Reapply "Test Updating OUTPUT_MARK on Active SAs"

This reverts commit dd2d31985f4ebabe78c9bb212fadd3b489c849fa.
Thus reapplying commit 4406bae0a2cb27d99b6fe5f9f751399d05e0bb49.

Original commit log:

Test Updating OUTPUT_MARK on Active SAs

Test that the xfrm output mark is update-able
on an Active SA, which means that we can dynamically
reroute traffic to new underlying networks after an
SA has been created.

Bug: 71645364
Change-Id: I78c67001c63e2c82bf1f6e87af4efce855d34269
1 file changed
tree: 3732aea2bef3b5bef9dd94117dd3ba323d5151a9
  1. devicetree/
  2. net/
  3. Android.bp