ARM: VIXL32: Move code to ease the diff with old codegen.

This patch doesn't change anything except relocation the code
to preserve original order of functions as in
to make it easier to review and to fulfill comparison of two arm
backends for reaching the parity between them.

Test: export ART_USE_VIXL_ARM_BACKEND=true && \
      mma test-art-host dist && \
      mma test-art-target dist

Change-Id: I6c3a84f5606069a795d4d8122fc0d4a308e2b7ec
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ b/compiler/optimizing/
index 1c6e564..f1d1135 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/
@@ -725,110 +725,6 @@
   __ Blx(lr);
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitClinitCheck(HClinitCheck* check) {
-  LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(check, LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath);
-  locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
-  if (check->HasUses()) {
-    locations->SetOut(Location::SameAsFirstInput());
-  }
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitClinitCheck(HClinitCheck* check) {
-  // We assume the class is not null.
-  LoadClassSlowPathARMVIXL* slow_path =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadClassSlowPathARMVIXL(check->GetLoadClass(),
-                                                            check,
-                                                            check->GetDexPc(),
-                                                            /* do_clinit */ true);
-  codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
-  GenerateClassInitializationCheck(slow_path, InputRegisterAt(check, 0));
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateClassInitializationCheck(
-    LoadClassSlowPathARMVIXL* slow_path, vixl32::Register class_reg) {
-  UseScratchRegisterScope temps(GetVIXLAssembler());
-  vixl32::Register temp = temps.Acquire();
-  GetAssembler()->LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord,
-                                 temp,
-                                 class_reg,
-                                 mirror::Class::StatusOffset().Int32Value());
-  __ Cmp(temp, mirror::Class::kStatusInitialized);
-  __ B(lt, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
-  // Even if the initialized flag is set, we may be in a situation where caches are not synced
-  // properly. Therefore, we do a memory fence.
-  __ Dmb(ISH);
-  __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
-// Check if the desired_string_load_kind is supported. If it is, return it,
-// otherwise return a fall-back kind that should be used instead.
-HLoadString::LoadKind CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GetSupportedLoadStringKind(
-      HLoadString::LoadKind desired_string_load_kind ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
-  // TODO(VIXL): Implement optimized code paths. For now we always use the simpler fallback code.
-  return HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitLoadString(HLoadString* load) {
-  LocationSummary::CallKind call_kind = load->NeedsEnvironment()
-      ? LocationSummary::kCallOnMainOnly
-      : LocationSummary::kNoCall;
-  LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(load, call_kind);
-  // TODO(VIXL): Implement optimized code paths.
-  // See InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitLoadString.
-  HLoadString::LoadKind load_kind = load->GetLoadKind();
-  if (load_kind == HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod) {
-    locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
-    // TODO(VIXL): Use InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL instead.
-    locations->SetOut(LocationFrom(r0));
-  } else {
-    locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister());
-  }
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitLoadString(HLoadString* load) {
-  // TODO(VIXL): Implement optimized code paths.
-  // We implemented the simplest solution to get first ART tests passing, we deferred the
-  // optimized path until later, we should implement it using ARM64 implementation as a
-  // reference. The same related to LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitLoadString.
-  // TODO: Re-add the compiler code to do string dex cache lookup again.
-  DCHECK_EQ(load->GetLoadKind(), HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod);
-  InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL calling_convention;
-  __ Mov(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0), load->GetStringIndex());
-  codegen_->InvokeRuntime(kQuickResolveString, load, load->GetDexPc());
-  CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickResolveString, void*, uint32_t>();
-// Check if the desired_class_load_kind is supported. If it is, return it,
-// otherwise return a fall-back kind that should be used instead.
-HLoadClass::LoadKind CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
-      HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
-  // TODO(VIXL): Implement optimized code paths.
-  return HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
-// Check if the desired_dispatch_info is supported. If it is, return it,
-// otherwise return a fall-back info that should be used instead.
-HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GetSupportedInvokeStaticOrDirectDispatch(
-      const HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo& desired_dispatch_info ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-      HInvokeStaticOrDirect* invoke ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
-  // TODO(VIXL): Implement optimized code paths.
-  return {
-    HInvokeStaticOrDirect::MethodLoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod,
-    HInvokeStaticOrDirect::CodePtrLocation::kCallArtMethod,
-    0u,
-    0u
-  };
-// Copy the result of a call into the given target.
-void CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::MoveFromReturnRegister(Location trg ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                                                  Primitive::Type type ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::HandleGoto(HInstruction* got, HBasicBlock* successor) {
   HBasicBlock* block = got->GetBlock();
@@ -2151,500 +2047,6 @@
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitNewArray(HNewArray* instruction) {
-  LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kCallOnMainOnly);
-  InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL calling_convention;
-  locations->AddTemp(LocationFrom(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)));
-  locations->SetOut(LocationFrom(r0));
-  locations->SetInAt(0, LocationFrom(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(1)));
-  locations->SetInAt(1, LocationFrom(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(2)));
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitNewArray(HNewArray* instruction) {
-  InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL calling_convention;
-  __ Mov(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0), instruction->GetTypeIndex());
-  // Note: if heap poisoning is enabled, the entry point takes cares
-  // of poisoning the reference.
-  codegen_->InvokeRuntime(instruction->GetEntrypoint(), instruction, instruction->GetDexPc());
-  CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickAllocArrayWithAccessCheck, void*, uint32_t, int32_t, ArtMethod*>();
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::HandleShift(HBinaryOperation* op) {
-  DCHECK(op->IsShl() || op->IsShr() || op->IsUShr());
-  LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(op, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
-  switch (op->GetResultType()) {
-    case Primitive::kPrimInt: {
-      locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
-      if (op->InputAt(1)->IsConstant()) {
-        locations->SetInAt(1, Location::ConstantLocation(op->InputAt(1)->AsConstant()));
-        locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
-      } else {
-        locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresRegister());
-        // Make the output overlap, as it will be used to hold the masked
-        // second input.
-        locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kOutputOverlap);
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
-      locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
-      if (op->InputAt(1)->IsConstant()) {
-        locations->SetInAt(1, Location::ConstantLocation(op->InputAt(1)->AsConstant()));
-        // For simplicity, use kOutputOverlap even though we only require that low registers
-        // don't clash with high registers which the register allocator currently guarantees.
-        locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kOutputOverlap);
-      } else {
-        locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresRegister());
-        locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
-        locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kOutputOverlap);
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    default:
-      LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected operation type " << op->GetResultType();
-  }
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::HandleShift(HBinaryOperation* op) {
-  DCHECK(op->IsShl() || op->IsShr() || op->IsUShr());
-  LocationSummary* locations = op->GetLocations();
-  Location out = locations->Out();
-  Location first = locations->InAt(0);
-  Location second = locations->InAt(1);
-  Primitive::Type type = op->GetResultType();
-  switch (type) {
-    case Primitive::kPrimInt: {
-      vixl32::Register out_reg = OutputRegister(op);
-      vixl32::Register first_reg = InputRegisterAt(op, 0);
-      if (second.IsRegister()) {
-        vixl32::Register second_reg = RegisterFrom(second);
-        // ARM doesn't mask the shift count so we need to do it ourselves.
-        __ And(out_reg, second_reg, kMaxIntShiftDistance);
-        if (op->IsShl()) {
-          __ Lsl(out_reg, first_reg, out_reg);
-        } else if (op->IsShr()) {
-          __ Asr(out_reg, first_reg, out_reg);
-        } else {
-          __ Lsr(out_reg, first_reg, out_reg);
-        }
-      } else {
-        int32_t cst = second.GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue();
-        uint32_t shift_value = cst & kMaxIntShiftDistance;
-        if (shift_value == 0) {  // ARM does not support shifting with 0 immediate.
-          __ Mov(out_reg, first_reg);
-        } else if (op->IsShl()) {
-          __ Lsl(out_reg, first_reg, shift_value);
-        } else if (op->IsShr()) {
-          __ Asr(out_reg, first_reg, shift_value);
-        } else {
-          __ Lsr(out_reg, first_reg, shift_value);
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
-      vixl32::Register o_h = HighRegisterFrom(out);
-      vixl32::Register o_l = LowRegisterFrom(out);
-      vixl32::Register high = HighRegisterFrom(first);
-      vixl32::Register low = LowRegisterFrom(first);
-      if (second.IsRegister()) {
-        vixl32::Register temp = RegisterFrom(locations->GetTemp(0));
-        vixl32::Register second_reg = RegisterFrom(second);
-        if (op->IsShl()) {
-          __ And(o_l, second_reg, kMaxLongShiftDistance);
-          // Shift the high part
-          __ Lsl(o_h, high, o_l);
-          // Shift the low part and `or` what overflew on the high part
-          __ Rsb(temp, o_l, kArmBitsPerWord);
-          __ Lsr(temp, low, temp);
-          __ Orr(o_h, o_h, temp);
-          // If the shift is > 32 bits, override the high part
-          __ Subs(temp, o_l, kArmBitsPerWord);
-          {
-            AssemblerAccurateScope guard(GetVIXLAssembler(),
-                                         3 * kArmInstrMaxSizeInBytes,
-                                         CodeBufferCheckScope::kMaximumSize);
-            __ it(pl);
-            __ lsl(pl, o_h, low, temp);
-          }
-          // Shift the low part
-          __ Lsl(o_l, low, o_l);
-        } else if (op->IsShr()) {
-          __ And(o_h, second_reg, kMaxLongShiftDistance);
-          // Shift the low part
-          __ Lsr(o_l, low, o_h);
-          // Shift the high part and `or` what underflew on the low part
-          __ Rsb(temp, o_h, kArmBitsPerWord);
-          __ Lsl(temp, high, temp);
-          __ Orr(o_l, o_l, temp);
-          // If the shift is > 32 bits, override the low part
-          __ Subs(temp, o_h, kArmBitsPerWord);
-          {
-            AssemblerAccurateScope guard(GetVIXLAssembler(),
-                                         3 * kArmInstrMaxSizeInBytes,
-                                         CodeBufferCheckScope::kMaximumSize);
-            __ it(pl);
-            __ asr(pl, o_l, high, temp);
-          }
-          // Shift the high part
-          __ Asr(o_h, high, o_h);
-        } else {
-          __ And(o_h, second_reg, kMaxLongShiftDistance);
-          // same as Shr except we use `Lsr`s and not `Asr`s
-          __ Lsr(o_l, low, o_h);
-          __ Rsb(temp, o_h, kArmBitsPerWord);
-          __ Lsl(temp, high, temp);
-          __ Orr(o_l, o_l, temp);
-          __ Subs(temp, o_h, kArmBitsPerWord);
-          {
-            AssemblerAccurateScope guard(GetVIXLAssembler(),
-                                         3 * kArmInstrMaxSizeInBytes,
-                                         CodeBufferCheckScope::kMaximumSize);
-          __ it(pl);
-          __ lsr(pl, o_l, high, temp);
-          }
-          __ Lsr(o_h, high, o_h);
-        }
-      } else {
-        // Register allocator doesn't create partial overlap.
-        DCHECK(!o_l.Is(high));
-        DCHECK(!o_h.Is(low));
-        int32_t cst = second.GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue();
-        uint32_t shift_value = cst & kMaxLongShiftDistance;
-        if (shift_value > 32) {
-          if (op->IsShl()) {
-            __ Lsl(o_h, low, shift_value - 32);
-            __ Mov(o_l, 0);
-          } else if (op->IsShr()) {
-            __ Asr(o_l, high, shift_value - 32);
-            __ Asr(o_h, high, 31);
-          } else {
-            __ Lsr(o_l, high, shift_value - 32);
-            __ Mov(o_h, 0);
-          }
-        } else if (shift_value == 32) {
-          if (op->IsShl()) {
-            __ Mov(o_h, low);
-            __ Mov(o_l, 0);
-          } else if (op->IsShr()) {
-            __ Mov(o_l, high);
-            __ Asr(o_h, high, 31);
-          } else {
-            __ Mov(o_l, high);
-            __ Mov(o_h, 0);
-          }
-        } else if (shift_value == 1) {
-          if (op->IsShl()) {
-            __ Lsls(o_l, low, 1);
-            __ Adc(o_h, high, high);
-          } else if (op->IsShr()) {
-            __ Asrs(o_h, high, 1);
-            __ Rrx(o_l, low);
-          } else {
-            __ Lsrs(o_h, high, 1);
-            __ Rrx(o_l, low);
-          }
-        } else {
-          DCHECK(2 <= shift_value && shift_value < 32) << shift_value;
-          if (op->IsShl()) {
-            __ Lsl(o_h, high, shift_value);
-            __ Orr(o_h, o_h, Operand(low, ShiftType::LSR, 32 - shift_value));
-            __ Lsl(o_l, low, shift_value);
-          } else if (op->IsShr()) {
-            __ Lsr(o_l, low, shift_value);
-            __ Orr(o_l, o_l, Operand(high, ShiftType::LSL, 32 - shift_value));
-            __ Asr(o_h, high, shift_value);
-          } else {
-            __ Lsr(o_l, low, shift_value);
-            __ Orr(o_l, o_l, Operand(high, ShiftType::LSL, 32 - shift_value));
-            __ Lsr(o_h, high, shift_value);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      break;
-    }
-    default:
-      LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected operation type " << type;
-  }
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitShl(HShl* shl) {
-  HandleShift(shl);
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitShl(HShl* shl) {
-  HandleShift(shl);
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitShr(HShr* shr) {
-  HandleShift(shr);
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitShr(HShr* shr) {
-  HandleShift(shr);
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitUShr(HUShr* ushr) {
-  HandleShift(ushr);
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitUShr(HUShr* ushr) {
-  HandleShift(ushr);
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitNewInstance(HNewInstance* instruction) {
-  LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kCallOnMainOnly);
-  if (instruction->IsStringAlloc()) {
-    locations->AddTemp(LocationFrom(kMethodRegister));
-  } else {
-    InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL calling_convention;
-    locations->SetInAt(0, LocationFrom(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)));
-    locations->SetInAt(1, LocationFrom(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(1)));
-  }
-  locations->SetOut(LocationFrom(r0));
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitNewInstance(HNewInstance* instruction) {
-  // Note: if heap poisoning is enabled, the entry point takes cares
-  // of poisoning the reference.
-  if (instruction->IsStringAlloc()) {
-    // String is allocated through StringFactory. Call NewEmptyString entry point.
-    vixl32::Register temp = RegisterFrom(instruction->GetLocations()->GetTemp(0));
-    MemberOffset code_offset = ArtMethod::EntryPointFromQuickCompiledCodeOffset(kArmPointerSize);
-    GetAssembler()->LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, temp, tr, QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pNewEmptyString));
-    GetAssembler()->LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, lr, temp, code_offset.Int32Value());
-    AssemblerAccurateScope aas(GetVIXLAssembler(),
-                               kArmInstrMaxSizeInBytes,
-                               CodeBufferCheckScope::kMaximumSize);
-    __ blx(lr);
-    codegen_->RecordPcInfo(instruction, instruction->GetDexPc());
-  } else {
-    codegen_->InvokeRuntime(instruction->GetEntrypoint(), instruction, instruction->GetDexPc());
-    CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickAllocObjectWithAccessCheck, void*, uint32_t, ArtMethod*>();
-  }
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitParameterValue(HParameterValue* instruction) {
-  LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
-  Location location = parameter_visitor_.GetNextLocation(instruction->GetType());
-  if (location.IsStackSlot()) {
-    location = Location::StackSlot(location.GetStackIndex() + codegen_->GetFrameSize());
-  } else if (location.IsDoubleStackSlot()) {
-    location = Location::DoubleStackSlot(location.GetStackIndex() + codegen_->GetFrameSize());
-  }
-  locations->SetOut(location);
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitParameterValue(
-    HParameterValue* instruction ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
-  // Nothing to do, the parameter is already at its location.
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitCurrentMethod(HCurrentMethod* instruction) {
-  LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
-  locations->SetOut(LocationFrom(kMethodRegister));
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitCurrentMethod(
-    HCurrentMethod* instruction ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
-  // Nothing to do, the method is already at its location.
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitNot(HNot* not_) {
-  LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(not_, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
-  locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
-  locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitNot(HNot* not_) {
-  LocationSummary* locations = not_->GetLocations();
-  Location out = locations->Out();
-  Location in = locations->InAt(0);
-  switch (not_->GetResultType()) {
-    case Primitive::kPrimInt:
-      __ Mvn(OutputRegister(not_), InputRegisterAt(not_, 0));
-      break;
-    case Primitive::kPrimLong:
-      __ Mvn(LowRegisterFrom(out), LowRegisterFrom(in));
-      __ Mvn(HighRegisterFrom(out), HighRegisterFrom(in));
-      break;
-    default:
-      LOG(FATAL) << "Unimplemented type for not operation " << not_->GetResultType();
-  }
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitCompare(HCompare* compare) {
-  LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(compare, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
-  switch (compare->InputAt(0)->GetType()) {
-    case Primitive::kPrimBoolean:
-    case Primitive::kPrimByte:
-    case Primitive::kPrimShort:
-    case Primitive::kPrimChar:
-    case Primitive::kPrimInt:
-    case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
-      locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
-      locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresRegister());
-      // Output overlaps because it is written before doing the low comparison.
-      locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kOutputOverlap);
-      break;
-    }
-    case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
-    case Primitive::kPrimDouble: {
-      locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
-      locations->SetInAt(1, ArithmeticZeroOrFpuRegister(compare->InputAt(1)));
-      locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister());
-      break;
-    }
-    default:
-      LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected type for compare operation " << compare->InputAt(0)->GetType();
-  }
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitCompare(HCompare* compare) {
-  LocationSummary* locations = compare->GetLocations();
-  vixl32::Register out = OutputRegister(compare);
-  Location left = locations->InAt(0);
-  Location right = locations->InAt(1);
-  vixl32::Label less, greater, done;
-  Primitive::Type type = compare->InputAt(0)->GetType();
-  vixl32::Condition less_cond = vixl32::Condition(kNone);
-  switch (type) {
-    case Primitive::kPrimBoolean:
-    case Primitive::kPrimByte:
-    case Primitive::kPrimShort:
-    case Primitive::kPrimChar:
-    case Primitive::kPrimInt: {
-      // Emit move to `out` before the `Cmp`, as `Mov` might affect the status flags.
-      __ Mov(out, 0);
-      __ Cmp(RegisterFrom(left), RegisterFrom(right));  // Signed compare.
-      less_cond = lt;
-      break;
-    }
-    case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
-      __ Cmp(HighRegisterFrom(left), HighRegisterFrom(right));  // Signed compare.
-      __ B(lt, &less);
-      __ B(gt, &greater);
-      // Emit move to `out` before the last `Cmp`, as `Mov` might affect the status flags.
-      __ Mov(out, 0);
-      __ Cmp(LowRegisterFrom(left), LowRegisterFrom(right));  // Unsigned compare.
-      less_cond = lo;
-      break;
-    }
-    case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
-    case Primitive::kPrimDouble: {
-      __ Mov(out, 0);
-      GenerateVcmp(compare);
-      // To branch on the FP compare result we transfer FPSCR to APSR (encoded as PC in VMRS).
-      __ Vmrs(RegisterOrAPSR_nzcv(kPcCode), FPSCR);
-      less_cond = ARMFPCondition(kCondLT, compare->IsGtBias());
-      break;
-    }
-    default:
-      LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected compare type " << type;
-  }
-  __ B(eq, &done);
-  __ B(less_cond, &less);
-  __ Bind(&greater);
-  __ Mov(out, 1);
-  __ B(&done);
-  __ Bind(&less);
-  __ Mov(out, -1);
-  __ Bind(&done);
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitPhi(HPhi* instruction) {
-  LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
-  for (size_t i = 0, e = locations->GetInputCount(); i < e; ++i) {
-    locations->SetInAt(i, Location::Any());
-  }
-  locations->SetOut(Location::Any());
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitPhi(HPhi* instruction ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
-  LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable";
-void CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateMemoryBarrier(MemBarrierKind kind) {
-  // TODO (ported from quick): revisit ARM barrier kinds.
-  DmbOptions flavor = DmbOptions::ISH;  // Quiet C++ warnings.
-  switch (kind) {
-    case MemBarrierKind::kAnyStore:
-    case MemBarrierKind::kLoadAny:
-    case MemBarrierKind::kAnyAny: {
-      flavor = DmbOptions::ISH;
-      break;
-    }
-    case MemBarrierKind::kStoreStore: {
-      flavor = DmbOptions::ISHST;
-      break;
-    }
-    default:
-      LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected memory barrier " << kind;
-  }
-  __ Dmb(flavor);
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateWideAtomicLoad(vixl32::Register addr,
-                                                             uint32_t offset,
-                                                             vixl32::Register out_lo,
-                                                             vixl32::Register out_hi) {
-  UseScratchRegisterScope temps(GetVIXLAssembler());
-  if (offset != 0) {
-    vixl32::Register temp = temps.Acquire();
-    __ Add(temp, addr, offset);
-    addr = temp;
-  }
-  __ Ldrexd(out_lo, out_hi, addr);
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateWideAtomicStore(vixl32::Register addr,
-                                                              uint32_t offset,
-                                                              vixl32::Register value_lo,
-                                                              vixl32::Register value_hi,
-                                                              vixl32::Register temp1,
-                                                              vixl32::Register temp2,
-                                                              HInstruction* instruction) {
-  UseScratchRegisterScope temps(GetVIXLAssembler());
-  vixl32::Label fail;
-  if (offset != 0) {
-    vixl32::Register temp = temps.Acquire();
-    __ Add(temp, addr, offset);
-    addr = temp;
-  }
-  __ Bind(&fail);
-  // We need a load followed by store. (The address used in a STREX instruction must
-  // be the same as the address in the most recently executed LDREX instruction.)
-  __ Ldrexd(temp1, temp2, addr);
-  codegen_->MaybeRecordImplicitNullCheck(instruction);
-  __ Strexd(temp1, value_lo, value_hi, addr);
-  __ Cbnz(temp1, &fail);
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::DivRemOneOrMinusOne(HBinaryOperation* instruction) {
   DCHECK(instruction->IsDiv() || instruction->IsRem());
   DCHECK(instruction->GetResultType() == Primitive::kPrimInt);
@@ -3041,6 +2443,499 @@
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::HandleShift(HBinaryOperation* op) {
+  DCHECK(op->IsShl() || op->IsShr() || op->IsUShr());
+  LocationSummary* locations =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(op, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+  switch (op->GetResultType()) {
+    case Primitive::kPrimInt: {
+      locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+      if (op->InputAt(1)->IsConstant()) {
+        locations->SetInAt(1, Location::ConstantLocation(op->InputAt(1)->AsConstant()));
+        locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
+      } else {
+        locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresRegister());
+        // Make the output overlap, as it will be used to hold the masked
+        // second input.
+        locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kOutputOverlap);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
+      locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+      if (op->InputAt(1)->IsConstant()) {
+        locations->SetInAt(1, Location::ConstantLocation(op->InputAt(1)->AsConstant()));
+        // For simplicity, use kOutputOverlap even though we only require that low registers
+        // don't clash with high registers which the register allocator currently guarantees.
+        locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kOutputOverlap);
+      } else {
+        locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresRegister());
+        locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
+        locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kOutputOverlap);
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    default:
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected operation type " << op->GetResultType();
+  }
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::HandleShift(HBinaryOperation* op) {
+  DCHECK(op->IsShl() || op->IsShr() || op->IsUShr());
+  LocationSummary* locations = op->GetLocations();
+  Location out = locations->Out();
+  Location first = locations->InAt(0);
+  Location second = locations->InAt(1);
+  Primitive::Type type = op->GetResultType();
+  switch (type) {
+    case Primitive::kPrimInt: {
+      vixl32::Register out_reg = OutputRegister(op);
+      vixl32::Register first_reg = InputRegisterAt(op, 0);
+      if (second.IsRegister()) {
+        vixl32::Register second_reg = RegisterFrom(second);
+        // ARM doesn't mask the shift count so we need to do it ourselves.
+        __ And(out_reg, second_reg, kMaxIntShiftDistance);
+        if (op->IsShl()) {
+          __ Lsl(out_reg, first_reg, out_reg);
+        } else if (op->IsShr()) {
+          __ Asr(out_reg, first_reg, out_reg);
+        } else {
+          __ Lsr(out_reg, first_reg, out_reg);
+        }
+      } else {
+        int32_t cst = second.GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue();
+        uint32_t shift_value = cst & kMaxIntShiftDistance;
+        if (shift_value == 0) {  // ARM does not support shifting with 0 immediate.
+          __ Mov(out_reg, first_reg);
+        } else if (op->IsShl()) {
+          __ Lsl(out_reg, first_reg, shift_value);
+        } else if (op->IsShr()) {
+          __ Asr(out_reg, first_reg, shift_value);
+        } else {
+          __ Lsr(out_reg, first_reg, shift_value);
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
+      vixl32::Register o_h = HighRegisterFrom(out);
+      vixl32::Register o_l = LowRegisterFrom(out);
+      vixl32::Register high = HighRegisterFrom(first);
+      vixl32::Register low = LowRegisterFrom(first);
+      if (second.IsRegister()) {
+        vixl32::Register temp = RegisterFrom(locations->GetTemp(0));
+        vixl32::Register second_reg = RegisterFrom(second);
+        if (op->IsShl()) {
+          __ And(o_l, second_reg, kMaxLongShiftDistance);
+          // Shift the high part
+          __ Lsl(o_h, high, o_l);
+          // Shift the low part and `or` what overflew on the high part
+          __ Rsb(temp, o_l, kArmBitsPerWord);
+          __ Lsr(temp, low, temp);
+          __ Orr(o_h, o_h, temp);
+          // If the shift is > 32 bits, override the high part
+          __ Subs(temp, o_l, kArmBitsPerWord);
+          {
+            AssemblerAccurateScope guard(GetVIXLAssembler(),
+                                         3 * kArmInstrMaxSizeInBytes,
+                                         CodeBufferCheckScope::kMaximumSize);
+            __ it(pl);
+            __ lsl(pl, o_h, low, temp);
+          }
+          // Shift the low part
+          __ Lsl(o_l, low, o_l);
+        } else if (op->IsShr()) {
+          __ And(o_h, second_reg, kMaxLongShiftDistance);
+          // Shift the low part
+          __ Lsr(o_l, low, o_h);
+          // Shift the high part and `or` what underflew on the low part
+          __ Rsb(temp, o_h, kArmBitsPerWord);
+          __ Lsl(temp, high, temp);
+          __ Orr(o_l, o_l, temp);
+          // If the shift is > 32 bits, override the low part
+          __ Subs(temp, o_h, kArmBitsPerWord);
+          {
+            AssemblerAccurateScope guard(GetVIXLAssembler(),
+                                         3 * kArmInstrMaxSizeInBytes,
+                                         CodeBufferCheckScope::kMaximumSize);
+            __ it(pl);
+            __ asr(pl, o_l, high, temp);
+          }
+          // Shift the high part
+          __ Asr(o_h, high, o_h);
+        } else {
+          __ And(o_h, second_reg, kMaxLongShiftDistance);
+          // same as Shr except we use `Lsr`s and not `Asr`s
+          __ Lsr(o_l, low, o_h);
+          __ Rsb(temp, o_h, kArmBitsPerWord);
+          __ Lsl(temp, high, temp);
+          __ Orr(o_l, o_l, temp);
+          __ Subs(temp, o_h, kArmBitsPerWord);
+          {
+            AssemblerAccurateScope guard(GetVIXLAssembler(),
+                                         3 * kArmInstrMaxSizeInBytes,
+                                         CodeBufferCheckScope::kMaximumSize);
+          __ it(pl);
+          __ lsr(pl, o_l, high, temp);
+          }
+          __ Lsr(o_h, high, o_h);
+        }
+      } else {
+        // Register allocator doesn't create partial overlap.
+        DCHECK(!o_l.Is(high));
+        DCHECK(!o_h.Is(low));
+        int32_t cst = second.GetConstant()->AsIntConstant()->GetValue();
+        uint32_t shift_value = cst & kMaxLongShiftDistance;
+        if (shift_value > 32) {
+          if (op->IsShl()) {
+            __ Lsl(o_h, low, shift_value - 32);
+            __ Mov(o_l, 0);
+          } else if (op->IsShr()) {
+            __ Asr(o_l, high, shift_value - 32);
+            __ Asr(o_h, high, 31);
+          } else {
+            __ Lsr(o_l, high, shift_value - 32);
+            __ Mov(o_h, 0);
+          }
+        } else if (shift_value == 32) {
+          if (op->IsShl()) {
+            __ Mov(o_h, low);
+            __ Mov(o_l, 0);
+          } else if (op->IsShr()) {
+            __ Mov(o_l, high);
+            __ Asr(o_h, high, 31);
+          } else {
+            __ Mov(o_l, high);
+            __ Mov(o_h, 0);
+          }
+        } else if (shift_value == 1) {
+          if (op->IsShl()) {
+            __ Lsls(o_l, low, 1);
+            __ Adc(o_h, high, high);
+          } else if (op->IsShr()) {
+            __ Asrs(o_h, high, 1);
+            __ Rrx(o_l, low);
+          } else {
+            __ Lsrs(o_h, high, 1);
+            __ Rrx(o_l, low);
+          }
+        } else {
+          DCHECK(2 <= shift_value && shift_value < 32) << shift_value;
+          if (op->IsShl()) {
+            __ Lsl(o_h, high, shift_value);
+            __ Orr(o_h, o_h, Operand(low, ShiftType::LSR, 32 - shift_value));
+            __ Lsl(o_l, low, shift_value);
+          } else if (op->IsShr()) {
+            __ Lsr(o_l, low, shift_value);
+            __ Orr(o_l, o_l, Operand(high, ShiftType::LSL, 32 - shift_value));
+            __ Asr(o_h, high, shift_value);
+          } else {
+            __ Lsr(o_l, low, shift_value);
+            __ Orr(o_l, o_l, Operand(high, ShiftType::LSL, 32 - shift_value));
+            __ Lsr(o_h, high, shift_value);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    default:
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected operation type " << type;
+  }
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitShl(HShl* shl) {
+  HandleShift(shl);
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitShl(HShl* shl) {
+  HandleShift(shl);
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitShr(HShr* shr) {
+  HandleShift(shr);
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitShr(HShr* shr) {
+  HandleShift(shr);
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitUShr(HUShr* ushr) {
+  HandleShift(ushr);
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitUShr(HUShr* ushr) {
+  HandleShift(ushr);
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitNewInstance(HNewInstance* instruction) {
+  LocationSummary* locations =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kCallOnMainOnly);
+  if (instruction->IsStringAlloc()) {
+    locations->AddTemp(LocationFrom(kMethodRegister));
+  } else {
+    InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL calling_convention;
+    locations->SetInAt(0, LocationFrom(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)));
+    locations->SetInAt(1, LocationFrom(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(1)));
+  }
+  locations->SetOut(LocationFrom(r0));
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitNewInstance(HNewInstance* instruction) {
+  // Note: if heap poisoning is enabled, the entry point takes cares
+  // of poisoning the reference.
+  if (instruction->IsStringAlloc()) {
+    // String is allocated through StringFactory. Call NewEmptyString entry point.
+    vixl32::Register temp = RegisterFrom(instruction->GetLocations()->GetTemp(0));
+    MemberOffset code_offset = ArtMethod::EntryPointFromQuickCompiledCodeOffset(kArmPointerSize);
+    GetAssembler()->LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, temp, tr, QUICK_ENTRY_POINT(pNewEmptyString));
+    GetAssembler()->LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, lr, temp, code_offset.Int32Value());
+    AssemblerAccurateScope aas(GetVIXLAssembler(),
+                               kArmInstrMaxSizeInBytes,
+                               CodeBufferCheckScope::kMaximumSize);
+    __ blx(lr);
+    codegen_->RecordPcInfo(instruction, instruction->GetDexPc());
+  } else {
+    codegen_->InvokeRuntime(instruction->GetEntrypoint(), instruction, instruction->GetDexPc());
+    CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickAllocObjectWithAccessCheck, void*, uint32_t, ArtMethod*>();
+  }
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitNewArray(HNewArray* instruction) {
+  LocationSummary* locations =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kCallOnMainOnly);
+  InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL calling_convention;
+  locations->AddTemp(LocationFrom(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)));
+  locations->SetOut(LocationFrom(r0));
+  locations->SetInAt(0, LocationFrom(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(1)));
+  locations->SetInAt(1, LocationFrom(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(2)));
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitNewArray(HNewArray* instruction) {
+  InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL calling_convention;
+  __ Mov(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0), instruction->GetTypeIndex());
+  // Note: if heap poisoning is enabled, the entry point takes cares
+  // of poisoning the reference.
+  codegen_->InvokeRuntime(instruction->GetEntrypoint(), instruction, instruction->GetDexPc());
+  CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickAllocArrayWithAccessCheck, void*, uint32_t, int32_t, ArtMethod*>();
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitParameterValue(HParameterValue* instruction) {
+  LocationSummary* locations =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+  Location location = parameter_visitor_.GetNextLocation(instruction->GetType());
+  if (location.IsStackSlot()) {
+    location = Location::StackSlot(location.GetStackIndex() + codegen_->GetFrameSize());
+  } else if (location.IsDoubleStackSlot()) {
+    location = Location::DoubleStackSlot(location.GetStackIndex() + codegen_->GetFrameSize());
+  }
+  locations->SetOut(location);
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitParameterValue(
+    HParameterValue* instruction ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+  // Nothing to do, the parameter is already at its location.
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitCurrentMethod(HCurrentMethod* instruction) {
+  LocationSummary* locations =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+  locations->SetOut(LocationFrom(kMethodRegister));
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitCurrentMethod(
+    HCurrentMethod* instruction ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+  // Nothing to do, the method is already at its location.
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitNot(HNot* not_) {
+  LocationSummary* locations =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(not_, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+  locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+  locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kNoOutputOverlap);
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitNot(HNot* not_) {
+  LocationSummary* locations = not_->GetLocations();
+  Location out = locations->Out();
+  Location in = locations->InAt(0);
+  switch (not_->GetResultType()) {
+    case Primitive::kPrimInt:
+      __ Mvn(OutputRegister(not_), InputRegisterAt(not_, 0));
+      break;
+    case Primitive::kPrimLong:
+      __ Mvn(LowRegisterFrom(out), LowRegisterFrom(in));
+      __ Mvn(HighRegisterFrom(out), HighRegisterFrom(in));
+      break;
+    default:
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Unimplemented type for not operation " << not_->GetResultType();
+  }
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitCompare(HCompare* compare) {
+  LocationSummary* locations =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(compare, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+  switch (compare->InputAt(0)->GetType()) {
+    case Primitive::kPrimBoolean:
+    case Primitive::kPrimByte:
+    case Primitive::kPrimShort:
+    case Primitive::kPrimChar:
+    case Primitive::kPrimInt:
+    case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
+      locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+      locations->SetInAt(1, Location::RequiresRegister());
+      // Output overlaps because it is written before doing the low comparison.
+      locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(), Location::kOutputOverlap);
+      break;
+    }
+    case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
+    case Primitive::kPrimDouble: {
+      locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+      locations->SetInAt(1, ArithmeticZeroOrFpuRegister(compare->InputAt(1)));
+      locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister());
+      break;
+    }
+    default:
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected type for compare operation " << compare->InputAt(0)->GetType();
+  }
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitCompare(HCompare* compare) {
+  LocationSummary* locations = compare->GetLocations();
+  vixl32::Register out = OutputRegister(compare);
+  Location left = locations->InAt(0);
+  Location right = locations->InAt(1);
+  vixl32::Label less, greater, done;
+  Primitive::Type type = compare->InputAt(0)->GetType();
+  vixl32::Condition less_cond = vixl32::Condition(kNone);
+  switch (type) {
+    case Primitive::kPrimBoolean:
+    case Primitive::kPrimByte:
+    case Primitive::kPrimShort:
+    case Primitive::kPrimChar:
+    case Primitive::kPrimInt: {
+      // Emit move to `out` before the `Cmp`, as `Mov` might affect the status flags.
+      __ Mov(out, 0);
+      __ Cmp(RegisterFrom(left), RegisterFrom(right));  // Signed compare.
+      less_cond = lt;
+      break;
+    }
+    case Primitive::kPrimLong: {
+      __ Cmp(HighRegisterFrom(left), HighRegisterFrom(right));  // Signed compare.
+      __ B(lt, &less);
+      __ B(gt, &greater);
+      // Emit move to `out` before the last `Cmp`, as `Mov` might affect the status flags.
+      __ Mov(out, 0);
+      __ Cmp(LowRegisterFrom(left), LowRegisterFrom(right));  // Unsigned compare.
+      less_cond = lo;
+      break;
+    }
+    case Primitive::kPrimFloat:
+    case Primitive::kPrimDouble: {
+      __ Mov(out, 0);
+      GenerateVcmp(compare);
+      // To branch on the FP compare result we transfer FPSCR to APSR (encoded as PC in VMRS).
+      __ Vmrs(RegisterOrAPSR_nzcv(kPcCode), FPSCR);
+      less_cond = ARMFPCondition(kCondLT, compare->IsGtBias());
+      break;
+    }
+    default:
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected compare type " << type;
+  }
+  __ B(eq, &done);
+  __ B(less_cond, &less);
+  __ Bind(&greater);
+  __ Mov(out, 1);
+  __ B(&done);
+  __ Bind(&less);
+  __ Mov(out, -1);
+  __ Bind(&done);
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitPhi(HPhi* instruction) {
+  LocationSummary* locations =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+  for (size_t i = 0, e = locations->GetInputCount(); i < e; ++i) {
+    locations->SetInAt(i, Location::Any());
+  }
+  locations->SetOut(Location::Any());
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitPhi(HPhi* instruction ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+  LOG(FATAL) << "Unreachable";
+void CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateMemoryBarrier(MemBarrierKind kind) {
+  // TODO (ported from quick): revisit ARM barrier kinds.
+  DmbOptions flavor = DmbOptions::ISH;  // Quiet C++ warnings.
+  switch (kind) {
+    case MemBarrierKind::kAnyStore:
+    case MemBarrierKind::kLoadAny:
+    case MemBarrierKind::kAnyAny: {
+      flavor = DmbOptions::ISH;
+      break;
+    }
+    case MemBarrierKind::kStoreStore: {
+      flavor = DmbOptions::ISHST;
+      break;
+    }
+    default:
+      LOG(FATAL) << "Unexpected memory barrier " << kind;
+  }
+  __ Dmb(flavor);
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateWideAtomicLoad(vixl32::Register addr,
+                                                             uint32_t offset,
+                                                             vixl32::Register out_lo,
+                                                             vixl32::Register out_hi) {
+  UseScratchRegisterScope temps(GetVIXLAssembler());
+  if (offset != 0) {
+    vixl32::Register temp = temps.Acquire();
+    __ Add(temp, addr, offset);
+    addr = temp;
+  }
+  __ Ldrexd(out_lo, out_hi, addr);
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateWideAtomicStore(vixl32::Register addr,
+                                                              uint32_t offset,
+                                                              vixl32::Register value_lo,
+                                                              vixl32::Register value_hi,
+                                                              vixl32::Register temp1,
+                                                              vixl32::Register temp2,
+                                                              HInstruction* instruction) {
+  UseScratchRegisterScope temps(GetVIXLAssembler());
+  vixl32::Label fail;
+  if (offset != 0) {
+    vixl32::Register temp = temps.Acquire();
+    __ Add(temp, addr, offset);
+    addr = temp;
+  }
+  __ Bind(&fail);
+  // We need a load followed by store. (The address used in a STREX instruction must
+  // be the same as the address in the most recently executed LDREX instruction.)
+  __ Ldrexd(temp1, temp2, addr);
+  codegen_->MaybeRecordImplicitNullCheck(instruction);
+  __ Strexd(temp1, value_lo, value_hi, addr);
+  __ Cbnz(temp1, &fail);
 void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::HandleFieldSet(
     HInstruction* instruction, const FieldInfo& field_info) {
@@ -3200,6 +3095,65 @@
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::HandleFieldGet(HInstruction* instruction,
+                                             const FieldInfo& field_info) {
+  DCHECK(instruction->IsInstanceFieldGet() || instruction->IsStaticFieldGet());
+  bool object_field_get_with_read_barrier =
+      kEmitCompilerReadBarrier && (field_info.GetFieldType() == Primitive::kPrimNot);
+  LocationSummary* locations =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction,
+                                                   object_field_get_with_read_barrier ?
+                                                       LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath :
+                                                       LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+  if (object_field_get_with_read_barrier && kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
+    locations->SetCustomSlowPathCallerSaves(RegisterSet::Empty());  // No caller-save registers.
+  }
+  locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+  bool volatile_for_double = field_info.IsVolatile()
+      && (field_info.GetFieldType() == Primitive::kPrimDouble)
+      && !codegen_->GetInstructionSetFeatures().HasAtomicLdrdAndStrd();
+  // The output overlaps in case of volatile long: we don't want the
+  // code generated by GenerateWideAtomicLoad to overwrite the
+  // object's location.  Likewise, in the case of an object field get
+  // with read barriers enabled, we do not want the load to overwrite
+  // the object's location, as we need it to emit the read barrier.
+  bool overlap = (field_info.IsVolatile() && (field_info.GetFieldType() == Primitive::kPrimLong)) ||
+      object_field_get_with_read_barrier;
+  if (Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(instruction->GetType())) {
+    locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
+  } else {
+    locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(),
+                      (overlap ? Location::kOutputOverlap : Location::kNoOutputOverlap));
+  }
+  if (volatile_for_double) {
+    // ARM encoding have some additional constraints for ldrexd/strexd:
+    // - registers need to be consecutive
+    // - the first register should be even but not R14.
+    // We don't test for ARM yet, and the assertion makes sure that we
+    // revisit this if we ever enable ARM encoding.
+    DCHECK_EQ(InstructionSet::kThumb2, codegen_->GetInstructionSet());
+    locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
+    locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
+  } else if (object_field_get_with_read_barrier && kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
+    // We need a temporary register for the read barrier marking slow
+    // path in CodeGeneratorARM::GenerateFieldLoadWithBakerReadBarrier.
+    locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
+  }
+Location LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::ArithmeticZeroOrFpuRegister(HInstruction* input) {
+  DCHECK(Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(input->GetType())) << input->GetType();
+  if ((input->IsFloatConstant() && (input->AsFloatConstant()->IsArithmeticZero())) ||
+      (input->IsDoubleConstant() && (input->AsDoubleConstant()->IsArithmeticZero()))) {
+    return Location::ConstantLocation(input->AsConstant());
+  } else {
+    return Location::RequiresFpuRegister();
+  }
 Location LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::ArmEncodableConstantOrRegister(HInstruction* constant,
                                                                  Opcode opcode) {
@@ -3262,65 +3216,6 @@
   return assembler->ShifterOperandCanHold(neg_opcode, value, set_cc);
-Location LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::ArithmeticZeroOrFpuRegister(HInstruction* input) {
-  DCHECK(Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(input->GetType())) << input->GetType();
-  if ((input->IsFloatConstant() && (input->AsFloatConstant()->IsArithmeticZero())) ||
-      (input->IsDoubleConstant() && (input->AsDoubleConstant()->IsArithmeticZero()))) {
-    return Location::ConstantLocation(input->AsConstant());
-  } else {
-    return Location::RequiresFpuRegister();
-  }
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::HandleFieldGet(HInstruction* instruction,
-                                             const FieldInfo& field_info) {
-  DCHECK(instruction->IsInstanceFieldGet() || instruction->IsStaticFieldGet());
-  bool object_field_get_with_read_barrier =
-      kEmitCompilerReadBarrier && (field_info.GetFieldType() == Primitive::kPrimNot);
-  LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction,
-                                                   object_field_get_with_read_barrier ?
-                                                       LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath :
-                                                       LocationSummary::kNoCall);
-  if (object_field_get_with_read_barrier && kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
-    locations->SetCustomSlowPathCallerSaves(RegisterSet::Empty());  // No caller-save registers.
-  }
-  locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
-  bool volatile_for_double = field_info.IsVolatile()
-      && (field_info.GetFieldType() == Primitive::kPrimDouble)
-      && !codegen_->GetInstructionSetFeatures().HasAtomicLdrdAndStrd();
-  // The output overlaps in case of volatile long: we don't want the
-  // code generated by GenerateWideAtomicLoad to overwrite the
-  // object's location.  Likewise, in the case of an object field get
-  // with read barriers enabled, we do not want the load to overwrite
-  // the object's location, as we need it to emit the read barrier.
-  bool overlap = (field_info.IsVolatile() && (field_info.GetFieldType() == Primitive::kPrimLong)) ||
-      object_field_get_with_read_barrier;
-  if (Primitive::IsFloatingPointType(instruction->GetType())) {
-    locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresFpuRegister());
-  } else {
-    locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister(),
-                      (overlap ? Location::kOutputOverlap : Location::kNoOutputOverlap));
-  }
-  if (volatile_for_double) {
-    // ARM encoding have some additional constraints for ldrexd/strexd:
-    // - registers need to be consecutive
-    // - the first register should be even but not R14.
-    // We don't test for ARM yet, and the assertion makes sure that we
-    // revisit this if we ever enable ARM encoding.
-    DCHECK_EQ(InstructionSet::kThumb2, codegen_->GetInstructionSet());
-    locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
-    locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
-  } else if (object_field_get_with_read_barrier && kUseBakerReadBarrier) {
-    // We need a temporary register for the read barrier marking slow
-    // path in CodeGeneratorARM::GenerateFieldLoadWithBakerReadBarrier.
-    locations->AddTemp(Location::RequiresRegister());
-  }
 void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::HandleFieldGet(HInstruction* instruction,
                                                      const FieldInfo& field_info) {
   DCHECK(instruction->IsInstanceFieldGet() || instruction->IsStaticFieldGet());
@@ -3800,6 +3695,14 @@
+// Check if the desired_class_load_kind is supported. If it is, return it,
+// otherwise return a fall-back kind that should be used instead.
+HLoadClass::LoadKind CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GetSupportedLoadClassKind(
+      HLoadClass::LoadKind desired_class_load_kind ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+  // TODO(VIXL): Implement optimized code paths.
+  return HLoadClass::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
 void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitLoadClass(HLoadClass* cls) {
   if (cls->NeedsAccessCheck()) {
     InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL calling_convention;
@@ -3885,6 +3788,121 @@
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitClinitCheck(HClinitCheck* check) {
+  LocationSummary* locations =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(check, LocationSummary::kCallOnSlowPath);
+  locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+  if (check->HasUses()) {
+    locations->SetOut(Location::SameAsFirstInput());
+  }
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitClinitCheck(HClinitCheck* check) {
+  // We assume the class is not null.
+  LoadClassSlowPathARMVIXL* slow_path =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LoadClassSlowPathARMVIXL(check->GetLoadClass(),
+                                                            check,
+                                                            check->GetDexPc(),
+                                                            /* do_clinit */ true);
+  codegen_->AddSlowPath(slow_path);
+  GenerateClassInitializationCheck(slow_path, InputRegisterAt(check, 0));
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GenerateClassInitializationCheck(
+    LoadClassSlowPathARMVIXL* slow_path, vixl32::Register class_reg) {
+  UseScratchRegisterScope temps(GetVIXLAssembler());
+  vixl32::Register temp = temps.Acquire();
+  GetAssembler()->LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord,
+                                 temp,
+                                 class_reg,
+                                 mirror::Class::StatusOffset().Int32Value());
+  __ Cmp(temp, mirror::Class::kStatusInitialized);
+  __ B(lt, slow_path->GetEntryLabel());
+  // Even if the initialized flag is set, we may be in a situation where caches are not synced
+  // properly. Therefore, we do a memory fence.
+  __ Dmb(ISH);
+  __ Bind(slow_path->GetExitLabel());
+// Check if the desired_string_load_kind is supported. If it is, return it,
+// otherwise return a fall-back kind that should be used instead.
+HLoadString::LoadKind CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GetSupportedLoadStringKind(
+      HLoadString::LoadKind desired_string_load_kind ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+  // TODO(VIXL): Implement optimized code paths. For now we always use the simpler fallback code.
+  return HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod;
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitLoadString(HLoadString* load) {
+  LocationSummary::CallKind call_kind = load->NeedsEnvironment()
+      ? LocationSummary::kCallOnMainOnly
+      : LocationSummary::kNoCall;
+  LocationSummary* locations = new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(load, call_kind);
+  // TODO(VIXL): Implement optimized code paths.
+  // See InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitLoadString.
+  HLoadString::LoadKind load_kind = load->GetLoadKind();
+  if (load_kind == HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod) {
+    locations->SetInAt(0, Location::RequiresRegister());
+    // TODO(VIXL): Use InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL instead.
+    locations->SetOut(LocationFrom(r0));
+  } else {
+    locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister());
+  }
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitLoadString(HLoadString* load) {
+  // TODO(VIXL): Implement optimized code paths.
+  // We implemented the simplest solution to get first ART tests passing, we deferred the
+  // optimized path until later, we should implement it using ARM64 implementation as a
+  // reference. The same related to LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitLoadString.
+  // TODO: Re-add the compiler code to do string dex cache lookup again.
+  DCHECK_EQ(load->GetLoadKind(), HLoadString::LoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod);
+  InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL calling_convention;
+  __ Mov(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0), load->GetStringIndex());
+  codegen_->InvokeRuntime(kQuickResolveString, load, load->GetDexPc());
+  CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickResolveString, void*, uint32_t>();
+static int32_t GetExceptionTlsOffset() {
+  return Thread::ExceptionOffset<kArmPointerSize>().Int32Value();
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitLoadException(HLoadException* load) {
+  LocationSummary* locations =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(load, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+  locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister());
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitLoadException(HLoadException* load) {
+  vixl32::Register out = OutputRegister(load);
+  GetAssembler()->LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, out, tr, GetExceptionTlsOffset());
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitClearException(HClearException* clear) {
+  new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(clear, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitClearException(HClearException* clear ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+  UseScratchRegisterScope temps(GetVIXLAssembler());
+  vixl32::Register temp = temps.Acquire();
+  __ Mov(temp, 0);
+  GetAssembler()->StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, temp, tr, GetExceptionTlsOffset());
+void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitThrow(HThrow* instruction) {
+  LocationSummary* locations =
+      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kCallOnMainOnly);
+  InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL calling_convention;
+  locations->SetInAt(0, LocationFrom(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)));
+void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitThrow(HThrow* instruction) {
+  codegen_->InvokeRuntime(kQuickDeliverException, instruction, instruction->GetDexPc());
+  CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickDeliverException, void, mirror::Object*>();
 void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitAnd(HAnd* instruction) {
   HandleBitwiseOperation(instruction, AND);
@@ -4074,6 +4092,34 @@
+void CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::MaybeGenerateReadBarrierSlow(HInstruction* instruction ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+                                                        Location out,
+                                                        Location ref ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+                                                        Location obj ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+                                                        uint32_t offset ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+                                                        Location index ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
+    DCHECK(!kUseBakerReadBarrier);
+  } else if (kPoisonHeapReferences) {
+    GetAssembler()->UnpoisonHeapReference(RegisterFrom(out));
+  }
+// Check if the desired_dispatch_info is supported. If it is, return it,
+// otherwise return a fall-back info that should be used instead.
+HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GetSupportedInvokeStaticOrDirectDispatch(
+      const HInvokeStaticOrDirect::DispatchInfo& desired_dispatch_info ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+      HInvokeStaticOrDirect* invoke ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
+  // TODO(VIXL): Implement optimized code paths.
+  return {
+    HInvokeStaticOrDirect::MethodLoadKind::kDexCacheViaMethod,
+    HInvokeStaticOrDirect::CodePtrLocation::kCallArtMethod,
+    0u,
+    0u
+  };
 vixl32::Register CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::GetInvokeStaticOrDirectExtraParameter(
     HInvokeStaticOrDirect* invoke, vixl32::Register temp) {
   DCHECK_EQ(invoke->InputCount(), invoke->GetNumberOfArguments() + 1u);
@@ -4189,56 +4235,10 @@
   __ Blx(lr);
-static int32_t GetExceptionTlsOffset() {
-  return Thread::ExceptionOffset<kArmPointerSize>().Int32Value();
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitLoadException(HLoadException* load) {
-  LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(load, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
-  locations->SetOut(Location::RequiresRegister());
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitLoadException(HLoadException* load) {
-  vixl32::Register out = OutputRegister(load);
-  GetAssembler()->LoadFromOffset(kLoadWord, out, tr, GetExceptionTlsOffset());
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitClearException(HClearException* clear) {
-  new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(clear, LocationSummary::kNoCall);
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitClearException(HClearException* clear ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
-  UseScratchRegisterScope temps(GetVIXLAssembler());
-  vixl32::Register temp = temps.Acquire();
-  __ Mov(temp, 0);
-  GetAssembler()->StoreToOffset(kStoreWord, temp, tr, GetExceptionTlsOffset());
-void LocationsBuilderARMVIXL::VisitThrow(HThrow* instruction) {
-  LocationSummary* locations =
-      new (GetGraph()->GetArena()) LocationSummary(instruction, LocationSummary::kCallOnMainOnly);
-  InvokeRuntimeCallingConventionARMVIXL calling_convention;
-  locations->SetInAt(0, LocationFrom(calling_convention.GetRegisterAt(0)));
-void InstructionCodeGeneratorARMVIXL::VisitThrow(HThrow* instruction) {
-  codegen_->InvokeRuntime(kQuickDeliverException, instruction, instruction->GetDexPc());
-  CheckEntrypointTypes<kQuickDeliverException, void, mirror::Object*>();
-void CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::MaybeGenerateReadBarrierSlow(HInstruction* instruction ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                                                        Location out,
-                                                        Location ref ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                                                        Location obj ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                                                        uint32_t offset ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-                                                        Location index ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
-  if (kEmitCompilerReadBarrier) {
-    DCHECK(!kUseBakerReadBarrier);
-  } else if (kPoisonHeapReferences) {
-    GetAssembler()->UnpoisonHeapReference(RegisterFrom(out));
-  }
+// Copy the result of a call into the given target.
+void CodeGeneratorARMVIXL::MoveFromReturnRegister(Location trg ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
+                                                  Primitive::Type type ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED) {
 #undef __