_probe,
+	.remove         = qcom_ice_remove,
+	.driver         = {
+		.owner  = THIS_MODULE,
+		.name   = "qcom_ice",
+		.of_match_table = qcom_ice_match,
+	},
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("QTI Inline Crypto Engine driver");
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/msm/iceregs.h b/drivers/crypto/msm/iceregs.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b63e7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/msm/iceregs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+/* Register bits for ICE version */
+#define ICE_CORE_STEP_REV		0 /* bit 15-0 */
+#define ICE_CORE_MAJOR_REV_MASK		0xFF000000
+#define ICE_CORE_MAJOR_REV		24 /* bit 31-24 */
+#define ICE_CORE_MINOR_REV_MASK		0xFF0000
+#define ICE_CORE_MINOR_REV		16 /* bit 23-16 */
+#define ICE_BIST_STATUS_MASK		(0xF0000000)	/* bits 28-31 */
+#define ICE_FUSE_SETTING_MASK			0x1
+/* QCOM ICE Registers from SWI */
+#define QCOM_ICE_REGS_CONTROL			0x0000
+#define QCOM_ICE_REGS_RESET			0x0004
+#define QCOM_ICE_REGS_VERSION			0x0008
+#define QCOM_ICE_REGS_PARAMETERS_1		0x0014
+#define QCOM_ICE_REGS_PARAMETERS_2		0x0018
+#define QCOM_ICE_REGS_PARAMETERS_4		0x0020
+#define QCOM_ICE_REGS_PARAMETERS_5		0x0024
+/* QCOM ICE v3.X only */
+#define QCOM_ICE_GENERAL_ERR_STTS		0x0040
+#define QCOM_ICE_GENERAL_ERR_MASK		0x0044
+/* QCOM ICE v2.X only */
+#define QCOM_ICE_REGS_NON_SEC_IRQ_CLR		0x0048
+#define QCOM_ICE_REGS_BIST_STATUS		0x0070
+#define QCOM_ICE_REGS_ENDIAN_SWAP		0x1004
+#define QCOM_ICE_REGS_TEST_BUS_REG		0x1014
+/* QCOM ICE registers from secure side */
+#define QCOM_ICE_TEST_BUS_REG_SECURE_INTR            (1L << 28)
+#define QCOM_ICE_TEST_BUS_REG_NON_SECURE_INTR        (1L << 2)
+#define QCOM_ICE_QCOMC_DBG_OPEN_EVENT			(1L << 30)
+#define QCOM_ICE_SEC_IRQ_MASK					  \
+#define qcom_ice_writel(ice, val, reg)	\
+	writel_relaxed((val), (ice)->mmio + (reg))
+#define qcom_ice_readl(ice, reg)	\
+	readl_relaxed((ice)->mmio + (reg))
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/msm/ota_crypto.c b/drivers/crypto/msm/ota_crypto.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a2a51d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/msm/ota_crypto.c
@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2010-2014,2017 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ */
+/* QTI Over the Air (OTA) Crypto driver */
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/dmapool.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/miscdevice.h>
+#include <linux/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/debugfs.h>
+#include <linux/cache.h>
+#include <linux/qcota.h>
+#include "qce.h"
+#include "qce_ota.h"
+enum qce_ota_oper_enum {
+	QCE_OTA_F8_OPER   = 0,
+	QCE_OTA_F9_OPER  = 2,
+struct ota_dev_control;
+struct ota_async_req {
+	struct list_head rlist;
+	struct completion complete;
+	int err;
+	enum qce_ota_oper_enum op;
+	union {
+		struct qce_f9_req f9_req;
+		struct qce_f8_req f8_req;
+		struct qce_f8_multi_pkt_req f8_mp_req;
+		struct qce_f8_varible_multi_pkt_req f8_v_mp_req;
+	} req;
+	unsigned int steps;
+	struct ota_qce_dev  *pqce;
+ * Register ourselves as a misc device to be able to access the ota
+ * from userspace.
+ */
+#define QCOTA_DEV	"qcota"
+struct ota_dev_control {
+	/* misc device */
+	struct miscdevice miscdevice;
+	struct list_head ready_commands;
+	unsigned int magic;
+	struct list_head qce_dev;
+	spinlock_t lock;
+	struct mutex register_lock;
+	bool registered;
+	uint32_t total_units;
+struct ota_qce_dev {
+	struct list_head qlist;
+	/* qce handle */
+	void *qce;
+	/* platform device */
+	struct platform_device *pdev;
+	struct ota_async_req *active_command;
+	struct tasklet_struct done_tasklet;
+	struct ota_dev_control *podev;
+	uint32_t unit;
+	u64 total_req;
+	u64 err_req;
+#define OTA_MAGIC 0x4f544143
+static long qcota_ioctl(struct file *file,
+			  unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
+static int qcota_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
+static int qcota_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
+static int start_req(struct ota_qce_dev *pqce, struct ota_async_req *areq);
+static void f8_cb(void *cookie, unsigned char *icv, unsigned char *iv, int ret);
+static const struct file_operations qcota_fops = {
+	.owner = THIS_MODULE,
+	.unlocked_ioctl = qcota_ioctl,
+	.open = qcota_open,
+	.release = qcota_release,
+static struct ota_dev_control qcota_dev = {
+	.miscdevice = {
+			.minor = MISC_DYNAMIC_MINOR,
+			.name = "qcota0",
+			.fops = &qcota_fops,
+	},
+	.magic = OTA_MAGIC,
+#define DEBUG_MAX_FNAME  16
+#define DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF 1024
+struct qcota_stat {
+	u64 f8_req;
+	u64 f8_mp_req;
+	u64 f8_v_mp_req;
+	u64 f9_req;
+	u64 f8_op_success;
+	u64 f8_op_fail;
+	u64 f8_mp_op_success;
+	u64 f8_mp_op_fail;
+	u64 f8_v_mp_op_success;
+	u64 f8_v_mp_op_fail;
+	u64 f9_op_success;
+	u64 f9_op_fail;
+static struct qcota_stat _qcota_stat;
+static struct dentry *_debug_dent;
+static char _debug_read_buf[DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF];
+static int _debug_qcota;
+static struct ota_dev_control *qcota_control(void)
+	return &qcota_dev;
+static int qcota_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+	struct ota_dev_control *podev;
+	podev = qcota_control();
+	if (podev == NULL) {
+		pr_err("%s: no such device %d\n", __func__,
+				MINOR(inode->i_rdev));
+		return -ENOENT;
+	}
+	file->private_data = podev;
+	return 0;
+static int qcota_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+	struct ota_dev_control *podev;
+	podev =  file->private_data;
+	if (podev != NULL && podev->magic != OTA_MAGIC) {
+		pr_err("%s: invalid handle %p\n",
+			__func__, podev);
+	}
+	file->private_data = NULL;
+	return 0;
+static bool  _next_v_mp_req(struct ota_async_req *areq)
+	unsigned char *p;
+	if (areq->err)
+		return false;
+	if (++areq->steps >= areq->req.f8_v_mp_req.num_pkt)
+		return false;
+	p = areq->req.f8_v_mp_req.qce_f8_req.data_in;
+	p += areq->req.f8_v_mp_req.qce_f8_req.data_len;
+	p = (uint8_t *) ALIGN(((uintptr_t)p), L1_CACHE_BYTES);
+	areq->req.f8_v_mp_req.qce_f8_req.data_out = p;
+	areq->req.f8_v_mp_req.qce_f8_req.data_in = p;
+	areq->req.f8_v_mp_req.qce_f8_req.data_len =
+		areq->req.f8_v_mp_req.cipher_iov[areq->steps].size;
+	areq->req.f8_v_mp_req.qce_f8_req.count_c++;
+	return true;
+static void req_done(unsigned long data)
+	struct ota_qce_dev *pqce = (struct ota_qce_dev *)data;
+	struct ota_dev_control *podev = pqce->podev;
+	struct ota_async_req *areq;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	struct ota_async_req *new_req = NULL;
+	int ret = 0;
+	bool schedule = true;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&podev->lock, flags);
+	areq = pqce->active_command;
+	if (unlikely(areq == NULL))
+		pr_err("ota_crypto: req_done, no active request\n");
+	else if (areq->op == QCE_OTA_VAR_MPKT_F8_OPER) {
+		if (_next_v_mp_req(areq)) {
+			/* execute next subcommand */
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&podev->lock, flags);
+			ret = start_req(pqce, areq);
+			if (unlikely(ret)) {
+				areq->err = ret;
+				schedule = true;
+				spin_lock_irqsave(&podev->lock, flags);
+			} else {
+				areq = NULL;
+				schedule = false;
+			}
+		} else {
+			/* done with this variable mp req */
+			schedule = true;
+		}
+	}
+	while (schedule) {
+		if (!list_empty(&podev->ready_commands)) {
+			new_req = container_of(podev->,
+						struct ota_async_req, rlist);
+			list_del(&new_req->rlist);
+			pqce->active_command = new_req;
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&podev->lock, flags);
+			new_req->err = 0;
+			/* start a new request */
+			ret = start_req(pqce, new_req);
+			if (unlikely(new_req && ret)) {
+				new_req->err = ret;
+				complete(&new_req->complete);
+				ret = 0;
+				new_req = NULL;
+				spin_lock_irqsave(&podev->lock, flags);
+			} else {
+				schedule = false;
+			}
+		} else {
+			pqce->active_command = NULL;
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&podev->lock, flags);
+			schedule = false;
+		};
+	}
+	if (areq)
+		complete(&areq->complete);
+static void f9_cb(void *cookie, unsigned char *icv, unsigned char *iv,
+	int ret)
+	struct ota_async_req *areq = (struct ota_async_req *) cookie;
+	struct ota_qce_dev *pqce;
+	pqce = areq->pqce;
+	areq->req.f9_req.mac_i  = *((uint32_t *)icv);
+	if (ret) {
+		pqce->err_req++;
+		areq->err = -ENXIO;
+	} else
+		areq->err = 0;
+	tasklet_schedule(&pqce->done_tasklet);
+static void f8_cb(void *cookie, unsigned char *icv, unsigned char *iv,
+	int ret)
+	struct ota_async_req *areq = (struct ota_async_req *) cookie;
+	struct ota_qce_dev *pqce;
+	pqce = areq->pqce;
+	if (ret) {
+		pqce->err_req++;
+		areq->err = -ENXIO;
+	} else {
+		areq->err = 0;
+	}
+	tasklet_schedule(&pqce->done_tasklet);
+static int start_req(struct ota_qce_dev *pqce, struct ota_async_req *areq)
+	struct qce_f9_req *pf9;
+	struct qce_f8_multi_pkt_req *p_mp_f8;
+	struct qce_f8_req *pf8;
+	int ret = 0;
+	/* command should be on the podev->active_command */
+	areq->pqce = pqce;
+	switch (areq->op) {
+	case QCE_OTA_F8_OPER:
+		pf8 = &areq->req.f8_req;
+		ret = qce_f8_req(pqce->qce, pf8, areq, f8_cb);
+		break;
+		p_mp_f8 = &areq->req.f8_mp_req;
+		ret = qce_f8_multi_pkt_req(pqce->qce, p_mp_f8, areq, f8_cb);
+		break;
+	case QCE_OTA_F9_OPER:
+		pf9 = &areq->req.f9_req;
+		ret =  qce_f9_req(pqce->qce, pf9, areq, f9_cb);
+		break;
+		pf8 = &areq->req.f8_v_mp_req.qce_f8_req;
+		ret = qce_f8_req(pqce->qce, pf8, areq, f8_cb);
+		break;
+	default:
+		ret = -ENOTSUPP;
+		break;
+	};
+	areq->err = ret;
+	pqce->total_req++;
+	if (ret)
+		pqce->err_req++;
+	return ret;
+static struct ota_qce_dev *schedule_qce(struct ota_dev_control *podev)
+	/* do this function with spinlock set */
+	struct ota_qce_dev *p;
+	if (unlikely(list_empty(&podev->qce_dev))) {
+		pr_err("%s: no valid qce to schedule\n", __func__);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	list_for_each_entry(p, &podev->qce_dev, qlist) {
+		if (p->active_command == NULL)
+			return p;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+static int submit_req(struct ota_async_req *areq, struct ota_dev_control *podev)
+	unsigned long flags;
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct qcota_stat *pstat;
+	struct ota_qce_dev *pqce;
+	areq->err = 0;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&podev->lock, flags);
+	pqce = schedule_qce(podev);
+	if (pqce) {
+		pqce->active_command = areq;
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&podev->lock, flags);
+		ret = start_req(pqce, areq);
+		if (ret != 0) {
+			spin_lock_irqsave(&podev->lock, flags);
+			pqce->active_command = NULL;
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&podev->lock, flags);
+		}
+	} else {
+		list_add_tail(&areq->rlist, &podev->ready_commands);
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&podev->lock, flags);
+	}
+	if (ret == 0)
+		wait_for_completion(&areq->complete);
+	pstat = &_qcota_stat;
+	switch (areq->op) {
+	case QCE_OTA_F8_OPER:
+		if (areq->err)
+			pstat->f8_op_fail++;
+		else
+			pstat->f8_op_success++;
+		break;
+		if (areq->err)
+			pstat->f8_mp_op_fail++;
+		else
+			pstat->f8_mp_op_success++;
+		break;
+	case QCE_OTA_F9_OPER:
+		if (areq->err)
+			pstat->f9_op_fail++;
+		else
+			pstat->f9_op_success++;
+		break;
+	default:
+		if (areq->err)
+			pstat->f8_v_mp_op_fail++;
+		else
+			pstat->f8_v_mp_op_success++;
+		break;
+	};
+	return areq->err;
+static long qcota_ioctl(struct file *file,
+			  unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
+	int err = 0;
+	struct ota_dev_control *podev;
+	uint8_t *user_src;
+	uint8_t *user_dst;
+	uint8_t *k_buf = NULL;
+	struct ota_async_req areq;
+	uint32_t total, temp;
+	struct qcota_stat *pstat;
+	int i;
+	uint8_t *p = NULL;
+	podev =  file->private_data;
+	if (podev == NULL || podev->magic != OTA_MAGIC) {
+		pr_err("%s: invalid handle %p\n",
+			__func__, podev);
+		return -ENOENT;
+	}
+	/* Verify user arguments. */
+	if (_IOC_TYPE(cmd) != QCOTA_IOC_MAGIC)
+		return -ENOTTY;
+	init_completion(&areq.complete);
+	pstat = &_qcota_stat;
+	switch (cmd) {
+	case QCOTA_F9_REQ:
+		if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, (void __user *)arg,
+			       sizeof(struct qce_f9_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		if (__copy_from_user(&areq.req.f9_req, (void __user *)arg,
+				     sizeof(struct qce_f9_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		user_src = areq.req.f9_req.message;
+		if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, (void __user *)user_src,
+			       areq.req.f9_req.msize))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		if (areq.req.f9_req.msize == 0)
+			return 0;
+		k_buf = kmalloc(areq.req.f9_req.msize, GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (k_buf == NULL)
+			return -ENOMEM;
+		if (__copy_from_user(k_buf, (void __user *)user_src,
+				areq.req.f9_req.msize)) {
+			kfree(k_buf);
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		areq.req.f9_req.message = k_buf;
+		areq.op = QCE_OTA_F9_OPER;
+		pstat->f9_req++;
+		err = submit_req(&areq, podev);
+		areq.req.f9_req.message = user_src;
+		if (err == 0 && __copy_to_user((void __user *)arg,
+				&areq.req.f9_req, sizeof(struct qce_f9_req))) {
+			err = -EFAULT;
+		}
+		kfree(k_buf);
+		break;
+	case QCOTA_F8_REQ:
+		if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, (void __user *)arg,
+			       sizeof(struct qce_f8_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		if (__copy_from_user(&areq.req.f8_req, (void __user *)arg,
+				     sizeof(struct qce_f8_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		total = areq.req.f8_req.data_len;
+		user_src = areq.req.f8_req.data_in;
+		if (user_src != NULL) {
+			if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, (void __user *)
+					user_src, total))
+				return -EFAULT;
+		};
+		user_dst = areq.req.f8_req.data_out;
+		if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, (void __user *)
+				user_dst, total))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		if (!total)
+			return 0;
+		k_buf = kmalloc(total, GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (k_buf == NULL)
+			return -ENOMEM;
+		/* k_buf returned from kmalloc should be cache line aligned */
+		if (user_src && __copy_from_user(k_buf,
+				(void __user *)user_src, total)) {
+			kfree(k_buf);
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		if (user_src)
+			areq.req.f8_req.data_in = k_buf;
+		else
+			areq.req.f8_req.data_in = NULL;
+		areq.req.f8_req.data_out = k_buf;
+		areq.op = QCE_OTA_F8_OPER;
+		pstat->f8_req++;
+		err = submit_req(&areq, podev);
+		if (err == 0 && __copy_to_user(user_dst, k_buf, total))
+			err = -EFAULT;
+		kfree(k_buf);
+		break;
+		if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, (void __user *)arg,
+			       sizeof(struct qce_f8_multi_pkt_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		if (__copy_from_user(&areq.req.f8_mp_req, (void __user *)arg,
+				     sizeof(struct qce_f8_multi_pkt_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		temp = areq.req.f8_mp_req.qce_f8_req.data_len;
+		if (temp < (uint32_t) areq.req.f8_mp_req.cipher_start +
+				 areq.req.f8_mp_req.cipher_size)
+			return -EINVAL;
+		total = (uint32_t) areq.req.f8_mp_req.num_pkt *
+				areq.req.f8_mp_req.qce_f8_req.data_len;
+		user_src = areq.req.f8_mp_req.qce_f8_req.data_in;
+		if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, (void __user *)
+				user_src, total))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		user_dst = areq.req.f8_mp_req.qce_f8_req.data_out;
+		if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, (void __user *)
+				user_dst, total))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		if (!total)
+			return 0;
+		k_buf = kmalloc(total, GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (k_buf == NULL)
+			return -ENOMEM;
+		/* k_buf returned from kmalloc should be cache line aligned */
+		if (__copy_from_user(k_buf, (void __user *)user_src, total)) {
+			kfree(k_buf);
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		areq.req.f8_mp_req.qce_f8_req.data_out = k_buf;
+		areq.req.f8_mp_req.qce_f8_req.data_in = k_buf;
+		areq.op = QCE_OTA_MPKT_F8_OPER;
+		pstat->f8_mp_req++;
+		err = submit_req(&areq, podev);
+		if (err == 0 && __copy_to_user(user_dst, k_buf, total))
+			err = -EFAULT;
+		kfree(k_buf);
+		break;
+		if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, (void __user *)arg,
+				sizeof(struct qce_f8_varible_multi_pkt_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		if (__copy_from_user(&areq.req.f8_v_mp_req, (void __user *)arg,
+				sizeof(struct qce_f8_varible_multi_pkt_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		if (areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.num_pkt > MAX_NUM_V_MULTI_PKT)
+			return -EINVAL;
+		for (i = 0, total = 0; i < areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.num_pkt; i++) {
+			if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, (void __user *)
+				areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.cipher_iov[i].addr,
+				areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.cipher_iov[i].size))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			total += areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.cipher_iov[i].size;
+			total = ALIGN(total, L1_CACHE_BYTES);
+		}
+		if (!total)
+			return 0;
+		k_buf = kmalloc(total, GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (k_buf == NULL)
+			return -ENOMEM;
+		for (i = 0, p = k_buf; i < areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.num_pkt; i++) {
+			user_src =  areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.cipher_iov[i].addr;
+			if (__copy_from_user(p, (void __user *)user_src,
+				areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.cipher_iov[i].size)) {
+				kfree(k_buf);
+				return -EFAULT;
+			}
+			p += areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.cipher_iov[i].size;
+			p = (uint8_t *) ALIGN(((uintptr_t)p),
+							L1_CACHE_BYTES);
+		}
+		areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.qce_f8_req.data_out = k_buf;
+		areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.qce_f8_req.data_in = k_buf;
+		areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.qce_f8_req.data_len =
+			areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.cipher_iov[0].size;
+		areq.steps = 0;
+		areq.op = QCE_OTA_VAR_MPKT_F8_OPER;
+		pstat->f8_v_mp_req++;
+		err = submit_req(&areq, podev);
+		if (err != 0) {
+			kfree(k_buf);
+			return err;
+		}
+		for (i = 0, p = k_buf; i < areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.num_pkt; i++) {
+			user_dst =  areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.cipher_iov[i].addr;
+			if (__copy_to_user(user_dst, p,
+				areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.cipher_iov[i].size)) {
+				kfree(k_buf);
+				return -EFAULT;
+			}
+			p += areq.req.f8_v_mp_req.cipher_iov[i].size;
+			p = (uint8_t *) ALIGN(((uintptr_t)p),
+							L1_CACHE_BYTES);
+		}
+		kfree(k_buf);
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -ENOTTY;
+	}
+	return err;
+static int qcota_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	void *handle = NULL;
+	int rc = 0;
+	struct ota_dev_control *podev;
+	struct ce_hw_support ce_support;
+	struct ota_qce_dev *pqce;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	podev = &qcota_dev;
+	pqce = kzalloc(sizeof(*pqce), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!pqce) {
+		pr_err("qcota_probe: Memory allocation FAIL\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	pqce->podev = podev;
+	pqce->active_command = NULL;
+	tasklet_init(&pqce->done_tasklet, req_done, (unsigned long)pqce);
+	/* open qce */
+	handle = qce_open(pdev, &rc);
+	if (handle == NULL) {
+		pr_err("%s: device %s, can not open qce\n",
+			__func__, pdev->name);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	if (qce_hw_support(handle, &ce_support) < 0 ||
+					ce_support.ota == false) {
+		pr_err("%s: device %s, qce does not support ota capability\n",
+			__func__, pdev->name);
+		rc = -ENODEV;
+		goto err;
+	}
+	pqce->qce = handle;
+	pqce->pdev = pdev;
+	pqce->total_req = 0;
+	pqce->err_req = 0;
+	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, pqce);
+	mutex_lock(&podev->register_lock);
+	rc = 0;
+	if (podev->registered == false) {
+		rc = misc_register(&podev->miscdevice);
+		if (rc == 0) {
+			pqce->unit = podev->total_units;
+			podev->total_units++;
+			podev->registered = true;
+		};
+	} else {
+		pqce->unit = podev->total_units;
+		podev->total_units++;
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&podev->register_lock);
+	if (rc) {
+		pr_err("ion: failed to register misc device.\n");
+		goto err;
+	}
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&podev->lock, flags);
+	list_add_tail(&pqce->qlist, &podev->qce_dev);
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&podev->lock, flags);
+	return 0;
+	if (handle)
+		qce_close(handle);
+	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
+	tasklet_kill(&pqce->done_tasklet);
+	kfree(pqce);
+	return rc;
+static int qcota_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct ota_dev_control *podev;
+	struct ota_qce_dev *pqce;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	pqce = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	if (!pqce)
+		return 0;
+	if (pqce->qce)
+		qce_close(pqce->qce);
+	podev = pqce->podev;
+	if (!podev)
+		goto ret;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&podev->lock, flags);
+	list_del(&pqce->qlist);
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&podev->lock, flags);
+	mutex_lock(&podev->register_lock);
+	if (--podev->total_units == 0) {
+		if (podev->miscdevice.minor != MISC_DYNAMIC_MINOR)
+			misc_deregister(&podev->miscdevice);
+		podev->registered = false;
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&podev->register_lock);
+	tasklet_kill(&pqce->done_tasklet);
+	kfree(pqce);
+	return 0;
+static const struct of_device_id qcota_match[] = {
+	{	.compatible = "qcom,qcota",
+	},
+	{}
+static struct platform_driver qcota_plat_driver = {
+	.probe = qcota_probe,
+	.remove = qcota_remove,
+	.driver = {
+		.name = "qcota",
+		.owner = THIS_MODULE,
+		.of_match_table = qcota_match,
+	},
+static int _disp_stats(void)
+	struct qcota_stat *pstat;
+	int len = 0;
+	struct ota_dev_control *podev = &qcota_dev;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	struct ota_qce_dev *p;
+	pstat = &_qcota_stat;
+	len = scnprintf(_debug_read_buf, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - 1,
+			"\nQTI OTA crypto accelerator Statistics:\n");
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   F8 request                      : %llu\n",
+					pstat->f8_req);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   F8 operation success            : %llu\n",
+					pstat->f8_op_success);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   F8 operation fail               : %llu\n",
+					pstat->f8_op_fail);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   F8 MP request                   : %llu\n",
+					pstat->f8_mp_req);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   F8 MP operation success         : %llu\n",
+					pstat->f8_mp_op_success);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   F8 MP operation fail            : %llu\n",
+					pstat->f8_mp_op_fail);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   F8 Variable MP request          : %llu\n",
+					pstat->f8_v_mp_req);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   F8 Variable MP operation success: %llu\n",
+					pstat->f8_v_mp_op_success);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   F8 Variable MP operation fail   : %llu\n",
+					pstat->f8_v_mp_op_fail);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   F9 request                      : %llu\n",
+					pstat->f9_req);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   F9 operation success            : %llu\n",
+					pstat->f9_op_success);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   F9 operation fail               : %llu\n",
+					pstat->f9_op_fail);
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&podev->lock, flags);
+	list_for_each_entry(p, &podev->qce_dev, qlist) {
+		len += scnprintf(
+			_debug_read_buf + len,
+			DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   Engine %4d Req                 : %llu\n",
+			p->unit,
+			p->total_req
+		);
+		len += scnprintf(
+			_debug_read_buf + len,
+			DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   Engine %4d Req Error           : %llu\n",
+			p->unit,
+			p->err_req
+		);
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&podev->lock, flags);
+	return len;
+static int _debug_stats_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+	file->private_data = inode->i_private;
+	return 0;
+static ssize_t _debug_stats_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf,
+			size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+	int rc = -EINVAL;
+	int len;
+	len = _disp_stats();
+	if (len <= count)
+		rc = simple_read_from_buffer((void __user *) buf, len,
+			ppos, (void *) _debug_read_buf, len);
+	return rc;
+static ssize_t _debug_stats_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf,
+			size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+	struct ota_dev_control *podev = &qcota_dev;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	struct ota_qce_dev *p;
+	memset((char *)&_qcota_stat, 0, sizeof(struct qcota_stat));
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&podev->lock, flags);
+	list_for_each_entry(p, &podev->qce_dev, qlist) {
+		p->total_req = 0;
+		p->err_req = 0;
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&podev->lock, flags);
+	return count;
+static const struct file_operations _debug_stats_ops = {
+	.open =         _debug_stats_open,
+	.read =         _debug_stats_read,
+	.write =        _debug_stats_write,
+static int _qcota_debug_init(void)
+	int rc;
+	char name[DEBUG_MAX_FNAME];
+	struct dentry *dent;
+	_debug_dent = debugfs_create_dir("qcota", NULL);
+	if (IS_ERR(_debug_dent)) {
+		pr_err("qcota debugfs_create_dir fail, error %ld\n",
+				PTR_ERR(_debug_dent));
+		return PTR_ERR(_debug_dent);
+	}
+	snprintf(name, DEBUG_MAX_FNAME-1, "stats-0");
+	_debug_qcota = 0;
+	dent = debugfs_create_file(name, 0644, _debug_dent,
+				&_debug_qcota, &_debug_stats_ops);
+	if (dent == NULL) {
+		pr_err("qcota debugfs_create_file fail, error %ld\n",
+					PTR_ERR(dent));
+		rc = PTR_ERR(dent);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	debugfs_remove_recursive(_debug_dent);
+	return rc;
+static int __init qcota_init(void)
+	int rc;
+	struct ota_dev_control *podev;
+	rc = _qcota_debug_init();
+	if (rc)
+		return rc;
+	podev = &qcota_dev;
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&podev->ready_commands);
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&podev->qce_dev);
+	spin_lock_init(&podev->lock);
+	mutex_init(&podev->register_lock);
+	podev->registered = false;
+	podev->total_units = 0;
+	return platform_driver_register(&qcota_plat_driver);
+static void __exit qcota_exit(void)
+	debugfs_remove_recursive(_debug_dent);
+	platform_driver_unregister(&qcota_plat_driver);
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("QTI Ota Crypto driver");
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/msm/qce.h b/drivers/crypto/msm/qce.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b4ca24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/msm/qce.h
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+ * QTI Crypto Engine driver API
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#ifndef __CRYPTO_MSM_QCE_H
+#define __CRYPTO_MSM_QCE_H
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/crypto.h>
+#include <crypto/algapi.h>
+#include <crypto/aes.h>
+#include <crypto/des.h>
+#include <crypto/sha.h>
+#include <crypto/aead.h>
+#include <crypto/authenc.h>
+#include <crypto/scatterwalk.h>
+/* SHA digest size  in bytes */
+#define SHA256_DIGESTSIZE		32
+#define SHA1_DIGESTSIZE			20
+#define AES_CE_BLOCK_SIZE		16
+/* key size in bytes */
+#define HMAC_KEY_SIZE			(SHA1_DIGESTSIZE)    /* hmac-sha1 */
+#define SHA_HMAC_KEY_SIZE		64
+#define DES_KEY_SIZE			8
+#define TRIPLE_DES_KEY_SIZE		24
+#define AES128_KEY_SIZE			16
+#define AES192_KEY_SIZE			24
+#define AES256_KEY_SIZE			32
+/* iv length in bytes */
+#define AES_IV_LENGTH			16
+#define DES_IV_LENGTH                   8
+/* Maximum number of bytes per transfer */
+#define QCE_MAX_OPER_DATA		0xFF00
+/* Maximum Nonce bytes  */
+#define MAX_NONCE  16
+typedef void (*qce_comp_func_ptr_t)(void *areq,
+		unsigned char *icv, unsigned char *iv, int ret);
+/* Cipher algorithms supported */
+enum qce_cipher_alg_enum {
+/* Hash and hmac algorithms supported */
+enum qce_hash_alg_enum {
+	QCE_HASH_SHA1   = 0,
+	QCE_HASH_SHA256 = 1,
+/* Cipher encryption/decryption operations */
+enum qce_cipher_dir_enum {
+/* Cipher algorithms modes */
+enum qce_cipher_mode_enum {
+/* Cipher operation type */
+enum qce_req_op_enum {
+/* Algorithms/features supported in CE HW engine */
+struct ce_hw_support {
+	bool sha1_hmac_20; /* Supports 20 bytes of HMAC key*/
+	bool sha1_hmac; /* supports max HMAC key of 64 bytes*/
+	bool sha256_hmac; /* supports max HMAC key of 64 bytes*/
+	bool sha_hmac; /* supports SHA1 and SHA256 MAX HMAC key of 64 bytes*/
+	bool cmac;
+	bool aes_key_192;
+	bool aes_xts;
+	bool aes_ccm;
+	bool ota;
+	bool aligned_only;
+	bool bam;
+	bool is_shared;
+	bool hw_key;
+	bool use_sw_aes_cbc_ecb_ctr_algo;
+	bool use_sw_aead_algo;
+	bool use_sw_aes_xts_algo;
+	bool use_sw_ahash_algo;
+	bool use_sw_hmac_algo;
+	bool use_sw_aes_ccm_algo;
+	bool clk_mgmt_sus_res;
+	unsigned int ce_device;
+	unsigned int ce_hw_instance;
+	unsigned int max_request;
+/* Sha operation parameters */
+struct qce_sha_req {
+	qce_comp_func_ptr_t qce_cb;	/* call back */
+	enum qce_hash_alg_enum alg;	/* sha algorithm */
+	unsigned char *digest;		/* sha digest  */
+	struct scatterlist *src;	/* pointer to scatter list entry */
+	uint32_t  auth_data[4];		/* byte count */
+	unsigned char *authkey;		/* auth key */
+	unsigned int  authklen;		/* auth key length */
+	bool first_blk;			/* first block indicator */
+	bool last_blk;			/* last block indicator */
+	unsigned int size;		/* data length in bytes */
+	void *areq;
+	unsigned int  flags;
+struct qce_req {
+	enum qce_req_op_enum op;	/* operation type */
+	qce_comp_func_ptr_t qce_cb;	/* call back */
+	void *areq;
+	enum qce_cipher_alg_enum   alg;	/* cipher algorithms*/
+	enum qce_cipher_dir_enum dir;	/* encryption? decryption? */
+	enum qce_cipher_mode_enum mode;	/* algorithm mode  */
+	enum qce_hash_alg_enum auth_alg;/* authentication algorithm for aead */
+	unsigned char *authkey;		/* authentication key  */
+	unsigned int authklen;		/* authentication key kength */
+	unsigned int authsize;		/* authentication key kength */
+	unsigned char  nonce[MAX_NONCE];/* nonce for ccm mode */
+	unsigned char *assoc;		/* Ptr to formatted associated data */
+	unsigned int assoclen;		/* Formatted associated data length  */
+	struct scatterlist *asg;	/* Formatted associated data sg  */
+	unsigned char *enckey;		/* cipher key  */
+	unsigned int encklen;		/* cipher key length */
+	unsigned char *iv;		/* initialization vector */
+	unsigned int ivsize;		/* initialization vector size*/
+	unsigned int cryptlen;		/* data length */
+	unsigned int use_pmem;		/* is source of data PMEM allocated? */
+	struct qcedev_pmem_info *pmem;	/* pointer to pmem_info structure*/
+	unsigned int  flags;
+struct qce_pm_table {
+	int (*suspend)(void *handle);
+	int (*resume)(void *handle);
+extern struct qce_pm_table qce_pm_table;
+void *qce_open(struct platform_device *pdev, int *rc);
+int qce_close(void *handle);
+int qce_aead_req(void *handle, struct qce_req *req);
+int qce_ablk_cipher_req(void *handle, struct qce_req *req);
+int qce_hw_support(void *handle, struct ce_hw_support *support);
+int qce_process_sha_req(void *handle, struct qce_sha_req *s_req);
+int qce_enable_clk(void *handle);
+int qce_disable_clk(void *handle);
+void qce_get_driver_stats(void *handle);
+void qce_clear_driver_stats(void *handle);
+#endif /* __CRYPTO_MSM_QCE_H */
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/msm/qce50.c b/drivers/crypto/msm/qce50.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c71c56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/msm/qce50.c
@@ -0,0 +1,6141 @@
+ * QTI Crypto Engine driver.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2012-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#define pr_fmt(fmt) "QCE50: %s: " fmt, __func__
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/mod_devicetable.h>
+#include <linux/device.h>
+#include <linux/clk.h>
+#include <linux/err.h>
+#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
+#include <linux/io.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <linux/delay.h>
+#include <linux/crypto.h>
+#include <linux/bitops.h>
+#include <linux/clk/msm-clk.h>
+#include <linux/qcrypto.h>
+#include <crypto/hash.h>
+#include <crypto/sha.h>
+#include <soc/qcom/socinfo.h>
+#include "qce.h"
+#include "qce50.h"
+#include "qcryptohw_50.h"
+#include "qce_ota.h"
+#define MAX_SPS_DESC_FIFO_SIZE 0xfff0
+#define QCE_MAX_NUM_DSCR    0x200
+#define QCE_SECTOR_SIZE	    0x200
+#define CE_CLK_100MHZ	100000000
+#define CE_CLK_DIV	1000000
+#define CRYPTO_REQ_USER_PAT 0xdead0000
+static DEFINE_MUTEX(bam_register_lock);
+static DEFINE_MUTEX(qce_iomap_mutex);
+struct bam_registration_info {
+	struct list_head qlist;
+	unsigned long handle;
+	uint32_t cnt;
+	uint32_t bam_mem;
+	void __iomem *bam_iobase;
+	bool support_cmd_dscr;
+static LIST_HEAD(qce50_bam_list);
+/* Used to determine the mode */
+/* Max number of request supported */
+#define MAX_QCE_BAM_REQ 8
+/* Interrupt flag will be set for every SET_INTR_AT_REQ request */
+#define SET_INTR_AT_REQ			(MAX_QCE_BAM_REQ / 2)
+/* To create extra request space to hold dummy request */
+/* Allocate the memory for MAX_QCE_BAM_REQ  + 1 (for dummy request) */
+/* QCE driver modes */
+#define IN_BUNCH_MODE 1
+/* Dummy request data length */
+#define DUMMY_REQ_DATA_LEN 64
+/* Delay timer to expire when in bunch mode */
+/* Index to point the dummy request */
+#define TOTAL_IOVEC_SPACE_PER_PIPE (QCE_MAX_NUM_DSCR * sizeof(struct sps_iovec))
+enum qce_owner {
+struct dummy_request {
+	struct qce_sha_req sreq;
+	struct scatterlist sg;
+	struct ahash_request areq;
+ * CE HW device structure.
+ * Each engine has an instance of the structure.
+ * Each engine can only handle one crypto operation at one time. It is up to
+ * the sw above to ensure single threading of operation on an engine.
+ */
+struct qce_device {
+	struct device *pdev;        /* Handle to platform_device structure */
+	struct bam_registration_info *pbam;
+	unsigned char *coh_vmem;    /* Allocated coherent virtual memory */
+	dma_addr_t coh_pmem;	    /* Allocated coherent physical memory */
+	int memsize;				/* Memory allocated */
+	unsigned char *iovec_vmem;  /* Allocate iovec virtual memory */
+	int iovec_memsize;				/* Memory allocated */
+	uint32_t bam_mem;		/* bam physical address, from DT */
+	uint32_t bam_mem_size;		/* bam io size, from DT */
+	int is_shared;			/* CE HW is shared */
+	bool support_cmd_dscr;
+	bool support_hw_key;
+	bool support_clk_mgmt_sus_res;
+	bool support_only_core_src_clk;
+	void __iomem *iobase;	    /* Virtual io base of CE HW  */
+	unsigned int phy_iobase;    /* Physical io base of CE HW    */
+	struct clk *ce_core_src_clk;	/* Handle to CE src clk*/
+	struct clk *ce_core_clk;	/* Handle to CE clk */
+	struct clk *ce_clk;		/* Handle to CE clk */
+	struct clk *ce_bus_clk;	/* Handle to CE AXI clk*/
+	bool no_get_around;
+	bool no_ccm_mac_status_get_around;
+	unsigned int ce_opp_freq_hz;
+	bool use_sw_aes_cbc_ecb_ctr_algo;
+	bool use_sw_aead_algo;
+	bool use_sw_aes_xts_algo;
+	bool use_sw_ahash_algo;
+	bool use_sw_hmac_algo;
+	bool use_sw_aes_ccm_algo;
+	uint32_t engines_avail;
+	struct qce_ce_cfg_reg_setting reg;
+	struct ce_bam_info ce_bam_info;
+	struct ce_request_info ce_request_info[MAX_QCE_ALLOC_BAM_REQ];
+	unsigned int ce_request_index;
+	enum qce_owner owner;
+	atomic_t no_of_queued_req;
+	struct timer_list timer;
+	struct dummy_request dummyreq;
+	unsigned int mode;
+	unsigned int intr_cadence;
+	unsigned int dev_no;
+	struct qce_driver_stats qce_stats;
+	atomic_t bunch_cmd_seq;
+	atomic_t last_intr_seq;
+	bool cadence_flag;
+	uint8_t *dummyreq_in_buf;
+static void print_notify_debug(struct sps_event_notify *notify);
+static void _sps_producer_callback(struct sps_event_notify *notify);
+static int qce_dummy_req(struct qce_device *pce_dev);
+static int _qce50_disp_stats;
+/* Standard initialization vector for SHA-1, source: FIPS 180-2 */
+static uint32_t  _std_init_vector_sha1[] =   {
+	0x67452301, 0xEFCDAB89, 0x98BADCFE, 0x10325476, 0xC3D2E1F0
+/* Standard initialization vector for SHA-256, source: FIPS 180-2 */
+static uint32_t _std_init_vector_sha256[] = {
+	0x6A09E667, 0xBB67AE85, 0x3C6EF372, 0xA54FF53A,
+	0x510E527F, 0x9B05688C,	0x1F83D9AB, 0x5BE0CD19
+static void _byte_stream_to_net_words(uint32_t *iv, unsigned char *b,
+		unsigned int len)
+	unsigned int n;
+	n = len  / sizeof(uint32_t);
+	for (; n > 0; n--) {
+		*iv =  ((*b << 24)      & 0xff000000) |
+				(((*(b+1)) << 16) & 0xff0000)   |
+				(((*(b+2)) << 8) & 0xff00)     |
+				(*(b+3)          & 0xff);
+		b += sizeof(uint32_t);
+		iv++;
+	}
+	n = len %  sizeof(uint32_t);
+	if (n == 3) {
+		*iv = ((*b << 24) & 0xff000000) |
+				(((*(b+1)) << 16) & 0xff0000)   |
+				(((*(b+2)) << 8) & 0xff00);
+	} else if (n == 2) {
+		*iv = ((*b << 24) & 0xff000000) |
+				(((*(b+1)) << 16) & 0xff0000);
+	} else if (n == 1) {
+		*iv = ((*b << 24) & 0xff000000);
+	}
+static void _byte_stream_swap_to_net_words(uint32_t *iv, unsigned char *b,
+		unsigned int len)
+	unsigned int i, j;
+	unsigned char swap_iv[AES_IV_LENGTH];
+	memset(swap_iv, 0, AES_IV_LENGTH);
+	for (i = (AES_IV_LENGTH-len), j = len-1;  i < AES_IV_LENGTH; i++, j--)
+		swap_iv[i] = b[j];
+	_byte_stream_to_net_words(iv, swap_iv, AES_IV_LENGTH);
+static int count_sg(struct scatterlist *sg, int nbytes)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; nbytes > 0; i++, sg = sg_next(sg))
+		nbytes -= sg->length;
+	return i;
+static int qce_dma_map_sg(struct device *dev, struct scatterlist *sg, int nents,
+	enum dma_data_direction direction)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < nents; ++i) {
+		dma_map_sg(dev, sg, 1, direction);
+		sg = sg_next(sg);
+	}
+	return nents;
+static int qce_dma_unmap_sg(struct device *dev, struct scatterlist *sg,
+	int nents, enum dma_data_direction direction)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < nents; ++i) {
+		dma_unmap_sg(dev, sg, 1, direction);
+		sg = sg_next(sg);
+	}
+	return nents;
+static int _probe_ce_engine(struct qce_device *pce_dev)
+	unsigned int rev;
+	unsigned int maj_rev, min_rev, step_rev;
+	rev = readl_relaxed(pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_VERSION_REG);
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions (setting the GO register)
+	 * was completed before checking the version.
+	 */
+	mb();
+	if (maj_rev != CRYPTO_CORE_MAJOR_VER_NUM) {
+		pr_err("Unsupported QTI crypto device at 0x%x, rev %d.%d.%d\n",
+			pce_dev->phy_iobase, maj_rev, min_rev, step_rev);
+		return -EIO;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * The majority of crypto HW bugs have been fixed in 5.3.0 and
+	 * above. That allows a single sps transfer of consumer
+	 * pipe, and a single sps transfer of producer pipe
+	 * for a crypto request. no_get_around flag indicates this.
+	 *
+	 * In 5.3.1, the CCM MAC_FAILED in result dump issue is
+	 * fixed. no_ccm_mac_status_get_around flag indicates this.
+	 */
+	pce_dev->no_get_around = (min_rev >=
+			CRYPTO_CORE_MINOR_VER_NUM) ? true : false;
+	if (min_rev > CRYPTO_CORE_MINOR_VER_NUM)
+		pce_dev->no_ccm_mac_status_get_around = true;
+	else if ((min_rev == CRYPTO_CORE_MINOR_VER_NUM) &&
+			 (step_rev >= CRYPTO_CORE_STEP_VER_NUM))
+		pce_dev->no_ccm_mac_status_get_around = true;
+	else
+		pce_dev->no_ccm_mac_status_get_around = false;
+	pce_dev->ce_bam_info.minor_version = min_rev;
+	pce_dev->engines_avail = readl_relaxed(pce_dev->iobase +
+	dev_info(pce_dev->pdev, "QTI Crypto %d.%d.%d device found @0x%x\n",
+			maj_rev, min_rev, step_rev, pce_dev->phy_iobase);
+	pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size = MAX_CE_BAM_BURST_SIZE;
+	dev_info(pce_dev->pdev, "CE device = 0x%x\n, IO base, CE = 0x%p\n, Consumer (IN) PIPE %d,    Producer (OUT) PIPE %d\n IO base BAM = 0x%p\n BAM IRQ %d\n Engines Availability = 0x%x\n",
+			pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_device, pce_dev->iobase,
+			pce_dev->ce_bam_info.dest_pipe_index,
+			pce_dev->ce_bam_info.src_pipe_index,
+			pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_iobase,
+			pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_irq, pce_dev->engines_avail);
+	return 0;
+static struct qce_cmdlist_info *_ce_get_hash_cmdlistinfo(
+			struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+			int req_info, struct qce_sha_req *sreq)
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	struct qce_cmdlistptr_ops *cmdlistptr;
+	pce_sps_data = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info].ce_sps;
+	cmdlistptr = &pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr;
+	switch (sreq->alg) {
+	case QCE_HASH_SHA1:
+		return &cmdlistptr->auth_sha1;
+	case QCE_HASH_SHA256:
+		return &cmdlistptr->auth_sha256;
+		return &cmdlistptr->auth_sha1_hmac;
+	case QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC:
+		return &cmdlistptr->auth_sha256_hmac;
+		if (sreq->authklen == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+			return &cmdlistptr->auth_aes_128_cmac;
+		return &cmdlistptr->auth_aes_256_cmac;
+	default:
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+static int _ce_setup_hash(struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+				struct qce_sha_req *sreq,
+				struct qce_cmdlist_info *cmdlistinfo)
+	uint32_t auth32[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t)];
+	uint32_t diglen;
+	int i;
+	uint32_t mackey32[SHA_HMAC_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)] = {
+			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+	bool sha1 = false;
+	struct sps_command_element *pce = NULL;
+	bool use_hw_key = false;
+	bool use_pipe_key = false;
+	uint32_t authk_size_in_word = sreq->authklen/sizeof(uint32_t);
+	uint32_t auth_cfg;
+	if ((sreq->alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC) ||
+			(sreq->alg == QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC) ||
+			(sreq->alg ==  QCE_HASH_AES_CMAC)) {
+		/* no more check for null key. use flag */
+		if ((sreq->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_HW_KEY)
+			use_hw_key = true;
+		else if ((sreq->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_PIPE_KEY) ==
+			use_pipe_key = true;
+		pce = cmdlistinfo->go_proc;
+		if (use_hw_key == true) {
+			pce->addr = (uint32_t)(CRYPTO_GOPROC_QC_KEY_REG +
+							pce_dev->phy_iobase);
+		} else {
+			pce->addr = (uint32_t)(CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG +
+							pce_dev->phy_iobase);
+			pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_key;
+			if (use_pipe_key == false) {
+				_byte_stream_to_net_words(mackey32,
+						sreq->authkey,
+						sreq->authklen);
+				for (i = 0; i < authk_size_in_word; i++, pce++)
+					pce->data = mackey32[i];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (sreq->alg ==  QCE_HASH_AES_CMAC)
+		goto go_proc;
+	/* if not the last, the size has to be on the block boundary */
+	if (sreq->last_blk == 0 && (sreq->size % SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE))
+		return -EIO;
+	switch (sreq->alg) {
+	case QCE_HASH_SHA1:
+		diglen = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;
+		sha1 = true;
+		break;
+	case QCE_HASH_SHA256:
+	case QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC:
+		diglen = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	/* write 20/32 bytes, 5/8 words into auth_iv for SHA1/SHA256 */
+	if (sreq->first_blk) {
+		if (sha1) {
+			for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+				auth32[i] = _std_init_vector_sha1[i];
+		} else {
+			for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+				auth32[i] = _std_init_vector_sha256[i];
+		}
+	} else {
+		_byte_stream_to_net_words(auth32, sreq->digest, diglen);
+	}
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_iv;
+	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++, pce++)
+		pce->data = auth32[i];
+	if ((sreq->alg == QCE_HASH_SHA256) ||
+			(sreq->alg == QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC)) {
+		for (i = 5; i < 8; i++, pce++)
+			pce->data = auth32[i];
+	}
+	/* write auth_bytecnt 0/1, start with 0 */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_bytecount;
+	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++, pce++)
+		pce->data = sreq->auth_data[i];
+	/* Set/reset  last bit in CFG register  */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_seg_cfg;
+	auth_cfg = pce->data & ~(1 << CRYPTO_LAST |
+				1 << CRYPTO_FIRST |
+	if (sreq->last_blk)
+		auth_cfg |= 1 << CRYPTO_LAST;
+	if (sreq->first_blk)
+		auth_cfg |= 1 << CRYPTO_FIRST;
+	if (use_hw_key)
+		auth_cfg |= 1 << CRYPTO_USE_HW_KEY_AUTH;
+	if (use_pipe_key)
+		auth_cfg |= 1 << CRYPTO_USE_PIPE_KEY_AUTH;
+	pce->data = auth_cfg;
+	/* write auth seg size */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_seg_size;
+	pce->data = sreq->size;
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_seg_cfg;
+	pce->data = 0;
+	/* write auth seg size start*/
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_seg_start;
+	pce->data = 0;
+	/* write seg size */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->seg_size;
+	/* always ensure there is input data. ZLT does not work for bam-ndp */
+	if (sreq->size)
+		pce->data = sreq->size;
+	else
+		pce->data = pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size;
+	return 0;
+static struct qce_cmdlist_info *_ce_get_aead_cmdlistinfo(
+			struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+			int req_info, struct qce_req *creq)
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	struct qce_cmdlistptr_ops *cmdlistptr;
+	pce_sps_data = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info].ce_sps;
+	cmdlistptr = &pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr;
+	switch (creq->alg) {
+		switch (creq->mode) {
+		case QCE_MODE_CBC:
+			if (creq->auth_alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC)
+				return &cmdlistptr->aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_des;
+			else if (creq->auth_alg == QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC)
+				return &cmdlistptr->aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_des;
+			else
+				return NULL;
+			break;
+		default:
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		break;
+		switch (creq->mode) {
+		case QCE_MODE_CBC:
+			if (creq->auth_alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC)
+				return &cmdlistptr->aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_3des;
+			else if (creq->auth_alg == QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC)
+				return &cmdlistptr->aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_3des;
+			else
+				return NULL;
+			break;
+		default:
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		break;
+		switch (creq->mode) {
+		case QCE_MODE_CBC:
+			if (creq->encklen ==  AES128_KEY_SIZE) {
+				if (creq->auth_alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC)
+					return &cmdlistptr->
+						aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_aes_128;
+				else if (creq->auth_alg ==
+						QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC)
+					return &cmdlistptr->
+						aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_aes_128;
+				else
+					return NULL;
+			} else if (creq->encklen ==  AES256_KEY_SIZE) {
+				if (creq->auth_alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC)
+					return &cmdlistptr->
+						aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_aes_256;
+				else if (creq->auth_alg ==
+						QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC)
+					return &cmdlistptr->
+						aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_aes_256;
+				else
+					return NULL;
+			} else
+				return NULL;
+			break;
+		default:
+			return NULL;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+static int _ce_setup_aead(struct qce_device *pce_dev, struct qce_req *q_req,
+		uint32_t totallen_in, uint32_t coffset,
+		struct qce_cmdlist_info *cmdlistinfo)
+	int32_t authk_size_in_word = SHA_HMAC_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t);
+	int i;
+	uint32_t mackey32[SHA_HMAC_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)] = {0};
+	struct sps_command_element *pce;
+	uint32_t a_cfg;
+	uint32_t enckey32[(MAX_CIPHER_KEY_SIZE*2)/sizeof(uint32_t)] = {0};
+	uint32_t enciv32[MAX_IV_LENGTH/sizeof(uint32_t)] = {0};
+	uint32_t enck_size_in_word = 0;
+	uint32_t enciv_in_word;
+	uint32_t key_size;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg = 0;
+	uint32_t ivsize = q_req->ivsize;
+	key_size = q_req->encklen;
+	enck_size_in_word = key_size/sizeof(uint32_t);
+	switch (q_req->alg) {
+		enciv_in_word = 2;
+		break;
+		enciv_in_word = 2;
+		break;
+		if ((key_size != AES128_KEY_SIZE) &&
+				(key_size != AES256_KEY_SIZE))
+			return -EINVAL;
+		enciv_in_word = 4;
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	/* only support cbc mode */
+	if (q_req->mode != QCE_MODE_CBC)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	_byte_stream_to_net_words(enciv32, q_req->iv, ivsize);
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_cntr_iv;
+	for (i = 0; i < enciv_in_word; i++, pce++)
+		pce->data = enciv32[i];
+	/*
+	 * write encr key
+	 * do not use  hw key or pipe key
+	 */
+	_byte_stream_to_net_words(enckey32, q_req->enckey, key_size);
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_key;
+	for (i = 0; i < enck_size_in_word; i++, pce++)
+		pce->data = enckey32[i];
+	/* write encr seg cfg */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_seg_cfg;
+	encr_cfg = pce->data;
+	if (q_req->dir == QCE_ENCRYPT)
+		encr_cfg |= (1 << CRYPTO_ENCODE);
+	else
+		encr_cfg &= ~(1 << CRYPTO_ENCODE);
+	pce->data = encr_cfg;
+	/* we only support sha1-hmac and sha256-hmac at this point */
+	_byte_stream_to_net_words(mackey32, q_req->authkey,
+					q_req->authklen);
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_key;
+	for (i = 0; i < authk_size_in_word; i++, pce++)
+		pce->data = mackey32[i];
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_iv;
+	if (q_req->auth_alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC)
+		for (i = 0; i < 5; i++, pce++)
+			pce->data = _std_init_vector_sha1[i];
+	else
+		for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, pce++)
+			pce->data = _std_init_vector_sha256[i];
+	/* write auth_bytecnt 0/1, start with 0 */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_bytecount;
+	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++, pce++)
+		pce->data = 0;
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_seg_cfg;
+	a_cfg = pce->data;
+	a_cfg &= ~(CRYPTO_AUTH_POS_MASK);
+	if (q_req->dir == QCE_ENCRYPT)
+	else
+	pce->data = a_cfg;
+	/* write auth seg size */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_seg_size;
+	pce->data = totallen_in;
+	/* write auth seg size start*/
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_seg_start;
+	pce->data = 0;
+	/* write seg size */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->seg_size;
+	pce->data = totallen_in;
+	/* write encr seg size */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_seg_size;
+	pce->data = q_req->cryptlen;
+	/* write encr seg start */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_seg_start;
+	pce->data = (coffset & 0xffff);
+	return 0;
+static struct qce_cmdlist_info *_ce_get_cipher_cmdlistinfo(
+			struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+			int req_info, struct qce_req *creq)
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	struct qce_cmdlistptr_ops *cmdlistptr;
+	preq_info = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info];
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	cmdlistptr = &pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr;
+	if (creq->alg != CIPHER_ALG_AES) {
+		switch (creq->alg) {
+			if (creq->mode == QCE_MODE_ECB)
+				return &cmdlistptr->cipher_des_ecb;
+			return &cmdlistptr->cipher_des_cbc;
+		case CIPHER_ALG_3DES:
+			if (creq->mode == QCE_MODE_ECB)
+				return &cmdlistptr->cipher_3des_ecb;
+			return &cmdlistptr->cipher_3des_cbc;
+		default:
+			return NULL;
+		}
+	} else {
+		switch (creq->mode) {
+		case QCE_MODE_ECB:
+			if (creq->encklen == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+				return &cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_128_ecb;
+			return &cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_256_ecb;
+		case QCE_MODE_CBC:
+		case QCE_MODE_CTR:
+			if (creq->encklen == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+				return &cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_128_cbc_ctr;
+			return &cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_256_cbc_ctr;
+		case QCE_MODE_XTS:
+			if (creq->encklen/2 == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+				return &cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_128_xts;
+			return &cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_256_xts;
+		case QCE_MODE_CCM:
+			if (creq->encklen == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+				return &cmdlistptr->aead_aes_128_ccm;
+			return &cmdlistptr->aead_aes_256_ccm;
+		default:
+			return NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	return NULL;
+static int _ce_setup_cipher(struct qce_device *pce_dev, struct qce_req *creq,
+		uint32_t totallen_in, uint32_t coffset,
+		struct qce_cmdlist_info *cmdlistinfo)
+	uint32_t enckey32[(MAX_CIPHER_KEY_SIZE * 2)/sizeof(uint32_t)] = {
+			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+	uint32_t enciv32[MAX_IV_LENGTH / sizeof(uint32_t)] = {
+			0, 0, 0, 0};
+	uint32_t enck_size_in_word = 0;
+	uint32_t key_size;
+	bool use_hw_key = false;
+	bool use_pipe_key = false;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg = 0;
+	uint32_t ivsize = creq->ivsize;
+	int i;
+	struct sps_command_element *pce = NULL;
+	if (creq->mode == QCE_MODE_XTS)
+		key_size = creq->encklen/2;
+	else
+		key_size = creq->encklen;
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->go_proc;
+	if ((creq->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_HW_KEY) == QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_HW_KEY) {
+		use_hw_key = true;
+	} else {
+		if ((creq->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_PIPE_KEY) ==
+			use_pipe_key = true;
+	}
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->go_proc;
+	if (use_hw_key == true)
+		pce->addr = (uint32_t)(CRYPTO_GOPROC_QC_KEY_REG +
+						pce_dev->phy_iobase);
+	else
+		pce->addr = (uint32_t)(CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG +
+						pce_dev->phy_iobase);
+	if ((use_pipe_key == false) && (use_hw_key == false)) {
+		_byte_stream_to_net_words(enckey32, creq->enckey, key_size);
+		enck_size_in_word = key_size/sizeof(uint32_t);
+	}
+	if ((creq->op == QCE_REQ_AEAD) && (creq->mode == QCE_MODE_CCM)) {
+		uint32_t authklen32 = creq->encklen/sizeof(uint32_t);
+		uint32_t noncelen32 = MAX_NONCE/sizeof(uint32_t);
+		uint32_t nonce32[MAX_NONCE/sizeof(uint32_t)] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+		uint32_t auth_cfg = 0;
+		/* write nonce */
+		_byte_stream_to_net_words(nonce32, creq->nonce, MAX_NONCE);
+		pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_nonce_info;
+		for (i = 0; i < noncelen32; i++, pce++)
+			pce->data = nonce32[i];
+		if (creq->authklen ==  AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+			auth_cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_aes_ccm_128;
+		else {
+			if (creq->authklen ==  AES256_KEY_SIZE)
+				auth_cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_aes_ccm_256;
+		}
+		if (creq->dir == QCE_ENCRYPT)
+		else
+		auth_cfg |= ((creq->authsize - 1) << CRYPTO_AUTH_SIZE);
+		if (use_hw_key == true)	{
+			auth_cfg |= (1 << CRYPTO_USE_HW_KEY_AUTH);
+		} else {
+			auth_cfg &= ~(1 << CRYPTO_USE_HW_KEY_AUTH);
+			/* write auth key */
+			pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_key;
+			for (i = 0; i < authklen32; i++, pce++)
+				pce->data = enckey32[i];
+		}
+		pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_seg_cfg;
+		pce->data = auth_cfg;
+		pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_seg_size;
+		if (creq->dir == QCE_ENCRYPT)
+			pce->data = totallen_in;
+		else
+			pce->data = totallen_in - creq->authsize;
+		pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_seg_start;
+		pce->data = 0;
+	} else {
+		if (creq->op != QCE_REQ_AEAD) {
+			pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_seg_cfg;
+			pce->data = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	switch (creq->mode) {
+	case QCE_MODE_ECB:
+		if (key_size == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ecb_128;
+		else
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ecb_256;
+		break;
+	case QCE_MODE_CBC:
+		if (key_size == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_cbc_128;
+		else
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_cbc_256;
+		break;
+	case QCE_MODE_XTS:
+		if (key_size == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_xts_128;
+		else
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_xts_256;
+		break;
+	case QCE_MODE_CCM:
+		if (key_size == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ccm_128;
+		else
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ccm_256;
+		break;
+	case QCE_MODE_CTR:
+	default:
+		if (key_size == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ctr_128;
+		else
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ctr_256;
+		break;
+	}
+	switch (creq->alg) {
+		if (creq->mode !=  QCE_MODE_ECB) {
+			_byte_stream_to_net_words(enciv32, creq->iv, ivsize);
+			pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_cntr_iv;
+			pce->data = enciv32[0];
+			pce++;
+			pce->data = enciv32[1];
+		}
+		if (use_hw_key == false) {
+			pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_key;
+			pce->data = enckey32[0];
+			pce++;
+			pce->data = enckey32[1];
+		}
+		break;
+		if (creq->mode !=  QCE_MODE_ECB) {
+			_byte_stream_to_net_words(enciv32, creq->iv, ivsize);
+			pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_cntr_iv;
+			pce->data = enciv32[0];
+			pce++;
+			pce->data = enciv32[1];
+		}
+		if (use_hw_key == false) {
+			/* write encr key */
+			pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_key;
+			for (i = 0; i < 6; i++, pce++)
+				pce->data = enckey32[i];
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		if (creq->mode ==  QCE_MODE_XTS) {
+			uint32_t xtskey32[MAX_CIPHER_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)]
+					= {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+			uint32_t xtsklen =
+					creq->encklen/(2 * sizeof(uint32_t));
+			if ((use_hw_key == false) && (use_pipe_key == false)) {
+				_byte_stream_to_net_words(xtskey32,
+					(creq->enckey + creq->encklen/2),
+							creq->encklen/2);
+				/* write xts encr key */
+				pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_xts_key;
+				for (i = 0; i < xtsklen; i++, pce++)
+					pce->data = xtskey32[i];
+			}
+			/* write xts du size */
+			pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_xts_du_size;
+			switch (creq->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_XTS_MASK) {
+				pce->data = min((unsigned int)QCE_SECTOR_SIZE,
+						creq->cryptlen);
+				break;
+				pce->data =
+					min((unsigned int)QCE_SECTOR_SIZE * 2,
+					creq->cryptlen);
+				break;
+			default:
+				pce->data = creq->cryptlen;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (creq->mode !=  QCE_MODE_ECB) {
+			if (creq->mode ==  QCE_MODE_XTS)
+				_byte_stream_swap_to_net_words(enciv32,
+							creq->iv, ivsize);
+			else
+				_byte_stream_to_net_words(enciv32, creq->iv,
+								ivsize);
+			/* write encr cntr iv */
+			pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_cntr_iv;
+			for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, pce++)
+				pce->data = enciv32[i];
+			if (creq->mode ==  QCE_MODE_CCM) {
+				/* write cntr iv for ccm */
+				pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_ccm_cntr_iv;
+				for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, pce++)
+					pce->data = enciv32[i];
+				/* update cntr_iv[3] by one */
+				pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_cntr_iv;
+				pce += 3;
+				pce->data += 1;
+			}
+		}
+		if (creq->op == QCE_REQ_ABLK_CIPHER_NO_KEY) {
+			encr_cfg |= (CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY_SZ_AES128 <<
+		} else {
+			if (use_hw_key == false) {
+				/* write encr key */
+				pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_key;
+				for (i = 0; i < enck_size_in_word; i++, pce++)
+					pce->data = enckey32[i];
+			}
+		} /* else of if (creq->op == QCE_REQ_ABLK_CIPHER_NO_KEY) */
+		break;
+	} /* end of switch (creq->mode)  */
+	if (use_pipe_key)
+	/* write encr seg cfg */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_seg_cfg;
+	if ((creq->alg == CIPHER_ALG_DES) || (creq->alg == CIPHER_ALG_3DES)) {
+		if (creq->dir == QCE_ENCRYPT)
+			pce->data |= (1 << CRYPTO_ENCODE);
+		else
+			pce->data &= ~(1 << CRYPTO_ENCODE);
+		encr_cfg = pce->data;
+	}  else	{
+		encr_cfg |=
+			((creq->dir == QCE_ENCRYPT) ? 1 : 0) << CRYPTO_ENCODE;
+	}
+	if (use_hw_key == true)
+	else
+	pce->data = encr_cfg;
+	/* write encr seg size */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_seg_size;
+	if ((creq->mode == QCE_MODE_CCM) && (creq->dir == QCE_DECRYPT))
+		pce->data = (creq->cryptlen + creq->authsize);
+	else
+		pce->data = creq->cryptlen;
+	/* write encr seg start */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_seg_start;
+	pce->data = (coffset & 0xffff);
+	/* write seg size  */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->seg_size;
+	pce->data = totallen_in;
+	return 0;
+static int _ce_f9_setup(struct qce_device *pce_dev, struct qce_f9_req *req,
+		struct qce_cmdlist_info *cmdlistinfo)
+	uint32_t ikey32[OTA_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)];
+	uint32_t key_size_in_word = OTA_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t);
+	uint32_t cfg;
+	struct sps_command_element *pce;
+	int i;
+	switch (req->algorithm) {
+		cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_kasumi;
+		break;
+	default:
+		cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_snow3g;
+		break;
+	};
+	/* write key in CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0-3_REG */
+	_byte_stream_to_net_words(ikey32, &req->ikey[0], OTA_KEY_SIZE);
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_iv;
+	for (i = 0; i < key_size_in_word; i++, pce++)
+		pce->data = ikey32[i];
+	/* write last bits  in CRYPTO_AUTH_IV4_REG  */
+	pce->data = req->last_bits;
+	/* write fresh to CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT0_REG */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_bytecount;
+	pce->data = req->fresh;
+	/* write count-i  to CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT1_REG */
+	pce++;
+	pce->data = req->count_i;
+	/* write auth seg cfg */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_seg_cfg;
+	if (req->direction == QCE_OTA_DIR_DOWNLINK)
+	pce->data = cfg;
+	/* write auth seg size */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_seg_size;
+	pce->data = req->msize;
+	/* write auth seg start*/
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->auth_seg_start;
+	pce->data = 0;
+	/* write seg size  */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->seg_size;
+	pce->data = req->msize;
+	/* write go */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->go_proc;
+	pce->addr = (uint32_t)(CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG + pce_dev->phy_iobase);
+	return 0;
+static int _ce_f8_setup(struct qce_device *pce_dev, struct qce_f8_req *req,
+		bool key_stream_mode, uint16_t npkts, uint16_t cipher_offset,
+		uint16_t cipher_size,
+		struct qce_cmdlist_info *cmdlistinfo)
+	uint32_t ckey32[OTA_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)];
+	uint32_t key_size_in_word = OTA_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t);
+	uint32_t cfg;
+	struct sps_command_element *pce;
+	int i;
+	switch (req->algorithm) {
+		cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_kasumi;
+		break;
+	default:
+		cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_snow3g;
+		break;
+	};
+	/* write key */
+	_byte_stream_to_net_words(ckey32, &req->ckey[0], OTA_KEY_SIZE);
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_key;
+	for (i = 0; i < key_size_in_word; i++, pce++)
+		pce->data = ckey32[i];
+	/* write encr seg cfg */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_seg_cfg;
+	if (key_stream_mode)
+	if (req->direction == QCE_OTA_DIR_DOWNLINK)
+	pce->data = cfg;
+	/* write encr seg start */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_seg_start;
+	pce->data = (cipher_offset & 0xffff);
+	/* write encr seg size  */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_seg_size;
+	pce->data = cipher_size;
+	/* write seg size  */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->seg_size;
+	pce->data = req->data_len;
+	/* write cntr0_iv0 for countC */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->encr_cntr_iv;
+	pce->data = req->count_c;
+	/* write cntr1_iv1 for nPkts, and bearer */
+	pce++;
+	if (npkts == 1)
+		npkts = 0;
+	pce->data = req->bearer << CRYPTO_CNTR1_IV1_REG_F8_BEARER |
+				npkts << CRYPTO_CNTR1_IV1_REG_F8_PKT_CNT;
+	/* write go */
+	pce = cmdlistinfo->go_proc;
+	pce->addr = (uint32_t)(CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG + pce_dev->phy_iobase);
+	return 0;
+static void _qce_dump_descr_fifos(struct qce_device *pce_dev, int req_info)
+	int i, j, ents;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	struct sps_iovec *iovec;
+	uint32_t cmd_flags = SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_CMD;
+	pce_sps_data = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info].ce_sps;
+	iovec = pce_sps_data->in_transfer.iovec;
+	pr_info("==============================================\n");
+	pr_info("==============================================\n");
+	for (i = 0; i <  pce_sps_data->in_transfer.iovec_count; i++) {
+		pr_info(" [%d] addr=0x%x  size=0x%x  flags=0x%x\n", i,
+					iovec->addr, iovec->size, iovec->flags);
+		if (iovec->flags & cmd_flags) {
+			struct sps_command_element *pced;
+			pced = (struct sps_command_element *)
+					(GET_VIRT_ADDR(iovec->addr));
+			ents = iovec->size/(sizeof(struct sps_command_element));
+			for (j = 0; j < ents; j++) {
+				pr_info("      [%d] [0x%x] 0x%x\n", j,
+					pced->addr, pced->data);
+				pced++;
+			}
+		}
+		iovec++;
+	}
+	pr_info("==============================================\n");
+	pr_info("==============================================\n");
+	iovec =  pce_sps_data->out_transfer.iovec;
+	for (i = 0; i <   pce_sps_data->out_transfer.iovec_count; i++) {
+		pr_info(" [%d] addr=0x%x  size=0x%x  flags=0x%x\n", i,
+				iovec->addr, iovec->size, iovec->flags);
+		iovec++;
+	}
+#ifdef QCE_DEBUG
+static void _qce_dump_descr_fifos_dbg(struct qce_device *pce_dev, int req_info)
+	_qce_dump_descr_fifos(pce_dev, req_info);
+#define QCE_WRITE_REG(val, addr)					\
+{									\
+	pr_info("      [0x%p] 0x%x\n", addr, (uint32_t)val);		\
+	writel_relaxed(val, addr);					\
+static void _qce_dump_descr_fifos_dbg(struct qce_device *pce_dev, int req_info)
+#define QCE_WRITE_REG(val, addr)					\
+	writel_relaxed(val, addr)
+static int _ce_setup_hash_direct(struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+				struct qce_sha_req *sreq)
+	uint32_t auth32[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(uint32_t)];
+	uint32_t diglen;
+	bool use_hw_key = false;
+	bool use_pipe_key = false;
+	int i;
+	uint32_t mackey32[SHA_HMAC_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)] = {
+			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+	uint32_t authk_size_in_word = sreq->authklen/sizeof(uint32_t);
+	bool sha1 = false;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg = 0;
+	/* clear status */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_STATUS_REG);
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(pce_dev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, (pce_dev->iobase +
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions (setting the CONFIG register)
+	 * was completed before issuing starting to set other config register
+	 * This is to ensure the configurations are done in correct endian-ness
+	 * as set in the CONFIG registers
+	 */
+	mb();
+	if (sreq->alg == QCE_HASH_AES_CMAC) {
+		/* write seg_cfg */
+		QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_CFG_REG);
+		/* write seg_cfg */
+		QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_CFG_REG);
+		/* write seg_cfg */
+		QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_SIZE_REG);
+		/* Clear auth_ivn, auth_keyn registers  */
+		for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(0, (pce_dev->iobase +
+				(CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG + i*sizeof(uint32_t))));
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(0, (pce_dev->iobase +
+				(CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY0_REG + i*sizeof(uint32_t))));
+		}
+		/* write auth_bytecnt 0/1/2/3, start with 0 */
+		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase +
+						i * sizeof(uint32_t));
+		if (sreq->authklen == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+			auth_cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_cmac_128;
+		else
+			auth_cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_cmac_256;
+	}
+	if ((sreq->alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC) ||
+			(sreq->alg == QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC) ||
+			(sreq->alg ==  QCE_HASH_AES_CMAC)) {
+		_byte_stream_to_net_words(mackey32, sreq->authkey,
+						sreq->authklen);
+		/* no more check for null key. use flag to check*/
+		if ((sreq->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_HW_KEY) ==
+			use_hw_key = true;
+		} else if ((sreq->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_PIPE_KEY) ==
+			use_pipe_key = true;
+		} else {
+			/* setup key */
+			for (i = 0; i < authk_size_in_word; i++)
+				QCE_WRITE_REG(mackey32[i], (pce_dev->iobase +
+							i*sizeof(uint32_t))));
+		}
+	}
+	if (sreq->alg ==  QCE_HASH_AES_CMAC)
+		goto go_proc;
+	/* if not the last, the size has to be on the block boundary */
+	if (sreq->last_blk == 0 && (sreq->size % SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE))
+		return -EIO;
+	switch (sreq->alg) {
+	case QCE_HASH_SHA1:
+		auth_cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_sha1;
+		diglen = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;
+		sha1 = true;
+		break;
+		auth_cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_hmac_sha1;
+		diglen = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;
+		sha1 = true;
+		break;
+	case QCE_HASH_SHA256:
+		auth_cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_sha256;
+		diglen = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+		break;
+	case QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC:
+		auth_cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_hmac_sha256;
+		diglen = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	/* write 20/32 bytes, 5/8 words into auth_iv for SHA1/SHA256 */
+	if (sreq->first_blk) {
+		if (sha1) {
+			for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+				auth32[i] = _std_init_vector_sha1[i];
+		} else {
+			for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+				auth32[i] = _std_init_vector_sha256[i];
+		}
+	} else {
+		_byte_stream_to_net_words(auth32, sreq->digest, diglen);
+	}
+	/* Set auth_ivn, auth_keyn registers  */
+	for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+		QCE_WRITE_REG(auth32[i], (pce_dev->iobase +
+			(CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG + i*sizeof(uint32_t))));
+	if ((sreq->alg == QCE_HASH_SHA256) ||
+			(sreq->alg == QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC)) {
+		for (i = 5; i < 8; i++)
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(auth32[i], (pce_dev->iobase +
+				(CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG + i*sizeof(uint32_t))));
+	}
+	/* write auth_bytecnt 0/1/2/3, start with 0 */
+	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+		QCE_WRITE_REG(sreq->auth_data[i], pce_dev->iobase +
+						i * sizeof(uint32_t));
+	/* Set/reset  last bit in CFG register  */
+	if (sreq->last_blk)
+		auth_cfg |= 1 << CRYPTO_LAST;
+	else
+		auth_cfg &= ~(1 << CRYPTO_LAST);
+	if (sreq->first_blk)
+		auth_cfg |= 1 << CRYPTO_FIRST;
+	else
+		auth_cfg &= ~(1 << CRYPTO_FIRST);
+	if (use_hw_key)
+		auth_cfg |= 1 << CRYPTO_USE_HW_KEY_AUTH;
+	if (use_pipe_key)
+		auth_cfg |= 1 << CRYPTO_USE_PIPE_KEY_AUTH;
+	 /* write seg_cfg */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(auth_cfg, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_CFG_REG);
+	/* write auth seg_size   */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(sreq->size, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_SIZE_REG);
+	/* write auth_seg_start   */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_START_REG);
+	/* reset encr seg_cfg   */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_CFG_REG);
+	/* write seg_size   */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(sreq->size, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_SEG_SIZE_REG);
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(pce_dev->reg.crypto_cfg_le, (pce_dev->iobase +
+	/* issue go to crypto   */
+	if (use_hw_key == false) {
+				(1 << CRYPTO_CLR_CNTXT)),
+				pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG);
+	} else {
+				pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_GOPROC_QC_KEY_REG);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions (setting the GO register)
+	 * was completed before issuing a DMA transfer request
+	 */
+	mb();
+	return 0;
+static int _ce_setup_aead_direct(struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+		struct qce_req *q_req, uint32_t totallen_in, uint32_t coffset)
+	int32_t authk_size_in_word = SHA_HMAC_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t);
+	int i;
+	uint32_t mackey32[SHA_HMAC_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)] = {0};
+	uint32_t a_cfg;
+	uint32_t enckey32[(MAX_CIPHER_KEY_SIZE*2)/sizeof(uint32_t)] = {0};
+	uint32_t enciv32[MAX_IV_LENGTH/sizeof(uint32_t)] = {0};
+	uint32_t enck_size_in_word = 0;
+	uint32_t enciv_in_word;
+	uint32_t key_size;
+	uint32_t ivsize = q_req->ivsize;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg;
+	/* clear status */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_STATUS_REG);
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(pce_dev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, (pce_dev->iobase +
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions (setting the CONFIG register)
+	 * was completed before issuing starting to set other config register
+	 * This is to ensure the configurations are done in correct endian-ness
+	 * as set in the CONFIG registers
+	 */
+	mb();
+	key_size = q_req->encklen;
+	enck_size_in_word = key_size/sizeof(uint32_t);
+	switch (q_req->alg) {
+		switch (q_req->mode) {
+		case QCE_MODE_CBC:
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_des_cbc;
+			break;
+		default:
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		enciv_in_word = 2;
+		break;
+		switch (q_req->mode) {
+		case QCE_MODE_CBC:
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_3des_cbc;
+			break;
+		default:
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		enciv_in_word = 2;
+		break;
+		switch (q_req->mode) {
+		case QCE_MODE_CBC:
+			if (key_size == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+				encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_cbc_128;
+			else if (key_size  == AES256_KEY_SIZE)
+				encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_cbc_256;
+			else
+				return -EINVAL;
+			break;
+		default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		enciv_in_word = 4;
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	/* write CNTR0_IV0_REG */
+	if (q_req->mode !=  QCE_MODE_ECB) {
+		_byte_stream_to_net_words(enciv32, q_req->iv, ivsize);
+		for (i = 0; i < enciv_in_word; i++)
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(enciv32[i], pce_dev->iobase +
+				(CRYPTO_CNTR0_IV0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)));
+	}
+	/*
+	 * write encr key
+	 * do not use  hw key or pipe key
+	 */
+	_byte_stream_to_net_words(enckey32, q_req->enckey, key_size);
+	for (i = 0; i < enck_size_in_word; i++)
+		QCE_WRITE_REG(enckey32[i], pce_dev->iobase +
+				(CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)));
+	/* write encr seg cfg */
+	if (q_req->dir == QCE_ENCRYPT)
+		encr_cfg |= (1 << CRYPTO_ENCODE);
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(encr_cfg, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_CFG_REG);
+	/* we only support sha1-hmac and sha256-hmac at this point */
+	_byte_stream_to_net_words(mackey32, q_req->authkey,
+					q_req->authklen);
+	for (i = 0; i < authk_size_in_word; i++)
+		QCE_WRITE_REG(mackey32[i], pce_dev->iobase +
+			(CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)));
+	if (q_req->auth_alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC) {
+		for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(_std_init_vector_sha1[i],
+				pce_dev->iobase +
+				(CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)));
+	} else {
+		for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(_std_init_vector_sha256[i],
+				pce_dev->iobase +
+				(CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)));
+	}
+	/* write auth_bytecnt 0/1, start with 0 */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT0_REG);
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT1_REG);
+	/* write encr seg size    */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(q_req->cryptlen, pce_dev->iobase +
+	/* write encr start   */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(coffset & 0xffff, pce_dev->iobase +
+	if (q_req->auth_alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC)
+		a_cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_aead_sha1_hmac;
+	else
+		a_cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_aead_sha256_hmac;
+	if (q_req->dir == QCE_ENCRYPT)
+	else
+	/* write auth seg_cfg */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(a_cfg, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_CFG_REG);
+	/* write auth seg_size   */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(totallen_in, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_SIZE_REG);
+	/* write auth_seg_start   */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_START_REG);
+	/* write seg_size   */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(totallen_in, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_SEG_SIZE_REG);
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(pce_dev->reg.crypto_cfg_le, (pce_dev->iobase +
+	/* issue go to crypto   */
+				(1 << CRYPTO_CLR_CNTXT)),
+				pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG);
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions (setting the GO register)
+	 * was completed before issuing a DMA transfer request
+	 */
+	mb();
+	return 0;
+static int _ce_setup_cipher_direct(struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+		struct qce_req *creq, uint32_t totallen_in, uint32_t coffset)
+	uint32_t enckey32[(MAX_CIPHER_KEY_SIZE * 2)/sizeof(uint32_t)] = {
+			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+	uint32_t enciv32[MAX_IV_LENGTH / sizeof(uint32_t)] = {
+			0, 0, 0, 0};
+	uint32_t enck_size_in_word = 0;
+	uint32_t key_size;
+	bool use_hw_key = false;
+	bool use_pipe_key = false;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg = 0;
+	uint32_t ivsize = creq->ivsize;
+	int i;
+	/* clear status */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_STATUS_REG);
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(pce_dev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, (pce_dev->iobase +
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions (setting the CONFIG register)
+	 * was completed before issuing starting to set other config register
+	 * This is to ensure the configurations are done in correct endian-ness
+	 * as set in the CONFIG registers
+	 */
+	mb();
+	if (creq->mode == QCE_MODE_XTS)
+		key_size = creq->encklen/2;
+	else
+		key_size = creq->encklen;
+	if ((creq->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_HW_KEY) == QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_HW_KEY) {
+		use_hw_key = true;
+	} else {
+		if ((creq->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_PIPE_KEY) ==
+			use_pipe_key = true;
+	}
+	if ((use_pipe_key == false) && (use_hw_key == false)) {
+		_byte_stream_to_net_words(enckey32, creq->enckey, key_size);
+		enck_size_in_word = key_size/sizeof(uint32_t);
+	}
+	if ((creq->op == QCE_REQ_AEAD) && (creq->mode == QCE_MODE_CCM)) {
+		uint32_t authklen32 = creq->encklen/sizeof(uint32_t);
+		uint32_t noncelen32 = MAX_NONCE/sizeof(uint32_t);
+		uint32_t nonce32[MAX_NONCE/sizeof(uint32_t)] = {0, 0, 0, 0};
+		uint32_t auth_cfg = 0;
+		/* Clear auth_ivn, auth_keyn registers  */
+		for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(0, (pce_dev->iobase +
+				(CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG + i*sizeof(uint32_t))));
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(0, (pce_dev->iobase +
+				(CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY0_REG + i*sizeof(uint32_t))));
+		}
+		/* write auth_bytecnt 0/1/2/3, start with 0 */
+		for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase +
+						i * sizeof(uint32_t));
+		/* write nonce */
+		_byte_stream_to_net_words(nonce32, creq->nonce, MAX_NONCE);
+		for (i = 0; i < noncelen32; i++)
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(nonce32[i], pce_dev->iobase +
+					(i*sizeof(uint32_t)));
+		if (creq->authklen ==  AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+			auth_cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_aes_ccm_128;
+		else {
+			if (creq->authklen ==  AES256_KEY_SIZE)
+				auth_cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_aes_ccm_256;
+		}
+		if (creq->dir == QCE_ENCRYPT)
+		else
+		auth_cfg |= ((creq->authsize - 1) << CRYPTO_AUTH_SIZE);
+		if (use_hw_key == true)	{
+			auth_cfg |= (1 << CRYPTO_USE_HW_KEY_AUTH);
+		} else {
+			auth_cfg &= ~(1 << CRYPTO_USE_HW_KEY_AUTH);
+			/* write auth key */
+			for (i = 0; i < authklen32; i++)
+				QCE_WRITE_REG(enckey32[i], pce_dev->iobase +
+				CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY0_REG + (i*sizeof(uint32_t)));
+		}
+		QCE_WRITE_REG(auth_cfg, pce_dev->iobase +
+		if (creq->dir == QCE_ENCRYPT) {
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(totallen_in, pce_dev->iobase +
+		} else {
+			QCE_WRITE_REG((totallen_in - creq->authsize),
+				pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_SIZE_REG);
+		}
+		QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_START_REG);
+	} else {
+		if (creq->op != QCE_REQ_AEAD)
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase +
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions (write to all AUTH registers)
+	 * was completed before accessing a register that is not in
+	 * in the same 1K range.
+	 */
+	mb();
+	switch (creq->mode) {
+	case QCE_MODE_ECB:
+		if (key_size == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ecb_128;
+		else
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ecb_256;
+		break;
+	case QCE_MODE_CBC:
+		if (key_size == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_cbc_128;
+		else
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_cbc_256;
+		break;
+	case QCE_MODE_XTS:
+		if (key_size == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_xts_128;
+		else
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_xts_256;
+		break;
+	case QCE_MODE_CCM:
+		if (key_size == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ccm_128;
+		else
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ccm_256;
+		break;
+	case QCE_MODE_CTR:
+	default:
+		if (key_size == AES128_KEY_SIZE)
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ctr_128;
+		else
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ctr_256;
+		break;
+	}
+	switch (creq->alg) {
+		if (creq->mode !=  QCE_MODE_ECB) {
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_des_cbc;
+			_byte_stream_to_net_words(enciv32, creq->iv, ivsize);
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(enciv32[0], pce_dev->iobase +
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(enciv32[1], pce_dev->iobase +
+		} else {
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_des_ecb;
+		}
+		if (use_hw_key == false) {
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(enckey32[0], pce_dev->iobase +
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(enckey32[1], pce_dev->iobase +
+		}
+		break;
+		if (creq->mode !=  QCE_MODE_ECB) {
+			_byte_stream_to_net_words(enciv32, creq->iv, ivsize);
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(enciv32[0], pce_dev->iobase +
+			QCE_WRITE_REG(enciv32[1], pce_dev->iobase +
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_3des_cbc;
+		} else {
+			encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_3des_ecb;
+		}
+		if (use_hw_key == false) {
+			/* write encr key */
+			for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+				QCE_WRITE_REG(enckey32[0], (pce_dev->iobase +
+				(CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t))));
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		if (creq->mode ==  QCE_MODE_XTS) {
+			uint32_t xtskey32[MAX_CIPHER_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)]
+					= {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
+			uint32_t xtsklen =
+					creq->encklen/(2 * sizeof(uint32_t));
+			if ((use_hw_key == false) && (use_pipe_key == false)) {
+				_byte_stream_to_net_words(xtskey32,
+					(creq->enckey + creq->encklen/2),
+							creq->encklen/2);
+				/* write xts encr key */
+				for (i = 0; i < xtsklen; i++)
+					QCE_WRITE_REG(xtskey32[i],
+						pce_dev->iobase +
+						(i * sizeof(uint32_t)));
+			}
+			/* write xts du size */
+			switch (creq->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_XTS_MASK) {
+					min((uint32_t)QCE_SECTOR_SIZE,
+					creq->cryptlen), pce_dev->iobase +
+				break;
+					min((uint32_t)(QCE_SECTOR_SIZE * 2),
+					creq->cryptlen), pce_dev->iobase +
+				break;
+			default:
+				QCE_WRITE_REG(creq->cryptlen,
+					pce_dev->iobase +
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		if (creq->mode !=  QCE_MODE_ECB) {
+			if (creq->mode ==  QCE_MODE_XTS)
+				_byte_stream_swap_to_net_words(enciv32,
+							creq->iv, ivsize);
+			else
+				_byte_stream_to_net_words(enciv32, creq->iv,
+								ivsize);
+			/* write encr cntr iv */
+			for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
+				QCE_WRITE_REG(enciv32[i], pce_dev->iobase +
+							CRYPTO_CNTR0_IV0_REG +
+							(i * sizeof(uint32_t)));
+			if (creq->mode == QCE_MODE_CCM) {
+				/* write cntr iv for ccm */
+				for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++)
+					QCE_WRITE_REG(enciv32[i],
+						pce_dev->iobase +
+							(i * sizeof(uint32_t)));
+				/* update cntr_iv[3] by one */
+				QCE_WRITE_REG((enciv32[3] + 1),
+							pce_dev->iobase +
+							CRYPTO_CNTR0_IV0_REG +
+							(3 * sizeof(uint32_t)));
+			}
+		}
+		if (creq->op == QCE_REQ_ABLK_CIPHER_NO_KEY) {
+			encr_cfg |= (CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY_SZ_AES128 <<
+		} else {
+			if ((use_hw_key == false) && (use_pipe_key == false)) {
+				for (i = 0; i < enck_size_in_word; i++)
+					QCE_WRITE_REG(enckey32[i],
+						pce_dev->iobase +
+						(i * sizeof(uint32_t)));
+			}
+		} /* else of if (creq->op == QCE_REQ_ABLK_CIPHER_NO_KEY) */
+		break;
+	} /* end of switch (creq->mode)  */
+	if (use_pipe_key)
+	/* write encr seg cfg */
+	encr_cfg |= ((creq->dir == QCE_ENCRYPT) ? 1 : 0) << CRYPTO_ENCODE;
+	if (use_hw_key == true)
+	else
+	/* write encr seg cfg */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(encr_cfg, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_CFG_REG);
+	/* write encr seg size */
+	if ((creq->mode == QCE_MODE_CCM) && (creq->dir == QCE_DECRYPT)) {
+		QCE_WRITE_REG((creq->cryptlen + creq->authsize),
+				pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_SIZE_REG);
+	} else {
+		QCE_WRITE_REG(creq->cryptlen,
+				pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_SIZE_REG);
+	}
+	/* write encr seg start */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG((coffset & 0xffff),
+			pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_START_REG);
+	/* write encr counter mask */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0xffffffff,
+			pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG);
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0xffffffff,
+			pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG0);
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0xffffffff,
+			pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG1);
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0xffffffff,
+			pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG2);
+	/* write seg size  */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(totallen_in, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_SEG_SIZE_REG);
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(pce_dev->reg.crypto_cfg_le, (pce_dev->iobase +
+	/* issue go to crypto   */
+	if (use_hw_key == false) {
+				(1 << CRYPTO_CLR_CNTXT)),
+				pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG);
+	} else {
+				pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_GOPROC_QC_KEY_REG);
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions (setting the GO register)
+	 * was completed before issuing a DMA transfer request
+	 */
+	mb();
+	return 0;
+static int _ce_f9_setup_direct(struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+				 struct qce_f9_req *req)
+	uint32_t ikey32[OTA_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)];
+	uint32_t key_size_in_word = OTA_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t);
+	uint32_t auth_cfg;
+	int i;
+	switch (req->algorithm) {
+		auth_cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_kasumi;
+		break;
+	default:
+		auth_cfg = pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_snow3g;
+		break;
+	};
+	/* clear status */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_STATUS_REG);
+	/* set big endian configuration */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(pce_dev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, (pce_dev->iobase +
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions (setting the CONFIG register)
+	 * was completed before issuing starting to set other config register
+	 * This is to ensure the configurations are done in correct endian-ness
+	 * as set in the CONFIG registers
+	 */
+	mb();
+	/* write enc_seg_cfg */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_CFG_REG);
+	/* write ecn_seg_size */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_SIZE_REG);
+	/* write key in CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0-3_REG */
+	_byte_stream_to_net_words(ikey32, &req->ikey[0], OTA_KEY_SIZE);
+	for (i = 0; i < key_size_in_word; i++)
+		QCE_WRITE_REG(ikey32[i], (pce_dev->iobase +
+			(CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG + i*sizeof(uint32_t))));
+	/* write last bits  in CRYPTO_AUTH_IV4_REG  */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(req->last_bits, (pce_dev->iobase +
+	/* write fresh to CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT0_REG */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(req->fresh, (pce_dev->iobase +
+	/* write count-i  to CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT1_REG */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(req->count_i, (pce_dev->iobase +
+	/* write auth seg cfg */
+	if (req->direction == QCE_OTA_DIR_DOWNLINK)
+		auth_cfg |= BIT(CRYPTO_F9_DIRECTION);
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(auth_cfg, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_CFG_REG);
+	/* write auth seg size */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(req->msize, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_SIZE_REG);
+	/* write auth seg start*/
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_START_REG);
+	/* write seg size  */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(req->msize, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_SEG_SIZE_REG);
+	/* set little endian configuration before go*/
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(pce_dev->reg.crypto_cfg_le, (pce_dev->iobase +
+	/* write go */
+				(1 << CRYPTO_CLR_CNTXT)),
+				pce_dev->iobase +  CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG);
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions (setting the GO register)
+	 * was completed before issuing a DMA transfer request
+	 */
+	mb();
+	return 0;
+static int _ce_f8_setup_direct(struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+		struct qce_f8_req *req, bool key_stream_mode,
+		uint16_t npkts, uint16_t cipher_offset, uint16_t cipher_size)
+	int i = 0;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg = 0;
+	uint32_t ckey32[OTA_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t)];
+	uint32_t key_size_in_word = OTA_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t);
+	switch (req->algorithm) {
+		encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_kasumi;
+		break;
+	default:
+		encr_cfg = pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_snow3g;
+		break;
+	};
+	/* clear status */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_STATUS_REG);
+	/* set big endian configuration */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(pce_dev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, (pce_dev->iobase +
+	/* write auth seg configuration */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_CFG_REG);
+	/* write auth seg size */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(0, pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_SIZE_REG);
+	/* write key */
+	_byte_stream_to_net_words(ckey32, &req->ckey[0], OTA_KEY_SIZE);
+	for (i = 0; i < key_size_in_word; i++)
+		QCE_WRITE_REG(ckey32[i], (pce_dev->iobase +
+			(CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY0_REG + i*sizeof(uint32_t))));
+	/* write encr seg cfg */
+	if (key_stream_mode)
+	if (req->direction == QCE_OTA_DIR_DOWNLINK)
+		encr_cfg |= BIT(CRYPTO_F8_DIRECTION);
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(encr_cfg, pce_dev->iobase +
+	/* write encr seg start */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG((cipher_offset & 0xffff), pce_dev->iobase +
+	/* write encr seg size  */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(cipher_size, pce_dev->iobase +
+	/* write seg size  */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(req->data_len, pce_dev->iobase +
+	/* write cntr0_iv0 for countC */
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(req->count_c, pce_dev->iobase +
+	/* write cntr1_iv1 for nPkts, and bearer */
+	if (npkts == 1)
+		npkts = 0;
+				npkts << CRYPTO_CNTR1_IV1_REG_F8_PKT_CNT,
+			pce_dev->iobase + CRYPTO_CNTR1_IV1_REG);
+	/* set little endian configuration before go*/
+	QCE_WRITE_REG(pce_dev->reg.crypto_cfg_le, (pce_dev->iobase +
+	/* write go */
+				(1 << CRYPTO_CLR_CNTXT)),
+				pce_dev->iobase +  CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG);
+	/*
+	 * Ensure previous instructions (setting the GO register)
+	 * was completed before issuing a DMA transfer request
+	 */
+	mb();
+	return 0;
+static int _qce_unlock_other_pipes(struct qce_device *pce_dev, int req_info)
+	int rc = 0;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data = &pce_dev->ce_request_info
+						[req_info].ce_sps;
+	if (pce_dev->no_get_around || pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr == false)
+		return rc;
+	rc = sps_transfer_one(pce_dev->ce_bam_info.consumer.pipe,
+		GET_PHYS_ADDR(pce_sps_data->
+				cmdlistptr.unlock_all_pipes.cmdlist),
+	if (rc) {
+		pr_err("sps_xfr_one() fail rc=%d", rc);
+		rc = -EINVAL;
+	}
+	return rc;
+static inline void qce_free_req_info(struct qce_device *pce_dev, int req_info,
+		bool is_complete);
+static int _aead_complete(struct qce_device *pce_dev, int req_info)
+	struct aead_request *areq;
+	unsigned char mac[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE];
+	uint32_t ccm_fail_status = 0;
+	uint32_t result_dump_status;
+	int32_t result_status = 0;
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	qce_comp_func_ptr_t qce_callback;
+	preq_info = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info];
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	qce_callback = preq_info->qce_cb;
+	areq = (struct aead_request *) preq_info->areq;
+	if (areq->src != areq->dst) {
+		qce_dma_unmap_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->dst, preq_info->dst_nents,
+	}
+	qce_dma_unmap_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->src, preq_info->src_nents,
+			(areq->src == areq->dst) ? DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL :
+							DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+	if (preq_info->asg)
+		qce_dma_unmap_sg(pce_dev->pdev, preq_info->asg,
+			preq_info->assoc_nents, DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+	/* check MAC */
+	memcpy(mac, (char *)(&pce_sps_data->result->auth_iv[0]),
+						SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);
+	/* read status before unlock */
+	if (preq_info->dir == QCE_DECRYPT) {
+		if (pce_dev->no_get_around)
+			if (pce_dev->no_ccm_mac_status_get_around)
+				ccm_fail_status = be32_to_cpu(pce_sps_data->
+							result->status);
+			else
+				ccm_fail_status = be32_to_cpu(pce_sps_data->
+							result_null->status);
+		else
+			ccm_fail_status = readl_relaxed(pce_dev->iobase +
+	}
+	if (_qce_unlock_other_pipes(pce_dev, req_info)) {
+		qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, true);
+		qce_callback(areq, mac, NULL, -ENXIO);
+		return -ENXIO;
+	}
+	result_dump_status = be32_to_cpu(pce_sps_data->result->status);
+	pce_sps_data->result->status = 0;
+	if (result_dump_status & ((1 << CRYPTO_SW_ERR) | (1 << CRYPTO_AXI_ERR)
+			| (1 <<  CRYPTO_HSD_ERR))) {
+		pr_err("aead operation error. Status %x\n", result_dump_status);
+		result_status = -ENXIO;
+	} else if (pce_sps_data->consumer_status |
+			pce_sps_data->producer_status)  {
+		pr_err("aead sps operation error. sps status %x %x\n",
+				pce_sps_data->consumer_status,
+				pce_sps_data->producer_status);
+		result_status = -ENXIO;
+	}
+	if (preq_info->mode == QCE_MODE_CCM) {
+		/*
+		 * Not from result dump, instead, use the status we just
+		 * read of device for MAC_FAILED.
+		 */
+		if (result_status == 0 && (preq_info->dir == QCE_DECRYPT) &&
+				(ccm_fail_status & (1 << CRYPTO_MAC_FAILED)))
+			result_status = -EBADMSG;
+		qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, true);
+		qce_callback(areq, mac, NULL, result_status);
+	} else {
+		uint32_t ivsize = 0;
+		struct crypto_aead *aead;
+		aead = crypto_aead_reqtfm(areq);
+		ivsize = crypto_aead_ivsize(aead);
+		memcpy(iv, (char *)(pce_sps_data->result->encr_cntr_iv),
+			sizeof(iv));
+		qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, true);
+		qce_callback(areq, mac, iv, result_status);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int _sha_complete(struct qce_device *pce_dev, int req_info)
+	struct ahash_request *areq;
+	unsigned char digest[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE];
+	uint32_t bytecount32[2];
+	int32_t result_status = 0;
+	uint32_t result_dump_status;
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	qce_comp_func_ptr_t qce_callback;
+	preq_info = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info];
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	qce_callback = preq_info->qce_cb;
+	areq = (struct ahash_request *) preq_info->areq;
+	qce_dma_unmap_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->src, preq_info->src_nents,
+	memcpy(digest, (char *)(&pce_sps_data->result->auth_iv[0]),
+						SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);
+	_byte_stream_to_net_words(bytecount32,
+		(unsigned char *)pce_sps_data->result->auth_byte_count,
+					2 * CRYPTO_REG_SIZE);
+	if (_qce_unlock_other_pipes(pce_dev, req_info)) {
+		qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, true);
+		qce_callback(areq, digest, (char *)bytecount32,
+				-ENXIO);
+		return -ENXIO;
+	}
+	result_dump_status = be32_to_cpu(pce_sps_data->result->status);
+	pce_sps_data->result->status = 0;
+	if (result_dump_status & ((1 << CRYPTO_SW_ERR) | (1 << CRYPTO_AXI_ERR)
+			| (1 <<  CRYPTO_HSD_ERR))) {
+		pr_err("sha operation error. Status %x\n", result_dump_status);
+		result_status = -ENXIO;
+	} else if (pce_sps_data->consumer_status) {
+		pr_err("sha sps operation error. sps status %x\n",
+			pce_sps_data->consumer_status);
+		result_status = -ENXIO;
+	}
+	qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, true);
+	qce_callback(areq, digest, (char *)bytecount32, result_status);
+	return 0;
+static int _f9_complete(struct qce_device *pce_dev, int req_info)
+	uint32_t mac_i;
+	int32_t result_status = 0;
+	uint32_t result_dump_status;
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	qce_comp_func_ptr_t qce_callback;
+	void *areq;
+	preq_info = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info];
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	qce_callback = preq_info->qce_cb;
+	areq = preq_info->areq;
+	dma_unmap_single(pce_dev->pdev, preq_info->phy_ota_src,
+				preq_info->ota_size, DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+	_byte_stream_to_net_words(&mac_i,
+		(char *)(&pce_sps_data->result->auth_iv[0]),
+	if (_qce_unlock_other_pipes(pce_dev, req_info)) {
+		qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, true);
+		qce_callback(areq, NULL, NULL, -ENXIO);
+		return -ENXIO;
+	}
+	result_dump_status = be32_to_cpu(pce_sps_data->result->status);
+	pce_sps_data->result->status = 0;
+	if (result_dump_status & ((1 << CRYPTO_SW_ERR) | (1 << CRYPTO_AXI_ERR)
+				| (1 <<  CRYPTO_HSD_ERR))) {
+		pr_err("f9 operation error. Status %x\n", result_dump_status);
+		result_status = -ENXIO;
+	} else if (pce_sps_data->consumer_status |
+				pce_sps_data->producer_status)  {
+		pr_err("f9 sps operation error. sps status %x %x\n",
+				pce_sps_data->consumer_status,
+				pce_sps_data->producer_status);
+		result_status = -ENXIO;
+	}
+	qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, true);
+	qce_callback(areq, (char *)&mac_i, NULL, result_status);
+	return 0;
+static int _ablk_cipher_complete(struct qce_device *pce_dev, int req_info)
+	struct ablkcipher_request *areq;
+	int32_t result_status = 0;
+	uint32_t result_dump_status;
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	qce_comp_func_ptr_t qce_callback;
+	preq_info = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info];
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	qce_callback = preq_info->qce_cb;
+	areq = (struct ablkcipher_request *) preq_info->areq;
+	if (areq->src != areq->dst) {
+		qce_dma_unmap_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->dst,
+			preq_info->dst_nents, DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
+	}
+	qce_dma_unmap_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->src, preq_info->src_nents,
+		(areq->src == areq->dst) ? DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL :
+						DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+	if (_qce_unlock_other_pipes(pce_dev, req_info)) {
+		qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, true);
+		qce_callback(areq, NULL, NULL, -ENXIO);
+		return -ENXIO;
+	}
+	result_dump_status = be32_to_cpu(pce_sps_data->result->status);
+	pce_sps_data->result->status = 0;
+	if (result_dump_status & ((1 << CRYPTO_SW_ERR) | (1 << CRYPTO_AXI_ERR)
+			| (1 <<  CRYPTO_HSD_ERR))) {
+		pr_err("ablk_cipher operation error. Status %x\n",
+				result_dump_status);
+		result_status = -ENXIO;
+	} else if (pce_sps_data->consumer_status |
+				pce_sps_data->producer_status)  {
+		pr_err("ablk_cipher sps operation error. sps status %x %x\n",
+				pce_sps_data->consumer_status,
+				pce_sps_data->producer_status);
+		result_status = -ENXIO;
+	}
+	if (preq_info->mode == QCE_MODE_ECB) {
+		qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, true);
+		qce_callback(areq, NULL, NULL, pce_sps_data->consumer_status |
+								result_status);
+	} else {
+		if (pce_dev->ce_bam_info.minor_version == 0) {
+			if (preq_info->mode == QCE_MODE_CBC) {
+				if  (preq_info->dir == QCE_DECRYPT)
+					memcpy(iv, (char *)preq_info->dec_iv,
+								sizeof(iv));
+				else
+					memcpy(iv, (unsigned char *)
+						(sg_virt(areq->src) +
+						areq->src->length - 16),
+						sizeof(iv));
+			}
+			if ((preq_info->mode == QCE_MODE_CTR) ||
+				(preq_info->mode == QCE_MODE_XTS)) {
+				uint32_t num_blk = 0;
+				uint32_t cntr_iv3 = 0;
+				unsigned long long cntr_iv64 = 0;
+				unsigned char *b = (unsigned char *)(&cntr_iv3);
+				memcpy(iv, areq->info, sizeof(iv));
+				if (preq_info->mode != QCE_MODE_XTS)
+					num_blk = areq->nbytes/16;
+				else
+					num_blk = 1;
+				cntr_iv3 =  ((*(iv + 12) << 24) & 0xff000000) |
+					(((*(iv + 13)) << 16) & 0xff0000) |
+					(((*(iv + 14)) << 8) & 0xff00) |
+					(*(iv + 15) & 0xff);
+				cntr_iv64 =
+					(((unsigned long long)cntr_iv3 &
+					0xFFFFFFFFULL) +
+					(unsigned long long)num_blk) %
+					(unsigned long long)(0x100000000ULL);
+				cntr_iv3 = (u32)(cntr_iv64 & 0xFFFFFFFF);
+				*(iv + 15) = (char)(*b);
+				*(iv + 14) = (char)(*(b + 1));
+				*(iv + 13) = (char)(*(b + 2));
+				*(iv + 12) = (char)(*(b + 3));
+			}
+		} else {
+			memcpy(iv,
+				(char *)(pce_sps_data->result->encr_cntr_iv),
+				sizeof(iv));
+		}
+		qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, true);
+		qce_callback(areq, NULL, iv, result_status);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int _f8_complete(struct qce_device *pce_dev, int req_info)
+	int32_t result_status = 0;
+	uint32_t result_dump_status;
+	uint32_t result_dump_status2;
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	qce_comp_func_ptr_t qce_callback;
+	void *areq;
+	preq_info = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info];
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	qce_callback = preq_info->qce_cb;
+	areq = preq_info->areq;
+	if (preq_info->phy_ota_dst)
+		dma_unmap_single(pce_dev->pdev, preq_info->phy_ota_dst,
+				preq_info->ota_size, DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
+	if (preq_info->phy_ota_src)
+		dma_unmap_single(pce_dev->pdev, preq_info->phy_ota_src,
+				preq_info->ota_size, (preq_info->phy_ota_dst) ?
+	if (_qce_unlock_other_pipes(pce_dev, req_info)) {
+		qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, true);
+		qce_callback(areq, NULL, NULL, -ENXIO);
+		return -ENXIO;
+	}
+	result_dump_status = be32_to_cpu(pce_sps_data->result->status);
+	result_dump_status2 = be32_to_cpu(pce_sps_data->result->status2);
+	if ((result_dump_status & ((1 << CRYPTO_SW_ERR) | (1 << CRYPTO_AXI_ERR)
+			| (1 <<  CRYPTO_HSD_ERR)))) {
+		pr_err(
+			"f8 oper error. Dump Sta %x Sta2 %x req %d\n",
+			result_dump_status, result_dump_status2, req_info);
+		result_status = -ENXIO;
+	} else if (pce_sps_data->consumer_status |
+				pce_sps_data->producer_status)  {
+		pr_err("f8 sps operation error. sps status %x %x\n",
+				pce_sps_data->consumer_status,
+				pce_sps_data->producer_status);
+		result_status = -ENXIO;
+	}
+	pce_sps_data->result->status = 0;
+	pce_sps_data->result->status2 = 0;
+	qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, true);
+	qce_callback(areq, NULL, NULL, result_status);
+	return 0;
+static void _qce_sps_iovec_count_init(struct qce_device *pce_dev, int req_info)
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info]
+							.ce_sps;
+	pce_sps_data->in_transfer.iovec_count = 0;
+	pce_sps_data->out_transfer.iovec_count = 0;
+static void _qce_set_flag(struct sps_transfer *sps_bam_pipe, uint32_t flag)
+	struct sps_iovec *iovec;
+	if (sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count == 0)
+		return;
+	iovec  = sps_bam_pipe->iovec + (sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count - 1);
+	iovec->flags |= flag;
+static int _qce_sps_add_data(dma_addr_t paddr, uint32_t len,
+		struct sps_transfer *sps_bam_pipe)
+	struct sps_iovec *iovec = sps_bam_pipe->iovec +
+					sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count;
+	uint32_t data_cnt;
+	while (len > 0) {
+		if (sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count == QCE_MAX_NUM_DSCR) {
+			pr_err("Num of descrptor %d exceed max (%d)",
+				sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count,
+				(uint32_t)QCE_MAX_NUM_DSCR);
+			return -ENOMEM;
+		}
+		if (len > SPS_MAX_PKT_SIZE)
+			data_cnt = SPS_MAX_PKT_SIZE;
+		else
+			data_cnt = len;
+		iovec->size = data_cnt;
+		iovec->addr = SPS_GET_LOWER_ADDR(paddr);
+		iovec->flags = SPS_GET_UPPER_ADDR(paddr);
+		sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count++;
+		iovec++;
+		paddr += data_cnt;
+		len -= data_cnt;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int _qce_sps_add_sg_data(struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+		struct scatterlist *sg_src, uint32_t nbytes,
+		struct sps_transfer *sps_bam_pipe)
+	uint32_t data_cnt, len;
+	dma_addr_t addr;
+	struct sps_iovec *iovec = sps_bam_pipe->iovec +
+						sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count;
+	while (nbytes > 0) {
+		len = min(nbytes, sg_dma_len(sg_src));
+		nbytes -= len;
+		addr = sg_dma_address(sg_src);
+		if (pce_dev->ce_bam_info.minor_version == 0)
+			len = ALIGN(len, pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size);
+		while (len > 0) {
+			if (sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count == QCE_MAX_NUM_DSCR) {
+				pr_err("Num of descrptor %d exceed max (%d)",
+						sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count,
+						(uint32_t)QCE_MAX_NUM_DSCR);
+				return -ENOMEM;
+			}
+			if (len > SPS_MAX_PKT_SIZE) {
+				data_cnt = SPS_MAX_PKT_SIZE;
+				iovec->size = data_cnt;
+				iovec->addr = SPS_GET_LOWER_ADDR(addr);
+				iovec->flags = SPS_GET_UPPER_ADDR(addr);
+			} else {
+				data_cnt = len;
+				iovec->size = data_cnt;
+				iovec->addr = SPS_GET_LOWER_ADDR(addr);
+				iovec->flags = SPS_GET_UPPER_ADDR(addr);
+			}
+			iovec++;
+			sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count++;
+			addr += data_cnt;
+			len -= data_cnt;
+		}
+		sg_src = sg_next(sg_src);
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int _qce_sps_add_sg_data_off(struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+		struct scatterlist *sg_src, uint32_t nbytes, uint32_t off,
+		struct sps_transfer *sps_bam_pipe)
+	uint32_t data_cnt, len;
+	dma_addr_t addr;
+	struct sps_iovec *iovec = sps_bam_pipe->iovec +
+						sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count;
+	unsigned int res_within_sg;
+	if (!sg_src)
+		return -ENOENT;
+	res_within_sg = sg_dma_len(sg_src);
+	while (off > 0) {
+		if (!sg_src) {
+			pr_err("broken sg list off %d nbytes %d\n",
+				off, nbytes);
+			return -ENOENT;
+		}
+		len = sg_dma_len(sg_src);
+		if (off < len) {
+			res_within_sg = len - off;
+			break;
+		}
+		off -= len;
+		sg_src = sg_next(sg_src);
+		if (sg_src)
+			res_within_sg = sg_dma_len(sg_src);
+	}
+	while (nbytes > 0 && sg_src) {
+		len = min(nbytes, res_within_sg);
+		nbytes -= len;
+		addr = sg_dma_address(sg_src) + off;
+		if (pce_dev->ce_bam_info.minor_version == 0)
+			len = ALIGN(len, pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size);
+		while (len > 0) {
+			if (sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count == QCE_MAX_NUM_DSCR) {
+				pr_err("Num of descrptor %d exceed max (%d)",
+						sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count,
+						(uint32_t)QCE_MAX_NUM_DSCR);
+				return -ENOMEM;
+			}
+			if (len > SPS_MAX_PKT_SIZE) {
+				data_cnt = SPS_MAX_PKT_SIZE;
+				iovec->size = data_cnt;
+				iovec->addr = SPS_GET_LOWER_ADDR(addr);
+				iovec->flags = SPS_GET_UPPER_ADDR(addr);
+			} else {
+				data_cnt = len;
+				iovec->size = data_cnt;
+				iovec->addr = SPS_GET_LOWER_ADDR(addr);
+				iovec->flags = SPS_GET_UPPER_ADDR(addr);
+			}
+			iovec++;
+			sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count++;
+			addr += data_cnt;
+			len -= data_cnt;
+		}
+		if (nbytes) {
+			sg_src = sg_next(sg_src);
+			if (!sg_src) {
+				pr_err("more data bytes %d\n", nbytes);
+				return -ENOMEM;
+			}
+			res_within_sg = sg_dma_len(sg_src);
+			off = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int _qce_sps_add_cmd(struct qce_device *pce_dev, uint32_t flag,
+				struct qce_cmdlist_info *cmdptr,
+				struct sps_transfer *sps_bam_pipe)
+	dma_addr_t  paddr = GET_PHYS_ADDR(cmdptr->cmdlist);
+	struct sps_iovec *iovec = sps_bam_pipe->iovec +
+					sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count;
+	iovec->size = cmdptr->size;
+	iovec->addr = SPS_GET_LOWER_ADDR(paddr);
+	iovec->flags = SPS_GET_UPPER_ADDR(paddr) | SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_CMD | flag;
+	sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count++;
+	if (sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count >= QCE_MAX_NUM_DSCR) {
+		pr_err("Num of descrptor %d exceed max (%d)",
+			sps_bam_pipe->iovec_count, (uint32_t)QCE_MAX_NUM_DSCR);
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int _qce_sps_transfer(struct qce_device *pce_dev, int req_info)
+	int rc = 0;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	pce_sps_data = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info].ce_sps;
+	pce_sps_data->out_transfer.user =
+		(void *)((uintptr_t)(CRYPTO_REQ_USER_PAT |
+					(unsigned int) req_info));
+	pce_sps_data->in_transfer.user =
+		(void *)((uintptr_t)(CRYPTO_REQ_USER_PAT |
+					(unsigned int) req_info));
+	_qce_dump_descr_fifos_dbg(pce_dev, req_info);
+	if (pce_sps_data->in_transfer.iovec_count) {
+		rc = sps_transfer(pce_dev->ce_bam_info.consumer.pipe,
+					  &pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+		if (rc) {
+			pr_err("sps_xfr() fail (consumer pipe=0x%lx) rc = %d\n",
+				(uintptr_t)pce_dev->ce_bam_info.consumer.pipe,
+				rc);
+			goto ret;
+		}
+	}
+	rc = sps_transfer(pce_dev->ce_bam_info.producer.pipe,
+					  &pce_sps_data->out_transfer);
+	if (rc)
+		pr_err("sps_xfr() fail (producer pipe=0x%lx) rc = %d\n",
+			(uintptr_t)pce_dev->ce_bam_info.producer.pipe, rc);
+	if (rc)
+		_qce_dump_descr_fifos(pce_dev, req_info);
+	return rc;
+ * Allocate and Connect a CE peripheral's SPS endpoint
+ *
+ * This function allocates endpoint context and
+ * connect it with memory endpoint by calling
+ * appropriate SPS driver APIs.
+ *
+ * Also registers a SPS callback function with
+ * SPS driver
+ *
+ * This function should only be called once typically
+ * during driver probe.
+ *
+ * @pce_dev - Pointer to qce_device structure
+ * @ep   - Pointer to sps endpoint data structure
+ * @is_produce - 1 means Producer endpoint
+ *		 0 means Consumer endpoint
+ *
+ * @return - 0 if successful else negative value.
+ *
+ */
+static int qce_sps_init_ep_conn(struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+				struct qce_sps_ep_conn_data *ep,
+				bool is_producer)
+	int rc = 0;
+	struct sps_pipe *sps_pipe_info;
+	struct sps_connect *sps_connect_info = &ep->connect;
+	struct sps_register_event *sps_event = &ep->event;
+	/* Allocate endpoint context */
+	sps_pipe_info = sps_alloc_endpoint();
+	if (!sps_pipe_info) {
+		pr_err("sps_alloc_endpoint() failed!!! is_producer=%d",
+			   is_producer);
+		rc = -ENOMEM;
+		goto out;
+	}
+	/* Now save the sps pipe handle */
+	ep->pipe = sps_pipe_info;
+	/* Get default connection configuration for an endpoint */
+	rc = sps_get_config(sps_pipe_info, sps_connect_info);
+	if (rc) {
+		pr_err("sps_get_config() fail pipe_handle=0x%lx, rc = %d\n",
+				(uintptr_t)sps_pipe_info, rc);
+		goto get_config_err;
+	}
+	/* Modify the default connection configuration */
+	if (is_producer) {
+		/*
+		 * For CE producer transfer, source should be
+		 * CE peripheral where as destination should
+		 * be system memory.
+		 */
+		sps_connect_info->source = pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_handle;
+		sps_connect_info->destination = SPS_DEV_HANDLE_MEM;
+		/* Producer pipe will handle this connection */
+		sps_connect_info->mode = SPS_MODE_SRC;
+		sps_connect_info->options =
+	} else {
+		/* For CE consumer transfer, source should be
+		 * system memory where as destination should
+		 * CE peripheral
+		 */
+		sps_connect_info->source = SPS_DEV_HANDLE_MEM;
+		sps_connect_info->destination = pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_handle;
+		sps_connect_info->mode = SPS_MODE_DEST;
+		sps_connect_info->options =
+	}
+	/* Producer pipe index */
+	sps_connect_info->src_pipe_index =
+				pce_dev->ce_bam_info.src_pipe_index;
+	/* Consumer pipe index */
+	sps_connect_info->dest_pipe_index =
+				pce_dev->ce_bam_info.dest_pipe_index;
+	/* Set pipe group */
+	sps_connect_info->lock_group = pce_dev->ce_bam_info.pipe_pair_index;
+	sps_connect_info->event_thresh = 0x10;
+	/*
+	 * Max. no of scatter/gather buffers that can
+	 * be passed by block layer = 32 (NR_SG).
+	 * Each BAM descritor needs 64 bits (8 bytes).
+	 * One BAM descriptor is required per buffer transfer.
+	 * So we would require total 256 (32 * 8) bytes of descriptor FIFO.
+	 * But due to HW limitation we need to allocate atleast one extra
+	 * descriptor memory (256 bytes + 8 bytes). But in order to be
+	 * in power of 2, we are allocating 512 bytes of memory.
+	 */
+	sps_connect_info->desc.size = QCE_MAX_NUM_DSCR * MAX_QCE_ALLOC_BAM_REQ *
+					sizeof(struct sps_iovec);
+	if (sps_connect_info->desc.size > MAX_SPS_DESC_FIFO_SIZE)
+		sps_connect_info->desc.size = MAX_SPS_DESC_FIFO_SIZE;
+	sps_connect_info->desc.base = dma_alloc_coherent(pce_dev->pdev,
+					sps_connect_info->desc.size,
+					&sps_connect_info->desc.phys_base,
+					GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (sps_connect_info->desc.base == NULL) {
+		rc = -ENOMEM;
+		pr_err("Can not allocate coherent memory for sps data\n");
+		goto get_config_err;
+	}
+	memset(sps_connect_info->desc.base, 0x00, sps_connect_info->desc.size);
+	/* Establish connection between peripheral and memory endpoint */
+	rc = sps_connect(sps_pipe_info, sps_connect_info);
+	if (rc) {
+		pr_err("sps_connect() fail pipe_handle=0x%lx, rc = %d\n",
+				(uintptr_t)sps_pipe_info, rc);
+		goto sps_connect_err;
+	}
+	sps_event->mode = SPS_TRIGGER_CALLBACK;
+	sps_event->xfer_done = NULL;
+	sps_event->user = (void *)pce_dev;
+	if (is_producer) {
+		sps_event->options = SPS_O_EOT | SPS_O_DESC_DONE;
+		sps_event->callback = _sps_producer_callback;
+		rc = sps_register_event(ep->pipe, sps_event);
+		if (rc) {
+			pr_err("Producer callback registration failed rc=%d\n",
+									rc);
+			goto sps_connect_err;
+		}
+	} else {
+		sps_event->options = SPS_O_EOT;
+		sps_event->callback = NULL;
+	}
+	pr_debug("success, %s : pipe_handle=0x%lx, desc fifo base (phy) = 0x%p\n",
+		is_producer ? "PRODUCER(RX/OUT)" : "CONSUMER(TX/IN)",
+		(uintptr_t)sps_pipe_info, &sps_connect_info->desc.phys_base);
+	goto out;
+	dma_free_coherent(pce_dev->pdev,
+			sps_connect_info->desc.size,
+			sps_connect_info->desc.base,
+			sps_connect_info->desc.phys_base);
+	sps_free_endpoint(sps_pipe_info);
+	return rc;
+ * Disconnect and Deallocate a CE peripheral's SPS endpoint
+ *
+ * This function disconnect endpoint and deallocates
+ * endpoint context.
+ *
+ * This function should only be called once typically
+ * during driver remove.
+ *
+ * @pce_dev - Pointer to qce_device structure
+ * @ep   - Pointer to sps endpoint data structure
+ *
+ */
+static void qce_sps_exit_ep_conn(struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+				struct qce_sps_ep_conn_data *ep)
+	struct sps_pipe *sps_pipe_info = ep->pipe;
+	struct sps_connect *sps_connect_info = &ep->connect;
+	sps_disconnect(sps_pipe_info);
+	dma_free_coherent(pce_dev->pdev,
+			sps_connect_info->desc.size,
+			sps_connect_info->desc.base,
+			sps_connect_info->desc.phys_base);
+	sps_free_endpoint(sps_pipe_info);
+static void qce_sps_release_bam(struct qce_device *pce_dev)
+	struct bam_registration_info *pbam;
+	mutex_lock(&bam_register_lock);
+	pbam = pce_dev->pbam;
+	if (pbam == NULL)
+		goto ret;
+	pbam->cnt--;
+	if (pbam->cnt > 0)
+		goto ret;
+	if (pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_handle) {
+		sps_deregister_bam_device(pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_handle);
+		pr_debug("deregister bam handle 0x%lx\n",
+					pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_handle);
+		pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_handle = 0;
+	}
+	iounmap(pbam->bam_iobase);
+	pr_debug("delete bam 0x%x\n", pbam->bam_mem);
+	list_del(&pbam->qlist);
+	kfree(pbam);
+	pce_dev->pbam = NULL;
+	mutex_unlock(&bam_register_lock);
+static int qce_sps_get_bam(struct qce_device *pce_dev)
+	int rc = 0;
+	struct sps_bam_props bam = {0};
+	struct bam_registration_info *pbam = NULL;
+	struct bam_registration_info *p;
+	uint32_t bam_cfg = 0;
+	mutex_lock(&bam_register_lock);
+	list_for_each_entry(p, &qce50_bam_list, qlist) {
+		if (p->bam_mem == pce_dev->bam_mem) {
+			pbam = p;  /* found */
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (pbam) {
+		pr_debug("found bam 0x%x\n", pbam->bam_mem);
+		pbam->cnt++;
+		pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_handle =  pbam->handle;
+		pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_mem = pbam->bam_mem;
+		pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_iobase = pbam->bam_iobase;
+		pce_dev->pbam = pbam;
+		pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr = pbam->support_cmd_dscr;
+		goto ret;
+	}
+	pbam = kzalloc(sizeof(struct  bam_registration_info), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!pbam) {
+		rc = -ENOMEM;
+		goto ret;
+	}
+	pbam->cnt = 1;
+	pbam->bam_mem = pce_dev->bam_mem;
+	pbam->bam_iobase = ioremap_nocache(pce_dev->bam_mem,
+					pce_dev->bam_mem_size);
+	if (!pbam->bam_iobase) {
+		kfree(pbam);
+		rc = -ENOMEM;
+		pr_err("Can not map BAM io memory\n");
+		goto ret;
+	}
+	pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_mem = pbam->bam_mem;
+	pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_iobase = pbam->bam_iobase;
+	pbam->handle = 0;
+	pr_debug("allocate bam 0x%x\n", pbam->bam_mem);
+	bam_cfg = readl_relaxed(pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_iobase +
+	pbam->support_cmd_dscr =  (bam_cfg & CRYPTO_BAM_CD_ENABLE_MASK) ?
+					true : false;
+	if (pbam->support_cmd_dscr == false) {
+		pr_info("qce50 don't support command descriptor. bam_cfg%x\n",
+							bam_cfg);
+		pce_dev->no_get_around = false;
+	}
+	pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr = pbam->support_cmd_dscr;
+	bam.phys_addr = pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_mem;
+	bam.virt_addr = pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_iobase;
+	/*
+	 * This event thresold value is only significant for BAM-to-BAM
+	 * transfer. It's ignored for BAM-to-System mode transfer.
+	 */
+	bam.event_threshold = 0x10;	/* Pipe event threshold */
+	/*
+	 * This threshold controls when the BAM publish
+	 * the descriptor size on the sideband interface.
+	 * SPS HW will only be used when
+	 * data transfer size >  64 bytes.
+	 */
+	bam.summing_threshold = 64;
+	/* SPS driver wll handle the crypto BAM IRQ */
+	bam.irq = (u32)pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_irq;
+	/*
+	 * Set flag to indicate BAM global device control is managed
+	 * remotely.
+	 */
+	if ((pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr == false) || (pce_dev->is_shared))
+		bam.manage = SPS_BAM_MGR_DEVICE_REMOTE;
+	else
+		bam.manage = SPS_BAM_MGR_LOCAL;
+ = pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_ee;
+	bam.ipc_loglevel = QCE_BAM_DEFAULT_IPC_LOGLVL;
+	bam.options |= SPS_BAM_CACHED_WP;
+	pr_debug("bam physical base=0x%lx\n", (uintptr_t)bam.phys_addr);
+	pr_debug("bam virtual base=0x%p\n", bam.virt_addr);
+	/* Register CE Peripheral BAM device to SPS driver */
+	rc = sps_register_bam_device(&bam, &pbam->handle);
+	if (rc) {
+		pr_err("sps_register_bam_device() failed! err=%d", rc);
+		rc = -EIO;
+		iounmap(pbam->bam_iobase);
+		kfree(pbam);
+		goto ret;
+	}
+	pce_dev->pbam = pbam;
+	list_add_tail(&pbam->qlist, &qce50_bam_list);
+	pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_handle =  pbam->handle;
+	mutex_unlock(&bam_register_lock);
+	return rc;
+ * Initialize SPS HW connected with CE core
+ *
+ * This function register BAM HW resources with
+ * SPS driver and then initialize 2 SPS endpoints
+ *
+ * This function should only be called once typically
+ * during driver probe.
+ *
+ * @pce_dev - Pointer to qce_device structure
+ *
+ * @return - 0 if successful else negative value.
+ *
+ */
+static int qce_sps_init(struct qce_device *pce_dev)
+	int rc = 0;
+	rc = qce_sps_get_bam(pce_dev);
+	if (rc)
+		return rc;
+	pr_debug("BAM device registered. bam_handle=0x%lx\n",
+		pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_handle);
+	rc = qce_sps_init_ep_conn(pce_dev,
+			&pce_dev->ce_bam_info.producer, true);
+	if (rc)
+		goto sps_connect_producer_err;
+	rc = qce_sps_init_ep_conn(pce_dev,
+			&pce_dev->ce_bam_info.consumer, false);
+	if (rc)
+		goto sps_connect_consumer_err;
+	pr_info(" QTI MSM CE-BAM at 0x%016llx irq %d\n",
+		(unsigned long long)pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_mem,
+		(unsigned int)pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_irq);
+	return rc;
+	qce_sps_exit_ep_conn(pce_dev, &pce_dev->ce_bam_info.producer);
+	qce_sps_release_bam(pce_dev);
+	return rc;
+static inline int qce_alloc_req_info(struct qce_device *pce_dev)
+	int i;
+	int request_index = pce_dev->ce_request_index;
+	for (i = 0; i < MAX_QCE_BAM_REQ; i++) {
+		request_index++;
+		if (request_index >= MAX_QCE_BAM_REQ)
+			request_index = 0;
+		if (xchg(&pce_dev->ce_request_info[request_index].
+						in_use, true) == false) {
+			pce_dev->ce_request_index = request_index;
+			return request_index;
+		}
+	}
+	pr_warn("pcedev %d no reqs available no_of_queued_req %d\n",
+			pce_dev->dev_no, atomic_read(
+					&pce_dev->no_of_queued_req));
+	return -EBUSY;
+static inline void qce_free_req_info(struct qce_device *pce_dev, int req_info,
+		bool is_complete)
+	pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info].xfer_type = QCE_XFER_TYPE_LAST;
+	if (xchg(&pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info].in_use, false) == true) {
+		if (req_info < MAX_QCE_BAM_REQ && is_complete)
+			atomic_dec(&pce_dev->no_of_queued_req);
+	} else
+		pr_warn("request info %d free already\n", req_info);
+static void print_notify_debug(struct sps_event_notify *notify)
+	phys_addr_t addr =
+		DESC_FULL_ADDR((phys_addr_t) notify->data.transfer.iovec.flags,
+				  notify->data.transfer.iovec.addr);
+	pr_debug("sps ev_id=%d, addr=0x%pa, size=0x%x, flags=0x%x user=0x%p\n",
+			notify->event_id, &addr,
+			notify->data.transfer.iovec.size,
+			notify->data.transfer.iovec.flags,
+			notify->data.transfer.user);
+static void _qce_req_complete(struct qce_device *pce_dev, unsigned int req_info)
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info;
+	preq_info = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info];
+	switch (preq_info->xfer_type) {
+		_ablk_cipher_complete(pce_dev, req_info);
+		break;
+		_sha_complete(pce_dev, req_info);
+		break;
+		_aead_complete(pce_dev, req_info);
+		break;
+	case QCE_XFER_F8:
+		_f8_complete(pce_dev, req_info);
+		break;
+	case QCE_XFER_F9:
+		_f9_complete(pce_dev, req_info);
+		break;
+	default:
+		qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, true);
+		break;
+	}
+static void qce_multireq_timeout(unsigned long data)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *)data;
+	int ret = 0;
+	int last_seq;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	last_seq = atomic_read(&pce_dev->bunch_cmd_seq);
+	if (last_seq == 0 ||
+		last_seq != atomic_read(&pce_dev->last_intr_seq)) {
+		atomic_set(&pce_dev->last_intr_seq, last_seq);
+		mod_timer(&(pce_dev->timer), (jiffies + DELAY_IN_JIFFIES));
+		return;
+	}
+	/* last bunch mode command time out */
+	/*
+	 * From here to dummy request finish sps request and set owner back
+	 * to none, we disable interrupt.
+	 * So it won't get preempted or interrupted. If bam inerrupts happen
+	 * between, and completion callback gets called from BAM, a new
+	 * request may be issued by the client driver.  Deadlock may happen.
+	 */
+	local_irq_save(flags);
+	if (cmpxchg(&pce_dev->owner, QCE_OWNER_NONE, QCE_OWNER_TIMEOUT)
+							!= QCE_OWNER_NONE) {
+		local_irq_restore(flags);
+		mod_timer(&(pce_dev->timer), (jiffies + DELAY_IN_JIFFIES));
+		return;
+	}
+	ret = qce_dummy_req(pce_dev);
+	if (ret)
+		pr_warn("pcedev %d: Failed to insert dummy req\n",
+				pce_dev->dev_no);
+	cmpxchg(&pce_dev->owner, QCE_OWNER_TIMEOUT, QCE_OWNER_NONE);
+	pce_dev->mode = IN_INTERRUPT_MODE;
+	local_irq_restore(flags);
+	del_timer(&(pce_dev->timer));
+	pce_dev->qce_stats.no_of_timeouts++;
+	pr_debug("pcedev %d mode switch to INTR\n", pce_dev->dev_no);
+void qce_get_driver_stats(void *handle)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *) handle;
+	if (!_qce50_disp_stats)
+		return;
+	pr_info("Engine %d timeout occuured %d\n", pce_dev->dev_no,
+			pce_dev->qce_stats.no_of_timeouts);
+	pr_info("Engine %d dummy request inserted %d\n", pce_dev->dev_no,
+			pce_dev->qce_stats.no_of_dummy_reqs);
+	if (pce_dev->mode)
+		pr_info("Engine %d is in BUNCH MODE\n", pce_dev->dev_no);
+	else
+		pr_info("Engine %d is in INTERRUPT MODE\n", pce_dev->dev_no);
+	pr_info("Engine %d outstanding request %d\n", pce_dev->dev_no,
+			atomic_read(&pce_dev->no_of_queued_req));
+void qce_clear_driver_stats(void *handle)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *) handle;
+	pce_dev->qce_stats.no_of_timeouts = 0;
+	pce_dev->qce_stats.no_of_dummy_reqs = 0;
+static void _sps_producer_callback(struct sps_event_notify *notify)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *)
+		((struct sps_event_notify *)notify)->user;
+	int rc = 0;
+	unsigned int req_info;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info;
+	print_notify_debug(notify);
+	req_info = (unsigned int)((uintptr_t)notify->data.transfer.user);
+	if ((req_info & 0xffff0000)  != CRYPTO_REQ_USER_PAT) {
+		pr_warn("request information %d out of range\n", req_info);
+		return;
+	}
+	req_info = req_info & 0x00ff;
+	if (req_info < 0 || req_info >= MAX_QCE_ALLOC_BAM_REQ) {
+		pr_warn("request information %d out of range\n", req_info);
+		return;
+	}
+	preq_info = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info];
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	if ((preq_info->xfer_type == QCE_XFER_CIPHERING ||
+		preq_info->xfer_type == QCE_XFER_AEAD) &&
+			pce_sps_data->producer_state == QCE_PIPE_STATE_IDLE) {
+		pce_sps_data->producer_state = QCE_PIPE_STATE_COMP;
+		pce_sps_data->out_transfer.iovec_count = 0;
+		_qce_sps_add_data(GET_PHYS_ADDR(pce_sps_data->result_dump),
+					  &pce_sps_data->out_transfer);
+		_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->out_transfer,
+		rc = sps_transfer(pce_dev->ce_bam_info.producer.pipe,
+					  &pce_sps_data->out_transfer);
+		if (rc) {
+			pr_err("sps_xfr() fail (producer pipe=0x%lx) rc = %d\n",
+				(uintptr_t)pce_dev->ce_bam_info.producer.pipe,
+				rc);
+		}
+		return;
+	}
+	_qce_req_complete(pce_dev, req_info);
+ * De-initialize SPS HW connected with CE core
+ *
+ * This function deinitialize SPS endpoints and then
+ * deregisters BAM resources from SPS driver.
+ *
+ * This function should only be called once typically
+ * during driver remove.
+ *
+ * @pce_dev - Pointer to qce_device structure
+ *
+ */
+static void qce_sps_exit(struct qce_device *pce_dev)
+	qce_sps_exit_ep_conn(pce_dev, &pce_dev->ce_bam_info.consumer);
+	qce_sps_exit_ep_conn(pce_dev, &pce_dev->ce_bam_info.producer);
+	qce_sps_release_bam(pce_dev);
+static void qce_add_cmd_element(struct qce_device *pdev,
+			struct sps_command_element **cmd_ptr, u32 addr,
+			u32 data, struct sps_command_element **populate)
+	(*cmd_ptr)->addr = (uint32_t)(addr + pdev->phy_iobase);
+	(*cmd_ptr)->command = 0;
+	(*cmd_ptr)->data = data;
+	(*cmd_ptr)->mask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
+	(*cmd_ptr)->reserved = 0;
+	if (populate != NULL)
+		*populate = *cmd_ptr;
+	(*cmd_ptr)++;
+static int _setup_cipher_aes_cmdlistptrs(struct qce_device *pdev, int cri_index,
+		unsigned char **pvaddr, enum qce_cipher_mode_enum mode,
+		bool key_128)
+	struct sps_command_element *ce_vaddr;
+	uintptr_t ce_vaddr_start;
+	struct qce_cmdlistptr_ops *cmdlistptr;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *pcl_info = NULL;
+	int i = 0;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg = 0;
+	uint32_t key_reg = 0;
+	uint32_t xts_key_reg = 0;
+	uint32_t iv_reg = 0;
+	cmdlistptr = &pdev->ce_request_info[cri_index].ce_sps.cmdlistptr;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)(*pvaddr)),
+					pdev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size);
+	ce_vaddr = (struct sps_command_element *)(*pvaddr);
+	ce_vaddr_start = (uintptr_t)(*pvaddr);
+	/*
+	 * Designate chunks of the allocated memory to various
+	 * command list pointers related to AES cipher operations defined
+	 * in ce_cmdlistptrs_ops structure.
+	 */
+	switch (mode) {
+	case QCE_MODE_CBC:
+	case QCE_MODE_CTR:
+		if (key_128 == true) {
+			cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_128_cbc_ctr.cmdlist =
+						(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+			pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_128_cbc_ctr);
+			if (mode == QCE_MODE_CBC)
+				encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_cbc_128;
+			else
+				encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ctr_128;
+			iv_reg = 4;
+			key_reg = 4;
+			xts_key_reg = 0;
+		} else {
+			cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_256_cbc_ctr.cmdlist =
+						(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+			pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_256_cbc_ctr);
+			if (mode == QCE_MODE_CBC)
+				encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_cbc_256;
+			else
+				encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ctr_256;
+			iv_reg = 4;
+			key_reg = 8;
+			xts_key_reg = 0;
+		}
+	break;
+	case QCE_MODE_ECB:
+		if (key_128 == true) {
+			cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_128_ecb.cmdlist =
+						(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+			pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_128_ecb);
+			encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ecb_128;
+			iv_reg = 0;
+			key_reg = 4;
+			xts_key_reg = 0;
+		} else {
+			cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_256_ecb.cmdlist =
+						(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+			pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_256_ecb);
+			encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ecb_256;
+			iv_reg = 0;
+			key_reg = 8;
+			xts_key_reg = 0;
+		}
+	break;
+	case QCE_MODE_XTS:
+		if (key_128 == true) {
+			cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_128_xts.cmdlist =
+						(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+			pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_128_xts);
+			encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_xts_128;
+			iv_reg = 4;
+			key_reg = 4;
+			xts_key_reg = 4;
+		} else {
+			cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_256_xts.cmdlist =
+						(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+			pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->cipher_aes_256_xts);
+			encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_xts_256;
+			iv_reg = 4;
+			key_reg = 8;
+			xts_key_reg = 8;
+		}
+	break;
+	default:
+		pr_err("Unknown mode of operation %d received, exiting now\n",
+			mode);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	break;
+	}
+	/* clear status register */
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_STATUS_REG, 0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+			pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, &pcl_info->crypto_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_CFG_REG, encr_cfg,
+						&pcl_info->encr_seg_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_START_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_seg_start);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG,
+				(uint32_t)0xffffffff, &pcl_info->encr_mask);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG0,
+				(uint32_t)0xffffffff, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG1,
+				(uint32_t)0xffffffff, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG2,
+				(uint32_t)0xffffffff, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_CFG_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->auth_seg_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY0_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_key);
+	for (i = 1; i < key_reg; i++)
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				(CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+	if (xts_key_reg) {
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_XTS_KEY0_REG,
+					0, &pcl_info->encr_xts_key);
+		for (i = 1; i < xts_key_reg; i++)
+			qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+						i * sizeof(uint32_t)), 0, NULL);
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+					&pcl_info->encr_xts_du_size);
+	}
+	if (iv_reg) {
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CNTR0_IV0_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_cntr_iv);
+		for (i = 1; i < iv_reg; i++)
+			qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				(CRYPTO_CNTR0_IV0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+	}
+	/* Add dummy to  align size to burst-size multiple */
+	if (mode == QCE_MODE_XTS) {
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_SIZE_REG,
+						0, &pcl_info->auth_seg_size);
+	} else {
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_SIZE_REG,
+						0, &pcl_info->auth_seg_size);
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_START_REG,
+						0, &pcl_info->auth_seg_size);
+	}
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+			pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_le, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG,
+			((1 << CRYPTO_GO) | (1 << CRYPTO_RESULTS_DUMP) |
+			(1 << CRYPTO_CLR_CNTXT)), &pcl_info->go_proc);
+	pcl_info->size = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr - (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr_start;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *) ce_vaddr;
+	return 0;
+static int _setup_cipher_des_cmdlistptrs(struct qce_device *pdev, int cri_index,
+		unsigned char **pvaddr, enum qce_cipher_alg_enum alg,
+		bool mode_cbc)
+	struct sps_command_element *ce_vaddr;
+	uintptr_t ce_vaddr_start;
+	struct qce_cmdlistptr_ops *cmdlistptr;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *pcl_info = NULL;
+	int i = 0;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg = 0;
+	uint32_t key_reg = 0;
+	uint32_t iv_reg = 0;
+	cmdlistptr = &pdev->ce_request_info[cri_index].ce_sps.cmdlistptr;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)(*pvaddr)),
+					pdev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size);
+	ce_vaddr = (struct sps_command_element *)(*pvaddr);
+	ce_vaddr_start = (uintptr_t)(*pvaddr);
+	/*
+	 * Designate chunks of the allocated memory to various
+	 * command list pointers related to cipher operations defined
+	 * in ce_cmdlistptrs_ops structure.
+	 */
+	switch (alg) {
+		if (mode_cbc) {
+			cmdlistptr->cipher_des_cbc.cmdlist =
+						(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+			pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->cipher_des_cbc);
+			encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_des_cbc;
+			iv_reg = 2;
+			key_reg = 2;
+		} else {
+			cmdlistptr->cipher_des_ecb.cmdlist =
+						(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+			pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->cipher_des_ecb);
+			encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_des_ecb;
+			iv_reg = 0;
+			key_reg = 2;
+		}
+	break;
+		if (mode_cbc) {
+			cmdlistptr->cipher_3des_cbc.cmdlist =
+						(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+			pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->cipher_3des_cbc);
+			encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_3des_cbc;
+			iv_reg = 2;
+			key_reg = 6;
+		} else {
+			cmdlistptr->cipher_3des_ecb.cmdlist =
+						(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+			pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->cipher_3des_ecb);
+			encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_3des_ecb;
+			iv_reg = 0;
+			key_reg = 6;
+		}
+	break;
+	default:
+		pr_err("Unknown algorithms %d received, exiting now\n", alg);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	break;
+	}
+	/* clear status register */
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_STATUS_REG, 0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+			pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, &pcl_info->crypto_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_CFG_REG, encr_cfg,
+						&pcl_info->encr_seg_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_START_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_seg_start);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_CFG_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->auth_seg_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY0_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_key);
+	for (i = 1; i < key_reg; i++)
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				(CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+	if (iv_reg) {
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CNTR0_IV0_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_cntr_iv);
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CNTR1_IV1_REG, 0,
+								NULL);
+	}
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+			pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_le, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG,
+			((1 << CRYPTO_GO) | (1 << CRYPTO_RESULTS_DUMP) |
+			(1 << CRYPTO_CLR_CNTXT)), &pcl_info->go_proc);
+	pcl_info->size = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr - (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr_start;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *) ce_vaddr;
+	return 0;
+static int _setup_cipher_null_cmdlistptrs(struct qce_device *pdev,
+		int cri_index, unsigned char **pvaddr)
+	struct sps_command_element *ce_vaddr;
+	uintptr_t ce_vaddr_start;
+	struct qce_cmdlistptr_ops *cmdlistptr = &pdev->ce_request_info
+						[cri_index].ce_sps.cmdlistptr;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *pcl_info = NULL;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)(*pvaddr)),
+					pdev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size);
+	ce_vaddr_start = (uintptr_t)(*pvaddr);
+	ce_vaddr = (struct sps_command_element *)(*pvaddr);
+	cmdlistptr->cipher_null.cmdlist = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+	pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->cipher_null);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_SEG_SIZE_REG,
+			pdev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_CFG_REG,
+			pdev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ecb_128, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+			NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_START_REG, 0,
+			NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_CFG_REG,
+					0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_SIZE_REG,
+			 0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_START_REG, 0,
+						NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG,
+			((1 << CRYPTO_GO) | (1 << CRYPTO_RESULTS_DUMP) |
+			(1 << CRYPTO_CLR_CNTXT)), &pcl_info->go_proc);
+	pcl_info->size = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr - (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr_start;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *) ce_vaddr;
+	return 0;
+static int _setup_auth_cmdlistptrs(struct qce_device *pdev, int cri_index,
+		unsigned char **pvaddr, enum qce_hash_alg_enum alg,
+		bool key_128)
+	struct sps_command_element *ce_vaddr;
+	uintptr_t ce_vaddr_start;
+	struct qce_cmdlistptr_ops *cmdlistptr;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *pcl_info = NULL;
+	int i = 0;
+	uint32_t key_reg = 0;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg = 0;
+	uint32_t iv_reg = 0;
+	cmdlistptr = &pdev->ce_request_info[cri_index].ce_sps.cmdlistptr;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)(*pvaddr)),
+					pdev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size);
+	ce_vaddr_start = (uintptr_t)(*pvaddr);
+	ce_vaddr = (struct sps_command_element *)(*pvaddr);
+	/*
+	 * Designate chunks of the allocated memory to various
+	 * command list pointers related to authentication operations
+	 * defined in ce_cmdlistptrs_ops structure.
+	 */
+	switch (alg) {
+	case QCE_HASH_SHA1:
+		cmdlistptr->auth_sha1.cmdlist = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+		pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->auth_sha1);
+		auth_cfg = pdev->reg.auth_cfg_sha1;
+		iv_reg = 5;
+		/* clear status register */
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_STATUS_REG,
+					0, NULL);
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+			pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, &pcl_info->crypto_cfg);
+	break;
+	case QCE_HASH_SHA256:
+		cmdlistptr->auth_sha256.cmdlist = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+		pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->auth_sha256);
+		auth_cfg = pdev->reg.auth_cfg_sha256;
+		iv_reg = 8;
+		/* clear status register */
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_STATUS_REG,
+					0, NULL);
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+			pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, &pcl_info->crypto_cfg);
+		/* 1 dummy write */
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_SIZE_REG,
+								0, NULL);
+	break;
+		cmdlistptr->auth_sha1_hmac.cmdlist = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+		pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->auth_sha1_hmac);
+		auth_cfg = pdev->reg.auth_cfg_hmac_sha1;
+		key_reg = 16;
+		iv_reg = 5;
+		/* clear status register */
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_STATUS_REG,
+					0, NULL);
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+			pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, &pcl_info->crypto_cfg);
+	break;
+	case QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC:
+		cmdlistptr->auth_sha256_hmac.cmdlist = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+		pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->auth_sha256_hmac);
+		auth_cfg = pdev->reg.auth_cfg_hmac_sha256;
+		key_reg = 16;
+		iv_reg = 8;
+		/* clear status register */
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_STATUS_REG, 0,
+					NULL);
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+			pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, &pcl_info->crypto_cfg);
+		/* 1 dummy write */
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_SIZE_REG,
+								0, NULL);
+	break;
+		if (key_128 == true) {
+			cmdlistptr->auth_aes_128_cmac.cmdlist =
+						(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+			pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->auth_aes_128_cmac);
+			auth_cfg = pdev->reg.auth_cfg_cmac_128;
+			key_reg = 4;
+		} else {
+			cmdlistptr->auth_aes_256_cmac.cmdlist =
+						(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+			pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->auth_aes_256_cmac);
+			auth_cfg = pdev->reg.auth_cfg_cmac_256;
+			key_reg = 8;
+		}
+		/* clear status register */
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_STATUS_REG, 0,
+					NULL);
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+			pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, &pcl_info->crypto_cfg);
+		/* 1 dummy write */
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_SIZE_REG,
+								0, NULL);
+	break;
+	default:
+		pr_err("Unknown algorithms %d received, exiting now\n", alg);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	break;
+	}
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_CFG_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_seg_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_CFG_REG,
+					auth_cfg, &pcl_info->auth_seg_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->auth_seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_START_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->auth_seg_start);
+	if (alg == QCE_HASH_AES_CMAC) {
+		/* reset auth iv, bytecount and key  registers */
+		for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+			qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				(CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+		for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+			qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				(CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY0_REG + i*sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT0_REG,
+						0, NULL);
+	} else {
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG, 0,
+							&pcl_info->auth_iv);
+		for (i = 1; i < iv_reg; i++)
+			qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				(CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG + i*sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT0_REG,
+						0, &pcl_info->auth_bytecount);
+	}
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT1_REG, 0, NULL);
+	if (key_reg) {
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY0_REG, 0, &pcl_info->auth_key);
+		for (i = 1; i < key_reg; i++)
+			qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				(CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY0_REG + i*sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+	}
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+					pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_le, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG,
+			((1 << CRYPTO_GO) | (1 << CRYPTO_RESULTS_DUMP) |
+			(1 << CRYPTO_CLR_CNTXT)), &pcl_info->go_proc);
+	pcl_info->size = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr - (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr_start;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *) ce_vaddr;
+	return 0;
+static int _setup_aead_cmdlistptrs(struct qce_device *pdev,
+				int cri_index,
+				unsigned char **pvaddr,
+				uint32_t alg,
+				uint32_t mode,
+				uint32_t key_size,
+				bool     sha1)
+	struct sps_command_element *ce_vaddr;
+	uintptr_t ce_vaddr_start;
+	struct qce_cmdlistptr_ops *cmdlistptr;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *pcl_info = NULL;
+	uint32_t key_reg;
+	uint32_t iv_reg;
+	uint32_t i;
+	uint32_t  enciv_in_word;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg;
+	cmdlistptr = &pdev->ce_request_info[cri_index].ce_sps.cmdlistptr;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)(*pvaddr)),
+					pdev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size);
+	ce_vaddr_start = (uintptr_t)(*pvaddr);
+	ce_vaddr = (struct sps_command_element *)(*pvaddr);
+	switch (alg) {
+		switch (mode) {
+		case QCE_MODE_CBC:
+			if (sha1) {
+				cmdlistptr->aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_des.cmdlist =
+					(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+				pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->
+					aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_des);
+			} else {
+				cmdlistptr->aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_des.cmdlist =
+					(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+				pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->
+					aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_des);
+			}
+			encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_des_cbc;
+			break;
+		default:
+			return -EINVAL;
+		};
+		enciv_in_word = 2;
+		break;
+		switch (mode) {
+		case QCE_MODE_CBC:
+			if (sha1) {
+				cmdlistptr->aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_3des.cmdlist =
+					(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+				pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->
+					aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_3des);
+			} else {
+				cmdlistptr->aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_3des.cmdlist =
+					(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+				pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->
+					aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_3des);
+			}
+			encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_3des_cbc;
+			break;
+		default:
+			return -EINVAL;
+		};
+		enciv_in_word = 2;
+		break;
+		switch (mode) {
+		case QCE_MODE_CBC:
+			if (key_size ==  AES128_KEY_SIZE) {
+				if (sha1) {
+					cmdlistptr->
+						aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_aes_128.
+						cmdlist = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+					pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->
+						aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_aes_128);
+				} else {
+					cmdlistptr->
+						aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_aes_128.
+						cmdlist = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+					pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->
+						aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_aes_128);
+				}
+				encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_cbc_128;
+			} else if (key_size ==  AES256_KEY_SIZE) {
+				if (sha1) {
+					cmdlistptr->
+						aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_aes_256.
+						cmdlist = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+					pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->
+						aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_aes_256);
+				} else {
+					cmdlistptr->
+						aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_aes_256.
+						cmdlist = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+					pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->
+						aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_aes_256);
+				}
+				encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_cbc_256;
+			} else {
+				return -EINVAL;
+			}
+			break;
+		default:
+			return -EINVAL;
+		};
+		enciv_in_word = 4;
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	};
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_STATUS_REG, 0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+			pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, &pcl_info->crypto_cfg);
+	key_reg = key_size/sizeof(uint32_t);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY0_REG, 0,
+			&pcl_info->encr_key);
+	for (i = 1; i < key_reg; i++)
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+			(CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)),
+			0, NULL);
+	if (mode != QCE_MODE_ECB) {
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CNTR0_IV0_REG, 0,
+			&pcl_info->encr_cntr_iv);
+		for (i = 1; i < enciv_in_word; i++)
+			qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				(CRYPTO_CNTR0_IV0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+	};
+	if (sha1)
+		iv_reg = 5;
+	else
+		iv_reg = 8;
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG, 0,
+				&pcl_info->auth_iv);
+	for (i = 1; i < iv_reg; i++)
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+			(CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG + i*sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT0_REG,
+				0, &pcl_info->auth_bytecount);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT1_REG, 0, NULL);
+	key_reg = SHA_HMAC_KEY_SIZE/sizeof(uint32_t);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY0_REG, 0,
+			 &pcl_info->auth_key);
+	for (i = 1; i < key_reg; i++)
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+			(CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY0_REG + i*sizeof(uint32_t)), 0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+			&pcl_info->seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_CFG_REG, encr_cfg,
+			&pcl_info->encr_seg_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+			&pcl_info->encr_seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_START_REG, 0,
+			&pcl_info->encr_seg_start);
+	if (sha1)
+		qce_add_cmd_element(
+			pdev,
+			&ce_vaddr,
+			pdev->reg.auth_cfg_aead_sha1_hmac,
+			&pcl_info->auth_seg_cfg);
+	else
+		qce_add_cmd_element(
+			pdev,
+			&ce_vaddr,
+			pdev->reg.auth_cfg_aead_sha256_hmac,
+			&pcl_info->auth_seg_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+			&pcl_info->auth_seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_START_REG, 0,
+			&pcl_info->auth_seg_start);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+					pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_le, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG,
+			((1 << CRYPTO_GO) | (1 << CRYPTO_RESULTS_DUMP) |
+			(1 << CRYPTO_CLR_CNTXT)), &pcl_info->go_proc);
+	pcl_info->size = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr - (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr_start;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *) ce_vaddr;
+	return 0;
+static int _setup_aead_ccm_cmdlistptrs(struct qce_device *pdev, int cri_index,
+				unsigned char **pvaddr, bool key_128)
+	struct sps_command_element *ce_vaddr;
+	uintptr_t ce_vaddr_start;
+	struct qce_cmdlistptr_ops *cmdlistptr = &pdev->ce_request_info
+						[cri_index].ce_sps.cmdlistptr;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *pcl_info = NULL;
+	int i = 0;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg = 0;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg = 0;
+	uint32_t key_reg = 0;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)(*pvaddr)),
+					pdev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size);
+	ce_vaddr_start = (uintptr_t)(*pvaddr);
+	ce_vaddr = (struct sps_command_element *)(*pvaddr);
+	/*
+	 * Designate chunks of the allocated memory to various
+	 * command list pointers related to aead operations
+	 * defined in ce_cmdlistptrs_ops structure.
+	 */
+	if (key_128 == true) {
+		cmdlistptr->aead_aes_128_ccm.cmdlist =
+						(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+		pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->aead_aes_128_ccm);
+		auth_cfg = pdev->reg.auth_cfg_aes_ccm_128;
+		encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ccm_128;
+		key_reg = 4;
+	} else {
+		cmdlistptr->aead_aes_256_ccm.cmdlist =
+						(uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+		pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->aead_aes_256_ccm);
+		auth_cfg = pdev->reg.auth_cfg_aes_ccm_256;
+		encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ccm_256;
+		key_reg = 8;
+	}
+	/* clear status register */
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_STATUS_REG, 0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+			pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, &pcl_info->crypto_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_CFG_REG, 0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_START_REG, 0,
+									NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_CFG_REG,
+					encr_cfg, &pcl_info->encr_seg_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_START_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_seg_start);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG,
+				(uint32_t)0xffffffff, &pcl_info->encr_mask);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG0,
+				(uint32_t)0xffffffff, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG1,
+				(uint32_t)0xffffffff, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG2,
+				(uint32_t)0xffffffff, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_CFG_REG,
+					auth_cfg, &pcl_info->auth_seg_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->auth_seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_START_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->auth_seg_start);
+	/* reset auth iv, bytecount and key  registers */
+	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				(CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT0_REG,
+					0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT1_REG,
+					0, NULL);
+	for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				(CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+	/* set auth key */
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY0_REG, 0,
+							&pcl_info->auth_key);
+	for (i = 1; i < key_reg; i++)
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				(CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+	/* set NONCE info */
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_INFO_NONCE0_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->auth_nonce_info);
+	for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				i * sizeof(uint32_t)), 0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY0_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_key);
+	for (i = 1; i < key_reg; i++)
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				(CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CNTR0_IV0_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_cntr_iv);
+	for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				(CRYPTO_CNTR0_IV0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_CCM_INT_CNTR0_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_ccm_cntr_iv);
+	for (i = 1; i < 4; i++)
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+			(CRYPTO_ENCR_CCM_INT_CNTR0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)),
+			0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+					pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_le, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG,
+			((1 << CRYPTO_GO) | (1 << CRYPTO_RESULTS_DUMP) |
+			(1 << CRYPTO_CLR_CNTXT)), &pcl_info->go_proc);
+	pcl_info->size = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr - (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr_start;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *) ce_vaddr;
+	return 0;
+static int _setup_f8_cmdlistptrs(struct qce_device *pdev, int cri_index,
+	unsigned char **pvaddr, enum qce_ota_algo_enum alg)
+	struct sps_command_element *ce_vaddr;
+	uintptr_t ce_vaddr_start;
+	struct qce_cmdlistptr_ops *cmdlistptr;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *pcl_info = NULL;
+	int i = 0;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg = 0;
+	uint32_t key_reg = 4;
+	cmdlistptr = &pdev->ce_request_info[cri_index].ce_sps.cmdlistptr;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)(*pvaddr)),
+					pdev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size);
+	ce_vaddr = (struct sps_command_element *)(*pvaddr);
+	ce_vaddr_start = (uintptr_t)(*pvaddr);
+	/*
+	 * Designate chunks of the allocated memory to various
+	 * command list pointers related to f8 cipher algorithm defined
+	 * in ce_cmdlistptrs_ops structure.
+	 */
+	switch (alg) {
+		cmdlistptr->f8_kasumi.cmdlist = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+		pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->f8_kasumi);
+		encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_kasumi;
+		break;
+	default:
+		cmdlistptr->f8_snow3g.cmdlist = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+		pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->f8_snow3g);
+		encr_cfg = pdev->reg.encr_cfg_snow3g;
+		break;
+	}
+	/* clear status register */
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_STATUS_REG,
+							0, NULL);
+	/* set config to big endian */
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+			pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, &pcl_info->crypto_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_CFG_REG, encr_cfg,
+						&pcl_info->encr_seg_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_START_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_seg_start);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_CFG_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->auth_seg_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_SIZE_REG,
+						0, &pcl_info->auth_seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_START_REG,
+						0, &pcl_info->auth_seg_start);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY0_REG, 0,
+						 &pcl_info->encr_key);
+	for (i = 1; i < key_reg; i++)
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				(CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY0_REG + i * sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CNTR0_IV0_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_cntr_iv);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CNTR1_IV1_REG, 0,
+								NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+					pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_le, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG,
+			((1 << CRYPTO_GO) | (1 << CRYPTO_RESULTS_DUMP) |
+			(1 << CRYPTO_CLR_CNTXT)), &pcl_info->go_proc);
+	pcl_info->size = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr - (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr_start;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *) ce_vaddr;
+	return 0;
+static int _setup_f9_cmdlistptrs(struct qce_device *pdev, int cri_index,
+	unsigned char **pvaddr, enum qce_ota_algo_enum alg)
+	struct sps_command_element *ce_vaddr;
+	uintptr_t ce_vaddr_start;
+	struct qce_cmdlistptr_ops *cmdlistptr;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *pcl_info = NULL;
+	int i = 0;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg = 0;
+	uint32_t iv_reg = 0;
+	cmdlistptr = &pdev->ce_request_info[cri_index].ce_sps.cmdlistptr;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)(*pvaddr)),
+					pdev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size);
+	ce_vaddr_start = (uintptr_t)(*pvaddr);
+	ce_vaddr = (struct sps_command_element *)(*pvaddr);
+	/*
+	 * Designate chunks of the allocated memory to various
+	 * command list pointers related to authentication operations
+	 * defined in ce_cmdlistptrs_ops structure.
+	 */
+	switch (alg) {
+		cmdlistptr->f9_kasumi.cmdlist = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+		pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->f9_kasumi);
+		auth_cfg = pdev->reg.auth_cfg_kasumi;
+		break;
+	default:
+		cmdlistptr->f9_snow3g.cmdlist = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+		pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->f9_snow3g);
+		auth_cfg = pdev->reg.auth_cfg_snow3g;
+	};
+	/* clear status register */
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_STATUS_REG,
+							0, NULL);
+	/* set config to big endian */
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+			pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_be, &pcl_info->crypto_cfg);
+	iv_reg = 5;
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_CFG_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->encr_seg_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_CFG_REG,
+					auth_cfg, &pcl_info->auth_seg_cfg);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_SIZE_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->auth_seg_size);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_START_REG, 0,
+						&pcl_info->auth_seg_start);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG, 0,
+							&pcl_info->auth_iv);
+	for (i = 1; i < iv_reg; i++) {
+		qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr,
+				(CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG + i*sizeof(uint32_t)),
+				0, NULL);
+	}
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT0_REG,
+					0, &pcl_info->auth_bytecount);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT1_REG, 0, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+					pdev->reg.crypto_cfg_le, NULL);
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG,
+			((1 << CRYPTO_GO) | (1 << CRYPTO_RESULTS_DUMP) |
+			(1 << CRYPTO_CLR_CNTXT)), &pcl_info->go_proc);
+	pcl_info->size = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr - (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr_start;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *) ce_vaddr;
+	return 0;
+static int _setup_unlock_pipe_cmdlistptrs(struct qce_device *pdev,
+		int cri_index, unsigned char **pvaddr)
+	struct sps_command_element *ce_vaddr;
+	uintptr_t ce_vaddr_start = (uintptr_t)(*pvaddr);
+	struct qce_cmdlistptr_ops *cmdlistptr;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *pcl_info = NULL;
+	cmdlistptr = &pdev->ce_request_info[cri_index].ce_sps.cmdlistptr;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)(*pvaddr)),
+					pdev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size);
+	ce_vaddr = (struct sps_command_element *)(*pvaddr);
+	cmdlistptr->unlock_all_pipes.cmdlist = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr;
+	pcl_info = &(cmdlistptr->unlock_all_pipes);
+	/*
+	 * Designate chunks of the allocated memory to command list
+	 * to unlock pipes.
+	 */
+	qce_add_cmd_element(pdev, &ce_vaddr, CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG,
+	pcl_info->size = (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr - (uintptr_t)ce_vaddr_start;
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *) ce_vaddr;
+	return 0;
+static int qce_setup_cmdlistptrs(struct qce_device *pdev, int cri_index,
+					unsigned char **pvaddr)
+	struct sps_command_element *ce_vaddr =
+				(struct sps_command_element *)(*pvaddr);
+	/*
+	 * Designate chunks of the allocated memory to various
+	 * command list pointers related to operations defined
+	 * in ce_cmdlistptrs_ops structure.
+	 */
+	ce_vaddr =
+		(struct sps_command_element *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t) ce_vaddr),
+					pdev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size);
+	*pvaddr = (unsigned char *) ce_vaddr;
+	_setup_cipher_aes_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_MODE_CBC,
+								true);
+	_setup_cipher_aes_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_MODE_CTR,
+								true);
+	_setup_cipher_aes_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_MODE_ECB,
+								true);
+	_setup_cipher_aes_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_MODE_XTS,
+								true);
+	_setup_cipher_aes_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_MODE_CBC,
+								false);
+	_setup_cipher_aes_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_MODE_CTR,
+								false);
+	_setup_cipher_aes_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_MODE_ECB,
+								false);
+	_setup_cipher_aes_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_MODE_XTS,
+								false);
+	_setup_cipher_des_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, CIPHER_ALG_DES,
+								true);
+	_setup_cipher_des_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, CIPHER_ALG_DES,
+								false);
+	_setup_cipher_des_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, CIPHER_ALG_3DES,
+								true);
+	_setup_cipher_des_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, CIPHER_ALG_3DES,
+								false);
+	_setup_auth_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_HASH_SHA1,
+								false);
+	_setup_auth_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_HASH_SHA256,
+								false);
+	_setup_auth_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC,
+								false);
+	_setup_auth_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC,
+								false);
+	_setup_auth_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_HASH_AES_CMAC,
+								true);
+	_setup_auth_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_HASH_AES_CMAC,
+								false);
+	_setup_aead_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, CIPHER_ALG_DES,
+					QCE_MODE_CBC, DES_KEY_SIZE, true);
+	_setup_aead_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, CIPHER_ALG_3DES,
+	_setup_aead_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, CIPHER_ALG_AES,
+					QCE_MODE_CBC, AES128_KEY_SIZE, true);
+	_setup_aead_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, CIPHER_ALG_AES,
+					QCE_MODE_CBC, AES256_KEY_SIZE, true);
+	_setup_aead_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, CIPHER_ALG_DES,
+					QCE_MODE_CBC, DES_KEY_SIZE, false);
+	_setup_aead_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, CIPHER_ALG_3DES,
+					QCE_MODE_CBC, DES3_EDE_KEY_SIZE, false);
+	_setup_aead_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, CIPHER_ALG_AES,
+					QCE_MODE_CBC, AES128_KEY_SIZE, false);
+	_setup_aead_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, CIPHER_ALG_AES,
+					QCE_MODE_CBC, AES256_KEY_SIZE, false);
+	_setup_cipher_null_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr);
+	_setup_aead_ccm_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, true);
+	_setup_aead_ccm_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, false);
+	_setup_f8_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_OTA_ALGO_KASUMI);
+	_setup_f8_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_OTA_ALGO_SNOW3G);
+	_setup_f9_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_OTA_ALGO_KASUMI);
+	_setup_f9_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr, QCE_OTA_ALGO_SNOW3G);
+	_setup_unlock_pipe_cmdlistptrs(pdev, cri_index, pvaddr);
+	return 0;
+static int qce_setup_ce_sps_data(struct qce_device *pce_dev)
+	unsigned char *vaddr;
+	int i;
+	unsigned char *iovec_vaddr;
+	int iovec_memsize;
+	vaddr = pce_dev->coh_vmem;
+	vaddr = (unsigned char *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)vaddr),
+					pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size);
+	iovec_vaddr = pce_dev->iovec_vmem;
+	iovec_memsize = pce_dev->iovec_memsize;
+	for (i = 0; i < MAX_QCE_ALLOC_BAM_REQ; i++) {
+		/* Allow for 256 descriptor (cmd and data) entries per pipe */
+		pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].ce_sps.in_transfer.iovec =
+				(struct sps_iovec *)iovec_vaddr;
+		pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].ce_sps.in_transfer.iovec_phys =
+			virt_to_phys(pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].
+				ce_sps.in_transfer.iovec);
+		iovec_vaddr += TOTAL_IOVEC_SPACE_PER_PIPE;
+		iovec_memsize -= TOTAL_IOVEC_SPACE_PER_PIPE;
+		pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].ce_sps.out_transfer.iovec =
+				(struct sps_iovec *)iovec_vaddr;
+		pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].ce_sps.out_transfer.iovec_phys =
+			virt_to_phys(pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].
+				ce_sps.out_transfer.iovec);
+		iovec_vaddr += TOTAL_IOVEC_SPACE_PER_PIPE;
+		iovec_memsize -= TOTAL_IOVEC_SPACE_PER_PIPE;
+		if (pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr)
+			qce_setup_cmdlistptrs(pce_dev, i, &vaddr);
+		vaddr = (unsigned char *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)vaddr),
+				pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size);
+		pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].ce_sps.result_dump =
+				(uintptr_t)vaddr;
+		pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].ce_sps.result_dump_phy =
+				GET_PHYS_ADDR((uintptr_t)vaddr);
+		pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].ce_sps.result =
+				(struct ce_result_dump_format *)vaddr;
+		pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].ce_sps.result_dump_null =
+				(uintptr_t)vaddr;
+		pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].ce_sps.result_dump_null_phy =
+				GET_PHYS_ADDR((uintptr_t)vaddr);
+		pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].ce_sps.result_null =
+				(struct ce_result_dump_format *)vaddr;
+		pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].ce_sps.ignore_buffer =
+				(uintptr_t)vaddr;
+		vaddr += pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size * 2;
+	}
+	if ((vaddr - pce_dev->coh_vmem) > pce_dev->memsize ||
+							iovec_memsize < 0)
+		panic("qce50: Not enough coherent memory. Allocate %x , need %lx\n",
+				 pce_dev->memsize, (uintptr_t)vaddr -
+				(uintptr_t)pce_dev->coh_vmem);
+	return 0;
+static int qce_init_ce_cfg_val(struct qce_device *pce_dev)
+	uint32_t beats = (pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size >> 3) - 1;
+	uint32_t pipe_pair = pce_dev->ce_bam_info.pipe_pair_index;
+	pce_dev->reg.crypto_cfg_be = (beats << CRYPTO_REQ_SIZE) |
+		(pipe_pair << CRYPTO_PIPE_SET_SELECT);
+	pce_dev->reg.crypto_cfg_le =
+		(pce_dev->reg.crypto_cfg_be | CRYPTO_LITTLE_ENDIAN_MASK);
+	/* Initialize encr_cfg register for AES alg */
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_cbc_128 =
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_cbc_256 =
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ctr_128 =
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ctr_256 =
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_xts_128 =
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_xts_256 =
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ecb_128 =
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ecb_256 =
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ccm_128 =
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_aes_ccm_256 =
+	/* Initialize encr_cfg register for DES alg */
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_des_ecb =
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_des_cbc =
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_3des_ecb =
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_3des_cbc =
+	/* Initialize encr_cfg register for kasumi/snow3g  alg */
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_kasumi =
+	pce_dev->reg.encr_cfg_snow3g =
+	/* Initialize auth_cfg register for CMAC alg */
+	pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_cmac_128 =
+		(1 << CRYPTO_LAST) | (1 << CRYPTO_FIRST) |
+	pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_cmac_256 =
+		(1 << CRYPTO_LAST) | (1 << CRYPTO_FIRST) |
+	/* Initialize auth_cfg register for HMAC alg */
+	pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_hmac_sha1 =
+	pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_hmac_sha256 =
+	/* Initialize auth_cfg register for SHA1/256 alg */
+	pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_sha1 =
+	pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_sha256 =
+	/* Initialize auth_cfg register for AEAD alg */
+	pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_aead_sha1_hmac =
+		(1 << CRYPTO_LAST) | (1 << CRYPTO_FIRST);
+	pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_aead_sha256_hmac =
+		(1 << CRYPTO_LAST) | (1 << CRYPTO_FIRST);
+	pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_aes_ccm_128 =
+		(1 << CRYPTO_LAST) | (1 << CRYPTO_FIRST) |
+		((MAX_NONCE/sizeof(uint32_t)) << CRYPTO_AUTH_NONCE_NUM_WORDS);
+	pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_aes_ccm_128 &= ~(1 << CRYPTO_USE_HW_KEY_AUTH);
+	pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_aes_ccm_256 =
+		(1 << CRYPTO_LAST) | (1 << CRYPTO_FIRST) |
+		((MAX_NONCE/sizeof(uint32_t)) << CRYPTO_AUTH_NONCE_NUM_WORDS);
+	pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_aes_ccm_256 &= ~(1 << CRYPTO_USE_HW_KEY_AUTH);
+	/* Initialize auth_cfg register for kasumi/snow3g */
+	pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_kasumi =
+	pce_dev->reg.auth_cfg_snow3g =
+	return 0;
+static void _qce_ccm_get_around_input(struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info, enum qce_cipher_dir_enum dir)
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *cmdlistinfo;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	if ((dir == QCE_DECRYPT) && pce_dev->no_get_around &&
+			!(pce_dev->no_ccm_mac_status_get_around)) {
+		cmdlistinfo = &pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr.cipher_null;
+		_qce_sps_add_cmd(pce_dev, 0, cmdlistinfo,
+				&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+		_qce_sps_add_data(GET_PHYS_ADDR(pce_sps_data->ignore_buffer),
+			pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size,
+			&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+		_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->in_transfer,
+	}
+static void _qce_ccm_get_around_output(struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info, enum qce_cipher_dir_enum dir)
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	if ((dir == QCE_DECRYPT) && pce_dev->no_get_around &&
+			!(pce_dev->no_ccm_mac_status_get_around)) {
+		_qce_sps_add_data(GET_PHYS_ADDR(pce_sps_data->ignore_buffer),
+			pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size,
+			&pce_sps_data->out_transfer);
+		_qce_sps_add_data(GET_PHYS_ADDR(pce_sps_data->result_dump_null),
+			CRYPTO_RESULT_DUMP_SIZE, &pce_sps_data->out_transfer);
+	}
+static void qce_dummy_complete(void *cookie, unsigned char *digest,
+		unsigned char *authdata, int ret)
+	if (!cookie)
+		pr_err("invalid cookie\n");
+static int qce_dummy_req(struct qce_device *pce_dev)
+	int ret = 0;
+	if (!(xchg(&pce_dev->ce_request_info[DUMMY_REQ_INDEX].
+				in_use, true) == false))
+		return -EBUSY;
+	ret = qce_process_sha_req(pce_dev, NULL);
+	pce_dev->qce_stats.no_of_dummy_reqs++;
+	return ret;
+static int select_mode(struct qce_device *pce_dev,
+		struct ce_request_info *preq_info)
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	unsigned int no_of_queued_req;
+	unsigned int cadence;
+	if (!pce_dev->no_get_around) {
+		_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->out_transfer, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_INT);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * claim ownership of device
+	 */
+	if (cmpxchg(&pce_dev->owner, QCE_OWNER_NONE, QCE_OWNER_CLIENT)
+							!= QCE_OWNER_NONE) {
+		ndelay(40);
+		goto again;
+	}
+	no_of_queued_req = atomic_inc_return(&pce_dev->no_of_queued_req);
+	if (pce_dev->mode == IN_INTERRUPT_MODE) {
+		if (no_of_queued_req >= MAX_BUNCH_MODE_REQ) {
+			pce_dev->mode = IN_BUNCH_MODE;
+			pr_debug("pcedev %d mode switch to BUNCH\n",
+					pce_dev->dev_no);
+			_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->out_transfer,
+			pce_dev->intr_cadence = 0;
+			atomic_set(&pce_dev->bunch_cmd_seq, 1);
+			atomic_set(&pce_dev->last_intr_seq, 1);
+			mod_timer(&(pce_dev->timer),
+					(jiffies + DELAY_IN_JIFFIES));
+		} else {
+			_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->out_transfer,
+		}
+	} else {
+		pce_dev->intr_cadence++;
+		cadence = (preq_info->req_len >> 7) + 1;
+		if (cadence > SET_INTR_AT_REQ)
+			cadence = SET_INTR_AT_REQ;
+		if (pce_dev->intr_cadence < cadence || ((pce_dev->intr_cadence
+					== cadence) && pce_dev->cadence_flag))
+			atomic_inc(&pce_dev->bunch_cmd_seq);
+		else {
+			_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->out_transfer,
+			pce_dev->intr_cadence = 0;
+			atomic_set(&pce_dev->bunch_cmd_seq, 0);
+			atomic_set(&pce_dev->last_intr_seq, 0);
+			pce_dev->cadence_flag = ~pce_dev->cadence_flag;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int _qce_aead_ccm_req(void *handle, struct qce_req *q_req)
+	int rc = 0;
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *) handle;
+	struct aead_request *areq = (struct aead_request *) q_req->areq;
+	uint32_t authsize = q_req->authsize;
+	uint32_t totallen_in, out_len;
+	uint32_t hw_pad_out = 0;
+	int ce_burst_size;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *cmdlistinfo = NULL;
+	int req_info = -1;
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	req_info = qce_alloc_req_info(pce_dev);
+	if (req_info < 0)
+		return -EBUSY;
+	preq_info = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info];
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	ce_burst_size = pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size;
+	totallen_in = areq->cryptlen + q_req->assoclen;
+	if (q_req->dir == QCE_ENCRYPT) {
+		q_req->cryptlen = areq->cryptlen;
+		out_len = areq->cryptlen + authsize;
+		hw_pad_out = ALIGN(authsize, ce_burst_size) - authsize;
+	} else {
+		q_req->cryptlen = areq->cryptlen - authsize;
+		out_len = q_req->cryptlen;
+		hw_pad_out = authsize;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * For crypto 5.0 that has burst size alignment requirement
+	 * for data descritpor,
+	 * the agent above(qcrypto) prepares the src scatter list with
+	 * memory starting with associated data, followed by
+	 * data stream to be ciphered.
+	 * The destination scatter list is pointing to the same
+	 * data area as source.
+	 */
+	if (pce_dev->ce_bam_info.minor_version == 0)
+		preq_info->src_nents = count_sg(areq->src, totallen_in);
+	else
+		preq_info->src_nents = count_sg(areq->src, areq->cryptlen +
+							areq->assoclen);
+	if (q_req->assoclen) {
+		preq_info->assoc_nents = count_sg(q_req->asg, q_req->assoclen);
+		/* formatted associated data input */
+		qce_dma_map_sg(pce_dev->pdev, q_req->asg,
+			preq_info->assoc_nents, DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+		preq_info->asg = q_req->asg;
+	} else {
+		preq_info->assoc_nents = 0;
+		preq_info->asg = NULL;
+	}
+	/* cipher input */
+	qce_dma_map_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->src, preq_info->src_nents,
+			(areq->src == areq->dst) ? DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL :
+							DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+	/* cipher + mac output  for encryption    */
+	if (areq->src != areq->dst) {
+		if (pce_dev->ce_bam_info.minor_version == 0)
+			/*
+			 * The destination scatter list is pointing to the same
+			 * data area as src.
+			 * Note, the associated data will be pass-through
+			 * at the beginning of destination area.
+			 */
+			preq_info->dst_nents = count_sg(areq->dst,
+						out_len + areq->assoclen);
+		else
+			preq_info->dst_nents = count_sg(areq->dst, out_len +
+						areq->assoclen);
+		qce_dma_map_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->dst, preq_info->dst_nents,
+	} else {
+		preq_info->dst_nents = preq_info->src_nents;
+	}
+	if (pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr) {
+		cmdlistinfo = _ce_get_cipher_cmdlistinfo(pce_dev, req_info,
+								 q_req);
+		if (cmdlistinfo == NULL) {
+			pr_err("Unsupported cipher algorithm %d, mode %d\n",
+						q_req->alg, q_req->mode);
+			qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		/* set up crypto device */
+		rc = _ce_setup_cipher(pce_dev, q_req, totallen_in,
+					q_req->assoclen, cmdlistinfo);
+	} else {
+		/* set up crypto device */
+		rc = _ce_setup_cipher_direct(pce_dev, q_req, totallen_in,
+					q_req->assoclen);
+	}
+	if (rc < 0)
+		goto bad;
+	preq_info->mode = q_req->mode;
+	/* setup for callback, and issue command to bam */
+	preq_info->areq = q_req->areq;
+	preq_info->qce_cb = q_req->qce_cb;
+	preq_info->dir = q_req->dir;
+	/* setup xfer type for producer callback handling */
+	preq_info->xfer_type = QCE_XFER_AEAD;
+	preq_info->req_len = totallen_in;
+	_qce_sps_iovec_count_init(pce_dev, req_info);
+	if (pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr)
+		_qce_sps_add_cmd(pce_dev, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_LOCK, cmdlistinfo,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	if (pce_dev->ce_bam_info.minor_version == 0) {
+		goto bad;
+	} else {
+		if (q_req->assoclen && (_qce_sps_add_sg_data(
+			pce_dev, q_req->asg, q_req->assoclen,
+					 &pce_sps_data->in_transfer)))
+			goto bad;
+		if (_qce_sps_add_sg_data_off(pce_dev, areq->src, areq->cryptlen,
+					areq->assoclen,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer))
+			goto bad;
+		_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->in_transfer,
+		_qce_ccm_get_around_input(pce_dev, preq_info, q_req->dir);
+		if (pce_dev->no_get_around)
+			_qce_sps_add_cmd(pce_dev, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_UNLOCK,
+				&pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr.unlock_all_pipes,
+				&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+		/* Pass through to ignore associated  data*/
+		if (_qce_sps_add_data(
+				GET_PHYS_ADDR(pce_sps_data->ignore_buffer),
+				q_req->assoclen,
+				&pce_sps_data->out_transfer))
+			goto bad;
+		if (_qce_sps_add_sg_data_off(pce_dev, areq->dst, out_len,
+					areq->assoclen,
+					&pce_sps_data->out_transfer))
+			goto bad;
+		/* Pass through to ignore hw_pad (padding of the MAC data) */
+		if (_qce_sps_add_data(
+				GET_PHYS_ADDR(pce_sps_data->ignore_buffer),
+				hw_pad_out, &pce_sps_data->out_transfer))
+			goto bad;
+		if (pce_dev->no_get_around ||
+				totallen_in <= SPS_MAX_PKT_SIZE) {
+			if (_qce_sps_add_data(
+				GET_PHYS_ADDR(pce_sps_data->result_dump),
+					  &pce_sps_data->out_transfer))
+				goto bad;
+			pce_sps_data->producer_state = QCE_PIPE_STATE_COMP;
+		} else {
+			pce_sps_data->producer_state = QCE_PIPE_STATE_IDLE;
+		}
+		_qce_ccm_get_around_output(pce_dev, preq_info, q_req->dir);
+		select_mode(pce_dev, preq_info);
+		rc = _qce_sps_transfer(pce_dev, req_info);
+		cmpxchg(&pce_dev->owner, QCE_OWNER_CLIENT, QCE_OWNER_NONE);
+	}
+	if (rc)
+		goto bad;
+	return 0;
+	if (preq_info->assoc_nents) {
+		qce_dma_unmap_sg(pce_dev->pdev, q_req->asg,
+				preq_info->assoc_nents, DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+	}
+	if (preq_info->src_nents) {
+		qce_dma_unmap_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->src, preq_info->src_nents,
+				(areq->src == areq->dst) ? DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL :
+								DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+	}
+	if (areq->src != areq->dst) {
+		qce_dma_unmap_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->dst, preq_info->dst_nents,
+	}
+	qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+	return rc;
+static int _qce_suspend(void *handle)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *)handle;
+	struct sps_pipe *sps_pipe_info;
+	if (handle == NULL)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	qce_enable_clk(pce_dev);
+	sps_pipe_info = pce_dev->ce_bam_info.consumer.pipe;
+	sps_disconnect(sps_pipe_info);
+	sps_pipe_info = pce_dev->ce_bam_info.producer.pipe;
+	sps_disconnect(sps_pipe_info);
+	qce_disable_clk(pce_dev);
+	return 0;
+static int _qce_resume(void *handle)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *)handle;
+	struct sps_pipe *sps_pipe_info;
+	struct sps_connect *sps_connect_info;
+	int rc;
+	if (handle == NULL)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	qce_enable_clk(pce_dev);
+	sps_pipe_info = pce_dev->ce_bam_info.consumer.pipe;
+	sps_connect_info = &pce_dev->ce_bam_info.consumer.connect;
+	memset(sps_connect_info->desc.base, 0x00, sps_connect_info->desc.size);
+	rc = sps_connect(sps_pipe_info, sps_connect_info);
+	if (rc) {
+		pr_err("sps_connect() fail pipe_handle=0x%lx, rc = %d\n",
+			(uintptr_t)sps_pipe_info, rc);
+		return rc;
+	}
+	sps_pipe_info = pce_dev->ce_bam_info.producer.pipe;
+	sps_connect_info = &pce_dev->ce_bam_info.producer.connect;
+	memset(sps_connect_info->desc.base, 0x00, sps_connect_info->desc.size);
+	rc = sps_connect(sps_pipe_info, sps_connect_info);
+	if (rc)
+		pr_err("sps_connect() fail pipe_handle=0x%lx, rc = %d\n",
+			(uintptr_t)sps_pipe_info, rc);
+	rc = sps_register_event(sps_pipe_info,
+					&pce_dev->ce_bam_info.producer.event);
+	if (rc)
+		pr_err("Producer callback registration failed rc = %d\n", rc);
+	qce_disable_clk(pce_dev);
+	return rc;
+struct qce_pm_table qce_pm_table  = {_qce_suspend, _qce_resume};
+int qce_aead_req(void *handle, struct qce_req *q_req)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *)handle;
+	struct aead_request *areq;
+	uint32_t authsize;
+	struct crypto_aead *aead;
+	uint32_t ivsize;
+	uint32_t totallen;
+	int rc = 0;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *cmdlistinfo = NULL;
+	int req_info = -1;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info;
+	if (q_req->mode == QCE_MODE_CCM)
+		return _qce_aead_ccm_req(handle, q_req);
+	req_info = qce_alloc_req_info(pce_dev);
+	if (req_info < 0)
+		return -EBUSY;
+	preq_info = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info];
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	areq = (struct aead_request *) q_req->areq;
+	aead = crypto_aead_reqtfm(areq);
+	ivsize = crypto_aead_ivsize(aead);
+	q_req->ivsize = ivsize;
+	authsize = q_req->authsize;
+	if (q_req->dir == QCE_ENCRYPT)
+		q_req->cryptlen = areq->cryptlen;
+	else
+		q_req->cryptlen = areq->cryptlen - authsize;
+	if (q_req->cryptlen > UINT_MAX - areq->assoclen) {
+		pr_err("Integer overflow on total aead req length.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	totallen = q_req->cryptlen + areq->assoclen;
+	if (pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr) {
+		cmdlistinfo = _ce_get_aead_cmdlistinfo(pce_dev,
+							req_info, q_req);
+		if (cmdlistinfo == NULL) {
+			pr_err("Unsupported aead ciphering algorithm %d, mode %d, ciphering key length %d, auth digest size %d\n",
+				q_req->alg, q_req->mode, q_req->encklen,
+					q_req->authsize);
+			qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		/* set up crypto device */
+		rc = _ce_setup_aead(pce_dev, q_req, totallen,
+					areq->assoclen, cmdlistinfo);
+		if (rc < 0) {
+			qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * For crypto 5.0 that has burst size alignment requirement
+	 * for data descritpor,
+	 * the agent above(qcrypto) prepares the src scatter list with
+	 * memory starting with associated data, followed by
+	 * iv, and data stream to be ciphered.
+	 */
+	preq_info->src_nents = count_sg(areq->src, totallen);
+	/* cipher input */
+	qce_dma_map_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->src, preq_info->src_nents,
+			(areq->src == areq->dst) ? DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL :
+							DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+	/* cipher output  for encryption    */
+	if (areq->src != areq->dst) {
+		preq_info->dst_nents = count_sg(areq->dst, totallen);
+		qce_dma_map_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->dst, preq_info->dst_nents,
+	}
+	/* setup for callback, and issue command to bam */
+	preq_info->areq = q_req->areq;
+	preq_info->qce_cb = q_req->qce_cb;
+	preq_info->dir = q_req->dir;
+	preq_info->asg = NULL;
+	/* setup xfer type for producer callback handling */
+	preq_info->xfer_type = QCE_XFER_AEAD;
+	preq_info->req_len = totallen;
+	_qce_sps_iovec_count_init(pce_dev, req_info);
+	if (pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr) {
+		_qce_sps_add_cmd(pce_dev, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_LOCK, cmdlistinfo,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	} else {
+		rc = _ce_setup_aead_direct(pce_dev, q_req, totallen,
+					areq->assoclen);
+		if (rc)
+			goto bad;
+	}
+	preq_info->mode = q_req->mode;
+	if (pce_dev->ce_bam_info.minor_version == 0) {
+		if (_qce_sps_add_sg_data(pce_dev, areq->src, totallen,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer))
+			goto bad;
+		_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->in_transfer,
+		if (_qce_sps_add_sg_data(pce_dev, areq->dst, totallen,
+				&pce_sps_data->out_transfer))
+			goto bad;
+		if (totallen > SPS_MAX_PKT_SIZE) {
+			_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->out_transfer,
+			pce_sps_data->producer_state = QCE_PIPE_STATE_IDLE;
+		} else {
+			if (_qce_sps_add_data(GET_PHYS_ADDR(
+					pce_sps_data->result_dump),
+					&pce_sps_data->out_transfer))
+				goto bad;
+			_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->out_transfer,
+			pce_sps_data->producer_state = QCE_PIPE_STATE_COMP;
+		}
+	rc = _qce_sps_transfer(pce_dev, req_info);
+	} else {
+		if (_qce_sps_add_sg_data(pce_dev, areq->src, totallen,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer))
+			goto bad;
+		_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->in_transfer,
+		if (pce_dev->no_get_around)
+			_qce_sps_add_cmd(pce_dev, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_UNLOCK,
+				&pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr.unlock_all_pipes,
+				&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+		if (_qce_sps_add_sg_data(pce_dev, areq->dst, totallen,
+					&pce_sps_data->out_transfer))
+			goto bad;
+		if (pce_dev->no_get_around || totallen <= SPS_MAX_PKT_SIZE) {
+			if (_qce_sps_add_data(
+				GET_PHYS_ADDR(pce_sps_data->result_dump),
+					  &pce_sps_data->out_transfer))
+				goto bad;
+			pce_sps_data->producer_state = QCE_PIPE_STATE_COMP;
+		} else {
+			pce_sps_data->producer_state = QCE_PIPE_STATE_IDLE;
+		}
+		select_mode(pce_dev, preq_info);
+		rc = _qce_sps_transfer(pce_dev, req_info);
+		cmpxchg(&pce_dev->owner, QCE_OWNER_CLIENT, QCE_OWNER_NONE);
+	}
+	if (rc)
+		goto bad;
+	return 0;
+	if (preq_info->src_nents)
+		qce_dma_unmap_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->src, preq_info->src_nents,
+				(areq->src == areq->dst) ? DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL :
+								DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+	if (areq->src != areq->dst)
+		qce_dma_unmap_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->dst, preq_info->dst_nents,
+	qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+	return rc;
+int qce_ablk_cipher_req(void *handle, struct qce_req *c_req)
+	int rc = 0;
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *) handle;
+	struct ablkcipher_request *areq = (struct ablkcipher_request *)
+						c_req->areq;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *cmdlistinfo = NULL;
+	int req_info = -1;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info;
+	req_info = qce_alloc_req_info(pce_dev);
+	if (req_info < 0)
+		return -EBUSY;
+	preq_info = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info];
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	preq_info->src_nents = 0;
+	preq_info->dst_nents = 0;
+	/* cipher input */
+	preq_info->src_nents = count_sg(areq->src, areq->nbytes);
+	qce_dma_map_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->src, preq_info->src_nents,
+		(areq->src == areq->dst) ? DMA_BIDIRECTIONAL :
+							DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+	/* cipher output */
+	if (areq->src != areq->dst) {
+		preq_info->dst_nents = count_sg(areq->dst, areq->nbytes);
+			qce_dma_map_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->dst,
+				preq_info->dst_nents, DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
+	} else {
+		preq_info->dst_nents = preq_info->src_nents;
+	}
+	preq_info->dir = c_req->dir;
+	if  ((pce_dev->ce_bam_info.minor_version == 0) &&
+			(preq_info->dir == QCE_DECRYPT) &&
+			(c_req->mode == QCE_MODE_CBC)) {
+		memcpy(preq_info->dec_iv, (unsigned char *)
+			sg_virt(areq->src) + areq->src->length - 16,
+	}
+	/* set up crypto device */
+	if (pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr) {
+		cmdlistinfo = _ce_get_cipher_cmdlistinfo(pce_dev,
+							req_info, c_req);
+		if (cmdlistinfo == NULL) {
+			pr_err("Unsupported cipher algorithm %d, mode %d\n",
+						c_req->alg, c_req->mode);
+			qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		rc = _ce_setup_cipher(pce_dev, c_req, areq->nbytes, 0,
+							cmdlistinfo);
+	} else {
+		rc = _ce_setup_cipher_direct(pce_dev, c_req, areq->nbytes, 0);
+	}
+	if (rc < 0)
+		goto bad;
+	preq_info->mode = c_req->mode;
+	/* setup for client callback, and issue command to BAM */
+	preq_info->areq = areq;
+	preq_info->qce_cb = c_req->qce_cb;
+	/* setup xfer type for producer callback handling */
+	preq_info->xfer_type = QCE_XFER_CIPHERING;
+	preq_info->req_len = areq->nbytes;
+	_qce_sps_iovec_count_init(pce_dev, req_info);
+	if (pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr)
+		_qce_sps_add_cmd(pce_dev, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_LOCK, cmdlistinfo,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	if (_qce_sps_add_sg_data(pce_dev, areq->src, areq->nbytes,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer))
+		goto bad;
+	_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->in_transfer,
+	if (pce_dev->no_get_around)
+		_qce_sps_add_cmd(pce_dev, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_UNLOCK,
+			&pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr.unlock_all_pipes,
+			&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	if (_qce_sps_add_sg_data(pce_dev, areq->dst, areq->nbytes,
+					&pce_sps_data->out_transfer))
+		goto bad;
+	if (pce_dev->no_get_around || areq->nbytes <= SPS_MAX_PKT_SIZE) {
+		pce_sps_data->producer_state = QCE_PIPE_STATE_COMP;
+		if (_qce_sps_add_data(
+				GET_PHYS_ADDR(pce_sps_data->result_dump),
+				&pce_sps_data->out_transfer))
+			goto bad;
+	} else {
+		pce_sps_data->producer_state = QCE_PIPE_STATE_IDLE;
+	}
+	select_mode(pce_dev, preq_info);
+	rc = _qce_sps_transfer(pce_dev, req_info);
+	cmpxchg(&pce_dev->owner, QCE_OWNER_CLIENT, QCE_OWNER_NONE);
+	if (rc)
+		goto bad;
+	return 0;
+	if (areq->src != areq->dst) {
+		if (preq_info->dst_nents) {
+			qce_dma_unmap_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->dst,
+			preq_info->dst_nents, DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
+		}
+	}
+	if (preq_info->src_nents) {
+		qce_dma_unmap_sg(pce_dev->pdev, areq->src,
+				preq_info->src_nents,
+				(areq->src == areq->dst) ?
+	}
+	qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+	return rc;
+int qce_process_sha_req(void *handle, struct qce_sha_req *sreq)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *) handle;
+	int rc;
+	struct ahash_request *areq;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *cmdlistinfo = NULL;
+	int req_info = -1;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info;
+	bool is_dummy = false;
+	if (!sreq) {
+		sreq = &(pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq);
+		req_info = DUMMY_REQ_INDEX;
+		is_dummy = true;
+	} else {
+		req_info = qce_alloc_req_info(pce_dev);
+		if (req_info < 0)
+			return -EBUSY;
+	}
+	areq = (struct ahash_request *)sreq->areq;
+	preq_info = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info];
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	preq_info->src_nents = count_sg(sreq->src, sreq->size);
+	qce_dma_map_sg(pce_dev->pdev, sreq->src, preq_info->src_nents,
+							DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+	if (pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr) {
+		cmdlistinfo = _ce_get_hash_cmdlistinfo(pce_dev, req_info, sreq);
+		if (cmdlistinfo == NULL) {
+			pr_err("Unsupported hash algorithm %d\n", sreq->alg);
+			qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		rc = _ce_setup_hash(pce_dev, sreq, cmdlistinfo);
+	} else {
+		rc = _ce_setup_hash_direct(pce_dev, sreq);
+	}
+	if (rc < 0)
+		goto bad;
+	preq_info->areq = areq;
+	preq_info->qce_cb = sreq->qce_cb;
+	/* setup xfer type for producer callback handling */
+	preq_info->xfer_type = QCE_XFER_HASHING;
+	preq_info->req_len = sreq->size;
+	_qce_sps_iovec_count_init(pce_dev, req_info);
+	if (pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr)
+		_qce_sps_add_cmd(pce_dev, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_LOCK, cmdlistinfo,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	if (_qce_sps_add_sg_data(pce_dev, areq->src, areq->nbytes,
+						 &pce_sps_data->in_transfer))
+		goto bad;
+	/* always ensure there is input data. ZLT does not work for bam-ndp */
+	if (!areq->nbytes)
+		_qce_sps_add_data(
+			GET_PHYS_ADDR(pce_sps_data->ignore_buffer),
+			pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_burst_size,
+			&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->in_transfer,
+	if (pce_dev->no_get_around)
+		_qce_sps_add_cmd(pce_dev, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_UNLOCK,
+			&pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr.unlock_all_pipes,
+			&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	if (_qce_sps_add_data(GET_PHYS_ADDR(pce_sps_data->result_dump),
+					  &pce_sps_data->out_transfer))
+		goto bad;
+	if (is_dummy) {
+		_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->out_transfer, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_INT);
+		rc = _qce_sps_transfer(pce_dev, req_info);
+	} else {
+		select_mode(pce_dev, preq_info);
+		rc = _qce_sps_transfer(pce_dev, req_info);
+		cmpxchg(&pce_dev->owner, QCE_OWNER_CLIENT, QCE_OWNER_NONE);
+	}
+	if (rc)
+		goto bad;
+	return 0;
+	if (preq_info->src_nents) {
+		qce_dma_unmap_sg(pce_dev->pdev, sreq->src,
+				preq_info->src_nents, DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+	}
+	qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+	return rc;
+int qce_f8_req(void *handle, struct qce_f8_req *req,
+			void *cookie, qce_comp_func_ptr_t qce_cb)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *) handle;
+	bool key_stream_mode;
+	dma_addr_t dst;
+	int rc;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *cmdlistinfo;
+	int req_info = -1;
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	req_info = qce_alloc_req_info(pce_dev);
+	if (req_info < 0)
+		return -EBUSY;
+	preq_info = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info];
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	switch (req->algorithm) {
+		cmdlistinfo = &pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr.f8_kasumi;
+		break;
+		cmdlistinfo = &pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr.f8_snow3g;
+		break;
+	default:
+		qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	};
+	key_stream_mode = (req->data_in == NULL);
+	/* don't support key stream mode */
+	if (key_stream_mode || (req->bearer >= QCE_OTA_MAX_BEARER)) {
+		qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	/* F8 cipher input       */
+	preq_info->phy_ota_src = dma_map_single(pce_dev->pdev,
+					req->data_in, req->data_len,
+					(req->data_in == req->data_out) ?
+	/* F8 cipher output     */
+	if (req->data_in != req->data_out) {
+		dst = dma_map_single(pce_dev->pdev, req->data_out,
+				req->data_len, DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
+		preq_info->phy_ota_dst = dst;
+	} else {
+		/* in place ciphering */
+		dst = preq_info->phy_ota_src;
+		preq_info->phy_ota_dst = 0;
+	}
+	preq_info->ota_size = req->data_len;
+	/* set up crypto device */
+	if (pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr)
+		rc = _ce_f8_setup(pce_dev, req, key_stream_mode, 1, 0,
+				 req->data_len, cmdlistinfo);
+	else
+		rc = _ce_f8_setup_direct(pce_dev, req, key_stream_mode, 1, 0,
+				 req->data_len);
+	if (rc < 0)
+		goto bad;
+	/* setup for callback, and issue command to sps */
+	preq_info->areq = cookie;
+	preq_info->qce_cb = qce_cb;
+	/* setup xfer type for producer callback handling */
+	preq_info->xfer_type = QCE_XFER_F8;
+	preq_info->req_len = req->data_len;
+	_qce_sps_iovec_count_init(pce_dev, req_info);
+	if (pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr)
+		_qce_sps_add_cmd(pce_dev, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_LOCK, cmdlistinfo,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	_qce_sps_add_data((uint32_t)preq_info->phy_ota_src, req->data_len,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->in_transfer,
+	_qce_sps_add_cmd(pce_dev, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_UNLOCK,
+			&pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr.unlock_all_pipes,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	_qce_sps_add_data((uint32_t)dst, req->data_len,
+					&pce_sps_data->out_transfer);
+	_qce_sps_add_data(GET_PHYS_ADDR(pce_sps_data->result_dump),
+					  &pce_sps_data->out_transfer);
+	select_mode(pce_dev, preq_info);
+	rc = _qce_sps_transfer(pce_dev, req_info);
+	cmpxchg(&pce_dev->owner, QCE_OWNER_CLIENT, QCE_OWNER_NONE);
+	if (rc)
+		goto bad;
+	return 0;
+	if (preq_info->phy_ota_dst != 0)
+		dma_unmap_single(pce_dev->pdev, preq_info->phy_ota_dst,
+				req->data_len, DMA_FROM_DEVICE);
+	if (preq_info->phy_ota_src != 0)
+		dma_unmap_single(pce_dev->pdev, preq_info->phy_ota_src,
+				req->data_len,
+				(req->data_in == req->data_out) ?
+	qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+	return rc;
+int qce_f8_multi_pkt_req(void *handle, struct qce_f8_multi_pkt_req *mreq,
+			void *cookie, qce_comp_func_ptr_t qce_cb)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *) handle;
+	uint16_t num_pkt = mreq->num_pkt;
+	uint16_t cipher_start = mreq->cipher_start;
+	uint16_t cipher_size = mreq->cipher_size;
+	struct qce_f8_req *req = &mreq->qce_f8_req;
+	uint32_t total;
+	dma_addr_t dst = 0;
+	int rc = 0;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *cmdlistinfo;
+	int req_info = -1;
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	req_info = qce_alloc_req_info(pce_dev);
+	if (req_info < 0)
+		return -EBUSY;
+	preq_info = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info];
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	switch (req->algorithm) {
+		cmdlistinfo = &pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr.f8_kasumi;
+		break;
+		cmdlistinfo = &pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr.f8_snow3g;
+		break;
+	default:
+		qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	};
+	total = num_pkt *  req->data_len;
+	/* F8 cipher input       */
+	preq_info->phy_ota_src = dma_map_single(pce_dev->pdev,
+				req->data_in, total,
+				(req->data_in == req->data_out) ?
+	/* F8 cipher output      */
+	if (req->data_in != req->data_out) {
+		dst = dma_map_single(pce_dev->pdev, req->data_out, total,
+		preq_info->phy_ota_dst = dst;
+	} else {
+		/* in place ciphering */
+		dst = preq_info->phy_ota_src;
+		preq_info->phy_ota_dst = 0;
+	}
+	preq_info->ota_size = total;
+	/* set up crypto device */
+	if (pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr)
+		rc = _ce_f8_setup(pce_dev, req, false, num_pkt, cipher_start,
+			cipher_size, cmdlistinfo);
+	else
+		rc = _ce_f8_setup_direct(pce_dev, req, false, num_pkt,
+			cipher_start, cipher_size);
+	if (rc)
+		goto bad;
+	/* setup for callback, and issue command to sps */
+	preq_info->areq = cookie;
+	preq_info->qce_cb = qce_cb;
+	/* setup xfer type for producer callback handling */
+	preq_info->xfer_type = QCE_XFER_F8;
+	preq_info->req_len = total;
+	_qce_sps_iovec_count_init(pce_dev, req_info);
+	if (pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr)
+		_qce_sps_add_cmd(pce_dev, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_LOCK, cmdlistinfo,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	_qce_sps_add_data((uint32_t)preq_info->phy_ota_src, total,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->in_transfer,
+	_qce_sps_add_cmd(pce_dev, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_UNLOCK,
+			&pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr.unlock_all_pipes,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	_qce_sps_add_data((uint32_t)dst, total,
+					&pce_sps_data->out_transfer);
+	_qce_sps_add_data(GET_PHYS_ADDR(pce_sps_data->result_dump),
+					  &pce_sps_data->out_transfer);
+	select_mode(pce_dev, preq_info);
+	rc = _qce_sps_transfer(pce_dev, req_info);
+	cmpxchg(&pce_dev->owner, QCE_OWNER_CLIENT, QCE_OWNER_NONE);
+	if (rc == 0)
+		return 0;
+	if (preq_info->phy_ota_dst)
+		dma_unmap_single(pce_dev->pdev, preq_info->phy_ota_dst, total,
+	dma_unmap_single(pce_dev->pdev, preq_info->phy_ota_src, total,
+				(req->data_in == req->data_out) ?
+	qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+	return rc;
+int qce_f9_req(void *handle, struct qce_f9_req *req, void *cookie,
+			qce_comp_func_ptr_t qce_cb)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *) handle;
+	int rc;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info *cmdlistinfo;
+	int req_info = -1;
+	struct ce_sps_data *pce_sps_data;
+	struct ce_request_info *preq_info;
+	req_info = qce_alloc_req_info(pce_dev);
+	if (req_info < 0)
+		return -EBUSY;
+	preq_info = &pce_dev->ce_request_info[req_info];
+	pce_sps_data = &preq_info->ce_sps;
+	switch (req->algorithm) {
+		cmdlistinfo = &pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr.f9_kasumi;
+		break;
+		cmdlistinfo = &pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr.f9_snow3g;
+		break;
+	default:
+		qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	};
+	preq_info->phy_ota_src = dma_map_single(pce_dev->pdev, req->message,
+			req->msize, DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+	preq_info->ota_size = req->msize;
+	if (pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr)
+		rc = _ce_f9_setup(pce_dev, req, cmdlistinfo);
+	else
+		rc = _ce_f9_setup_direct(pce_dev, req);
+	if (rc < 0)
+		goto bad;
+	/* setup for callback, and issue command to sps */
+	preq_info->areq = cookie;
+	preq_info->qce_cb = qce_cb;
+	/* setup xfer type for producer callback handling */
+	preq_info->xfer_type = QCE_XFER_F9;
+	preq_info->req_len = req->msize;
+	_qce_sps_iovec_count_init(pce_dev, req_info);
+	if (pce_dev->support_cmd_dscr)
+		_qce_sps_add_cmd(pce_dev, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_LOCK, cmdlistinfo,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	_qce_sps_add_data((uint32_t)preq_info->phy_ota_src, req->msize,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	_qce_set_flag(&pce_sps_data->in_transfer,
+	_qce_sps_add_cmd(pce_dev, SPS_IOVEC_FLAG_UNLOCK,
+			&pce_sps_data->cmdlistptr.unlock_all_pipes,
+					&pce_sps_data->in_transfer);
+	_qce_sps_add_data(GET_PHYS_ADDR(pce_sps_data->result_dump),
+					  &pce_sps_data->out_transfer);
+	select_mode(pce_dev, preq_info);
+	rc = _qce_sps_transfer(pce_dev, req_info);
+	cmpxchg(&pce_dev->owner, QCE_OWNER_CLIENT, QCE_OWNER_NONE);
+	if (rc)
+		goto bad;
+	return 0;
+	dma_unmap_single(pce_dev->pdev, preq_info->phy_ota_src,
+				req->msize, DMA_TO_DEVICE);
+	qce_free_req_info(pce_dev, req_info, false);
+	return rc;
+static int __qce_get_device_tree_data(struct platform_device *pdev,
+		struct qce_device *pce_dev)
+	struct resource *resource;
+	int rc = 0;
+	pce_dev->is_shared = of_property_read_bool((&pdev->dev)->of_node,
+				"qcom,ce-hw-shared");
+	pce_dev->support_hw_key = of_property_read_bool((&pdev->dev)->of_node,
+				"qcom,ce-hw-key");
+	pce_dev->use_sw_aes_cbc_ecb_ctr_algo =
+				of_property_read_bool((&pdev->dev)->of_node,
+				"qcom,use-sw-aes-cbc-ecb-ctr-algo");
+	pce_dev->use_sw_aead_algo =
+				of_property_read_bool((&pdev->dev)->of_node,
+				"qcom,use-sw-aead-algo");
+	pce_dev->use_sw_aes_xts_algo =
+				of_property_read_bool((&pdev->dev)->of_node,
+				"qcom,use-sw-aes-xts-algo");
+	pce_dev->use_sw_ahash_algo =
+				of_property_read_bool((&pdev->dev)->of_node,
+				"qcom,use-sw-ahash-algo");
+	pce_dev->use_sw_hmac_algo =
+				of_property_read_bool((&pdev->dev)->of_node,
+				"qcom,use-sw-hmac-algo");
+	pce_dev->use_sw_aes_ccm_algo =
+				of_property_read_bool((&pdev->dev)->of_node,
+				"qcom,use-sw-aes-ccm-algo");
+	pce_dev->support_clk_mgmt_sus_res = of_property_read_bool(
+		(&pdev->dev)->of_node, "qcom,clk-mgmt-sus-res");
+	pce_dev->support_only_core_src_clk = of_property_read_bool(
+		(&pdev->dev)->of_node, "qcom,support-core-clk-only");
+	if (of_property_read_u32((&pdev->dev)->of_node,
+				"qcom,bam-pipe-pair",
+				&pce_dev->ce_bam_info.pipe_pair_index)) {
+		pr_err("Fail to get bam pipe pair information.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (of_property_read_u32((&pdev->dev)->of_node,
+				"qcom,ce-device",
+				&pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_device)) {
+		pr_err("Fail to get CE device information.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (of_property_read_u32((&pdev->dev)->of_node,
+				"qcom,ce-hw-instance",
+				&pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_hw_instance)) {
+		pr_err("Fail to get CE hw instance information.\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (of_property_read_u32((&pdev->dev)->of_node,
+				"qcom,bam-ee",
+				&pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_ee)) {
+		pr_info("BAM Apps EE is not defined, setting to default 1\n");
+		pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_ee = 1;
+	}
+	if (of_property_read_u32((&pdev->dev)->of_node,
+				"qcom,ce-opp-freq",
+				&pce_dev->ce_opp_freq_hz)) {
+		pr_info("CE operating frequency is not defined, setting to default 100MHZ\n");
+		pce_dev->ce_opp_freq_hz = CE_CLK_100MHZ;
+	}
+	pce_dev->ce_bam_info.dest_pipe_index	=
+			2 * pce_dev->ce_bam_info.pipe_pair_index;
+	pce_dev->ce_bam_info.src_pipe_index	=
+			pce_dev->ce_bam_info.dest_pipe_index + 1;
+	resource = platform_get_resource_byname(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM,
+							"crypto-base");
+	if (resource) {
+		pce_dev->phy_iobase = resource->start;
+		pce_dev->iobase = ioremap_nocache(resource->start,
+					resource_size(resource));
+		if (!pce_dev->iobase) {
+			pr_err("Can not map CRYPTO io memory\n");
+			return -ENOMEM;
+		}
+	} else {
+		pr_err("CRYPTO HW mem unavailable.\n");
+		return -ENODEV;
+	}
+	resource = platform_get_resource_byname(pdev, IORESOURCE_MEM,
+							"crypto-bam-base");
+	if (resource) {
+		pce_dev->bam_mem = resource->start;
+		pce_dev->bam_mem_size = resource_size(resource);
+	} else {
+		pr_err("CRYPTO BAM mem unavailable.\n");
+		rc = -ENODEV;
+		goto err_getting_bam_info;
+	}
+	resource  = platform_get_resource(pdev, IORESOURCE_IRQ, 0);
+	if (resource) {
+		pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_irq = resource->start;
+	} else {
+		pr_err("CRYPTO BAM IRQ unavailable.\n");
+		goto err_dev;
+	}
+	return rc;
+	if (pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_iobase)
+		iounmap(pce_dev->ce_bam_info.bam_iobase);
+	if (pce_dev->iobase)
+		iounmap(pce_dev->iobase);
+	return rc;
+static int __qce_init_clk(struct qce_device *pce_dev)
+	int rc = 0;
+	pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk = clk_get(pce_dev->pdev, "core_clk_src");
+	if (!IS_ERR(pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk)) {
+		rc = clk_set_rate(pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk,
+						pce_dev->ce_opp_freq_hz);
+		if (rc) {
+			pr_err("Unable to set the core src clk @%uMhz.\n",
+					pce_dev->ce_opp_freq_hz/CE_CLK_DIV);
+			goto exit_put_core_src_clk;
+		}
+	} else {
+		if (pce_dev->support_only_core_src_clk) {
+			rc = PTR_ERR(pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk);
+			pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk = NULL;
+			pr_err("Unable to get CE core src clk\n");
+			return rc;
+		}
+		pr_warn("Unable to get CE core src clk, set to NULL\n");
+		pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk = NULL;
+	}
+	if (pce_dev->support_only_core_src_clk) {
+		pce_dev->ce_core_clk = NULL;
+		pce_dev->ce_clk = NULL;
+		pce_dev->ce_bus_clk = NULL;
+	} else {
+		pce_dev->ce_core_clk = clk_get(pce_dev->pdev, "core_clk");
+		if (IS_ERR(pce_dev->ce_core_clk)) {
+			rc = PTR_ERR(pce_dev->ce_core_clk);
+			pr_err("Unable to get CE core clk\n");
+			goto exit_put_core_src_clk;
+		}
+		pce_dev->ce_clk = clk_get(pce_dev->pdev, "iface_clk");
+		if (IS_ERR(pce_dev->ce_clk)) {
+			rc = PTR_ERR(pce_dev->ce_clk);
+			pr_err("Unable to get CE interface clk\n");
+			goto exit_put_core_clk;
+		}
+		pce_dev->ce_bus_clk = clk_get(pce_dev->pdev, "bus_clk");
+		if (IS_ERR(pce_dev->ce_bus_clk)) {
+			rc = PTR_ERR(pce_dev->ce_bus_clk);
+			pr_err("Unable to get CE BUS interface clk\n");
+			goto exit_put_iface_clk;
+		}
+	}
+	return rc;
+	if (pce_dev->ce_clk)
+		clk_put(pce_dev->ce_clk);
+	if (pce_dev->ce_core_clk)
+		clk_put(pce_dev->ce_core_clk);
+	if (pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk)
+		clk_put(pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk);
+	pr_err("Unable to init CE clks, rc = %d\n", rc);
+	return rc;
+static void __qce_deinit_clk(struct qce_device *pce_dev)
+	if (pce_dev->ce_bus_clk)
+		clk_put(pce_dev->ce_bus_clk);
+	if (pce_dev->ce_clk)
+		clk_put(pce_dev->ce_clk);
+	if (pce_dev->ce_core_clk)
+		clk_put(pce_dev->ce_core_clk);
+	if (pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk)
+		clk_put(pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk);
+int qce_enable_clk(void *handle)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *)handle;
+	int rc = 0;
+	if (pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk) {
+		rc = clk_prepare_enable(pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk);
+		if (rc) {
+			pr_err("Unable to enable/prepare CE core src clk\n");
+			return rc;
+		}
+	}
+	if (pce_dev->support_only_core_src_clk)
+		return rc;
+	if (pce_dev->ce_core_clk) {
+		rc = clk_prepare_enable(pce_dev->ce_core_clk);
+		if (rc) {
+			pr_err("Unable to enable/prepare CE core clk\n");
+			goto exit_disable_core_src_clk;
+		}
+	}
+	if (pce_dev->ce_clk) {
+		rc = clk_prepare_enable(pce_dev->ce_clk);
+		if (rc) {
+			pr_err("Unable to enable/prepare CE iface clk\n");
+			goto exit_disable_core_clk;
+		}
+	}
+	if (pce_dev->ce_bus_clk) {
+		rc = clk_prepare_enable(pce_dev->ce_bus_clk);
+		if (rc) {
+			pr_err("Unable to enable/prepare CE BUS clk\n");
+			goto exit_disable_ce_clk;
+		}
+	}
+	return rc;
+	if (pce_dev->ce_clk)
+		clk_disable_unprepare(pce_dev->ce_clk);
+	if (pce_dev->ce_core_clk)
+		clk_disable_unprepare(pce_dev->ce_core_clk);
+	if (pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk)
+		clk_disable_unprepare(pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk);
+	return rc;
+int qce_disable_clk(void *handle)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *) handle;
+	int rc = 0;
+	if (pce_dev->ce_bus_clk)
+		clk_disable_unprepare(pce_dev->ce_bus_clk);
+	if (pce_dev->ce_clk)
+		clk_disable_unprepare(pce_dev->ce_clk);
+	if (pce_dev->ce_core_clk)
+		clk_disable_unprepare(pce_dev->ce_core_clk);
+	if (pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk)
+		clk_disable_unprepare(pce_dev->ce_core_src_clk);
+	return rc;
+/* dummy req setup */
+static int setup_dummy_req(struct qce_device *pce_dev)
+	char *input =
+	"abcdbcdecdefdefgefghfghighijhijkijkljklmklmnlmnomnopnopqopqrpqrs";
+	int len = DUMMY_REQ_DATA_LEN;
+	memcpy(pce_dev->dummyreq_in_buf, input, len);
+	sg_set_buf(&pce_dev->, pce_dev->dummyreq_in_buf, len);
+	sg_mark_end(&pce_dev->;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq.alg = QCE_HASH_SHA1;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq.qce_cb = qce_dummy_complete;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq.src = &pce_dev->;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq.auth_data[0] = 0;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq.auth_data[1] = 0;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq.auth_data[2] = 0;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq.auth_data[3] = 0;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq.first_blk = 1;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq.last_blk = 1;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq.size = len;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq.areq = &pce_dev->dummyreq.areq;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq.flags = 0;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq.authkey = NULL;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq.areq.src = pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq.src;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq.areq.nbytes = pce_dev->dummyreq.sreq.size;
+	return 0;
+/* crypto engine open function. */
+void *qce_open(struct platform_device *pdev, int *rc)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev;
+	int i;
+	static int pcedev_no = 1;
+	pce_dev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct qce_device), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!pce_dev) {
+		*rc = -ENOMEM;
+		pr_err("Can not allocate memory: %d\n", *rc);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	pce_dev->pdev = &pdev->dev;
+	mutex_lock(&qce_iomap_mutex);
+	if (pdev->dev.of_node) {
+		*rc = __qce_get_device_tree_data(pdev, pce_dev);
+		if (*rc)
+			goto err_pce_dev;
+	} else {
+		*rc = -EINVAL;
+		pr_err("Device Node not found.\n");
+		goto err_pce_dev;
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < MAX_QCE_ALLOC_BAM_REQ; i++)
+		pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].in_use = false;
+	pce_dev->ce_request_index = 0;
+	pce_dev->memsize = 10 * PAGE_SIZE * MAX_QCE_ALLOC_BAM_REQ;
+	pce_dev->coh_vmem = dma_alloc_coherent(pce_dev->pdev,
+			pce_dev->memsize, &pce_dev->coh_pmem, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (pce_dev->coh_vmem == NULL) {
+		*rc = -ENOMEM;
+		pr_err("Can not allocate coherent memory for sps data\n");
+		goto err_iobase;
+	}
+	pce_dev->iovec_memsize = TOTAL_IOVEC_SPACE_PER_PIPE *
+	pce_dev->iovec_vmem = kzalloc(pce_dev->iovec_memsize, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (pce_dev->iovec_vmem == NULL)
+		goto err_mem;
+	pce_dev->dummyreq_in_buf = kzalloc(DUMMY_REQ_DATA_LEN, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (pce_dev->dummyreq_in_buf == NULL)
+		goto err_mem;
+	*rc = __qce_init_clk(pce_dev);
+	if (*rc)
+		goto err_mem;
+	*rc = qce_enable_clk(pce_dev);
+	if (*rc)
+		goto err_enable_clk;
+	if (_probe_ce_engine(pce_dev)) {
+		*rc = -ENXIO;
+		goto err;
+	}
+	*rc = 0;
+	qce_init_ce_cfg_val(pce_dev);
+	*rc  = qce_sps_init(pce_dev);
+	if (*rc)
+		goto err;
+	qce_setup_ce_sps_data(pce_dev);
+	qce_disable_clk(pce_dev);
+	setup_dummy_req(pce_dev);
+	atomic_set(&pce_dev->no_of_queued_req, 0);
+	pce_dev->mode = IN_INTERRUPT_MODE;
+	init_timer(&(pce_dev->timer));
+	pce_dev->timer.function = qce_multireq_timeout;
+	pce_dev-> = (unsigned long)pce_dev;
+	pce_dev->timer.expires = jiffies + DELAY_IN_JIFFIES;
+	pce_dev->intr_cadence = 0;
+	pce_dev->dev_no = pcedev_no;
+	pcedev_no++;
+	pce_dev->owner = QCE_OWNER_NONE;
+	mutex_unlock(&qce_iomap_mutex);
+	return pce_dev;
+	qce_disable_clk(pce_dev);
+	__qce_deinit_clk(pce_dev);
+	kfree(pce_dev->dummyreq_in_buf);
+	kfree(pce_dev->iovec_vmem);
+	if (pce_dev->coh_vmem)
+		dma_free_coherent(pce_dev->pdev, pce_dev->memsize,
+			pce_dev->coh_vmem, pce_dev->coh_pmem);
+	if (pce_dev->iobase)
+		iounmap(pce_dev->iobase);
+	mutex_unlock(&qce_iomap_mutex);
+	kfree(pce_dev);
+	return NULL;
+/* crypto engine close function. */
+int qce_close(void *handle)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *) handle;
+	if (handle == NULL)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	mutex_lock(&qce_iomap_mutex);
+	qce_enable_clk(pce_dev);
+	qce_sps_exit(pce_dev);
+	if (pce_dev->iobase)
+		iounmap(pce_dev->iobase);
+	if (pce_dev->coh_vmem)
+		dma_free_coherent(pce_dev->pdev, pce_dev->memsize,
+				pce_dev->coh_vmem, pce_dev->coh_pmem);
+	kfree(pce_dev->dummyreq_in_buf);
+	kfree(pce_dev->iovec_vmem);
+	qce_disable_clk(pce_dev);
+	__qce_deinit_clk(pce_dev);
+	mutex_unlock(&qce_iomap_mutex);
+	kfree(handle);
+	return 0;
+int qce_hw_support(void *handle, struct ce_hw_support *ce_support)
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *)handle;
+	if (ce_support == NULL)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	ce_support->sha1_hmac_20 = false;
+	ce_support->sha1_hmac = false;
+	ce_support->sha256_hmac = false;
+	ce_support->sha_hmac = true;
+	ce_support->cmac  = true;
+	ce_support->aes_key_192 = false;
+	ce_support->aes_xts = true;
+	if ((pce_dev->engines_avail & OTA_SUPPORT_MASK) == OTA_SUPPORT_MASK)
+		ce_support->ota = true;
+	else
+		ce_support->ota = false;
+	ce_support->bam = true;
+	ce_support->is_shared = (pce_dev->is_shared == 1) ? true : false;
+	ce_support->hw_key = pce_dev->support_hw_key;
+	ce_support->aes_ccm = true;
+	ce_support->clk_mgmt_sus_res = pce_dev->support_clk_mgmt_sus_res;
+	if (pce_dev->ce_bam_info.minor_version)
+		ce_support->aligned_only = false;
+	else
+		ce_support->aligned_only = true;
+	ce_support->use_sw_aes_cbc_ecb_ctr_algo =
+				pce_dev->use_sw_aes_cbc_ecb_ctr_algo;
+	ce_support->use_sw_aead_algo =
+				pce_dev->use_sw_aead_algo;
+	ce_support->use_sw_aes_xts_algo =
+				pce_dev->use_sw_aes_xts_algo;
+	ce_support->use_sw_ahash_algo =
+				pce_dev->use_sw_ahash_algo;
+	ce_support->use_sw_hmac_algo =
+				pce_dev->use_sw_hmac_algo;
+	ce_support->use_sw_aes_ccm_algo =
+				pce_dev->use_sw_aes_ccm_algo;
+	ce_support->ce_device = pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_device;
+	ce_support->ce_hw_instance = pce_dev->ce_bam_info.ce_hw_instance;
+	if (pce_dev->no_get_around)
+		ce_support->max_request = MAX_QCE_BAM_REQ;
+	else
+		ce_support->max_request = 1;
+	return 0;
+void qce_dump_req(void *handle)
+	int i;
+	struct qce_device *pce_dev = (struct qce_device *)handle;
+	for (i = 0; i < MAX_QCE_BAM_REQ; i++) {
+		pr_info("qce_dump_req %d %d\n", i,
+					pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].in_use);
+		if (pce_dev->ce_request_info[i].in_use == true)
+			_qce_dump_descr_fifos(pce_dev, i);
+	}
+MODULE_DESCRIPTION("Crypto Engine driver");
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/msm/qce50.h b/drivers/crypto/msm/qce50.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e60bd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/msm/qce50.h
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2013-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include <linux/msm-sps.h>
+/* MAX Data xfer block size between BAM and CE */
+#define MAX_CE_BAM_BURST_SIZE   0x40
+#define GET_VIRT_ADDR(x)  \
+		((uintptr_t)pce_dev->coh_vmem +			\
+		((uintptr_t)x - (uintptr_t)pce_dev->coh_pmem))
+#define GET_PHYS_ADDR(x)  \
+		(phys_addr_t)(((uintptr_t)pce_dev->coh_pmem +	\
+		((uintptr_t)x - (uintptr_t)pce_dev->coh_vmem)))
+#define CRYPTO_REG_SIZE 4
+/* QCE max number of descriptor in a descriptor list */
+#define QCE_MAX_NUM_DESC    128
+#define SPS_MAX_PKT_SIZE  (32 * 1024  - 64)
+/* default bam ipc log level */
+/* State of consumer/producer Pipe */
+enum qce_pipe_st_enum {
+enum qce_xfer_type_enum {
+struct qce_sps_ep_conn_data {
+	struct sps_pipe			*pipe;
+	struct sps_connect		connect;
+	struct sps_register_event	event;
+/* CE Result DUMP format*/
+struct ce_result_dump_format {
+	uint32_t auth_iv[NUM_OF_CRYPTO_AUTH_IV_REG];
+	uint32_t auth_byte_count[NUM_OF_CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTE_COUNT_REG];
+	uint32_t encr_cntr_iv[NUM_OF_CRYPTO_CNTR_IV_REG];
+	uint32_t status;
+	uint32_t status2;
+struct qce_cmdlist_info {
+	unsigned long cmdlist;
+	struct sps_command_element *crypto_cfg;
+	struct sps_command_element *encr_seg_cfg;
+	struct sps_command_element *encr_seg_size;
+	struct sps_command_element *encr_seg_start;
+	struct sps_command_element *encr_key;
+	struct sps_command_element *encr_xts_key;
+	struct sps_command_element *encr_cntr_iv;
+	struct sps_command_element *encr_ccm_cntr_iv;
+	struct sps_command_element *encr_mask;
+	struct sps_command_element *encr_xts_du_size;
+	struct sps_command_element *auth_seg_cfg;
+	struct sps_command_element *auth_seg_size;
+	struct sps_command_element *auth_seg_start;
+	struct sps_command_element *auth_key;
+	struct sps_command_element *auth_iv;
+	struct sps_command_element *auth_nonce_info;
+	struct sps_command_element *auth_bytecount;
+	struct sps_command_element *seg_size;
+	struct sps_command_element *go_proc;
+	ptrdiff_t size;
+struct qce_cmdlistptr_ops {
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info cipher_aes_128_cbc_ctr;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info cipher_aes_256_cbc_ctr;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info cipher_aes_128_ecb;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info cipher_aes_256_ecb;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info cipher_aes_128_xts;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info cipher_aes_256_xts;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info cipher_des_cbc;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info cipher_des_ecb;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info cipher_3des_cbc;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info cipher_3des_ecb;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info auth_sha1;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info auth_sha256;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info auth_sha1_hmac;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info auth_sha256_hmac;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info auth_aes_128_cmac;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info auth_aes_256_cmac;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_aes_128;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_aes_256;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_des;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info aead_hmac_sha1_cbc_3des;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_aes_128;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_aes_256;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_des;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info aead_hmac_sha256_cbc_3des;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info aead_aes_128_ccm;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info aead_aes_256_ccm;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info cipher_null;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info f8_kasumi;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info f8_snow3g;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info f9_kasumi;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info f9_snow3g;
+	struct qce_cmdlist_info unlock_all_pipes;
+struct qce_ce_cfg_reg_setting {
+	uint32_t crypto_cfg_be;
+	uint32_t crypto_cfg_le;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_aes_cbc_128;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_aes_cbc_256;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_aes_ecb_128;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_aes_ecb_256;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_aes_xts_128;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_aes_xts_256;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_aes_ctr_128;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_aes_ctr_256;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_aes_ccm_128;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_aes_ccm_256;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_des_cbc;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_des_ecb;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_3des_cbc;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_3des_ecb;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_kasumi;
+	uint32_t encr_cfg_snow3g;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg_cmac_128;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg_cmac_256;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg_sha1;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg_sha256;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg_hmac_sha1;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg_hmac_sha256;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg_aes_ccm_128;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg_aes_ccm_256;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg_aead_sha1_hmac;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg_aead_sha256_hmac;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg_kasumi;
+	uint32_t auth_cfg_snow3g;
+struct ce_bam_info {
+	uint32_t			bam_irq;
+	uint32_t			bam_mem;
+	void __iomem			*bam_iobase;
+	uint32_t			ce_device;
+	uint32_t			ce_hw_instance;
+	uint32_t			bam_ee;
+	unsigned int			pipe_pair_index;
+	unsigned int			src_pipe_index;
+	unsigned int			dest_pipe_index;
+	unsigned long			bam_handle;
+	int				ce_burst_size;
+	uint32_t			minor_version;
+	struct qce_sps_ep_conn_data	producer;
+	struct qce_sps_ep_conn_data	consumer;
+/* SPS data structure with buffers, commandlists & commmand pointer lists */
+struct ce_sps_data {
+	enum qce_pipe_st_enum producer_state;	/* Producer pipe state */
+	int consumer_status;		/* consumer pipe status */
+	int producer_status;		/* producer pipe status */
+	struct sps_transfer in_transfer;
+	struct sps_transfer out_transfer;
+	struct qce_cmdlistptr_ops cmdlistptr;
+	uint32_t result_dump; /* reuslt dump virtual address */
+	uint32_t result_dump_null;
+	uint32_t result_dump_phy; /* result dump physical address (32 bits) */
+	uint32_t result_dump_null_phy;
+	uint32_t ignore_buffer; /* ignore buffer virtual address */
+	struct ce_result_dump_format *result; /* ponter to result dump */
+	struct ce_result_dump_format *result_null;
+struct ce_request_info {
+	bool in_use;
+	bool in_prog;
+	enum qce_xfer_type_enum	xfer_type;
+	struct ce_sps_data ce_sps;
+	qce_comp_func_ptr_t qce_cb;	/* qce callback function pointer */
+	void *user;
+	void *areq;
+	int assoc_nents;
+	struct scatterlist *asg;        /* Formatted associated data sg  */
+	int src_nents;
+	int dst_nents;
+	dma_addr_t phy_iv_in;
+	unsigned char dec_iv[16];
+	int dir;
+	enum qce_cipher_mode_enum mode;
+	dma_addr_t phy_ota_src;
+	dma_addr_t phy_ota_dst;
+	unsigned int ota_size;
+	unsigned int req_len;
+struct qce_driver_stats {
+	int no_of_timeouts;
+	int no_of_dummy_reqs;
+	int current_mode;
+	int outstanding_reqs;
+#endif /* _DRIVERS_CRYPTO_MSM_QCE50_H */
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/msm/qce_ota.h b/drivers/crypto/msm/qce_ota.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f985fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/msm/qce_ota.h
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2010-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ */
+/* QTI Crypto Engine driver OTA APIi */
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/qcota.h>
+int qce_f8_req(void *handle, struct qce_f8_req *req,
+		void *cookie, qce_comp_func_ptr_t qce_cb);
+int qce_f8_multi_pkt_req(void *handle, struct qce_f8_multi_pkt_req *req,
+		void *cookie, qce_comp_func_ptr_t qce_cb);
+int qce_f9_req(void *handle, struct qce_f9_req *req,
+		void *cookie, qce_comp_func_ptr_t qce_cb);
+#endif /* __CRYPTO_MSM_QCE_OTA_H */
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/msm/qcedev.c b/drivers/crypto/msm/qcedev.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0860e59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/msm/qcedev.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2054 @@
+ * QTI CE device driver.
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include <linux/mman.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/dmapool.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/miscdevice.h>
+#include <linux/uaccess.h>
+#include <linux/debugfs.h>
+#include <linux/scatterlist.h>
+#include <linux/crypto.h>
+#include <linux/platform_data/qcom_crypto_device.h>
+#include <linux/msm-bus.h>
+#include <linux/qcedev.h>
+#include <crypto/hash.h>
+#include "qcedevi.h"
+#include "qce.h"
+#include <linux/compat.h>
+#include "compat_qcedev.h"
+#define CACHE_LINE_SIZE 32
+static uint8_t  _std_init_vector_sha1_uint8[] =   {
+	0x67, 0x45, 0x23, 0x01, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0x89,
+	0x98, 0xBA, 0xDC, 0xFE, 0x10, 0x32, 0x54, 0x76,
+	0xC3, 0xD2, 0xE1, 0xF0
+/* standard initialization vector for SHA-256, source: FIPS 180-2 */
+static uint8_t _std_init_vector_sha256_uint8[] = {
+	0x6A, 0x09, 0xE6, 0x67, 0xBB, 0x67, 0xAE, 0x85,
+	0x3C, 0x6E, 0xF3, 0x72, 0xA5, 0x4F, 0xF5, 0x3A,
+	0x51, 0x0E, 0x52, 0x7F, 0x9B, 0x05, 0x68, 0x8C,
+	0x1F, 0x83, 0xD9, 0xAB, 0x5B, 0xE0, 0xCD, 0x19
+static DEFINE_MUTEX(send_cmd_lock);
+static DEFINE_MUTEX(qcedev_sent_bw_req);
+static void qcedev_ce_high_bw_req(struct qcedev_control *podev,
+							bool high_bw_req)
+	int ret = 0;
+	mutex_lock(&qcedev_sent_bw_req);
+	if (high_bw_req) {
+		if (podev->high_bw_req_count == 0) {
+			ret = qce_enable_clk(podev->qce);
+			if (ret) {
+				pr_err("%s Unable enable clk\n", __func__);
+				mutex_unlock(&qcedev_sent_bw_req);
+				return;
+			}
+			ret = msm_bus_scale_client_update_request(
+					podev->bus_scale_handle, 1);
+			if (ret) {
+				pr_err("%s Unable to set to high bandwidth\n",
+							__func__);
+				ret = qce_disable_clk(podev->qce);
+				mutex_unlock(&qcedev_sent_bw_req);
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		podev->high_bw_req_count++;
+	} else {
+		if (podev->high_bw_req_count == 1) {
+			ret = msm_bus_scale_client_update_request(
+					podev->bus_scale_handle, 0);
+			if (ret) {
+				pr_err("%s Unable to set to low bandwidth\n",
+							__func__);
+				mutex_unlock(&qcedev_sent_bw_req);
+				return;
+			}
+			ret = qce_disable_clk(podev->qce);
+			if (ret) {
+				pr_err("%s Unable disable clk\n", __func__);
+				ret = msm_bus_scale_client_update_request(
+					podev->bus_scale_handle, 1);
+				if (ret)
+					pr_err("%s Unable to set to high bandwidth\n",
+							__func__);
+				mutex_unlock(&qcedev_sent_bw_req);
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+		podev->high_bw_req_count--;
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&qcedev_sent_bw_req);
+#define QCEDEV_MAGIC 0x56434544 /* "qced" */
+static int qcedev_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
+static int qcedev_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file);
+static int start_cipher_req(struct qcedev_control *podev);
+static int start_sha_req(struct qcedev_control *podev);
+static inline long qcedev_ioctl(struct file *file,
+				unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
+#include "compat_qcedev.c"
+#define compat_qcedev_ioctl	NULL
+static const struct file_operations qcedev_fops = {
+	.owner = THIS_MODULE,
+	.unlocked_ioctl = qcedev_ioctl,
+	.compat_ioctl = compat_qcedev_ioctl,
+	.open = qcedev_open,
+	.release = qcedev_release,
+static struct qcedev_control qce_dev[] = {
+	{
+		.miscdevice = {
+			.minor = MISC_DYNAMIC_MINOR,
+			.name = "qce",
+			.fops = &qcedev_fops,
+		},
+		.magic = QCEDEV_MAGIC,
+	},
+#define MAX_QCE_DEVICE ARRAY_SIZE(qce_dev)
+#define DEBUG_MAX_FNAME  16
+#define DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF 1024
+struct qcedev_stat {
+	u32 qcedev_dec_success;
+	u32 qcedev_dec_fail;
+	u32 qcedev_enc_success;
+	u32 qcedev_enc_fail;
+	u32 qcedev_sha_success;
+	u32 qcedev_sha_fail;
+static struct qcedev_stat _qcedev_stat;
+static struct dentry *_debug_dent;
+static char _debug_read_buf[DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF];
+static int _debug_qcedev;
+static struct qcedev_control *qcedev_minor_to_control(unsigned int n)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < MAX_QCE_DEVICE; i++) {
+		if (qce_dev[i].miscdevice.minor == n)
+			return &qce_dev[i];
+	}
+	return NULL;
+static int qcedev_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+	struct qcedev_handle *handle;
+	struct qcedev_control *podev;
+	podev = qcedev_minor_to_control(MINOR(inode->i_rdev));
+	if (podev == NULL) {
+		pr_err("%s: no such device %d\n", __func__,
+					MINOR(inode->i_rdev));
+		return -ENOENT;
+	}
+	handle = kzalloc(sizeof(struct qcedev_handle), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (handle == NULL)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	handle->cntl = podev;
+	file->private_data = handle;
+	if (podev->platform_support.bus_scale_table != NULL)
+		qcedev_ce_high_bw_req(podev, true);
+	return 0;
+static int qcedev_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+	struct qcedev_control *podev;
+	struct qcedev_handle *handle;
+	handle =  file->private_data;
+	podev =  handle->cntl;
+	if (podev != NULL && podev->magic != QCEDEV_MAGIC) {
+		pr_err("%s: invalid handle %p\n",
+					__func__, podev);
+	}
+	kzfree(handle);
+	file->private_data = NULL;
+	if (podev != NULL && podev->platform_support.bus_scale_table != NULL)
+		qcedev_ce_high_bw_req(podev, false);
+	return 0;
+static void req_done(unsigned long data)
+	struct qcedev_control *podev = (struct qcedev_control *)data;
+	struct qcedev_async_req *areq;
+	unsigned long flags = 0;
+	struct qcedev_async_req *new_req = NULL;
+	int ret = 0;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&podev->lock, flags);
+	areq = podev->active_command;
+	podev->active_command = NULL;
+	if (!list_empty(&podev->ready_commands)) {
+		new_req = container_of(podev->,
+						struct qcedev_async_req, list);
+		list_del(&new_req->list);
+		podev->active_command = new_req;
+		new_req->err = 0;
+		if (new_req->op_type == QCEDEV_CRYPTO_OPER_CIPHER)
+			ret = start_cipher_req(podev);
+		else
+			ret = start_sha_req(podev);
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&podev->lock, flags);
+	if (areq)
+		complete(&areq->complete);
+	if (new_req && ret) {
+		complete(&new_req->complete);
+		spin_lock_irqsave(&podev->lock, flags);
+		podev->active_command = NULL;
+		areq = NULL;
+		ret = 0;
+		new_req = NULL;
+		goto again;
+	}
+void qcedev_sha_req_cb(void *cookie, unsigned char *digest,
+	unsigned char *authdata, int ret)
+	struct qcedev_sha_req *areq;
+	struct qcedev_control *pdev;
+	struct qcedev_handle *handle;
+	uint32_t *auth32 = (uint32_t *)authdata;
+	areq = (struct qcedev_sha_req *) cookie;
+	handle = (struct qcedev_handle *) areq->cookie;
+	pdev = handle->cntl;
+	if (digest)
+		memcpy(&handle->sha_ctxt.digest[0], digest, 32);
+	if (authdata) {
+		handle->sha_ctxt.auth_data[0] = auth32[0];
+		handle->sha_ctxt.auth_data[1] = auth32[1];
+		handle->sha_ctxt.auth_data[2] = auth32[2];
+		handle->sha_ctxt.auth_data[3] = auth32[3];
+	}
+	tasklet_schedule(&pdev->done_tasklet);
+void qcedev_cipher_req_cb(void *cookie, unsigned char *icv,
+	unsigned char *iv, int ret)
+	struct qcedev_cipher_req *areq;
+	struct qcedev_handle *handle;
+	struct qcedev_control *podev;
+	struct qcedev_async_req *qcedev_areq;
+	areq = (struct qcedev_cipher_req *) cookie;
+	handle = (struct qcedev_handle *) areq->cookie;
+	podev = handle->cntl;
+	qcedev_areq = podev->active_command;
+	if (iv)
+		memcpy(&qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.iv[0], iv,
+					qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.ivlen);
+	tasklet_schedule(&podev->done_tasklet);
+static int start_cipher_req(struct qcedev_control *podev)
+	struct qcedev_async_req *qcedev_areq;
+	struct qce_req creq;
+	int ret = 0;
+	/* start the command on the podev->active_command */
+	qcedev_areq = podev->active_command;
+	qcedev_areq->cipher_req.cookie = qcedev_areq->handle;
+	if (qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.use_pmem == QCEDEV_USE_PMEM) {
+		pr_err("%s: Use of PMEM is not supported\n", __func__);
+		goto unsupported;
+	}
+	creq.pmem = NULL;
+	switch (qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.alg) {
+		creq.alg = CIPHER_ALG_DES;
+		break;
+		creq.alg = CIPHER_ALG_3DES;
+		break;
+		creq.alg = CIPHER_ALG_AES;
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	};
+	switch (qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.mode) {
+		creq.mode = QCE_MODE_CBC;
+		break;
+		creq.mode = QCE_MODE_ECB;
+		break;
+		creq.mode = QCE_MODE_CTR;
+		break;
+		creq.mode = QCE_MODE_XTS;
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	};
+	if ((creq.alg == CIPHER_ALG_AES) &&
+		(creq.mode == QCE_MODE_CTR)) {
+		creq.dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+	} else {
+		if (qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.op == QCEDEV_OPER_ENC)
+			creq.dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+		else
+			creq.dir = QCE_DECRYPT;
+	}
+	creq.iv = &qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.iv[0];
+	creq.ivsize = qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.ivlen;
+	creq.enckey =  &qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.enckey[0];
+	creq.encklen = qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.encklen;
+	creq.cryptlen = qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.data_len;
+	if (qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.encklen == 0) {
+		if ((qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.op == QCEDEV_OPER_ENC_NO_KEY)
+			|| (qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.op ==
+		else {
+			int i;
+			for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_KEY_SIZE; i++) {
+				if (qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.enckey[i] != 0)
+					break;
+			}
+			if ((podev->platform_support.hw_key_support == 1) &&
+						(i == QCEDEV_MAX_KEY_SIZE))
+				creq.op = QCE_REQ_ABLK_CIPHER;
+			else {
+				ret = -EINVAL;
+				goto unsupported;
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		creq.op = QCE_REQ_ABLK_CIPHER;
+	}
+	creq.qce_cb = qcedev_cipher_req_cb;
+	creq.areq = (void *)&qcedev_areq->cipher_req;
+	creq.flags = 0;
+	ret = qce_ablk_cipher_req(podev->qce, &creq);
+	if (ret)
+		qcedev_areq->err = -ENXIO;
+	else
+		qcedev_areq->err = 0;
+	return ret;
+static int start_sha_req(struct qcedev_control *podev)
+	struct qcedev_async_req *qcedev_areq;
+	struct qce_sha_req sreq;
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct qcedev_handle *handle;
+	/* start the command on the podev->active_command */
+	qcedev_areq = podev->active_command;
+	handle = qcedev_areq->handle;
+	switch (qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.alg) {
+		sreq.alg = QCE_HASH_SHA1;
+		break;
+	case QCEDEV_ALG_SHA256:
+		sreq.alg = QCE_HASH_SHA256;
+		break;
+		if (podev->ce_support.sha_hmac) {
+			sreq.alg = QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC;
+			sreq.authkey = &handle->sha_ctxt.authkey[0];
+			sreq.authklen = QCEDEV_MAX_SHA_BLOCK_SIZE;
+		} else {
+			sreq.alg = QCE_HASH_SHA1;
+			sreq.authkey = NULL;
+		}
+		break;
+		if (podev->ce_support.sha_hmac) {
+			sreq.alg = QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC;
+			sreq.authkey = &handle->sha_ctxt.authkey[0];
+			sreq.authklen = QCEDEV_MAX_SHA_BLOCK_SIZE;
+		} else {
+			sreq.alg = QCE_HASH_SHA256;
+			sreq.authkey = NULL;
+		}
+		break;
+		sreq.alg = QCE_HASH_AES_CMAC;
+		sreq.authkey = &handle->sha_ctxt.authkey[0];
+		sreq.authklen = qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.authklen;
+		break;
+	default:
+		pr_err("Algorithm %d not supported, exiting\n",
+			qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.alg);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	};
+	qcedev_areq->sha_req.cookie = handle;
+	sreq.qce_cb = qcedev_sha_req_cb;
+	if (qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.alg != QCEDEV_ALG_AES_CMAC) {
+		sreq.auth_data[0] = handle->sha_ctxt.auth_data[0];
+		sreq.auth_data[1] = handle->sha_ctxt.auth_data[1];
+		sreq.auth_data[2] = handle->sha_ctxt.auth_data[2];
+		sreq.auth_data[3] = handle->sha_ctxt.auth_data[3];
+		sreq.digest = &handle->sha_ctxt.digest[0];
+		sreq.first_blk = handle->sha_ctxt.first_blk;
+		sreq.last_blk = handle->sha_ctxt.last_blk;
+	}
+	sreq.size = qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.nbytes;
+	sreq.src = qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.src;
+	sreq.areq = (void *)&qcedev_areq->sha_req;
+	sreq.flags = 0;
+	ret = qce_process_sha_req(podev->qce, &sreq);
+	if (ret)
+		qcedev_areq->err = -ENXIO;
+	else
+		qcedev_areq->err = 0;
+	return ret;
+static int submit_req(struct qcedev_async_req *qcedev_areq,
+					struct qcedev_handle *handle)
+	struct qcedev_control *podev;
+	unsigned long flags = 0;
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct qcedev_stat *pstat;
+	qcedev_areq->err = 0;
+	podev = handle->cntl;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&podev->lock, flags);
+	if (podev->active_command == NULL) {
+		podev->active_command = qcedev_areq;
+		if (qcedev_areq->op_type == QCEDEV_CRYPTO_OPER_CIPHER)
+			ret = start_cipher_req(podev);
+		else
+			ret = start_sha_req(podev);
+	} else {
+		list_add_tail(&qcedev_areq->list, &podev->ready_commands);
+	}
+	if (ret != 0)
+		podev->active_command = NULL;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&podev->lock, flags);
+	if (ret == 0)
+		wait_for_completion(&qcedev_areq->complete);
+	if (ret)
+		qcedev_areq->err = -EIO;
+	pstat = &_qcedev_stat;
+	if (qcedev_areq->op_type == QCEDEV_CRYPTO_OPER_CIPHER) {
+		switch (qcedev_areq->cipher_op_req.op) {
+			if (qcedev_areq->err)
+				pstat->qcedev_dec_fail++;
+			else
+				pstat->qcedev_dec_success++;
+			break;
+			if (qcedev_areq->err)
+				pstat->qcedev_enc_fail++;
+			else
+				pstat->qcedev_enc_success++;
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		};
+	} else {
+		if (qcedev_areq->err)
+			pstat->qcedev_sha_fail++;
+		else
+			pstat->qcedev_sha_success++;
+	}
+	return qcedev_areq->err;
+static int qcedev_sha_init(struct qcedev_async_req *areq,
+				struct qcedev_handle *handle)
+	struct qcedev_sha_ctxt *sha_ctxt = &handle->sha_ctxt;
+	memset(sha_ctxt, 0, sizeof(struct qcedev_sha_ctxt));
+	sha_ctxt->first_blk = 1;
+	if ((areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1) ||
+			(areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1_HMAC)) {
+		memcpy(&sha_ctxt->digest[0],
+			&_std_init_vector_sha1_uint8[0], SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE);
+		sha_ctxt->diglen = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;
+	} else {
+		if ((areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA256) ||
+			(areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA256_HMAC)) {
+			memcpy(&sha_ctxt->digest[0],
+					&_std_init_vector_sha256_uint8[0],
+					SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);
+			sha_ctxt->diglen = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+		}
+	}
+	sha_ctxt->init_done = true;
+	return 0;
+static int qcedev_sha_update_max_xfer(struct qcedev_async_req *qcedev_areq,
+				struct qcedev_handle *handle,
+				struct scatterlist *sg_src)
+	int err = 0;
+	int i = 0;
+	uint32_t total;
+	uint8_t *user_src = NULL;
+	uint8_t *k_src = NULL;
+	uint8_t *k_buf_src = NULL;
+	uint8_t *k_align_src = NULL;
+	uint32_t sha_pad_len = 0;
+	uint32_t trailing_buf_len = 0;
+	uint32_t t_buf = handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf_len;
+	uint32_t sha_block_size;
+	total = qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.data_len + t_buf;
+	if (qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1)
+		sha_block_size = SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	else
+		sha_block_size = SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	if (total <= sha_block_size) {
+		uint32_t len =  qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.data_len;
+		i = 0;
+		k_src = &handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf[t_buf];
+		/* Copy data from user src(s) */
+		while (len > 0) {
+			user_src =
+			(void __user *)qcedev_areq->[i].vaddr;
+			if (user_src && copy_from_user(k_src,
+				(void __user *)user_src,
+				qcedev_areq->[i].len))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			len -= qcedev_areq->[i].len;
+			k_src += qcedev_areq->[i].len;
+			i++;
+		}
+		handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf_len = total;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	k_buf_src = kmalloc(total + CACHE_LINE_SIZE * 2,
+	if (k_buf_src == NULL)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	k_align_src = (uint8_t *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)k_buf_src),
+	k_src = k_align_src;
+	/* check for trailing buffer from previous updates and append it */
+	if (t_buf > 0) {
+		memcpy(k_src, &handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf[0],
+								t_buf);
+		k_src += t_buf;
+	}
+	/* Copy data from user src(s) */
+	user_src = (void __user *)qcedev_areq->[0].vaddr;
+	if (user_src && copy_from_user(k_src,
+				(void __user *)user_src,
+				qcedev_areq->[0].len)) {
+		kzfree(k_buf_src);
+		return -EFAULT;
+	}
+	k_src += qcedev_areq->[0].len;
+	for (i = 1; i < qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.entries; i++) {
+		user_src = (void __user *)qcedev_areq->[i].vaddr;
+		if (user_src && copy_from_user(k_src,
+					(void __user *)user_src,
+					qcedev_areq->[i].len)) {
+			kzfree(k_buf_src);
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		k_src += qcedev_areq->[i].len;
+	}
+	/*  get new trailing buffer */
+	sha_pad_len = ALIGN(total, CE_SHA_BLOCK_SIZE) - total;
+	trailing_buf_len =  CE_SHA_BLOCK_SIZE - sha_pad_len;
+	qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.src = sg_src;
+	sg_set_buf(qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.src, k_align_src,
+						total-trailing_buf_len);
+	sg_mark_end(qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.src);
+	qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.nbytes = total - trailing_buf_len;
+	/*  update sha_ctxt trailing buf content to new trailing buf */
+	if (trailing_buf_len > 0) {
+		memset(&handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf[0], 0, 64);
+		memcpy(&handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf[0],
+			(k_src - trailing_buf_len),
+			trailing_buf_len);
+	}
+	handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf_len = trailing_buf_len;
+	err = submit_req(qcedev_areq, handle);
+	handle->sha_ctxt.last_blk = 0;
+	handle->sha_ctxt.first_blk = 0;
+	kzfree(k_buf_src);
+	return err;
+static int qcedev_sha_update(struct qcedev_async_req *qcedev_areq,
+				struct qcedev_handle *handle,
+				struct scatterlist *sg_src)
+	int err = 0;
+	int i = 0;
+	int j = 0;
+	int k = 0;
+	int num_entries = 0;
+	uint32_t total = 0;
+	if (handle->sha_ctxt.init_done == false) {
+		pr_err("%s Init was not called\n", __func__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.data_len > QCE_MAX_OPER_DATA) {
+		struct	qcedev_sha_op_req *saved_req;
+		struct	qcedev_sha_op_req req;
+		struct	qcedev_sha_op_req *sreq = &qcedev_areq->sha_op_req;
+		/* save the original req structure */
+		saved_req =
+			kmalloc(sizeof(struct qcedev_sha_op_req), GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (saved_req == NULL) {
+			pr_err("%s:Can't Allocate mem:saved_req 0x%lx\n",
+						__func__, (uintptr_t)saved_req);
+			return -ENOMEM;
+		}
+		memcpy(&req, sreq, sizeof(struct qcedev_sha_op_req));
+		memcpy(saved_req, sreq, sizeof(struct qcedev_sha_op_req));
+		i = 0;
+		/* Address 32 KB  at a time */
+		while ((i < req.entries) && (err == 0)) {
+			if (sreq->data[i].len > QCE_MAX_OPER_DATA) {
+				sreq->data[0].len = QCE_MAX_OPER_DATA;
+				if (i > 0) {
+					sreq->data[0].vaddr =
+							sreq->data[i].vaddr;
+				}
+				sreq->data_len = QCE_MAX_OPER_DATA;
+				sreq->entries = 1;
+				err = qcedev_sha_update_max_xfer(qcedev_areq,
+								handle, sg_src);
+				sreq->data[i].len =[i].len -
+				sreq->data[i].vaddr =[i].vaddr +
+[i].vaddr = sreq->data[i].vaddr;
+[i].len = sreq->data[i].len;
+			} else {
+				total = 0;
+				for (j = i; j < req.entries; j++) {
+					num_entries++;
+					if ((total + sreq->data[j].len) >=
+							QCE_MAX_OPER_DATA) {
+						sreq->data[j].len =
+						(QCE_MAX_OPER_DATA - total);
+						total = QCE_MAX_OPER_DATA;
+						break;
+					}
+					total += sreq->data[j].len;
+				}
+				sreq->data_len = total;
+				if (i > 0)
+					for (k = 0; k < num_entries; k++) {
+						sreq->data[k].len =
+							sreq->data[i+k].len;
+						sreq->data[k].vaddr =
+							sreq->data[i+k].vaddr;
+					}
+				sreq->entries = num_entries;
+				i = j;
+				err = qcedev_sha_update_max_xfer(qcedev_areq,
+								handle, sg_src);
+				num_entries = 0;
+				sreq->data[i].vaddr =[i].vaddr +
+							sreq->data[i].len;
+				sreq->data[i].len =[i].len -
+							sreq->data[i].len;
+[i].vaddr = sreq->data[i].vaddr;
+[i].len = sreq->data[i].len;
+				if (sreq->data[i].len == 0)
+					i++;
+			}
+		} /* end of while ((i < req.entries) && (err == 0)) */
+		/* Restore the original req structure */
+		for (i = 0; i < saved_req->entries; i++) {
+			sreq->data[i].len = saved_req->data[i].len;
+			sreq->data[i].vaddr = saved_req->data[i].vaddr;
+		}
+		sreq->entries = saved_req->entries;
+		sreq->data_len = saved_req->data_len;
+		kzfree(saved_req);
+	} else
+		err = qcedev_sha_update_max_xfer(qcedev_areq, handle, sg_src);
+	return err;
+static int qcedev_sha_final(struct qcedev_async_req *qcedev_areq,
+				struct qcedev_handle *handle)
+	int err = 0;
+	struct scatterlist sg_src;
+	uint32_t total;
+	uint8_t *k_buf_src = NULL;
+	uint8_t *k_align_src = NULL;
+	if (handle->sha_ctxt.init_done == false) {
+		pr_err("%s Init was not called\n", __func__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	handle->sha_ctxt.last_blk = 1;
+	total = handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf_len;
+	if (total) {
+		k_buf_src = kmalloc(total + CACHE_LINE_SIZE * 2,
+					GFP_KERNEL);
+		if (k_buf_src == NULL)
+			return -ENOMEM;
+		k_align_src = (uint8_t *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)k_buf_src),
+		memcpy(k_align_src, &handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf[0], total);
+	}
+	qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.src = (struct scatterlist *) &sg_src;
+	sg_set_buf(qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.src, k_align_src, total);
+	sg_mark_end(qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.src);
+	qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.nbytes = total;
+	err = submit_req(qcedev_areq, handle);
+	handle->sha_ctxt.first_blk = 0;
+	handle->sha_ctxt.last_blk = 0;
+	handle->sha_ctxt.auth_data[0] = 0;
+	handle->sha_ctxt.auth_data[1] = 0;
+	handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf_len = 0;
+	handle->sha_ctxt.init_done = false;
+	memset(&handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf[0], 0, 64);
+	kzfree(k_buf_src);
+	return err;
+static int qcedev_hash_cmac(struct qcedev_async_req *qcedev_areq,
+					struct qcedev_handle *handle,
+					struct scatterlist *sg_src)
+	int err = 0;
+	int i = 0;
+	uint32_t total;
+	uint8_t *user_src = NULL;
+	uint8_t *k_src = NULL;
+	uint8_t *k_buf_src = NULL;
+	total = qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.data_len;
+	if (copy_from_user(&handle->sha_ctxt.authkey[0],
+				(void __user *)qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.authkey,
+				qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.authklen))
+		return -EFAULT;
+	k_buf_src = kmalloc(total, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (k_buf_src == NULL)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	k_src = k_buf_src;
+	/* Copy data from user src(s) */
+	user_src = (void __user *)qcedev_areq->[0].vaddr;
+	for (i = 0; i < qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.entries; i++) {
+		user_src =
+			(void __user *)qcedev_areq->[i].vaddr;
+		if (user_src && copy_from_user(k_src, (void __user *)user_src,
+				qcedev_areq->[i].len)) {
+			kzfree(k_buf_src);
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		k_src += qcedev_areq->[i].len;
+	}
+	qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.src = sg_src;
+	sg_set_buf(qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.src, k_buf_src, total);
+	sg_mark_end(qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.src);
+	qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.nbytes = total;
+	handle->sha_ctxt.diglen = qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.diglen;
+	err = submit_req(qcedev_areq, handle);
+	kzfree(k_buf_src);
+	return err;
+static int qcedev_set_hmac_auth_key(struct qcedev_async_req *areq,
+					struct qcedev_handle *handle,
+					struct scatterlist *sg_src)
+	int err = 0;
+	if (areq->sha_op_req.authklen <= QCEDEV_MAX_KEY_SIZE) {
+		qcedev_sha_init(areq, handle);
+		if (copy_from_user(&handle->sha_ctxt.authkey[0],
+				(void __user *)areq->sha_op_req.authkey,
+				areq->sha_op_req.authklen))
+			return -EFAULT;
+	} else {
+		struct qcedev_async_req authkey_areq;
+		uint8_t	authkey[QCEDEV_MAX_SHA_BLOCK_SIZE];
+		init_completion(&authkey_areq.complete);
+		authkey_areq.sha_op_req.entries = 1;
+[0].vaddr =
+						areq->sha_op_req.authkey;
+[0].len = areq->sha_op_req.authklen;
+		authkey_areq.sha_op_req.data_len = areq->sha_op_req.authklen;
+		authkey_areq.sha_op_req.diglen = 0;
+		authkey_areq.handle = handle;
+		memset(&authkey_areq.sha_op_req.digest[0], 0,
+		if (areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1_HMAC)
+			authkey_areq.sha_op_req.alg = QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1;
+		if (areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA256_HMAC)
+			authkey_areq.sha_op_req.alg = QCEDEV_ALG_SHA256;
+		authkey_areq.op_type = QCEDEV_CRYPTO_OPER_SHA;
+		qcedev_sha_init(&authkey_areq, handle);
+		err = qcedev_sha_update(&authkey_areq, handle, sg_src);
+		if (!err)
+			err = qcedev_sha_final(&authkey_areq, handle);
+		else
+			return err;
+		memcpy(&authkey[0], &handle->sha_ctxt.digest[0],
+				handle->sha_ctxt.diglen);
+		qcedev_sha_init(areq, handle);
+		memcpy(&handle->sha_ctxt.authkey[0], &authkey[0],
+				handle->sha_ctxt.diglen);
+	}
+	return err;
+static int qcedev_hmac_get_ohash(struct qcedev_async_req *qcedev_areq,
+				struct qcedev_handle *handle)
+	int err = 0;
+	struct scatterlist sg_src;
+	uint8_t *k_src = NULL;
+	uint32_t sha_block_size = 0;
+	uint32_t sha_digest_size = 0;
+	if (qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1_HMAC) {
+		sha_digest_size = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;
+		sha_block_size = SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	} else {
+		if (qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA256_HMAC) {
+			sha_digest_size = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+			sha_block_size = SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE;
+		}
+	}
+	k_src = kmalloc(sha_block_size, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (k_src == NULL)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	/* check for trailing buffer from previous updates and append it */
+	memcpy(k_src, &handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf[0],
+			handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf_len);
+	qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.src = (struct scatterlist *) &sg_src;
+	sg_set_buf(qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.src, k_src, sha_block_size);
+	sg_mark_end(qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.src);
+	qcedev_areq->sha_req.sreq.nbytes = sha_block_size;
+	memset(&handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf[0], 0, sha_block_size);
+	memcpy(&handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf[0], &handle->sha_ctxt.digest[0],
+					sha_digest_size);
+	handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf_len = sha_digest_size;
+	handle->sha_ctxt.first_blk = 1;
+	handle->sha_ctxt.last_blk = 0;
+	handle->sha_ctxt.auth_data[0] = 0;
+	handle->sha_ctxt.auth_data[1] = 0;
+	if (qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1_HMAC) {
+		memcpy(&handle->sha_ctxt.digest[0],
+			&_std_init_vector_sha1_uint8[0], SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE);
+		handle->sha_ctxt.diglen = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;
+	}
+	if (qcedev_areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA256_HMAC) {
+		memcpy(&handle->sha_ctxt.digest[0],
+			&_std_init_vector_sha256_uint8[0], SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);
+		handle->sha_ctxt.diglen = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+	}
+	err = submit_req(qcedev_areq, handle);
+	handle->sha_ctxt.last_blk = 0;
+	handle->sha_ctxt.first_blk = 0;
+	kzfree(k_src);
+	return err;
+static int qcedev_hmac_update_iokey(struct qcedev_async_req *areq,
+				struct qcedev_handle *handle, bool ikey)
+	int i;
+	uint32_t constant;
+	uint32_t sha_block_size;
+	if (ikey)
+		constant = 0x36;
+	else
+		constant = 0x5c;
+	if (areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1_HMAC)
+		sha_block_size = SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	else
+		sha_block_size = SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	memset(&handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf[0], 0, sha_block_size);
+	for (i = 0; i < sha_block_size; i++)
+		handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf[i] =
+				(handle->sha_ctxt.authkey[i] ^ constant);
+	handle->sha_ctxt.trailing_buf_len = sha_block_size;
+	return 0;
+static int qcedev_hmac_init(struct qcedev_async_req *areq,
+				struct qcedev_handle *handle,
+				struct scatterlist *sg_src)
+	int err;
+	struct qcedev_control *podev = handle->cntl;
+	err = qcedev_set_hmac_auth_key(areq, handle, sg_src);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	if (!podev->ce_support.sha_hmac)
+		qcedev_hmac_update_iokey(areq, handle, true);
+	return 0;
+static int qcedev_hmac_final(struct qcedev_async_req *areq,
+				struct qcedev_handle *handle)
+	int err;
+	struct qcedev_control *podev = handle->cntl;
+	err = qcedev_sha_final(areq, handle);
+	if (podev->ce_support.sha_hmac)
+		return err;
+	qcedev_hmac_update_iokey(areq, handle, false);
+	err = qcedev_hmac_get_ohash(areq, handle);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	err = qcedev_sha_final(areq, handle);
+	return err;
+static int qcedev_hash_init(struct qcedev_async_req *areq,
+				struct qcedev_handle *handle,
+				struct scatterlist *sg_src)
+	if ((areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1) ||
+			(areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA256))
+		return qcedev_sha_init(areq, handle);
+	else
+		return qcedev_hmac_init(areq, handle, sg_src);
+static int qcedev_hash_update(struct qcedev_async_req *qcedev_areq,
+				struct qcedev_handle *handle,
+				struct scatterlist *sg_src)
+	return qcedev_sha_update(qcedev_areq, handle, sg_src);
+static int qcedev_hash_final(struct qcedev_async_req *areq,
+				struct qcedev_handle *handle)
+	if ((areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1) ||
+			(areq->sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA256))
+		return qcedev_sha_final(areq, handle);
+	else
+		return qcedev_hmac_final(areq, handle);
+static int qcedev_vbuf_ablk_cipher_max_xfer(struct qcedev_async_req *areq,
+				int *di, struct qcedev_handle *handle,
+				uint8_t *k_align_src)
+	int err = 0;
+	int i = 0;
+	int dst_i = *di;
+	struct scatterlist sg_src;
+	uint32_t byteoffset = 0;
+	uint8_t *user_src = NULL;
+	uint8_t *k_align_dst = k_align_src;
+	struct	qcedev_cipher_op_req *creq = &areq->cipher_op_req;
+	if (areq->cipher_op_req.mode == QCEDEV_AES_MODE_CTR)
+		byteoffset = areq->cipher_op_req.byteoffset;
+	user_src = (void __user *)areq->cipher_op_req.vbuf.src[0].vaddr;
+	if (user_src && copy_from_user((k_align_src + byteoffset),
+				(void __user *)user_src,
+				areq->cipher_op_req.vbuf.src[0].len))
+		return -EFAULT;
+	k_align_src += byteoffset + areq->cipher_op_req.vbuf.src[0].len;
+	for (i = 1; i < areq->cipher_op_req.entries; i++) {
+		user_src =
+			(void __user *)areq->cipher_op_req.vbuf.src[i].vaddr;
+		if (user_src && copy_from_user(k_align_src,
+					(void __user *)user_src,
+					areq->cipher_op_req.vbuf.src[i].len)) {
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		k_align_src += areq->cipher_op_req.vbuf.src[i].len;
+	}
+	/* restore src beginning */
+	k_align_src = k_align_dst;
+	areq->cipher_op_req.data_len += byteoffset;
+	areq->cipher_req.creq.src = (struct scatterlist *) &sg_src;
+	areq->cipher_req.creq.dst = (struct scatterlist *) &sg_src;
+	/* In place encryption/decryption */
+	sg_set_buf(areq->cipher_req.creq.src,
+					k_align_dst,
+					areq->cipher_op_req.data_len);
+	sg_mark_end(areq->cipher_req.creq.src);
+	areq->cipher_req.creq.nbytes = areq->cipher_op_req.data_len;
+	areq-> = areq->cipher_op_req.iv;
+	areq->cipher_op_req.entries = 1;
+	err = submit_req(areq, handle);
+	/* copy data to destination buffer*/
+	creq->data_len -= byteoffset;
+	while (creq->data_len > 0) {
+		if (creq->vbuf.dst[dst_i].len <= creq->data_len) {
+			if (err == 0 && copy_to_user(
+				(void __user *)creq->vbuf.dst[dst_i].vaddr,
+					(k_align_dst + byteoffset),
+					creq->vbuf.dst[dst_i].len))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			k_align_dst += creq->vbuf.dst[dst_i].len +
+						byteoffset;
+			creq->data_len -= creq->vbuf.dst[dst_i].len;
+			dst_i++;
+		} else {
+			if (err == 0 && copy_to_user(
+				(void __user *)creq->vbuf.dst[dst_i].vaddr,
+					(k_align_dst + byteoffset),
+					creq->data_len))
+				return -EFAULT;
+			k_align_dst += creq->data_len;
+			creq->vbuf.dst[dst_i].len -= creq->data_len;
+			creq->vbuf.dst[dst_i].vaddr += creq->data_len;
+			creq->data_len = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	*di = dst_i;
+	return err;
+static int qcedev_vbuf_ablk_cipher(struct qcedev_async_req *areq,
+						struct qcedev_handle *handle)
+	int err = 0;
+	int di = 0;
+	int i = 0;
+	int j = 0;
+	int k = 0;
+	uint32_t byteoffset = 0;
+	int num_entries = 0;
+	uint32_t total = 0;
+	uint32_t len;
+	uint8_t *k_buf_src = NULL;
+	uint8_t *k_align_src = NULL;
+	uint32_t max_data_xfer;
+	struct qcedev_cipher_op_req *saved_req;
+	struct	qcedev_cipher_op_req *creq = &areq->cipher_op_req;
+	total = 0;
+	if (areq->cipher_op_req.mode == QCEDEV_AES_MODE_CTR)
+		byteoffset = areq->cipher_op_req.byteoffset;
+	k_buf_src = kmalloc(QCE_MAX_OPER_DATA + CACHE_LINE_SIZE * 2,
+	if (k_buf_src == NULL)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	k_align_src = (uint8_t *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)k_buf_src),
+	max_data_xfer = QCE_MAX_OPER_DATA - byteoffset;
+	saved_req = kmalloc(sizeof(struct qcedev_cipher_op_req), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (saved_req == NULL) {
+		kzfree(k_buf_src);
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	memcpy(saved_req, creq, sizeof(struct qcedev_cipher_op_req));
+	if (areq->cipher_op_req.data_len > max_data_xfer) {
+		struct qcedev_cipher_op_req req;
+		/* save the original req structure */
+		memcpy(&req, creq, sizeof(struct qcedev_cipher_op_req));
+		i = 0;
+		/* Address 32 KB  at a time */
+		while ((i < req.entries) && (err == 0)) {
+			if (creq->vbuf.src[i].len > max_data_xfer) {
+				creq->vbuf.src[0].len =	max_data_xfer;
+				if (i > 0) {
+					creq->vbuf.src[0].vaddr =
+						creq->vbuf.src[i].vaddr;
+				}
+				creq->data_len = max_data_xfer;
+				creq->entries = 1;
+				err = qcedev_vbuf_ablk_cipher_max_xfer(areq,
+						&di, handle, k_align_src);
+				if (err < 0) {
+					kzfree(k_buf_src);
+					kzfree(saved_req);
+					return err;
+				}
+				creq->vbuf.src[i].len =	req.vbuf.src[i].len -
+							max_data_xfer;
+				creq->vbuf.src[i].vaddr =
+						req.vbuf.src[i].vaddr +
+						max_data_xfer;
+				req.vbuf.src[i].vaddr =
+						creq->vbuf.src[i].vaddr;
+				req.vbuf.src[i].len = creq->vbuf.src[i].len;
+			} else {
+				total = areq->cipher_op_req.byteoffset;
+				for (j = i; j < req.entries; j++) {
+					num_entries++;
+					if ((total + creq->vbuf.src[j].len)
+							>= max_data_xfer) {
+						creq->vbuf.src[j].len =
+						max_data_xfer - total;
+						total = max_data_xfer;
+						break;
+					}
+					total += creq->vbuf.src[j].len;
+				}
+				creq->data_len = total;
+				if (i > 0)
+					for (k = 0; k < num_entries; k++) {
+						creq->vbuf.src[k].len =
+						creq->vbuf.src[i+k].len;
+						creq->vbuf.src[k].vaddr =
+						creq->vbuf.src[i+k].vaddr;
+					}
+				creq->entries =  num_entries;
+				i = j;
+				err = qcedev_vbuf_ablk_cipher_max_xfer(areq,
+						&di, handle, k_align_src);
+				if (err < 0) {
+					kzfree(k_buf_src);
+					kzfree(saved_req);
+					return err;
+				}
+				num_entries = 0;
+				areq->cipher_op_req.byteoffset = 0;
+				creq->vbuf.src[i].vaddr = req.vbuf.src[i].vaddr
+					+ creq->vbuf.src[i].len;
+				creq->vbuf.src[i].len =	req.vbuf.src[i].len -
+							creq->vbuf.src[i].len;
+				req.vbuf.src[i].vaddr =
+						creq->vbuf.src[i].vaddr;
+				req.vbuf.src[i].len = creq->vbuf.src[i].len;
+				if (creq->vbuf.src[i].len == 0)
+					i++;
+			}
+			areq->cipher_op_req.byteoffset = 0;
+			max_data_xfer = QCE_MAX_OPER_DATA;
+			byteoffset = 0;
+		} /* end of while ((i < req.entries) && (err == 0)) */
+	} else
+		err = qcedev_vbuf_ablk_cipher_max_xfer(areq, &di, handle,
+								k_align_src);
+	/* Restore the original req structure */
+	for (i = 0; i < saved_req->entries; i++) {
+		creq->vbuf.src[i].len = saved_req->vbuf.src[i].len;
+		creq->vbuf.src[i].vaddr = saved_req->vbuf.src[i].vaddr;
+	}
+	for (len = 0, i = 0; len < saved_req->data_len; i++) {
+		creq->vbuf.dst[i].len = saved_req->vbuf.dst[i].len;
+		creq->vbuf.dst[i].vaddr = saved_req->vbuf.dst[i].vaddr;
+		len += saved_req->vbuf.dst[i].len;
+	}
+	creq->entries = saved_req->entries;
+	creq->data_len = saved_req->data_len;
+	creq->byteoffset = saved_req->byteoffset;
+	kzfree(saved_req);
+	kzfree(k_buf_src);
+	return err;
+static int qcedev_check_cipher_key(struct qcedev_cipher_op_req *req,
+						struct qcedev_control *podev)
+	/* if intending to use HW key make sure key fields are set
+	 * correctly and HW key is indeed supported in target
+	 */
+	if (req->encklen == 0) {
+		int i;
+		for (i = 0; i < QCEDEV_MAX_KEY_SIZE; i++) {
+			if (req->enckey[i]) {
+				pr_err("%s: Invalid key: non-zero key input\n",
+								__func__);
+				goto error;
+			}
+		}
+		if ((req->op != QCEDEV_OPER_ENC_NO_KEY) &&
+			(req->op != QCEDEV_OPER_DEC_NO_KEY))
+			if (!podev->platform_support.hw_key_support) {
+				pr_err("%s: Invalid op %d\n", __func__,
+						(uint32_t)req->op);
+				goto error;
+			}
+	} else {
+		if (req->encklen == QCEDEV_AES_KEY_192) {
+			if (!podev->ce_support.aes_key_192) {
+				pr_err("%s: AES-192 not supported\n", __func__);
+				goto error;
+			}
+		} else {
+			/* if not using HW key make sure key
+			 * length is valid
+			 */
+			if (req->mode == QCEDEV_AES_MODE_XTS) {
+				if ((req->encklen != QCEDEV_AES_KEY_128*2) &&
+				(req->encklen != QCEDEV_AES_KEY_256*2)) {
+					pr_err("%s: unsupported key size: %d\n",
+							__func__, req->encklen);
+					goto error;
+				}
+			} else {
+				if ((req->encklen != QCEDEV_AES_KEY_128) &&
+					(req->encklen != QCEDEV_AES_KEY_256)) {
+					pr_err("%s: unsupported key size %d\n",
+							__func__, req->encklen);
+					goto error;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+	return -EINVAL;
+static int qcedev_check_cipher_params(struct qcedev_cipher_op_req *req,
+						struct qcedev_control *podev)
+	uint32_t total = 0;
+	uint32_t i;
+	if (req->use_pmem) {
+		pr_err("%s: Use of PMEM is not supported\n", __func__);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	if ((req->entries == 0) || (req->data_len == 0) ||
+			(req->entries > QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS)) {
+		pr_err("%s: Invalid cipher length/entries\n", __func__);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	if ((req->alg >= QCEDEV_ALG_LAST) ||
+		(req->mode >= QCEDEV_AES_DES_MODE_LAST)) {
+		pr_err("%s: Invalid algorithm %d\n", __func__,
+						(uint32_t)req->alg);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	if ((req->mode == QCEDEV_AES_MODE_XTS) &&
+				(!podev->ce_support.aes_xts)) {
+		pr_err("%s: XTS algorithm is not supported\n", __func__);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	if (req->alg == QCEDEV_ALG_AES) {
+		if (qcedev_check_cipher_key(req, podev))
+			goto error;
+	}
+	/* if using a byteoffset, make sure it is CTR mode using vbuf */
+	if (req->byteoffset) {
+		if (req->mode != QCEDEV_AES_MODE_CTR) {
+			pr_err("%s: Operation on byte offset not supported\n",
+								 __func__);
+			goto error;
+		}
+		if (req->byteoffset >= AES_CE_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+			pr_err("%s: Invalid byte offset\n", __func__);
+			goto error;
+		}
+		total = req->byteoffset;
+		for (i = 0; i < req->entries; i++) {
+			if (total > U32_MAX - req->vbuf.src[i].len) {
+				pr_err("%s:Integer overflow on total src len\n",
+					__func__);
+				goto error;
+			}
+			total += req->vbuf.src[i].len;
+		}
+	}
+	if (req->data_len < req->byteoffset) {
+		pr_err("%s: req data length %u is less than byteoffset %u\n",
+				__func__, req->data_len, req->byteoffset);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	/* Ensure IV size */
+	if (req->ivlen > QCEDEV_MAX_IV_SIZE) {
+		pr_err("%s: ivlen is not correct: %u\n", __func__, req->ivlen);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	/* Ensure Key size */
+	if (req->encklen > QCEDEV_MAX_KEY_SIZE) {
+		pr_err("%s: Klen is not correct: %u\n", __func__, req->encklen);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	/* Ensure zer ivlen for ECB  mode  */
+	if (req->ivlen > 0) {
+		if ((req->mode == QCEDEV_AES_MODE_ECB) ||
+				(req->mode == QCEDEV_DES_MODE_ECB)) {
+			pr_err("%s: Expecting a zero length IV\n", __func__);
+			goto error;
+		}
+	} else {
+		if ((req->mode != QCEDEV_AES_MODE_ECB) &&
+				(req->mode != QCEDEV_DES_MODE_ECB)) {
+			pr_err("%s: Expecting a non-zero ength IV\n", __func__);
+			goto error;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Check for sum of all dst length is equal to data_len  */
+	for (i = 0, total = 0; i < req->entries; i++) {
+		if (!req->vbuf.dst[i].vaddr && req->vbuf.dst[i].len) {
+			pr_err("%s: NULL req dst vbuf[%d] with length %d\n",
+				__func__, i, req->vbuf.dst[i].len);
+			goto error;
+		}
+		if (req->vbuf.dst[i].len >= U32_MAX - total) {
+			pr_err("%s: Integer overflow on total req dst vbuf length\n",
+				__func__);
+			goto error;
+		}
+		total += req->vbuf.dst[i].len;
+	}
+	if (total != req->data_len) {
+		pr_err("%s: Total (i=%d) dst(%d) buf size != data_len (%d)\n",
+			__func__, i, total, req->data_len);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	/* Check for sum of all src length is equal to data_len  */
+	for (i = 0, total = 0; i < req->entries; i++) {
+		if (!req->vbuf.src[i].vaddr && req->vbuf.src[i].len) {
+			pr_err("%s: NULL req src vbuf[%d] with length %d\n",
+				__func__, i, req->vbuf.src[i].len);
+			goto error;
+		}
+		if (req->vbuf.src[i].len > U32_MAX - total) {
+			pr_err("%s: Integer overflow on total req src vbuf length\n",
+				__func__);
+			goto error;
+		}
+		total += req->vbuf.src[i].len;
+	}
+	if (total != req->data_len) {
+		pr_err("%s: Total src(%d) buf size != data_len (%d)\n",
+			__func__, total, req->data_len);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	return -EINVAL;
+static int qcedev_check_sha_params(struct qcedev_sha_op_req *req,
+						struct qcedev_control *podev)
+	uint32_t total = 0;
+	uint32_t i;
+	if ((req->alg == QCEDEV_ALG_AES_CMAC) &&
+				(!podev->ce_support.cmac)) {
+		pr_err("%s: CMAC not supported\n", __func__);
+		goto sha_error;
+	}
+	if ((!req->entries) || (req->entries > QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS)) {
+		pr_err("%s: Invalid num entries (%d)\n",
+						__func__, req->entries);
+		goto sha_error;
+	}
+	if (req->alg >= QCEDEV_ALG_SHA_ALG_LAST) {
+		pr_err("%s: Invalid algorithm (%d)\n", __func__, req->alg);
+		goto sha_error;
+	}
+	if ((req->alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1_HMAC) ||
+			(req->alg == QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1_HMAC)) {
+		if (req->authkey == NULL) {
+			pr_err("%s: Invalid authkey pointer\n", __func__);
+			goto sha_error;
+		}
+		if (req->authklen <= 0) {
+			pr_err("%s: Invalid authkey length (%d)\n",
+						__func__, req->authklen);
+			goto sha_error;
+		}
+	}
+	if (req->alg == QCEDEV_ALG_AES_CMAC) {
+		if ((req->authklen != QCEDEV_AES_KEY_128) &&
+					(req->authklen != QCEDEV_AES_KEY_256)) {
+			pr_err("%s: unsupported key length\n", __func__);
+			goto sha_error;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Check for sum of all src length is equal to data_len  */
+	for (i = 0, total = 0; i < req->entries; i++) {
+		if (req->data[i].len > U32_MAX - total) {
+			pr_err("%s: Integer overflow on total req buf length\n",
+				__func__);
+			goto sha_error;
+		}
+		total += req->data[i].len;
+	}
+	if (total != req->data_len) {
+		pr_err("%s: Total src(%d) buf size != data_len (%d)\n",
+			__func__, total, req->data_len);
+		goto sha_error;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	return -EINVAL;
+static inline long qcedev_ioctl(struct file *file,
+				unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
+	int err = 0;
+	struct qcedev_handle *handle;
+	struct qcedev_control *podev;
+	struct qcedev_async_req qcedev_areq;
+	struct qcedev_stat *pstat;
+	handle =  file->private_data;
+	podev =  handle->cntl;
+	qcedev_areq.handle = handle;
+	if (podev == NULL || podev->magic != QCEDEV_MAGIC) {
+		pr_err("%s: invalid handle %p\n",
+			__func__, podev);
+		return -ENOENT;
+	}
+	/* Verify user arguments. */
+		return -ENOTTY;
+	init_completion(&qcedev_areq.complete);
+	pstat = &_qcedev_stat;
+	switch (cmd) {
+		if (copy_from_user(&qcedev_areq.cipher_op_req,
+				(void __user *)arg,
+				sizeof(struct qcedev_cipher_op_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		qcedev_areq.op_type = QCEDEV_CRYPTO_OPER_CIPHER;
+		if (qcedev_check_cipher_params(&qcedev_areq.cipher_op_req,
+				podev))
+			return -EINVAL;
+		err = qcedev_vbuf_ablk_cipher(&qcedev_areq, handle);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+		if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg,
+					&qcedev_areq.cipher_op_req,
+					sizeof(struct qcedev_cipher_op_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		break;
+		{
+		struct scatterlist sg_src;
+		if (copy_from_user(&qcedev_areq.sha_op_req,
+					(void __user *)arg,
+					sizeof(struct qcedev_sha_op_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		if (qcedev_check_sha_params(&qcedev_areq.sha_op_req, podev))
+			return -EINVAL;
+		qcedev_areq.op_type = QCEDEV_CRYPTO_OPER_SHA;
+		err = qcedev_hash_init(&qcedev_areq, handle, &sg_src);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+		if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, &qcedev_areq.sha_op_req,
+					sizeof(struct qcedev_sha_op_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		handle->sha_ctxt.init_done = true;
+		break;
+		if (!podev->ce_support.cmac)
+			return -ENOTTY;
+		{
+		struct scatterlist sg_src;
+		if (copy_from_user(&qcedev_areq.sha_op_req,
+					(void __user *)arg,
+					sizeof(struct qcedev_sha_op_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		if (qcedev_check_sha_params(&qcedev_areq.sha_op_req, podev))
+			return -EINVAL;
+		qcedev_areq.op_type = QCEDEV_CRYPTO_OPER_SHA;
+		if (qcedev_areq.sha_op_req.alg == QCEDEV_ALG_AES_CMAC) {
+			err = qcedev_hash_cmac(&qcedev_areq, handle, &sg_src);
+			if (err)
+				return err;
+		} else {
+			if (handle->sha_ctxt.init_done == false) {
+				pr_err("%s Init was not called\n", __func__);
+				return -EINVAL;
+			}
+			err = qcedev_hash_update(&qcedev_areq, handle, &sg_src);
+			if (err)
+				return err;
+		}
+		if (handle->sha_ctxt.diglen > QCEDEV_MAX_SHA_DIGEST) {
+			pr_err("Invalid sha_ctxt.diglen %d\n",
+					handle->sha_ctxt.diglen);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		memcpy(&qcedev_areq.sha_op_req.digest[0],
+				&handle->sha_ctxt.digest[0],
+				handle->sha_ctxt.diglen);
+		if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, &qcedev_areq.sha_op_req,
+					sizeof(struct qcedev_sha_op_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		break;
+		if (handle->sha_ctxt.init_done == false) {
+			pr_err("%s Init was not called\n", __func__);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+		if (copy_from_user(&qcedev_areq.sha_op_req,
+					(void __user *)arg,
+					sizeof(struct qcedev_sha_op_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		if (qcedev_check_sha_params(&qcedev_areq.sha_op_req, podev))
+			return -EINVAL;
+		qcedev_areq.op_type = QCEDEV_CRYPTO_OPER_SHA;
+		err = qcedev_hash_final(&qcedev_areq, handle);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+		qcedev_areq.sha_op_req.diglen = handle->sha_ctxt.diglen;
+		memcpy(&qcedev_areq.sha_op_req.digest[0],
+				&handle->sha_ctxt.digest[0],
+				handle->sha_ctxt.diglen);
+		if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, &qcedev_areq.sha_op_req,
+					sizeof(struct qcedev_sha_op_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		handle->sha_ctxt.init_done = false;
+		break;
+		{
+		struct scatterlist sg_src;
+		if (copy_from_user(&qcedev_areq.sha_op_req,
+					(void __user *)arg,
+					sizeof(struct qcedev_sha_op_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		if (qcedev_check_sha_params(&qcedev_areq.sha_op_req, podev))
+			return -EINVAL;
+		qcedev_areq.op_type = QCEDEV_CRYPTO_OPER_SHA;
+		qcedev_hash_init(&qcedev_areq, handle, &sg_src);
+		err = qcedev_hash_update(&qcedev_areq, handle, &sg_src);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+		err = qcedev_hash_final(&qcedev_areq, handle);
+		if (err)
+			return err;
+		qcedev_areq.sha_op_req.diglen =	handle->sha_ctxt.diglen;
+		memcpy(&qcedev_areq.sha_op_req.digest[0],
+				&handle->sha_ctxt.digest[0],
+				handle->sha_ctxt.diglen);
+		if (copy_to_user((void __user *)arg, &qcedev_areq.sha_op_req,
+					sizeof(struct qcedev_sha_op_req)))
+			return -EFAULT;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -ENOTTY;
+	}
+	return err;
+static int qcedev_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	void *handle = NULL;
+	int rc = 0;
+	struct qcedev_control *podev;
+	struct msm_ce_hw_support *platform_support;
+	podev = &qce_dev[0];
+	podev->high_bw_req_count = 0;
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&podev->ready_commands);
+	podev->active_command = NULL;
+	spin_lock_init(&podev->lock);
+	tasklet_init(&podev->done_tasklet, req_done, (unsigned long)podev);
+	/* open qce */
+	handle = qce_open(pdev, &rc);
+	if (handle == NULL) {
+		platform_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
+		return rc;
+	}
+	podev->qce = handle;
+	podev->pdev = pdev;
+	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, podev);
+	rc = misc_register(&podev->miscdevice);
+	qce_hw_support(podev->qce, &podev->ce_support);
+	if (podev->ce_support.bam) {
+		podev->platform_support.ce_shared = 0;
+		podev->platform_support.shared_ce_resource = 0;
+		podev->platform_support.hw_key_support =
+						podev->ce_support.hw_key;
+		podev->platform_support.bus_scale_table = NULL;
+		podev->platform_support.sha_hmac = 1;
+		podev->platform_support.bus_scale_table =
+			(struct msm_bus_scale_pdata *)
+					msm_bus_cl_get_pdata(pdev);
+		if (!podev->platform_support.bus_scale_table)
+			pr_err("bus_scale_table is NULL\n");
+	} else {
+		platform_support =
+			(struct msm_ce_hw_support *)pdev->dev.platform_data;
+		podev->platform_support.ce_shared = platform_support->ce_shared;
+		podev->platform_support.shared_ce_resource =
+				platform_support->shared_ce_resource;
+		podev->platform_support.hw_key_support =
+				platform_support->hw_key_support;
+		podev->platform_support.bus_scale_table =
+				platform_support->bus_scale_table;
+		podev->platform_support.sha_hmac = platform_support->sha_hmac;
+	}
+	if (podev->platform_support.bus_scale_table != NULL) {
+		podev->bus_scale_handle =
+			msm_bus_scale_register_client(
+				(struct msm_bus_scale_pdata *)
+				podev->platform_support.bus_scale_table);
+		if (!podev->bus_scale_handle) {
+			pr_err("%s not able to get bus scale\n",
+				__func__);
+			rc =  -ENOMEM;
+			goto err;
+		}
+	}
+	if (rc >= 0)
+		return 0;
+	if (podev->platform_support.bus_scale_table != NULL)
+		msm_bus_scale_unregister_client(podev->bus_scale_handle);
+	if (handle)
+		qce_close(handle);
+	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
+	podev->qce = NULL;
+	podev->pdev = NULL;
+	return rc;
+static int qcedev_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct qcedev_control *podev;
+	podev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	if (!podev)
+		return 0;
+	if (podev->qce)
+		qce_close(podev->qce);
+	if (podev->platform_support.bus_scale_table != NULL)
+		msm_bus_scale_unregister_client(podev->bus_scale_handle);
+	if (podev->miscdevice.minor != MISC_DYNAMIC_MINOR)
+		misc_deregister(&podev->miscdevice);
+	tasklet_kill(&podev->done_tasklet);
+	return 0;
+static int qcedev_suspend(struct platform_device *pdev, pm_message_t state)
+	struct qcedev_control *podev;
+	int ret;
+	podev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	if (!podev || !podev->platform_support.bus_scale_table)
+		return 0;
+	mutex_lock(&qcedev_sent_bw_req);
+	if (podev->high_bw_req_count) {
+		ret = msm_bus_scale_client_update_request(
+				podev->bus_scale_handle, 0);
+		if (ret) {
+			pr_err("%s Unable to set to low bandwidth\n",
+						__func__);
+			goto suspend_exit;
+		}
+		ret = qce_disable_clk(podev->qce);
+		if (ret) {
+			pr_err("%s Unable disable clk\n", __func__);
+			ret = msm_bus_scale_client_update_request(
+				podev->bus_scale_handle, 1);
+			if (ret)
+				pr_err("%s Unable to set to high bandwidth\n",
+					__func__);
+			goto suspend_exit;
+		}
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&qcedev_sent_bw_req);
+	return 0;
+static int qcedev_resume(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct qcedev_control *podev;
+	int ret;
+	podev = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	if (!podev || !podev->platform_support.bus_scale_table)
+		return 0;
+	mutex_lock(&qcedev_sent_bw_req);
+	if (podev->high_bw_req_count) {
+		ret = qce_enable_clk(podev->qce);
+		if (ret) {
+			pr_err("%s Unable enable clk\n", __func__);
+			goto resume_exit;
+		}
+		ret = msm_bus_scale_client_update_request(
+				podev->bus_scale_handle, 1);
+		if (ret) {
+			pr_err("%s Unable to set to high bandwidth\n",
+						__func__);
+			ret = qce_disable_clk(podev->qce);
+			if (ret)
+				pr_err("%s Unable enable clk\n",
+					__func__);
+			goto resume_exit;
+		}
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&qcedev_sent_bw_req);
+	return 0;
+static const struct of_device_id qcedev_match[] = {
+	{	.compatible = "qcom,qcedev",
+	},
+	{}
+static struct platform_driver qcedev_plat_driver = {
+	.probe = qcedev_probe,
+	.remove = qcedev_remove,
+	.suspend = qcedev_suspend,
+	.resume = qcedev_resume,
+	.driver = {
+		.name = "qce",
+		.owner = THIS_MODULE,
+		.of_match_table = qcedev_match,
+	},
+static int _disp_stats(int id)
+	struct qcedev_stat *pstat;
+	int len = 0;
+	pstat = &_qcedev_stat;
+	len = scnprintf(_debug_read_buf, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - 1,
+			"\nQTI QCE dev driver %d Statistics:\n",
+				id + 1);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   Encryption operation success       : %d\n",
+					pstat->qcedev_enc_success);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   Encryption operation fail   : %d\n",
+					pstat->qcedev_enc_fail);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   Decryption operation success     : %d\n",
+					pstat->qcedev_dec_success);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   Encryption operation fail          : %d\n",
+					pstat->qcedev_dec_fail);
+	return len;
+static int _debug_stats_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+	file->private_data = inode->i_private;
+	return 0;
+static ssize_t _debug_stats_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf,
+			size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+	ssize_t rc = -EINVAL;
+	int qcedev = *((int *) file->private_data);
+	int len;
+	len = _disp_stats(qcedev);
+	if (len <= count)
+		rc = simple_read_from_buffer((void __user *) buf, len,
+			ppos, (void *) _debug_read_buf, len);
+	return rc;
+static ssize_t _debug_stats_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf,
+			size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+	memset((char *)&_qcedev_stat, 0, sizeof(struct qcedev_stat));
+	return count;
+static const struct file_operations _debug_stats_ops = {
+	.open =         _debug_stats_open,
+	.read =         _debug_stats_read,
+	.write =        _debug_stats_write,
+static int _qcedev_debug_init(void)
+	int rc;
+	char name[DEBUG_MAX_FNAME];
+	struct dentry *dent;
+	_debug_dent = debugfs_create_dir("qcedev", NULL);
+	if (IS_ERR(_debug_dent)) {
+		pr_err("qcedev debugfs_create_dir fail, error %ld\n",
+				PTR_ERR(_debug_dent));
+		return PTR_ERR(_debug_dent);
+	}
+	snprintf(name, DEBUG_MAX_FNAME-1, "stats-%d", 1);
+	_debug_qcedev = 0;
+	dent = debugfs_create_file(name, 0644, _debug_dent,
+			&_debug_qcedev, &_debug_stats_ops);
+	if (dent == NULL) {
+		pr_err("qcedev debugfs_create_file fail, error %ld\n",
+				PTR_ERR(dent));
+		rc = PTR_ERR(dent);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	debugfs_remove_recursive(_debug_dent);
+	return rc;
+static int qcedev_init(void)
+	int rc;
+	rc = _qcedev_debug_init();
+	if (rc)
+		return rc;
+	return platform_driver_register(&qcedev_plat_driver);
+static void qcedev_exit(void)
+	debugfs_remove_recursive(_debug_dent);
+	platform_driver_unregister(&qcedev_plat_driver);
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/msm/qcedevi.h b/drivers/crypto/msm/qcedevi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c26ed71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/msm/qcedevi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+/* QTI crypto Driver
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/miscdevice.h>
+#include <crypto/hash.h>
+#include <linux/platform_data/qcom_crypto_device.h>
+#include <linux/fips_status.h>
+#include "qce.h"
+#define CACHE_LINE_SIZE 32
+enum qcedev_crypto_oper_type {
+struct qcedev_handle;
+struct qcedev_cipher_req {
+	struct ablkcipher_request creq;
+	void *cookie;
+struct qcedev_sha_req {
+	struct ahash_request sreq;
+	void *cookie;
+struct	qcedev_sha_ctxt {
+	uint32_t	auth_data[4];
+	uint8_t	digest[QCEDEV_MAX_SHA_DIGEST];
+	uint32_t	diglen;
+	uint8_t	trailing_buf[64];
+	uint32_t	trailing_buf_len;
+	uint8_t	first_blk;
+	uint8_t	last_blk;
+	uint8_t	authkey[QCEDEV_MAX_SHA_BLOCK_SIZE];
+	bool		init_done;
+struct qcedev_async_req {
+	struct list_head			list;
+	struct completion			complete;
+	enum qcedev_crypto_oper_type		op_type;
+	union {
+		struct qcedev_cipher_op_req	cipher_op_req;
+		struct qcedev_sha_op_req	sha_op_req;
+	};
+	union {
+		struct qcedev_cipher_req	cipher_req;
+		struct qcedev_sha_req		sha_req;
+	};
+	struct qcedev_handle			*handle;
+	int					err;
+ * Register ourselves as a misc device to be able to access the dev driver
+ * from userspace.
+ */
+#define QCEDEV_DEV	"qcedev"
+struct qcedev_control {
+	/* CE features supported by platform */
+	struct msm_ce_hw_support platform_support;
+	uint32_t ce_lock_count;
+	uint32_t high_bw_req_count;
+	/* CE features/algorithms supported by HW engine*/
+	struct ce_hw_support ce_support;
+	uint32_t  bus_scale_handle;
+	/* misc device */
+	struct miscdevice miscdevice;
+	/* qce handle */
+	void *qce;
+	/* platform device */
+	struct platform_device *pdev;
+	unsigned int magic;
+	struct list_head ready_commands;
+	struct qcedev_async_req *active_command;
+	spinlock_t lock;
+	struct tasklet_struct done_tasklet;
+struct qcedev_handle {
+	/* qcedev control handle */
+	struct qcedev_control *cntl;
+	/* qce internal sha context*/
+	struct qcedev_sha_ctxt sha_ctxt;
+void qcedev_cipher_req_cb(void *cookie, unsigned char *icv,
+	unsigned char *iv, int ret);
+void qcedev_sha_req_cb(void *cookie, unsigned char *digest,
+	unsigned char *authdata, int ret);
+#endif  /* __CRYPTO_MSM_QCEDEVI_H */
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/msm/qcrypto.c b/drivers/crypto/msm/qcrypto.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7eca02c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/msm/qcrypto.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5507 @@
+ * QTI Crypto driver
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/clk.h>
+#include <linux/cpu.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <linux/platform_device.h>
+#include <linux/dma-mapping.h>
+#include <linux/dmapool.h>
+#include <linux/crypto.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/rtnetlink.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+#include <linux/spinlock.h>
+#include <linux/llist.h>
+#include <linux/debugfs.h>
+#include <linux/workqueue.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/cache.h>
+#include <linux/platform_data/qcom_crypto_device.h>
+#include <linux/msm-bus.h>
+#include <linux/hardirq.h>
+#include <linux/qcrypto.h>
+#include <crypto/ctr.h>
+#include <crypto/des.h>
+#include <crypto/aes.h>
+#include <crypto/sha.h>
+#include <crypto/hash.h>
+#include <crypto/algapi.h>
+#include <crypto/aead.h>
+#include <crypto/authenc.h>
+#include <crypto/scatterwalk.h>
+#include <crypto/internal/hash.h>
+#include <crypto/internal/aead.h>
+#include <linux/fips_status.h>
+#include "qce.h"
+#define DEBUG_MAX_FNAME  16
+#define DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF 4096
+#define QCRYPTO_BIG_NUMBER 9999999 /* a big number */
+ * For crypto 5.0 which has burst size alignment requirement.
+ */
+#define MAX_ALIGN_SIZE  0x40
+/* Status of response workq */
+enum resp_workq_sts {
+/* Status of req processing by CEs */
+enum req_processing_sts {
+	STOPPED     = 0,
+enum qcrypto_bus_state {
+struct crypto_stat {
+	u64 aead_sha1_aes_enc;
+	u64 aead_sha1_aes_dec;
+	u64 aead_sha1_des_enc;
+	u64 aead_sha1_des_dec;
+	u64 aead_sha1_3des_enc;
+	u64 aead_sha1_3des_dec;
+	u64 aead_sha256_aes_enc;
+	u64 aead_sha256_aes_dec;
+	u64 aead_sha256_des_enc;
+	u64 aead_sha256_des_dec;
+	u64 aead_sha256_3des_enc;
+	u64 aead_sha256_3des_dec;
+	u64 aead_ccm_aes_enc;
+	u64 aead_ccm_aes_dec;
+	u64 aead_rfc4309_ccm_aes_enc;
+	u64 aead_rfc4309_ccm_aes_dec;
+	u64 aead_op_success;
+	u64 aead_op_fail;
+	u64 aead_bad_msg;
+	u64 ablk_cipher_aes_enc;
+	u64 ablk_cipher_aes_dec;
+	u64 ablk_cipher_des_enc;
+	u64 ablk_cipher_des_dec;
+	u64 ablk_cipher_3des_enc;
+	u64 ablk_cipher_3des_dec;
+	u64 ablk_cipher_op_success;
+	u64 ablk_cipher_op_fail;
+	u64 sha1_digest;
+	u64 sha256_digest;
+	u64 sha1_hmac_digest;
+	u64 sha256_hmac_digest;
+	u64 ahash_op_success;
+	u64 ahash_op_fail;
+static struct crypto_stat _qcrypto_stat;
+static struct dentry *_debug_dent;
+static char _debug_read_buf[DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF];
+static bool _qcrypto_init_assign;
+struct crypto_priv;
+struct qcrypto_req_control {
+	unsigned int index;
+	bool in_use;
+	struct crypto_engine *pce;
+	struct crypto_async_request *req;
+	struct qcrypto_resp_ctx *arsp;
+	int res; /* execution result */
+struct crypto_engine {
+	struct list_head elist;
+	void *qce; /* qce handle */
+	struct platform_device *pdev; /* platform device */
+	struct crypto_priv *pcp;
+	uint32_t  bus_scale_handle;
+	struct crypto_queue req_queue;	/*
+					 * request queue for those requests
+					 * that have this engine assigned
+					 * waiting to be executed
+					 */
+	u64 total_req;
+	u64 err_req;
+	u32 unit;
+	u32 ce_device;
+	u32 ce_hw_instance;
+	unsigned int signature;
+	enum qcrypto_bus_state bw_state;
+	bool   high_bw_req;
+	struct timer_list bw_reaper_timer;
+	struct work_struct bw_reaper_ws;
+	struct work_struct bw_allocate_ws;
+	/* engine execution sequence number */
+	u32    active_seq;
+	/* last QCRYPTO_HIGH_BANDWIDTH_TIMEOUT active_seq */
+	u32    last_active_seq;
+	bool   check_flag;
+	/*Added to support multi-requests*/
+	unsigned int max_req;
+	struct   qcrypto_req_control *preq_pool;
+	atomic_t req_count;
+	bool issue_req;		/* an request is being issued to qce */
+	bool first_engine;	/* this engine is the first engine or not */
+	unsigned int irq_cpu;	/* the cpu running the irq of this engine */
+	unsigned int max_req_used; /* debug stats */
+#define MAX_SMP_CPU    8
+struct crypto_priv {
+	/* CE features supported by target device*/
+	struct msm_ce_hw_support platform_support;
+	/* CE features/algorithms supported by HW engine*/
+	struct ce_hw_support ce_support;
+	/* the lock protects crypto queue and req */
+	spinlock_t lock;
+	/* list of  registered algorithms */
+	struct list_head alg_list;
+	/* current active request */
+	struct crypto_async_request *req;
+	struct work_struct unlock_ce_ws;
+	struct list_head engine_list; /* list of  qcrypto engines */
+	int32_t total_units;   /* total units of engines */
+	struct mutex engine_lock;
+	struct crypto_engine *next_engine; /* next assign engine */
+	struct crypto_queue req_queue;	/*
+					 * request queue for those requests
+					 * that waiting for an available
+					 * engine.
+					 */
+	struct llist_head ordered_resp_list;	/* Queue to maintain
+						 * responses in sequence.
+						 */
+	atomic_t resp_cnt;
+	struct workqueue_struct *resp_wq;
+	struct work_struct resp_work;	/*
+					 * Workq to send responses
+					 * in sequence.
+					 */
+	enum resp_workq_sts sched_resp_workq_status;
+	enum req_processing_sts ce_req_proc_sts;
+	int cpu_getting_irqs_frm_first_ce;
+	struct crypto_engine *first_engine;
+	struct crypto_engine *scheduled_eng; /* last engine scheduled */
+	/* debug stats */
+	unsigned int no_avail;
+	unsigned int resp_stop;
+	unsigned int resp_start;
+	unsigned int max_qlen;
+	unsigned int queue_work_eng3;
+	unsigned int queue_work_not_eng3;
+	unsigned int queue_work_not_eng3_nz;
+	unsigned int max_resp_qlen;
+	unsigned int max_reorder_cnt;
+	unsigned int cpu_req[MAX_SMP_CPU+1];
+static struct crypto_priv qcrypto_dev;
+static struct crypto_engine *_qcrypto_static_assign_engine(
+					struct crypto_priv *cp);
+static struct crypto_engine *_avail_eng(struct crypto_priv *cp);
+static struct qcrypto_req_control *qcrypto_alloc_req_control(
+						struct crypto_engine *pce)
+	int i;
+	struct qcrypto_req_control *pqcrypto_req_control = pce->preq_pool;
+	unsigned int req_count;
+	for (i = 0; i < pce->max_req; i++) {
+		if (xchg(&pqcrypto_req_control->in_use, true) == false) {
+			req_count = atomic_inc_return(&pce->req_count);
+			if (req_count > pce->max_req_used)
+				pce->max_req_used = req_count;
+			return pqcrypto_req_control;
+		}
+		pqcrypto_req_control++;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+static void qcrypto_free_req_control(struct crypto_engine *pce,
+					struct qcrypto_req_control *preq)
+	/* do this before free req */
+	preq->req = NULL;
+	preq->arsp = NULL;
+	/* free req */
+	if (xchg(&preq->in_use, false) == false)
+		pr_warn("request info %p free already\n", preq);
+	else
+		atomic_dec(&pce->req_count);
+static struct qcrypto_req_control *find_req_control_for_areq(
+					struct crypto_engine *pce,
+					struct crypto_async_request *areq)
+	int i;
+	struct qcrypto_req_control *pqcrypto_req_control = pce->preq_pool;
+	for (i = 0; i < pce->max_req; i++) {
+		if (pqcrypto_req_control->req == areq)
+			return pqcrypto_req_control;
+		pqcrypto_req_control++;
+	}
+	return NULL;
+static void qcrypto_init_req_control(struct crypto_engine *pce,
+			struct qcrypto_req_control *pqcrypto_req_control)
+	int i;
+	pce->preq_pool = pqcrypto_req_control;
+	atomic_set(&pce->req_count, 0);
+	for (i = 0; i < pce->max_req; i++) {
+		pqcrypto_req_control->index = i;
+		pqcrypto_req_control->in_use = false;
+		pqcrypto_req_control->pce = pce;
+		pqcrypto_req_control++;
+	}
+static struct crypto_engine *_qrypto_find_pengine_device(struct crypto_priv *cp,
+			 unsigned int device)
+	struct crypto_engine *entry = NULL;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+	list_for_each_entry(entry, &cp->engine_list, elist) {
+		if (entry->ce_device == device)
+			break;
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+	if (((entry != NULL) && (entry->ce_device != device)) ||
+		(entry == NULL)) {
+		pr_err("Device node for CE device %d NOT FOUND!!\n",
+				device);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return entry;
+static struct crypto_engine *_qrypto_find_pengine_device_hw
+			(struct crypto_priv *cp,
+			u32 device,
+			u32 hw_instance)
+	struct crypto_engine *entry = NULL;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+	list_for_each_entry(entry, &cp->engine_list, elist) {
+		if ((entry->ce_device == device) &&
+			(entry->ce_hw_instance == hw_instance))
+			break;
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+	if (((entry != NULL) &&
+		((entry->ce_device != device)
+		|| (entry->ce_hw_instance != hw_instance)))
+		|| (entry == NULL)) {
+		pr_err("Device node for CE device %d NOT FOUND!!\n",
+						 device);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return entry;
+int qcrypto_get_num_engines(void)
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = &qcrypto_dev;
+	struct crypto_engine *entry = NULL;
+	int count = 0;
+	list_for_each_entry(entry, &cp->engine_list, elist) {
+		count++;
+	}
+	return count;
+void qcrypto_get_engine_list(size_t num_engines,
+				struct crypto_engine_entry *arr)
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = &qcrypto_dev;
+	struct crypto_engine *entry = NULL;
+	size_t arr_index = 0;
+	list_for_each_entry(entry, &cp->engine_list, elist) {
+		arr[arr_index].ce_device = entry->ce_device;
+		arr[arr_index].hw_instance = entry->ce_hw_instance;
+		arr_index++;
+		if (arr_index >= num_engines)
+			break;
+	}
+enum qcrypto_alg_type {
+struct qcrypto_alg {
+	struct list_head entry;
+	struct crypto_alg cipher_alg;
+	struct ahash_alg sha_alg;
+	struct aead_alg aead_alg;
+	enum qcrypto_alg_type alg_type;
+	struct crypto_priv *cp;
+#define	QCRYPTO_CCM4309_NONCE_LEN	3
+struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx {
+	struct list_head rsp_queue;     /* response queue */
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine;  /* fixed engine assigned to this tfm */
+	struct crypto_priv *cp;
+	unsigned int flags;
+	enum qce_hash_alg_enum  auth_alg; /* for aead */
+	u8 auth_key[QCRYPTO_MAX_KEY_SIZE];
+	u8 enc_key[QCRYPTO_MAX_KEY_SIZE];
+	unsigned int enc_key_len;
+	unsigned int authsize;
+	unsigned int auth_key_len;
+	u8 ccm4309_nonce[QCRYPTO_CCM4309_NONCE_LEN];
+	struct crypto_ablkcipher *cipher_aes192_fb;
+	struct crypto_ahash *ahash_aead_aes192_fb;
+struct qcrypto_resp_ctx {
+	struct list_head list;
+	struct llist_node llist;
+	struct crypto_async_request *async_req; /* async req */
+	int res;                                /* execution result */
+struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx {
+	struct qcrypto_resp_ctx rsp_entry;/* rsp entry. */
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine;  /* engine assigned to this request */
+	u8 *iv;
+	u8 rfc4309_iv[QCRYPTO_MAX_IV_LENGTH];
+	unsigned int ivsize;
+	int  aead;
+	struct scatterlist asg;		/* Formatted associated data sg  */
+	unsigned char *adata;		/* Pointer to formatted assoc data */
+	enum qce_cipher_alg_enum alg;
+	enum qce_cipher_dir_enum dir;
+	enum qce_cipher_mode_enum mode;
+	struct scatterlist *orig_src;	/* Original src sg ptr  */
+	struct scatterlist *orig_dst;	/* Original dst sg ptr  */
+	struct scatterlist dsg;		/* Dest Data sg  */
+	struct scatterlist ssg;		/* Source Data sg  */
+	unsigned char *data;		/* Incoming data pointer*/
+	struct aead_request *aead_req;
+	struct ahash_request *fb_hash_req;
+	uint8_t	fb_ahash_digest[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE];
+	struct scatterlist fb_ablkcipher_src_sg[2];
+	struct scatterlist fb_ablkcipher_dst_sg[2];
+	char *fb_aes_iv;
+	unsigned int  fb_ahash_length;
+	struct ablkcipher_request *fb_aes_req;
+	struct scatterlist *fb_aes_src;
+	struct scatterlist *fb_aes_dst;
+	unsigned int  fb_aes_cryptlen;
+#define SHA_MAX_STATE_SIZE	(SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof(u32))
+static uint8_t  _std_init_vector_sha1_uint8[] =   {
+	0x67, 0x45, 0x23, 0x01, 0xEF, 0xCD, 0xAB, 0x89,
+	0x98, 0xBA, 0xDC, 0xFE, 0x10, 0x32, 0x54, 0x76,
+	0xC3, 0xD2, 0xE1, 0xF0
+/* standard initialization vector for SHA-256, source: FIPS 180-2 */
+static uint8_t _std_init_vector_sha256_uint8[] = {
+	0x6A, 0x09, 0xE6, 0x67, 0xBB, 0x67, 0xAE, 0x85,
+	0x3C, 0x6E, 0xF3, 0x72, 0xA5, 0x4F, 0xF5, 0x3A,
+	0x51, 0x0E, 0x52, 0x7F, 0x9B, 0x05, 0x68, 0x8C,
+	0x1F, 0x83, 0xD9, 0xAB, 0x5B, 0xE0, 0xCD, 0x19
+struct qcrypto_sha_ctx {
+	struct list_head rsp_queue;     /* response queue */
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine;  /* fixed engine assigned to this tfm */
+	struct crypto_priv *cp;
+	unsigned int flags;
+	enum qce_hash_alg_enum  alg;
+	uint32_t		diglen;
+	uint32_t		authkey_in_len;
+	uint8_t			authkey[SHA_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
+	struct ahash_request *ahash_req;
+	struct completion ahash_req_complete;
+struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx {
+	struct qcrypto_resp_ctx rsp_entry;/* rsp entry. */
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine;  /* engine assigned to this request */
+	struct scatterlist *src;
+	uint32_t nbytes;
+	struct scatterlist *orig_src;	/* Original src sg ptr  */
+	struct scatterlist dsg;		/* Data sg */
+	unsigned char *data;		/* Incoming data pointer*/
+	unsigned char *data2;		/* Updated data pointer*/
+	uint32_t byte_count[4];
+	u64 count;
+	uint8_t	first_blk;
+	uint8_t	last_blk;
+	uint8_t	 trailing_buf[SHA_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE];
+	uint32_t trailing_buf_len;
+	/* dma buffer, Internal use */
+	uint8_t	staging_dmabuf
+	uint8_t	digest[SHA_MAX_DIGEST_SIZE];
+	struct scatterlist sg[2];
+static void _byte_stream_to_words(uint32_t *iv, unsigned char *b,
+		unsigned int len)
+	unsigned int n;
+	n = len  / sizeof(uint32_t);
+	for (; n > 0; n--) {
+		*iv =  ((*b << 24)      & 0xff000000) |
+				(((*(b+1)) << 16) & 0xff0000)   |
+				(((*(b+2)) << 8) & 0xff00)     |
+				(*(b+3)          & 0xff);
+		b += sizeof(uint32_t);
+		iv++;
+	}
+	n = len %  sizeof(uint32_t);
+	if (n == 3) {
+		*iv = ((*b << 24) & 0xff000000) |
+				(((*(b+1)) << 16) & 0xff0000)   |
+				(((*(b+2)) << 8) & 0xff00);
+	} else if (n == 2) {
+		*iv = ((*b << 24) & 0xff000000) |
+				(((*(b+1)) << 16) & 0xff0000);
+	} else if (n == 1) {
+		*iv = ((*b << 24) & 0xff000000);
+	}
+static void _words_to_byte_stream(uint32_t *iv, unsigned char *b,
+		unsigned int len)
+	unsigned int n = len  / sizeof(uint32_t);
+	for (; n > 0; n--) {
+		*b++ = (unsigned char) ((*iv >> 24)   & 0xff);
+		*b++ = (unsigned char) ((*iv >> 16)   & 0xff);
+		*b++ = (unsigned char) ((*iv >> 8)    & 0xff);
+		*b++ = (unsigned char) (*iv           & 0xff);
+		iv++;
+	}
+	n = len % sizeof(uint32_t);
+	if (n == 3) {
+		*b++ = (unsigned char) ((*iv >> 24)   & 0xff);
+		*b++ = (unsigned char) ((*iv >> 16)   & 0xff);
+		*b =   (unsigned char) ((*iv >> 8)    & 0xff);
+	} else if (n == 2) {
+		*b++ = (unsigned char) ((*iv >> 24)   & 0xff);
+		*b =   (unsigned char) ((*iv >> 16)   & 0xff);
+	} else if (n == 1) {
+		*b =   (unsigned char) ((*iv >> 24)   & 0xff);
+	}
+static void qcrypto_ce_set_bus(struct crypto_engine *pengine,
+				 bool high_bw_req)
+	int ret = 0;
+	if (high_bw_req) {
+		ret = qce_enable_clk(pengine->qce);
+		if (ret) {
+			pr_err("%s Unable enable clk\n", __func__);
+			goto clk_err;
+		}
+		ret = msm_bus_scale_client_update_request(
+				pengine->bus_scale_handle, 1);
+		if (ret) {
+			pr_err("%s Unable to set to high bandwidth\n",
+						__func__);
+			qce_disable_clk(pengine->qce);
+			goto clk_err;
+		}
+	} else {
+		ret = msm_bus_scale_client_update_request(
+				pengine->bus_scale_handle, 0);
+		if (ret) {
+			pr_err("%s Unable to set to low bandwidth\n",
+						__func__);
+			goto clk_err;
+		}
+		ret = qce_disable_clk(pengine->qce);
+		if (ret) {
+			pr_err("%s Unable disable clk\n", __func__);
+			ret = msm_bus_scale_client_update_request(
+				pengine->bus_scale_handle, 1);
+			if (ret)
+				pr_err("%s Unable to set to high bandwidth\n",
+						__func__);
+			goto clk_err;
+		}
+	}
+	return;
+static void qcrypto_bw_reaper_timer_callback(unsigned long data)
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine = (struct crypto_engine *)data;
+	schedule_work(&pengine->bw_reaper_ws);
+static void qcrypto_bw_set_timeout(struct crypto_engine *pengine)
+	pengine-> =
+			(unsigned long)(pengine);
+	pengine->bw_reaper_timer.expires = jiffies +
+	mod_timer(&(pengine->bw_reaper_timer),
+		pengine->bw_reaper_timer.expires);
+static void qcrypto_ce_bw_allocate_req(struct crypto_engine *pengine)
+	schedule_work(&pengine->bw_allocate_ws);
+static int _start_qcrypto_process(struct crypto_priv *cp,
+					struct crypto_engine *pengine);
+static void qcrypto_bw_allocate_work(struct work_struct *work)
+	struct  crypto_engine *pengine = container_of(work,
+				struct crypto_engine, bw_allocate_ws);
+	unsigned long flags;
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = pengine->pcp;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+	pengine->bw_state = BUS_BANDWIDTH_ALLOCATING;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+	qcrypto_ce_set_bus(pengine, true);
+	qcrypto_bw_set_timeout(pengine);
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+	pengine->bw_state = BUS_HAS_BANDWIDTH;
+	pengine->high_bw_req = false;
+	pengine->active_seq++;
+	pengine->check_flag = true;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+	_start_qcrypto_process(cp, pengine);
+static void qcrypto_bw_reaper_work(struct work_struct *work)
+	struct  crypto_engine *pengine = container_of(work,
+				struct crypto_engine, bw_reaper_ws);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = pengine->pcp;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	u32    active_seq;
+	bool restart = false;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+	active_seq = pengine->active_seq;
+	if (pengine->bw_state == BUS_HAS_BANDWIDTH &&
+		(active_seq == pengine->last_active_seq)) {
+		/* check if engine is stuck */
+		if (atomic_read(&pengine->req_count) > 0) {
+			if (pengine->check_flag)
+				dev_warn(&pengine->pdev->dev,
+				"The engine appears to be stuck seq %d.\n",
+				active_seq);
+			pengine->check_flag = false;
+			goto ret;
+		}
+		if (cp->platform_support.bus_scale_table == NULL)
+			goto ret;
+		pengine->bw_state = BUS_BANDWIDTH_RELEASING;
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+		qcrypto_ce_set_bus(pengine, false);
+		spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+		if (pengine->high_bw_req == true) {
+			/* we got request while we are disabling clock */
+			pengine->bw_state = BUS_BANDWIDTH_ALLOCATING;
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+			qcrypto_ce_set_bus(pengine, true);
+			spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+			pengine->bw_state = BUS_HAS_BANDWIDTH;
+			pengine->high_bw_req = false;
+			restart = true;
+		} else
+			pengine->bw_state = BUS_NO_BANDWIDTH;
+	}
+	pengine->last_active_seq = active_seq;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+	if (restart)
+		_start_qcrypto_process(cp, pengine);
+	if (pengine->bw_state != BUS_NO_BANDWIDTH)
+		qcrypto_bw_set_timeout(pengine);
+static int qcrypto_count_sg(struct scatterlist *sg, int nbytes)
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; nbytes > 0 && sg != NULL; i++, sg = sg_next(sg))
+		nbytes -= sg->length;
+	return i;
+static size_t qcrypto_sg_copy_from_buffer(struct scatterlist *sgl,
+				unsigned int nents, void *buf, size_t buflen)
+	int i;
+	size_t offset, len;
+	for (i = 0, offset = 0; i < nents; ++i) {
+		len = sg_copy_from_buffer(sgl, 1, buf, buflen);
+		buf += len;
+		buflen -= len;
+		offset += len;
+		sgl = sg_next(sgl);
+	}
+	return offset;
+static size_t qcrypto_sg_copy_to_buffer(struct scatterlist *sgl,
+				unsigned int nents, void *buf, size_t buflen)
+	int i;
+	size_t offset, len;
+	for (i = 0, offset = 0; i < nents; ++i) {
+		len = sg_copy_to_buffer(sgl, 1, buf, buflen);
+		buf += len;
+		buflen -= len;
+		offset += len;
+		sgl = sg_next(sgl);
+	}
+	return offset;
+static struct qcrypto_alg *_qcrypto_sha_alg_alloc(struct crypto_priv *cp,
+		struct ahash_alg *template)
+	struct qcrypto_alg *q_alg;
+	q_alg = kzalloc(sizeof(struct qcrypto_alg), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!q_alg)
+		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+	q_alg->alg_type = QCRYPTO_ALG_SHA;
+	q_alg->sha_alg = *template;
+	q_alg->cp = cp;
+	return q_alg;
+static struct qcrypto_alg *_qcrypto_cipher_alg_alloc(struct crypto_priv *cp,
+		struct crypto_alg *template)
+	struct qcrypto_alg *q_alg;
+	q_alg = kzalloc(sizeof(struct qcrypto_alg), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!q_alg)
+		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+	q_alg->alg_type = QCRYPTO_ALG_CIPHER;
+	q_alg->cipher_alg = *template;
+	q_alg->cp = cp;
+	return q_alg;
+static struct qcrypto_alg *_qcrypto_aead_alg_alloc(struct crypto_priv *cp,
+		struct aead_alg *template)
+	struct qcrypto_alg *q_alg;
+	q_alg = kzalloc(sizeof(struct qcrypto_alg), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!q_alg)
+		return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
+	q_alg->alg_type = QCRYPTO_ALG_AEAD;
+	q_alg->aead_alg = *template;
+	q_alg->cp = cp;
+	return q_alg;
+static int _qcrypto_cipher_ctx_init(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx,
+					struct qcrypto_alg *q_alg)
+	if (!ctx || !q_alg) {
+		pr_err("ctx or q_alg is NULL\n");
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ctx->flags = 0;
+	/* update context with ptr to cp */
+	ctx->cp = q_alg->cp;
+	/* random first IV */
+	get_random_bytes(ctx->iv, QCRYPTO_MAX_IV_LENGTH);
+	if (_qcrypto_init_assign) {
+		ctx->pengine = _qcrypto_static_assign_engine(ctx->cp);
+		if (ctx->pengine == NULL)
+			return -ENODEV;
+	} else
+		ctx->pengine = NULL;
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&ctx->rsp_queue);
+	ctx->auth_alg = QCE_HASH_LAST;
+	return 0;
+static int _qcrypto_cipher_cra_init(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)
+	struct crypto_alg *alg = tfm->__crt_alg;
+	struct qcrypto_alg *q_alg;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	q_alg = container_of(alg, struct qcrypto_alg, cipher_alg);
+	return _qcrypto_cipher_ctx_init(ctx, q_alg);
+static int _qcrypto_ahash_cra_init(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)
+	struct crypto_ahash *ahash = __crypto_ahash_cast(tfm);
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	struct ahash_alg *alg =	container_of(crypto_hash_alg_common(ahash),
+						struct ahash_alg, halg);
+	struct qcrypto_alg *q_alg = container_of(alg, struct qcrypto_alg,
+								sha_alg);
+	crypto_ahash_set_reqsize(ahash, sizeof(struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx));
+	/* update context with ptr to cp */
+	sha_ctx->cp = q_alg->cp;
+	sha_ctx->flags = 0;
+	sha_ctx->ahash_req = NULL;
+	if (_qcrypto_init_assign) {
+		sha_ctx->pengine = _qcrypto_static_assign_engine(sha_ctx->cp);
+		if (sha_ctx->pengine == NULL)
+			return -ENODEV;
+	} else
+		sha_ctx->pengine = NULL;
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&sha_ctx->rsp_queue);
+	return 0;
+static void _qcrypto_ahash_cra_exit(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	if (!list_empty(&sha_ctx->rsp_queue))
+		pr_err("_qcrypto_ahash_cra_exit: requests still outstanding");
+	if (sha_ctx->ahash_req != NULL) {
+		ahash_request_free(sha_ctx->ahash_req);
+		sha_ctx->ahash_req = NULL;
+	}
+static void _crypto_sha_hmac_ahash_req_complete(
+	struct crypto_async_request *req, int err);
+static int _qcrypto_ahash_hmac_cra_init(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)
+	struct crypto_ahash *ahash = __crypto_ahash_cast(tfm);
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	int ret = 0;
+	ret = _qcrypto_ahash_cra_init(tfm);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	sha_ctx->ahash_req = ahash_request_alloc(ahash, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (sha_ctx->ahash_req == NULL) {
+		_qcrypto_ahash_cra_exit(tfm);
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	init_completion(&sha_ctx->ahash_req_complete);
+	ahash_request_set_callback(sha_ctx->ahash_req,
+				_crypto_sha_hmac_ahash_req_complete,
+				&sha_ctx->ahash_req_complete);
+	crypto_ahash_clear_flags(ahash, ~0);
+	return 0;
+static int _qcrypto_cra_ablkcipher_init(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)
+	tfm->crt_ablkcipher.reqsize = sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx);
+	return _qcrypto_cipher_cra_init(tfm);
+static int _qcrypto_cra_aes_ablkcipher_init(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)
+	const char *name = tfm->__crt_alg->cra_name;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	int ret;
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = &qcrypto_dev;
+	if (cp->ce_support.use_sw_aes_cbc_ecb_ctr_algo) {
+		ctx->cipher_aes192_fb = NULL;
+		return _qcrypto_cra_ablkcipher_init(tfm);
+	}
+	ctx->cipher_aes192_fb = crypto_alloc_ablkcipher(name, 0,
+	if (IS_ERR(ctx->cipher_aes192_fb)) {
+		pr_err("Error allocating fallback algo %s\n", name);
+		ret = PTR_ERR(ctx->cipher_aes192_fb);
+		ctx->cipher_aes192_fb = NULL;
+		return ret;
+	}
+	return _qcrypto_cra_ablkcipher_init(tfm);
+static int _qcrypto_aead_cra_init(struct crypto_aead *tfm)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(tfm);
+	struct aead_alg *aeadalg = crypto_aead_alg(tfm);
+	struct qcrypto_alg *q_alg = container_of(aeadalg, struct qcrypto_alg,
+						aead_alg);
+	return _qcrypto_cipher_ctx_init(ctx, q_alg);
+static int _qcrypto_cra_aead_sha1_init(struct crypto_aead *tfm)
+	int rc;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(tfm);
+	crypto_aead_set_reqsize(tfm, sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx));
+	rc = _qcrypto_aead_cra_init(tfm);
+	ctx->auth_alg = QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC;
+	return rc;
+static int _qcrypto_cra_aead_sha256_init(struct crypto_aead *tfm)
+	int rc;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(tfm);
+	crypto_aead_set_reqsize(tfm, sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx));
+	rc = _qcrypto_aead_cra_init(tfm);
+	ctx->auth_alg = QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC;
+	return rc;
+static int _qcrypto_cra_aead_ccm_init(struct  crypto_aead *tfm)
+	int rc;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(tfm);
+	crypto_aead_set_reqsize(tfm, sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx));
+	rc = _qcrypto_aead_cra_init(tfm);
+	ctx->auth_alg =  QCE_HASH_AES_CMAC;
+	return rc;
+static int _qcrypto_cra_aead_rfc4309_ccm_init(struct  crypto_aead *tfm)
+	int rc;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(tfm);
+	crypto_aead_set_reqsize(tfm, sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx));
+	rc = _qcrypto_aead_cra_init(tfm);
+	ctx->auth_alg =  QCE_HASH_AES_CMAC;
+	return rc;
+static int _qcrypto_cra_aead_aes_sha1_init(struct crypto_aead *tfm)
+	int rc;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = &qcrypto_dev;
+	crypto_aead_set_reqsize(tfm, sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx));
+	rc = _qcrypto_aead_cra_init(tfm);
+	if (rc)
+		return rc;
+	ctx->cipher_aes192_fb = NULL;
+	ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb = NULL;
+	if (!cp->ce_support.aes_key_192) {
+		ctx->cipher_aes192_fb = crypto_alloc_ablkcipher(
+							"cbc(aes)", 0, 0);
+		if (IS_ERR(ctx->cipher_aes192_fb)) {
+			ctx->cipher_aes192_fb = NULL;
+		} else {
+			ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb = crypto_alloc_ahash(
+							"hmac(sha1)", 0, 0);
+			if (IS_ERR(ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb)) {
+				ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb = NULL;
+				crypto_free_ablkcipher(ctx->cipher_aes192_fb);
+				ctx->cipher_aes192_fb = NULL;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ctx->auth_alg = QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC;
+	return 0;
+static int _qcrypto_cra_aead_aes_sha256_init(struct crypto_aead *tfm)
+	int rc;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = &qcrypto_dev;
+	crypto_aead_set_reqsize(tfm, sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx));
+	rc = _qcrypto_aead_cra_init(tfm);
+	if (rc)
+		return rc;
+	ctx->cipher_aes192_fb = NULL;
+	ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb = NULL;
+	if (!cp->ce_support.aes_key_192) {
+		ctx->cipher_aes192_fb = crypto_alloc_ablkcipher(
+							"cbc(aes)", 0, 0);
+		if (IS_ERR(ctx->cipher_aes192_fb)) {
+			ctx->cipher_aes192_fb = NULL;
+		} else {
+			ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb = crypto_alloc_ahash(
+							"hmac(sha256)", 0, 0);
+			if (IS_ERR(ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb)) {
+				ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb = NULL;
+				crypto_free_ablkcipher(ctx->cipher_aes192_fb);
+				ctx->cipher_aes192_fb = NULL;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ctx->auth_alg = QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC;
+	return 0;
+static void _qcrypto_cra_ablkcipher_exit(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	if (!list_empty(&ctx->rsp_queue))
+		pr_err("_qcrypto__cra_ablkcipher_exit: requests still outstanding");
+static void _qcrypto_cra_aes_ablkcipher_exit(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	_qcrypto_cra_ablkcipher_exit(tfm);
+	if (ctx->cipher_aes192_fb)
+		crypto_free_ablkcipher(ctx->cipher_aes192_fb);
+	ctx->cipher_aes192_fb = NULL;
+static void _qcrypto_cra_aead_exit(struct crypto_aead *tfm)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(tfm);
+	if (!list_empty(&ctx->rsp_queue))
+		pr_err("_qcrypto__cra_aead_exit: requests still outstanding");
+static void _qcrypto_cra_aead_aes_exit(struct crypto_aead *tfm)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(tfm);
+	if (!list_empty(&ctx->rsp_queue))
+		pr_err("_qcrypto__cra_aead_exit: requests still outstanding");
+	if (ctx->cipher_aes192_fb)
+		crypto_free_ablkcipher(ctx->cipher_aes192_fb);
+	if (ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb)
+		crypto_free_ahash(ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb);
+	ctx->cipher_aes192_fb = NULL;
+	ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb = NULL;
+static int _disp_stats(int id)
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	int len = 0;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = &qcrypto_dev;
+	struct crypto_engine *pe;
+	int i;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	len = scnprintf(_debug_read_buf, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - 1,
+			"\nQTI crypto accelerator %d Statistics\n",
+				id + 1);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   ABLK CIPHER AES encryption          : %llu\n",
+					pstat->ablk_cipher_aes_enc);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   ABLK CIPHER AES decryption          : %llu\n",
+					pstat->ablk_cipher_aes_dec);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   ABLK CIPHER DES encryption          : %llu\n",
+					pstat->ablk_cipher_des_enc);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   ABLK CIPHER DES decryption          : %llu\n",
+					pstat->ablk_cipher_des_dec);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   ABLK CIPHER 3DES encryption         : %llu\n",
+					pstat->ablk_cipher_3des_enc);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   ABLK CIPHER 3DES decryption         : %llu\n",
+					pstat->ablk_cipher_3des_dec);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   ABLK CIPHER operation success       : %llu\n",
+					pstat->ablk_cipher_op_success);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   ABLK CIPHER operation fail          : %llu\n",
+					pstat->ablk_cipher_op_fail);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"\n");
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD SHA1-AES encryption            : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_sha1_aes_enc);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD SHA1-AES decryption            : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_sha1_aes_dec);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD SHA1-DES encryption            : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_sha1_des_enc);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD SHA1-DES decryption            : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_sha1_des_dec);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD SHA1-3DES encryption           : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_sha1_3des_enc);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD SHA1-3DES decryption           : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_sha1_3des_dec);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD SHA256-AES encryption          : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_sha256_aes_enc);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD SHA256-AES decryption          : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_sha256_aes_dec);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD SHA256-DES encryption          : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_sha256_des_enc);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD SHA256-DES decryption          : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_sha256_des_dec);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD SHA256-3DES encryption         : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_sha256_3des_enc);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD SHA256-3DES decryption         : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_sha256_3des_dec);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD CCM-AES encryption             : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_ccm_aes_enc);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD CCM-AES decryption             : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_ccm_aes_dec);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD RFC4309-CCM-AES encryption     : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_rfc4309_ccm_aes_enc);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD RFC4309-CCM-AES decryption     : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_rfc4309_ccm_aes_dec);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD operation success              : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_op_success);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD operation fail                 : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_op_fail);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AEAD bad message                    : %llu\n",
+					pstat->aead_bad_msg);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"\n");
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AHASH SHA1 digest                   : %llu\n",
+					pstat->sha1_digest);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AHASH SHA256 digest                 : %llu\n",
+					pstat->sha256_digest);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AHASH SHA1 HMAC digest              : %llu\n",
+					pstat->sha1_hmac_digest);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AHASH SHA256 HMAC digest            : %llu\n",
+					pstat->sha256_hmac_digest);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AHASH operation success             : %llu\n",
+					pstat->ahash_op_success);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   AHASH operation fail                : %llu\n",
+					pstat->ahash_op_fail);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   resp start, resp stop, max rsp queue reorder-cnt : %u %u %u %u\n",
+					cp->resp_start, cp->resp_stop,
+					cp->max_resp_qlen, cp->max_reorder_cnt);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   max queue legnth, no avail          : %u %u\n",
+					cp->max_qlen, cp->no_avail);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   work queue                          : %u %u %u\n",
+					cp->queue_work_eng3,
+					cp->queue_work_not_eng3,
+					cp->queue_work_not_eng3_nz);
+	len += scnprintf(_debug_read_buf + len, DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"\n");
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+	list_for_each_entry(pe, &cp->engine_list, elist) {
+		len += scnprintf(
+			_debug_read_buf + len,
+			DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   Engine %4d Req max %d          : %llu\n",
+			pe->unit,
+			pe->max_req_used,
+			pe->total_req
+		);
+		len += scnprintf(
+			_debug_read_buf + len,
+			DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+			"   Engine %4d Req Error               : %llu\n",
+			pe->unit,
+			pe->err_req
+		);
+		qce_get_driver_stats(pe->qce);
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+	for (i = 0; i < MAX_SMP_CPU+1; i++)
+		if (cp->cpu_req[i])
+			len += scnprintf(
+				_debug_read_buf + len,
+				DEBUG_MAX_RW_BUF - len - 1,
+				"CPU %d Issue Req                     : %d\n",
+				i, cp->cpu_req[i]);
+	return len;
+static void _qcrypto_remove_engine(struct crypto_engine *pengine)
+	struct crypto_priv *cp;
+	struct qcrypto_alg *q_alg;
+	struct qcrypto_alg *n;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	struct crypto_engine *pe;
+	cp = pengine->pcp;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+	list_del(&pengine->elist);
+	if (pengine->first_engine) {
+		cp->first_engine = NULL;
+		pe = list_first_entry(&cp->engine_list, struct crypto_engine,
+								elist);
+		if (pe) {
+			pe->first_engine = true;
+			cp->first_engine = pe;
+		}
+	}
+	if (cp->next_engine == pengine)
+		cp->next_engine = NULL;
+	if (cp->scheduled_eng == pengine)
+		cp->scheduled_eng = NULL;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+	cp->total_units--;
+	cancel_work_sync(&pengine->bw_reaper_ws);
+	cancel_work_sync(&pengine->bw_allocate_ws);
+	del_timer_sync(&pengine->bw_reaper_timer);
+	if (pengine->bus_scale_handle != 0)
+		msm_bus_scale_unregister_client(pengine->bus_scale_handle);
+	pengine->bus_scale_handle = 0;
+	kzfree(pengine->preq_pool);
+	if (cp->total_units)
+		return;
+	list_for_each_entry_safe(q_alg, n, &cp->alg_list, entry) {
+		if (q_alg->alg_type == QCRYPTO_ALG_CIPHER)
+			crypto_unregister_alg(&q_alg->cipher_alg);
+		if (q_alg->alg_type == QCRYPTO_ALG_SHA)
+			crypto_unregister_ahash(&q_alg->sha_alg);
+		if (q_alg->alg_type == QCRYPTO_ALG_AEAD)
+			crypto_unregister_aead(&q_alg->aead_alg);
+		list_del(&q_alg->entry);
+		kzfree(q_alg);
+	}
+static int _qcrypto_remove(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine;
+	struct crypto_priv *cp;
+	pengine = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	if (!pengine)
+		return 0;
+	cp = pengine->pcp;
+	mutex_lock(&cp->engine_lock);
+	_qcrypto_remove_engine(pengine);
+	mutex_unlock(&cp->engine_lock);
+	if (pengine->qce)
+		qce_close(pengine->qce);
+	kzfree(pengine);
+	return 0;
+static int _qcrypto_check_aes_keylen(struct crypto_ablkcipher *cipher,
+		struct crypto_priv *cp, unsigned int len)
+	switch (len) {
+	case AES_KEYSIZE_128:
+	case AES_KEYSIZE_256:
+		break;
+	case AES_KEYSIZE_192:
+		if (cp->ce_support.aes_key_192)
+			break;
+	default:
+		crypto_ablkcipher_set_flags(cipher, CRYPTO_TFM_RES_BAD_KEY_LEN);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	};
+	return 0;
+static int _qcrypto_setkey_aes_192_fallback(struct crypto_ablkcipher *cipher,
+		const u8 *key)
+	struct crypto_tfm *tfm = crypto_ablkcipher_tfm(cipher);
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	int ret;
+	ctx->enc_key_len = AES_KEYSIZE_192;
+	ctx->cipher_aes192_fb->base.crt_flags &= ~CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MASK;
+	ctx->cipher_aes192_fb->base.crt_flags |=
+			(cipher->base.crt_flags & CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MASK);
+	ret = crypto_ablkcipher_setkey(ctx->cipher_aes192_fb, key,
+			AES_KEYSIZE_192);
+	if (ret) {
+		tfm->crt_flags &= ~CRYPTO_TFM_RES_MASK;
+		tfm->crt_flags |=
+			(cipher->base.crt_flags & CRYPTO_TFM_RES_MASK);
+	}
+	return ret;
+static int _qcrypto_setkey_aes(struct crypto_ablkcipher *cipher, const u8 *key,
+		unsigned int len)
+	struct crypto_tfm *tfm = crypto_ablkcipher_tfm(cipher);
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+		return 0;
+	if ((len == AES_KEYSIZE_192) && (!cp->ce_support.aes_key_192)
+					&& ctx->cipher_aes192_fb)
+		return _qcrypto_setkey_aes_192_fallback(cipher, key);
+	if (_qcrypto_check_aes_keylen(cipher, cp, len))
+		return -EINVAL;
+	ctx->enc_key_len = len;
+	if (!(ctx->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_PIPE_KEY))  {
+		if (key != NULL) {
+			memcpy(ctx->enc_key, key, len);
+		} else {
+			pr_err("%s Inavlid key pointer\n", __func__);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int _qcrypto_setkey_aes_xts(struct crypto_ablkcipher *cipher,
+		const u8 *key, unsigned int len)
+	struct crypto_tfm *tfm = crypto_ablkcipher_tfm(cipher);
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+		return 0;
+	if (_qcrypto_check_aes_keylen(cipher, cp, len/2))
+		return -EINVAL;
+	ctx->enc_key_len = len;
+	if (!(ctx->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_PIPE_KEY))  {
+		if (key != NULL) {
+			memcpy(ctx->enc_key, key, len);
+		} else {
+			pr_err("%s Inavlid key pointer\n", __func__);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int _qcrypto_setkey_des(struct crypto_ablkcipher *cipher, const u8 *key,
+		unsigned int len)
+	struct crypto_tfm *tfm = crypto_ablkcipher_tfm(cipher);
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	u32 tmp[DES_EXPKEY_WORDS];
+	int ret;
+	if (!key) {
+		pr_err("%s Inavlid key pointer\n", __func__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ret = des_ekey(tmp, key);
+	if ((ctx->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_HW_KEY) == QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_HW_KEY) {
+		pr_err("%s HW KEY usage not supported for DES algorithm\n",
+								__func__);
+		return 0;
+	};
+	if (len != DES_KEY_SIZE) {
+		crypto_ablkcipher_set_flags(cipher, CRYPTO_TFM_RES_BAD_KEY_LEN);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	};
+	if (unlikely(ret == 0) && (tfm->crt_flags & CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_WEAK_KEY)) {
+		tfm->crt_flags |= CRYPTO_TFM_RES_WEAK_KEY;
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ctx->enc_key_len = len;
+	if (!(ctx->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_PIPE_KEY))
+		memcpy(ctx->enc_key, key, len);
+	return 0;
+static int _qcrypto_setkey_3des(struct crypto_ablkcipher *cipher, const u8 *key,
+		unsigned int len)
+	struct crypto_tfm *tfm = crypto_ablkcipher_tfm(cipher);
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	if ((ctx->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_HW_KEY) == QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_HW_KEY) {
+		pr_err("%s HW KEY usage not supported for 3DES algorithm\n",
+								__func__);
+		return 0;
+	};
+	if (len != DES3_EDE_KEY_SIZE) {
+		crypto_ablkcipher_set_flags(cipher, CRYPTO_TFM_RES_BAD_KEY_LEN);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	};
+	ctx->enc_key_len = len;
+	if (!(ctx->flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_PIPE_KEY)) {
+		if (key != NULL) {
+			memcpy(ctx->enc_key, key, len);
+		} else {
+			pr_err("%s Inavlid key pointer\n", __func__);
+			return -EINVAL;
+		}
+	}
+	return 0;
+static void seq_response(struct work_struct *work)
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = container_of(work, struct crypto_priv,
+							 resp_work);
+	struct llist_node *list;
+	struct llist_node *rev = NULL;
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	int total_unit;
+	list = llist_del_all(&cp->ordered_resp_list);
+	if (!list)
+		goto end;
+	while (list) {
+		struct llist_node *t = list;
+		list = llist_next(list);
+		t->next = rev;
+		rev = t;
+	}
+	while (rev) {
+		struct qcrypto_resp_ctx *arsp;
+		struct crypto_async_request *areq;
+		arsp = container_of(rev, struct qcrypto_resp_ctx, llist);
+		rev = llist_next(rev);
+		areq = arsp->async_req;
+		local_bh_disable();
+		areq->complete(areq, arsp->res);
+		local_bh_enable();
+		atomic_dec(&cp->resp_cnt);
+	}
+	if (atomic_read(&cp->resp_cnt) < COMPLETION_CB_BACKLOG_LENGTH_START &&
+		(cmpxchg(&cp->ce_req_proc_sts, STOPPED, IN_PROGRESS)
+						== STOPPED)) {
+		cp->resp_start++;
+		for (total_unit = cp->total_units; total_unit-- > 0;) {
+			spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+			pengine = _avail_eng(cp);
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+			if (pengine)
+				_start_qcrypto_process(cp, pengine);
+			else
+				break;
+		}
+	}
+	if (cmpxchg(&cp->sched_resp_workq_status, SCHEDULE_AGAIN,
+		goto again;
+	else if (cmpxchg(&cp->sched_resp_workq_status, IS_SCHEDULED,
+		goto end;
+static void _qcrypto_tfm_complete(struct crypto_engine *pengine, u32 type,
+					void *tfm_ctx,
+					struct qcrypto_resp_ctx *cur_arsp,
+					int res)
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = pengine->pcp;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	struct qcrypto_resp_ctx *arsp;
+	struct list_head *plist;
+	unsigned int resp_qlen;
+	unsigned int cnt = 0;
+	switch (type) {
+		plist = &((struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *) tfm_ctx)->rsp_queue;
+		break;
+	default:
+		plist = &((struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *) tfm_ctx)->rsp_queue;
+		break;
+	}
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+	cur_arsp->res = res;
+	while (!list_empty(plist)) {
+		arsp = list_first_entry(plist,
+				struct qcrypto_resp_ctx, list);
+		if (arsp->res == -EINPROGRESS)
+			break;
+		list_del(&arsp->list);
+		llist_add(&arsp->llist, &cp->ordered_resp_list);
+		atomic_inc(&cp->resp_cnt);
+		cnt++;
+	}
+	resp_qlen = atomic_read(&cp->resp_cnt);
+	if (resp_qlen > cp->max_resp_qlen)
+		cp->max_resp_qlen = resp_qlen;
+	if (cnt > cp->max_reorder_cnt)
+		cp->max_reorder_cnt = cnt;
+		cmpxchg(&cp->ce_req_proc_sts, IN_PROGRESS,
+		cp->resp_stop++;
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+	if (!llist_empty(&cp->ordered_resp_list)) {
+		unsigned int cpu;
+		if (pengine->first_engine) {
+			cp->queue_work_eng3++;
+		} else {
+			cp->queue_work_not_eng3++;
+			cpu = cp->cpu_getting_irqs_frm_first_ce;
+			/*
+			 * If source not the first engine, and there
+			 * are outstanding requests going on first engine,
+			 * skip scheduling of work queue to anticipate
+			 * more may be coming. If the response queue
+			 * length exceeds threshold, to avoid further
+			 * delay, schedule work queue immediately.
+			 */
+			if (cp->first_engine && atomic_read(
+						&cp->first_engine->req_count)) {
+				if (resp_qlen < SCHEUDLE_RSP_QLEN_THRESHOLD)
+					return;
+				cp->queue_work_not_eng3_nz++;
+			}
+		}
+		if (cmpxchg(&cp->sched_resp_workq_status, NOT_SCHEDULED,
+			queue_work_on(cpu, cp->resp_wq, &cp->resp_work);
+		else if (cmpxchg(&cp->sched_resp_workq_status, IS_SCHEDULED,
+			goto retry;
+	}
+static void req_done(struct qcrypto_req_control *pqcrypto_req_control)
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine;
+	struct crypto_async_request *areq;
+	struct crypto_priv *cp;
+	struct qcrypto_resp_ctx *arsp;
+	u32 type = 0;
+	void *tfm_ctx = NULL;
+	unsigned int cpu;
+	int res;
+	pengine = pqcrypto_req_control->pce;
+	cp = pengine->pcp;
+	areq = pqcrypto_req_control->req;
+	arsp = pqcrypto_req_control->arsp;
+	res = pqcrypto_req_control->res;
+	qcrypto_free_req_control(pengine, pqcrypto_req_control);
+	if (areq) {
+		type = crypto_tfm_alg_type(areq->tfm);
+		tfm_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(areq->tfm);
+	}
+	cpu = smp_processor_id();
+	pengine->irq_cpu = cpu;
+	if (pengine->first_engine) {
+		if (cpu  != cp->cpu_getting_irqs_frm_first_ce)
+			cp->cpu_getting_irqs_frm_first_ce = cpu;
+	}
+	if (areq)
+		_qcrypto_tfm_complete(pengine, type, tfm_ctx, arsp, res);
+	if (READ_ONCE(cp->ce_req_proc_sts) == IN_PROGRESS)
+		_start_qcrypto_process(cp, pengine);
+static void _qce_ahash_complete(void *cookie, unsigned char *digest,
+		unsigned char *authdata, int ret)
+	struct ahash_request *areq = (struct ahash_request *) cookie;
+	struct crypto_async_request *async_req;
+	struct crypto_ahash *ahash = crypto_ahash_reqtfm(areq);
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(areq->base.tfm);
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(areq);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = sha_ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	uint32_t diglen = crypto_ahash_digestsize(ahash);
+	uint32_t *auth32 = (uint32_t *)authdata;
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine;
+	struct qcrypto_req_control *pqcrypto_req_control;
+	async_req = &areq->base;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	pengine = rctx->pengine;
+	pqcrypto_req_control = find_req_control_for_areq(pengine,
+							 async_req);
+	if (pqcrypto_req_control == NULL) {
+		pr_err("async request not found\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	dev_info(&pengine->pdev->dev, "_qce_ahash_complete: %p ret %d\n",
+				areq, ret);
+	if (digest) {
+		memcpy(rctx->digest, digest, diglen);
+		if (rctx->last_blk)
+			memcpy(areq->result, digest, diglen);
+	}
+	if (authdata) {
+		rctx->byte_count[0] = auth32[0];
+		rctx->byte_count[1] = auth32[1];
+		rctx->byte_count[2] = auth32[2];
+		rctx->byte_count[3] = auth32[3];
+	}
+	areq->src = rctx->src;
+	areq->nbytes = rctx->nbytes;
+	rctx->last_blk = 0;
+	rctx->first_blk = 0;
+	if (ret) {
+		pqcrypto_req_control->res = -ENXIO;
+		pstat->ahash_op_fail++;
+	} else {
+		pqcrypto_req_control->res = 0;
+		pstat->ahash_op_success++;
+	}
+	if (cp->ce_support.aligned_only)  {
+		areq->src = rctx->orig_src;
+		kfree(rctx->data);
+	}
+	req_done(pqcrypto_req_control);
+static void _qce_ablk_cipher_complete(void *cookie, unsigned char *icb,
+		unsigned char *iv, int ret)
+	struct ablkcipher_request *areq = (struct ablkcipher_request *) cookie;
+	struct crypto_async_request *async_req;
+	struct crypto_ablkcipher *ablk = crypto_ablkcipher_reqtfm(areq);
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(areq->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine;
+	struct qcrypto_req_control *pqcrypto_req_control;
+	async_req = &areq->base;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(areq);
+	pengine = rctx->pengine;
+	pqcrypto_req_control = find_req_control_for_areq(pengine,
+							 async_req);
+	if (pqcrypto_req_control == NULL) {
+		pr_err("async request not found\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	dev_info(&pengine->pdev->dev, "_qce_ablk_cipher_complete: %p ret %d\n",
+				areq, ret);
+	if (iv)
+		memcpy(ctx->iv, iv, crypto_ablkcipher_ivsize(ablk));
+	if (ret) {
+		pqcrypto_req_control->res = -ENXIO;
+		pstat->ablk_cipher_op_fail++;
+	} else {
+		pqcrypto_req_control->res = 0;
+		pstat->ablk_cipher_op_success++;
+	}
+	if (cp->ce_support.aligned_only)  {
+		struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+		uint32_t num_sg = 0;
+		uint32_t bytes = 0;
+		rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(areq);
+		areq->src = rctx->orig_src;
+		areq->dst = rctx->orig_dst;
+		num_sg = qcrypto_count_sg(areq->dst, areq->nbytes);
+		bytes = qcrypto_sg_copy_from_buffer(areq->dst, num_sg,
+			rctx->data, areq->nbytes);
+		if (bytes != areq->nbytes)
+			pr_warn("bytes copied=0x%x bytes to copy= 0x%x", bytes,
+								areq->nbytes);
+		kzfree(rctx->data);
+	}
+	req_done(pqcrypto_req_control);
+static void _qce_aead_complete(void *cookie, unsigned char *icv,
+				unsigned char *iv, int ret)
+	struct aead_request *areq = (struct aead_request *) cookie;
+	struct crypto_async_request *async_req;
+	struct crypto_aead *aead = crypto_aead_reqtfm(areq);
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(areq->base.tfm);
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine;
+	struct qcrypto_req_control *pqcrypto_req_control;
+	async_req = &areq->base;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	rctx = aead_request_ctx(areq);
+	pengine = rctx->pengine;
+	pqcrypto_req_control = find_req_control_for_areq(pengine,
+							 async_req);
+	if (pqcrypto_req_control == NULL) {
+		pr_err("async request not found\n");
+		return;
+	}
+	if (rctx->mode == QCE_MODE_CCM) {
+		kzfree(rctx->adata);
+	} else {
+		uint32_t ivsize = crypto_aead_ivsize(aead);
+		if (ret == 0) {
+			if (rctx->dir  == QCE_ENCRYPT) {
+				/* copy the icv to dst */
+				scatterwalk_map_and_copy(icv, areq->dst,
+						areq->cryptlen + areq->assoclen,
+						ctx->authsize, 1);
+			} else {
+				unsigned char tmp[SHA256_DIGESTSIZE] = {0};
+				/* compare icv from src */
+				scatterwalk_map_and_copy(tmp,
+					areq->src, areq->assoclen +
+					areq->cryptlen - ctx->authsize,
+					ctx->authsize, 0);
+				ret = memcmp(icv, tmp, ctx->authsize);
+				if (ret != 0)
+					ret = -EBADMSG;
+			}
+		} else {
+			ret = -ENXIO;
+		}
+		if (iv)
+			memcpy(ctx->iv, iv, ivsize);
+	}
+	if (ret == (-EBADMSG))
+		pstat->aead_bad_msg++;
+	else if (ret)
+		pstat->aead_op_fail++;
+	else
+		pstat->aead_op_success++;
+	pqcrypto_req_control->res = ret;
+	req_done(pqcrypto_req_control);
+static int aead_ccm_set_msg_len(u8 *block, unsigned int msglen, int csize)
+	__be32 data;
+	memset(block, 0, csize);
+	block += csize;
+	if (csize >= 4)
+		csize = 4;
+	else if (msglen > (1 << (8 * csize)))
+		return -EOVERFLOW;
+	data = cpu_to_be32(msglen);
+	memcpy(block - csize, (u8 *)&data + 4 - csize, csize);
+	return 0;
+static int qccrypto_set_aead_ccm_nonce(struct qce_req *qreq)
+	struct aead_request *areq = (struct aead_request *) qreq->areq;
+	unsigned int i = ((unsigned int)qreq->iv[0]) + 1;
+	memcpy(&qreq->nonce[0], qreq->iv, qreq->ivsize);
+	/*
+	 * Format control info per RFC 3610 and
+	 * NIST Special Publication 800-38C
+	 */
+	qreq->nonce[0] |= (8 * ((qreq->authsize - 2) / 2));
+	if (areq->assoclen)
+		qreq->nonce[0] |= 64;
+	if (i > MAX_NONCE)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	return aead_ccm_set_msg_len(qreq->nonce + 16 - i, qreq->cryptlen, i);
+static int qcrypto_aead_ccm_format_adata(struct qce_req *qreq, uint32_t alen,
+				struct scatterlist *sg, unsigned char *adata)
+	uint32_t len;
+	uint32_t bytes = 0;
+	uint32_t num_sg = 0;
+	/*
+	 * Add control info for associated data
+	 * RFC 3610 and NIST Special Publication 800-38C
+	 */
+	if (alen < 65280) {
+		*(__be16 *)adata = cpu_to_be16(alen);
+		len = 2;
+	} else {
+			if ((alen >= 65280) && (alen <= 0xffffffff)) {
+				*(__be16 *)adata = cpu_to_be16(0xfffe);
+				*(__be32 *)&adata[2] = cpu_to_be32(alen);
+				len = 6;
+		} else {
+				*(__be16 *)adata = cpu_to_be16(0xffff);
+				*(__be32 *)&adata[6] = cpu_to_be32(alen);
+				len = 10;
+		}
+	}
+	adata += len;
+	qreq->assoclen = ALIGN((alen + len), 16);
+	num_sg = qcrypto_count_sg(sg, alen);
+	bytes = qcrypto_sg_copy_to_buffer(sg, num_sg, adata, alen);
+	if (bytes != alen)
+		pr_warn("bytes copied=0x%x bytes to copy= 0x%x", bytes, alen);
+	return 0;
+static int _qcrypto_process_ablkcipher(struct crypto_engine *pengine,
+			struct qcrypto_req_control *pqcrypto_req_control)
+	struct crypto_async_request *async_req;
+	struct qce_req qreq;
+	int ret;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *cipher_ctx;
+	struct ablkcipher_request *req;
+	struct crypto_ablkcipher *tfm;
+	async_req = pqcrypto_req_control->req;
+	req = container_of(async_req, struct ablkcipher_request, base);
+	cipher_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(async_req->tfm);
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->pengine = pengine;
+	tfm = crypto_ablkcipher_reqtfm(req);
+	if (pengine->pcp->ce_support.aligned_only) {
+		uint32_t bytes = 0;
+		uint32_t num_sg = 0;
+		rctx->orig_src = req->src;
+		rctx->orig_dst = req->dst;
+		rctx->data = kzalloc((req->nbytes + 64), GFP_ATOMIC);
+		if (rctx->data == NULL)
+			return -ENOMEM;
+		num_sg = qcrypto_count_sg(req->src, req->nbytes);
+		bytes = qcrypto_sg_copy_to_buffer(req->src, num_sg, rctx->data,
+								req->nbytes);
+		if (bytes != req->nbytes)
+			pr_warn("bytes copied=0x%x bytes to copy= 0x%x", bytes,
+								req->nbytes);
+		sg_set_buf(&rctx->dsg, rctx->data, req->nbytes);
+		sg_mark_end(&rctx->dsg);
+		rctx->iv = req->info;
+		req->src = &rctx->dsg;
+		req->dst = &rctx->dsg;
+	}
+	qreq.op = QCE_REQ_ABLK_CIPHER;
+	qreq.qce_cb = _qce_ablk_cipher_complete;
+	qreq.areq = req;
+	qreq.alg = rctx->alg;
+	qreq.dir = rctx->dir;
+	qreq.mode = rctx->mode;
+	qreq.enckey = cipher_ctx->enc_key;
+	qreq.encklen = cipher_ctx->enc_key_len;
+	qreq.iv = req->info;
+	qreq.ivsize = crypto_ablkcipher_ivsize(tfm);
+	qreq.cryptlen = req->nbytes;
+	qreq.use_pmem = 0;
+	qreq.flags = cipher_ctx->flags;
+	if ((cipher_ctx->enc_key_len == 0) &&
+			(pengine->pcp->platform_support.hw_key_support == 0))
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+	else
+		ret =  qce_ablk_cipher_req(pengine->qce, &qreq);
+	return ret;
+static int _qcrypto_process_ahash(struct crypto_engine *pengine,
+			struct qcrypto_req_control *pqcrypto_req_control)
+	struct crypto_async_request *async_req;
+	struct ahash_request *req;
+	struct qce_sha_req sreq;
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx;
+	int ret = 0;
+	async_req = pqcrypto_req_control->req;
+	req = container_of(async_req,
+				struct ahash_request, base);
+	rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(async_req->tfm);
+	rctx->pengine = pengine;
+	sreq.qce_cb = _qce_ahash_complete;
+	sreq.digest =  &rctx->digest[0];
+	sreq.src = req->src;
+	sreq.auth_data[0] = rctx->byte_count[0];
+	sreq.auth_data[1] = rctx->byte_count[1];
+	sreq.auth_data[2] = rctx->byte_count[2];
+	sreq.auth_data[3] = rctx->byte_count[3];
+	sreq.first_blk = rctx->first_blk;
+	sreq.last_blk = rctx->last_blk;
+	sreq.size = req->nbytes;
+	sreq.areq = req;
+	sreq.flags = sha_ctx->flags;
+	switch (sha_ctx->alg) {
+	case QCE_HASH_SHA1:
+		sreq.alg = QCE_HASH_SHA1;
+		sreq.authkey = NULL;
+		break;
+	case QCE_HASH_SHA256:
+		sreq.alg = QCE_HASH_SHA256;
+		sreq.authkey = NULL;
+		break;
+		sreq.alg = QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC;
+		sreq.authkey = &sha_ctx->authkey[0];
+		sreq.authklen = SHA_HMAC_KEY_SIZE;
+		break;
+	case QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC:
+		sreq.alg = QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC;
+		sreq.authkey = &sha_ctx->authkey[0];
+		sreq.authklen = SHA_HMAC_KEY_SIZE;
+		break;
+	default:
+		pr_err("Algorithm %d not supported, exiting", sha_ctx->alg);
+		ret = -1;
+		break;
+	};
+	ret =  qce_process_sha_req(pengine->qce, &sreq);
+	return ret;
+static int _qcrypto_process_aead(struct  crypto_engine *pengine,
+			struct qcrypto_req_control *pqcrypto_req_control)
+	struct crypto_async_request *async_req;
+	struct qce_req qreq;
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *cipher_ctx;
+	struct aead_request *req;
+	struct crypto_aead *aead;
+	async_req = pqcrypto_req_control->req;
+	req = container_of(async_req, struct aead_request, base);
+	aead = crypto_aead_reqtfm(req);
+	rctx = aead_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->pengine = pengine;
+	cipher_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(async_req->tfm);
+	qreq.op = QCE_REQ_AEAD;
+	qreq.qce_cb = _qce_aead_complete;
+	qreq.areq = req;
+	qreq.alg = rctx->alg;
+	qreq.dir = rctx->dir;
+	qreq.mode = rctx->mode;
+	qreq.iv = rctx->iv;
+	qreq.enckey = cipher_ctx->enc_key;
+	qreq.encklen = cipher_ctx->enc_key_len;
+	qreq.authkey = cipher_ctx->auth_key;
+	qreq.authklen = cipher_ctx->auth_key_len;
+	qreq.authsize = crypto_aead_authsize(aead);
+	qreq.auth_alg = cipher_ctx->auth_alg;
+	if (qreq.mode == QCE_MODE_CCM)
+		qreq.ivsize =  AES_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	else
+		qreq.ivsize =  crypto_aead_ivsize(aead);
+	qreq.flags = cipher_ctx->flags;
+	if (qreq.mode == QCE_MODE_CCM) {
+		if (qreq.dir == QCE_ENCRYPT)
+			qreq.cryptlen = req->cryptlen;
+		else
+			qreq.cryptlen = req->cryptlen -
+						qreq.authsize;
+		/* Get NONCE */
+		ret = qccrypto_set_aead_ccm_nonce(&qreq);
+		if (ret)
+			return ret;
+		if (req->assoclen) {
+			rctx->adata = kzalloc((req->assoclen + 0x64),
+								GFP_ATOMIC);
+			if (!rctx->adata)
+				return -ENOMEM;
+			/* Format Associated data    */
+			ret = qcrypto_aead_ccm_format_adata(&qreq,
+						req->assoclen,
+						req->src,
+						rctx->adata);
+		} else {
+			qreq.assoclen = 0;
+			rctx->adata = NULL;
+		}
+		if (ret) {
+			kzfree(rctx->adata);
+			return ret;
+		}
+		/*
+		 * update req with new formatted associated
+		 * data info
+		 */
+		qreq.asg = &rctx->asg;
+		if (rctx->adata)
+			sg_set_buf(qreq.asg, rctx->adata,
+					qreq.assoclen);
+		sg_mark_end(qreq.asg);
+	}
+	ret =  qce_aead_req(pengine->qce, &qreq);
+	return ret;
+static struct crypto_engine *_qcrypto_static_assign_engine(
+					struct crypto_priv *cp)
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+	if (cp->next_engine)
+		pengine = cp->next_engine;
+	else
+		pengine = list_first_entry(&cp->engine_list,
+				struct crypto_engine, elist);
+	if (list_is_last(&pengine->elist, &cp->engine_list))
+		cp->next_engine = list_first_entry(
+			&cp->engine_list, struct crypto_engine, elist);
+	else
+		cp->next_engine = list_next_entry(pengine, elist);
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+	return pengine;
+static int _start_qcrypto_process(struct crypto_priv *cp,
+				struct crypto_engine *pengine)
+	struct crypto_async_request *async_req = NULL;
+	struct crypto_async_request *backlog_eng = NULL;
+	struct crypto_async_request *backlog_cp = NULL;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	u32 type;
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	void *tfm_ctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *cipher_rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *ahash_rctx;
+	struct ablkcipher_request *ablkcipher_req;
+	struct ahash_request *ahash_req;
+	struct aead_request *aead_req;
+	struct qcrypto_resp_ctx *arsp;
+	struct qcrypto_req_control *pqcrypto_req_control;
+	unsigned int cpu = MAX_SMP_CPU;
+	if (READ_ONCE(cp->ce_req_proc_sts) == STOPPED)
+		return 0;
+	if (in_interrupt()) {
+		cpu = smp_processor_id();
+		if (cpu >= MAX_SMP_CPU)
+			cpu = MAX_SMP_CPU - 1;
+	} else
+		cpu = MAX_SMP_CPU;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+	if (pengine->issue_req ||
+		atomic_read(&pengine->req_count) >= (pengine->max_req)) {
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	backlog_eng = crypto_get_backlog(&pengine->req_queue);
+	/* make sure it is in high bandwidth state */
+	if (pengine->bw_state != BUS_HAS_BANDWIDTH) {
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* try to get request from request queue of the engine first */
+	async_req = crypto_dequeue_request(&pengine->req_queue);
+	if (!async_req) {
+		/*
+		 * if no request from the engine,
+		 * try to  get from request queue of driver
+		 */
+		backlog_cp = crypto_get_backlog(&cp->req_queue);
+		async_req = crypto_dequeue_request(&cp->req_queue);
+		if (!async_req) {
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+			return 0;
+		}
+	}
+	pqcrypto_req_control = qcrypto_alloc_req_control(pengine);
+	if (pqcrypto_req_control == NULL) {
+		pr_err("Allocation of request failed\n");
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* add associated rsp entry to tfm response queue */
+	type = crypto_tfm_alg_type(async_req->tfm);
+	tfm_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(async_req->tfm);
+	switch (type) {
+		ahash_req = container_of(async_req,
+			struct ahash_request, base);
+		ahash_rctx = ahash_request_ctx(ahash_req);
+		arsp = &ahash_rctx->rsp_entry;
+		list_add_tail(
+			&arsp->list,
+			&((struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *)tfm_ctx)
+				->rsp_queue);
+		break;
+		ablkcipher_req = container_of(async_req,
+			struct ablkcipher_request, base);
+		cipher_rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(ablkcipher_req);
+		arsp = &cipher_rctx->rsp_entry;
+		list_add_tail(
+			&arsp->list,
+			&((struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *)tfm_ctx)
+				->rsp_queue);
+		break;
+	default:
+		aead_req = container_of(async_req,
+			struct aead_request, base);
+		cipher_rctx = aead_request_ctx(aead_req);
+		arsp = &cipher_rctx->rsp_entry;
+		list_add_tail(
+			&arsp->list,
+			&((struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *)tfm_ctx)
+				->rsp_queue);
+		break;
+	}
+	arsp->res = -EINPROGRESS;
+	arsp->async_req = async_req;
+	pqcrypto_req_control->pce = pengine;
+	pqcrypto_req_control->req = async_req;
+	pqcrypto_req_control->arsp = arsp;
+	pengine->active_seq++;
+	pengine->check_flag = true;
+	pengine->issue_req = true;
+	cp->cpu_req[cpu]++;
+	smp_mb(); /* make it visible */
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+	if (backlog_eng)
+		backlog_eng->complete(backlog_eng, -EINPROGRESS);
+	if (backlog_cp)
+		backlog_cp->complete(backlog_cp, -EINPROGRESS);
+	switch (type) {
+		ret = _qcrypto_process_ablkcipher(pengine,
+					pqcrypto_req_control);
+		break;
+		ret = _qcrypto_process_ahash(pengine, pqcrypto_req_control);
+		break;
+		ret = _qcrypto_process_aead(pengine, pqcrypto_req_control);
+		break;
+	default:
+		ret = -EINVAL;
+	};
+	pengine->issue_req = false;
+	smp_mb(); /* make it visible */
+	pengine->total_req++;
+	if (ret) {
+		pengine->err_req++;
+		qcrypto_free_req_control(pengine, pqcrypto_req_control);
+			pstat->ablk_cipher_op_fail++;
+		else
+			if (type == CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AHASH)
+				pstat->ahash_op_fail++;
+			else
+				pstat->aead_op_fail++;
+		_qcrypto_tfm_complete(pengine, type, tfm_ctx, arsp, ret);
+		goto again;
+	};
+	return ret;
+static inline struct crypto_engine *_next_eng(struct crypto_priv *cp,
+		struct crypto_engine *p)
+	if (p == NULL || list_is_last(&p->elist, &cp->engine_list))
+		p =  list_first_entry(&cp->engine_list, struct crypto_engine,
+			elist);
+	else
+		p = list_entry(p->, struct crypto_engine, elist);
+	return p;
+static struct crypto_engine *_avail_eng(struct crypto_priv *cp)
+	/* call this function with spinlock set */
+	struct crypto_engine *q = NULL;
+	struct crypto_engine *p = cp->scheduled_eng;
+	struct crypto_engine *q1;
+	int eng_cnt = cp->total_units;
+	if (unlikely(list_empty(&cp->engine_list))) {
+		pr_err("%s: no valid ce to schedule\n", __func__);
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	p = _next_eng(cp, p);
+	q1 = p;
+	while (eng_cnt-- > 0) {
+		if (!p->issue_req && atomic_read(&p->req_count) < p->max_req) {
+			q = p;
+			break;
+		}
+		p = _next_eng(cp, p);
+		if (q1 == p)
+			break;
+	}
+	cp->scheduled_eng = q;
+	return q;
+static int _qcrypto_queue_req(struct crypto_priv *cp,
+				struct crypto_engine *pengine,
+				struct crypto_async_request *req)
+	int ret;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+	if (pengine) {
+		ret = crypto_enqueue_request(&pengine->req_queue, req);
+	} else {
+		ret = crypto_enqueue_request(&cp->req_queue, req);
+		pengine = _avail_eng(cp);
+		if (cp->req_queue.qlen > cp->max_qlen)
+			cp->max_qlen = cp->req_queue.qlen;
+	}
+	if (pengine) {
+		switch (pengine->bw_state) {
+			if (pengine->high_bw_req == false) {
+				qcrypto_ce_bw_allocate_req(pengine);
+				pengine->high_bw_req = true;
+			}
+			pengine = NULL;
+			break;
+			break;
+			pengine->high_bw_req = true;
+			pengine = NULL;
+			break;
+			pengine = NULL;
+			break;
+		default:
+			pengine = NULL;
+			break;
+		}
+	} else {
+		cp->no_avail++;
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+	if (pengine && (READ_ONCE(cp->ce_req_proc_sts) == IN_PROGRESS))
+		_start_qcrypto_process(cp, pengine);
+	return ret;
+static int _qcrypto_enc_aes_192_fallback(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct crypto_tfm *tfm =
+		crypto_ablkcipher_tfm(crypto_ablkcipher_reqtfm(req));
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	int err;
+	ablkcipher_request_set_tfm(req, ctx->cipher_aes192_fb);
+	err = crypto_ablkcipher_encrypt(req);
+	ablkcipher_request_set_tfm(req, __crypto_ablkcipher_cast(tfm));
+	return err;
+static int _qcrypto_dec_aes_192_fallback(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct crypto_tfm *tfm =
+		crypto_ablkcipher_tfm(crypto_ablkcipher_reqtfm(req));
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	int err;
+	ablkcipher_request_set_tfm(req, ctx->cipher_aes192_fb);
+	err = crypto_ablkcipher_decrypt(req);
+	ablkcipher_request_set_tfm(req, __crypto_ablkcipher_cast(tfm));
+	return err;
+static int _qcrypto_enc_aes_ecb(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	dev_info(&ctx->pengine->pdev->dev, "_qcrypto_enc_aes_ecb: %p\n", req);
+	if ((ctx->enc_key_len == AES_KEYSIZE_192) &&
+			(!cp->ce_support.aes_key_192) &&
+				ctx->cipher_aes192_fb)
+		return _qcrypto_enc_aes_192_fallback(req);
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_AES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_ECB;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_aes_enc++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_enc_aes_cbc(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	dev_info(&ctx->pengine->pdev->dev, "_qcrypto_enc_aes_cbc: %p\n", req);
+	if ((ctx->enc_key_len == AES_KEYSIZE_192) &&
+			(!cp->ce_support.aes_key_192) &&
+				ctx->cipher_aes192_fb)
+		return _qcrypto_enc_aes_192_fallback(req);
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_AES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CBC;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_aes_enc++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_enc_aes_ctr(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	dev_info(&ctx->pengine->pdev->dev, "_qcrypto_enc_aes_ctr: %p\n", req);
+	if ((ctx->enc_key_len == AES_KEYSIZE_192) &&
+			(!cp->ce_support.aes_key_192) &&
+				ctx->cipher_aes192_fb)
+		return _qcrypto_enc_aes_192_fallback(req);
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_AES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CTR;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_aes_enc++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_enc_aes_xts(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_AES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_XTS;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_aes_enc++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_aead_encrypt_aes_ccm(struct aead_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	if ((ctx->authsize > 16) || (ctx->authsize < 4) || (ctx->authsize & 1))
+		return  -EINVAL;
+	if ((ctx->auth_key_len != AES_KEYSIZE_128) &&
+		(ctx->auth_key_len != AES_KEYSIZE_256))
+		return  -EINVAL;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	rctx = aead_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 1;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_AES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CCM;
+	rctx->iv = req->iv;
+	pstat->aead_ccm_aes_enc++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_aead_rfc4309_enc_aes_ccm(struct aead_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	rctx = aead_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 1;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_AES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CCM;
+	memset(rctx->rfc4309_iv, 0, sizeof(rctx->rfc4309_iv));
+	rctx->rfc4309_iv[0] = 3; /* L -1 */
+	memcpy(&rctx->rfc4309_iv[1], ctx->ccm4309_nonce, 3);
+	memcpy(&rctx->rfc4309_iv[4], req->iv, 8);
+	rctx->iv = rctx->rfc4309_iv;
+	pstat->aead_rfc4309_ccm_aes_enc++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_enc_des_ecb(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_DES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_ECB;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_des_enc++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_enc_des_cbc(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_DES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CBC;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_des_enc++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_enc_3des_ecb(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_3DES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_ECB;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_3des_enc++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_enc_3des_cbc(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_3DES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CBC;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_3des_enc++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_dec_aes_ecb(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	dev_info(&ctx->pengine->pdev->dev, "_qcrypto_dec_aes_ecb: %p\n", req);
+	if ((ctx->enc_key_len == AES_KEYSIZE_192) &&
+			(!cp->ce_support.aes_key_192) &&
+				ctx->cipher_aes192_fb)
+		return _qcrypto_dec_aes_192_fallback(req);
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_AES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_DECRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_ECB;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_aes_dec++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_dec_aes_cbc(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	dev_info(&ctx->pengine->pdev->dev, "_qcrypto_dec_aes_cbc: %p\n", req);
+	if ((ctx->enc_key_len == AES_KEYSIZE_192) &&
+			(!cp->ce_support.aes_key_192) &&
+				ctx->cipher_aes192_fb)
+		return _qcrypto_dec_aes_192_fallback(req);
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_AES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_DECRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CBC;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_aes_dec++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_dec_aes_ctr(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	dev_info(&ctx->pengine->pdev->dev, "_qcrypto_dec_aes_ctr: %p\n", req);
+	if ((ctx->enc_key_len == AES_KEYSIZE_192) &&
+			(!cp->ce_support.aes_key_192) &&
+				ctx->cipher_aes192_fb)
+		return _qcrypto_dec_aes_192_fallback(req);
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_AES;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CTR;
+	/* Note. There is no such thing as aes/counter mode, decrypt */
+	rctx->dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_aes_dec++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_dec_des_ecb(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_DES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_DECRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_ECB;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_des_dec++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_dec_des_cbc(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_DES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_DECRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CBC;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_des_dec++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_dec_3des_ecb(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_3DES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_DECRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_ECB;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_3des_dec++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_dec_3des_cbc(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_3DES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_DECRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CBC;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_3des_dec++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_dec_aes_xts(struct ablkcipher_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	WARN_ON(crypto_tfm_alg_type(req->base.tfm) !=
+	rctx = ablkcipher_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 0;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_AES;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_XTS;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_DECRYPT;
+	pstat->ablk_cipher_aes_dec++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_aead_decrypt_aes_ccm(struct aead_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	if ((ctx->authsize > 16) || (ctx->authsize < 4) || (ctx->authsize & 1))
+		return  -EINVAL;
+	if ((ctx->auth_key_len != AES_KEYSIZE_128) &&
+		(ctx->auth_key_len != AES_KEYSIZE_256))
+		return  -EINVAL;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	rctx = aead_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 1;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_AES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_DECRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CCM;
+	rctx->iv = req->iv;
+	pstat->aead_ccm_aes_dec++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_aead_rfc4309_dec_aes_ccm(struct aead_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	rctx = aead_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 1;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_AES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_DECRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CCM;
+	memset(rctx->rfc4309_iv, 0, sizeof(rctx->rfc4309_iv));
+	rctx->rfc4309_iv[0] = 3; /* L -1 */
+	memcpy(&rctx->rfc4309_iv[1], ctx->ccm4309_nonce, 3);
+	memcpy(&rctx->rfc4309_iv[4], req->iv, 8);
+	rctx->iv = rctx->rfc4309_iv;
+	pstat->aead_rfc4309_ccm_aes_dec++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_aead_setauthsize(struct crypto_aead *authenc,
+				unsigned int authsize)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(authenc);
+	ctx->authsize = authsize;
+	return 0;
+static int _qcrypto_aead_ccm_setauthsize(struct crypto_aead *authenc,
+				  unsigned int authsize)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(authenc);
+	switch (authsize) {
+	case 4:
+	case 6:
+	case 8:
+	case 10:
+	case 12:
+	case 14:
+	case 16:
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ctx->authsize = authsize;
+	return 0;
+static int _qcrypto_aead_rfc4309_ccm_setauthsize(struct crypto_aead *authenc,
+				  unsigned int authsize)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(authenc);
+	switch (authsize) {
+	case 8:
+	case 12:
+	case 16:
+		break;
+	default:
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ctx->authsize = authsize;
+	return 0;
+static int _qcrypto_aead_setkey(struct crypto_aead *tfm, const u8 *key,
+			unsigned int keylen)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_aead_ctx(tfm);
+	struct rtattr *rta = (struct rtattr *)key;
+	struct crypto_authenc_key_param *param;
+	int ret;
+	if (!RTA_OK(rta, keylen))
+		goto badkey;
+	if (rta->rta_type != CRYPTO_AUTHENC_KEYA_PARAM)
+		goto badkey;
+	if (RTA_PAYLOAD(rta) < sizeof(*param))
+		goto badkey;
+	param = RTA_DATA(rta);
+	ctx->enc_key_len = be32_to_cpu(param->enckeylen);
+	key += RTA_ALIGN(rta->rta_len);
+	keylen -= RTA_ALIGN(rta->rta_len);
+	if (keylen < ctx->enc_key_len)
+		goto badkey;
+	ctx->auth_key_len = keylen - ctx->enc_key_len;
+	if (ctx->enc_key_len >= QCRYPTO_MAX_KEY_SIZE ||
+				ctx->auth_key_len >= QCRYPTO_MAX_KEY_SIZE)
+		goto badkey;
+	memset(ctx->auth_key, 0, QCRYPTO_MAX_KEY_SIZE);
+	memcpy(ctx->enc_key, key + ctx->auth_key_len, ctx->enc_key_len);
+	memcpy(ctx->auth_key, key, ctx->auth_key_len);
+	if (ctx->enc_key_len == AES_KEYSIZE_192 &&  ctx->cipher_aes192_fb &&
+			ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb) {
+		crypto_ahash_clear_flags(ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb, ~0);
+		ret = crypto_ahash_setkey(ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb,
+					ctx->auth_key, ctx->auth_key_len);
+		if (ret)
+			goto badkey;
+		crypto_ablkcipher_clear_flags(ctx->cipher_aes192_fb, ~0);
+		ret = crypto_ablkcipher_setkey(ctx->cipher_aes192_fb,
+					ctx->enc_key, ctx->enc_key_len);
+		if (ret)
+			goto badkey;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	ctx->enc_key_len = 0;
+	crypto_aead_set_flags(tfm, CRYPTO_TFM_RES_BAD_KEY_LEN);
+	return -EINVAL;
+static int _qcrypto_aead_ccm_setkey(struct crypto_aead *aead, const u8 *key,
+			unsigned int keylen)
+	struct crypto_tfm *tfm = crypto_aead_tfm(aead);
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	switch (keylen) {
+	case AES_KEYSIZE_128:
+	case AES_KEYSIZE_256:
+		break;
+	case AES_KEYSIZE_192:
+		if (cp->ce_support.aes_key_192)
+			break;
+	default:
+		ctx->enc_key_len = 0;
+		crypto_aead_set_flags(aead, CRYPTO_TFM_RES_BAD_KEY_LEN);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	};
+	ctx->enc_key_len = keylen;
+	memcpy(ctx->enc_key, key, keylen);
+	ctx->auth_key_len = keylen;
+	memcpy(ctx->auth_key, key, keylen);
+	return 0;
+static int _qcrypto_aead_rfc4309_ccm_setkey(struct crypto_aead *aead,
+				 const u8 *key, unsigned int key_len)
+	struct crypto_tfm *tfm = crypto_aead_tfm(aead);
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
+	int ret;
+	if (key_len < QCRYPTO_CCM4309_NONCE_LEN)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	key_len -= QCRYPTO_CCM4309_NONCE_LEN;
+	memcpy(ctx->ccm4309_nonce, key + key_len,  QCRYPTO_CCM4309_NONCE_LEN);
+	ret = _qcrypto_aead_ccm_setkey(aead, key, key_len);
+	return ret;
+static void _qcrypto_aead_aes_192_fb_a_cb(struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx,
+								int res)
+	struct aead_request *req;
+	struct crypto_async_request *areq;
+	req = rctx->aead_req;
+	areq = &req->base;
+	if (rctx->fb_aes_req)
+		ablkcipher_request_free(rctx->fb_aes_req);
+	if (rctx->fb_hash_req)
+		ahash_request_free(rctx->fb_hash_req);
+	rctx->fb_aes_req = NULL;
+	rctx->fb_hash_req = NULL;
+	kfree(rctx->fb_aes_iv);
+	areq->complete(areq, res);
+static void _aead_aes_fb_stage2_ahash_complete(
+				struct crypto_async_request *base, int err)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct aead_request *req;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx;
+	rctx = base->data;
+	req = rctx->aead_req;
+	ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	/* copy icv */
+	if (err == 0)
+		scatterwalk_map_and_copy(rctx->fb_ahash_digest,
+					rctx->fb_aes_dst,
+					req->cryptlen,
+					ctx->authsize, 1);
+	_qcrypto_aead_aes_192_fb_a_cb(rctx, err);
+static int _start_aead_aes_fb_stage2_hmac(struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx)
+	struct ahash_request *ahash_req;
+	ahash_req = rctx->fb_hash_req;
+	ahash_request_set_callback(ahash_req, CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_BACKLOG,
+				 _aead_aes_fb_stage2_ahash_complete, rctx);
+	return crypto_ahash_digest(ahash_req);
+static void _aead_aes_fb_stage2_decrypt_complete(
+			struct crypto_async_request *base, int err)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	rctx = base->data;
+	_qcrypto_aead_aes_192_fb_a_cb(rctx, err);
+static int _start_aead_aes_fb_stage2_decrypt(
+					struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx)
+	struct ablkcipher_request *aes_req;
+	aes_req = rctx->fb_aes_req;
+	ablkcipher_request_set_callback(aes_req, CRYPTO_TFM_REQ_MAY_BACKLOG,
+			_aead_aes_fb_stage2_decrypt_complete, rctx);
+	return crypto_ablkcipher_decrypt(aes_req);
+static void _aead_aes_fb_stage1_ahash_complete(
+				struct crypto_async_request *base, int err)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct aead_request *req;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx;
+	rctx = base->data;
+	req = rctx->aead_req;
+	ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	/* compare icv */
+	if (err == 0) {
+		unsigned char tmp[ctx->authsize];
+		scatterwalk_map_and_copy(tmp, rctx->fb_aes_src,
+			req->cryptlen - ctx->authsize, ctx->authsize, 0);
+		if (memcmp(rctx->fb_ahash_digest, tmp, ctx->authsize) != 0)
+			err = -EBADMSG;
+	}
+	if (err)
+		_qcrypto_aead_aes_192_fb_a_cb(rctx, err);
+	else {
+		err = _start_aead_aes_fb_stage2_decrypt(rctx);
+		if (err != -EINPROGRESS &&  err != -EBUSY)
+			_qcrypto_aead_aes_192_fb_a_cb(rctx, err);
+	}
+static void _aead_aes_fb_stage1_encrypt_complete(
+				struct crypto_async_request *base, int err)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct aead_request *req;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx;
+	rctx = base->data;
+	req = rctx->aead_req;
+	ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	memcpy(ctx->iv, rctx->fb_aes_iv, rctx->ivsize);
+	if (err) {
+		_qcrypto_aead_aes_192_fb_a_cb(rctx, err);
+		return;
+	}
+	err = _start_aead_aes_fb_stage2_hmac(rctx);
+	/* copy icv */
+	if (err == 0) {
+		scatterwalk_map_and_copy(rctx->fb_ahash_digest,
+					rctx->fb_aes_dst,
+					req->cryptlen,
+					ctx->authsize, 1);
+	}
+	if (err != -EINPROGRESS &&  err != -EBUSY)
+		_qcrypto_aead_aes_192_fb_a_cb(rctx, err);
+static int _qcrypto_aead_aes_192_fallback(struct aead_request *req,
+							bool is_encrypt)
+	int rc = -EINVAL;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx = aead_request_ctx(req);
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_aead *aead_tfm = crypto_aead_reqtfm(req);
+	struct ablkcipher_request *aes_req = NULL;
+	struct ahash_request *ahash_req = NULL;
+	int nbytes;
+	struct scatterlist *src, *dst;
+	rctx->fb_aes_iv = NULL;
+	aes_req = ablkcipher_request_alloc(ctx->cipher_aes192_fb, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!aes_req)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	ahash_req = ahash_request_alloc(ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!ahash_req)
+		goto ret;
+	rctx->fb_aes_req = aes_req;
+	rctx->fb_hash_req = ahash_req;
+	rctx->aead_req = req;
+	/* assoc and iv are sitting in the beginning of src sg list */
+	/* Similarly, assoc and iv are sitting in the beginning of dst list */
+	src = scatterwalk_ffwd(rctx->fb_ablkcipher_src_sg, req->src,
+				req->assoclen);
+	dst = scatterwalk_ffwd(rctx->fb_ablkcipher_dst_sg, req->dst,
+				req->assoclen);
+	nbytes = req->cryptlen;
+	if (!is_encrypt)
+		nbytes -=  ctx->authsize;
+	rctx->fb_ahash_length = nbytes +  req->assoclen;
+	rctx->fb_aes_src = src;
+	rctx->fb_aes_dst = dst;
+	rctx->fb_aes_cryptlen = nbytes;
+	rctx->ivsize = crypto_aead_ivsize(aead_tfm);
+	rctx->fb_aes_iv = kzalloc(rctx->ivsize, GFP_ATOMIC);
+	if (!rctx->fb_aes_iv)
+		goto ret;
+	memcpy(rctx->fb_aes_iv, req->iv, rctx->ivsize);
+	ablkcipher_request_set_crypt(aes_req, rctx->fb_aes_src,
+					rctx->fb_aes_dst,
+					rctx->fb_aes_cryptlen, rctx->fb_aes_iv);
+	if (is_encrypt)
+		ahash_request_set_crypt(ahash_req, req->dst,
+					rctx->fb_ahash_digest,
+					rctx->fb_ahash_length);
+	else
+		ahash_request_set_crypt(ahash_req, req->src,
+					rctx->fb_ahash_digest,
+					rctx->fb_ahash_length);
+	if (is_encrypt) {
+		ablkcipher_request_set_callback(aes_req,
+			_aead_aes_fb_stage1_encrypt_complete, rctx);
+		rc = crypto_ablkcipher_encrypt(aes_req);
+		if (rc == 0) {
+			memcpy(ctx->iv, rctx->fb_aes_iv, rctx->ivsize);
+			rc = _start_aead_aes_fb_stage2_hmac(rctx);
+			if (rc == 0) {
+				/* copy icv */
+				scatterwalk_map_and_copy(rctx->fb_ahash_digest,
+					dst,
+					req->cryptlen,
+					ctx->authsize, 1);
+			}
+		}
+		if (rc == -EINPROGRESS || rc == -EBUSY)
+			return rc;
+		goto ret;
+	} else {
+		ahash_request_set_callback(ahash_req,
+				_aead_aes_fb_stage1_ahash_complete, rctx);
+		rc = crypto_ahash_digest(ahash_req);
+		if (rc == 0) {
+			unsigned char tmp[ctx->authsize];
+			/* compare icv */
+			scatterwalk_map_and_copy(tmp,
+				src, req->cryptlen - ctx->authsize,
+				ctx->authsize, 0);
+			if (memcmp(rctx->fb_ahash_digest, tmp,
+							ctx->authsize) != 0)
+				rc = -EBADMSG;
+			else
+				rc = _start_aead_aes_fb_stage2_decrypt(rctx);
+		}
+		if (rc == -EINPROGRESS || rc == -EBUSY)
+			return rc;
+		goto ret;
+	}
+	if (aes_req)
+		ablkcipher_request_free(aes_req);
+	if (ahash_req)
+		ahash_request_free(ahash_req);
+	kfree(rctx->fb_aes_iv);
+	return rc;
+static int _qcrypto_aead_encrypt_aes_cbc(struct aead_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	dev_info(&ctx->pengine->pdev->dev,
+			 "_qcrypto_aead_encrypt_aes_cbc: %p\n", req);
+	rctx = aead_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 1;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_AES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CBC;
+	rctx->iv = req->iv;
+	rctx->aead_req = req;
+	if (ctx->auth_alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC)
+		pstat->aead_sha1_aes_enc++;
+	else
+		pstat->aead_sha256_aes_enc++;
+	if (ctx->enc_key_len == AES_KEYSIZE_192 &&  ctx->cipher_aes192_fb &&
+						ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb)
+		return _qcrypto_aead_aes_192_fallback(req, true);
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_aead_decrypt_aes_cbc(struct aead_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	dev_info(&ctx->pengine->pdev->dev,
+			 "_qcrypto_aead_decrypt_aes_cbc: %p\n", req);
+	rctx = aead_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 1;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_AES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_DECRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CBC;
+	rctx->iv = req->iv;
+	rctx->aead_req = req;
+	if (ctx->auth_alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC)
+		pstat->aead_sha1_aes_dec++;
+	else
+		pstat->aead_sha256_aes_dec++;
+	if (ctx->enc_key_len == AES_KEYSIZE_192 &&  ctx->cipher_aes192_fb &&
+						ctx->ahash_aead_aes192_fb)
+		return _qcrypto_aead_aes_192_fallback(req, false);
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_aead_encrypt_des_cbc(struct aead_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	rctx = aead_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 1;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_DES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CBC;
+	rctx->iv = req->iv;
+	if (ctx->auth_alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC)
+		pstat->aead_sha1_des_enc++;
+	else
+		pstat->aead_sha256_des_enc++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_aead_decrypt_des_cbc(struct aead_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	rctx = aead_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 1;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_DES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_DECRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CBC;
+	rctx->iv = req->iv;
+	if (ctx->auth_alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC)
+		pstat->aead_sha1_des_dec++;
+	else
+		pstat->aead_sha256_des_dec++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_aead_encrypt_3des_cbc(struct aead_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	rctx = aead_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 1;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_3DES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_ENCRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CBC;
+	rctx->iv = req->iv;
+	if (ctx->auth_alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC)
+		pstat->aead_sha1_3des_enc++;
+	else
+		pstat->aead_sha256_3des_enc++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _qcrypto_aead_decrypt_3des_cbc(struct aead_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_req_ctx *rctx;
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	rctx = aead_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->aead = 1;
+	rctx->alg = CIPHER_ALG_3DES;
+	rctx->dir = QCE_DECRYPT;
+	rctx->mode = QCE_MODE_CBC;
+	rctx->iv = req->iv;
+	if (ctx->auth_alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC)
+		pstat->aead_sha1_3des_dec++;
+	else
+		pstat->aead_sha256_3des_dec++;
+	return _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _sha_init(struct ahash_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	rctx->first_blk = 1;
+	rctx->last_blk = 0;
+	rctx->byte_count[0] = 0;
+	rctx->byte_count[1] = 0;
+	rctx->byte_count[2] = 0;
+	rctx->byte_count[3] = 0;
+	rctx->trailing_buf_len = 0;
+	rctx->count = 0;
+	return 0;
+static int _sha1_init(struct ahash_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	_sha_init(req);
+	sha_ctx->alg = QCE_HASH_SHA1;
+	memset(&rctx->trailing_buf[0], 0x00, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	memcpy(&rctx->digest[0], &_std_init_vector_sha1_uint8[0],
+	sha_ctx->diglen = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;
+	pstat->sha1_digest++;
+	return 0;
+static int _sha256_init(struct ahash_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	_sha_init(req);
+	sha_ctx->alg = QCE_HASH_SHA256;
+	memset(&rctx->trailing_buf[0], 0x00, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	memcpy(&rctx->digest[0], &_std_init_vector_sha256_uint8[0],
+						SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);
+	sha_ctx->diglen = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+	pstat->sha256_digest++;
+	return 0;
+static int _sha1_export(struct ahash_request  *req, void *out)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	struct sha1_state *out_ctx = (struct sha1_state *)out;
+	out_ctx->count = rctx->count;
+	_byte_stream_to_words(out_ctx->state, rctx->digest, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE);
+	memcpy(out_ctx->buffer, rctx->trailing_buf, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	return 0;
+static int _sha1_hmac_export(struct ahash_request  *req, void *out)
+	return _sha1_export(req, out);
+/* crypto hw padding constant for hmac first operation */
+#define HMAC_PADDING 64
+static int __sha1_import_common(struct ahash_request  *req, const void *in,
+				bool hmac)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	struct sha1_state *in_ctx = (struct sha1_state *)in;
+	u64 hw_count = in_ctx->count;
+	rctx->count = in_ctx->count;
+	memcpy(rctx->trailing_buf, in_ctx->buffer, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	if (in_ctx->count <= SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+		rctx->first_blk = 1;
+	} else {
+		rctx->first_blk = 0;
+		/*
+		 * For hmac, there is a hardware padding done
+		 * when first is set. So the byte_count will be
+		 * incremened by 64 after the operstion of first
+		 */
+		if (hmac)
+			hw_count += HMAC_PADDING;
+	}
+	rctx->byte_count[0] =  (uint32_t)(hw_count & 0xFFFFFFC0);
+	rctx->byte_count[1] =  (uint32_t)(hw_count >> 32);
+	_words_to_byte_stream(in_ctx->state, rctx->digest, sha_ctx->diglen);
+	rctx->trailing_buf_len = (uint32_t)(in_ctx->count &
+						(SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE-1));
+	return 0;
+static int _sha1_import(struct ahash_request  *req, const void *in)
+	return __sha1_import_common(req, in, false);
+static int _sha1_hmac_import(struct ahash_request  *req, const void *in)
+	return __sha1_import_common(req, in, true);
+static int _sha256_export(struct ahash_request  *req, void *out)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	struct sha256_state *out_ctx = (struct sha256_state *)out;
+	out_ctx->count = rctx->count;
+	_byte_stream_to_words(out_ctx->state, rctx->digest, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);
+	memcpy(out_ctx->buf, rctx->trailing_buf, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	return 0;
+static int _sha256_hmac_export(struct ahash_request  *req, void *out)
+	return _sha256_export(req, out);
+static int __sha256_import_common(struct ahash_request  *req, const void *in,
+			bool hmac)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	struct sha256_state *in_ctx = (struct sha256_state *)in;
+	u64 hw_count = in_ctx->count;
+	rctx->count = in_ctx->count;
+	memcpy(rctx->trailing_buf, in_ctx->buf, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	if (in_ctx->count <= SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+		rctx->first_blk = 1;
+	} else {
+		rctx->first_blk = 0;
+		/*
+		 * for hmac, there is a hardware padding done
+		 * when first is set. So the byte_count will be
+		 * incremened by 64 after the operstion of first
+		 */
+		if (hmac)
+			hw_count += HMAC_PADDING;
+	}
+	rctx->byte_count[0] =  (uint32_t)(hw_count & 0xFFFFFFC0);
+	rctx->byte_count[1] =  (uint32_t)(hw_count >> 32);
+	_words_to_byte_stream(in_ctx->state, rctx->digest, sha_ctx->diglen);
+	rctx->trailing_buf_len = (uint32_t)(in_ctx->count &
+						(SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE-1));
+	return 0;
+static int _sha256_import(struct ahash_request  *req, const void *in)
+	return __sha256_import_common(req, in, false);
+static int _sha256_hmac_import(struct ahash_request  *req, const void *in)
+	return __sha256_import_common(req, in, true);
+static int _copy_source(struct ahash_request  *req)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *srctx = NULL;
+	uint32_t bytes = 0;
+	uint32_t num_sg = 0;
+	srctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	srctx->orig_src = req->src;
+	srctx->data = kzalloc((req->nbytes + 64), GFP_ATOMIC);
+	if (srctx->data == NULL) {
+		pr_err("Mem Alloc fail rctx->data, err %ld for 0x%x\n",
+				PTR_ERR(srctx->data), (req->nbytes + 64));
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	num_sg = qcrypto_count_sg(req->src, req->nbytes);
+	bytes = qcrypto_sg_copy_to_buffer(req->src, num_sg, srctx->data,
+						req->nbytes);
+	if (bytes != req->nbytes)
+		pr_warn("bytes copied=0x%x bytes to copy= 0x%x", bytes,
+							req->nbytes);
+	sg_set_buf(&srctx->dsg, srctx->data,
+				req->nbytes);
+	sg_mark_end(&srctx->dsg);
+	req->src = &srctx->dsg;
+	return 0;
+static int _sha_update(struct ahash_request  *req, uint32_t sha_block_size)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = sha_ctx->cp;
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	uint32_t total, len, num_sg;
+	struct scatterlist *sg_last;
+	uint8_t *k_src = NULL;
+	uint32_t sha_pad_len = 0;
+	uint32_t trailing_buf_len = 0;
+	uint32_t nbytes;
+	uint32_t offset = 0;
+	uint32_t bytes = 0;
+	uint8_t  *staging;
+	int ret = 0;
+	/* check for trailing buffer from previous updates and append it */
+	total = req->nbytes + rctx->trailing_buf_len;
+	len = req->nbytes;
+	if (total <= sha_block_size) {
+		k_src = &rctx->trailing_buf[rctx->trailing_buf_len];
+		num_sg = qcrypto_count_sg(req->src, len);
+		bytes = qcrypto_sg_copy_to_buffer(req->src, num_sg, k_src, len);
+		rctx->trailing_buf_len = total;
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* save the original req structure fields*/
+	rctx->src = req->src;
+	rctx->nbytes = req->nbytes;
+	staging = (uint8_t *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)rctx->staging_dmabuf),
+							L1_CACHE_BYTES);
+	memcpy(staging, rctx->trailing_buf, rctx->trailing_buf_len);
+	k_src = &rctx->trailing_buf[0];
+	/*  get new trailing buffer */
+	sha_pad_len = ALIGN(total, sha_block_size) - total;
+	trailing_buf_len =  sha_block_size - sha_pad_len;
+	offset = req->nbytes - trailing_buf_len;
+	if (offset != req->nbytes)
+		scatterwalk_map_and_copy(k_src, req->src, offset,
+						trailing_buf_len, 0);
+	nbytes = total - trailing_buf_len;
+	num_sg = qcrypto_count_sg(req->src, req->nbytes);
+	len = rctx->trailing_buf_len;
+	sg_last = req->src;
+	while (len < nbytes) {
+		if ((len + sg_last->length) > nbytes)
+			break;
+		len += sg_last->length;
+		sg_last = sg_next(sg_last);
+	}
+	if (rctx->trailing_buf_len) {
+		if (cp->ce_support.aligned_only)  {
+			rctx->data2 = kzalloc((req->nbytes + 64), GFP_ATOMIC);
+			if (rctx->data2 == NULL) {
+				pr_err("Mem Alloc fail srctx->data2, err %ld\n",
+							PTR_ERR(rctx->data2));
+				return -ENOMEM;
+			}
+			memcpy(rctx->data2, staging,
+						rctx->trailing_buf_len);
+			memcpy((rctx->data2 + rctx->trailing_buf_len),
+					rctx->data, req->src->length);
+			kzfree(rctx->data);
+			rctx->data = rctx->data2;
+			sg_set_buf(&rctx->sg[0], rctx->data,
+					(rctx->trailing_buf_len +
+							req->src->length));
+			req->src = rctx->sg;
+			sg_mark_end(&rctx->sg[0]);
+		} else {
+			sg_mark_end(sg_last);
+			memset(rctx->sg, 0, sizeof(rctx->sg));
+			sg_set_buf(&rctx->sg[0], staging,
+						rctx->trailing_buf_len);
+			sg_mark_end(&rctx->sg[1]);
+			sg_chain(rctx->sg, 2, req->src);
+			req->src = rctx->sg;
+		}
+	} else
+		sg_mark_end(sg_last);
+	req->nbytes = nbytes;
+	rctx->trailing_buf_len = trailing_buf_len;
+	ret =  _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, sha_ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+	return ret;
+static int _sha1_update(struct ahash_request  *req)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = sha_ctx->cp;
+	if (cp->ce_support.aligned_only) {
+		if (_copy_source(req))
+			return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	rctx->count += req->nbytes;
+	return _sha_update(req, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE);
+static int _sha256_update(struct ahash_request  *req)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = sha_ctx->cp;
+	if (cp->ce_support.aligned_only) {
+		if (_copy_source(req))
+			return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	rctx->count += req->nbytes;
+	return _sha_update(req, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE);
+static int _sha_final(struct ahash_request *req, uint32_t sha_block_size)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = sha_ctx->cp;
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	int ret = 0;
+	uint8_t  *staging;
+	if (cp->ce_support.aligned_only) {
+		if (_copy_source(req))
+			return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	rctx->last_blk = 1;
+	/* save the original req structure fields*/
+	rctx->src = req->src;
+	rctx->nbytes = req->nbytes;
+	staging = (uint8_t *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)rctx->staging_dmabuf),
+							L1_CACHE_BYTES);
+	memcpy(staging, rctx->trailing_buf, rctx->trailing_buf_len);
+	sg_set_buf(&rctx->sg[0], staging, rctx->trailing_buf_len);
+	sg_mark_end(&rctx->sg[0]);
+	req->src = &rctx->sg[0];
+	req->nbytes = rctx->trailing_buf_len;
+	ret =  _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, sha_ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+	return ret;
+static int _sha1_final(struct ahash_request  *req)
+	return _sha_final(req, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE);
+static int _sha256_final(struct ahash_request  *req)
+	return _sha_final(req, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE);
+static int _sha_digest(struct ahash_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = sha_ctx->cp;
+	int ret = 0;
+	if (cp->ce_support.aligned_only) {
+		if (_copy_source(req))
+			return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	/* save the original req structure fields*/
+	rctx->src = req->src;
+	rctx->nbytes = req->nbytes;
+	rctx->first_blk = 1;
+	rctx->last_blk = 1;
+	ret =  _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, sha_ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+	return ret;
+static int _sha1_digest(struct ahash_request *req)
+	_sha1_init(req);
+	return _sha_digest(req);
+static int _sha256_digest(struct ahash_request *req)
+	_sha256_init(req);
+	return _sha_digest(req);
+static void _crypto_sha_hmac_ahash_req_complete(
+	struct crypto_async_request *req, int err)
+	struct completion *ahash_req_complete = req->data;
+	if (err == -EINPROGRESS)
+		return;
+	complete(ahash_req_complete);
+static int _sha_hmac_setkey(struct crypto_ahash *tfm, const u8 *key,
+		unsigned int len)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(&tfm->base);
+	uint8_t	*in_buf;
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct scatterlist sg;
+	struct ahash_request *ahash_req;
+	struct completion ahash_req_complete;
+	ahash_req = ahash_request_alloc(tfm, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (ahash_req == NULL)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	init_completion(&ahash_req_complete);
+	ahash_request_set_callback(ahash_req,
+				_crypto_sha_hmac_ahash_req_complete,
+				&ahash_req_complete);
+	crypto_ahash_clear_flags(tfm, ~0);
+	in_buf = kzalloc(len + 64, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (in_buf == NULL) {
+		ahash_request_free(ahash_req);
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	memcpy(in_buf, key, len);
+	sg_set_buf(&sg, in_buf, len);
+	sg_mark_end(&sg);
+	ahash_request_set_crypt(ahash_req, &sg,
+				&sha_ctx->authkey[0], len);
+	if (sha_ctx->alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1)
+		ret = _sha1_digest(ahash_req);
+	else
+		ret = _sha256_digest(ahash_req);
+	if (ret == -EINPROGRESS || ret == -EBUSY) {
+		ret =
+			wait_for_completion_interruptible(
+						&ahash_req_complete);
+		reinit_completion(&sha_ctx->ahash_req_complete);
+	}
+	kzfree(in_buf);
+	ahash_request_free(ahash_req);
+	return ret;
+static int _sha1_hmac_setkey(struct crypto_ahash *tfm, const u8 *key,
+							unsigned int len)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(&tfm->base);
+	memset(&sha_ctx->authkey[0], 0, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	if (len <= SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+		memcpy(&sha_ctx->authkey[0], key, len);
+		sha_ctx->authkey_in_len = len;
+	} else {
+		sha_ctx->alg = QCE_HASH_SHA1;
+		sha_ctx->diglen = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;
+		_sha_hmac_setkey(tfm, key, len);
+		sha_ctx->authkey_in_len = SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int _sha256_hmac_setkey(struct crypto_ahash *tfm, const u8 *key,
+							unsigned int len)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(&tfm->base);
+	memset(&sha_ctx->authkey[0], 0, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	if (len <= SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE) {
+		memcpy(&sha_ctx->authkey[0], key, len);
+		sha_ctx->authkey_in_len = len;
+	} else {
+		sha_ctx->alg = QCE_HASH_SHA256;
+		sha_ctx->diglen = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+		_sha_hmac_setkey(tfm, key, len);
+		sha_ctx->authkey_in_len = SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE;
+	}
+	return 0;
+static int _sha_hmac_init_ihash(struct ahash_request *req,
+						uint32_t sha_block_size)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	int i;
+	for (i = 0; i < sha_block_size; i++)
+		rctx->trailing_buf[i] = sha_ctx->authkey[i] ^ 0x36;
+	rctx->trailing_buf_len = sha_block_size;
+	return 0;
+static int _sha1_hmac_init(struct ahash_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = sha_ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	pstat->sha1_hmac_digest++;
+	_sha_init(req);
+	memset(&rctx->trailing_buf[0], 0x00, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	memcpy(&rctx->digest[0], &_std_init_vector_sha1_uint8[0],
+	sha_ctx->diglen = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;
+	if (cp->ce_support.sha_hmac)
+		sha_ctx->alg = QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC;
+	else {
+		sha_ctx->alg = QCE_HASH_SHA1;
+		ret = _sha_hmac_init_ihash(req, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	}
+	return ret;
+static int _sha256_hmac_init(struct ahash_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = sha_ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	pstat->sha256_hmac_digest++;
+	_sha_init(req);
+	memset(&rctx->trailing_buf[0], 0x00, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	memcpy(&rctx->digest[0], &_std_init_vector_sha256_uint8[0],
+						SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);
+	sha_ctx->diglen = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+	if (cp->ce_support.sha_hmac)
+		sha_ctx->alg = QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC;
+	else {
+		sha_ctx->alg = QCE_HASH_SHA256;
+		ret = _sha_hmac_init_ihash(req, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	}
+	return ret;
+static int _sha1_hmac_update(struct ahash_request *req)
+	return _sha1_update(req);
+static int _sha256_hmac_update(struct ahash_request *req)
+	return _sha256_update(req);
+static int _sha_hmac_outer_hash(struct ahash_request *req,
+		uint32_t sha_digest_size, uint32_t sha_block_size)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = sha_ctx->cp;
+	int i;
+	uint8_t  *staging;
+	uint8_t *p;
+	staging = (uint8_t *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)rctx->staging_dmabuf),
+							L1_CACHE_BYTES);
+	p = staging;
+	for (i = 0; i < sha_block_size; i++)
+		*p++ = sha_ctx->authkey[i] ^ 0x5c;
+	memcpy(p, &rctx->digest[0], sha_digest_size);
+	sg_set_buf(&rctx->sg[0], staging, sha_block_size +
+							sha_digest_size);
+	sg_mark_end(&rctx->sg[0]);
+	/* save the original req structure fields*/
+	rctx->src = req->src;
+	rctx->nbytes = req->nbytes;
+	req->src = &rctx->sg[0];
+	req->nbytes = sha_block_size + sha_digest_size;
+	_sha_init(req);
+	if (sha_ctx->alg == QCE_HASH_SHA1) {
+		memcpy(&rctx->digest[0], &_std_init_vector_sha1_uint8[0],
+							SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE);
+		sha_ctx->diglen = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;
+	} else {
+		memcpy(&rctx->digest[0], &_std_init_vector_sha256_uint8[0],
+							SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);
+		sha_ctx->diglen = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+	}
+	rctx->last_blk = 1;
+	return  _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, sha_ctx->pengine, &req->base);
+static int _sha_hmac_inner_hash(struct ahash_request *req,
+			uint32_t sha_digest_size, uint32_t sha_block_size)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct ahash_request *areq = sha_ctx->ahash_req;
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = sha_ctx->cp;
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	uint8_t  *staging;
+	staging = (uint8_t *)ALIGN(((uintptr_t)rctx->staging_dmabuf),
+							L1_CACHE_BYTES);
+	memcpy(staging, rctx->trailing_buf, rctx->trailing_buf_len);
+	sg_set_buf(&rctx->sg[0], staging, rctx->trailing_buf_len);
+	sg_mark_end(&rctx->sg[0]);
+	ahash_request_set_crypt(areq, &rctx->sg[0], &rctx->digest[0],
+						rctx->trailing_buf_len);
+	rctx->last_blk = 1;
+	ret =  _qcrypto_queue_req(cp, sha_ctx->pengine, &areq->base);
+	if (ret == -EINPROGRESS || ret == -EBUSY) {
+		ret =
+		wait_for_completion_interruptible(&sha_ctx->ahash_req_complete);
+		reinit_completion(&sha_ctx->ahash_req_complete);
+	}
+	return ret;
+static int _sha1_hmac_final(struct ahash_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = sha_ctx->cp;
+	int ret = 0;
+	if (cp->ce_support.sha_hmac)
+		return _sha_final(req, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	ret = _sha_hmac_inner_hash(req, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	return _sha_hmac_outer_hash(req, SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE, SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE);
+static int _sha256_hmac_final(struct ahash_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = sha_ctx->cp;
+	int ret = 0;
+	if (cp->ce_support.sha_hmac)
+		return _sha_final(req, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	ret = _sha_hmac_inner_hash(req, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	return _sha_hmac_outer_hash(req, SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE, SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE);
+static int _sha1_hmac_digest(struct ahash_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	pstat->sha1_hmac_digest++;
+	_sha_init(req);
+	memcpy(&rctx->digest[0], &_std_init_vector_sha1_uint8[0],
+							SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE);
+	sha_ctx->diglen = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE;
+	sha_ctx->alg = QCE_HASH_SHA1_HMAC;
+	return _sha_digest(req);
+static int _sha256_hmac_digest(struct ahash_request *req)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *sha_ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_stat *pstat;
+	struct qcrypto_sha_req_ctx *rctx = ahash_request_ctx(req);
+	pstat = &_qcrypto_stat;
+	pstat->sha256_hmac_digest++;
+	_sha_init(req);
+	memcpy(&rctx->digest[0], &_std_init_vector_sha256_uint8[0],
+						SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE);
+	sha_ctx->diglen = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE;
+	sha_ctx->alg = QCE_HASH_SHA256_HMAC;
+	return _sha_digest(req);
+static int _qcrypto_prefix_alg_cra_name(char cra_name[], unsigned int size)
+	char new_cra_name[CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME] = "qcom-";
+	if (size >= CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME - strlen("qcom-"))
+		return -EINVAL;
+	strlcat(new_cra_name, cra_name, CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME);
+	strlcpy(cra_name, new_cra_name, CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME);
+	return 0;
+int qcrypto_cipher_set_device(struct ablkcipher_request *req, unsigned int dev)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine = NULL;
+	pengine = _qrypto_find_pengine_device(cp, dev);
+	if (pengine == NULL)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	ctx->pengine = pengine;
+	return 0;
+int qcrypto_cipher_set_device_hw(struct ablkcipher_request *req, u32 dev,
+			u32 hw_inst)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine = NULL;
+	pengine = _qrypto_find_pengine_device_hw(cp, dev, hw_inst);
+	if (pengine == NULL)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	ctx->pengine = pengine;
+	return 0;
+int qcrypto_aead_set_device(struct aead_request *req, unsigned int dev)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine = NULL;
+	pengine = _qrypto_find_pengine_device(cp, dev);
+	if (pengine == NULL)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	ctx->pengine = pengine;
+	return 0;
+int qcrypto_ahash_set_device(struct ahash_request *req, unsigned int dev)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine = NULL;
+	pengine = _qrypto_find_pengine_device(cp, dev);
+	if (pengine == NULL)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	ctx->pengine = pengine;
+	return 0;
+int qcrypto_cipher_set_flag(struct ablkcipher_request *req, unsigned int flags)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	if ((flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_HW_KEY) &&
+		(cp->platform_support.hw_key_support == false)) {
+		pr_err("%s HW key usage not supported\n", __func__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (((flags | ctx->flags) & QCRYPTO_CTX_KEY_MASK) ==
+		pr_err("%s Cannot set all key flags\n", __func__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ctx->flags |= flags;
+	return 0;
+int qcrypto_aead_set_flag(struct aead_request *req, unsigned int flags)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	if ((flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_HW_KEY) &&
+		(cp->platform_support.hw_key_support == false)) {
+		pr_err("%s HW key usage not supported\n", __func__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (((flags | ctx->flags) & QCRYPTO_CTX_KEY_MASK) ==
+		pr_err("%s Cannot set all key flags\n", __func__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ctx->flags |= flags;
+	return 0;
+int qcrypto_ahash_set_flag(struct ahash_request *req, unsigned int flags)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = ctx->cp;
+	if ((flags & QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_HW_KEY) &&
+		(cp->platform_support.hw_key_support == false)) {
+		pr_err("%s HW key usage not supported\n", __func__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	if (((flags | ctx->flags) & QCRYPTO_CTX_KEY_MASK) ==
+		pr_err("%s Cannot set all key flags\n", __func__);
+		return -EINVAL;
+	}
+	ctx->flags |= flags;
+	return 0;
+int qcrypto_cipher_clear_flag(struct ablkcipher_request *req,
+							unsigned int flags)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	ctx->flags &= ~flags;
+	return 0;
+int qcrypto_aead_clear_flag(struct aead_request *req, unsigned int flags)
+	struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	ctx->flags &= ~flags;
+	return 0;
+int qcrypto_ahash_clear_flag(struct ahash_request *req, unsigned int flags)
+	struct qcrypto_sha_ctx *ctx = crypto_tfm_ctx(req->base.tfm);
+	ctx->flags &= ~flags;
+	return 0;
+static struct ahash_alg _qcrypto_ahash_algos[] = {
+	{
+		.init		=	_sha1_init,
+		.update		=	_sha1_update,
+		.final		=	_sha1_final,
+		.export		=	_sha1_export,
+		.import		=	_sha1_import,
+		.digest		=	_sha1_digest,
+		.halg		= {
+			.digestsize	= SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE,
+			.statesize	= sizeof(struct sha1_state),
+			.base	= {
+				.cra_name	 = "sha1",
+				.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-sha1",
+				.cra_priority	 = 300,
+				.cra_flags	 = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AHASH |
+				.cra_blocksize	 = SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE,
+				.cra_ctxsize	 =
+						sizeof(struct qcrypto_sha_ctx),
+				.cra_alignmask	 = 0,
+				.cra_type	 = &crypto_ahash_type,
+				.cra_module	 = THIS_MODULE,
+				.cra_init	 = _qcrypto_ahash_cra_init,
+				.cra_exit	 = _qcrypto_ahash_cra_exit,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		.init		=	_sha256_init,
+		.update		=	_sha256_update,
+		.final		=	_sha256_final,
+		.export		=	_sha256_export,
+		.import		=	_sha256_import,
+		.digest		=	_sha256_digest,
+		.halg		= {
+			.digestsize	= SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE,
+			.statesize	= sizeof(struct sha256_state),
+			.base		= {
+				.cra_name	 = "sha256",
+				.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-sha256",
+				.cra_priority	 = 300,
+				.cra_flags	 = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AHASH |
+				.cra_blocksize	 = SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE,
+				.cra_ctxsize	 =
+						sizeof(struct qcrypto_sha_ctx),
+				.cra_alignmask	 = 0,
+				.cra_type	 = &crypto_ahash_type,
+				.cra_module	 = THIS_MODULE,
+				.cra_init	 = _qcrypto_ahash_cra_init,
+				.cra_exit	 = _qcrypto_ahash_cra_exit,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+static struct ahash_alg _qcrypto_sha_hmac_algos[] = {
+	{
+		.init		=	_sha1_hmac_init,
+		.update		=	_sha1_hmac_update,
+		.final		=	_sha1_hmac_final,
+		.export		=	_sha1_hmac_export,
+		.import		=	_sha1_hmac_import,
+		.digest		=	_sha1_hmac_digest,
+		.setkey		=	_sha1_hmac_setkey,
+		.halg		= {
+			.digestsize	= SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE,
+			.statesize	= sizeof(struct sha1_state),
+			.base	= {
+				.cra_name	 = "hmac(sha1)",
+				.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-hmac-sha1",
+				.cra_priority	 = 300,
+				.cra_flags	 = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AHASH |
+				.cra_blocksize	 = SHA1_BLOCK_SIZE,
+				.cra_ctxsize	 =
+						sizeof(struct qcrypto_sha_ctx),
+				.cra_alignmask	 = 0,
+				.cra_type	 = &crypto_ahash_type,
+				.cra_module	 = THIS_MODULE,
+				.cra_init	 = _qcrypto_ahash_hmac_cra_init,
+				.cra_exit	 = _qcrypto_ahash_cra_exit,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		.init		=	_sha256_hmac_init,
+		.update		=	_sha256_hmac_update,
+		.final		=	_sha256_hmac_final,
+		.export		=	_sha256_hmac_export,
+		.import		=	_sha256_hmac_import,
+		.digest		=	_sha256_hmac_digest,
+		.setkey		=	_sha256_hmac_setkey,
+		.halg		= {
+			.digestsize	= SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE,
+			.statesize	= sizeof(struct sha256_state),
+			.base		= {
+				.cra_name	 = "hmac(sha256)",
+				.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-hmac-sha256",
+				.cra_priority	 = 300,
+				.cra_flags	 = CRYPTO_ALG_TYPE_AHASH |
+				.cra_blocksize	 = SHA256_BLOCK_SIZE,
+				.cra_ctxsize	 =
+						sizeof(struct qcrypto_sha_ctx),
+				.cra_alignmask	 = 0,
+				.cra_type	 = &crypto_ahash_type,
+				.cra_module	 = THIS_MODULE,
+				.cra_init	 = _qcrypto_ahash_hmac_cra_init,
+				.cra_exit	 = _qcrypto_ahash_cra_exit,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+static struct crypto_alg _qcrypto_ablk_cipher_algos[] = {
+	{
+		.cra_name		= "ecb(aes)",
+		.cra_driver_name	= "qcrypto-ecb-aes",
+		.cra_priority	= 300,
+		.cra_blocksize	= AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+		.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+		.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+		.cra_type	= &crypto_ablkcipher_type,
+		.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+		.cra_init	= _qcrypto_cra_aes_ablkcipher_init,
+		.cra_exit	= _qcrypto_cra_aes_ablkcipher_exit,
+		.cra_u		= {
+			.ablkcipher = {
+				.min_keysize	= AES_MIN_KEY_SIZE,
+				.max_keysize	= AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE,
+				.setkey		= _qcrypto_setkey_aes,
+				.encrypt	= _qcrypto_enc_aes_ecb,
+				.decrypt	= _qcrypto_dec_aes_ecb,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		.cra_name	= "cbc(aes)",
+		.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-cbc-aes",
+		.cra_priority	= 300,
+		.cra_blocksize	= AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+		.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+		.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+		.cra_type	= &crypto_ablkcipher_type,
+		.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+		.cra_init	= _qcrypto_cra_aes_ablkcipher_init,
+		.cra_exit	= _qcrypto_cra_aes_ablkcipher_exit,
+		.cra_u		= {
+			.ablkcipher = {
+				.ivsize		= AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+				.min_keysize	= AES_MIN_KEY_SIZE,
+				.max_keysize	= AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE,
+				.setkey		= _qcrypto_setkey_aes,
+				.encrypt	= _qcrypto_enc_aes_cbc,
+				.decrypt	= _qcrypto_dec_aes_cbc,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		.cra_name	= "ctr(aes)",
+		.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-ctr-aes",
+		.cra_priority	= 300,
+		.cra_blocksize	= AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+		.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+		.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+		.cra_type	= &crypto_ablkcipher_type,
+		.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+		.cra_init	= _qcrypto_cra_aes_ablkcipher_init,
+		.cra_exit	= _qcrypto_cra_aes_ablkcipher_exit,
+		.cra_u		= {
+			.ablkcipher = {
+				.ivsize		= AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+				.min_keysize	= AES_MIN_KEY_SIZE,
+				.max_keysize	= AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE,
+				.setkey		= _qcrypto_setkey_aes,
+				.encrypt	= _qcrypto_enc_aes_ctr,
+				.decrypt	= _qcrypto_dec_aes_ctr,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		.cra_name		= "ecb(des)",
+		.cra_driver_name	= "qcrypto-ecb-des",
+		.cra_priority	= 300,
+		.cra_blocksize	= DES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+		.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+		.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+		.cra_type	= &crypto_ablkcipher_type,
+		.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+		.cra_init	= _qcrypto_cra_ablkcipher_init,
+		.cra_exit	= _qcrypto_cra_ablkcipher_exit,
+		.cra_u		= {
+			.ablkcipher = {
+				.min_keysize	= DES_KEY_SIZE,
+				.max_keysize	= DES_KEY_SIZE,
+				.setkey		= _qcrypto_setkey_des,
+				.encrypt	= _qcrypto_enc_des_ecb,
+				.decrypt	= _qcrypto_dec_des_ecb,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		.cra_name	= "cbc(des)",
+		.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-cbc-des",
+		.cra_priority	= 300,
+		.cra_blocksize	= DES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+		.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+		.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+		.cra_type	= &crypto_ablkcipher_type,
+		.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+		.cra_init	= _qcrypto_cra_ablkcipher_init,
+		.cra_exit	= _qcrypto_cra_ablkcipher_exit,
+		.cra_u		= {
+			.ablkcipher = {
+				.ivsize		= DES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+				.min_keysize	= DES_KEY_SIZE,
+				.max_keysize	= DES_KEY_SIZE,
+				.setkey		= _qcrypto_setkey_des,
+				.encrypt	= _qcrypto_enc_des_cbc,
+				.decrypt	= _qcrypto_dec_des_cbc,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		.cra_name		= "ecb(des3_ede)",
+		.cra_driver_name	= "qcrypto-ecb-3des",
+		.cra_priority	= 300,
+		.cra_blocksize	= DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE,
+		.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+		.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+		.cra_type	= &crypto_ablkcipher_type,
+		.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+		.cra_init	= _qcrypto_cra_ablkcipher_init,
+		.cra_exit	= _qcrypto_cra_ablkcipher_exit,
+		.cra_u		= {
+			.ablkcipher = {
+				.min_keysize	= DES3_EDE_KEY_SIZE,
+				.max_keysize	= DES3_EDE_KEY_SIZE,
+				.setkey		= _qcrypto_setkey_3des,
+				.encrypt	= _qcrypto_enc_3des_ecb,
+				.decrypt	= _qcrypto_dec_3des_ecb,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+	{
+		.cra_name	= "cbc(des3_ede)",
+		.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-cbc-3des",
+		.cra_priority	= 300,
+		.cra_blocksize	= DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE,
+		.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+		.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+		.cra_type	= &crypto_ablkcipher_type,
+		.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+		.cra_init	= _qcrypto_cra_ablkcipher_init,
+		.cra_exit	= _qcrypto_cra_ablkcipher_exit,
+		.cra_u		= {
+			.ablkcipher = {
+				.ivsize		= DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE,
+				.min_keysize	= DES3_EDE_KEY_SIZE,
+				.max_keysize	= DES3_EDE_KEY_SIZE,
+				.setkey		= _qcrypto_setkey_3des,
+				.encrypt	= _qcrypto_enc_3des_cbc,
+				.decrypt	= _qcrypto_dec_3des_cbc,
+			},
+		},
+	},
+static struct crypto_alg _qcrypto_ablk_cipher_xts_algo = {
+	.cra_name	= "xts(aes)",
+	.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-xts-aes",
+	.cra_priority	= 300,
+	.cra_blocksize	= AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+	.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+	.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+	.cra_type	= &crypto_ablkcipher_type,
+	.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+	.cra_init	= _qcrypto_cra_ablkcipher_init,
+	.cra_exit	= _qcrypto_cra_ablkcipher_exit,
+	.cra_u		= {
+		.ablkcipher = {
+			.ivsize		= AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+			.min_keysize	= AES_MIN_KEY_SIZE,
+			.max_keysize	= AES_MAX_KEY_SIZE,
+			.setkey		= _qcrypto_setkey_aes_xts,
+			.encrypt	= _qcrypto_enc_aes_xts,
+			.decrypt	= _qcrypto_dec_aes_xts,
+		},
+	},
+static struct aead_alg _qcrypto_aead_sha1_hmac_algos[] = {
+	{
+		.base = {
+		.cra_name	= "authenc(hmac(sha1),cbc(aes))",
+		.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-aead-hmac-sha1-cbc-aes",
+		.cra_priority	= 300,
+			.cra_flags	= CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
+		.cra_blocksize  = AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+		.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+		.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+		.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+		},
+				.ivsize         = AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+				.maxauthsize    = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE,
+				.setkey = _qcrypto_aead_setkey,
+				.setauthsize = _qcrypto_aead_setauthsize,
+				.encrypt = _qcrypto_aead_encrypt_aes_cbc,
+				.decrypt = _qcrypto_aead_decrypt_aes_cbc,
+		.init	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_aes_sha1_init,
+		.exit	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_aes_exit,
+	},
+	{
+		.base = {
+		.cra_name	= "authenc(hmac(sha1),cbc(des))",
+		.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-aead-hmac-sha1-cbc-des",
+		.cra_priority	= 300,
+			.cra_flags	= CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
+		.cra_blocksize  = DES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+		.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+		.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+		.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+		},
+				.ivsize         = DES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+				.maxauthsize    = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE,
+				.setkey = _qcrypto_aead_setkey,
+				.setauthsize = _qcrypto_aead_setauthsize,
+				.encrypt = _qcrypto_aead_encrypt_des_cbc,
+				.decrypt = _qcrypto_aead_decrypt_des_cbc,
+		.init	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_sha1_init,
+		.exit	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_exit,
+	},
+	{
+		.base = {
+		.cra_name	= "authenc(hmac(sha1),cbc(des3_ede))",
+		.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-aead-hmac-sha1-cbc-3des",
+		.cra_priority	= 300,
+			.cra_flags	= CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
+		.cra_blocksize  = DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE,
+		.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+		.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+		.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+		},
+				.ivsize         = DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE,
+				.maxauthsize    = SHA1_DIGEST_SIZE,
+				.setkey = _qcrypto_aead_setkey,
+				.setauthsize = _qcrypto_aead_setauthsize,
+				.encrypt = _qcrypto_aead_encrypt_3des_cbc,
+				.decrypt = _qcrypto_aead_decrypt_3des_cbc,
+		.init	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_sha1_init,
+		.exit	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_exit,
+	},
+static struct aead_alg _qcrypto_aead_sha256_hmac_algos[] = {
+	{
+		.base = {
+		.cra_name	= "authenc(hmac(sha256),cbc(aes))",
+		.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-aead-hmac-sha256-cbc-aes",
+		.cra_priority	= 300,
+			.cra_flags	= CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
+		.cra_blocksize  = AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+		.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+		.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+		.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+		},
+				.ivsize         = AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+				.maxauthsize    = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE,
+				.setkey = _qcrypto_aead_setkey,
+				.setauthsize = _qcrypto_aead_setauthsize,
+				.encrypt = _qcrypto_aead_encrypt_aes_cbc,
+				.decrypt = _qcrypto_aead_decrypt_aes_cbc,
+		.init	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_aes_sha256_init,
+		.exit	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_aes_exit,
+	},
+	{
+		.base = {
+		.cra_name	= "authenc(hmac(sha256),cbc(des))",
+		.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-aead-hmac-sha256-cbc-des",
+		.cra_priority	= 300,
+			.cra_flags	= CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
+		.cra_blocksize  = DES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+		.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+		.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+		.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+		},
+				.ivsize         = DES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+				.maxauthsize    = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE,
+				.setkey = _qcrypto_aead_setkey,
+				.setauthsize = _qcrypto_aead_setauthsize,
+				.encrypt = _qcrypto_aead_encrypt_des_cbc,
+				.decrypt = _qcrypto_aead_decrypt_des_cbc,
+		.init	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_sha256_init,
+		.exit	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_exit,
+	},
+	{
+		.base = {
+		.cra_name	= "authenc(hmac(sha256),cbc(des3_ede))",
+		.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-aead-hmac-sha256-cbc-3des",
+		.cra_priority	= 300,
+			.cra_flags	= CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
+		.cra_blocksize  = DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE,
+		.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+		.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+		.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+		},
+				.ivsize         = DES3_EDE_BLOCK_SIZE,
+				.maxauthsize    = SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE,
+				.setkey = _qcrypto_aead_setkey,
+				.setauthsize = _qcrypto_aead_setauthsize,
+				.encrypt = _qcrypto_aead_encrypt_3des_cbc,
+				.decrypt = _qcrypto_aead_decrypt_3des_cbc,
+		.init	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_sha256_init,
+		.exit	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_exit,
+	},
+static struct aead_alg _qcrypto_aead_ccm_algo = {
+	.base = {
+		.cra_name	= "ccm(aes)",
+		.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-aes-ccm",
+		.cra_priority	= 300,
+		.cra_flags	= CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
+		.cra_blocksize  = AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+		.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+		.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+		.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+	},
+	.ivsize         = AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+	.maxauthsize    = AES_BLOCK_SIZE,
+	.setkey = _qcrypto_aead_ccm_setkey,
+	.setauthsize = _qcrypto_aead_ccm_setauthsize,
+	.encrypt = _qcrypto_aead_encrypt_aes_ccm,
+	.decrypt = _qcrypto_aead_decrypt_aes_ccm,
+	.init	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_ccm_init,
+	.exit	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_exit,
+static struct aead_alg _qcrypto_aead_rfc4309_ccm_algo = {
+	.base = {
+		.cra_name	= "rfc4309(ccm(aes))",
+		.cra_driver_name = "qcrypto-rfc4309-aes-ccm",
+		.cra_priority	= 300,
+		.cra_flags	= CRYPTO_ALG_ASYNC,
+		.cra_blocksize  = 1,
+		.cra_ctxsize	= sizeof(struct qcrypto_cipher_ctx),
+		.cra_alignmask	= 0,
+		.cra_module	= THIS_MODULE,
+	},
+	.ivsize         = 8,
+	.maxauthsize    = 16,
+	.setkey = _qcrypto_aead_rfc4309_ccm_setkey,
+	.setauthsize = _qcrypto_aead_rfc4309_ccm_setauthsize,
+	.encrypt = _qcrypto_aead_rfc4309_enc_aes_ccm,
+	.decrypt = _qcrypto_aead_rfc4309_dec_aes_ccm,
+	.init	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_rfc4309_ccm_init,
+	.exit	= _qcrypto_cra_aead_exit,
+static int  _qcrypto_probe(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	int rc = 0;
+	void *handle;
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = &qcrypto_dev;
+	int i;
+	struct msm_ce_hw_support *platform_support;
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	struct qcrypto_req_control *pqcrypto_req_control = NULL;
+	pengine = kzalloc(sizeof(*pengine), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!pengine)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	/* open qce */
+	handle = qce_open(pdev, &rc);
+	if (handle == NULL) {
+		kzfree(pengine);
+		platform_set_drvdata(pdev, NULL);
+		return rc;
+	}
+	platform_set_drvdata(pdev, pengine);
+	pengine->qce = handle;
+	pengine->pcp = cp;
+	pengine->pdev = pdev;
+	pengine->signature = 0xdeadbeef;
+	init_timer(&(pengine->bw_reaper_timer));
+	INIT_WORK(&pengine->bw_reaper_ws, qcrypto_bw_reaper_work);
+	pengine->bw_reaper_timer.function =
+			qcrypto_bw_reaper_timer_callback;
+	INIT_WORK(&pengine->bw_allocate_ws, qcrypto_bw_allocate_work);
+	pengine->high_bw_req = false;
+	pengine->active_seq = 0;
+	pengine->last_active_seq = 0;
+	pengine->check_flag = false;
+	pengine->max_req_used = 0;
+	pengine->issue_req = false;
+	crypto_init_queue(&pengine->req_queue, MSM_QCRYPTO_REQ_QUEUE_LENGTH);
+	mutex_lock(&cp->engine_lock);
+	cp->total_units++;
+	pengine->unit = cp->total_units;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+	pengine->first_engine = list_empty(&cp->engine_list);
+	if (pengine->first_engine)
+		cp->first_engine = pengine;
+	list_add_tail(&pengine->elist, &cp->engine_list);
+	cp->next_engine = pengine;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+	qce_hw_support(pengine->qce, &cp->ce_support);
+	pengine->ce_hw_instance = cp->ce_support.ce_hw_instance;
+	pengine->max_req = cp->ce_support.max_request;
+	pqcrypto_req_control = kzalloc(sizeof(struct qcrypto_req_control) *
+			pengine->max_req, GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (pqcrypto_req_control == NULL) {
+		rc = -ENOMEM;
+		goto err;
+	}
+	qcrypto_init_req_control(pengine, pqcrypto_req_control);
+	if (cp->ce_support.bam)	 {
+		cp->platform_support.ce_shared = cp->ce_support.is_shared;
+		cp->platform_support.shared_ce_resource = 0;
+		cp->platform_support.hw_key_support = cp->ce_support.hw_key;
+		cp->platform_support.sha_hmac = 1;
+		cp->platform_support.bus_scale_table =
+			(struct msm_bus_scale_pdata *)
+					msm_bus_cl_get_pdata(pdev);
+		if (!cp->platform_support.bus_scale_table)
+			pr_warn("bus_scale_table is NULL\n");
+		pengine->ce_device = cp->ce_support.ce_device;
+	} else {
+		platform_support =
+			(struct msm_ce_hw_support *)pdev->dev.platform_data;
+		cp->platform_support.ce_shared = platform_support->ce_shared;
+		cp->platform_support.shared_ce_resource =
+				platform_support->shared_ce_resource;
+		cp->platform_support.hw_key_support =
+				platform_support->hw_key_support;
+		cp->platform_support.bus_scale_table =
+				platform_support->bus_scale_table;
+		cp->platform_support.sha_hmac = platform_support->sha_hmac;
+	}
+	pengine->bus_scale_handle = 0;
+	if (cp->platform_support.bus_scale_table != NULL) {
+		pengine->bus_scale_handle =
+			msm_bus_scale_register_client(
+				(struct msm_bus_scale_pdata *)
+					cp->platform_support.bus_scale_table);
+		if (!pengine->bus_scale_handle) {
+			pr_err("%s not able to get bus scale\n",
+				__func__);
+			rc =  -ENOMEM;
+			goto err;
+		}
+		pengine->bw_state = BUS_NO_BANDWIDTH;
+	} else {
+		pengine->bw_state = BUS_HAS_BANDWIDTH;
+	}
+	if (cp->total_units != 1) {
+		mutex_unlock(&cp->engine_lock);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	/* register crypto cipher algorithms the device supports */
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(_qcrypto_ablk_cipher_algos); i++) {
+		struct qcrypto_alg *q_alg;
+		q_alg = _qcrypto_cipher_alg_alloc(cp,
+					&_qcrypto_ablk_cipher_algos[i]);
+		if (IS_ERR(q_alg)) {
+			rc = PTR_ERR(q_alg);
+			goto err;
+		}
+		if (cp->ce_support.use_sw_aes_cbc_ecb_ctr_algo) {
+			rc = _qcrypto_prefix_alg_cra_name(
+					q_alg->cipher_alg.cra_name,
+					strlen(q_alg->cipher_alg.cra_name));
+			if (rc) {
+				dev_err(&pdev->dev,
+					"The algorithm name %s is too long.\n",
+					q_alg->cipher_alg.cra_name);
+				kfree(q_alg);
+				goto err;
+			}
+		}
+		rc = crypto_register_alg(&q_alg->cipher_alg);
+		if (rc) {
+			dev_err(&pdev->dev, "%s alg registration failed\n",
+					q_alg->cipher_alg.cra_driver_name);
+			kzfree(q_alg);
+		} else {
+			list_add_tail(&q_alg->entry, &cp->alg_list);
+			dev_info(&pdev->dev, "%s\n",
+					q_alg->cipher_alg.cra_driver_name);
+		}
+	}
+	/* register crypto cipher algorithms the device supports */
+	if (cp->ce_support.aes_xts) {
+		struct qcrypto_alg *q_alg;
+		q_alg = _qcrypto_cipher_alg_alloc(cp,
+					&_qcrypto_ablk_cipher_xts_algo);
+		if (IS_ERR(q_alg)) {
+			rc = PTR_ERR(q_alg);
+			goto err;
+		}
+		if (cp->ce_support.use_sw_aes_xts_algo) {
+			rc = _qcrypto_prefix_alg_cra_name(
+					q_alg->cipher_alg.cra_name,
+					strlen(q_alg->cipher_alg.cra_name));
+			if (rc) {
+				dev_err(&pdev->dev,
+					"The algorithm name %s is too long.\n",
+					q_alg->cipher_alg.cra_name);
+				kfree(q_alg);
+				goto err;
+			}
+		}
+		rc = crypto_register_alg(&q_alg->cipher_alg);
+		if (rc) {
+			dev_err(&pdev->dev, "%s alg registration failed\n",
+					q_alg->cipher_alg.cra_driver_name);
+			kzfree(q_alg);
+		} else {
+			list_add_tail(&q_alg->entry, &cp->alg_list);
+			dev_info(&pdev->dev, "%s\n",
+					q_alg->cipher_alg.cra_driver_name);
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Register crypto hash (sha1 and sha256) algorithms the
+	 * device supports
+	 */
+	for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(_qcrypto_ahash_algos); i++) {
+		struct qcrypto_alg *q_alg = NULL;
+		q_alg = _qcrypto_sha_alg_alloc(cp, &_qcrypto_ahash_algos[i]);
+		if (IS_ERR(q_alg)) {
+			rc = PTR_ERR(q_alg);
+			goto err;
+		}
+		if (cp->ce_support.use_sw_ahash_algo) {
+			rc = _qcrypto_prefix_alg_cra_name(
+				q_alg->sha_alg.halg.base.cra_name,
+				strlen(q_alg->sha_alg.halg.base.cra_name));
+			if (rc) {
+				dev_err(&pdev->dev,
+					"The algorithm name %s is too long.\n",
+					q_alg->sha_alg.halg.base.cra_name);
+				kfree(q_alg);
+				goto err;
+			}
+		}
+		rc = crypto_register_ahash(&q_alg->sha_alg);
+		if (rc) {
+			dev_err(&pdev->dev, "%s alg registration failed\n",
+				q_alg->sha_alg.halg.base.cra_driver_name);
+			kzfree(q_alg);
+		} else {
+			list_add_tail(&q_alg->entry, &cp->alg_list);
+			dev_info(&pdev->dev, "%s\n",
+				q_alg->sha_alg.halg.base.cra_driver_name);
+		}
+	}
+	/* register crypto aead (hmac-sha1) algorithms the device supports */
+	if (cp->ce_support.sha1_hmac_20 || cp->ce_support.sha1_hmac
+		|| cp->ce_support.sha_hmac) {
+		for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(_qcrypto_aead_sha1_hmac_algos);
+									i++) {
+			struct qcrypto_alg *q_alg;
+			q_alg = _qcrypto_aead_alg_alloc(cp,
+					&_qcrypto_aead_sha1_hmac_algos[i]);
+			if (IS_ERR(q_alg)) {
+				rc = PTR_ERR(q_alg);
+				goto err;
+			}
+			if (cp->ce_support.use_sw_aead_algo) {
+				rc = _qcrypto_prefix_alg_cra_name(
+					q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_name,
+					strlen(q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_name));
+				if (rc) {
+					dev_err(&pdev->dev,
+						"The algorithm name %s is too long.\n",
+						q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_name);
+					kfree(q_alg);
+					goto err;
+				}
+			}
+			rc = crypto_register_aead(&q_alg->aead_alg);
+			if (rc) {
+				dev_err(&pdev->dev,
+					"%s alg registration failed\n",
+					q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_driver_name);
+				kfree(q_alg);
+			} else {
+				list_add_tail(&q_alg->entry, &cp->alg_list);
+				dev_info(&pdev->dev, "%s\n",
+					q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_driver_name);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/* register crypto aead (hmac-sha256) algorithms the device supports */
+	if (cp->ce_support.sha_hmac) {
+		for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(_qcrypto_aead_sha256_hmac_algos);
+									i++) {
+			struct qcrypto_alg *q_alg;
+			q_alg = _qcrypto_aead_alg_alloc(cp,
+					&_qcrypto_aead_sha256_hmac_algos[i]);
+			if (IS_ERR(q_alg)) {
+				rc = PTR_ERR(q_alg);
+				goto err;
+			}
+			if (cp->ce_support.use_sw_aead_algo) {
+				rc = _qcrypto_prefix_alg_cra_name(
+					q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_name,
+					strlen(q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_name));
+				if (rc) {
+					dev_err(&pdev->dev,
+						"The algorithm name %s is too long.\n",
+						q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_name);
+					kfree(q_alg);
+					goto err;
+				}
+			}
+			rc = crypto_register_aead(&q_alg->aead_alg);
+			if (rc) {
+				dev_err(&pdev->dev,
+					"%s alg registration failed\n",
+					q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_driver_name);
+				kfree(q_alg);
+			} else {
+				list_add_tail(&q_alg->entry, &cp->alg_list);
+				dev_info(&pdev->dev, "%s\n",
+					q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_driver_name);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if ((cp->ce_support.sha_hmac) || (cp->platform_support.sha_hmac)) {
+		/* register crypto hmac algorithms the device supports */
+		for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(_qcrypto_sha_hmac_algos); i++) {
+			struct qcrypto_alg *q_alg = NULL;
+			q_alg = _qcrypto_sha_alg_alloc(cp,
+						&_qcrypto_sha_hmac_algos[i]);
+			if (IS_ERR(q_alg)) {
+				rc = PTR_ERR(q_alg);
+				goto err;
+			}
+			if (cp->ce_support.use_sw_hmac_algo) {
+				rc = _qcrypto_prefix_alg_cra_name(
+					q_alg->sha_alg.halg.base.cra_name,
+					strlen(
+					q_alg->sha_alg.halg.base.cra_name));
+				if (rc) {
+					dev_err(&pdev->dev,
+					     "The algorithm name %s is too long.\n",
+					     q_alg->sha_alg.halg.base.cra_name);
+					kfree(q_alg);
+					goto err;
+				}
+			}
+			rc = crypto_register_ahash(&q_alg->sha_alg);
+			if (rc) {
+				dev_err(&pdev->dev,
+				"%s alg registration failed\n",
+				q_alg->sha_alg.halg.base.cra_driver_name);
+				kzfree(q_alg);
+			} else {
+				list_add_tail(&q_alg->entry, &cp->alg_list);
+				dev_info(&pdev->dev, "%s\n",
+				q_alg->sha_alg.halg.base.cra_driver_name);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/*
+	 * Register crypto cipher (aes-ccm) algorithms the
+	 * device supports
+	 */
+	if (cp->ce_support.aes_ccm) {
+		struct qcrypto_alg *q_alg;
+		q_alg = _qcrypto_aead_alg_alloc(cp, &_qcrypto_aead_ccm_algo);
+		if (IS_ERR(q_alg)) {
+			rc = PTR_ERR(q_alg);
+			goto err;
+		}
+		if (cp->ce_support.use_sw_aes_ccm_algo) {
+			rc = _qcrypto_prefix_alg_cra_name(
+					q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_name,
+					strlen(q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_name));
+			if (rc) {
+				dev_err(&pdev->dev,
+						"The algorithm name %s is too long.\n",
+						q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_name);
+				kfree(q_alg);
+				goto err;
+			}
+		}
+		rc = crypto_register_aead(&q_alg->aead_alg);
+		if (rc) {
+			dev_err(&pdev->dev, "%s alg registration failed\n",
+					q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_driver_name);
+			kzfree(q_alg);
+		} else {
+			list_add_tail(&q_alg->entry, &cp->alg_list);
+			dev_info(&pdev->dev, "%s\n",
+					q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_driver_name);
+		}
+		q_alg = _qcrypto_aead_alg_alloc(cp,
+					&_qcrypto_aead_rfc4309_ccm_algo);
+		if (IS_ERR(q_alg)) {
+			rc = PTR_ERR(q_alg);
+			goto err;
+		}
+		if (cp->ce_support.use_sw_aes_ccm_algo) {
+			rc = _qcrypto_prefix_alg_cra_name(
+					q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_name,
+					strlen(q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_name));
+			if (rc) {
+				dev_err(&pdev->dev,
+						"The algorithm name %s is too long.\n",
+						q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_name);
+				kfree(q_alg);
+				goto err;
+			}
+		}
+		rc = crypto_register_aead(&q_alg->aead_alg);
+		if (rc) {
+			dev_err(&pdev->dev, "%s alg registration failed\n",
+					q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_driver_name);
+			kfree(q_alg);
+		} else {
+			list_add_tail(&q_alg->entry, &cp->alg_list);
+			dev_info(&pdev->dev, "%s\n",
+					q_alg->aead_alg.base.cra_driver_name);
+		}
+	}
+	mutex_unlock(&cp->engine_lock);
+	return 0;
+	_qcrypto_remove_engine(pengine);
+	mutex_unlock(&cp->engine_lock);
+	if (pengine->qce)
+		qce_close(pengine->qce);
+	kzfree(pengine);
+	return rc;
+static int _qcrypto_engine_in_use(struct crypto_engine *pengine)
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = pengine->pcp;
+	if ((atomic_read(&pengine->req_count) > 0) || pengine->req_queue.qlen
+					|| cp->req_queue.qlen)
+		return 1;
+	return 0;
+static void _qcrypto_do_suspending(struct crypto_engine *pengine)
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = pengine->pcp;
+	if (cp->platform_support.bus_scale_table == NULL)
+		return;
+	del_timer_sync(&pengine->bw_reaper_timer);
+	qcrypto_ce_set_bus(pengine, false);
+static int  _qcrypto_suspend(struct platform_device *pdev, pm_message_t state)
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine;
+	struct crypto_priv *cp;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	pengine = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	if (!pengine)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	/*
+	 * Check if this platform supports clock management in suspend/resume
+	 * If not, just simply return 0.
+	 */
+	cp = pengine->pcp;
+	if (!cp->ce_support.clk_mgmt_sus_res)
+		return 0;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+	switch (pengine->bw_state) {
+		if (pengine->high_bw_req == false)
+			pengine->bw_state = BUS_SUSPENDED;
+		else
+			ret = -EBUSY;
+		break;
+		if (_qcrypto_engine_in_use(pengine)) {
+			ret = -EBUSY;
+		} else {
+			pengine->bw_state = BUS_SUSPENDING;
+			spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+			_qcrypto_do_suspending(pengine);
+			spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+			pengine->bw_state = BUS_SUSPENDED;
+		}
+		break;
+	default:
+			ret = -EBUSY;
+			break;
+	}
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	if (qce_pm_table.suspend)
+		qce_pm_table.suspend(pengine->qce);
+	return 0;
+static int  _qcrypto_resume(struct platform_device *pdev)
+	struct crypto_engine *pengine;
+	struct crypto_priv *cp;
+	unsigned long flags;
+	int ret = 0;
+	pengine = platform_get_drvdata(pdev);
+	if (!pengine)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	cp = pengine->pcp;
+	if (!cp->ce_support.clk_mgmt_sus_res)
+		return 0;
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+	if (pengine->bw_state == BUS_SUSPENDED) {
+		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+		if (qce_pm_table.resume)
+			qce_pm_table.resume(pengine->qce);
+		spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+		pengine->bw_state = BUS_NO_BANDWIDTH;
+		pengine->active_seq++;
+		pengine->check_flag = false;
+		if (cp->req_queue.qlen || pengine->req_queue.qlen) {
+			if (pengine->high_bw_req == false) {
+				qcrypto_ce_bw_allocate_req(pengine);
+				pengine->high_bw_req = true;
+			}
+		}
+	} else
+		ret = -EBUSY;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+	return ret;
+static const struct of_device_id qcrypto_match[] = {
+	{	.compatible = "qcom,qcrypto",
+	},
+	{}
+static struct platform_driver __qcrypto = {
+	.probe          = _qcrypto_probe,
+	.remove         = _qcrypto_remove,
+	.suspend        = _qcrypto_suspend,
+	.resume         = _qcrypto_resume,
+	.driver         = {
+		.owner  = THIS_MODULE,
+		.name   = "qcrypto",
+		.of_match_table = qcrypto_match,
+	},
+static int _debug_qcrypto;
+static int _debug_stats_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file)
+	file->private_data = inode->i_private;
+	return 0;
+static ssize_t _debug_stats_read(struct file *file, char __user *buf,
+			size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+	int rc = -EINVAL;
+	int qcrypto = *((int *) file->private_data);
+	int len;
+	len = _disp_stats(qcrypto);
+	if (len <= count)
+		rc = simple_read_from_buffer((void __user *) buf, len,
+			ppos, (void *) _debug_read_buf, len);
+	return rc;
+static ssize_t _debug_stats_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf,
+			size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+	unsigned long flags;
+	struct crypto_priv *cp = &qcrypto_dev;
+	struct crypto_engine *pe;
+	int i;
+	memset((char *)&_qcrypto_stat, 0, sizeof(struct crypto_stat));
+	spin_lock_irqsave(&cp->lock, flags);
+	list_for_each_entry(pe, &cp->engine_list, elist) {
+		pe->total_req = 0;
+		pe->err_req = 0;
+		qce_clear_driver_stats(pe->qce);
+		pe->max_req_used = 0;
+	}
+	cp->max_qlen = 0;
+	cp->resp_start = 0;
+	cp->resp_stop = 0;
+	cp->no_avail = 0;
+	cp->max_resp_qlen = 0;
+	cp->queue_work_eng3 = 0;
+	cp->queue_work_not_eng3 = 0;
+	cp->queue_work_not_eng3_nz = 0;
+	cp->max_reorder_cnt = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < MAX_SMP_CPU + 1; i++)
+		cp->cpu_req[i] = 0;
+	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&cp->lock, flags);
+	return count;
+static const struct file_operations _debug_stats_ops = {
+	.open =         _debug_stats_open,
+	.read =         _debug_stats_read,
+	.write =        _debug_stats_write,
+static int _qcrypto_debug_init(void)
+	int rc;
+	char name[DEBUG_MAX_FNAME];
+	struct dentry *dent;
+	_debug_dent = debugfs_create_dir("qcrypto", NULL);
+	if (IS_ERR(_debug_dent)) {
+		pr_err("qcrypto debugfs_create_dir fail, error %ld\n",
+				PTR_ERR(_debug_dent));
+		return PTR_ERR(_debug_dent);
+	}
+	snprintf(name, DEBUG_MAX_FNAME-1, "stats-%d", 1);
+	_debug_qcrypto = 0;
+	dent = debugfs_create_file(name, 0644, _debug_dent,
+				&_debug_qcrypto, &_debug_stats_ops);
+	if (dent == NULL) {
+		pr_err("qcrypto debugfs_create_file fail, error %ld\n",
+				PTR_ERR(dent));
+		rc = PTR_ERR(dent);
+		goto err;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	debugfs_remove_recursive(_debug_dent);
+	return rc;
+static int __init _qcrypto_init(void)
+	int rc;
+	struct crypto_priv *pcp = &qcrypto_dev;
+	rc = _qcrypto_debug_init();
+	if (rc)
+		return rc;
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pcp->alg_list);
+	INIT_LIST_HEAD(&pcp->engine_list);
+	init_llist_head(&pcp->ordered_resp_list);
+	spin_lock_init(&pcp->lock);
+	mutex_init(&pcp->engine_lock);
+	pcp->resp_wq = alloc_workqueue("qcrypto_seq_response_wq",
+	if (!pcp->resp_wq) {
+		pr_err("Error allocating workqueue\n");
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	}
+	INIT_WORK(&pcp->resp_work, seq_response);
+	pcp->total_units = 0;
+	pcp->platform_support.bus_scale_table = NULL;
+	pcp->next_engine = NULL;
+	pcp->scheduled_eng = NULL;
+	pcp->ce_req_proc_sts = IN_PROGRESS;
+	crypto_init_queue(&pcp->req_queue, MSM_QCRYPTO_REQ_QUEUE_LENGTH);
+	return platform_driver_register(&__qcrypto);
+static void __exit _qcrypto_exit(void)
+	pr_debug("%s Unregister QCRYPTO\n", __func__);
+	debugfs_remove_recursive(_debug_dent);
+	platform_driver_unregister(&__qcrypto);
diff --git a/drivers/crypto/msm/qcryptohw_50.h b/drivers/crypto/msm/qcryptohw_50.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..574f579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/crypto/msm/qcryptohw_50.h
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2012-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#define CRYPTO_BAM_CNFG_BITS_REG		0x0007C
+#define CRYPTO_BAM_CD_ENABLE			27
+#define CRYPTO_VERSION_REG			0x1A000
+#define CRYPTO_DATA_IN0_REG			0x1A010
+#define CRYPTO_DATA_IN1_REG			0x1A014
+#define CRYPTO_DATA_IN2_REG			0x1A018
+#define CRYPTO_DATA_IN3_REG			0x1A01C
+#define CRYPTO_DATA_OUT0_REG			0x1A020
+#define CRYPTO_DATA_OUT1_REG			0x1A024
+#define CRYPTO_DATA_OUT2_REG			0x1A028
+#define CRYPTO_DATA_OUT3_REG			0x1A02C
+#define CRYPTO_STATUS_REG			0x1A100
+#define CRYPTO_STATUS2_REG			0x1A104
+#define CRYPTO_ENGINES_AVAIL			0x1A108
+#define CRYPTO_FIFO_SIZES_REG			0x1A10C
+#define CRYPTO_SEG_SIZE_REG			0x1A110
+#define CRYPTO_GOPROC_REG			0x1A120
+#define CRYPTO_GOPROC_QC_KEY_REG		0x1B000
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_CFG_REG			0x1A200
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_SEG_SIZE_REG		0x1A204
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY0_REG			0x1D000
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY1_REG			0x1D004
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY2_REG			0x1D008
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY3_REG			0x1D00C
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY4_REG			0x1D010
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY5_REG			0x1D014
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY6_REG			0x1D018
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY7_REG			0x1D01C
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_XTS_KEY0_REG		0x1D020
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_XTS_KEY1_REG		0x1D024
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_XTS_KEY2_REG		0x1D028
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_XTS_KEY3_REG		0x1D02C
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_XTS_KEY4_REG		0x1D030
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_XTS_KEY5_REG		0x1D034
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_XTS_KEY6_REG		0x1D038
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_XTS_KEY7_REG		0x1D03C
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE0_KEY0_REG		0x1E000
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE0_KEY1_REG		0x1E004
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE0_KEY2_REG		0x1E008
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE0_KEY3_REG		0x1E00C
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE0_KEY4_REG		0x1E010
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE0_KEY5_REG		0x1E014
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE0_KEY6_REG		0x1E018
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE0_KEY7_REG		0x1E01C
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE1_KEY0_REG		0x1E020
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE1_KEY1_REG		0x1E024
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE1_KEY2_REG		0x1E028
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE1_KEY3_REG		0x1E02C
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE1_KEY4_REG		0x1E030
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE1_KEY5_REG		0x1E034
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE1_KEY6_REG		0x1E038
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE1_KEY7_REG		0x1E03C
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE2_KEY0_REG		0x1E040
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE2_KEY1_REG		0x1E044
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE2_KEY2_REG		0x1E048
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE2_KEY3_REG		0x1E04C
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE2_KEY4_REG		0x1E050
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE2_KEY5_REG		0x1E054
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE2_KEY6_REG		0x1E058
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE2_KEY7_REG		0x1E05C
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE3_KEY0_REG		0x1E060
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE3_KEY1_REG		0x1E064
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE3_KEY2_REG		0x1E068
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE3_KEY3_REG		0x1E06C
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE3_KEY4_REG		0x1E070
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE3_KEY5_REG		0x1E074
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE3_KEY6_REG		0x1E078
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE3_KEY7_REG		0x1E07C
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE0_XTS_KEY0_REG		0x1E200
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE0_XTS_KEY1_REG		0x1E204
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE0_XTS_KEY2_REG		0x1E208
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE0_XTS_KEY4_REG		0x1E210
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE0_XTS_KEY5_REG		0x1E214
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE0_XTS_KEY6_REG		0x1E218
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE1_XTS_KEY0_REG		0x1E220
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE1_XTS_KEY1_REG		0x1E224
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE1_XTS_KEY2_REG		0x1E228
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE1_XTS_KEY4_REG		0x1E230
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE1_XTS_KEY5_REG		0x1E234
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE1_XTS_KEY6_REG		0x1E238
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE2_XTS_KEY0_REG		0x1E240
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE2_XTS_KEY1_REG		0x1E244
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE2_XTS_KEY2_REG		0x1E248
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE2_XTS_KEY4_REG		0x1E250
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE2_XTS_KEY5_REG		0x1E254
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE2_XTS_KEY6_REG		0x1E258
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE3_XTS_KEY0_REG		0x1E260
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE3_XTS_KEY1_REG		0x1E264
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE3_XTS_KEY2_REG		0x1E268
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE3_XTS_KEY4_REG		0x1E270
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE3_XTS_KEY5_REG		0x1E274
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_PIPE3_XTS_KEY6_REG		0x1E278
+#define CRYPTO_CNTR0_IV0_REG			0x1A20C
+#define CRYPTO_CNTR1_IV1_REG			0x1A210
+#define CRYPTO_CNTR2_IV2_REG			0x1A214
+#define CRYPTO_CNTR3_IV3_REG			0x1A218
+#define CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG0			0x1A23C
+#define CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG1			0x1A238
+#define CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG2			0x1A234
+#define CRYPTO_CNTR_MASK_REG			0x1A21C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_CFG_REG			0x1A300
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_SEG_SIZE_REG		0x1A304
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY0_REG			0x1D040
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY1_REG			0x1D044
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY2_REG			0x1D048
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY3_REG			0x1D04C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY4_REG			0x1D050
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY5_REG			0x1D054
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY6_REG			0x1D058
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY7_REG			0x1D05C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY8_REG			0x1D060
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY9_REG			0x1D064
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY10_REG			0x1D068
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY11_REG			0x1D06C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY12_REG			0x1D070
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY13_REG			0x1D074
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY14_REG			0x1D078
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY15_REG			0x1D07C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY0_REG		0x1E800
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY1_REG		0x1E804
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY2_REG		0x1E808
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY3_REG		0x1E80C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY4_REG		0x1E810
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY5_REG		0x1E814
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY6_REG		0x1E818
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY7_REG		0x1E81C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY8_REG		0x1E820
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY9_REG		0x1E824
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY10_REG		0x1E828
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY11_REG		0x1E82C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY12_REG		0x1E830
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY13_REG		0x1E834
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY14_REG		0x1E838
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE0_KEY15_REG		0x1E83C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE1_KEY0_REG		0x1E880
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE1_KEY1_REG		0x1E884
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE1_KEY2_REG		0x1E888
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE1_KEY3_REG		0x1E88C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE1_KEY4_REG		0x1E890
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE1_KEY5_REG		0x1E894
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE1_KEY6_REG		0x1E898
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE1_KEY7_REG		0x1E89C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE1_KEY8_REG		0x1E8A0
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE1_KEY9_REG		0x1E8A4
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE1_KEY10_REG		0x1E8A8
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE1_KEY12_REG		0x1E8B0
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE1_KEY13_REG		0x1E8B4
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE1_KEY14_REG		0x1E8B8
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY0_REG		0x1E900
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY1_REG		0x1E904
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY2_REG		0x1E908
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY3_REG		0x1E90C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY4_REG		0x1E910
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY5_REG		0x1E914
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY6_REG		0x1E918
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY7_REG		0x1E91C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY8_REG		0x1E920
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY9_REG		0x1E924
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY10_REG		0x1E928
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY11_REG		0x1E92C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY12_REG		0x1E930
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY13_REG		0x1E934
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY14_REG		0x1E938
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE2_KEY15_REG		0x1E93C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE3_KEY0_REG		0x1E980
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE3_KEY1_REG		0x1E984
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE3_KEY2_REG		0x1E988
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE3_KEY3_REG		0x1E98C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE3_KEY4_REG		0x1E990
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE3_KEY5_REG		0x1E994
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE3_KEY6_REG		0x1E998
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE3_KEY7_REG		0x1E99C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE3_KEY8_REG		0x1E9A0
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE3_KEY9_REG		0x1E9A4
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE3_KEY10_REG		0x1E9A8
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE3_KEY12_REG		0x1E9B0
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE3_KEY13_REG		0x1E9B4
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_PIPE3_KEY14_REG		0x1E9B8
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV0_REG			0x1A310
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV1_REG			0x1A314
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV2_REG			0x1A318
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV3_REG			0x1A31C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV4_REG			0x1A320
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV5_REG			0x1A324
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV6_REG			0x1A328
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV7_REG			0x1A32C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV8_REG			0x1A330
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV9_REG			0x1A334
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV10_REG			0x1A338
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV11_REG			0x1A33C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV12_REG			0x1A340
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV13_REG			0x1A344
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV14_REG			0x1A348
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV15_REG			0x1A34C
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT0_REG		0x1A390
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT1_REG		0x1A394
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_BYTECNT2_REG		0x1A398
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_EXP_MAC0_REG		0x1A3A0
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_EXP_MAC1_REG		0x1A3A4
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_EXP_MAC2_REG		0x1A3A8
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_EXP_MAC4_REG		0x1A3B0
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_EXP_MAC5_REG		0x1A3B4
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_EXP_MAC6_REG		0x1A3B8
+#define CRYPTO_CONFIG_REG			0x1A400
+#define CRYPTO_DEBUG_REG			0x1AF04
+/* Register bits */
+#define CRYPTO_CORE_STEP_REV			0 /* bit 15-0 */
+#define CRYPTO_CORE_MAJOR_REV			24 /* bit 31-24 */
+#define CRYPTO_CORE_MINOR_REV			16 /* bit 23-16 */
+/* status reg  */
+#define CRYPTO_MAC_FAILED			31
+#define CRYPTO_DOUT_SIZE_AVAIL			26 /* bit 30-26 */
+#define CRYPTO_DIN_SIZE_AVAIL			21 /* bit 21-25 */
+#define CRYPTO_HSD_ERR				20
+#define CRYPTO_ACCESS_VIOL			19
+#define CRYPTO_CFG_CHNG_ERR			17
+#define CRYPTO_DOUT_ERR				16
+#define CRYPTO_DIN_ERR				15
+#define CRYPTO_AXI_ERR				14
+#define CRYPTO_CRYPTO_STATE			10 /* bit 13-10 */
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_BUSY			9
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_BUSY			8
+#define CRYPTO_DOUT_INTR			7
+#define CRYPTO_DIN_INTR				6
+#define CRYPTO_OP_DONE_INTR			5
+#define CRYPTO_ERR_INTR				4
+#define CRYPTO_DOUT_RDY				3
+#define CRYPTO_DIN_RDY				2
+#define CRYPTO_SW_ERR				0
+/* status2 reg  */
+#define CRYPTO_AXI_EXTRA			1
+#define CRYPTO_LOCKED				2
+/* config reg */
+#define CRYPTO_REQ_SIZE				17 /* bit 20-17 */
+#define CRYPTO_MAX_QUEUED_REQ			14 /* bit 16-14 */
+#define CRYPTO_IRQ_ENABLES			10	/* bit 13-10 */
+#define CRYPTO_PIPE_SET_SELECT			5 /* bit 8-5 */
+#define CRYPTO_HIGH_SPD_EN_N			4
+/* auth_seg_cfg reg */
+#define CRYPTO_COMP_EXP_MAC			24
+#define CRYPTO_F9_DIRECTION			23
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_NONCE_NUM_WORDS		20 /* bit 22-20 */
+#define CRYPTO_USE_HW_KEY_AUTH			18
+#define CRYPTO_FIRST				17
+#define CRYPTO_LAST				16
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_POS				14 /* bit 15 .. 14*/
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_SIZE			9 /* bits 13 .. 9*/
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_SIZE_SHA256		1
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_MODE			6 /* bit 8 .. 6*/
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY_SIZE			3  /* bit 5 .. 3*/
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY_SZ_AES128	0
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_KEY_SZ_AES256	2
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_ALG				0 /* bit 2 .. 0*/
+/* encr_xts_du_size reg */
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_XTS_DU_SIZE			0 /* bit 19-0  */
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_XTS_DU_SIZE_MASK		0xfffff
+/* encr_seg_cfg reg */
+#define CRYPTO_F8_KEYSTREAM_ENABLE		17/* bit */
+#define CRYPTO_F8_DIRECTION			16 /* bit */
+#define CRYPTO_USE_PIPE_KEY_ENCR		15 /* bit */
+#define CRYPTO_USE_HW_KEY_ENCR			14
+#define CRYPTO_USE_HW_KEY	1
+#define CRYPTO_LAST_CCM				13
+#define CRYPTO_CNTR_ALG				11 /* bit 12-11 */
+#define CRYPTO_ENCODE				10
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_MODE			6 /* bit 9-6 */
+/* only valid when AES */
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY_SZ			3 /* bit 5-3 */
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY_SZ_AES128	0
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_KEY_SZ_AES256	2
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_ALG				0 /* bit 2-0 */
+/* goproc reg */
+#define CRYPTO_GO				0
+#define CRYPTO_CLR_CNTXT			1
+/*  F8 definition of CRYPTO_ENCR_CNTR1_IV1 REG  */
+#define CRYPTO_CNTR1_IV1_REG_F8_PKT_CNT		16	/* bit 31 - 16 */
+		(0xffff << CRYPTO_CNTR1_IV1_REG_F8_PKT_CNT)
+#define CRYPTO_CNTR1_IV1_REG_F8_BEARER		0	/* bit 4 - 0 */
+/* F9 definition of CRYPTO_AUTH_IV4 REG */
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_IV4_REG_F9_VALID_BIS	0	/* bit 2 - 0 */
+/* engines_avail */
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_AES_SEL			0
+#define CRYPTO_DES_SEL				1
+#define CRYPTO_SHA_SEL				4
+#define CRYPTO_SHA512_SEL			5
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_AES_SEL			6
+#define CRYPTO_BAM_PIPE_SETS			9	/* bit 12 - 9 */
+#define CRYPTO_AXI_WR_BEATS			13	/* bit 18 - 13 */
+#define CRYPTO_AXI_RD_BEATS			19	/* bit 24 - 19 */
+#define CRYPTO_ENCR_ZUC_SEL			26
+#define CRYPTO_AUTH_ZUC_SEL			27
+#define CRYPTO_ZUC_ENABLE			28
diff --git a/include/linux/platform_data/qcom_crypto_device.h b/include/linux/platform_data/qcom_crypto_device.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eadaa42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/linux/platform_data/qcom_crypto_device.h
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2011-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+struct msm_ce_hw_support {
+	uint32_t ce_shared;
+	uint32_t shared_ce_resource;
+	uint32_t hw_key_support;
+	uint32_t sha_hmac;
+	void *bus_scale_table;
+#endif /* __QCOM_CRYPTO_DEVICE__H */
diff --git a/include/linux/qcrypto.h b/include/linux/qcrypto.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..252464a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/linux/qcrypto.h
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2014-2017, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+#include <linux/crypto.h>
+#include <crypto/hash.h>
+#define QCRYPTO_CTX_KEY_MASK		0x000000ff
+#define QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_HW_KEY		0x00000001
+#define QCRYPTO_CTX_USE_PIPE_KEY	0x00000002
+#define QCRYPTO_CTX_XTS_MASK		0x0000ff00
+#define QCRYPTO_CTX_XTS_DU_SIZE_512B	0x00000100
+#define QCRYPTO_CTX_XTS_DU_SIZE_1KB	0x00000200
+int qcrypto_cipher_set_device(struct ablkcipher_request *req, unsigned int dev);
+int qcrypto_ahash_set_device(struct ahash_request *req, unsigned int dev);
+/*int qcrypto_aead_set_device(struct aead_request *req, unsigned int dev);*/
+int qcrypto_cipher_set_flag(struct ablkcipher_request *req, unsigned int flags);
+int qcrypto_ahash_set_flag(struct ahash_request *req, unsigned int flags);
+/*int qcrypto_aead_set_flag(struct aead_request *req, unsigned int flags);*/
+int qcrypto_cipher_clear_flag(struct ablkcipher_request *req,
+							unsigned int flags);
+int qcrypto_ahash_clear_flag(struct ahash_request *req, unsigned int flags);
+/*int qcrypto_aead_clear_flag(struct aead_request *req, unsigned int flags);*/
+struct crypto_engine_entry {
+	u32 hw_instance;
+	u32 ce_device;
+	int shared;
+int qcrypto_get_num_engines(void);
+void qcrypto_get_engine_list(size_t num_engines,
+				struct crypto_engine_entry *arr);
+int qcrypto_cipher_set_device_hw(struct ablkcipher_request *req,
+				unsigned int fde_pfe,
+				unsigned int hw_inst);
+struct qcrypto_func_set {
+	int (*cipher_set)(struct ablkcipher_request *req,
+			unsigned int fde_pfe,
+			unsigned int hw_inst);
+	int (*cipher_flag)(struct ablkcipher_request *req, unsigned int flags);
+	int (*get_num_engines)(void);
+	void (*get_engine_list)(size_t num_engines,
+				struct crypto_engine_entry *arr);
diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/fips_status.h b/include/uapi/linux/fips_status.h
index d7cda94..7daf27b 100644
--- a/include/uapi/linux/fips_status.h
+++ b/include/uapi/linux/fips_status.h
@@ -5,24 +5,24 @@
 #include <linux/ioctl.h>
- * fips_status: global FIPS140-2 status
- *					Not a FIPS140-2 compliant Build.
- *					The flag status won't
- *					change throughout
- *					the lifetime
- *					KAT self tests are passed.
- *					Integrity test is passed.
- *					All tests are passed and build
- *					is in FIPS140-2 mode
- *					One of the test is failed.
- *					This will block all requests
- *					to crypto modules
- */
+* fips_status: global FIPS140-2 status
+*					Not a FIPS140-2 compliant Build.
+*					The flag status won't
+*					change throughout
+*					the lifetime
+*					KAT self tests are passed.
+*					Integrity test is passed.
+*					All tests are passed and build
+*					is in FIPS140-2 mode
+*					One of the test is failed.
+*					This will block all requests
+*					to crypto modules
 enum fips_status {
 		FIPS140_STATUS_NA				= 0,
diff --git a/include/uapi/linux/qcedev.h b/include/uapi/linux/qcedev.h
index 6fee15d..fb51c23 100644
--- a/include/uapi/linux/qcedev.h
+++ b/include/uapi/linux/qcedev.h
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
 #define QCEDEV_AES_KEY_192	24
 #define QCEDEV_AES_KEY_256	32
- *qcedev_oper_enum: Operation types
- * @QCEDEV_OPER_ENC:		Encrypt
- * @QCEDEV_OPER_DEC:		Decrypt
- * @QCEDEV_OPER_ENC_NO_KEY:	Encrypt. Do not need key to be specified by
- *				user. Key already set by an external processor.
- * @QCEDEV_OPER_DEC_NO_KEY:	Decrypt. Do not need the key to be specified by
- *				user. Key already set by an external processor.
- */
+*qcedev_oper_enum: Operation types
+* @QCEDEV_OPER_ENC:		Encrypt
+* @QCEDEV_OPER_DEC:		Decrypt
+* @QCEDEV_OPER_ENC_NO_KEY:	Encrypt. Do not need key to be specified by
+*				user. Key already set by an external processor.
+* @QCEDEV_OPER_DEC_NO_KEY:	Decrypt. Do not need the key to be specified by
+*				user. Key already set by an external processor.
 enum qcedev_oper_enum {
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
- *qcedev_oper_enum: Cipher algorithm types
- */
+*qcedev_oper_enum: Cipher algorithm types
 enum qcedev_cipher_alg_enum {
@@ -50,15 +50,15 @@
- *qcedev_cipher_mode_enum : AES mode
- */
+*qcedev_cipher_mode_enum : AES mode
 enum qcedev_cipher_mode_enum {
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@
- *enum qcedev_sha_alg_enum : Secure Hashing Algorithm
- * @QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1:		Digest returned: 20 bytes (160 bits)
- * @QCEDEV_ALG_SHA256:		Digest returned: 32 bytes (256 bit)
- * @QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1_HMAC:	HMAC returned 20 bytes (160 bits)
- * @QCEDEV_ALG_SHA256_HMAC:	HMAC returned 32 bytes (256 bit)
- * @QCEDEV_ALG_AES_CMAC:		Configurable MAC size
- */
+*enum qcedev_sha_alg_enum : Secure Hashing Algorithm
+* @QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1:		Digest returned: 20 bytes (160 bits)
+* @QCEDEV_ALG_SHA256:		Digest returned: 32 bytes (256 bit)
+* @QCEDEV_ALG_SHA1_HMAC:	HMAC returned 20 bytes (160 bits)
+* @QCEDEV_ALG_SHA256_HMAC:	HMAC returned 32 bytes (256 bit)
+* @QCEDEV_ALG_AES_CMAC:		Configurable MAC size
 enum qcedev_sha_alg_enum {
 	QCEDEV_ALG_SHA256	= 1,
@@ -88,12 +88,12 @@
- * struct buf_info - Buffer information
- * @offset:			Offset from the base address of the buffer
- *				(Used when buffer is allocated using PMEM)
- * @vaddr:			Virtual buffer address pointer
- * @len:				Size of the buffer
- */
+* struct buf_info - Buffer information
+* @offset:			Offset from the base address of the buffer
+*				(Used when buffer is allocated using PMEM)
+* @vaddr:			Virtual buffer address pointer
+* @len:				Size of the buffer
 struct	buf_info {
 	union {
 		uint32_t	offset;
@@ -103,26 +103,26 @@
- * struct qcedev_vbuf_info - Source and destination Buffer information
- * @src:				Array of buf_info for input/source
- * @dst:				Array of buf_info for output/destination
- */
+* struct qcedev_vbuf_info - Source and destination Buffer information
+* @src:				Array of buf_info for input/source
+* @dst:				Array of buf_info for output/destination
 struct	qcedev_vbuf_info {
 	struct buf_info	src[QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS];
 	struct buf_info	dst[QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS];
- * struct qcedev_pmem_info - Stores PMEM buffer information
- * @fd_src:			Handle to /dev/adsp_pmem used to allocate
- *				memory for input/src buffer
- * @src:				Array of buf_info for input/source
- * @fd_dst:			Handle to /dev/adsp_pmem used to allocate
- *				memory for output/dst buffer
- * @dst:				Array of buf_info for output/destination
- * @pmem_src_offset:		The offset from input/src buffer
- *				(allocated by PMEM)
- */
+* struct qcedev_pmem_info - Stores PMEM buffer information
+* @fd_src:			Handle to /dev/adsp_pmem used to allocate
+*				memory for input/src buffer
+* @src:				Array of buf_info for input/source
+* @fd_dst:			Handle to /dev/adsp_pmem used to allocate
+*				memory for output/dst buffer
+* @dst:				Array of buf_info for output/destination
+* @pmem_src_offset:		The offset from input/src buffer
+*				(allocated by PMEM)
 struct	qcedev_pmem_info {
 	int		fd_src;
 	struct buf_info	src[QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS];
@@ -131,52 +131,52 @@
- * struct qcedev_cipher_op_req - Holds the ciphering request information
- * @use_pmem (IN):	Flag to indicate if buffer source is PMEM
- * @pmem (IN):		Stores PMEM buffer information.
- *			Refer struct qcedev_pmem_info
- * @vbuf (IN/OUT):	Stores Source and destination Buffer information
- *			Refer to struct qcedev_vbuf_info
- * @data_len (IN):	Total Length of input/src and output/dst in bytes
- * @in_place_op (IN):	Indicates whether the operation is inplace where
- *			source == destination
- *			When using PMEM allocated memory, must set this to 1
- * @enckey (IN):		128 bits of confidentiality key
- *			enckey[0] bit 127-120, enckey[1] bit 119-112,..
- *			enckey[15] bit 7-0
- * @encklen (IN):	Length of the encryption key(set to 128  bits/16
- *			bytes in the driver)
- * @iv (IN/OUT):		Initialisation vector data
- *			This is updated by the driver, incremented by
- *			number of blocks encrypted/decrypted.
- * @ivlen (IN):		Length of the IV
- * @byteoffset (IN):	Offset in the Cipher BLOCK (applicable and to be set
- *			for AES-128 CTR mode only)
- * @alg (IN):		Type of ciphering algorithm: AES/DES/3DES
- * @mode (IN):		Mode use when using AES algorithm: ECB/CBC/CTR
- *			Apllicabel when using AES algorithm only
- * @op (IN):		Type of operation: QCEDEV_OPER_DEC/QCEDEV_OPER_ENC or
- *
- *If use_pmem is set to 0, the driver assumes that memory was not allocated
- * via PMEM, and kernel will need to allocate memory and copy data from user
- * space buffer (data_src/dta_dst) and process accordingly and copy data back
- * to the user space buffer
- *
- * If use_pmem is set to 1, the driver assumes that memory was allocated via
- * PMEM.
- * The kernel driver will use the fd_src to determine the kernel virtual address
- * base that maps to the user space virtual address base for the  buffer
- * allocated in user space.
- * The final input/src and output/dst buffer pointer will be determined
- * by adding the offsets to the kernel virtual addr.
- *
- * If use of hardware key is supported in the target, user can configure the
- * key parameters (encklen, enckey) to use the hardware key.
- * In order to use the hardware key, set encklen to 0 and set the enckey
- * data array to 0.
- */
+* struct qcedev_cipher_op_req - Holds the ciphering request information
+* @use_pmem (IN):	Flag to indicate if buffer source is PMEM
+* @pmem (IN):		Stores PMEM buffer information.
+*			Refer struct qcedev_pmem_info
+* @vbuf (IN/OUT):	Stores Source and destination Buffer information
+*			Refer to struct qcedev_vbuf_info
+* @data_len (IN):	Total Length of input/src and output/dst in bytes
+* @in_place_op (IN):	Indicates whether the operation is inplace where
+*			source == destination
+*			When using PMEM allocated memory, must set this to 1
+* @enckey (IN):		128 bits of confidentiality key
+*			enckey[0] bit 127-120, enckey[1] bit 119-112,..
+*			enckey[15] bit 7-0
+* @encklen (IN):	Length of the encryption key(set to 128  bits/16
+*			bytes in the driver)
+* @iv (IN/OUT):		Initialisation vector data
+*			This is updated by the driver, incremented by
+*			number of blocks encrypted/decrypted.
+* @ivlen (IN):		Length of the IV
+* @byteoffset (IN):	Offset in the Cipher BLOCK (applicable and to be set
+*			for AES-128 CTR mode only)
+* @alg (IN):		Type of ciphering algorithm: AES/DES/3DES
+* @mode (IN):		Mode use when using AES algorithm: ECB/CBC/CTR
+*			Apllicabel when using AES algorithm only
+* @op (IN):		Type of operation: QCEDEV_OPER_DEC/QCEDEV_OPER_ENC or
+*If use_pmem is set to 0, the driver assumes that memory was not allocated
+* via PMEM, and kernel will need to allocate memory and copy data from user
+* space buffer (data_src/dta_dst) and process accordingly and copy data back
+* to the user space buffer
+* If use_pmem is set to 1, the driver assumes that memory was allocated via
+* PMEM.
+* The kernel driver will use the fd_src to determine the kernel virtual address
+* base that maps to the user space virtual address base for the  buffer
+* allocated in user space.
+* The final input/src and output/dst buffer pointer will be determined
+* by adding the offsets to the kernel virtual addr.
+* If use of hardware key is supported in the target, user can configure the
+* key parameters (encklen, enckey) to use the hardware key.
+* In order to use the hardware key, set encklen to 0 and set the enckey
+* data array to 0.
 struct	qcedev_cipher_op_req {
 	uint8_t				use_pmem;
 	union {
@@ -197,16 +197,16 @@
- * struct qcedev_sha_op_req - Holds the hashing request information
- * @data (IN):			Array of pointers to the data to be hashed
- * @entries (IN):		Number of buf_info entries in the data array
- * @data_len (IN):		Length of data to be hashed
- * @digest (IN/OUT):		Returns the hashed data information
- * @diglen (OUT):		Size of the hashed/digest data
- * @authkey (IN):		Pointer to authentication key for HMAC
- * @authklen (IN):		Size of the authentication key
- * @alg (IN):			Secure Hash algorithm
- */
+* struct qcedev_sha_op_req - Holds the hashing request information
+* @data (IN):			Array of pointers to the data to be hashed
+* @entries (IN):		Number of buf_info entries in the data array
+* @data_len (IN):		Length of data to be hashed
+* @digest (IN/OUT):		Returns the hashed data information
+* @diglen (OUT):		Size of the hashed/digest data
+* @authkey (IN):		Pointer to authentication key for HMAC
+* @authklen (IN):		Size of the authentication key
+* @alg (IN):			Secure Hash algorithm
 struct	qcedev_sha_op_req {
 	struct buf_info			data[QCEDEV_MAX_BUFFERS];
 	uint32_t			entries;
@@ -219,20 +219,16 @@
- * struct qfips_verify_t - Holds data for FIPS Integrity test
- * @kernel_size  (IN):		Size of kernel Image
- * @kernel       (IN):		pointer to buffer containing the kernel Image
- */
+* struct qfips_verify_t - Holds data for FIPS Integrity test
+* @kernel_size  (IN):		Size of kernel Image
+* @kernel       (IN):		pointer to buffer containing the kernel Image
 struct qfips_verify_t {
 	unsigned int kernel_size;
 	void *kernel;
 struct file;
-/* temporiraly comment out for msm-4.9 headfile upgrade */
-/* extern long qcedev_ioctl(struct file *file,
- *                 unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg);
- */
 #define QCEDEV_IOC_MAGIC	0x87