cxgb4: move common filter code to separate file

Move common filter code to separate files.  Also fix the following
checkpatch checks.

CHECK: Comparison to NULL could be written "!f->l2t"
+               if (f->l2t == NULL) {

CHECK: spaces preferred around that '/' (ctx:VxV)
+       fwr->len16_pkd = htonl(FW_WR_LEN16_V(sizeof(*fwr)/16));

Signed-off-by: Rahul Lakkireddy <>
Signed-off-by: Hariprasad Shenai <>
Signed-off-by: David S. Miller <>
diff --git a/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c b/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c
index d1ebb84..5cdcfe8 100644
--- a/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c
+++ b/drivers/net/ethernet/chelsio/cxgb4/cxgb4_main.c
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
 #include <linux/crash_dump.h>
 #include "cxgb4.h"
+#include "cxgb4_filter.h"
 #include "t4_regs.h"
 #include "t4_values.h"
 #include "t4_msg.h"
@@ -87,30 +88,6 @@
 const char cxgb4_driver_version[] = DRV_VERSION;
 #define DRV_DESC "Chelsio T4/T5/T6 Network Driver"
-/* Host shadow copy of ingress filter entry.  This is in host native format
- * and doesn't match the ordering or bit order, etc. of the hardware of the
- * firmware command.  The use of bit-field structure elements is purely to
- * remind ourselves of the field size limitations and save memory in the case
- * where the filter table is large.
- */
-struct filter_entry {
-	/* Administrative fields for filter.
-	 */
-	u32 valid:1;            /* filter allocated and valid */
-	u32 locked:1;           /* filter is administratively locked */
-	u32 pending:1;          /* filter action is pending firmware reply */
-	u32 smtidx:8;           /* Source MAC Table index for smac */
-	struct l2t_entry *l2t;  /* Layer Two Table entry for dmac */
-	/* The filter itself.  Most of this is a straight copy of information
-	 * provided by the extended ioctl().  Some fields are translated to
-	 * internal forms -- for instance the Ingress Queue ID passed in from
-	 * the ioctl() is translated into the Absolute Ingress Queue ID.
-	 */
-	struct ch_filter_specification fs;
@@ -527,66 +504,6 @@
 #endif /* CONFIG_CHELSIO_T4_DCB */
-/* Clear a filter and release any of its resources that we own.  This also
- * clears the filter's "pending" status.
- */
-static void clear_filter(struct adapter *adap, struct filter_entry *f)
-	/* If the new or old filter have loopback rewriteing rules then we'll
-	 * need to free any existing Layer Two Table (L2T) entries of the old
-	 * filter rule.  The firmware will handle freeing up any Source MAC
-	 * Table (SMT) entries used for rewriting Source MAC Addresses in
-	 * loopback rules.
-	 */
-	if (f->l2t)
-		cxgb4_l2t_release(f->l2t);
-	/* The zeroing of the filter rule below clears the filter valid,
-	 * pending, locked flags, l2t pointer, etc. so it's all we need for
-	 * this operation.
-	 */
-	memset(f, 0, sizeof(*f));
-/* Handle a filter write/deletion reply.
- */
-static void filter_rpl(struct adapter *adap, const struct cpl_set_tcb_rpl *rpl)
-	unsigned int idx = GET_TID(rpl);
-	unsigned int nidx = idx - adap->tids.ftid_base;
-	unsigned int ret;
-	struct filter_entry *f;
-	if (idx >= adap->tids.ftid_base && nidx <
-	   (adap->tids.nftids + adap->tids.nsftids)) {
-		idx = nidx;
-		ret = TCB_COOKIE_G(rpl->cookie);
-		f = &adap->tids.ftid_tab[idx];
-		if (ret == FW_FILTER_WR_FLT_DELETED) {
-			/* Clear the filter when we get confirmation from the
-			 * hardware that the filter has been deleted.
-			 */
-			clear_filter(adap, f);
-		} else if (ret == FW_FILTER_WR_SMT_TBL_FULL) {
-			dev_err(adap->pdev_dev, "filter %u setup failed due to full SMT\n",
-				idx);
-			clear_filter(adap, f);
-		} else if (ret == FW_FILTER_WR_FLT_ADDED) {
-			f->smtidx = (be64_to_cpu(rpl->oldval) >> 24) & 0xff;
-			f->pending = 0;  /* asynchronous setup completed */
-			f->valid = 1;
-		} else {
-			/* Something went wrong.  Issue a warning about the
-			 * problem and clear everything out.
-			 */
-			dev_err(adap->pdev_dev, "filter %u setup failed with error %u\n",
-				idx, ret);
-			clear_filter(adap, f);
-		}
-	}
 /* Response queue handler for the FW event queue.
 static int fwevtq_handler(struct sge_rspq *q, const __be64 *rsp,
@@ -1026,151 +943,6 @@
-/* Send a Work Request to write the filter at a specified index.  We construct
- * a Firmware Filter Work Request to have the work done and put the indicated
- * filter into "pending" mode which will prevent any further actions against
- * it till we get a reply from the firmware on the completion status of the
- * request.
- */
-static int set_filter_wr(struct adapter *adapter, int fidx)
-	struct filter_entry *f = &adapter->tids.ftid_tab[fidx];
-	struct sk_buff *skb;
-	struct fw_filter_wr *fwr;
-	unsigned int ftid;
-	skb = alloc_skb(sizeof(*fwr), GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!skb)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	/* If the new filter requires loopback Destination MAC and/or VLAN
-	 * rewriting then we need to allocate a Layer 2 Table (L2T) entry for
-	 * the filter.
-	 */
-	if (f->fs.newdmac || f->fs.newvlan) {
-		/* allocate L2T entry for new filter */
-		f->l2t = t4_l2t_alloc_switching(adapter, f->fs.vlan,
-						f->fs.eport, f->fs.dmac);
-		if (f->l2t == NULL) {
-			kfree_skb(skb);
-			return -ENOMEM;
-		}
-	}
-	ftid = adapter->tids.ftid_base + fidx;
-	fwr = (struct fw_filter_wr *)__skb_put(skb, sizeof(*fwr));
-	memset(fwr, 0, sizeof(*fwr));
-	/* It would be nice to put most of the following in t4_hw.c but most
-	 * of the work is translating the cxgbtool ch_filter_specification
-	 * into the Work Request and the definition of that structure is
-	 * currently in cxgbtool.h which isn't appropriate to pull into the
-	 * common code.  We may eventually try to come up with a more neutral
-	 * filter specification structure but for now it's easiest to simply
-	 * put this fairly direct code in line ...
-	 */
-	fwr->op_pkd = htonl(FW_WR_OP_V(FW_FILTER_WR));
-	fwr->len16_pkd = htonl(FW_WR_LEN16_V(sizeof(*fwr)/16));
-	fwr->tid_to_iq =
-		htonl(FW_FILTER_WR_TID_V(ftid) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_RQTYPE_V(f->fs.type) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_NOREPLY_V(0) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_IQ_V(f->;
-	fwr->del_filter_to_l2tix =
-		htonl(FW_FILTER_WR_RPTTID_V(f->fs.rpttid) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_DROP_V(f->fs.action == FILTER_DROP) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_DIRSTEER_V(f->fs.dirsteer) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_MASKHASH_V(f->fs.maskhash) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_DIRSTEERHASH_V(f->fs.dirsteerhash) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_LPBK_V(f->fs.action == FILTER_SWITCH) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_DMAC_V(f->fs.newdmac) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_SMAC_V(f->fs.newsmac) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_INSVLAN_V(f->fs.newvlan == VLAN_INSERT ||
-					     f->fs.newvlan == VLAN_REWRITE) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_RMVLAN_V(f->fs.newvlan == VLAN_REMOVE ||
-					    f->fs.newvlan == VLAN_REWRITE) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_HITCNTS_V(f->fs.hitcnts) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_TXCHAN_V(f->fs.eport) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_PRIO_V(f->fs.prio) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_L2TIX_V(f->l2t ? f->l2t->idx : 0));
-	fwr->ethtype = htons(f->fs.val.ethtype);
-	fwr->ethtypem = htons(f->fs.mask.ethtype);
-	fwr->frag_to_ovlan_vldm =
-		(FW_FILTER_WR_FRAG_V(f->fs.val.frag) |
-		 FW_FILTER_WR_FRAGM_V(f->fs.mask.frag) |
-		 FW_FILTER_WR_IVLAN_VLD_V(f->fs.val.ivlan_vld) |
-		 FW_FILTER_WR_OVLAN_VLD_V(f->fs.val.ovlan_vld) |
-		 FW_FILTER_WR_IVLAN_VLDM_V(f->fs.mask.ivlan_vld) |
-		 FW_FILTER_WR_OVLAN_VLDM_V(f->fs.mask.ovlan_vld));
-	fwr->smac_sel = 0;
-	fwr->rx_chan_rx_rpl_iq =
-		htons(FW_FILTER_WR_RX_CHAN_V(0) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_RX_RPL_IQ_V(adapter->sge.fw_evtq.abs_id));
-	fwr->maci_to_matchtypem =
-		htonl(FW_FILTER_WR_MACI_V(f->fs.val.macidx) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_MACIM_V(f->fs.mask.macidx) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_FCOE_V(f->fs.val.fcoe) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_FCOEM_V(f->fs.mask.fcoe) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_PORT_V(f->fs.val.iport) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_PORTM_V(f->fs.mask.iport) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_MATCHTYPE_V(f->fs.val.matchtype) |
-		      FW_FILTER_WR_MATCHTYPEM_V(f->fs.mask.matchtype));
-	fwr->ptcl = f->fs.val.proto;
-	fwr->ptclm = f->fs.mask.proto;
-	fwr->ttyp = f->fs.val.tos;
-	fwr->ttypm = f->fs.mask.tos;
-	fwr->ivlan = htons(f->fs.val.ivlan);
-	fwr->ivlanm = htons(f->fs.mask.ivlan);
-	fwr->ovlan = htons(f->fs.val.ovlan);
-	fwr->ovlanm = htons(f->fs.mask.ovlan);
-	memcpy(fwr->lip, f->fs.val.lip, sizeof(fwr->lip));
-	memcpy(fwr->lipm, f->fs.mask.lip, sizeof(fwr->lipm));
-	memcpy(fwr->fip, f->fs.val.fip, sizeof(fwr->fip));
-	memcpy(fwr->fipm, f->fs.mask.fip, sizeof(fwr->fipm));
-	fwr->lp = htons(f->fs.val.lport);
-	fwr->lpm = htons(f->fs.mask.lport);
-	fwr->fp = htons(f->fs.val.fport);
-	fwr->fpm = htons(f->fs.mask.fport);
-	if (f->fs.newsmac)
-		memcpy(fwr->sma, f->fs.smac, sizeof(fwr->sma));
-	/* Mark the filter as "pending" and ship off the Filter Work Request.
-	 * When we get the Work Request Reply we'll clear the pending status.
-	 */
-	f->pending = 1;
-	set_wr_txq(skb, CPL_PRIORITY_CONTROL, f->fs.val.iport & 0x3);
-	t4_ofld_send(adapter, skb);
-	return 0;
-/* Delete the filter at a specified index.
- */
-static int del_filter_wr(struct adapter *adapter, int fidx)
-	struct filter_entry *f = &adapter->tids.ftid_tab[fidx];
-	struct sk_buff *skb;
-	struct fw_filter_wr *fwr;
-	unsigned int len, ftid;
-	len = sizeof(*fwr);
-	ftid = adapter->tids.ftid_base + fidx;
-	skb = alloc_skb(len, GFP_KERNEL);
-	if (!skb)
-		return -ENOMEM;
-	fwr = (struct fw_filter_wr *)__skb_put(skb, len);
-	t4_mk_filtdelwr(ftid, fwr, adapter->sge.fw_evtq.abs_id);
-	/* Mark the filter as "pending" and ship off the Filter Work Request.
-	 * When we get the Work Request Reply we'll clear the pending status.
-	 */
-	f->pending = 1;
-	t4_mgmt_tx(adapter, skb);
-	return 0;
 static u16 cxgb_select_queue(struct net_device *dev, struct sk_buff *skb,
 			     void *accel_priv, select_queue_fallback_t fallback)
@@ -2514,40 +2286,6 @@
 	return t4_enable_vi(adapter, adapter->pf, pi->viid, false, false);
-/* Return an error number if the indicated filter isn't writable ...
- */
-static int writable_filter(struct filter_entry *f)
-	if (f->locked)
-		return -EPERM;
-	if (f->pending)
-		return -EBUSY;
-	return 0;
-/* Delete the filter at the specified index (if valid).  The checks for all
- * the common problems with doing this like the filter being locked, currently
- * pending in another operation, etc.
- */
-static int delete_filter(struct adapter *adapter, unsigned int fidx)
-	struct filter_entry *f;
-	int ret;
-	if (fidx >= adapter->tids.nftids + adapter->tids.nsftids)
-		return -EINVAL;
-	f = &adapter->tids.ftid_tab[fidx];
-	ret = writable_filter(f);
-	if (ret)
-		return ret;
-	if (f->valid)
-		return del_filter_wr(adapter, fidx);
-	return 0;
 int cxgb4_create_server_filter(const struct net_device *dev, unsigned int stid,
 		__be32 sip, __be16 sport, __be16 vlan,
 		unsigned int queue, unsigned char port, unsigned char mask)