ath10k: enable raw encap mode and software crypto engine

This patch enables raw Rx/Tx encap mode to support software based
crypto engine. This patch introduces a new module param 'cryptmode'.


   0: Use hardware crypto engine globally with native Wi-Fi mode TX/RX
      encapsulation to the firmware. This is the default mode.
   1: Use sofware crypto engine globally with raw mode TX/RX
      encapsulation to the firmware.

Known limitation:
   A-MSDU must be disabled for RAW Tx encap mode to perform well when
   heavy traffic is applied.

Testing: (by Michal Kazior <>)

     a) Performance Testing

       ap=qca988x sta=killer1525
        killer1525  ->  qca988x     194.496 mbps [tcp1 ip4]
        killer1525  ->  qca988x     238.309 mbps [tcp5 ip4]
        killer1525  ->  qca988x     266.958 mbps [udp1 ip4]
        killer1525  ->  qca988x     477.468 mbps [udp5 ip4]
        qca988x     ->  killer1525  301.378 mbps [tcp1 ip4]
        qca988x     ->  killer1525  297.949 mbps [tcp5 ip4]
        qca988x     ->  killer1525  331.351 mbps [udp1 ip4]
        qca988x     ->  killer1525  371.528 mbps [udp5 ip4]
       ap=killer1525 sta=qca988x
        qca988x     ->  killer1525  331.447 mbps [tcp1 ip4]
        qca988x     ->  killer1525  328.783 mbps [tcp5 ip4]
        qca988x     ->  killer1525  375.309 mbps [udp1 ip4]
        qca988x     ->  killer1525  403.379 mbps [udp5 ip4]
        killer1525  ->  qca988x     203.689 mbps [tcp1 ip4]
        killer1525  ->  qca988x     222.339 mbps [tcp5 ip4]
        killer1525  ->  qca988x     264.199 mbps [udp1 ip4]
        killer1525  ->  qca988x     479.371 mbps [udp5 ip4]

       - only open network tested for RAW vs nwifi performance comparison
       - killer1525 (qca6174 hw2.2) is 2x2 device (hence max 866mbps)
       - used iperf
       - OTA, devices a few cm apart from each other, no shielding
       - tcpX/udpX, X - means number of threads used

       - relative Tx performance drop is seen but is within reasonable and
         expected threshold (A-MSDU must be disabled with RAW Tx)

     b) Connectivity Testing

       ap=iwl6205 sta1=qca988x crypto=open     topology-1ap1sta          OK
       ap=iwl6205 sta1=qca988x crypto=wep1     topology-1ap1sta          OK
       ap=iwl6205 sta1=qca988x crypto=wpa      topology-1ap1sta          OK
       ap=iwl6205 sta1=qca988x crypto=wpa-ccmp topology-1ap1sta          OK
       ap=qca988x sta1=iwl6205 crypto=open     topology-1ap1sta          OK
       ap=qca988x sta1=iwl6205 crypto=wep1     topology-1ap1sta          OK
       ap=qca988x sta1=iwl6205 crypto=wpa      topology-1ap1sta          OK
       ap=qca988x sta1=iwl6205 crypto=wpa-ccmp topology-1ap1sta          OK
       ap=iwl6205 sta1=qca988x crypto=open     topology-1ap1sta2br       OK
       ap=iwl6205 sta1=qca988x crypto=wep1     topology-1ap1sta2br       OK
       ap=iwl6205 sta1=qca988x crypto=wpa      topology-1ap1sta2br       OK
       ap=iwl6205 sta1=qca988x crypto=wpa-ccmp topology-1ap1sta2br       OK
       ap=qca988x sta1=iwl6205 crypto=open     topology-1ap1sta2br       OK
       ap=qca988x sta1=iwl6205 crypto=wep1     topology-1ap1sta2br       OK
       ap=qca988x sta1=iwl6205 crypto=wpa      topology-1ap1sta2br       OK
       ap=qca988x sta1=iwl6205 crypto=wpa-ccmp topology-1ap1sta2br       OK
       ap=iwl6205 sta1=qca988x crypto=open     topology-1ap1sta2br1vlan  OK
       ap=iwl6205 sta1=qca988x crypto=wep1     topology-1ap1sta2br1vlan  OK
       ap=iwl6205 sta1=qca988x crypto=wpa      topology-1ap1sta2br1vlan  OK
       ap=iwl6205 sta1=qca988x crypto=wpa-ccmp topology-1ap1sta2br1vlan  OK
       ap=qca988x sta1=iwl6205 crypto=open     topology-1ap1sta2br1vlan  OK
       ap=qca988x sta1=iwl6205 crypto=wep1     topology-1ap1sta2br1vlan  OK
       ap=qca988x sta1=iwl6205 crypto=wpa      topology-1ap1sta2br1vlan  OK
       ap=qca988x sta1=iwl6205 crypto=wpa-ccmp topology-1ap1sta2br1vlan  OK

       - each test takes all possible endpoint pairs and pings
       - each pair-ping flushes arp table
       - ip6 is used

     c) Testbed Topology:

        [ap] ---- [sta]

        endpoints: ap, sta

        [veth0] [ap] ---- [sta] [veth2]
           |     |          |     |
        [veth1]  |          \   [veth3]
            \   /            \  /
            [br0]            [br1]

        endpoints: veth0, veth2, br0, br1
        note: STA works in 4addr mode, AP has wds_sta=1

        [veth0] [ap] ---- [sta] [veth2]
           |     |          |     |
        [veth1]  |          \   [veth3]
            \   /            \  /
          [br0]              [br1]
            |                  |
          [vlan0_id2]        [vlan1_id2]

        endpoints: vlan0_id2, vlan1_id2
        note: STA works in 4addr mode, AP has wds_sta=1


    Thanks to Michal Kazior <> who helped find the
    amsdu issue, contributed a workaround (already squashed into this
    patch), and contributed the throughput and connectivity tests results.

Signed-off-by: David Liu <>
Signed-off-by: Michal Kazior <>
Tested-by: Michal Kazior <>
Signed-off-by: Kalle Valo <>
diff --git a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath10k/htt.c b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath10k/htt.c
index 4474c3e..3e6ba63 100644
--- a/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath10k/htt.c
+++ b/drivers/net/wireless/ath/ath10k/htt.c
@@ -246,12 +246,31 @@
 	status = ath10k_htt_verify_version(htt);
-	if (status)
+	if (status) {
+		ath10k_warn(ar, "failed to verify htt version: %d\n",
+			    status);
 		return status;
+	}
 	status = ath10k_htt_send_frag_desc_bank_cfg(htt);
 	if (status)
 		return status;
-	return ath10k_htt_send_rx_ring_cfg_ll(htt);
+	status = ath10k_htt_send_rx_ring_cfg_ll(htt);
+	if (status) {
+		ath10k_warn(ar, "failed to setup rx ring: %d\n",
+			    status);
+		return status;
+	}
+	status = ath10k_htt_h2t_aggr_cfg_msg(htt,
+					     htt->max_num_ampdu,
+					     htt->max_num_amsdu);
+	if (status) {
+		ath10k_warn(ar, "failed to setup amsdu/ampdu limit: %d\n",
+			    status);
+		return status;
+	}
+	return 0;