Merge "msm: vidc: Add support for encoder deinterlacing"
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/touchscreen/ft5x06-ts.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/touchscreen/ft5x06-ts.txt
index 398e253..02186c9 100644
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/touchscreen/ft5x06-ts.txt
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/input/touchscreen/ft5x06-ts.txt
@@ -23,30 +23,34 @@
- focaltech,display-coords : display coordinates in pixels. It is a four
tuple consisting of min x, min y, max x and
max y values
- - focaltech,name : name of the controller
- focaltech,group-id : group id of this device
+ - focaltech,num-max-touches : maximum number of touches supported
- focaltech,hard-reset-delay-ms : hard reset delay in ms
- focaltech,soft-reset-delay-ms : soft reset delay in ms
-Optional properties:
- - focaltech,panel-coords : panel coordinates for the chip in pixels.
- It is a four tuple consisting of min x,
- min y, max x and max y values
- - focaltech,i2c-pull-up : to specify pull up is required
- - focaltech,no-force-update : to specify force update is allowed
- - focaltech,button-map : button map of key codes. The number
- of key codes depend on panel
- - focaltech,fw-name : specify the firmware file name
- - focaltech,fw-delay-aa-ms : specify the "aa" delay in ms for firmware upgrade
- - focaltech,fw-delay-55-ms : specify the "55" delay in ms for firmware upgrade
+ - focaltech,fw-delay-aa-ms : specify the delay in ms after programming 0xaa
+ register for firmware upgrade
+ - focaltech,fw-delay-55-ms : specify the delay in ms after programming 0x55
+ register for firmware upgrade
- focaltech,fw-upgrade-id1 : specify the upgrade id1 for firmware upgrade
- focaltech,fw-upgrade-id2 : specify the upgrade id2 for firmware upgrade
- focaltech,fw-delay-readid-ms : specify the read id delay in ms for firmware upgrade
- focaltech,fw-delay-era-flsh-ms : specify the erase flash delay in ms for firmware upgrade
+Optional properties:
+ - focaltech,name : name of the controller
+ - focaltech,i2c-pull-up : to specify pull up is required
+ - focaltech,no-force-update : to specify force update is allowed
+ - focaltech,button-map : button map of key codes. The number
+ - focaltech,fw-vkey-support : specify if virtual keys are supported through firmware
+ of key codes depend on panel
- focaltech,fw-auto-cal : specify whether calibration is needed after firmware upgrade
- focaltech,fw-vkey-support : specify if virtual keys are supported through firmware
- focaltech,ignore-id-check : specify ignore family-id check
+ - focaltech,panel-coords : panel coordinates for the chip in pixels.
+ It is a four tuple consisting of min x,
+ min y, max x and max y values
+ - focaltech,fw-name : specify the firmware file name
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/platform/msm/qpnp-power-on.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/platform/msm/qpnp-power-on.txt
index 3095b0a..83237f9 100644
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/platform/msm/qpnp-power-on.txt
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/platform/msm/qpnp-power-on.txt
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@
0 = Not supported
1 = Supported
This property is set to '0' if not specified.
+- qcom,use-bark Specify if this pon type needs to handle bark irq
- qcom,s1-timer The debounce timer for the BARK interrupt for
that reset source. Value is specified in ms.
Supported values are -
@@ -106,6 +107,7 @@
qcom,s2-timer = <2000>;
qcom,s2-type = <1>;
linux,code = <114>;
+ qcom,use-bark;
qcom,pon_3 {
@@ -115,5 +117,6 @@
qcom,s2-timer = <2000>;
qcom,s2-type = <7>;
qcom,pull-up = <1>;
+ qcom,use-bark;
diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/usb/msm-ssusb.txt b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/usb/msm-ssusb.txt
index 53e912a..a7a646d 100644
--- a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/usb/msm-ssusb.txt
+++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/usb/msm-ssusb.txt
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
TX fifo allocation in bytes
- qcom,dwc-usb3-msm-qdss-tx-fifo-size: If present, represent RAM size available
for TX fifo allocation in QDSS composition
+- qcom,dwc-ssphy-deemphasis-value: This property if present represents ss phy
+ deemphasis value to be used for overriding into SSPHY register.
Sub nodes:
- Sub node for "DWC3- USB3 controller".
@@ -82,6 +84,7 @@
qcom,dwc_usb3-adc_tm = <&pm8941_adc_tm>;
qcom,dwc-usb3-msm-tx-fifo-size = <29696>;
qcom,dwc-usb3-msm-qdss-tx-fifo-size = <16384>;
+ qcom,dwc-ssphy-deemphasis-value = <26>;
qcom,msm_bus,name = "usb3";
qcom,msm_bus,num_cases = <2>;
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/dsi-panel-jdi-1080p-video.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/dsi-panel-jdi-1080p-video.dtsi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b64cf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/dsi-panel-jdi-1080p-video.dtsi
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+ * This file is autogenerated file using gcdb parser. Please do not edit it.
+ * Update input XML file to add a new entry or update variable in this file
+ * VERSION = "1.0"
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+&mdss_mdp {
+ dsi_jdi_1080_vid: qcom,mdss_dsi_jdi_1080p_video {
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-panel-name = "jdi 1080p video mode dsi panel";
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-panel-controller = <&mdss_dsi0>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-panel-type = "dsi_video_mode";
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-panel-destination = "display_1";
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-panel-framerate = <60>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-virtual-channel-id = <0>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-stream = <0>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-panel-width = <1080>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-panel-height = <1920>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-h-front-porch = <96>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-h-back-porch = <64>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-h-pulse-width = <16>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-h-sync-skew = <0>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-v-back-porch = <4>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-v-front-porch = <3>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-v-pulse-width = <1>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-h-left-border = <0>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-h-right-border = <0>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-v-top-border = <0>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-v-bottom-border = <0>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-bpp = <24>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-color-order = <0>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-underflow-color = <0xff>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-border-color = <0>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-on-command = [15 01 00 00 00 00 02 55 00
+ 15 01 00 00 00 00 02 53 2C
+ 15 01 00 00 00 00 02 35 00
+ 05 01 00 00 78 00 02 29 00
+ 05 01 00 00 78 00 02 11 00];
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-off-command = [05 01 00 00 02 00 02 28 00
+ 05 01 00 00 79 00 02 10 00];
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-on-command-state = "dsi_lp_mode";
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-off-command-state = "dsi_hs_mode";
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-h-sync-pulse = <0>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-traffic-mode = <2>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-lane-map = <0>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-bllp-eof-power-mode;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-bllp-power-mode;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-lane-0-state;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-lane-1-state;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-lane-2-state;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-lane-3-state;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-panel-timings = [e1 37 25 00 67 6b 2a 3a 59 03 04 00];
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-t-clk-post = <0x04>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-t-clk-pre = <0x1b>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-bl-min-level = <1>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-bl-max-level = <4095>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-dma-trigger = <0x04>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-mdp-trigger = <0x0>;
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-bl-pmic-control-type = "bl_ctrl_wled";
+ qcom,mdss-dsi-reset-sequence = <1 20>, <0 200>, <1 20>;
+ };
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm-pm8226.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm-pm8226.dtsi
index 5e0abea..f2ed8b5 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm-pm8226.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm-pm8226.dtsi
@@ -50,6 +50,10 @@
qcom,pon-type = <1>;
qcom,pull-up = <1>;
linux,code = <114>;
+ qcom,s1-timer = <6720>;
+ qcom,s2-timer = <2000>;
+ qcom,s2-type = <7>;
+ qcom,support-reset = <1>;
qcom,pon_3 {
@@ -59,6 +63,7 @@
qcom,s1-timer = <6720>;
qcom,s2-timer = <2000>;
qcom,s2-type = <7>;
+ qcom,use-bark;
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm-pm8941.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm-pm8941.dtsi
index 8a239cc..c4de04c 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm-pm8941.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm-pm8941.dtsi
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
qcom,s2-timer = <2000>;
qcom,s2-type = <1>;
linux,code = <114>;
+ qcom,use-bark;
qcom,pon_3 {
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@
qcom,s2-timer = <2000>;
qcom,s2-type = <7>;
qcom,pull-up = <1>;
+ qcom,use-bark;
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm8226-qrd.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm8226-qrd.dtsi
index 701a3ef..c31c612 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm8226-qrd.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm8226-qrd.dtsi
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
interrupts = <17 0x2>;
vdd-supply = <&pm8226_l19>;
vcc_i2c-supply = <&pm8226_lvs1>;
+ focaltech,name = "ft5x06";
focaltech,family-id = <0x55>;
focaltech,reset-gpio = <&msmgpio 16 0x00>;
focaltech,irq-gpio = <&msmgpio 17 0x00>;
@@ -48,6 +49,17 @@
focaltech,button-map= <139 102 158>;
+ focaltech,group-id = <1>;
+ focaltech,hard-reset-delay-ms = <20>;
+ focaltech,soft-reset-delay-ms = <150>;
+ focaltech,num-max-touches = <5>;
+ focaltech,fw-name = "ft_8226_qrd_1080p_fw.bin";
+ focaltech,fw-delay-aa-ms = <50>;
+ focaltech,fw-delay-55-ms = <30>;
+ focaltech,fw-upgrade-id1 = <0x79>;
+ focaltech,fw-upgrade-id2 = <0x03>;
+ focaltech,fw-delay-readid-ms = <10>;
+ focaltech,fw-delay-era-flsh-ms = <2000>;
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm8610-v1-qrd-skuab-dvt2.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm8610-v1-qrd-skuab-dvt2.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f250c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm8610-v1-qrd-skuab-dvt2.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+/include/ "msm8610-v1.dtsi"
+/include/ "msm8610-qrd-skuab.dtsi"
+/include/ "msm8612-qrd-camera-sensor.dtsi"
+/ {
+ model = "Qualcomm MSM 8610v1 QRD SKUAB DVT2";
+ compatible = "qcom,msm8610-qrd", "qcom,msm8610", "qcom,qrd";
+ qcom,board-id = <0x2000b 3>;
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm8610-v2-qrd-skuab-dvt2.dts b/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm8610-v2-qrd-skuab-dvt2.dts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9867ca6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm8610-v2-qrd-skuab-dvt2.dts
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
+ * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ */
+/include/ "msm8610-v2.dtsi"
+/include/ "msm8610-qrd-skuab.dtsi"
+/include/ "msm8612-qrd-camera-sensor.dtsi"
+/ {
+ model = "Qualcomm MSM 8610v2 QRD SKUAB DVT2";
+ compatible = "qcom,msm8610-qrd", "qcom,msm8610", "qcom,qrd";
+ qcom,board-id = <0x2000b 3>;
diff --git a/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm8974-mdss-panels.dtsi b/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm8974-mdss-panels.dtsi
index 00fc779..d405bf8 100644
--- a/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm8974-mdss-panels.dtsi
+++ b/arch/arm/boot/dts/msm8974-mdss-panels.dtsi
@@ -14,3 +14,4 @@
/include/ "dsi-panel-toshiba-720p-video.dtsi"
/include/ "dsi-panel-sharp-qhd-video.dtsi"
/include/ "dsi-panel-generic-720p-cmd.dtsi"
+/include/ "dsi-panel-jdi-1080p-video.dtsi"
diff --git a/arch/arm/configs/msm8226-perf_defconfig b/arch/arm/configs/msm8226-perf_defconfig
index 108907a..03ed61f 100644
--- a/arch/arm/configs/msm8226-perf_defconfig
+++ b/arch/arm/configs/msm8226-perf_defconfig
@@ -449,3 +449,4 @@
diff --git a/arch/arm/configs/msm8226_defconfig b/arch/arm/configs/msm8226_defconfig
index 6d50e8d..f953a70 100644
--- a/arch/arm/configs/msm8226_defconfig
+++ b/arch/arm/configs/msm8226_defconfig
@@ -500,3 +500,4 @@
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-msm/acpuclock-8974.c b/arch/arm/mach-msm/acpuclock-8974.c
index 7feb30d..66534eb 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-msm/acpuclock-8974.c
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-msm/acpuclock-8974.c
@@ -900,219 +900,226 @@
static struct acpu_level pro_rev0_2p3g_pvs0[] __initdata = {
- { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 775000, 72 },
- { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 775000, 83 },
- { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 775000, 101 },
- { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 780000, 120 },
- { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 790000, 139 },
- { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 800000, 159 },
- { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 810000, 180 },
- { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 820000, 200 },
- { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 830000, 221 },
- { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 840000, 242 },
- { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 850000, 264 },
- { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 865000, 287 },
- { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 875000, 308 },
- { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 890000, 333 },
- { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 900000, 356 },
- { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 915000, 380 },
- { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 925000, 404 },
- { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 940000, 430 },
- { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 955000, 456 },
- { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 970000, 482 },
- { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 985000, 510 },
- { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 1000000, 538 },
- { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 1015000, 565 },
- { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1030000, 596 },
- { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1045000, 627 },
- { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1060000, 659 },
- { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1075000, 691 },
+ { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 775000, 74 },
+ { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 775000, 85 },
+ { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 775000, 104 },
+ { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 780000, 124 },
+ { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 790000, 144 },
+ { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 800000, 164 },
+ { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 810000, 184 },
+ { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 820000, 206 },
+ { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 830000, 227 },
+ { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 840000, 249 },
+ { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 850000, 271 },
+ { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 865000, 295 },
+ { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 875000, 318 },
+ { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 890000, 342 },
+ { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 900000, 365 },
+ { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 915000, 392 },
+ { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 925000, 416 },
+ { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 940000, 442 },
+ { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 955000, 469 },
+ { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 970000, 497 },
+ { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 985000, 525 },
+ { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 1000000, 554 },
+ { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 1015000, 583 },
+ { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1030000, 613 },
+ { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1045000, 642 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1060000, 663 },
+ { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1060000, 675 },
+ { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1075000, 708 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
static struct acpu_level pro_rev0_2p3g_pvs1[] __initdata = {
- { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 775000, 72 },
- { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 775000, 83 },
- { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 775000, 101 },
- { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 775000, 120 },
- { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 775000, 139 },
- { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 785000, 159 },
- { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 795000, 180 },
- { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 805000, 200 },
- { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 815000, 221 },
- { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 825000, 242 },
- { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 835000, 264 },
- { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 850000, 287 },
- { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 860000, 308 },
- { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 870000, 333 },
- { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 885000, 356 },
- { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 895000, 380 },
- { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 905000, 404 },
- { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 920000, 430 },
- { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 935000, 456 },
- { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 950000, 482 },
- { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 965000, 510 },
- { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 980000, 538 },
- { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 995000, 565 },
- { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1005000, 596 },
- { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1020000, 627 },
- { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1035000, 659 },
- { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1050000, 691 },
+ { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 775000, 74 },
+ { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 775000, 85 },
+ { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 775000, 104 },
+ { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 775000, 124 },
+ { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 775000, 144 },
+ { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 785000, 164 },
+ { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 795000, 184 },
+ { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 805000, 206 },
+ { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 815000, 227 },
+ { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 825000, 249 },
+ { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 835000, 271 },
+ { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 850000, 295 },
+ { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 860000, 318 },
+ { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 870000, 342 },
+ { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 885000, 365 },
+ { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 895000, 392 },
+ { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 905000, 416 },
+ { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 920000, 442 },
+ { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 935000, 469 },
+ { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 950000, 497 },
+ { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 965000, 525 },
+ { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 980000, 554 },
+ { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 995000, 583 },
+ { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1005000, 613 },
+ { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1020000, 642 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1035000, 663 },
+ { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1035000, 675 },
+ { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1050000, 708 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
static struct acpu_level pro_rev0_2p3g_pvs2[] __initdata = {
- { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 750000, 72 },
- { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 750000, 83 },
- { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 750000, 101 },
- { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 750000, 120 },
- { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 760000, 139 },
- { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 770000, 159 },
- { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 780000, 180 },
- { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 790000, 200 },
- { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 800000, 221 },
- { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 810000, 242 },
- { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 820000, 264 },
- { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 830000, 287 },
- { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 840000, 308 },
- { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 850000, 333 },
- { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 865000, 356 },
- { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 875000, 380 },
- { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 885000, 404 },
- { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 900000, 430 },
- { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 915000, 456 },
- { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 930000, 482 },
- { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 945000, 510 },
- { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 955000, 538 },
- { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 970000, 565 },
- { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 980000, 596 },
- { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 995000, 627 },
- { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1010000, 659 },
- { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1025000, 691 },
+ { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 750000, 74 },
+ { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 750000, 85 },
+ { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 750000, 104 },
+ { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 750000, 124 },
+ { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 760000, 144 },
+ { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 770000, 164 },
+ { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 780000, 184 },
+ { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 790000, 206 },
+ { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 800000, 227 },
+ { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 810000, 249 },
+ { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 820000, 271 },
+ { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 830000, 295 },
+ { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 840000, 318 },
+ { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 850000, 342 },
+ { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 865000, 365 },
+ { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 875000, 392 },
+ { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 885000, 416 },
+ { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 900000, 442 },
+ { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 915000, 469 },
+ { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 930000, 497 },
+ { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 945000, 525 },
+ { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 955000, 554 },
+ { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 970000, 583 },
+ { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 980000, 613 },
+ { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 995000, 642 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1010000, 663 },
+ { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1010000, 675 },
+ { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1025000, 708 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
static struct acpu_level pro_rev0_2p3g_pvs3[] __initdata = {
- { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 750000, 72 },
- { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 750000, 83 },
- { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 750000, 101 },
- { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 750000, 120 },
- { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 750000, 139 },
- { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 755000, 159 },
- { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 765000, 180 },
- { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 775000, 200 },
- { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 785000, 221 },
- { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 795000, 242 },
- { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 805000, 264 },
- { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 815000, 287 },
- { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 825000, 308 },
- { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 835000, 333 },
- { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 850000, 356 },
- { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 860000, 380 },
- { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 870000, 404 },
- { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 885000, 430 },
- { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 900000, 456 },
- { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 910000, 482 },
- { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 925000, 510 },
- { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 935000, 538 },
- { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 945000, 565 },
- { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 960000, 596 },
- { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 970000, 627 },
- { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 985000, 659 },
- { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1000000, 691 },
+ { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 750000, 74 },
+ { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 750000, 85 },
+ { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 750000, 104 },
+ { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 750000, 124 },
+ { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 750000, 144 },
+ { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 755000, 164 },
+ { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 765000, 184 },
+ { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 775000, 206 },
+ { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 785000, 227 },
+ { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 795000, 249 },
+ { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 805000, 271 },
+ { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 815000, 295 },
+ { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 825000, 318 },
+ { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 835000, 342 },
+ { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 850000, 365 },
+ { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 860000, 392 },
+ { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 870000, 416 },
+ { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 885000, 442 },
+ { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 900000, 469 },
+ { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 910000, 497 },
+ { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 925000, 525 },
+ { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 935000, 554 },
+ { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 945000, 583 },
+ { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 960000, 613 },
+ { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 970000, 642 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 985000, 663 },
+ { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 985000, 675 },
+ { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1000000, 708 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
static struct acpu_level pro_rev0_2p3g_pvs4[] __initdata = {
- { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 750000, 72 },
- { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 750000, 83 },
- { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 750000, 101 },
- { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 750000, 120 },
- { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 750000, 139 },
- { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 750000, 159 },
- { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 755000, 180 },
- { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 765000, 200 },
- { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 775000, 221 },
- { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 785000, 242 },
- { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 795000, 264 },
- { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 805000, 287 },
- { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 815000, 308 },
- { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 825000, 333 },
- { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 835000, 356 },
- { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 845000, 380 },
- { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 855000, 404 },
- { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 870000, 430 },
- { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 885000, 456 },
- { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 895000, 482 },
- { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 905000, 510 },
- { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 915000, 538 },
- { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 925000, 565 },
- { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 935000, 596 },
- { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 950000, 627 },
- { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 960000, 659 },
- { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 975000, 691 },
+ { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 750000, 74 },
+ { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 750000, 85 },
+ { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 750000, 104 },
+ { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 750000, 124 },
+ { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 750000, 144 },
+ { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 750000, 164 },
+ { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 755000, 184 },
+ { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 765000, 206 },
+ { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 775000, 227 },
+ { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 785000, 249 },
+ { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 795000, 271 },
+ { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 805000, 295 },
+ { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 815000, 318 },
+ { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 825000, 342 },
+ { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 835000, 365 },
+ { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 845000, 392 },
+ { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 855000, 416 },
+ { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 870000, 442 },
+ { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 885000, 469 },
+ { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 895000, 497 },
+ { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 905000, 525 },
+ { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 915000, 554 },
+ { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 925000, 583 },
+ { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 935000, 613 },
+ { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 950000, 642 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 960000, 663 },
+ { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 960000, 675 },
+ { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 975000, 708 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
static struct acpu_level pro_rev0_2p3g_pvs5[] __initdata = {
- { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 725000, 72 },
- { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 725000, 83 },
- { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 725000, 101 },
- { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 725000, 120 },
- { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 725000, 139 },
- { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 735000, 159 },
- { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 745000, 180 },
- { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 755000, 200 },
- { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 765000, 221 },
- { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 775000, 242 },
- { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 785000, 264 },
- { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 795000, 287 },
- { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 805000, 308 },
- { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 815000, 333 },
- { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 825000, 356 },
- { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 835000, 380 },
- { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 845000, 404 },
- { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 855000, 430 },
- { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 865000, 456 },
- { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 875000, 482 },
- { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 885000, 510 },
- { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 895000, 538 },
- { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 905000, 565 },
- { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 915000, 596 },
- { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 930000, 627 },
- { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 940000, 659 },
- { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 950000, 691 },
+ { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 725000, 74 },
+ { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 725000, 85 },
+ { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 725000, 104 },
+ { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 725000, 124 },
+ { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 725000, 144 },
+ { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 735000, 164 },
+ { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 745000, 184 },
+ { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 755000, 206 },
+ { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 765000, 227 },
+ { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 775000, 249 },
+ { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 785000, 271 },
+ { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 795000, 295 },
+ { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 805000, 318 },
+ { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 815000, 342 },
+ { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 825000, 365 },
+ { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 835000, 392 },
+ { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 845000, 416 },
+ { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 855000, 442 },
+ { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 865000, 469 },
+ { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 875000, 497 },
+ { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 885000, 525 },
+ { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 895000, 554 },
+ { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 905000, 583 },
+ { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 915000, 613 },
+ { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 930000, 642 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 940000, 663 },
+ { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 940000, 675 },
+ { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 950000, 708 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
static struct acpu_level pro_rev0_2p3g_pvs6[] __initdata = {
- { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 725000, 72 },
- { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 725000, 83 },
- { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 725000, 101 },
- { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 725000, 120 },
- { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 725000, 139 },
- { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 725000, 159 },
- { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 735000, 180 },
- { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 745000, 200 },
- { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 755000, 221 },
- { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 765000, 242 },
- { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 775000, 264 },
- { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 785000, 287 },
- { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 795000, 308 },
- { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 805000, 333 },
- { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 815000, 356 },
- { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 825000, 380 },
- { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 835000, 404 },
- { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 845000, 430 },
- { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 850000, 456 },
- { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 860000, 482 },
- { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 870000, 510 },
- { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 880000, 538 },
- { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 890000, 565 },
- { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 895000, 596 },
- { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 905000, 627 },
- { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 915000, 659 },
- { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 925000, 691 },
+ { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 725000, 74 },
+ { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 725000, 85 },
+ { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 725000, 104 },
+ { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 725000, 124 },
+ { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 725000, 144 },
+ { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 725000, 164 },
+ { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 735000, 184 },
+ { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 745000, 206 },
+ { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 755000, 227 },
+ { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 765000, 249 },
+ { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 775000, 271 },
+ { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 785000, 295 },
+ { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 795000, 318 },
+ { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 805000, 342 },
+ { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 815000, 365 },
+ { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 825000, 392 },
+ { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 835000, 416 },
+ { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 845000, 442 },
+ { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 850000, 469 },
+ { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 860000, 497 },
+ { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 870000, 525 },
+ { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 880000, 554 },
+ { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 890000, 583 },
+ { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 895000, 613 },
+ { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 905000, 642 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 915000, 663 },
+ { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 915000, 675 },
+ { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 925000, 708 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -1122,31 +1129,32 @@
{ 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 800000, 106 },
{ 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 800000, 125 },
{ 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 800000, 145 },
- { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 800000, 164 },
- { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 800000, 183 },
- { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 800000, 202 },
- { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 800000, 222 },
- { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 800000, 241 },
- { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 805000, 261 },
- { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 815000, 282 },
- { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 825000, 305 },
- { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 835000, 327 },
- { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 845000, 350 },
- { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 855000, 373 },
- { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 870000, 398 },
- { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 885000, 424 },
- { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 900000, 449 },
- { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 915000, 476 },
- { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 930000, 503 },
- { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 945000, 530 },
- { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 960000, 559 },
- { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 980000, 590 },
- { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1000000, 621 },
- { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1020000, 654 },
- { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1040000, 686 },
- { 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1060000, 723 },
- { 0, { 2419200, HFPLL, 1, 126 }, L2(19), 1080000, 761 },
- { 1, { 2496000, HFPLL, 1, 130 }, L2(19), 1100000, 800 },
+ { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 810000, 165 },
+ { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 820000, 186 },
+ { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 830000, 208 },
+ { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 840000, 229 },
+ { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 850000, 251 },
+ { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 860000, 273 },
+ { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 870000, 296 },
+ { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 880000, 319 },
+ { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 890000, 342 },
+ { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 900000, 365 },
+ { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 910000, 390 },
+ { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 920000, 415 },
+ { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 930000, 439 },
+ { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 945000, 465 },
+ { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 960000, 493 },
+ { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 975000, 521 },
+ { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 990000, 549 },
+ { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 1005000, 579 },
+ { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1020000, 608 },
+ { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1035000, 638 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1050000, 667 },
+ { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1050000, 667 },
+ { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1065000, 700 },
+ { 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1080000, 734 },
+ { 0, { 2419200, HFPLL, 1, 126 }, L2(19), 1095000, 769 },
+ { 1, { 2457600, HFPLL, 1, 128 }, L2(19), 1100000, 785 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -1156,31 +1164,32 @@
{ 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 800000, 106 },
{ 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 800000, 125 },
{ 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 800000, 145 },
- { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 800000, 164 },
- { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 800000, 183 },
- { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 800000, 202 },
- { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 800000, 222 },
- { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 800000, 241 },
- { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 800000, 261 },
- { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 805000, 282 },
- { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 815000, 305 },
- { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 825000, 327 },
- { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 835000, 350 },
- { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 845000, 373 },
- { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 855000, 398 },
- { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 870000, 424 },
- { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 885000, 449 },
- { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 900000, 476 },
- { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 915000, 503 },
- { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 930000, 530 },
- { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 945000, 559 },
- { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 960000, 590 },
- { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 975000, 621 },
- { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 995000, 654 },
- { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1015000, 686 },
- { 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1035000, 723 },
- { 0, { 2419200, HFPLL, 1, 126 }, L2(19), 1055000, 761 },
- { 1, { 2496000, HFPLL, 1, 130 }, L2(19), 1075000, 800 },
+ { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 800000, 165 },
+ { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 800000, 186 },
+ { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 805000, 208 },
+ { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 815000, 229 },
+ { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 825000, 251 },
+ { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 835000, 273 },
+ { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 845000, 296 },
+ { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 855000, 319 },
+ { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 865000, 342 },
+ { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 875000, 365 },
+ { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 885000, 390 },
+ { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 895000, 415 },
+ { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 905000, 439 },
+ { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 920000, 465 },
+ { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 935000, 493 },
+ { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 950000, 521 },
+ { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 965000, 549 },
+ { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 980000, 579 },
+ { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 995000, 608 },
+ { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1010000, 638 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1025000, 667 },
+ { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1025000, 667 },
+ { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1040000, 700 },
+ { 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1055000, 734 },
+ { 0, { 2419200, HFPLL, 1, 126 }, L2(19), 1070000, 769 },
+ { 1, { 2457600, HFPLL, 1, 128 }, L2(19), 1075000, 785 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -1190,31 +1199,32 @@
{ 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 775000, 106 },
{ 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 775000, 125 },
{ 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 775000, 145 },
- { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 775000, 164 },
- { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 775000, 183 },
- { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 775000, 202 },
- { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 775000, 222 },
- { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 775000, 241 },
- { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 780000, 261 },
- { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 790000, 282 },
- { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 800000, 305 },
- { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 810000, 327 },
- { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 820000, 350 },
- { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 830000, 373 },
- { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 840000, 398 },
- { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 850000, 424 },
- { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 865000, 449 },
- { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 880000, 476 },
- { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 895000, 503 },
- { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 910000, 530 },
- { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 925000, 559 },
- { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 940000, 590 },
- { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 955000, 621 },
- { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 970000, 654 },
- { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 990000, 686 },
- { 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1010000, 723 },
- { 0, { 2419200, HFPLL, 1, 126 }, L2(19), 1030000, 761 },
- { 1, { 2496000, HFPLL, 1, 130 }, L2(19), 1050000, 800 },
+ { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 775000, 165 },
+ { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 775000, 186 },
+ { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 780000, 208 },
+ { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 790000, 229 },
+ { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 800000, 251 },
+ { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 810000, 273 },
+ { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 820000, 296 },
+ { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 830000, 319 },
+ { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 840000, 342 },
+ { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 850000, 365 },
+ { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 860000, 390 },
+ { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 870000, 415 },
+ { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 880000, 439 },
+ { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 895000, 465 },
+ { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 910000, 493 },
+ { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 925000, 521 },
+ { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 940000, 549 },
+ { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 955000, 579 },
+ { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 970000, 608 },
+ { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 985000, 638 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1000000, 667 },
+ { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1000000, 667 },
+ { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1015000, 700 },
+ { 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1030000, 734 },
+ { 0, { 2419200, HFPLL, 1, 126 }, L2(19), 1045000, 769 },
+ { 1, { 2457600, HFPLL, 1, 128 }, L2(19), 1050000, 785 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -1224,65 +1234,67 @@
{ 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 775000, 106 },
{ 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 775000, 125 },
{ 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 775000, 145 },
- { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 775000, 164 },
- { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 775000, 183 },
- { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 775000, 202 },
- { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 775000, 222 },
- { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 775000, 241 },
- { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 775000, 261 },
- { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 780000, 282 },
- { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 790000, 305 },
- { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 800000, 327 },
- { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 810000, 350 },
- { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 820000, 373 },
- { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 830000, 398 },
- { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 840000, 424 },
- { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 850000, 449 },
- { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 865000, 476 },
- { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 880000, 503 },
- { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 895000, 530 },
- { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 910000, 559 },
- { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 925000, 590 },
- { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 940000, 621 },
- { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 955000, 654 },
- { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 970000, 686 },
- { 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 985000, 723 },
- { 0, { 2419200, HFPLL, 1, 126 }, L2(19), 1005000, 761 },
- { 1, { 2496000, HFPLL, 1, 130 }, L2(19), 1025000, 800 },
+ { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 775000, 165 },
+ { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 775000, 186 },
+ { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 775000, 208 },
+ { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 775000, 229 },
+ { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 780000, 251 },
+ { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 785000, 273 },
+ { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 795000, 296 },
+ { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 805000, 319 },
+ { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 815000, 342 },
+ { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 825000, 365 },
+ { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 835000, 390 },
+ { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 845000, 415 },
+ { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 855000, 439 },
+ { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 870000, 465 },
+ { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 885000, 493 },
+ { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 900000, 521 },
+ { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 915000, 549 },
+ { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 930000, 579 },
+ { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 945000, 608 },
+ { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 960000, 638 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 975000, 667 },
+ { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 975000, 667 },
+ { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 990000, 700 },
+ { 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1005000, 734 },
+ { 0, { 2419200, HFPLL, 1, 126 }, L2(19), 1020000, 769 },
+ { 1, { 2457600, HFPLL, 1, 128 }, L2(19), 1025000, 785 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
static struct acpu_level pro_rev0_2p5g_pvs4[] __initdata = {
- { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 750000, 76 },
- { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 750000, 87 },
- { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 750000, 106 },
- { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 750000, 125 },
- { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 750000, 145 },
- { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 750000, 164 },
- { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 750000, 183 },
- { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 750000, 202 },
- { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 750000, 222 },
- { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 750000, 241 },
- { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 760000, 261 },
- { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 770000, 282 },
- { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 780000, 305 },
- { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 790000, 327 },
- { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 800000, 350 },
- { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 810000, 373 },
- { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 820000, 398 },
- { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 830000, 424 },
- { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 840000, 449 },
- { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 850000, 476 },
- { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 865000, 503 },
- { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 880000, 530 },
- { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 895000, 559 },
- { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 910000, 590 },
- { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 925000, 621 },
- { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 940000, 654 },
- { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 955000, 686 },
- { 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 970000, 723 },
- { 0, { 2419200, HFPLL, 1, 126 }, L2(19), 985000, 761 },
- { 1, { 2496000, HFPLL, 1, 130 }, L2(19), 1000000, 800 },
+ { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 775000, 76 },
+ { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 775000, 87 },
+ { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 775000, 106 },
+ { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 775000, 125 },
+ { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 775000, 145 },
+ { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 775000, 165 },
+ { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 775000, 186 },
+ { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 775000, 208 },
+ { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 775000, 229 },
+ { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 775000, 251 },
+ { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 775000, 273 },
+ { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 775000, 296 },
+ { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 780000, 319 },
+ { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 790000, 342 },
+ { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 800000, 365 },
+ { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 810000, 390 },
+ { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 820000, 415 },
+ { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 830000, 439 },
+ { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 845000, 465 },
+ { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 860000, 493 },
+ { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 875000, 521 },
+ { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 890000, 549 },
+ { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 905000, 579 },
+ { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 920000, 608 },
+ { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 935000, 638 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 950000, 667 },
+ { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 950000, 667 },
+ { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 965000, 700 },
+ { 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 980000, 734 },
+ { 0, { 2419200, HFPLL, 1, 126 }, L2(19), 995000, 769 },
+ { 1, { 2457600, HFPLL, 1, 128 }, L2(19), 1000000, 785 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -1292,65 +1304,67 @@
{ 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 750000, 106 },
{ 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 750000, 125 },
{ 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 750000, 145 },
- { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 750000, 164 },
- { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 750000, 183 },
- { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 750000, 202 },
- { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 750000, 222 },
- { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 750000, 241 },
- { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 750000, 261 },
- { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 760000, 282 },
- { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 770000, 305 },
- { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 780000, 327 },
- { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 790000, 350 },
- { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 800000, 373 },
- { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 810000, 398 },
- { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 820000, 424 },
- { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 830000, 449 },
- { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 840000, 476 },
- { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 850000, 503 },
- { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 860000, 530 },
- { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 870000, 559 },
- { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 885000, 590 },
- { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 900000, 621 },
- { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 915000, 654 },
- { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 930000, 686 },
- { 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 945000, 723 },
- { 0, { 2419200, HFPLL, 1, 126 }, L2(19), 960000, 761 },
- { 1, { 2496000, HFPLL, 1, 130 }, L2(19), 975000, 800 },
+ { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 750000, 165 },
+ { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 750000, 186 },
+ { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 750000, 208 },
+ { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 750000, 229 },
+ { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 750000, 251 },
+ { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 750000, 273 },
+ { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 750000, 296 },
+ { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 760000, 319 },
+ { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 770000, 342 },
+ { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 780000, 365 },
+ { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 790000, 390 },
+ { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 800000, 415 },
+ { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 810000, 439 },
+ { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 820000, 465 },
+ { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 835000, 493 },
+ { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 850000, 521 },
+ { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 865000, 549 },
+ { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 880000, 579 },
+ { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 895000, 608 },
+ { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 910000, 638 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 925000, 667 },
+ { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 925000, 667 },
+ { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 940000, 700 },
+ { 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 955000, 734 },
+ { 0, { 2419200, HFPLL, 1, 126 }, L2(19), 970000, 769 },
+ { 1, { 2457600, HFPLL, 1, 128 }, L2(19), 975000, 785 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
static struct acpu_level pro_rev0_2p5g_pvs6[] __initdata = {
- { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 725000, 76 },
- { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 725000, 87 },
- { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 725000, 106 },
- { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 725000, 125 },
- { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 725000, 145 },
- { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 725000, 164 },
- { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 725000, 183 },
- { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 725000, 202 },
- { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 725000, 222 },
- { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 725000, 241 },
- { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 735000, 261 },
- { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 745000, 282 },
- { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 755000, 305 },
- { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 765000, 327 },
- { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 775000, 350 },
- { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 785000, 373 },
- { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 795000, 398 },
- { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 805000, 424 },
- { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 815000, 449 },
- { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 825000, 476 },
- { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 835000, 503 },
- { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 845000, 530 },
- { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 855000, 559 },
- { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 865000, 590 },
- { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 875000, 621 },
- { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 890000, 654 },
- { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 905000, 686 },
- { 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 920000, 723 },
- { 0, { 2419200, HFPLL, 1, 126 }, L2(19), 935000, 761 },
- { 1, { 2496000, HFPLL, 1, 130 }, L2(19), 950000, 800 },
+ { 1, { 300000, PLL_0, 0, 0 }, L2(0), 750000, 76 },
+ { 0, { 345600, HFPLL, 2, 36 }, L2(1), 750000, 87 },
+ { 1, { 422400, HFPLL, 2, 44 }, L2(2), 750000, 106 },
+ { 0, { 499200, HFPLL, 2, 52 }, L2(2), 750000, 125 },
+ { 0, { 576000, HFPLL, 1, 30 }, L2(3), 750000, 145 },
+ { 1, { 652800, HFPLL, 1, 34 }, L2(3), 750000, 165 },
+ { 1, { 729600, HFPLL, 1, 38 }, L2(4), 750000, 186 },
+ { 0, { 806400, HFPLL, 1, 42 }, L2(4), 750000, 208 },
+ { 1, { 883200, HFPLL, 1, 46 }, L2(4), 750000, 229 },
+ { 1, { 960000, HFPLL, 1, 50 }, L2(9), 750000, 251 },
+ { 1, { 1036800, HFPLL, 1, 54 }, L2(10), 750000, 273 },
+ { 0, { 1113600, HFPLL, 1, 58 }, L2(10), 750000, 296 },
+ { 1, { 1190400, HFPLL, 1, 62 }, L2(10), 750000, 319 },
+ { 1, { 1267200, HFPLL, 1, 66 }, L2(13), 755000, 342 },
+ { 0, { 1344000, HFPLL, 1, 70 }, L2(14), 765000, 365 },
+ { 0, { 1420800, HFPLL, 1, 74 }, L2(15), 775000, 390 },
+ { 1, { 1497600, HFPLL, 1, 78 }, L2(16), 785000, 415 },
+ { 1, { 1574400, HFPLL, 1, 82 }, L2(17), 795000, 439 },
+ { 0, { 1651200, HFPLL, 1, 86 }, L2(17), 805000, 465 },
+ { 1, { 1728000, HFPLL, 1, 90 }, L2(18), 815000, 493 },
+ { 0, { 1804800, HFPLL, 1, 94 }, L2(18), 825000, 521 },
+ { 0, { 1881600, HFPLL, 1, 98 }, L2(18), 840000, 549 },
+ { 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 855000, 579 },
+ { 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 870000, 608 },
+ { 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 885000, 638 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 900000, 667 },
+ { 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 900000, 667 },
+ { 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 915000, 700 },
+ { 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 930000, 734 },
+ { 0, { 2419200, HFPLL, 1, 126 }, L2(19), 945000, 769 },
+ { 1, { 2457600, HFPLL, 1, 128 }, L2(19), 950000, 785 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -1380,6 +1394,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 1025000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1040000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1055000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1070000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1070000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1085000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1100000, 751 },
@@ -1414,6 +1429,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 1015000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1030000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1045000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1060000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1060000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1075000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1090000, 751 },
@@ -1448,6 +1464,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 1005000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1020000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1035000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1050000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1050000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1065000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1080000, 751 },
@@ -1482,6 +1499,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 995000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1010000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1025000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1040000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1040000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1055000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1070000, 751 },
@@ -1516,6 +1534,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 985000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1000000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1015000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1030000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1030000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1045000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1060000, 751 },
@@ -1550,6 +1569,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 975000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 990000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1005000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1020000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1020000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1035000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1050000, 751 },
@@ -1584,6 +1604,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 965000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 980000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 995000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1010000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1010000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1025000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1040000, 751 },
@@ -1618,6 +1639,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 955000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 970000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 985000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1000000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1000000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1015000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1030000, 751 },
@@ -1652,6 +1674,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 945000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 960000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 975000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 990000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 990000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1005000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1020000, 751 },
@@ -1686,6 +1709,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 935000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 950000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 965000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 980000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 980000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 995000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1010000, 751 },
@@ -1720,6 +1744,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 925000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 940000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 955000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 970000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 970000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 985000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 1000000, 751 },
@@ -1754,6 +1779,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 915000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 930000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 945000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 960000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 960000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 975000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 990000, 751 },
@@ -1788,6 +1814,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 905000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 920000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 935000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 950000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 950000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 965000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 980000, 751 },
@@ -1822,6 +1849,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 895000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 910000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 925000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 940000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 940000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 955000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 970000, 751 },
@@ -1856,6 +1884,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 885000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 900000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 915000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 930000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 930000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 945000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 960000, 751 },
@@ -1890,6 +1919,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 875000, 588 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 890000, 617 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 905000, 649 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 920000, 682 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 920000, 682 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 935000, 716 },
{ 0, { 2342400, HFPLL, 1, 122 }, L2(19), 950000, 751 },
@@ -1924,6 +1954,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 1060000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1075000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1090000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1105000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1105000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1120000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -1955,6 +1986,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 1050000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1065000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1080000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1095000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1095000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1110000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -1986,6 +2018,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 1040000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1055000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1070000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1085000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1085000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1100000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -2017,6 +2050,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 1030000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1045000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1060000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1075000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1075000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1090000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -2048,6 +2082,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 1020000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1035000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1050000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1065000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1065000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1080000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -2079,6 +2114,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 1010000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1025000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1040000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1055000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1055000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1070000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -2110,6 +2146,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 1000000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1015000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1030000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1045000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1045000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1060000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -2141,6 +2178,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 990000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 1005000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1020000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1035000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1035000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1050000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -2172,6 +2210,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 980000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 995000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1010000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1025000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1025000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1040000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -2203,6 +2242,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 970000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 985000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 1000000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1015000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1015000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1030000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -2234,6 +2274,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 960000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 975000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 990000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 1005000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 1005000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1020000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -2265,6 +2306,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 950000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 965000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 980000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 995000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 995000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1010000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -2296,6 +2338,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 940000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 955000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 970000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 985000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 985000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 1000000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -2327,6 +2370,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 930000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 945000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 960000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 975000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 975000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 990000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -2358,6 +2402,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 920000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 935000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 950000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 965000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 965000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 980000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
@@ -2389,6 +2434,7 @@
{ 1, { 1958400, HFPLL, 1, 102 }, L2(19), 910000, 604 },
{ 0, { 2035200, HFPLL, 1, 106 }, L2(19), 925000, 636 },
{ 0, { 2112000, HFPLL, 1, 110 }, L2(19), 940000, 669 },
+ { 0, { 2150400, HFPLL, 1, 112 }, L2(19), 955000, 703 },
{ 0, { 2188800, HFPLL, 1, 114 }, L2(19), 955000, 703 },
{ 1, { 2265600, HFPLL, 1, 118 }, L2(19), 970000, 738 },
{ 0, { 0 } }
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-msm/clock-8974.c b/arch/arm/mach-msm/clock-8974.c
index 32a2617..b0adfa0 100644
--- a/arch/arm/mach-msm/clock-8974.c
+++ b/arch/arm/mach-msm/clock-8974.c
@@ -1545,6 +1545,24 @@
+/* This table is for MSM8974Pro AC SDCC1 */
+static struct clk_freq_tbl ftbl_gcc_sdcc1_apps_clk_ac[] = {
+ F( 144000, cxo, 16, 3, 25),
+ F( 400000, cxo, 12, 1, 4),
+ F( 20000000, gpll0, 15, 1, 2),
+ F( 25000000, gpll0, 12, 1, 2),
+ F( 50000000, gpll0, 12, 0, 0),
+ F(100000000, gpll0, 6, 0, 0),
+ F(192000000, gpll4, 4, 0, 0),
+ F(384000000, gpll4, 2, 0, 0),
+ * This table is for:
+ * 1) SDCC[1-4] on MSM8974Pro AB, MSM8974 v2 and before
+ * 2) SDCC[2-4] on MSM8974Pro AC
+ */
static struct clk_freq_tbl ftbl_gcc_sdcc1_4_apps_clk[] = {
F( 144000, cxo, 16, 3, 25),
F( 400000, cxo, 12, 1, 4),
@@ -1553,7 +1571,6 @@
F( 50000000, gpll0, 12, 0, 0),
F(100000000, gpll0, 6, 0, 0),
F(200000000, gpll0, 3, 0, 0),
- F(384000000, gpll4, 2, 0, 0),
@@ -5777,6 +5794,7 @@
if (cpu_is_msm8974pro_ac()) {
sdcc1_apps_clk_src.c.fmax[VDD_DIG_LOW] = 200000000;
sdcc1_apps_clk_src.c.fmax[VDD_DIG_NOMINAL] = 400000000;
+ sdcc1_apps_clk_src.freq_tbl = ftbl_gcc_sdcc1_apps_clk_ac;
vfe0_clk_src.c.fmax[VDD_DIG_LOW] = 150000000;
diff --git a/drivers/gpu/msm/kgsl.c b/drivers/gpu/msm/kgsl.c
index 06c04d4..298b36e 100644
--- a/drivers/gpu/msm/kgsl.c
+++ b/drivers/gpu/msm/kgsl.c
@@ -909,6 +909,9 @@
private = kgsl_find_process_private(cur_dev_priv);
+ if (!private)
+ return NULL;
if (test_bit(KGSL_PROCESS_INIT, &private->priv))
diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_venc.c b/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_venc.c
index 6a2be9b..5f3f20e 100644
--- a/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_venc.c
+++ b/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_venc.c
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
#define MAX_BIT_RATE 160000000
#define DEFAULT_BIT_RATE 64000
#define BIT_RATE_STEP 100
-#define MIN_FRAME_RATE 65536
-#define MAX_FRAME_RATE 15728640
-#define DEFAULT_FRAME_RATE 1966080
+#define MIN_FRAME_RATE 1
+#define MAX_FRAME_RATE 240
#define DEFAULT_IR_MBS 30
#define MAX_SLICE_BYTE_SIZE 1024
#define MIN_SLICE_BYTE_SIZE 1024
@@ -1291,8 +1291,9 @@
if (!__temp) { \
dprintk(VIDC_ERR, "Can't find %s (%x) in cluster", \
#__ctrl_id, __ctrl_id); \
- rc = -ENOENT; \
- break; \
+ /* Clusters are hardcoded, if we can't find */ \
+ /* something then things are massively screwed up */ \
+ BUG_ON(1); \
} \
__temp; \
@@ -1304,11 +1305,15 @@
idr_period.idr_period = ctrl->val;
pdata = &idr_period;
- struct v4l2_ctrl *b;
+ {
+ int num_p, num_b;
+ struct v4l2_ctrl update_ctrl = {.id = 0, .val = 0};
- if (inst->fmts[CAPTURE_PORT]->fourcc != V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264 &&
+ if (ctrl->id == V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_I_PERIOD &&
+ inst->fmts[CAPTURE_PORT]->fourcc != V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264 &&
inst->fmts[CAPTURE_PORT]->fourcc !=
V4L2_PIX_FMT_H264_NO_SC) {
dprintk(VIDC_ERR, "Control 0x%x only valid for H264",
@@ -1317,110 +1322,115 @@
- /*
- * We can't set the I-period explicitly. So set it implicitly
- * by setting the number of P and B frames per I-period
- */
- intra_period.pframes = (ctrl->val - 1) - b->val;
- intra_period.bframes = b->val;
- pdata = &intra_period;
- break;
- }
- property_id =
- intra_period.pframes = ctrl->val;
- intra_period.bframes = temp_ctrl->val;
- pdata = &intra_period;
- break;
+ num_b = temp_ctrl->val;
- intra_period.bframes = ctrl->val;
- intra_period.pframes = temp_ctrl->val;
- if (intra_period.bframes) {
+ num_p = temp_ctrl->val;
+ * implicitly tied to each other. If either is adjusted,
+ * the other needs to be adjusted in a complementary manner.
+ * Ideally we adjust _NUM_B_FRAMES as well but we'll leave it
+ * alone for now */
+ if (ctrl->id == V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_H264_I_PERIOD) {
+ num_p = ctrl->val - 1 - num_b;
+ update_ctrl.val = num_p;
+ } else if (ctrl->id == V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_NUM_P_FRAMES) {
+ num_p = ctrl->val;
+ update_ctrl.val = num_p + num_b;
+ } else if (ctrl->id == V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_NUM_B_FRAMES) {
+ num_b = ctrl->val;
+ update_ctrl.val = num_p + num_b;
+ }
+ if ( {
+ temp_ctrl = TRY_GET_CTRL(;
+ temp_ctrl->val = update_ctrl.val;
+ }
+ if (num_b) {
u32 max_num_b_frames = MAX_NUM_B_FRAMES;
- property_id =
pdata = &max_num_b_frames;
rc = call_hfi_op(hdev, session_set_property,
(void *)inst->session, property_id, pdata);
if (rc) {
- "Failed : Setprop MAX_NUM_B_FRAMES"
- "%d", rc);
+ "Failed : Setprop MAX_NUM_B_FRAMES %d",
+ rc);
- property_id =
+ intra_period.pframes = num_p;
+ intra_period.bframes = num_b;
pdata = &intra_period;
+ }
property_id =
request_iframe.enable = true;
pdata = &request_iframe;
- bool cfr = true, cbr = true;
int final_mode = 0;
+ struct v4l2_ctrl update_ctrl = {.id = 0, .val = 0};
- temp_ctrl = TRY_GET_CTRL(
- switch (temp_ctrl->val) {
- /* Let's assume CFR */
- cfr = true;
- break;
- cfr = false;
- break;
- default:
- dprintk(VIDC_WARN, "Unknown framerate mode");
- }
- switch (ctrl->val) {
- cbr = false;
- break;
- cbr = true;
- break;
- default:
- dprintk(VIDC_WARN, "Unknown bitrate mode");
- }
- if (!cfr && !cbr)
- final_mode =
- else if (!cfr && cbr)
- final_mode =
- else if (cfr && !cbr)
- final_mode =
+ * manipulate the same thing. If one control's state
+ * changes, try to mirror the state in the other control's
+ * value */
+ if (ctrl->id == V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDEO_BITRATE_MODE) {
+ if (ctrl->val == V4L2_MPEG_VIDEO_BITRATE_MODE_VBR) {
+ final_mode = HAL_RATE_CONTROL_VBR_CFR;
+ update_ctrl.val =
- else /* ... if (cfr && cbr) */
- final_mode =
+ } else {/* ...if (ctrl->val == _BITRATE_MODE_CBR) */
+ final_mode = HAL_RATE_CONTROL_CBR_CFR;
+ update_ctrl.val =
+ }
+ } else if (ctrl->id == V4L2_CID_MPEG_VIDC_VIDEO_RATE_CONTROL) {
+ switch (ctrl->val) {
+ update_ctrl.val =
+ update_ctrl.val =
+ }
+ final_mode = ctrl->val;
+ }
+ if ( {
+ temp_ctrl = TRY_GET_CTRL(;
+ temp_ctrl->val = update_ctrl.val;
+ }
property_val = final_mode;
pdata = &property_val;
- property_val = ctrl->val;
- pdata = &property_val;
- break;
property_id =
diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_vidc.c b/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_vidc.c
index 89fbc2a..f2f0f5d 100644
--- a/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_vidc.c
+++ b/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_vidc.c
@@ -451,12 +451,12 @@
!b->m.planes[i].length) {
+ mutex_lock(&inst->sync_lock);
temp = get_registered_buf(inst, b, i, &plane);
if (temp && !is_dynamic_output_buffer_mode(b, inst)) {
"This memory region has already been prepared\n");
rc = -EINVAL;
- goto exit;
if (temp && is_dynamic_output_buffer_mode(b, inst) &&
@@ -471,12 +471,14 @@
dprintk(VIDC_DBG, "[MAP] Buffer already prepared\n");
rc = buf_ref_get(inst, temp);
- if (rc < 0)
- return rc;
- save_v4l2_buffer(b, temp);
- rc = -EEXIST;
- goto exit;
+ if (rc > 0) {
+ save_v4l2_buffer(b, temp);
+ rc = -EEXIST;
+ }
+ mutex_unlock(&inst->sync_lock);
+ if (rc < 0)
+ goto exit;
temp = get_same_fd_buffer(inst, &inst->registered_bufs,
b->m.planes[i].reserved[0], &plane);
diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_vidc_common.c b/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_vidc_common.c
index 73b5b7c..44b0b9d 100644
--- a/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_vidc_common.c
+++ b/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_vidc_common.c
@@ -520,6 +520,7 @@
"RELEASE REFERENCE EVENT FROM F/W - fd = %d offset = %d\n",
ptr[0], ptr[1]);
+ mutex_lock(&inst->sync_lock);
/* Decrement buffer reference count*/
buf_ref_put(inst, binfo);
@@ -530,6 +531,7 @@
if (unmap_and_deregister_buf(inst, binfo))
"%s: buffer unmap failed\n", __func__);
+ mutex_unlock(&inst->sync_lock);
/*send event to client*/
@@ -890,7 +892,7 @@
cnt = atomic_read(&binfo->ref_count);
if (cnt > 2) {
- dprintk(VIDC_ERR, "%s: invalid ref_cnt: %d\n", __func__, cnt);
+ dprintk(VIDC_DBG, "%s: invalid ref_cnt: %d\n", __func__, cnt);
cnt = -EINVAL;
dprintk(VIDC_DBG, "REF_GET[%d] fd[0] = %d\n", cnt, binfo->fd[0]);
@@ -917,7 +919,7 @@
else if (cnt == 1)
qbuf_again = true;
else {
- dprintk(VIDC_ERR, "%s: invalid ref_cnt: %d\n", __func__, cnt);
+ dprintk(VIDC_DBG, "%s: invalid ref_cnt: %d\n", __func__, cnt);
cnt = -EINVAL;
@@ -969,12 +971,12 @@
- "_F_B_D_ fd[0] = %d -> Reference with f/w",
- binfo->fd[0]);
+ "_F_B_D_ fd[0] = %d -> Reference with f/w, addr: 0x%x",
+ binfo->fd[0], device_addr);
} else {
- "_F_B_D_ fd[0] = %d -> FBD_ref_released\n",
- binfo->fd[0]);
+ "_F_B_D_ fd[0] = %d -> FBD_ref_released, addr: 0x%x\n",
+ binfo->fd[0], device_addr);
buf_ref_put(inst, binfo);
@@ -2633,6 +2635,9 @@
"released buffer held in driver before issuing flush: 0x%x fd[0]: %d\n",
binfo->device_addr[0], binfo->fd[0]);
+ /*delete this buffer info from registered list*/
+ list_del(&binfo->list);
+ kfree(binfo);
/*send event to client*/
@@ -2687,6 +2692,7 @@
+ msm_comm_flush_dynamic_buffers(inst);
if (inst->in_reconfig && !ip_flush && op_flush) {
if (!list_empty(&inst->pendingq)) {
/*Execution can never reach here since port reconfig
@@ -2719,8 +2725,6 @@
- msm_comm_flush_dynamic_buffers(inst);
/*Do not send flush in case of session_error */
if (!(inst->state == MSM_VIDC_CORE_INVALID &&
core->state != VIDC_CORE_INVALID))
diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_vidc_debug.c b/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_vidc_debug.c
index 25651c9..5a18265 100644
--- a/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_vidc_debug.c
+++ b/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/msm_vidc_debug.c
@@ -86,6 +86,18 @@
write_str(&dbg_buf, "irq: %u\n",
call_hfi_op(hdev, get_fw_info, hdev->hfi_device_data,
+ write_str(&dbg_buf, "clock count: %d\n",
+ call_hfi_op(hdev, get_info, hdev->hfi_device_data,
+ write_str(&dbg_buf, "clock enabled: %u\n",
+ call_hfi_op(hdev, get_info, hdev->hfi_device_data,
+ write_str(&dbg_buf, "power count: %d\n",
+ call_hfi_op(hdev, get_info, hdev->hfi_device_data,
+ write_str(&dbg_buf, "power enabled: %u\n",
+ call_hfi_op(hdev, get_info, hdev->hfi_device_data,
for (i = SYS_MSG_START; i < SYS_MSG_END; i++) {
write_str(&dbg_buf, "completions[%d]: %s\n", i,
completion_done(&core->completions[SYS_MSG_INDEX(i)]) ?
diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/venus_hfi.c b/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/venus_hfi.c
index 6eba932..29a8215 100644
--- a/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/venus_hfi.c
+++ b/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/venus_hfi.c
@@ -829,6 +829,7 @@
device->clocks_enabled = 1;
+ ++device->clk_cnt;
return 0;
for (i--; i >= 0; i--) {
@@ -858,6 +859,7 @@
device->clocks_enabled = 0;
+ --device->clk_cnt;
static DECLARE_COMPLETION(pc_prep_done);
@@ -899,6 +901,7 @@
venus_hfi_unvote_buses(device, DDR_MEM);
device->power_enabled = 0;
+ --device->pwr_cnt;
return rc;
@@ -949,6 +952,7 @@
goto err_reset_core;
device->power_enabled = 1;
+ ++device->pwr_cnt;
return rc;
@@ -2711,6 +2715,7 @@
device->clocks_enabled = 0;
+ --device->clk_cnt;
static inline int venus_hfi_enable_clks(struct venus_hfi_device *device)
@@ -2736,6 +2741,7 @@
device->clocks_enabled = 1;
+ ++device->clk_cnt;
return rc;
@@ -3206,6 +3212,7 @@
goto fail_load_fw;
device->power_enabled = 1;
+ ++device->pwr_cnt;
/*Clocks can be enabled only after pil_get since
* gdsc is turned-on in pil_get*/
@@ -3231,6 +3238,7 @@
device->resources.fw.cookie = NULL;
device->power_enabled = 0;
+ --device->pwr_cnt;
@@ -3254,6 +3262,7 @@
device->power_enabled = 0;
+ --device->pwr_cnt;
@@ -3295,6 +3304,37 @@
return rc;
+static int venus_hfi_get_info(void *dev, enum dev_info info)
+ int rc = 0;
+ struct venus_hfi_device *device = dev;
+ if (!device) {
+ dprintk(VIDC_ERR, "%s Invalid parameter: %p\n",
+ __func__, device);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ mutex_lock(&device->clk_pwr_lock);
+ switch (info) {
+ rc = device->clk_cnt;
+ break;
+ rc = device->clocks_enabled;
+ break;
+ rc = device->pwr_cnt;
+ break;
+ rc = device->power_enabled;
+ break;
+ default:
+ dprintk(VIDC_ERR, "Invalid device info requested");
+ }
+ mutex_unlock(&device->clk_pwr_lock);
+ return rc;
int venus_hfi_get_stride_scanline(int color_fmt,
int width, int height, int *stride, int *scanlines) {
*stride = VENUS_Y_STRIDE(color_fmt, width);
@@ -3359,6 +3399,10 @@
hdevice->device_id = device_id;
hdevice->callback = callback;
+ hdevice->clocks_enabled = 0;
+ hdevice->clk_cnt = 0;
+ hdevice->power_enabled = 0;
+ hdevice->pwr_cnt = 0;
hdevice->vidc_workq = create_singlethread_workqueue(
@@ -3480,6 +3524,7 @@
hdev->load_fw = venus_hfi_load_fw;
hdev->unload_fw = venus_hfi_unload_fw;
hdev->get_fw_info = venus_hfi_get_fw_info;
+ hdev->get_info = venus_hfi_get_info;
hdev->get_stride_scanline = venus_hfi_get_stride_scanline;
hdev->capability_check = venus_hfi_capability_check;
hdev->get_core_capabilities = venus_hfi_get_core_capabilities;
diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/venus_hfi.h b/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/venus_hfi.h
index f1d8694..4feda45 100644
--- a/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/venus_hfi.h
+++ b/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/venus_hfi.h
@@ -207,6 +207,8 @@
u32 register_base;
u32 register_size;
u32 irq;
+ int clk_cnt;
+ int pwr_cnt;
struct venus_resources resources;
struct msm_vidc_platform_resources *res;
struct regulator *gdsc;
diff --git a/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/vidc_hfi_api.h b/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/vidc_hfi_api.h
index 9c9506e..05d1840 100644
--- a/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/vidc_hfi_api.h
+++ b/drivers/media/platform/msm/vidc/vidc_hfi_api.h
@@ -1053,6 +1053,14 @@
+enum dev_info {
#define call_hfi_op(q, op, args...) \
(((q) && (q)->op) ? ((q)->op(args)) : 0)
@@ -1106,6 +1114,7 @@
int (*load_fw)(void *dev);
void (*unload_fw)(void *dev);
int (*get_fw_info)(void *dev, enum fw_info info);
+ int (*get_info) (void *dev, enum dev_info info);
int (*get_stride_scanline)(int color_fmt, int width,
int height, int *stride, int *scanlines);
int (*capability_check)(u32 fourcc, u32 width,
diff --git a/drivers/mfd/wcd9xxx-core.c b/drivers/mfd/wcd9xxx-core.c
index d8abc6d..907ce7c 100644
--- a/drivers/mfd/wcd9xxx-core.c
+++ b/drivers/mfd/wcd9xxx-core.c
@@ -544,8 +544,10 @@
+ {WCD9306_IRQ_HPH_PA_OCPR_FAULT, false},
+ {WCD9306_IRQ_HPH_PA_OCPL_FAULT, false},
diff --git a/drivers/platform/msm/qpnp-power-on.c b/drivers/platform/msm/qpnp-power-on.c
index c0371a5..50d5f7b 100644
--- a/drivers/platform/msm/qpnp-power-on.c
+++ b/drivers/platform/msm/qpnp-power-on.c
@@ -107,6 +107,7 @@
u32 bark_irq;
u16 s2_cntl_addr;
u16 s2_cntl2_addr;
+ bool use_bark;
struct qpnp_pon {
@@ -614,7 +615,7 @@
return rc;
- if (cfg->support_reset) {
+ if (cfg->use_bark) {
rc = devm_request_irq(&pon->spmi->dev, cfg->bark_irq,
@@ -637,7 +638,7 @@
return rc;
- if (cfg->support_reset) {
+ if (cfg->use_bark) {
rc = devm_request_irq(&pon->spmi->dev, cfg->bark_irq,
@@ -662,7 +663,7 @@
- if (cfg->support_reset) {
+ if (cfg->use_bark) {
rc = devm_request_irq(&pon->spmi->dev, cfg->bark_irq,
@@ -755,7 +756,9 @@
return rc;
- if (cfg->support_reset) {
+ cfg->use_bark = of_property_read_bool(pp,
+ "qcom,use-bark");
+ if (cfg->use_bark) {
cfg->bark_irq = spmi_get_irq_byname(pon->spmi,
NULL, "kpdpwr-bark");
if (cfg->bark_irq < 0) {
@@ -793,7 +796,9 @@
return rc;
- if (cfg->support_reset) {
+ cfg->use_bark = of_property_read_bool(pp,
+ "qcom,use-bark");
+ if (cfg->use_bark) {
cfg->bark_irq = spmi_get_irq_byname(pon->spmi,
NULL, "resin-bark");
if (cfg->bark_irq < 0) {
@@ -832,7 +837,9 @@
return rc;
- if (cfg->support_reset) {
+ cfg->use_bark = of_property_read_bool(pp,
+ "qcom,use-bark");
+ if (cfg->use_bark) {
cfg->bark_irq = spmi_get_irq_byname(pon->spmi,
NULL, "kpdpwr-resin-bark");
if (cfg->bark_irq < 0) {
diff --git a/drivers/usb/dwc3/dwc3-msm.c b/drivers/usb/dwc3/dwc3-msm.c
index 60d7119..bda1093 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/dwc3/dwc3-msm.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/dwc3/dwc3-msm.c
@@ -69,6 +69,10 @@
module_param(override_phy_init, int, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR);
MODULE_PARM_DESC(override_phy_init, "Override HSPHY Init Seq");
+static int ss_phy_override_deemphasis;
+module_param(ss_phy_override_deemphasis, int, S_IRUGO|S_IWUSR);
+MODULE_PARM_DESC(ss_phy_override_deemphasis, "Override SSPHY demphasis value");
/* Enable Proprietary charger detection */
static bool prop_chg_detect;
module_param(prop_chg_detect, bool, S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR);
@@ -198,6 +202,7 @@
atomic_t in_lpm;
int hs_phy_irq;
int hsphy_init_seq;
+ int deemphasis_val;
bool lpm_irq_seen;
struct delayed_work resume_work;
struct work_struct restart_usb_work;
@@ -1416,7 +1421,12 @@
data = dwc3_msm_ssusb_read_phycreg(mdwc->base, 0x1002);
data &= ~0x3F80;
- data |= (0x16 << 7);
+ if (ss_phy_override_deemphasis)
+ mdwc->deemphasis_val = ss_phy_override_deemphasis;
+ if (mdwc->deemphasis_val)
+ data |= (mdwc->deemphasis_val << 7);
+ else
+ data |= (0x16 << 7);
data &= ~0x7F;
data |= (0x7F | (1 << 14));
dwc3_msm_ssusb_write_phycreg(mdwc->base, 0x1002, data);
@@ -2978,6 +2988,10 @@
else if (!mdwc->hsphy_init_seq)
dev_warn(&pdev->dev, "incorrect hsphyinitseq.Using PORvalue\n");
+ if (of_property_read_u32(node, "qcom,dwc-ssphy-deemphasis-value",
+ &mdwc->deemphasis_val))
+ dev_dbg(&pdev->dev, "unable to read ssphy deemphasis value\n");
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/f_diag.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/f_diag.c
index bccc504..effe0fd 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/f_diag.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/f_diag.c
@@ -837,17 +837,28 @@
struct dentry *dent_diag;
static void fdiag_debugfs_init(void)
+ struct dentry *dent_diag_status;
dent_diag = debugfs_create_dir("usb_diag", 0);
- if (IS_ERR(dent_diag))
+ if (!dent_diag || IS_ERR(dent_diag))
- debugfs_create_file("status", 0444, dent_diag, 0, &debug_fdiag_ops);
+ dent_diag_status = debugfs_create_file("status", 0444, dent_diag, 0,
+ &debug_fdiag_ops);
+ if (!dent_diag_status || IS_ERR(dent_diag_status)) {
+ debugfs_remove(dent_diag);
+ dent_diag = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+static void fdiag_debugfs_remove(void)
+ debugfs_remove_recursive(dent_diag);
-static void fdiag_debugfs_init(void)
- return;
+static inline void fdiag_debugfs_init(void) {}
+static inline void fdiag_debugfs_remove(void) {}
static void diag_cleanup(void)
@@ -856,7 +867,7 @@
struct usb_diag_ch *_ch;
unsigned long flags;
- debugfs_remove_recursive(dent_diag);
+ fdiag_debugfs_remove();
list_for_each_safe(act, tmp, &usb_diag_ch_list) {
_ch = list_entry(act, struct usb_diag_ch, list);
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/f_rmnet.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/f_rmnet.c
index 6bfa203..2fa8c63 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/f_rmnet.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/f_rmnet.c
@@ -1219,6 +1219,7 @@
for (i = 0; i < nr_rmnet_ports; i++)
+ gbam_cleanup();
nr_rmnet_ports = 0;
no_ctrl_smd_ports = 0;
no_ctrl_qti_ports = 0;
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/f_rmnet_smd.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/f_rmnet_smd.c
index 8aec34f..74a8062 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/f_rmnet_smd.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/f_rmnet_smd.c
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Robert Schwebel, Benedikt Spranger
* Copyright (C) 2003 Al Borchers (
* Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation
- * Copyright (c) 2010-2012, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
@@ -1267,19 +1267,17 @@
struct dentry *dent_smd;
-struct dentry *dent_smd_status;
static void rmnet_smd_debugfs_init(struct rmnet_smd_dev *dev)
+ struct dentry *dent_smd_status;
dent_smd = debugfs_create_dir("usb_rmnet_smd", 0);
- if (IS_ERR(dent_smd))
+ if (!dent_smd || IS_ERR(dent_smd))
dent_smd_status = debugfs_create_file("status", 0444, dent_smd, dev,
- if (!dent_smd_status) {
+ if (!dent_smd_status || IS_ERR(dent_smd_status)) {
dent_smd = NULL;
@@ -1287,8 +1285,14 @@
+static void rmnet_smd_debugfs_remove(void)
+ debugfs_remove_recursive(dent_smd);
-static void rmnet_smd_debugfs_init(struct rmnet_smd_dev *dev) {}
+static inline void rmnet_smd_debugfs_init(struct rmnet_smd_dev *dev) {}
+static inline void rmnet_smd_debugfs_remove(void){}
static void
@@ -1307,7 +1311,9 @@
dev->epout = dev->epin = dev->epnotify = NULL; /* release endpoints */
- debugfs_remove_recursive(dent_smd);
+ rmnet_smd_debugfs_remove();
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/f_rmnet_smd_sdio.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/f_rmnet_smd_sdio.c
index aa6c99a..2fc758d 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/f_rmnet_smd_sdio.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/f_rmnet_smd_sdio.c
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Robert Schwebel, Benedikt Spranger
* Copyright (C) 2003 Al Borchers (
* Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation
- * Copyright (c) 2011 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+ * Copyright (c) 2011,2013 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
@@ -1758,16 +1758,28 @@
static void rmnet_mux_debugfs_init(struct rmnet_mux_dev *dev)
+ struct dentry *dent_rmnet_mux_status;
dent_rmnet_mux = debugfs_create_dir("usb_rmnet_mux", 0);
- if (IS_ERR(dent_rmnet_mux))
+ if (!dent_rmnet_mux || IS_ERR(dent_rmnet_mux))
- debugfs_create_file("status", 0444, dent_rmnet_mux, dev,
+ dent_rmnet_mux_status = debugfs_create_file("status",
+ 0444, dent_rmnet_mux, dev,
+ if (!dent_rmnet_mux_status) {
+ debugfs_remove(dent_rmnet_mux);
+ dent_rmnet_mux = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+static void rmnet_mux_debugfs_remove(void)
+ debugfs_remove_recursive(dent_rmnet_mux);
-static void rmnet_mux_debugfs_init(struct rmnet_mux_dev *dev) {}
+static inline void rmnet_mux_debugfs_init(struct rmnet_mux_dev *dev) {}
+static inline void rmnet_mux_debugfs_remove(void) {}
int usb_rmnet_mux_ctrl_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *fp)
@@ -2037,7 +2049,7 @@
struct rmnet_mux_dev *dev = rmux_dev;
struct rmnet_mux_smd_dev *smd_dev = &dev->smd_dev;
- debugfs_remove_recursive(dent_rmnet_mux);
+ rmnet_mux_debugfs_remove();
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/u_bam.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/u_bam.c
index b0b2f56..843c207 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/u_bam.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/u_bam.c
@@ -1281,22 +1281,30 @@
.write = gbam_reset_stats,
+struct dentry *gbam_dent;
static void gbam_debugfs_init(void)
- struct dentry *dent;
struct dentry *dfile;
- dent = debugfs_create_dir("usb_rmnet", 0);
- if (IS_ERR(dent))
+ gbam_dent = debugfs_create_dir("usb_rmnet", 0);
+ if (!gbam_dent || IS_ERR(gbam_dent))
- /* TODO: Implement cleanup function to remove created file */
- dfile = debugfs_create_file("status", 0444, dent, 0, &gbam_stats_ops);
- if (!dfile || IS_ERR(dfile))
- debugfs_remove(dent);
+ dfile = debugfs_create_file("status", 0444, gbam_dent, 0,
+ &gbam_stats_ops);
+ if (!dfile || IS_ERR(dfile)) {
+ debugfs_remove(gbam_dent);
+ gbam_dent = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
+static void gbam_debugfs_remove(void)
+ debugfs_remove_recursive(gbam_dent);
-static void gam_debugfs_init(void) { }
+static inline void gbam_debugfs_init(void) {}
+static inline void gbam_debugfs_remove(void) {}
void gbam_disconnect(struct grmnet *gr, u8 port_num, enum transport_type trans)
@@ -1445,7 +1453,6 @@
d->trans = trans;
queue_work(gbam_wq, &port->connect_w);
return 0;
@@ -1490,6 +1497,7 @@
goto free_bam_ports;
return 0;
@@ -1503,6 +1511,11 @@
return ret;
+void gbam_cleanup(void)
+ gbam_debugfs_remove();
void gbam_suspend(struct grmnet *gr, u8 port_num, enum transport_type trans)
struct gbam_port *port;
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/u_ctrl_hsuart.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/u_ctrl_hsuart.c
index 3443d12..b57e4e3 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/u_ctrl_hsuart.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/u_ctrl_hsuart.c
@@ -479,6 +479,7 @@
return ret;
+#if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_FS)
#define DEBUG_BUF_SIZE 1024
static ssize_t ghsuart_ctrl_read_stats(struct file *file, char __user *ubuf,
size_t count, loff_t *ppos)
@@ -558,7 +559,7 @@
ghsuart_ctrl_dfile =
debugfs_create_file("status", S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,
- ghsuart_ctrl_dent, 0, &gctrl_stats_ops);
+ ghsuart_ctrl_dent, 0, &ghsuart_ctrl_stats_ops);
if (!ghsuart_ctrl_dfile || IS_ERR(ghsuart_ctrl_dfile)) {
ghsuart_ctrl_dent = NULL;
@@ -571,6 +572,10 @@
+static int ghsuart_ctrl_debugfs_init(void) { return 0; }
+static void ghsuart_ctrl_debugfs_exit(void) {}
static int __init ghsuart_ctrl_init(void)
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/u_rmnet.h b/drivers/usb/gadget/u_rmnet.h
index 06471a4..6a80529 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/u_rmnet.h
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/u_rmnet.h
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
int gbam_setup(unsigned int no_bam_port, unsigned int no_bam2bam_port);
+void gbam_cleanup(void);
int gbam_connect(struct grmnet *gr, u8 port_num,
enum transport_type trans, u8 src_connection_idx,
u8 dst_connection_idx);
diff --git a/drivers/usb/gadget/u_serial.c b/drivers/usb/gadget/u_serial.c
index 350e723..299f620c 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/gadget/u_serial.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/gadget/u_serial.c
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
* Copyright (C) 2003 Al Borchers (
* Copyright (C) 2008 David Brownell
* Copyright (C) 2008 by Nokia Corporation
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* This code also borrows from usbserial.c, which is
* Copyright (C) 1999 - 2002 Greg Kroah-Hartman (
@@ -1294,22 +1295,29 @@
.read = debug_read_status,
+struct dentry *gs_dent;
static void usb_debugfs_init(struct gs_port *ui_dev, int port_num)
- struct dentry *dent;
char buf[48];
snprintf(buf, 48, "usb_serial%d", port_num);
- dent = debugfs_create_dir(buf, 0);
- if (IS_ERR(dent))
+ gs_dent = debugfs_create_dir(buf, 0);
+ if (!gs_dent || IS_ERR(gs_dent))
- debugfs_create_file("readstatus", 0444, dent, ui_dev, &debug_adb_ops);
+ debugfs_create_file("readstatus", 0444, gs_dent, ui_dev,
+ &debug_adb_ops);
debugfs_create_file("reset", S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR,
- dent, ui_dev, &debug_rst_ops);
+ gs_dent, ui_dev, &debug_rst_ops);
+static void usb_debugfs_remove(void)
+ debugfs_remove_recursive(gs_dent);
-static void usb_debugfs_init(struct gs_port *ui_dev) {}
+static inline void usb_debugfs_init(struct gs_port *ui_dev, int port_num) {}
+static inline void usb_debugfs_remove(void) {}
@@ -1474,6 +1482,7 @@
n_ports = 0;
+ usb_debugfs_remove();
diff --git a/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_dsi.c b/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_dsi.c
index c94db64..865775a 100644
--- a/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_dsi.c
+++ b/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_dsi.c
@@ -753,6 +753,7 @@
ctrl_pdata->recovery = (struct mdss_panel_recovery *)arg;
mdss_dsi_cmdlist_commit(ctrl_pdata, 1);
+ break;
if (arg != NULL) {
rc = mdss_dsi_dfps_config(pdata, (int)arg);
diff --git a/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_dsi.h b/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_dsi.h
index 53a380e..6953d8b 100644
--- a/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_dsi.h
+++ b/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_dsi.h
@@ -343,6 +343,7 @@
int pwm_lpg_chan;
int bklt_max;
int new_fps;
+ int pwm_enabled;
struct pwm_device *pwm_bl;
struct dsi_drv_cm_data shared_pdata;
u32 pclk_rate;
diff --git a/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_dsi_panel.c b/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_dsi_panel.c
index 262b7bd..33109e1 100644
--- a/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_dsi_panel.c
+++ b/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_dsi_panel.c
@@ -66,6 +66,13 @@
+ if (level == 0) {
+ if (ctrl->pwm_enabled)
+ pwm_disable(ctrl->pwm_bl);
+ ctrl->pwm_enabled = 0;
+ return;
+ }
duty = level * ctrl->pwm_period;
duty /= ctrl->bklt_max;
@@ -76,6 +83,11 @@
pr_debug("%s: ndx=%d level=%d duty=%d\n", __func__,
ctrl->ndx, level, duty);
+ if (ctrl->pwm_enabled) {
+ pwm_disable(ctrl->pwm_bl);
+ ctrl->pwm_enabled = 0;
+ }
ret = pwm_config(ctrl->pwm_bl, duty, ctrl->pwm_period);
if (ret) {
pr_err("%s: pwm_config() failed err=%d.\n", __func__, ret);
@@ -85,6 +97,7 @@
ret = pwm_enable(ctrl->pwm_bl);
if (ret)
pr_err("%s: pwm_enable() failed err=%d\n", __func__, ret);
+ ctrl->pwm_enabled = 1;
static char dcs_cmd[2] = {0x54, 0x00}; /* DTYPE_DCS_READ */
@@ -182,14 +195,15 @@
pinfo = &(ctrl_pdata->panel_data.panel_info);
if (enable) {
+ if (gpio_is_valid(ctrl_pdata->disp_en_gpio))
+ gpio_set_value((ctrl_pdata->disp_en_gpio), 1);
for (i = 0; i < pdata->panel_info.rst_seq_len; ++i) {
if (pdata->panel_info.rst_seq[++i])
usleep(pdata->panel_info.rst_seq[i] * 1000);
- if (gpio_is_valid(ctrl_pdata->disp_en_gpio))
- gpio_set_value((ctrl_pdata->disp_en_gpio), 1);
if (gpio_is_valid(ctrl_pdata->mode_gpio)) {
if (pinfo->mode_gpio_state == MODE_GPIO_HIGH)
diff --git a/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_intf_video.c b/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_intf_video.c
index 728269d..a040785 100644
--- a/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_intf_video.c
+++ b/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_intf_video.c
@@ -330,6 +330,7 @@
mdss_mdp_set_intr_callback(MDSS_MDP_IRQ_INTF_UNDER_RUN, ctl->intf_num,
+ mdss_mdp_ctl_reset(ctl);
ctl->priv_data = NULL;
diff --git a/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_intf_writeback.c b/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_intf_writeback.c
index 2b07428..7f872b4 100644
--- a/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_intf_writeback.c
+++ b/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_intf_writeback.c
@@ -283,9 +283,9 @@
ctx->rot90 = !!(rot->flags & MDP_ROT_90);
if (ctx->bwc_mode || ctx->rot90)
- format = mdss_mdp_get_rotator_dst_format(rot->format);
+ format = mdss_mdp_get_rotator_dst_format(rot->format, 1);
- format = rot->format;
+ format = mdss_mdp_get_rotator_dst_format(rot->format, 0);
if (ctx->rot90) {
ctx->opmode |= BIT(5); /* ROT 90 */
diff --git a/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_overlay.c b/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_overlay.c
index c2d9965..1584925 100644
--- a/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_overlay.c
+++ b/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_overlay.c
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
if (req->flags & (MDP_SOURCE_ROTATED_90 | MDP_BWC_EN))
req->src.format =
- mdss_mdp_get_rotator_dst_format(req->src.format);
+ mdss_mdp_get_rotator_dst_format(req->src.format, 1);
fmt = mdss_mdp_get_format_params(req->src.format);
if (!fmt) {
diff --git a/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_rotator.h b/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_rotator.h
index 43e77cc..ab7cce1 100644
--- a/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_rotator.h
+++ b/drivers/video/msm/mdss/mdss_mdp_rotator.h
@@ -51,13 +51,21 @@
struct work_struct commit_work;
-static inline u32 mdss_mdp_get_rotator_dst_format(u32 in_format)
+static inline u32 mdss_mdp_get_rotator_dst_format(u32 in_format, u8 in_rot90)
switch (in_format) {
case MDP_RGB_565:
case MDP_BGR_565:
- return MDP_RGB_888;
+ if (in_rot90)
+ return MDP_RGB_888;
+ else
+ return in_format;
+ case MDP_Y_CBCR_H2V2:
+ if (in_rot90)
+ return MDP_Y_CRCB_H2V2;
+ else
+ return in_format;
case MDP_Y_CB_CR_H2V2:
case MDP_Y_CR_CB_GH2V2:
case MDP_Y_CR_CB_H2V2:
diff --git a/include/linux/mfd/wcd9xxx/core.h b/include/linux/mfd/wcd9xxx/core.h
index c2ad2b4..85be7c3 100644
--- a/include/linux/mfd/wcd9xxx/core.h
+++ b/include/linux/mfd/wcd9xxx/core.h
@@ -64,8 +64,10 @@
/* INTR_REG 2 */
diff --git a/include/scsi/scsi.h b/include/scsi/scsi.h
index cc37cd8..8e3aced 100644
--- a/include/scsi/scsi.h
+++ b/include/scsi/scsi.h
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <linux/types.h>
#include <linux/scatterlist.h>
+#include <linux/device.h>
struct scsi_cmnd;
diff --git a/sound/core/pcm_native.c b/sound/core/pcm_native.c
index 8bba8d7..7504576 100644
--- a/sound/core/pcm_native.c
+++ b/sound/core/pcm_native.c
@@ -448,7 +448,8 @@
runtime->silence_threshold = 0;
runtime->silence_size = 0;
runtime->boundary = runtime->buffer_size;
- while (runtime->boundary * 2 <= LONG_MAX - runtime->buffer_size)
+ while (runtime->boundary * 2 * runtime->channels <=
+ LONG_MAX - runtime->buffer_size)
runtime->boundary *= 2;
diff --git a/sound/soc/codecs/msm8x10-wcd.c b/sound/soc/codecs/msm8x10-wcd.c
index 4c20bb9..942d095 100644
--- a/sound/soc/codecs/msm8x10-wcd.c
+++ b/sound/soc/codecs/msm8x10-wcd.c
@@ -2612,12 +2612,6 @@
0xE0, 0xE0);
-static int msm8x10_wcd_get_jack_detect_irq(
- struct snd_soc_codec *codec)
static struct wcd9xxx_cfilt_mode msm8x10_wcd_switch_cfilt_mode(
struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *mbhc, bool fast)
@@ -2642,14 +2636,6 @@
mbhc->mbhc_bias_regs.ctl_reg, 0x60, 0x00);
-static void msm8x10_wcd_free_irq(struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *mbhc)
- struct msm8x10_wcd *msm8x10_wcd = mbhc->codec->control_data;
- struct wcd9xxx_core_resource *core_res =
- &msm8x10_wcd->wcd9xxx_res;
- wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, MSM8X10_WCD_IRQ_MBHC_HS_DET, mbhc);
enum wcd9xxx_cdc_type msm8x10_wcd_get_cdc_type(void)
@@ -2707,10 +2693,8 @@
.enable_mux_bias_block = msm8x10_wcd_enable_mux_bias_block,
.cfilt_fast_mode = msm8x10_wcd_put_cfilt_fast_mode,
.codec_specific_cal = msm8x10_wcd_codec_specific_cal_setup,
- .jack_detect_irq = msm8x10_wcd_get_jack_detect_irq,
.switch_cfilt_mode = msm8x10_wcd_switch_cfilt_mode,
.select_cfilt = msm8x10_wcd_select_cfilt,
- .free_irq = msm8x10_wcd_free_irq,
.get_cdc_type = msm8x10_wcd_get_cdc_type,
.enable_clock_gate = msm8x10_wcd_mbhc_clk_gate,
.enable_mbhc_txfe = msm8x10_wcd_mbhc_txfe,
@@ -2819,6 +2803,17 @@
.priority = -INT_MAX,
+static const struct wcd9xxx_mbhc_intr cdc_intr_ids = {
+ .poll_plug_rem = MSM8X10_WCD_IRQ_MBHC_REMOVAL,
+ .shortavg_complete = MSM8X10_WCD_IRQ_MBHC_SHORT_TERM,
+ .potential_button_press = MSM8X10_WCD_IRQ_MBHC_PRESS,
+ .button_release = MSM8X10_WCD_IRQ_MBHC_RELEASE,
+ .dce_est_complete = MSM8X10_WCD_IRQ_MBHC_POTENTIAL,
+ .insertion = MSM8X10_WCD_IRQ_MBHC_INSERTION,
+ .hph_left_ocp = MSM8X10_WCD_IRQ_HPH_PA_OCPL_FAULT,
+ .hph_right_ocp = MSM8X10_WCD_IRQ_HPH_PA_OCPR_FAULT,
+ .hs_jack_switch = MSM8X10_WCD_IRQ_MBHC_HS_DET,
static int msm8x10_wcd_codec_probe(struct snd_soc_codec *codec)
@@ -2896,7 +2891,7 @@
ret = wcd9xxx_mbhc_init(&msm8x10_wcd_priv->mbhc,
- codec, NULL, &mbhc_cb,
+ codec, NULL, &mbhc_cb, &cdc_intr_ids,
if (ret) {
pr_err("%s: Failed to initialize mbhc\n", __func__);
diff --git a/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9306.c b/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9306.c
index 17ed0d3..4857593 100644
--- a/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9306.c
+++ b/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9306.c
@@ -97,8 +97,6 @@
enum tapan_codec_type {
@@ -5086,11 +5084,6 @@
snd_soc_update_bits(codec, WCD9XXX_A_TX_7_MBHC_EN, 0xE0, 0xE0);
-static int tapan_get_jack_detect_irq(struct snd_soc_codec *codec)
static struct wcd9xxx_cfilt_mode tapan_codec_switch_cfilt_mode(
struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *mbhc,
bool fast)
@@ -5116,14 +5109,6 @@
snd_soc_update_bits(codec, mbhc->mbhc_bias_regs.ctl_reg, 0x60, 0x00);
-static void tapan_free_irq(struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *mbhc)
- struct wcd9xxx *wcd9xxx = mbhc->codec->control_data;
- struct wcd9xxx_core_resource *core_res =
- &wcd9xxx->core_res;
- wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, WCD9306_IRQ_MBHC_JACK_SWITCH, mbhc);
enum wcd9xxx_cdc_type tapan_get_cdc_type(void)
@@ -5382,10 +5367,8 @@
.enable_mux_bias_block = tapan_enable_mux_bias_block,
.cfilt_fast_mode = tapan_put_cfilt_fast_mode,
.codec_specific_cal = tapan_codec_specific_cal_setup,
- .jack_detect_irq = tapan_get_jack_detect_irq,
.switch_cfilt_mode = tapan_codec_switch_cfilt_mode,
.select_cfilt = tapan_select_cfilt,
- .free_irq = tapan_free_irq,
.get_cdc_type = tapan_get_cdc_type,
.setup_zdet = tapan_setup_zdet,
.compute_impedance = tapan_compute_impedance,
@@ -5426,6 +5409,18 @@
return 0;
+static const struct wcd9xxx_mbhc_intr cdc_intr_ids = {
+ .poll_plug_rem = WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_REMOVAL,
+ .shortavg_complete = WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_SHORT_TERM,
+ .potential_button_press = WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_PRESS,
+ .button_release = WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_RELEASE,
+ .dce_est_complete = WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_POTENTIAL,
+ .hph_left_ocp = WCD9306_IRQ_HPH_PA_OCPL_FAULT,
+ .hph_right_ocp = WCD9306_IRQ_HPH_PA_OCPR_FAULT,
+ .hs_jack_switch = WCD9306_IRQ_MBHC_JACK_SWITCH,
static int tapan_post_reset_cb(struct wcd9xxx *wcd9xxx)
int ret = 0;
@@ -5473,7 +5468,7 @@
rco_clk_rate = TAPAN_MCLK_CLK_9P6MHZ;
ret = wcd9xxx_mbhc_init(&tapan->mbhc, &tapan->resmgr, codec, NULL,
- &mbhc_cb, rco_clk_rate,
+ &mbhc_cb, &cdc_intr_ids, rco_clk_rate,
if (ret)
pr_err("%s: mbhc init failed %d\n", __func__, ret);
@@ -5679,7 +5674,7 @@
rco_clk_rate = TAPAN_MCLK_CLK_9P6MHZ;
ret = wcd9xxx_mbhc_init(&tapan->mbhc, &tapan->resmgr, codec, NULL,
- &mbhc_cb, rco_clk_rate,
+ &mbhc_cb, &cdc_intr_ids, rco_clk_rate,
if (ret) {
diff --git a/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9320.c b/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9320.c
index d2605cb..5656887 100644
--- a/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9320.c
+++ b/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9320.c
@@ -6491,6 +6491,18 @@
.compute_impedance = taiko_compute_impedance,
+static const struct wcd9xxx_mbhc_intr cdc_intr_ids = {
+ .poll_plug_rem = WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_REMOVAL,
+ .shortavg_complete = WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_SHORT_TERM,
+ .potential_button_press = WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_PRESS,
+ .button_release = WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_RELEASE,
+ .dce_est_complete = WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_POTENTIAL,
+ .hph_left_ocp = WCD9XXX_IRQ_HPH_PA_OCPL_FAULT,
+ .hph_right_ocp = WCD9XXX_IRQ_HPH_PA_OCPR_FAULT,
+ .hs_jack_switch = WCD9320_IRQ_MBHC_JACK_SWITCH,
static int taiko_post_reset_cb(struct wcd9xxx *wcd9xxx)
int ret = 0;
@@ -6536,7 +6548,8 @@
ret = wcd9xxx_mbhc_init(&taiko->mbhc, &taiko->resmgr, codec,
- &mbhc_cb, rco_clk_rate, true);
+ &mbhc_cb, &cdc_intr_ids,
+ rco_clk_rate, true);
if (ret)
pr_err("%s: mbhc init failed %d\n", __func__, ret);
@@ -6725,7 +6738,8 @@
/* init and start mbhc */
ret = wcd9xxx_mbhc_init(&taiko->mbhc, &taiko->resmgr, codec,
- &mbhc_cb, rco_clk_rate, true);
+ &mbhc_cb, &cdc_intr_ids,
+ rco_clk_rate, true);
if (ret) {
pr_err("%s: mbhc init failed %d\n", __func__, ret);
goto err_init;
diff --git a/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9xxx-mbhc.c b/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9xxx-mbhc.c
index 7b29a11..2ecebcd 100644
--- a/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9xxx-mbhc.c
+++ b/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9xxx-mbhc.c
@@ -118,8 +118,6 @@
/* RX_HPH_CNP_WG_TIME increases by 0.24ms */
#define WCD9XXX_V_CS_HS_MAX 500
#define WCD9XXX_V_CS_NO_MIC 5
@@ -570,7 +568,7 @@
* reset retry counter as PA is turned off signifying
* start of new OCP detection session
+ if (mbhc->intr_ids->hph_left_ocp)
mbhc->hphlocp_cnt = 0;
mbhc->hphrocp_cnt = 0;
@@ -581,13 +579,13 @@
static void hphrocp_off_report(struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *mbhc, u32 jack_status)
__hphocp_off_report(mbhc, SND_JACK_OC_HPHR,
+ mbhc->intr_ids->hph_right_ocp);
static void hphlocp_off_report(struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *mbhc, u32 jack_status)
__hphocp_off_report(mbhc, SND_JACK_OC_HPHL,
+ mbhc->intr_ids->hph_left_ocp);
static void wcd9xxx_get_mbhc_micbias_regs(struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *mbhc,
@@ -972,7 +970,8 @@
short bias_value;
struct snd_soc_codec *codec = mbhc->codec;
- wcd9xxx_disable_irq(mbhc->resmgr->core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_POTENTIAL);
+ wcd9xxx_disable_irq(mbhc->resmgr->core_res,
+ mbhc->intr_ids->dce_est_complete);
if (noreldetection)
wcd9xxx_turn_onoff_rel_detection(codec, false);
@@ -1018,7 +1017,8 @@
if (noreldetection)
wcd9xxx_turn_onoff_rel_detection(codec, true);
- wcd9xxx_enable_irq(mbhc->resmgr->core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_POTENTIAL);
+ wcd9xxx_enable_irq(mbhc->resmgr->core_res,
+ mbhc->intr_ids->dce_est_complete);
return bias_value;
@@ -1957,7 +1957,7 @@
snd_soc_update_bits(codec, mbhc->resmgr->reg_addr->micb_4_mbhc,
0x3, mbhc->mbhc_cfg->micbias);
- wcd9xxx_enable_irq(mbhc->resmgr->core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_INSERTION);
+ wcd9xxx_enable_irq(mbhc->resmgr->core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->insertion);
snd_soc_update_bits(codec, WCD9XXX_A_CDC_MBHC_INT_CTL, 0x1, 0x1);
pr_debug("%s: leave\n", __func__);
@@ -2432,7 +2432,7 @@
pr_debug("%s: enter\n", __func__);
- wcd9xxx_disable_irq(mbhc->resmgr->core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_INSERTION);
+ wcd9xxx_disable_irq(mbhc->resmgr->core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->insertion);
is_mb_trigger = !!(snd_soc_read(codec, mbhc->mbhc_bias_regs.mbhc_reg) &
@@ -2499,7 +2499,7 @@
snd_soc_update_bits(codec, mbhc->mbhc_bias_regs.mbhc_reg, 0x90, 0x00);
snd_soc_update_bits(codec, WCD9XXX_A_MBHC_HPH, 0x13, 0x00);
snd_soc_update_bits(codec, mbhc->mbhc_bias_regs.ctl_reg, 0x01, 0x00);
- wcd9xxx_disable_irq_sync(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_INSERTION);
+ wcd9xxx_disable_irq_sync(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->insertion);
@@ -3392,7 +3392,7 @@
0x10, 0x10);
} else {
+ mbhc->intr_ids->hph_left_ocp);
mbhc->hph_status |= SND_JACK_OC_HPHL;
wcd9xxx_jack_report(mbhc, &mbhc->headset_jack,
@@ -3422,7 +3422,7 @@
} else {
+ mbhc->intr_ids->hph_right_ocp);
mbhc->hph_status |= SND_JACK_OC_HPHR;
wcd9xxx_jack_report(mbhc, &mbhc->headset_jack,
mbhc->hph_status, WCD9XXX_JACK_MASK);
@@ -3502,7 +3502,8 @@
struct snd_soc_codec *codec = mbhc->codec;
pr_debug("%s: enter\n", __func__);
- wcd9xxx_disable_irq(mbhc->resmgr->core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_POTENTIAL);
+ wcd9xxx_disable_irq(mbhc->resmgr->core_res,
+ mbhc->intr_ids->dce_est_complete);
wcd9xxx_turn_onoff_rel_detection(codec, false);
/* t_dce and t_sta are updated by wcd9xxx_update_mbhc_clk_rate() */
@@ -3642,7 +3643,8 @@
if (mbhc->mbhc_cb && mbhc->mbhc_cb->enable_mb_source)
mbhc->mbhc_cb->enable_mb_source(codec, false);
- wcd9xxx_enable_irq(mbhc->resmgr->core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_POTENTIAL);
+ wcd9xxx_enable_irq(mbhc->resmgr->core_res,
+ mbhc->intr_ids->dce_est_complete);
wcd9xxx_turn_onoff_rel_detection(codec, true);
pr_debug("%s: leave\n", __func__);
@@ -3708,14 +3710,7 @@
static int wcd9xxx_setup_jack_detect_irq(struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *mbhc)
int ret = 0;
- struct snd_soc_codec *codec = mbhc->codec;
void *core_res = mbhc->resmgr->core_res;
- int jack_irq;
- if (mbhc->mbhc_cb && mbhc->mbhc_cb->jack_detect_irq)
- jack_irq = mbhc->mbhc_cb->jack_detect_irq(codec);
- else
if (mbhc->mbhc_cfg->gpio) {
ret = request_threaded_irq(mbhc->mbhc_cfg->gpio_irq, NULL,
@@ -3738,13 +3733,14 @@
snd_soc_update_bits(mbhc->codec, WCD9XXX_A_RX_HPH_OCP_CTL,
1 << 1, 1 << 1);
- ret = wcd9xxx_request_irq(core_res, jack_irq,
+ ret = wcd9xxx_request_irq(core_res,
+ mbhc->intr_ids->hs_jack_switch,
"Jack Detect",
if (ret)
pr_err("%s: Failed to request insert detect irq %d\n",
- __func__, jack_irq);
+ __func__, mbhc->intr_ids->hs_jack_switch);
return ret;
@@ -3774,9 +3770,9 @@
snd_soc_update_bits(codec, WCD9XXX_A_RX_HPH_OCP_CTL, 0x10,
+ mbhc->intr_ids->hph_left_ocp);
+ mbhc->intr_ids->hph_right_ocp);
/* Initialize mechanical mbhc */
ret = wcd9xxx_setup_jack_detect_irq(mbhc);
@@ -4460,7 +4456,9 @@
int wcd9xxx_mbhc_init(struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *mbhc, struct wcd9xxx_resmgr *resmgr,
struct snd_soc_codec *codec,
int (*micbias_enable_cb) (struct snd_soc_codec*, bool),
- const struct wcd9xxx_mbhc_cb *mbhc_cb, int rco_clk_rate,
+ const struct wcd9xxx_mbhc_cb *mbhc_cb,
+ const struct wcd9xxx_mbhc_intr *mbhc_cdc_intr_ids,
+ int rco_clk_rate,
bool impedance_det_en)
int ret;
@@ -4487,9 +4485,15 @@
mbhc->micbias_enable_cb = micbias_enable_cb;
mbhc->rco_clk_rate = rco_clk_rate;
mbhc->mbhc_cb = mbhc_cb;
+ mbhc->intr_ids = mbhc_cdc_intr_ids;
mbhc->impedance_detect = impedance_det_en;
impedance_detect_en = impedance_det_en ? 1 : 0;
+ if (mbhc->intr_ids == NULL) {
+ pr_err("%s: Interrupt mapping not provided\n", __func__);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
if (mbhc->headset_jack.jack == NULL) {
ret = snd_soc_jack_new(codec, "Headset Jack", WCD9XXX_JACK_MASK,
@@ -4533,62 +4537,62 @@
core_res = mbhc->resmgr->core_res;
- ret = wcd9xxx_request_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_INSERTION,
+ ret = wcd9xxx_request_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->insertion,
"Headset insert detect", mbhc);
if (ret) {
pr_err("%s: Failed to request irq %d, ret = %d\n", __func__,
+ mbhc->intr_ids->insertion, ret);
goto err_insert_irq;
- wcd9xxx_disable_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_INSERTION);
+ wcd9xxx_disable_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->insertion);
- ret = wcd9xxx_request_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_REMOVAL,
+ ret = wcd9xxx_request_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->poll_plug_rem,
"Headset remove detect", mbhc);
if (ret) {
pr_err("%s: Failed to request irq %d\n", __func__,
+ mbhc->intr_ids->poll_plug_rem);
goto err_remove_irq;
- ret = wcd9xxx_request_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_POTENTIAL,
+ ret = wcd9xxx_request_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->dce_est_complete,
wcd9xxx_dce_handler, "DC Estimation detect",
if (ret) {
pr_err("%s: Failed to request irq %d\n", __func__,
+ mbhc->intr_ids->dce_est_complete);
goto err_potential_irq;
- ret = wcd9xxx_request_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_RELEASE,
+ ret = wcd9xxx_request_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->button_release,
"Button Release detect", mbhc);
if (ret) {
pr_err("%s: Failed to request irq %d\n", __func__,
+ mbhc->intr_ids->button_release);
goto err_release_irq;
- ret = wcd9xxx_request_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_HPH_PA_OCPL_FAULT,
+ ret = wcd9xxx_request_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->hph_left_ocp,
wcd9xxx_hphl_ocp_irq, "HPH_L OCP detect",
if (ret) {
pr_err("%s: Failed to request irq %d\n", __func__,
+ mbhc->intr_ids->hph_left_ocp);
goto err_hphl_ocp_irq;
- wcd9xxx_disable_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_HPH_PA_OCPL_FAULT);
+ wcd9xxx_disable_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->hph_left_ocp);
- ret = wcd9xxx_request_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_HPH_PA_OCPR_FAULT,
+ ret = wcd9xxx_request_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->hph_right_ocp,
wcd9xxx_hphr_ocp_irq, "HPH_R OCP detect",
if (ret) {
pr_err("%s: Failed to request irq %d\n", __func__,
+ mbhc->intr_ids->hph_right_ocp);
goto err_hphr_ocp_irq;
- wcd9xxx_disable_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_HPH_PA_OCPR_FAULT);
+ wcd9xxx_disable_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->hph_right_ocp);
wcd9xxx_regmgr_cond_register(resmgr, 1 << WCD9XXX_COND_HPH_MIC |
@@ -4597,15 +4601,15 @@
return ret;
- wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_HPH_PA_OCPL_FAULT, mbhc);
+ wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->hph_left_ocp, mbhc);
- wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_RELEASE, mbhc);
+ wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->button_release, mbhc);
- wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_POTENTIAL, mbhc);
+ wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->dce_est_complete, mbhc);
- wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_REMOVAL, mbhc);
+ wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->poll_plug_rem, mbhc);
- wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_INSERTION, mbhc);
+ wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->insertion, mbhc);
wcd9xxx_resmgr_unregister_notifier(mbhc->resmgr, &mbhc->nblock);
@@ -4622,22 +4626,15 @@
wcd9xxx_regmgr_cond_deregister(mbhc->resmgr, 1 << WCD9XXX_COND_HPH_MIC |
- wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_RELEASE, mbhc);
- wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_POTENTIAL, mbhc);
- wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_REMOVAL, mbhc);
- wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_MBHC_INSERTION, mbhc);
- if (mbhc->mbhc_cb && mbhc->mbhc_cb->free_irq)
- mbhc->mbhc_cb->free_irq(mbhc);
- else
- wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, WCD9320_IRQ_MBHC_JACK_SWITCH,
- mbhc);
- wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_HPH_PA_OCPL_FAULT, mbhc);
- wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, WCD9XXX_IRQ_HPH_PA_OCPR_FAULT, mbhc);
+ wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->button_release, mbhc);
+ wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->dce_est_complete, mbhc);
+ wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->poll_plug_rem, mbhc);
+ wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->insertion, mbhc);
+ wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->hs_jack_switch, mbhc);
+ wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->hph_left_ocp, mbhc);
+ wcd9xxx_free_irq(core_res, mbhc->intr_ids->hph_right_ocp, mbhc);
wcd9xxx_resmgr_unregister_notifier(mbhc->resmgr, &mbhc->nblock);
diff --git a/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9xxx-mbhc.h b/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9xxx-mbhc.h
index 91280e4..9d0afe9 100644
--- a/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9xxx-mbhc.h
+++ b/sound/soc/codecs/wcd9xxx-mbhc.h
@@ -236,16 +236,26 @@
u8 reg_mask;
+struct wcd9xxx_mbhc_intr {
+ int poll_plug_rem;
+ int shortavg_complete;
+ int potential_button_press;
+ int button_release;
+ int dce_est_complete;
+ int insertion;
+ int hph_left_ocp;
+ int hph_right_ocp;
+ int hs_jack_switch;
struct wcd9xxx_mbhc_cb {
void (*enable_mux_bias_block) (struct snd_soc_codec *);
void (*cfilt_fast_mode) (struct snd_soc_codec *, struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *);
void (*codec_specific_cal) (struct snd_soc_codec *,
struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *);
- int (*jack_detect_irq) (struct snd_soc_codec *);
struct wcd9xxx_cfilt_mode (*switch_cfilt_mode) (struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *,
void (*select_cfilt) (struct snd_soc_codec *, struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *);
- void (*free_irq) (struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *);
enum wcd9xxx_cdc_type (*get_cdc_type) (void);
void (*enable_clock_gate) (struct snd_soc_codec *, bool);
int (*setup_zdet) (struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *,
@@ -327,6 +337,9 @@
bool update_z;
+ /* Holds codec specific interrupt mapping */
+ const struct wcd9xxx_mbhc_intr *intr_ids;
struct dentry *debugfs_poke;
struct dentry *debugfs_mbhc;
@@ -395,6 +408,7 @@
struct snd_soc_codec *codec,
int (*micbias_enable_cb) (struct snd_soc_codec*, bool),
const struct wcd9xxx_mbhc_cb *mbhc_cb,
+ const struct wcd9xxx_mbhc_intr *mbhc_cdc_intr_ids,
int rco_clk_rate,
bool impedance_det_en);
void wcd9xxx_mbhc_deinit(struct wcd9xxx_mbhc *mbhc);
diff --git a/sound/soc/msm/msm-pcm-hostless.c b/sound/soc/msm/msm-pcm-hostless.c
index 789749f..0f3573b 100644
--- a/sound/soc/msm/msm-pcm-hostless.c
+++ b/sound/soc/msm/msm-pcm-hostless.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* Copyright (c) 2011-2012, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
+/* Copyright (c) 2011-2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and
@@ -18,7 +18,21 @@
#include <sound/soc.h>
#include <sound/pcm.h>
-static struct snd_pcm_ops msm_pcm_hostless_ops = {};
+static int msm_pcm_hostless_prepare(struct snd_pcm_substream *substream)
+ if (!substream) {
+ pr_err("%s: invalid params\n", __func__);
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ if (pm_qos_request_active(&substream->latency_pm_qos_req))
+ pm_qos_remove_request(&substream->latency_pm_qos_req);
+ return 0;
+static struct snd_pcm_ops msm_pcm_hostless_ops = {
+ .prepare = msm_pcm_hostless_prepare
static struct snd_soc_platform_driver msm_soc_hostless_platform = {
.ops = &msm_pcm_hostless_ops,
diff --git a/sound/soc/msm/qdsp6/q6voice.c b/sound/soc/msm/qdsp6/q6voice.c
index 094c58b..d23eee1 100644
--- a/sound/soc/msm/qdsp6/q6voice.c
+++ b/sound/soc/msm/qdsp6/q6voice.c
@@ -1519,7 +1519,8 @@
/* get the cvs cal data */
- if (cal_block.cal_size == 0)
+ if (cal_block.cal_size == 0 ||
+ cal_block.cal_size > CVS_CAL_SIZE)
goto fail;
if (v == NULL) {
@@ -1594,7 +1595,8 @@
u16 cvs_handle;
- if (cal_block.cal_size == 0)
+ if (cal_block.cal_size == 0 ||
+ cal_block.cal_size > CVS_CAL_SIZE)
return 0;
if (v == NULL) {
@@ -1646,7 +1648,8 @@
struct acdb_cal_block cal_block;
/* get all cvp cal data */
- if (cal_block.cal_size == 0)
+ if (cal_block.cal_size == 0 ||
+ cal_block.cal_size > CVP_CAL_SIZE)
goto fail;
if (is_volte_session(v->session_id) ||
@@ -1787,7 +1790,8 @@
/* get all cvs cal data */
- if (cal_block.cal_size == 0)
+ if (cal_block.cal_size == 0 ||
+ cal_block.cal_size > CVS_CAL_SIZE)
goto fail;
if (v == NULL) {
@@ -1859,7 +1863,8 @@
uint32_t cal_paddr = 0;
- if (cal_block.cal_size == 0)
+ if (cal_block.cal_size == 0 ||
+ cal_block.cal_size > CVS_CAL_SIZE)
return 0;
if (v == NULL) {
@@ -1928,7 +1933,8 @@
/* get the cvp cal data */
- if (cal_block.cal_size == 0)
+ if (cal_block.cal_size == 0 ||
+ cal_block.cal_size > CVP_CAL_SIZE)
goto fail;
if (v == NULL) {
@@ -2003,7 +2009,8 @@
u16 cvp_handle;
- if (cal_block.cal_size == 0)
+ if (cal_block.cal_size == 0 ||
+ cal_block.cal_size > CVP_CAL_SIZE)
return 0;
if (v == NULL) {
@@ -2053,6 +2060,7 @@
struct cvp_register_vol_cal_table_cmd cvp_reg_cal_tbl_cmd;
struct acdb_cal_block vol_block;
struct acdb_cal_block voc_block;
+ struct acdb_cal_block cvp_block;
int ret = 0;
void *apr_cvp;
u16 cvp_handle;
@@ -2062,8 +2070,10 @@
/* get the cvp vol cal data */
+ get_all_cvp_cal(&cvp_block);
- if (vol_block.cal_size == 0)
+ if (vol_block.cal_size == 0 ||
+ cvp_block.cal_size > CVP_CAL_SIZE)
goto fail;
if (v == NULL) {
@@ -2135,12 +2145,16 @@
struct cvp_deregister_vol_cal_table_cmd cvp_dereg_cal_tbl_cmd;
struct acdb_cal_block cal_block;
+ struct acdb_cal_block voc_block;
int ret = 0;
void *apr_cvp;
u16 cvp_handle;
- if (cal_block.cal_size == 0)
+ get_all_cvp_cal(&voc_block);
+ if (cal_block.cal_size == 0 ||
+ voc_block.cal_size > CVP_CAL_SIZE)
return 0;
if (v == NULL) {
diff --git a/sound/soc/msm/qdsp6v2/audio_acdb.c b/sound/soc/msm/qdsp6v2/audio_acdb.c
index 93defcd..01422cf 100644
--- a/sound/soc/msm/qdsp6v2/audio_acdb.c
+++ b/sound/soc/msm/qdsp6v2/audio_acdb.c
@@ -1508,7 +1508,7 @@
static int acdb_mmap(struct file *file, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
int result = 0;
- int size = vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start;
+ uint32_t size = vma->vm_end - vma->vm_start;
pr_debug("%s\n", __func__);
diff --git a/sound/soc/msm/qdsp6v2/q6voice.c b/sound/soc/msm/qdsp6v2/q6voice.c
index c16b14c..673ecff 100644
--- a/sound/soc/msm/qdsp6v2/q6voice.c
+++ b/sound/soc/msm/qdsp6v2/q6voice.c
@@ -1958,20 +1958,22 @@
if (!common.apr_q6_cvs) {
pr_err("%s: apr_cvs is NULL\n", __func__);
- ret = -EPERM;
+ ret = -EINVAL;
goto done;
if (!common.cal_mem_handle) {
pr_err("%s: Cal mem handle is NULL\n", __func__);
- ret = -EPERM;
+ ret = -EINVAL;
goto done;
if (cal_block.cal_size == 0) {
pr_err("%s: CVS cal size is 0\n", __func__);
- ret = -EPERM;
+ ret = -EINVAL;
goto done;
@@ -1992,6 +1994,15 @@
/* Get the column info corresponding to CVS cal from ACDB. */
get_voice_col_data(VOCSTRM_CAL, &cal_block);
+ if (cal_block.cal_size == 0 ||
+ cal_block.cal_size >
+ sizeof(cvs_reg_cal_cmd.cvs_cal_data.column_info)) {
+ pr_err("%s: Invalid VOCSTRM_CAL size %d\n",
+ __func__, cal_block.cal_size);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
(void *) cal_block.cal_kvaddr,
@@ -2238,20 +2249,22 @@
if (!common.apr_q6_cvp) {
pr_err("%s: apr_cvp is NULL\n", __func__);
- ret = -EPERM;
+ ret = -EINVAL;
goto done;
if (!common.cal_mem_handle) {
pr_err("%s: Cal mem handle is NULL\n", __func__);
- ret = -EPERM;
+ ret = -EINVAL;
goto done;
if (cal_block.cal_size == 0) {
pr_err("%s: CVP cal size is 0\n", __func__);
- ret = -EPERM;
+ ret = -EINVAL;
goto done;
@@ -2272,6 +2285,16 @@
/* Get the column info corresponding to CVP cal from ACDB. */
get_voice_col_data(VOCPROC_CAL, &cal_block);
+ if (cal_block.cal_size == 0 ||
+ cal_block.cal_size >
+ sizeof(cvp_reg_cal_cmd.cvp_cal_data.column_info)) {
+ pr_err("%s: Invalid VOCPROC_CAL size %d\n",
+ __func__, cal_block.cal_size);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
(void *) cal_block.cal_kvaddr,
@@ -2378,20 +2401,22 @@
if (!common.apr_q6_cvp) {
pr_err("%s: apr_cvp is NULL\n", __func__);
- ret = -EPERM;
+ ret = -EINVAL;
goto done;
if (!common.cal_mem_handle) {
pr_err("%s: Cal mem handle is NULL\n", __func__);
- ret = -EPERM;
+ ret = -EINVAL;
goto done;
if (cal_block.cal_size == 0) {
pr_err("%s: CVP vol cal size is 0\n", __func__);
- ret = -EPERM;
+ ret = -EINVAL;
goto done;
@@ -2414,6 +2439,16 @@
/* Get the column info corresponding to CVP volume cal from ACDB. */
get_voice_col_data(VOCVOL_CAL, &cal_block);
+ if (cal_block.cal_size == 0 ||
+ cal_block.cal_size >
+ sizeof(cvp_reg_vol_cal_cmd.cvp_vol_cal_data.column_info)) {
+ pr_err("%s: Invalid VOCVOL_CAL size %d\n",
+ __func__, cal_block.cal_size);
+ ret = -EINVAL;
+ goto done;
+ }
(void *) cal_block.cal_kvaddr,