wl1271: Fix warning about unsupported RX rate

While scanning, it is possible that beacon and probe response frames are
received on other band than configured to the driver. In rx status
handling this has caused "Unsupported RX rate from HW" warnings. This
patch changes the wl1271_rate_to_index function to take the band of the
received frame as a parameter instead of using value configuret to

Signed-off-by: Teemu Paasikivi <ext-teemu.3.paasikivi@nokia.com>
Reviewed-by: Juuso Oikarinen <juuso.oikarinen@nokia.com>
Signed-off-by: Luciano Coelho <luciano.coelho@nokia.com>
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271_rx.c b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271_rx.c
index ac13f7d..35448e7 100644
--- a/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271_rx.c
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/wl12xx/wl1271_rx.c
@@ -48,10 +48,18 @@
 			     struct ieee80211_rx_status *status,
 			     u8 beacon)
+	enum ieee80211_band desc_band;
 	memset(status, 0, sizeof(struct ieee80211_rx_status));
 	status->band = wl->band;
-	status->rate_idx = wl1271_rate_to_idx(wl, desc->rate);
+	if ((desc->flags & WL1271_RX_DESC_BAND_MASK) == WL1271_RX_DESC_BAND_BG)
+		desc_band = IEEE80211_BAND_2GHZ;
+	else
+		desc_band = IEEE80211_BAND_5GHZ;
+	status->rate_idx = wl1271_rate_to_idx(desc->rate, desc_band);
 #ifdef CONFIG_WL1271_HT
 	/* 11n support */