ASoC: msm8960: Use separate Spk widgets for Amplifer pos and neg signals
Bottom differential speaker is connected to lineout 1 (Positive signal)
and lineout 3(negative signal). Top differential speaker is connected
to lineout 2 (positive signal) and lineout 4(negative signal). During
back to back playback pause and resume, bottom Spk amplifier is tuned on
before lineout3 PA powered on. Similarly, Top Spk amplifier is turned on
before lineout4 PA powered on. This causes a pop during playback resume.
Use separate Spk widget for Pos and Neg signals for external spk and
turn on external amplifier only when both Positive and Negative lineout
signals are turned on.
CRs-Fixed: 304450
Signed-off-by: Kiran Kandi <>
1 file changed