Optimizing: Speed up HInstruction use removal

Similarly to a previous commit on HEnvironment use removal, this patch
adds links from instructions to their respective inputs' use lists for
contant-time removal at the cost of doubling the size of input lists
(from one pointer per entry to two). Manual testing shows that this
significantly reduces the time required to transform HGraph to SSA
form for some huge methods.

Change-Id: I8dc3e4b0c48a50ac1481eb55c31093b99f4dc29f
diff --git a/compiler/optimizing/ssa_phi_elimination.cc b/compiler/optimizing/ssa_phi_elimination.cc
index f66a1c8..2f2e2d1 100644
--- a/compiler/optimizing/ssa_phi_elimination.cc
+++ b/compiler/optimizing/ssa_phi_elimination.cc
@@ -64,31 +64,33 @@
     HBasicBlock* block = it.Current();
     HInstruction* current = block->GetFirstPhi();
     HInstruction* next = nullptr;
+    HPhi* phi;
     while (current != nullptr) {
+      phi = current->AsPhi();
       next = current->GetNext();
-      if (current->AsPhi()->IsDead()) {
-        if (current->HasUses()) {
-          for (HUseIterator<HInstruction*> use_it(current->GetUses()); !use_it.Done();
+      if (phi->IsDead()) {
+        // Make sure the phi is only used by other dead phis.
+        if (kIsDebugBuild) {
+          for (HUseIterator<HInstruction*> use_it(phi->GetUses()); !use_it.Done();
                use_it.Advance()) {
-            HUseListNode<HInstruction*>* user_node = use_it.Current();
-            HInstruction* user = user_node->GetUser();
+            HInstruction* user = use_it.Current()->GetUser();
             DCHECK(user->IsLoopHeaderPhi()) << user->GetId();
             DCHECK(user->AsPhi()->IsDead()) << user->GetId();
-            // Just put itself as an input. The phi will be removed in this loop anyway.
-            user->SetRawInputAt(user_node->GetIndex(), user);
-            current->RemoveUser(user, user_node->GetIndex());
-        if (current->HasEnvironmentUses()) {
-          for (HUseIterator<HEnvironment*> use_it(current->GetEnvUses()); !use_it.Done();
-               use_it.Advance()) {
-            HUseListNode<HEnvironment*>* user_node = use_it.Current();
-            HEnvironment* user = user_node->GetUser();
-            user->SetRawEnvAt(user_node->GetIndex(), nullptr);
-            current->RemoveEnvironmentUser(user_node);
-          }
+        // Remove the phi from use lists of its inputs.
+        for (size_t i = 0, e = phi->InputCount(); i < e; ++i) {
+          phi->RemoveAsUserOfInput(i);
-        block->RemovePhi(current->AsPhi());
+        // Remove the phi from environments that use it.
+        for (HUseIterator<HEnvironment*> use_it(phi->GetEnvUses()); !use_it.Done();
+             use_it.Advance()) {
+          HUseListNode<HEnvironment*>* user_node = use_it.Current();
+          HEnvironment* user = user_node->GetUser();
+          user->SetRawEnvAt(user_node->GetIndex(), nullptr);
+        }
+        // Delete it from the instruction list.
+        block->RemovePhi(phi, /*ensure_safety=*/ false);
       current = next;