[CRYPTO] api: Remove deprecated interface

This patch removes the old cipher interface and related code.

Signed-off-by: Herbert Xu <herbert@gondor.apana.org.au>
diff --git a/crypto/cipher.c b/crypto/cipher.c
index 9e03701..333aab2f 100644
--- a/crypto/cipher.c
+++ b/crypto/cipher.c
@@ -12,274 +12,13 @@
  * any later version.
-#include <linux/compiler.h>
 #include <linux/kernel.h>
 #include <linux/crypto.h>
 #include <linux/errno.h>
-#include <linux/mm.h>
-#include <linux/slab.h>
+#include <linux/scatterlist.h>
 #include <linux/string.h>
-#include <asm/scatterlist.h>
 #include "internal.h"
-#include "scatterwalk.h"
-struct cipher_alg_compat {
-	unsigned int cia_min_keysize;
-	unsigned int cia_max_keysize;
-	int (*cia_setkey)(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, const u8 *key,
-	                  unsigned int keylen);
-	void (*cia_encrypt)(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *dst, const u8 *src);
-	void (*cia_decrypt)(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u8 *dst, const u8 *src);
-	unsigned int (*cia_encrypt_ecb)(const struct cipher_desc *desc,
-					u8 *dst, const u8 *src,
-					unsigned int nbytes);
-	unsigned int (*cia_decrypt_ecb)(const struct cipher_desc *desc,
-					u8 *dst, const u8 *src,
-					unsigned int nbytes);
-	unsigned int (*cia_encrypt_cbc)(const struct cipher_desc *desc,
-					u8 *dst, const u8 *src,
-					unsigned int nbytes);
-	unsigned int (*cia_decrypt_cbc)(const struct cipher_desc *desc,
-					u8 *dst, const u8 *src,
-					unsigned int nbytes);
-static inline void xor_64(u8 *a, const u8 *b)
-	((u32 *)a)[0] ^= ((u32 *)b)[0];
-	((u32 *)a)[1] ^= ((u32 *)b)[1];
-static inline void xor_128(u8 *a, const u8 *b)
-	((u32 *)a)[0] ^= ((u32 *)b)[0];
-	((u32 *)a)[1] ^= ((u32 *)b)[1];
-	((u32 *)a)[2] ^= ((u32 *)b)[2];
-	((u32 *)a)[3] ^= ((u32 *)b)[3];
-static unsigned int crypt_slow(const struct cipher_desc *desc,
-			       struct scatter_walk *in,
-			       struct scatter_walk *out, unsigned int bsize)
-	unsigned long alignmask = crypto_tfm_alg_alignmask(desc->tfm);
-	u8 buffer[bsize * 2 + alignmask];
-	u8 *src = (u8 *)ALIGN((unsigned long)buffer, alignmask + 1);
-	u8 *dst = src + bsize;
-	scatterwalk_copychunks(src, in, bsize, 0);
-	desc->prfn(desc, dst, src, bsize);
-	scatterwalk_copychunks(dst, out, bsize, 1);
-	return bsize;
-static inline unsigned int crypt_fast(const struct cipher_desc *desc,
-				      struct scatter_walk *in,
-				      struct scatter_walk *out,
-				      unsigned int nbytes, u8 *tmp)
-	u8 *src, *dst;
-	u8 *real_src, *real_dst;
-	real_src = scatterwalk_map(in, 0);
-	real_dst = scatterwalk_map(out, 1);
-	src = real_src;
-	dst = scatterwalk_samebuf(in, out) ? src : real_dst;
-	if (tmp) {
-		memcpy(tmp, src, nbytes);
-		src = tmp;
-		dst = tmp;
-	}
-	nbytes = desc->prfn(desc, dst, src, nbytes);
-	if (tmp)
-		memcpy(real_dst, tmp, nbytes);
-	scatterwalk_unmap(real_src, 0);
-	scatterwalk_unmap(real_dst, 1);
-	scatterwalk_advance(in, nbytes);
-	scatterwalk_advance(out, nbytes);
-	return nbytes;
- * Generic encrypt/decrypt wrapper for ciphers, handles operations across
- * multiple page boundaries by using temporary blocks.  In user context,
- * the kernel is given a chance to schedule us once per page.
- */
-static int crypt(const struct cipher_desc *desc,
-		 struct scatterlist *dst,
-		 struct scatterlist *src,
-		 unsigned int nbytes)
-	struct scatter_walk walk_in, walk_out;
-	struct crypto_tfm *tfm = desc->tfm;
-	const unsigned int bsize = crypto_tfm_alg_blocksize(tfm);
-	unsigned int alignmask = crypto_tfm_alg_alignmask(tfm);
-	unsigned long buffer = 0;
-	if (!nbytes)
-		return 0;
-	if (nbytes % bsize) {
-		tfm->crt_flags |= CRYPTO_TFM_RES_BAD_BLOCK_LEN;
-		return -EINVAL;
-	}
-	scatterwalk_start(&walk_in, src);
-	scatterwalk_start(&walk_out, dst);
-	for(;;) {
-		unsigned int n = nbytes;
-		u8 *tmp = NULL;
-		if (!scatterwalk_aligned(&walk_in, alignmask) ||
-		    !scatterwalk_aligned(&walk_out, alignmask)) {
-			if (!buffer) {
-				buffer = __get_free_page(GFP_ATOMIC);
-				if (!buffer)
-					n = 0;
-			}
-			tmp = (u8 *)buffer;
-		}
-		n = scatterwalk_clamp(&walk_in, n);
-		n = scatterwalk_clamp(&walk_out, n);
-		if (likely(n >= bsize))
-			n = crypt_fast(desc, &walk_in, &walk_out, n, tmp);
-		else
-			n = crypt_slow(desc, &walk_in, &walk_out, bsize);
-		nbytes -= n;
-		scatterwalk_done(&walk_in, 0, nbytes);
-		scatterwalk_done(&walk_out, 1, nbytes);
-		if (!nbytes)
-			break;
-		crypto_yield(tfm->crt_flags);
-	}
-	if (buffer)
-		free_page(buffer);
-	return 0;
-static int crypt_iv_unaligned(struct cipher_desc *desc,
-			      struct scatterlist *dst,
-			      struct scatterlist *src,
-			      unsigned int nbytes)
-	struct crypto_tfm *tfm = desc->tfm;
-	unsigned long alignmask = crypto_tfm_alg_alignmask(tfm);
-	u8 *iv = desc->info;
-	if (unlikely(((unsigned long)iv & alignmask))) {
-		unsigned int ivsize = tfm->crt_cipher.cit_ivsize;
-		u8 buffer[ivsize + alignmask];
-		u8 *tmp = (u8 *)ALIGN((unsigned long)buffer, alignmask + 1);
-		int err;
-		desc->info = memcpy(tmp, iv, ivsize);
-		err = crypt(desc, dst, src, nbytes);
-		memcpy(iv, tmp, ivsize);
-		return err;
-	}
-	return crypt(desc, dst, src, nbytes);
-static unsigned int cbc_process_encrypt(const struct cipher_desc *desc,
-					u8 *dst, const u8 *src,
-					unsigned int nbytes)
-	struct crypto_tfm *tfm = desc->tfm;
-	void (*xor)(u8 *, const u8 *) = tfm->crt_u.cipher.cit_xor_block;
-	int bsize = crypto_tfm_alg_blocksize(tfm);
-	void (*fn)(struct crypto_tfm *, u8 *, const u8 *) = desc->crfn;
-	u8 *iv = desc->info;
-	unsigned int done = 0;
-	nbytes -= bsize;
-	do {
-		xor(iv, src);
-		fn(tfm, dst, iv);
-		memcpy(iv, dst, bsize);
-		src += bsize;
-		dst += bsize;
-	} while ((done += bsize) <= nbytes);
-	return done;
-static unsigned int cbc_process_decrypt(const struct cipher_desc *desc,
-					u8 *dst, const u8 *src,
-					unsigned int nbytes)
-	struct crypto_tfm *tfm = desc->tfm;
-	void (*xor)(u8 *, const u8 *) = tfm->crt_u.cipher.cit_xor_block;
-	int bsize = crypto_tfm_alg_blocksize(tfm);
-	unsigned long alignmask = crypto_tfm_alg_alignmask(desc->tfm);
-	u8 stack[src == dst ? bsize + alignmask : 0];
-	u8 *buf = (u8 *)ALIGN((unsigned long)stack, alignmask + 1);
-	u8 **dst_p = src == dst ? &buf : &dst;
-	void (*fn)(struct crypto_tfm *, u8 *, const u8 *) = desc->crfn;
-	u8 *iv = desc->info;
-	unsigned int done = 0;
-	nbytes -= bsize;
-	do {
-		u8 *tmp_dst = *dst_p;
-		fn(tfm, tmp_dst, src);
-		xor(tmp_dst, iv);
-		memcpy(iv, src, bsize);
-		if (tmp_dst != dst)
-			memcpy(dst, tmp_dst, bsize);
-		src += bsize;
-		dst += bsize;
-	} while ((done += bsize) <= nbytes);
-	return done;
-static unsigned int ecb_process(const struct cipher_desc *desc, u8 *dst,
-				const u8 *src, unsigned int nbytes)
-	struct crypto_tfm *tfm = desc->tfm;
-	int bsize = crypto_tfm_alg_blocksize(tfm);
-	void (*fn)(struct crypto_tfm *, u8 *, const u8 *) = desc->crfn;
-	unsigned int done = 0;
-	nbytes -= bsize;
-	do {
-		fn(tfm, dst, src);
-		src += bsize;
-		dst += bsize;
-	} while ((done += bsize) <= nbytes);
-	return done;
 static int setkey(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, const u8 *key, unsigned int keylen)
@@ -293,122 +32,6 @@
 		return cia->cia_setkey(tfm, key, keylen);
-static int ecb_encrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm,
-		       struct scatterlist *dst,
-                       struct scatterlist *src, unsigned int nbytes)
-	struct cipher_desc desc;
-	struct cipher_alg_compat *cipher = (void *)&tfm->__crt_alg->cra_cipher;
-	desc.tfm = tfm;
-	desc.crfn = cipher->cia_encrypt;
-	desc.prfn = cipher->cia_encrypt_ecb ?: ecb_process;
-	return crypt(&desc, dst, src, nbytes);
-static int ecb_decrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm,
-                       struct scatterlist *dst,
-                       struct scatterlist *src,
-		       unsigned int nbytes)
-	struct cipher_desc desc;
-	struct cipher_alg_compat *cipher = (void *)&tfm->__crt_alg->cra_cipher;
-	desc.tfm = tfm;
-	desc.crfn = cipher->cia_decrypt;
-	desc.prfn = cipher->cia_decrypt_ecb ?: ecb_process;
-	return crypt(&desc, dst, src, nbytes);
-static int cbc_encrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm,
-                       struct scatterlist *dst,
-                       struct scatterlist *src,
-		       unsigned int nbytes)
-	struct cipher_desc desc;
-	struct cipher_alg_compat *cipher = (void *)&tfm->__crt_alg->cra_cipher;
-	desc.tfm = tfm;
-	desc.crfn = cipher->cia_encrypt;
-	desc.prfn = cipher->cia_encrypt_cbc ?: cbc_process_encrypt;
-	desc.info = tfm->crt_cipher.cit_iv;
-	return crypt(&desc, dst, src, nbytes);
-static int cbc_encrypt_iv(struct crypto_tfm *tfm,
-                          struct scatterlist *dst,
-                          struct scatterlist *src,
-                          unsigned int nbytes, u8 *iv)
-	struct cipher_desc desc;
-	struct cipher_alg_compat *cipher = (void *)&tfm->__crt_alg->cra_cipher;
-	desc.tfm = tfm;
-	desc.crfn = cipher->cia_encrypt;
-	desc.prfn = cipher->cia_encrypt_cbc ?: cbc_process_encrypt;
-	desc.info = iv;
-	return crypt_iv_unaligned(&desc, dst, src, nbytes);
-static int cbc_decrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm,
-                       struct scatterlist *dst,
-                       struct scatterlist *src,
-		       unsigned int nbytes)
-	struct cipher_desc desc;
-	struct cipher_alg_compat *cipher = (void *)&tfm->__crt_alg->cra_cipher;
-	desc.tfm = tfm;
-	desc.crfn = cipher->cia_decrypt;
-	desc.prfn = cipher->cia_decrypt_cbc ?: cbc_process_decrypt;
-	desc.info = tfm->crt_cipher.cit_iv;
-	return crypt(&desc, dst, src, nbytes);
-static int cbc_decrypt_iv(struct crypto_tfm *tfm,
-                          struct scatterlist *dst,
-                          struct scatterlist *src,
-                          unsigned int nbytes, u8 *iv)
-	struct cipher_desc desc;
-	struct cipher_alg_compat *cipher = (void *)&tfm->__crt_alg->cra_cipher;
-	desc.tfm = tfm;
-	desc.crfn = cipher->cia_decrypt;
-	desc.prfn = cipher->cia_decrypt_cbc ?: cbc_process_decrypt;
-	desc.info = iv;
-	return crypt_iv_unaligned(&desc, dst, src, nbytes);
-static int nocrypt(struct crypto_tfm *tfm,
-                   struct scatterlist *dst,
-                   struct scatterlist *src,
-		   unsigned int nbytes)
-	return -ENOSYS;
-static int nocrypt_iv(struct crypto_tfm *tfm,
-                      struct scatterlist *dst,
-                      struct scatterlist *src,
-                      unsigned int nbytes, u8 *iv)
-	return -ENOSYS;
-int crypto_init_cipher_flags(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, u32 flags)
-	u32 mode = flags & CRYPTO_TFM_MODE_MASK;
-	tfm->crt_cipher.cit_mode = mode ? mode : CRYPTO_TFM_MODE_ECB;
-	return 0;
 static void cipher_crypt_unaligned(void (*fn)(struct crypto_tfm *, u8 *,
 					      const u8 *),
 				   struct crypto_tfm *tfm,
@@ -454,7 +77,6 @@
 int crypto_init_cipher_ops(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)
-	int ret = 0;
 	struct cipher_tfm *ops = &tfm->crt_cipher;
 	struct cipher_alg *cipher = &tfm->__crt_alg->cra_cipher;
@@ -464,70 +86,7 @@
 	ops->cit_decrypt_one = crypto_tfm_alg_alignmask(tfm) ?
 		cipher_decrypt_unaligned : cipher->cia_decrypt;
-	switch (tfm->crt_cipher.cit_mode) {
-		ops->cit_encrypt = ecb_encrypt;
-		ops->cit_decrypt = ecb_decrypt;
-		ops->cit_encrypt_iv = nocrypt_iv;
-		ops->cit_decrypt_iv = nocrypt_iv;
-		break;
-		ops->cit_encrypt = cbc_encrypt;
-		ops->cit_decrypt = cbc_decrypt;
-		ops->cit_encrypt_iv = cbc_encrypt_iv;
-		ops->cit_decrypt_iv = cbc_decrypt_iv;
-		break;
-		ops->cit_encrypt = nocrypt;
-		ops->cit_decrypt = nocrypt;
-		ops->cit_encrypt_iv = nocrypt_iv;
-		ops->cit_decrypt_iv = nocrypt_iv;
-		break;
-		ops->cit_encrypt = nocrypt;
-		ops->cit_decrypt = nocrypt;
-		ops->cit_encrypt_iv = nocrypt_iv;
-		ops->cit_decrypt_iv = nocrypt_iv;
-		break;
-	default:
-		BUG();
-	}
-	if (ops->cit_mode == CRYPTO_TFM_MODE_CBC) {
-		unsigned long align;
-		unsigned long addr;
-	    	switch (crypto_tfm_alg_blocksize(tfm)) {
-	    	case 8:
-	    		ops->cit_xor_block = xor_64;
-	    		break;
-	    	case 16:
-	    		ops->cit_xor_block = xor_128;
-	    		break;
-	    	default:
-	    		printk(KERN_WARNING "%s: block size %u not supported\n",
-	    		       crypto_tfm_alg_name(tfm),
-	    		       crypto_tfm_alg_blocksize(tfm));
-	    		ret = -EINVAL;
-	    		goto out;
-	    	}
-		ops->cit_ivsize = crypto_tfm_alg_blocksize(tfm);
-		align = crypto_tfm_alg_alignmask(tfm) + 1;
-		addr = (unsigned long)crypto_tfm_ctx(tfm);
-		addr = ALIGN(addr, align);
-		addr += ALIGN(tfm->__crt_alg->cra_ctxsize, align);
-		ops->cit_iv = (void *)addr;
-	}
-	return ret;
+	return 0;
 void crypto_exit_cipher_ops(struct crypto_tfm *tfm)