Actually use --copy-and-update-profile-key argument in profman...

The argument was not parsed and thus always false. This went under the
radar because the tests were verifying the profile assistant code
directly, bypassing profman cmd line invocation.

Test: profile_assistant_test
Bug: 30934496
Change-Id: I8f0b4f63759db39a6948d92a701b0e2794f253b1
diff --git a/profman/ b/profman/
index 188d0b0..1dd1a4a 100644
--- a/profman/
+++ b/profman/
@@ -75,31 +75,34 @@
                     const ScratchFile& profile,
                     ProfileCompilationInfo* info,
                     uint16_t start_method_index = 0,
-                    bool reverse_dex_write_order = false) {
+                    bool reverse_dex_write_order = false,
+                    uint32_t number_of_methods1 = kMaxMethodIds,
+                    uint32_t number_of_methods2 = kMaxMethodIds) {
     for (uint16_t i = start_method_index; i < start_method_index + number_of_methods; i++) {
       // reverse_dex_write_order controls the order in which the dex files will be added to
       // the profile and thus written to disk.
       ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo pmi =
           GetOfflineProfileMethodInfo(dex_location1, dex_location_checksum1,
-                                      dex_location2, dex_location_checksum2);
+                                      dex_location2, dex_location_checksum2,
+                                      number_of_methods1, number_of_methods2);
       Hotness::Flag flags = Hotness::kFlagPostStartup;
       if (reverse_dex_write_order) {
-            dex_location2, dex_location_checksum2, i, kMaxMethodIds, pmi, flags));
+            dex_location2, dex_location_checksum2, i, number_of_methods2, pmi, flags));
-            dex_location1, dex_location_checksum1, i, kMaxMethodIds, pmi, flags));
+            dex_location1, dex_location_checksum1, i, number_of_methods1, pmi, flags));
       } else {
-            dex_location1, dex_location_checksum1, i, kMaxMethodIds, pmi, flags));
+            dex_location1, dex_location_checksum1, i, number_of_methods1, pmi, flags));
-            dex_location2, dex_location_checksum2, i, kMaxMethodIds, pmi, flags));
+            dex_location2, dex_location_checksum2, i, number_of_methods2, pmi, flags));
     for (uint16_t i = 0; i < number_of_classes; i++) {
-                                      kMaxMethodIds));
+                                      number_of_methods1));
@@ -143,11 +146,12 @@
   ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo GetOfflineProfileMethodInfo(
         const std::string& dex_location1, uint32_t dex_checksum1,
-        const std::string& dex_location2, uint32_t dex_checksum2) {
+        const std::string& dex_location2, uint32_t dex_checksum2,
+        uint32_t number_of_methods1 = kMaxMethodIds, uint32_t number_of_methods2 = kMaxMethodIds) {
     ProfileCompilationInfo::InlineCacheMap* ic_map = CreateInlineCacheMap();
     ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo pmi(ic_map);
-    pmi.dex_references.emplace_back(dex_location1, dex_checksum1, kMaxMethodIds);
-    pmi.dex_references.emplace_back(dex_location2, dex_checksum2, kMaxMethodIds);
+    pmi.dex_references.emplace_back(dex_location1, dex_checksum1, number_of_methods1);
+    pmi.dex_references.emplace_back(dex_location2, dex_checksum2, number_of_methods2);
     // Monomorphic
     for (uint16_t dex_pc = 0; dex_pc < 11; dex_pc++) {
@@ -1242,4 +1246,61 @@
+TEST_F(ProfileAssistantTest, CopyAndUpdateProfileKey) {
+  ScratchFile profile1;
+  ScratchFile reference_profile;
+  // Use a real dex file to generate profile test data. During the copy-and-update the
+  // matching is done based on checksum so we have to match with the real thing.
+  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> dex_files = OpenTestDexFiles("ProfileTestMultiDex");
+  const DexFile& d1 = *dex_files[0];
+  const DexFile& d2 = *dex_files[1];
+  ProfileCompilationInfo info1;
+  uint16_t num_methods_to_add = std::min(d1.NumMethodIds(), d2.NumMethodIds());
+  SetupProfile("fake-location1",
+               d1.GetLocationChecksum(),
+               "fake-location2",
+               d2.GetLocationChecksum(),
+               num_methods_to_add,
+               /*num_classes*/ 0,
+               profile1,
+               &info1,
+               /*start_method_index*/ 0,
+               /*reverse_dex_write_order*/ false,
+               /*number_of_methods1*/ d1.NumMethodIds(),
+               /*number_of_methods2*/ d2.NumMethodIds());
+  // Run profman and pass the dex file with --apk-fd.
+  android::base::unique_fd apk_fd(
+      open(GetTestDexFileName("ProfileTestMultiDex").c_str(), O_RDONLY));
+  ASSERT_GE(apk_fd.get(), 0);
+  std::string profman_cmd = GetProfmanCmd();
+  std::vector<std::string> argv_str;
+  argv_str.push_back(profman_cmd);
+  argv_str.push_back("--profile-file-fd=" + std::to_string(profile1.GetFd()));
+  argv_str.push_back("--reference-profile-file-fd=" + std::to_string(reference_profile.GetFd()));
+  argv_str.push_back("--apk-fd=" + std::to_string(apk_fd.get()));
+  argv_str.push_back("--copy-and-update-profile-key");
+  std::string error;
+  ASSERT_EQ(ExecAndReturnCode(argv_str, &error), 0) << error;
+  // Verify that we can load the result.
+  ProfileCompilationInfo result;
+  ASSERT_TRUE(reference_profile.GetFile()->ResetOffset());
+  ASSERT_TRUE(result.Load(reference_profile.GetFd()));
+  // Verify that the renaming was done.
+  for (uint16_t i = 0; i < num_methods_to_add; i ++) {
+      std::unique_ptr<ProfileCompilationInfo::OfflineProfileMethodInfo> pmi;
+      ASSERT_TRUE(result.GetMethod(d1.GetLocation(), d1.GetLocationChecksum(), i) != nullptr) << i;
+      ASSERT_TRUE(result.GetMethod(d2.GetLocation(), d2.GetLocationChecksum(), i) != nullptr) << i;
+      ASSERT_TRUE(result.GetMethod("fake-location1", d1.GetLocationChecksum(), i) == nullptr);
+      ASSERT_TRUE(result.GetMethod("fake-location2", d2.GetLocationChecksum(), i) == nullptr);
+  }
 }  // namespace art