platform/x86: asus-wireless: Use per-HID HSWC parameters

Some Asus machines use 0x4/0x5 as their LED on/off values, while others
use 0x0/0x1, as shown in the DSDT excerpts below. Luckily it seems this
behavior is tied to different HIDs, after looking at 44 DSDTs from
different Asus models.

Another small difference is that a few of them call GWBL instead of
OWGS, and SWBL instead of OWGD. That does not seem to make a difference
for asus-wireless, and is additional reasoning to not try to call these
methods directly.

Device (ASHS)                       | Device (ASHS)
{                                   | {
    Name (_HID, "ATK4002")          |     Name (_HID, "ATK4001")
    Method (HSWC, 1, Serialized)    |     Method (HSWC, 1, Serialized)
    {                               |     {
        If ((Arg0 < 0x02))          |         If ((Arg0 < 0x02))
        {                           |         {
            OWGD (Arg0)             |             OWGD (Arg0)
            Return (One)            |             Return (One)
        }                           |         }
        If ((Arg0 == 0x02))         |
        {                           |         If ((Arg0 == 0x02))
            Local0 = OWGS ()        |         {
            If (Local0)             |             Return (OWGS ())
            {                       |         }
                    Return (0x05)   |
            }                       |         If ((Arg0 == 0x03))
            Else                    |         {
            {                       |             Return (0xFF)
                    Return (0x04)   |         }
            }                       |
        }                           |         If ((Arg0 == 0x80))
        If ((Arg0 == 0x03))         |         {
        {                           |            Return (One)
            Return (0xFF)           |         }
        }                           |     }
        If ((Arg0 == 0x04))         |     Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized)
        {                           |     {
            OWGD (Zero)             |         If ((MSOS () >= OSW8))
            Return (One)            |         {
        }                           |             Return (0x0F)
        If ((Arg0 == 0x05))         |         }
        {                           |         Else
            OWGD (One)              |         {
            Return (One)            |             Return (Zero)
        }                           |         }
        If ((Arg0 == 0x80))         |     }
        {                           | }
            Return (One)            |
        }                           |
    }                               |
    Method (_STA, 0, NotSerialized) |
    {                               |
        If ((MSOS () >= OSW8))      |
        {                           |
            Return (0x0F)           |
        }                           |
        Else                        |
        {                           |
            Return (Zero)           |
        }                           |
    }                               |
}                                   |

Signed-off-by: João Paulo Rechi Vita <>
Signed-off-by: Andy Shevchenko <>
1 file changed