
  UIO: Hilscher CIF card driver
  UIO: Documentation
  UIO: Add the User IO core code
diff --git a/Documentation/DocBook/kernel-api.tmpl b/Documentation/DocBook/kernel-api.tmpl
index fd2ef4d..a0af560 100644
--- a/Documentation/DocBook/kernel-api.tmpl
+++ b/Documentation/DocBook/kernel-api.tmpl
@@ -408,6 +408,10 @@
+     <sect1><title>Userspace IO devices</title>
+     </sect1>
   <chapter id="blkdev">
diff --git a/Documentation/DocBook/uio-howto.tmpl b/Documentation/DocBook/uio-howto.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3bb29a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/DocBook/uio-howto.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,611 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
+"" []>
+<book id="index">
+<title>The Userspace I/O HOWTO</title>
+      <firstname>Hans-Jürgen</firstname>
+      <surname>Koch</surname>
+      <authorblurb><para>Linux developer, Linutronix</para></authorblurb>
+	<affiliation>
+	<orgname>
+		<ulink url="">Linutronix</ulink>
+	</orgname>
+	<address>
+	   <email></email>
+	</address>
+    </affiliation>
+	<para>This HOWTO describes concept and usage of Linux kernel's
+		Userspace I/O system.</para>
+	<revision>
+	<revnumber>0.3</revnumber>
+	<date>2007-04-29</date>
+	<authorinitials>hjk</authorinitials>
+	<revremark>Added section about userspace drivers.</revremark>
+	</revision>
+	<revision>
+	<revnumber>0.2</revnumber>
+	<date>2007-02-13</date>
+	<authorinitials>hjk</authorinitials>
+	<revremark>Update after multiple mappings were added.</revremark>
+	</revision>
+	<revision>
+	<revnumber>0.1</revnumber>
+	<date>2006-12-11</date>
+	<authorinitials>hjk</authorinitials>
+	<revremark>First draft.</revremark>
+	</revision>
+<chapter id="aboutthisdoc">
+<?dbhtml filename="about.html"?>
+<title>About this document</title>
+<sect1 id="copyright">
+<?dbhtml filename="copyright.html"?>
+<title>Copyright and License</title>
+      Copyright (c) 2006 by Hans-Jürgen Koch.</para>
+This documentation is Free Software licensed under the terms of the
+GPL version 2.
+<sect1 id="translations">
+<?dbhtml filename="translations.html"?>
+<para>If you know of any translations for this document, or you are
+interested in translating it, please email me
+<sect1 id="preface">
+	<para>
+	For many types of devices, creating a Linux kernel driver is
+	overkill.  All that is really needed is some way to handle an
+	interrupt and provide access to the memory space of the
+	device.  The logic of controlling the device does not
+	necessarily have to be within the kernel, as the device does
+	not need to take advantage of any of other resources that the
+	kernel provides.  One such common class of devices that are
+	like this are for industrial I/O cards.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	To address this situation, the userspace I/O system (UIO) was
+	designed.  For typical industrial I/O cards, only a very small
+	kernel module is needed. The main part of the driver will run in
+	user space. This simplifies development and reduces the risk of
+	serious bugs within a kernel module.
+	</para>
+<sect1 id="thanks">
+	<para>I'd like to thank Thomas Gleixner and Benedikt Spranger of
+	Linutronix, who have not only written most of the UIO code, but also
+	helped greatly writing this HOWTO by giving me all kinds of background
+	information.</para>
+<sect1 id="feedback">
+	<para>Find something wrong with this document? (Or perhaps something
+	right?) I would love to hear from you. Please email me at
+	<email></email>.</para>
+<chapter id="about">
+<?dbhtml filename="about.html"?>
+<title>About UIO</title>
+<para>If you use UIO for your card's driver, here's what you get:</para>
+	<para>only one small kernel module to write and maintain.</para>
+	<para>develop the main part of your driver in user space,
+	with all the tools and libraries you're used to.</para>
+	<para>bugs in your driver won't crash the kernel.</para>
+	<para>updates of your driver can take place without recompiling
+	the kernel.</para>
+	<para>if you need to keep some parts of your driver closed source,
+	you can do so without violating the GPL license on the kernel.</para>
+<sect1 id="how_uio_works">
+<title>How UIO works</title>
+	<para>
+	Each UIO device is accessed through a device file and several
+	sysfs attribute files. The device file will be called
+	<filename>/dev/uio0</filename> for the first device, and
+	<filename>/dev/uio1</filename>, <filename>/dev/uio2</filename>
+	and so on for subsequent devices.
+	</para>
+	<para><filename>/dev/uioX</filename> is used to access the
+	address space of the card. Just use
+	<function>mmap()</function> to access registers or RAM
+	locations of your card.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	Interrupts are handled by reading from
+	<filename>/dev/uioX</filename>. A blocking
+	<function>read()</function> from
+	<filename>/dev/uioX</filename> will return as soon as an
+	interrupt occurs. You can also use
+	<function>select()</function> on
+	<filename>/dev/uioX</filename> to wait for an interrupt. The
+	integer value read from <filename>/dev/uioX</filename>
+	represents the total interrupt count. You can use this number
+	to figure out if you missed some interrupts.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	To handle interrupts properly, your custom kernel module can
+	provide its own interrupt handler. It will automatically be
+	called by the built-in handler.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	For cards that don't generate interrupts but need to be
+	polled, there is the possibility to set up a timer that
+	triggers the interrupt handler at configurable time intervals.
+	See <filename>drivers/uio/uio_dummy.c</filename> for an
+	example of this technique.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	Each driver provides attributes that are used to read or write
+	variables. These attributes are accessible through sysfs
+	files.  A custom kernel driver module can add its own
+	attributes to the device owned by the uio driver, but not added
+	to the UIO device itself at this time.  This might change in the
+	future if it would be found to be useful.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	The following standard attributes are provided by the UIO
+	framework:
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	<filename>name</filename>: The name of your device. It is
+	recommended to use the name of your kernel module for this.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	<filename>version</filename>: A version string defined by your
+	driver. This allows the user space part of your driver to deal
+	with different versions of the kernel module.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	<filename>event</filename>: The total number of interrupts
+	handled by the driver since the last time the device node was
+	read.
+	</para>
+	These attributes appear under the
+	<filename>/sys/class/uio/uioX</filename> directory.  Please
+	note that this directory might be a symlink, and not a real
+	directory.  Any userspace code that accesses it must be able
+	to handle this.
+	Each UIO device can make one or more memory regions available for
+	memory mapping. This is necessary because some industrial I/O cards
+	require access to more than one PCI memory region in a driver.
+	Each mapping has its own directory in sysfs, the first mapping
+	appears as <filename>/sys/class/uio/uioX/maps/map0/</filename>.
+	Subsequent mappings create directories <filename>map1/</filename>,
+	<filename>map2/</filename>, and so on. These directories will only
+	appear if the size of the mapping is not 0.
+	Each <filename>mapX/</filename> directory contains two read-only files
+	that show start address and size of the memory:
+	<para>
+	<filename>addr</filename>: The address of memory that can be mapped.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	<filename>size</filename>: The size, in bytes, of the memory
+	pointed to by addr.
+	</para>
+	From userspace, the different mappings are distinguished by adjusting
+	the <varname>offset</varname> parameter of the
+	<function>mmap()</function> call. To map the memory of mapping N, you
+	have to use N times the page size as your offset:
+<programlisting format="linespecific">
+offset = N * getpagesize();
+<chapter id="using-uio_dummy" xreflabel="Using uio_dummy">
+<?dbhtml filename="using-uio_dummy.html"?>
+<title>Using uio_dummy</title>
+	<para>
+	Well, there is no real use for uio_dummy. Its only purpose is
+	to test most parts of the UIO system (everything except
+	hardware interrupts), and to serve as an example for the
+	kernel module that you will have to write yourself.
+	</para>
+<sect1 id="what_uio_dummy_does">
+<title>What uio_dummy does</title>
+	<para>
+	The kernel module <filename>uio_dummy.ko</filename> creates a
+	device that uses a timer to generate periodic interrupts. The
+	interrupt handler does nothing but increment a counter. The
+	driver adds two custom attributes, <varname>count</varname>
+	and <varname>freq</varname>, that appear under
+	<filename>/sys/devices/platform/uio_dummy/</filename>.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	The attribute <varname>count</varname> can be read and
+	written.  The associated file
+	<filename>/sys/devices/platform/uio_dummy/count</filename>
+	appears as a normal text file and contains the total number of
+	timer interrupts. If you look at it (e.g. using
+	<function>cat</function>), you'll notice it is slowly counting
+	up.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	The attribute <varname>freq</varname> can be read and written.
+	The content of
+	<filename>/sys/devices/platform/uio_dummy/freq</filename>
+	represents the number of system timer ticks between two timer
+	interrupts. The default value of <varname>freq</varname> is
+	the value of the kernel variable <varname>HZ</varname>, which
+	gives you an interval of one second. Lower values will
+	increase the frequency. Try the following:
+	</para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">
+cd /sys/devices/platform/uio_dummy/
+echo 100 > freq
+	<para>
+	Use <function>cat count</function> to see how the interrupt
+	frequency changes.
+	</para>
+<chapter id="custom_kernel_module" xreflabel="Writing your own kernel module">
+<?dbhtml filename="custom_kernel_module.html"?>
+<title>Writing your own kernel module</title>
+	<para>
+	Please have a look at <filename>uio_dummy.c</filename> as an
+	example. The following paragraphs explain the different
+	sections of this file.
+	</para>
+<sect1 id="uio_info">
+<title>struct uio_info</title>
+	<para>
+	This structure tells the framework the details of your driver,
+	Some of the members are required, others are optional.
+	</para>
+<varname>char *name</varname>: Required. The name of your driver as
+it will appear in sysfs. I recommend using the name of your module for this.
+<varname>char *version</varname>: Required. This string appears in
+<varname>struct uio_mem mem[ MAX_UIO_MAPS ]</varname>: Required if you
+have memory that can be mapped with <function>mmap()</function>. For each
+mapping you need to fill one of the <varname>uio_mem</varname> structures.
+See the description below for details.
+<varname>long irq</varname>: Required. If your hardware generates an
+interrupt, it's your modules task to determine the irq number during
+initialization. If you don't have a hardware generated interrupt but
+want to trigger the interrupt handler in some other way, set
+<varname>irq</varname> to <varname>UIO_IRQ_CUSTOM</varname>. The
+uio_dummy module does this as it triggers the event mechanism in a timer
+routine. If you had no interrupt at all, you could set
+<varname>irq</varname> to <varname>UIO_IRQ_NONE</varname>, though this
+rarely makes sense.
+<varname>unsigned long irq_flags</varname>: Required if you've set
+<varname>irq</varname> to a hardware interrupt number. The flags given
+here will be used in the call to <function>request_irq()</function>.
+<varname>int (*mmap)(struct uio_info *info, struct vm_area_struct
+*vma)</varname>: Optional. If you need a special
+<function>mmap()</function> function, you can set it here. If this
+pointer is not NULL, your <function>mmap()</function> will be called
+instead of the built-in one.
+<varname>int (*open)(struct uio_info *info, struct inode *inode)
+</varname>: Optional. You might want to have your own
+<function>open()</function>, e.g. to enable interrupts only when your
+device is actually used.
+<varname>int (*release)(struct uio_info *info, struct inode *inode)
+</varname>: Optional. If you define your own
+<function>open()</function>, you will probably also want a custom
+<function>release()</function> function.
+Usually, your device will have one or more memory regions that can be mapped
+to user space. For each region, you have to set up a
+<varname>struct uio_mem</varname> in the <varname>mem[]</varname> array.
+Here's a description of the fields of <varname>struct uio_mem</varname>:
+<varname>int memtype</varname>: Required if the mapping is used. Set this to
+<varname>UIO_MEM_PHYS</varname> if you you have physical memory on your
+card to be mapped. Use <varname>UIO_MEM_LOGICAL</varname> for logical
+memory (e.g. allocated with <function>kmalloc()</function>). There's also
+<varname>UIO_MEM_VIRTUAL</varname> for virtual memory.
+<varname>unsigned long addr</varname>: Required if the mapping is used.
+Fill in the address of your memory block. This address is the one that
+appears in sysfs.
+<varname>unsigned long size</varname>: Fill in the size of the
+memory block that <varname>addr</varname> points to. If <varname>size</varname>
+is zero, the mapping is considered unused. Note that you
+<emphasis>must</emphasis> initialize <varname>size</varname> with zero for
+all unused mappings.
+<varname>void *internal_addr</varname>: If you have to access this memory
+region from within your kernel module, you will want to map it internally by
+using something like <function>ioremap()</function>. Addresses
+returned by this function cannot be mapped to user space, so you must not
+store it in <varname>addr</varname>. Use <varname>internal_addr</varname>
+instead to remember such an address.
+Please do not touch the <varname>kobj</varname> element of
+<varname>struct uio_mem</varname>! It is used by the UIO framework
+to set up sysfs files for this mapping. Simply leave it alone.
+<sect1 id="adding_irq_handler">
+<title>Adding an interrupt handler</title>
+	<para>
+	What you need to do in your interrupt handler depends on your
+	hardware and on how you want to	handle it. You should try to
+	keep the amount of code in your kernel interrupt handler low.
+	If your hardware requires no action that you
+	<emphasis>have</emphasis> to perform after each interrupt,
+	then your handler can be empty.</para> <para>If, on the other
+	hand, your hardware <emphasis>needs</emphasis> some action to
+	be performed after each interrupt, then you
+	<emphasis>must</emphasis> do it in your kernel module. Note
+	that you cannot rely on the userspace part of your driver. Your
+	userspace program can terminate at any time, possibly leaving
+	your hardware in a state where proper interrupt handling is
+	still required.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	There might also be applications where you want to read data
+	from your hardware at each interrupt and buffer it in a piece
+	of kernel memory you've allocated for that purpose.  With this
+	technique you could avoid loss of data if your userspace
+	program misses an interrupt.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	A note on shared interrupts: Your driver should support
+	interrupt sharing whenever this is possible. It is possible if
+	and only if your driver can detect whether your hardware has
+	triggered the interrupt or not. This is usually done by looking
+	at an interrupt status register. If your driver sees that the
+	IRQ bit is actually set, it will perform its actions, and the
+	handler returns IRQ_HANDLED. If the driver detects that it was
+	not your hardware that caused the interrupt, it will do nothing
+	and return IRQ_NONE, allowing the kernel to call the next
+	possible interrupt handler.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	If you decide not to support shared interrupts, your card
+	won't work in computers with no free interrupts. As this
+	frequently happens on the PC platform, you can save yourself a
+	lot of trouble by supporting interrupt sharing.
+	</para>
+<chapter id="userspace_driver" xreflabel="Writing a driver in user space">
+<?dbhtml filename="userspace_driver.html"?>
+<title>Writing a driver in userspace</title>
+	<para>
+	Once you have a working kernel module for your hardware, you can
+	write the userspace part of your driver. You don't need any special
+	libraries, your driver can be written in any reasonable language,
+	you can use floating point numbers and so on. In short, you can
+	use all the tools and libraries you'd normally use for writing a
+	userspace application.
+	</para>
+<sect1 id="getting_uio_information">
+<title>Getting information about your UIO device</title>
+	<para>
+	Information about all UIO devices is available in sysfs. The
+	first thing you should do in your driver is check
+	<varname>name</varname> and <varname>version</varname> to
+	make sure your talking to the right device and that its kernel
+	driver has the version you expect.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	You should also make sure that the memory mapping you need
+	exists and has the size you expect.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	There is a tool called <varname>lsuio</varname> that lists
+	UIO devices and their attributes. It is available here:
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	<ulink url="">
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	With <varname>lsuio</varname> you can quickly check if your
+	kernel module is loaded and which attributes it exports.
+	Have a look at the manpage for details.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	The source code of <varname>lsuio</varname> can serve as an
+	example for getting information about an UIO device.
+	The file <filename>uio_helper.c</filename> contains a lot of
+	functions you could use in your userspace driver code.
+	</para>
+<sect1 id="mmap_device_memory">
+<title>mmap() device memory</title>
+	<para>
+	After you made sure you've got the right device with the
+	memory mappings you need, all you have to do is to call
+	<function>mmap()</function> to map the device's memory
+	to userspace.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	The parameter <varname>offset</varname> of the
+	<function>mmap()</function> call has a special meaning
+	for UIO devices: It is used to select which mapping of
+	your device you want to map. To map the memory of
+	mapping N, you have to use N times the page size as
+	your offset:
+	</para>
+<programlisting format="linespecific">
+	offset = N * getpagesize();
+	<para>
+	N starts from zero, so if you've got only one memory
+	range to map, set <varname>offset = 0</varname>.
+	A drawback of this technique is that memory is always
+	mapped beginning with its start address.
+	</para>
+<sect1 id="wait_for_interrupts">
+<title>Waiting for interrupts</title>
+	<para>
+	After you successfully mapped your devices memory, you
+	can access it like an ordinary array. Usually, you will
+	perform some initialization. After that, your hardware
+	starts working and will generate an interrupt as soon
+	as it's finished, has some data available, or needs your
+	attention because an error occured.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	<filename>/dev/uioX</filename> is a read-only file. A
+	<function>read()</function> will always block until an
+	interrupt occurs. There is only one legal value for the
+	<varname>count</varname> parameter of
+	<function>read()</function>, and that is the size of a
+	signed 32 bit integer (4). Any other value for
+	<varname>count</varname> causes <function>read()</function>
+	to fail. The signed 32 bit integer read is the interrupt
+	count of your device. If the value is one more than the value
+	you read the last time, everything is OK. If the difference
+	is greater than one, you missed interrupts.
+	</para>
+	<para>
+	You can also use <function>select()</function> on
+	<filename>/dev/uioX</filename>.
+	</para>
+<appendix id="app1">
+<title>Further information</title>
+	<listitem><para>
+			<ulink url="">
+				OSADL homepage.</ulink>
+		</para></listitem>
+	<listitem><para>
+		<ulink url="">
+		 Linutronix homepage.</ulink>
+		</para></listitem>
diff --git a/drivers/Kconfig b/drivers/Kconfig
index 7916f4b..ae01d86 100644
--- a/drivers/Kconfig
+++ b/drivers/Kconfig
@@ -84,4 +84,5 @@
 source "drivers/kvm/Kconfig"
+source "drivers/uio/Kconfig"
diff --git a/drivers/Makefile b/drivers/Makefile
index 6d9d7fa..c34c8ef 100644
--- a/drivers/Makefile
+++ b/drivers/Makefile
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
 obj-$(CONFIG_FUSION)		+= message/
 obj-$(CONFIG_FIREWIRE)		+= firewire/
 obj-$(CONFIG_IEEE1394)		+= ieee1394/
+obj-$(CONFIG_UIO)		+= uio/
 obj-y				+= cdrom/
 obj-y				+= auxdisplay/
 obj-$(CONFIG_MTD)		+= mtd/
diff --git a/drivers/uio/Kconfig b/drivers/uio/Kconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b778ed71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/uio/Kconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+menu "Userspace I/O"
+	depends on !S390
+config UIO
+	tristate "Userspace I/O drivers"
+	default n
+	help
+	  Enable this to allow the userspace driver core code to be
+	  built.  This code allows userspace programs easy access to
+	  kernel interrupts and memory locations, allowing some drivers
+	  to be written in userspace.  Note that a small kernel driver
+	  is also required for interrupt handling to work properly.
+	  If you don't know what to do here, say N.
+config UIO_CIF
+	tristate "generic Hilscher CIF Card driver"
+	depends on UIO && PCI
+	default n
+	help
+	  Driver for Hilscher CIF DeviceNet and Profibus cards.  This
+	  driver requires a userspace component that handles all of the
+	  heavy lifting and can be found at:
+	  To compile this driver as a module, choose M here: the module
+	  will be called uio_cif.
diff --git a/drivers/uio/Makefile b/drivers/uio/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7fecfb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/uio/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+obj-$(CONFIG_UIO)	+= uio.o
+obj-$(CONFIG_UIO_CIF)	+= uio_cif.o
diff --git a/drivers/uio/uio.c b/drivers/uio/uio.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..865f32b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/uio/uio.c
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+ * drivers/uio/uio.c
+ *
+ * Copyright(C) 2005, Benedikt Spranger <>
+ * Copyright(C) 2005, Thomas Gleixner <>
+ * Copyright(C) 2006, Hans J. Koch <>
+ * Copyright(C) 2006, Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
+ *
+ * Userspace IO
+ *
+ * Base Functions
+ *
+ * Licensed under the GPLv2 only.
+ */
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/init.h>
+#include <linux/poll.h>
+#include <linux/device.h>
+#include <linux/mm.h>
+#include <linux/idr.h>
+#include <linux/string.h>
+#include <linux/kobject.h>
+#include <linux/uio_driver.h>
+#define UIO_MAX_DEVICES 255
+struct uio_device {
+	struct module		*owner;
+	struct device		*dev;
+	int			minor;
+	atomic_t		event;
+	struct fasync_struct	*async_queue;
+	wait_queue_head_t	wait;
+	int			vma_count;
+	struct uio_info		*info;
+	struct kset 		map_attr_kset;
+static int uio_major;
+static DEFINE_IDR(uio_idr);
+static struct file_operations uio_fops;
+/* UIO class infrastructure */
+static struct uio_class {
+	struct kref kref;
+	struct class *class;
+} *uio_class;
+ * attributes
+ */
+static struct attribute attr_addr = {
+	.name  = "addr",
+	.mode  = S_IRUGO,
+static struct attribute attr_size = {
+	.name  = "size",
+	.mode  = S_IRUGO,
+static struct attribute* map_attrs[] = {
+	&attr_addr, &attr_size, NULL
+static ssize_t map_attr_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct attribute *attr,
+			     char *buf)
+	struct uio_mem *mem = container_of(kobj, struct uio_mem, kobj);
+	if (strncmp(attr->name,"addr",4) == 0)
+		return sprintf(buf, "0x%lx\n", mem->addr);
+	if (strncmp(attr->name,"size",4) == 0)
+		return sprintf(buf, "0x%lx\n", mem->size);
+	return -ENODEV;
+static void map_attr_release(struct kobject *kobj)
+	/* TODO ??? */
+static struct sysfs_ops map_attr_ops = {
+	.show  = map_attr_show,
+static struct kobj_type map_attr_type = {
+	.release	= map_attr_release,
+	.sysfs_ops	= &map_attr_ops,
+	.default_attrs	= map_attrs,
+static ssize_t show_name(struct device *dev,
+			 struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
+	struct uio_device *idev = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	if (idev)
+		return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", idev->info->name);
+	else
+		return -ENODEV;
+static DEVICE_ATTR(name, S_IRUGO, show_name, NULL);
+static ssize_t show_version(struct device *dev,
+			    struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
+	struct uio_device *idev = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	if (idev)
+		return sprintf(buf, "%s\n", idev->info->version);
+	else
+		return -ENODEV;
+static DEVICE_ATTR(version, S_IRUGO, show_version, NULL);
+static ssize_t show_event(struct device *dev,
+			  struct device_attribute *attr, char *buf)
+	struct uio_device *idev = dev_get_drvdata(dev);
+	if (idev)
+		return sprintf(buf, "%u\n",
+				(unsigned int)atomic_read(&idev->event));
+	else
+		return -ENODEV;
+static DEVICE_ATTR(event, S_IRUGO, show_event, NULL);
+static struct attribute *uio_attrs[] = {
+	&dev_attr_name.attr,
+	&dev_attr_version.attr,
+	&dev_attr_event.attr,
+static struct attribute_group uio_attr_grp = {
+	.attrs = uio_attrs,
+ * device functions
+ */
+static int uio_dev_add_attributes(struct uio_device *idev)
+	int ret;
+	int mi;
+	int map_found = 0;
+	struct uio_mem *mem;
+	ret = sysfs_create_group(&idev->dev->kobj, &uio_attr_grp);
+	if (ret)
+		goto err_group;
+	for (mi = 0; mi < MAX_UIO_MAPS; mi++) {
+		mem = &idev->info->mem[mi];
+		if (mem->size == 0)
+			break;
+		if (!map_found) {
+			map_found = 1;
+			kobject_set_name(&idev->map_attr_kset.kobj,"maps");
+			idev->map_attr_kset.ktype = &map_attr_type;
+			idev->map_attr_kset.kobj.parent = &idev->dev->kobj;
+			ret = kset_register(&idev->map_attr_kset);
+			if (ret)
+				goto err_remove_group;
+		}
+		kobject_init(&mem->kobj);
+		kobject_set_name(&mem->kobj,"map%d",mi);
+		mem->kobj.parent = &idev->map_attr_kset.kobj;
+		mem->kobj.kset = &idev->map_attr_kset;
+		ret = kobject_add(&mem->kobj);
+		if (ret)
+			goto err_remove_maps;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	for (mi--; mi>=0; mi--) {
+		mem = &idev->info->mem[mi];
+		kobject_unregister(&mem->kobj);
+	}
+	kset_unregister(&idev->map_attr_kset); /* Needed ? */
+	sysfs_remove_group(&idev->dev->kobj, &uio_attr_grp);
+	dev_err(idev->dev, "error creating sysfs files (%d)\n", ret);
+	return ret;
+static void uio_dev_del_attributes(struct uio_device *idev)
+	int mi;
+	struct uio_mem *mem;
+	for (mi = 0; mi < MAX_UIO_MAPS; mi++) {
+		mem = &idev->info->mem[mi];
+		if (mem->size == 0)
+			break;
+		kobject_unregister(&mem->kobj);
+	}
+	kset_unregister(&idev->map_attr_kset);
+	sysfs_remove_group(&idev->dev->kobj, &uio_attr_grp);
+static int uio_get_minor(struct uio_device *idev)
+	static DEFINE_MUTEX(minor_lock);
+	int retval = -ENOMEM;
+	int id;
+	mutex_lock(&minor_lock);
+	if (idr_pre_get(&uio_idr, GFP_KERNEL) == 0)
+		goto exit;
+	retval = idr_get_new(&uio_idr, idev, &id);
+	if (retval < 0) {
+		if (retval == -EAGAIN)
+			retval = -ENOMEM;
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	idev->minor = id & MAX_ID_MASK;
+	mutex_unlock(&minor_lock);
+	return retval;
+static void uio_free_minor(struct uio_device *idev)
+	idr_remove(&uio_idr, idev->minor);
+ * uio_event_notify - trigger an interrupt event
+ * @info: UIO device capabilities
+ */
+void uio_event_notify(struct uio_info *info)
+	struct uio_device *idev = info->uio_dev;
+	atomic_inc(&idev->event);
+	wake_up_interruptible(&idev->wait);
+	kill_fasync(&idev->async_queue, SIGIO, POLL_IN);
+ * uio_interrupt - hardware interrupt handler
+ * @irq: IRQ number, can be UIO_IRQ_CYCLIC for cyclic timer
+ * @dev_id: Pointer to the devices uio_device structure
+ */
+static irqreturn_t uio_interrupt(int irq, void *dev_id)
+	struct uio_device *idev = (struct uio_device *)dev_id;
+	irqreturn_t ret = idev->info->handler(irq, idev->info);
+	if (ret == IRQ_HANDLED)
+		uio_event_notify(idev->info);
+	return ret;
+struct uio_listener {
+	struct uio_device *dev;
+	s32 event_count;
+static int uio_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filep)
+	struct uio_device *idev;
+	struct uio_listener *listener;
+	int ret = 0;
+	idev = idr_find(&uio_idr, iminor(inode));
+	if (!idev)
+		return -ENODEV;
+	listener = kmalloc(sizeof(*listener), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!listener)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	listener->dev = idev;
+	listener->event_count = atomic_read(&idev->event);
+	filep->private_data = listener;
+	if (idev->info->open) {
+		if (!try_module_get(idev->owner))
+			return -ENODEV;
+		ret = idev->info->open(idev->info, inode);
+		module_put(idev->owner);
+	}
+	if (ret)
+		kfree(listener);
+	return ret;
+static int uio_fasync(int fd, struct file *filep, int on)
+	struct uio_listener *listener = filep->private_data;
+	struct uio_device *idev = listener->dev;
+	return fasync_helper(fd, filep, on, &idev->async_queue);
+static int uio_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filep)
+	int ret = 0;
+	struct uio_listener *listener = filep->private_data;
+	struct uio_device *idev = listener->dev;
+	if (idev->info->release) {
+		if (!try_module_get(idev->owner))
+			return -ENODEV;
+		ret = idev->info->release(idev->info, inode);
+		module_put(idev->owner);
+	}
+	if (filep->f_flags & FASYNC)
+		ret = uio_fasync(-1, filep, 0);
+	kfree(listener);
+	return ret;
+static unsigned int uio_poll(struct file *filep, poll_table *wait)
+	struct uio_listener *listener = filep->private_data;
+	struct uio_device *idev = listener->dev;
+	if (idev->info->irq == UIO_IRQ_NONE)
+		return -EIO;
+	poll_wait(filep, &idev->wait, wait);
+	if (listener->event_count != atomic_read(&idev->event))
+	return 0;
+static ssize_t uio_read(struct file *filep, char __user *buf,
+			size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
+	struct uio_listener *listener = filep->private_data;
+	struct uio_device *idev = listener->dev;
+	DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current);
+	ssize_t retval;
+	s32 event_count;
+	if (idev->info->irq == UIO_IRQ_NONE)
+		return -EIO;
+	if (count != sizeof(s32))
+		return -EINVAL;
+	add_wait_queue(&idev->wait, &wait);
+	do {
+		set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE);
+		event_count = atomic_read(&idev->event);
+		if (event_count != listener->event_count) {
+			if (copy_to_user(buf, &event_count, count))
+				retval = -EFAULT;
+			else {
+				listener->event_count = event_count;
+				retval = count;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+		if (filep->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) {
+			retval = -EAGAIN;
+			break;
+		}
+		if (signal_pending(current)) {
+			retval = -ERESTARTSYS;
+			break;
+		}
+		schedule();
+	} while (1);
+	__set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING);
+	remove_wait_queue(&idev->wait, &wait);
+	return retval;
+static int uio_find_mem_index(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
+	int mi;
+	struct uio_device *idev = vma->vm_private_data;
+	for (mi = 0; mi < MAX_UIO_MAPS; mi++) {
+		if (idev->info->mem[mi].size == 0)
+			return -1;
+		if (vma->vm_pgoff == mi)
+			return mi;
+	}
+	return -1;
+static void uio_vma_open(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
+	struct uio_device *idev = vma->vm_private_data;
+	idev->vma_count++;
+static void uio_vma_close(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
+	struct uio_device *idev = vma->vm_private_data;
+	idev->vma_count--;
+static struct page *uio_vma_nopage(struct vm_area_struct *vma,
+				   unsigned long address, int *type)
+	struct uio_device *idev = vma->vm_private_data;
+	struct page* page = NOPAGE_SIGBUS;
+	int mi = uio_find_mem_index(vma);
+	if (mi < 0)
+		return page;
+	if (idev->info->mem[mi].memtype == UIO_MEM_LOGICAL)
+		page = virt_to_page(idev->info->mem[mi].addr);
+	else
+		page = vmalloc_to_page((void*)idev->info->mem[mi].addr);
+	get_page(page);
+	if (type)
+		*type = VM_FAULT_MINOR;
+	return page;
+static struct vm_operations_struct uio_vm_ops = {
+	.open = uio_vma_open,
+	.close = uio_vma_close,
+	.nopage = uio_vma_nopage,
+static int uio_mmap_physical(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
+	struct uio_device *idev = vma->vm_private_data;
+	int mi = uio_find_mem_index(vma);
+	if (mi < 0)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	vma->vm_flags |= VM_IO | VM_RESERVED;
+	return remap_pfn_range(vma,
+			       vma->vm_start,
+			       idev->info->mem[mi].addr >> PAGE_SHIFT,
+			       vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start,
+			       vma->vm_page_prot);
+static int uio_mmap_logical(struct vm_area_struct *vma)
+	vma->vm_flags |= VM_RESERVED;
+	vma->vm_ops = &uio_vm_ops;
+	uio_vma_open(vma);
+	return 0;
+static int uio_mmap(struct file *filep, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
+	struct uio_listener *listener = filep->private_data;
+	struct uio_device *idev = listener->dev;
+	int mi;
+	unsigned long requested_pages, actual_pages;
+	int ret = 0;
+	if (vma->vm_end < vma->vm_start)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	vma->vm_private_data = idev;
+	mi = uio_find_mem_index(vma);
+	if (mi < 0)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	requested_pages = (vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+	actual_pages = (idev->info->mem[mi].size + PAGE_SIZE -1) >> PAGE_SHIFT;
+	if (requested_pages > actual_pages)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	if (idev->info->mmap) {
+		if (!try_module_get(idev->owner))
+			return -ENODEV;
+		ret = idev->info->mmap(idev->info, vma);
+		module_put(idev->owner);
+		return ret;
+	}
+	switch (idev->info->mem[mi].memtype) {
+		case UIO_MEM_PHYS:
+			return uio_mmap_physical(vma);
+			return uio_mmap_logical(vma);
+		default:
+			return -EINVAL;
+	}
+static struct file_operations uio_fops = {
+	.owner		= THIS_MODULE,
+	.open		= uio_open,
+	.release	= uio_release,
+	.read		= uio_read,
+	.mmap		= uio_mmap,
+	.poll		= uio_poll,
+	.fasync		= uio_fasync,
+static int uio_major_init(void)
+	uio_major = register_chrdev(0, "uio", &uio_fops);
+	if (uio_major < 0)
+		return uio_major;
+	return 0;
+static void uio_major_cleanup(void)
+	unregister_chrdev(uio_major, "uio");
+static int init_uio_class(void)
+	int ret = 0;
+	if (uio_class != NULL) {
+		kref_get(&uio_class->kref);
+		goto exit;
+	}
+	/* This is the first time in here, set everything up properly */
+	ret = uio_major_init();
+	if (ret)
+		goto exit;
+	uio_class = kzalloc(sizeof(*uio_class), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!uio_class) {
+		ret = -ENOMEM;
+		goto err_kzalloc;
+	}
+	kref_init(&uio_class->kref);
+	uio_class->class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "uio");
+	if (IS_ERR(uio_class->class)) {
+		ret = IS_ERR(uio_class->class);
+		printk(KERN_ERR "class_create failed for uio\n");
+		goto err_class_create;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	kfree(uio_class);
+	uio_class = NULL;
+	uio_major_cleanup();
+	return ret;
+static void release_uio_class(struct kref *kref)
+	/* Ok, we cheat as we know we only have one uio_class */
+	class_destroy(uio_class->class);
+	kfree(uio_class);
+	uio_major_cleanup();
+	uio_class = NULL;
+static void uio_class_destroy(void)
+	if (uio_class)
+		kref_put(&uio_class->kref, release_uio_class);
+ * uio_register_device - register a new userspace IO device
+ * @owner:	module that creates the new device
+ * @parent:	parent device
+ * @info:	UIO device capabilities
+ *
+ * returns zero on success or a negative error code.
+ */
+int __uio_register_device(struct module *owner,
+			  struct device *parent,
+			  struct uio_info *info)
+	struct uio_device *idev;
+	int ret = 0;
+	if (!parent || !info || !info->name || !info->version)
+		return -EINVAL;
+	info->uio_dev = NULL;
+	ret = init_uio_class();
+	if (ret)
+		return ret;
+	idev = kzalloc(sizeof(*idev), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!idev) {
+		ret = -ENOMEM;
+		goto err_kzalloc;
+	}
+	idev->owner = owner;
+	idev->info = info;
+	init_waitqueue_head(&idev->wait);
+	atomic_set(&idev->event, 0);
+	ret = uio_get_minor(idev);
+	if (ret)
+		goto err_get_minor;
+	idev->dev = device_create(uio_class->class, parent,
+				  MKDEV(uio_major, idev->minor),
+				  "uio%d", idev->minor);
+	if (IS_ERR(idev->dev)) {
+		printk(KERN_ERR "UIO: device register failed\n");
+		ret = PTR_ERR(idev->dev);
+		goto err_device_create;
+	}
+	dev_set_drvdata(idev->dev, idev);
+	ret = uio_dev_add_attributes(idev);
+	if (ret)
+		goto err_uio_dev_add_attributes;
+	info->uio_dev = idev;
+	if (idev->info->irq >= 0) {
+		ret = request_irq(idev->info->irq, uio_interrupt,
+				  idev->info->irq_flags, idev->info->name, idev);
+		if (ret)
+			goto err_request_irq;
+	}
+	return 0;
+	uio_dev_del_attributes(idev);
+	device_destroy(uio_class->class, MKDEV(uio_major, idev->minor));
+	uio_free_minor(idev);
+	kfree(idev);
+	uio_class_destroy();
+	return ret;
+ * uio_unregister_device - unregister a industrial IO device
+ * @info:	UIO device capabilities
+ *
+ */
+void uio_unregister_device(struct uio_info *info)
+	struct uio_device *idev;
+	if (!info || !info->uio_dev)
+		return;
+	idev = info->uio_dev;
+	uio_free_minor(idev);
+	if (info->irq >= 0)
+		free_irq(info->irq, idev);
+	uio_dev_del_attributes(idev);
+	dev_set_drvdata(idev->dev, NULL);
+	device_destroy(uio_class->class, MKDEV(uio_major, idev->minor));
+	kfree(idev);
+	uio_class_destroy();
+	return;
+static int __init uio_init(void)
+	return 0;
+static void __exit uio_exit(void)
diff --git a/drivers/uio/uio_cif.c b/drivers/uio/uio_cif.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..838bae4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/uio/uio_cif.c
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ * UIO Hilscher CIF card driver
+ *
+ * (C) 2007 Hans J. Koch <>
+ * Original code (C) 2005 Benedikt Spranger <>
+ *
+ * Licensed under GPL version 2 only.
+ *
+ */
+#include <linux/device.h>
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/pci.h>
+#include <linux/uio_driver.h>
+#include <asm/io.h>
+#ifndef PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_9030
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_9030	0x9030
+#define PLX9030_INTCSR		0x4C
+#define INTSCR_INT1_ENABLE	0x01
+#define INTSCR_INT1_STATUS	0x04
+#define PCI_SUBVENDOR_ID_PEP	0x1518
+static irqreturn_t hilscher_handler(int irq, struct uio_info *dev_info)
+	void __iomem *plx_intscr = dev_info->mem[0].internal_addr
+					+ PLX9030_INTCSR;
+	if ((ioread8(plx_intscr) & INT1_ENABLED_AND_ACTIVE)
+		return IRQ_NONE;
+	/* Disable interrupt */
+	iowrite8(ioread8(plx_intscr) & ~INTSCR_INT1_ENABLE, plx_intscr);
+	return IRQ_HANDLED;
+static int __devinit hilscher_pci_probe(struct pci_dev *dev,
+					const struct pci_device_id *id)
+	struct uio_info *info;
+	info = kzalloc(sizeof(struct uio_info), GFP_KERNEL);
+	if (!info)
+		return -ENOMEM;
+	if (pci_enable_device(dev))
+		goto out_free;
+	if (pci_request_regions(dev, "hilscher"))
+		goto out_disable;
+	info->mem[0].addr = pci_resource_start(dev, 0);
+	if (!info->mem[0].addr)
+		goto out_release;
+	info->mem[0].internal_addr = ioremap(pci_resource_start(dev, 0),
+					     pci_resource_len(dev, 0));
+	if (!info->mem[0].internal_addr)
+		goto out_release;
+	info->mem[0].size = pci_resource_len(dev, 0);
+	info->mem[0].memtype = UIO_MEM_PHYS;
+	info->mem[1].addr = pci_resource_start(dev, 2);
+	info->mem[1].size = pci_resource_len(dev, 2);
+	info->mem[1].memtype = UIO_MEM_PHYS;
+	switch (id->subdevice) {
+			info->name = "CIF_Profibus";
+			break;
+			info->name = "CIF_Devicenet";
+			break;
+		default:
+			info->name = "CIF_???";
+	}
+	info->version = "0.0.1";
+	info->irq = dev->irq;
+	info->irq_flags = IRQF_DISABLED | IRQF_SHARED;
+	info->handler = hilscher_handler;
+	if (uio_register_device(&dev->dev, info))
+		goto out_unmap;
+	pci_set_drvdata(dev, info);
+	return 0;
+	iounmap(info->mem[0].internal_addr);
+	pci_release_regions(dev);
+	pci_disable_device(dev);
+	kfree (info);
+	return -ENODEV;
+static void hilscher_pci_remove(struct pci_dev *dev)
+	struct uio_info *info = pci_get_drvdata(dev);
+	uio_unregister_device(info);
+	pci_release_regions(dev);
+	pci_disable_device(dev);
+	pci_set_drvdata(dev, NULL);
+	iounmap(info->mem[0].internal_addr);
+	kfree (info);
+static struct pci_device_id hilscher_pci_ids[] = {
+	{
+		.vendor =	PCI_VENDOR_ID_PLX,
+		.device =	PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_9030,
+		.subvendor =	PCI_SUBVENDOR_ID_PEP,
+	},
+	{
+		.vendor =	PCI_VENDOR_ID_PLX,
+		.device =	PCI_DEVICE_ID_PLX_9030,
+		.subvendor =	PCI_SUBVENDOR_ID_PEP,
+	},
+	{ 0, }
+static struct pci_driver hilscher_pci_driver = {
+	.name = "hilscher",
+	.id_table = hilscher_pci_ids,
+	.probe = hilscher_pci_probe,
+	.remove = hilscher_pci_remove,
+static int __init hilscher_init_module(void)
+	return pci_register_driver(&hilscher_pci_driver);
+static void __exit hilscher_exit_module(void)
+	pci_unregister_driver(&hilscher_pci_driver);
+MODULE_AUTHOR("Hans J. Koch, Benedikt Spranger");
diff --git a/include/linux/uio_driver.h b/include/linux/uio_driver.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44c28e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/include/linux/uio_driver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ * include/linux/uio_driver.h
+ *
+ * Copyright(C) 2005, Benedikt Spranger <>
+ * Copyright(C) 2005, Thomas Gleixner <>
+ * Copyright(C) 2006, Hans J. Koch <>
+ * Copyright(C) 2006, Greg Kroah-Hartman <>
+ *
+ * Userspace IO driver.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the GPLv2 only.
+ */
+#ifndef _UIO_DRIVER_H_
+#define _UIO_DRIVER_H_
+#include <linux/module.h>
+#include <linux/fs.h>
+#include <linux/interrupt.h>
+ * struct uio_mem - description of a UIO memory region
+ * @kobj:		kobject for this mapping
+ * @addr:		address of the device's memory
+ * @size:		size of IO
+ * @memtype:		type of memory addr points to
+ * @internal_addr:	ioremap-ped version of addr, for driver internal use
+ */
+struct uio_mem {
+	struct kobject		kobj;
+	unsigned long		addr;
+	unsigned long		size;
+	int			memtype;
+	void __iomem		*internal_addr;
+#define MAX_UIO_MAPS 	5
+struct uio_device;
+ * struct uio_info - UIO device capabilities
+ * @uio_dev:		the UIO device this info belongs to
+ * @name:		device name
+ * @version:		device driver version
+ * @mem:		list of mappable memory regions, size==0 for end of list
+ * @irq:		interrupt number or UIO_IRQ_CUSTOM
+ * @irq_flags:		flags for request_irq()
+ * @priv:		optional private data
+ * @handler:		the device's irq handler
+ * @mmap:		mmap operation for this uio device
+ * @open:		open operation for this uio device
+ * @release:		release operation for this uio device
+ */
+struct uio_info {
+	struct uio_device	*uio_dev;
+	char			*name;
+	char			*version;
+	struct uio_mem		mem[MAX_UIO_MAPS];
+	long			irq;
+	unsigned long		irq_flags;
+	void			*priv;
+	irqreturn_t (*handler)(int irq, struct uio_info *dev_info);
+	int (*mmap)(struct uio_info *info, struct vm_area_struct *vma);
+	int (*open)(struct uio_info *info, struct inode *inode);
+	int (*release)(struct uio_info *info, struct inode *inode);
+extern int __must_check
+	__uio_register_device(struct module *owner,
+			      struct device *parent,
+			      struct uio_info *info);
+static inline int __must_check
+	uio_register_device(struct device *parent, struct uio_info *info)
+	return __uio_register_device(THIS_MODULE, parent, info);
+extern void uio_unregister_device(struct uio_info *info);
+extern void uio_event_notify(struct uio_info *info);
+/* defines for uio_device->irq */
+#define UIO_IRQ_CUSTOM	-1
+#define UIO_IRQ_NONE	-2
+/* defines for uio_device->memtype */
+#define UIO_MEM_NONE	0
+#define UIO_MEM_PHYS	1
+#define UIO_MEM_LOGICAL	2
+#define UIO_MEM_VIRTUAL 3
+#endif /* _LINUX_UIO_DRIVER_H_ */