USB: re-enable interface after driver unbinds

This patch (as1197) fixes an error introduced recently.  Since a
significant number of devices can't handle Set-Interface requests, we
no longer call usb_set_interface() when a driver unbinds from an
interface, provided the interface is already in altsetting 0.  However
the interface still does get disabled, and the call to
usb_set_interface() was the only thing re-enabling it.  Since the
interface doesn't get re-enabled, further attempts to use it fail.

So the patch adds a call to usb_enable_interface() when a driver
unbinds and the interface is in altsetting 0.  For this to work
right, the interface's endpoints have to be re-enabled but their
toggles have to be left alone.  Therefore an additional argument is
added to usb_enable_endpoint() and usb_enable_interface(), a flag
indicating whether or not the endpoint toggles should be reset.

This is a forward-ported version of a patch which fixes Bugzilla

Signed-off-by: Alan Stern <>
Reported-by: David Roka <>
Reported-by: Erik Ekman <>
Tested-by: Erik Ekman <>
Tested-by: Alon Bar-Lev <>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <>

diff --git a/drivers/usb/core/usb.h b/drivers/usb/core/usb.h
index 381eae9..3861778 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/core/usb.h
+++ b/drivers/usb/core/usb.h
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
 extern void usb_remove_ep_devs(struct usb_host_endpoint *endpoint);
 extern void usb_enable_endpoint(struct usb_device *dev,
-		struct usb_host_endpoint *ep);
+		struct usb_host_endpoint *ep, bool reset_toggle);
+extern void usb_enable_interface(struct usb_device *dev,
+		struct usb_interface *intf, bool reset_toggles);
 extern void usb_disable_endpoint(struct usb_device *dev, unsigned int epaddr);
 extern void usb_disable_interface(struct usb_device *dev,
 		struct usb_interface *intf);